West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Dec 1903, p. 5

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aviue year dr of thn End ir 85e & M Is Lightning id: by John ring to same id not arrive mom so will B. Our Ion it, I iew pain "tlliams' ll. ngtr a Implemen t mar Ihiees h 'To-uae [TABLE 'ESS. 'truith ll ever. te WIN“ J, d c. WORKS "i, tters RBET, ptly at- I3 ' thu, Ill 17in): STORE Arthur roprictors 'irgonty mu $1 BELL MENTS h'tt m me Or te/Pte tods may d up nbv ads to oo ttS m EL: ' I l L.liEtiiKhlNtiMiiiy DICE!!!) n: '()WE.\' SOUND. os, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE TO Ate positively the cheapest and best obtainable because there are no seams to rip. PEEL, THE woman. Durham and Owen Sand. A 51w month's atndrofttttsiness meth- "ls would perhaps save you hundreds ot dollars'vin the future. Take advantage otthe slack winter months and anmd‘fne ”WI-1N stats!) - PRINCIPAL lui-ter Tia-m it?omtnences January 1th. CA PITA L Aruthoriaed.. . . . . .32.“;111. I' \I’ITAI. Paid up. . . . . .... .. 1,00it.0110 RESERVE FU.NIt .... . . . . . .. which AGENTS in all principal paints m (hum-in. 12ueher, Mmmnlm. United W I'M" and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. DURHAM .AGENCY Drafts is-‘nml and collection "nade an all points. Deposits received and inter est allowed "t "urn-on? rates SAVINGS BAY.h. “nearest allowed on savings hank deposeitss of 81.00 and up wards Prumpl attention and every f.u~ilil’~' "ttorded tuttuonrtst'r. living all dish: Ct'. _ - . altlliil) WK (lf CAM A general Banking business trtt munch-d _ - ' . .. _. , __..- TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES DR Y GOODS, CROCKERY, , WOTS & SHOES. &c., We can give you Bargain'. (ii) We (gt "New tl (illl M3 Wm You! [Manon Ellis Vilma S. $COTT, HE WORLD'S 1lllMilllN C. A, FLEMING. OUR PATENT SEA MLess CALF' He In” had 2t YEAR? EXPERIEN"E In!" no ulo deal with him get the tteuetit all? i " “ALL PAY YOU totals? him 'our l5 gtetH mzh you have to drive a) mules. glen” of peo- -(~mm- further 3nd tind it to pay. Flour..... Oatmeal. w heat... Palm..." Barby... thits...... c-it)--- 'P8riit?V-)siil, Dressed Hows, per ewt Home. Live weighs..." Emu-r, heal) roll pet ii, Butter, Tub.............. fr' St st" W ANT To BUY a pure or blames. he um mum-thing to suit you. He just. now has s' '., Po I' RES IN' HENTIXCK with good hank '. ‘1“1‘llllIL'. [it'rlulps the best hardwnod bush in 1. NHL“. w ouly isksaboutM00. Think of it'. iN ml, HASt'ES, Fire. Life and Accident. placed :m "l mmmuiu: at. lowest rates. Every lot-u sut- _ lumnhlhly and hsirly. Noquibblmx. y. 'TTO-" Always mum. never negligent." whines... strictly 'voodentiasl. Eggs......... Rides, per ttwt.......... Calla-huh. pet lb........ Sheepskins............... Been, '3Y cm............ DURHAM MARKETS. 'l‘nrkeyo................... Pontoon. por bum..." A re cureiul lows. tpt sh Letter Lu' to nu IN D Head o'Oifice, T orono. IM Inn-at qua! ity. NIL] "vPynt't'er LI unoc- ...--.". ll. H. MT LLER. J K ELL". Agent. Me debts and eminent all kinds. Immouey collected. ls not n- to wlm rim“ do the mld you be. The" V H. H. Mm”, the Hem The "anon-r Conveyance! If) 15 18 10 " do Limit Then .Notl 40 26 3 Mt 4 40 16 IO 25 75 18 tlf in mm: Corporation' or the Town of Durham. i AND WHEREAS the said bridge has been constructed and the (NHL of 1ayn!1tturetiott thereof is the sum ot WHEREAS By-law No. 415 of the Cbrpnmlipn of the Town of Durham was ettatrteU to provide for tha iSslle of Debentures of the Town of Durham Io the amount of 82h00.Ut tor the pulpan Of building a hridgl nor ms the. Saugevn River at. Lat-mum Sure! ttt the Town " Durham. and tt has heen found that the said an": of W1!) is Inadequate tor the said porpotrey ml his deemed an visuhlu to repeal the said By-IMVNU. 415. “may or titeiali,Lit. A Bylaw to Authoriza the my»; Des, 6eretxrea of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey. to the amount: of '4000jor the puma“ of paying of the Indebtedness incurred in the building of a Bride: acrou the Sang“?! Pdrtr at Lama»: Street in the T on of Durham and to repeal L'ielatr No. 416 ofthe Corporation o.f the Town of Durham. AND WHEREAS: in mmder to W " the indebtedness incurred in the em- struction of the said bridges it will (in necessary to issue Debentures of the mid Tuwn of "urhtuts, for the utun‘ of “new as hereinafter provided (which is the manhunt the drtot. intended to he creaeed try this By-uwlt'he proceeds of the said lik-hentures to he applied for the said purpose and no ot her. AND WHEREAS it is de.tsirtuile to istuwthe said Debentures at (me Lime and to nuke. the principal of the sand (In-ht. 'rupu‘ysdvle hy'yezu‘ly [mum-during the permd of twany years. having the currnncy ot the mud Debentures: said yemly 9mm: being of such rennet-me vummmrs. that the aggregate amount. payablein each your for pluwipul and imam in respect of the said mm shall be. as nearly as poslle, equal to the Alllhukl su-puyable- in each of thte ot her nineteen yeah; of said perindx m shown in Sihedule .. A " hereto annexe-d). BYLAW NO. 457. A ND w H EREAS the total amount reqmred by "The Municipal Art " Inna raised annually Ly specml rule for pay- ittgltlte said dam. and interest us herein- after provided is 8307 50. AND \VH-‘EREAS the “min of the "hole ralenhlr proper-y of me Town of Dun-hum. decanting ya the: my. -.‘l) That By-lnw No. 11.5di Communion ol the Towrrot Durham. he, sud the mum: in Hereby Impaled. (I?) That the sum of Mahatma“ be expended by t e Town of burn-m. in liquidation of the debt vimurml in building u [ridge we» the New River, where the said River itstertsects Lilmbtou Street in the Tenn of Durham ; and for the ll',',".,?,",.',',' amusing the said sum. 1teuotutps of. u: said Town to the amount. of Manon as downright sum of nut less than $100.00 each. Mull be issue on the Atlrday of January A. I). 1904. each o' Which Do- bentures shall beamed on the date of the issue than»! am. shun be myublc within twenty years therenit't umnu-ly on thetith my of January um) at the Mahmud Bank Of (Luna‘s in the slid Town of Durham, ....u ....t 'r. w... ...... u." .._.. r_. “WW . - _ _ kusyahh- gently At the said Bank, on thc tnhday of . ”may m catch and every yen during the cur- rotwy thereof and shall hate attached to them coupons tor [tumult of the titolittturtst, whim. (but-on» shall lx-signed by the Mayor and Trua- surcr of tumult! Town of Durham. CG) During the mummy-sf the paid rretrvri- hues, t.Vre shall he mind unmnll . by special run- Im all thc rim-al.11- proycrly in 'tU,Ci7s'r"/,'lC of Durhun. 'he mm of smu'ufnr the Illl'puie ot [my- ing tlw unmmt due in menu! the said ymrs for pmwipal mud inn I'm: in repvet of the paid tivbt, Hus menu. in the schedule .. A FT hereto annexed.) (6) This lty-lawshall tako "ect on the nth day of January A. l). 1901. (I) The votes of the Electra of the aid Town of "urtttstu.sl:atl be taken on this By-law " tho- following times and plum-s. that is to say :--otl Manda? the uh day of January next. trotrttrwuciupr at the mmufninu o'clock in the fort-noon and mminuinq till tive o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, by the fullun ing "eputrrcturniur otllccrs :-- North turd M. Norman Kelsey": hung. by C. FCI. THEREFORE the Municipal Court- ('il-nf the Corporation of the Town of {Durham emu-Ls as follows.-.-- (2:) Each of the said Debentures all.” be signed by the Mayorot the said 'Dmn of Durham. and by the 'l‘rn-amrer thereof, Ind the Clerk ot the "aid 'ioun of lmrhmn shall attach thereto the (.mrporuh' N ul of the 3iunicimlity.. AND WHEREAS' th" unmunt of the exitsrinR'Ahstsetttute (km of the mud anriphliLy is $3854th whereof no patted the principal (Ir-interest ig in il‘fPilr- l " The said l’rhenturcs shall bear intent-st It the rage of {our and 9ue Ing}f_pcrg. camp! per aunmm East (M on Asturdny, the 2nd day ananuary. 1904. the Mayor of the said Town of Durham shall at- tend at the Council chamber at ttrn b'cloek in 2hr forcnoott, to nmmint persons to attend at the vam- ons polling plat-cs aforesaid and at the ttnal num- miupfup of the votes by thc t'lerk on behalf of tlw pt'rhorts interested in and promoting or opposing the tussing of this lty-luw respectively. (9) The Clerk o? the Council of the said Town of Durham. shill tsttend " his omen " 1'2 o'clock in the fun-nooh of Tuesday the 5th (input .Unuary 1901 tosum up the number of votes {Grand against the liyhm . Dam-d at the Cottneil chamber " the Town of Durham. the day of January A. D. 190A. Mayor. clerk. SCHEDULE "A." Rotm'lvd to in the foregoing By-law. Showing how theatno"pt of 8307.50 therein lit-quinjd to he raised annually by special rate is apportioned. Year Principal Interest 1905 8127 50 8180 00 1906 133 2A 174 a, 1907 139 23 168 27 1908 145 :30 162 m 1909 152 W, 155 4.i 1910 158 89 148 (il. 1911 166 (M 141 46 1912 173 BI 133 99 1913 181 33 126 17 1914 189 49 118 01 lorry 198 01 109 49 1916 206 (B 100 67 1917 216 2t Il gs 1910 Hill 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1924 TAKE NOTICE that the above is a. true copy of a proposed Brat which has been taken into consideration. and which will be ftnnily fussed , the Cunn- ril of the Municipa. ity oft eTown of Durham (m the event of the assent of the electnri- being obtained then-to) after one month from the first public:- lion in the .. Dunn/m Rum-w" tho due of which firat publication w“ the (”gin-aunt roll V Hwy-90f in 236 13 240 76 237 86 269 47 $1 59 8180 00 174 26 [68 27 162 m Irs5 4.i 148 (ll. 141 40 133 99 126 17 118 01 109 49 100 57 91 26 Bl 53 71 '37 32150 00 86150 00 49 (H 2591 1324 74 307 so an, 50 am 50 30750 10th day of Decemhet A. D. 19W. and that the votes at the electors " the said Municipality will he taken thereon on the day and at the hours and plates therein tixed. . w. B. voraurr. Clerk. BORN MCKttctrNtrr.--Ott Sunday. Dee. 13. to Mr and Mrs Jun. Mckectmie, udwngh- ter. MARRIED. C,AMPmgLt..--. Murb‘nuvnA Y.-0n Wed- nesday. Nnvmmwr 25th. at the Manse. Mount Forest. by the Rev. Jnhn‘Gmy Reid. Limummm. F. w. Campbell, of tMettedon, h: Mnrgaret. Annie. eldest daughter of M r Alex MacGilliyray, of Nonmnnhy. Gun-10x. »(lm:.\'mn. - On Wednesday. Dec. 2nd. at the residence of the hride'rs "rotor, Mr J. W. Cornish. Wascama, Aswan Mr Fred'k A. Gibson. of huusdvn. Asst., to Miss Agnes, oldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Jno. Cornish, Egremonl. FARM for SALE or RENT. wroosu--rttrSulhvan. Dec. nth. Chris- teats 2Urtu's infant daughter of Neil and Jessie ‘Wilson, aged leays. “a undersigned offet te for sale lots 46 and 417, Coma S. D. R., Berttinck, con- taining 162 acres. 150 norm in agnnd sum- of cultivation. 12 acres hush. Good buildings and ftrst.eho,s orchard. Well watered. Only six "ttiles from Durham. Also a hay pmss for sale. ALEXJBSGGH, Prop Wanted. two first that famm hand: to begin wovk ttt any time during this month. Steady employment. Wages $20.00 per [Hamil and board. Apply personally MiLhiH office ormy letter to 'CIIAS. RAMAGR, Durham Lots“), on the 17t h and 18 Chmeossiorvs, in tlhe Township of Fagremont. 2m acres. 150 sun-s undm- guml stale of cultivation. ~Woll warn-(L Conven- Iem toChuveh, zit-hum and Po,t Oltiru.. Adjoining Ihoruote. Good buildings. For Lamas. &c apply to Nutim- is haw-by given that Wt'. the umlersigned Hut-luau have mutually otreed that Mtv." the first day ananu- "ry mat, mm. we will close our slumps, at eight o'clorrk evet'Y M'vning. except Greduesdays and 'Atttttvdrs.W4. Dev. 8, 1003. FARM HELP WANTED. Ihtir Vigor‘ Good Hair Ayers Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then " probably too late. You 'teghteted dandrtttt. ll you had only taken our ad. vlcc, you would have cured the duttirutt, saved your hair, and added much to it. It not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it. you-n; -t auiiakFiT ii - Fiiuiiriiiiiruuii 'irtrva'lr,'i'i' Fi'iifii? Cilt,',t It hftt, Pat: fer I. o. trn' 00.. Anyone sending n nkotrh and denudation may quickly ascertain our opinion tree V ether an Invantlnn 1: probably putemnble. Comtnmtitw "on: strictly itonttdcritlal. Handbook on Patents lent has. l Mus! agency for tii,yip'd',hel,g,'i, Patents taken t rough Munn & 0. receive tptial noun. wltAtLom. charge, m the A tGoomeir" illnstntpd weekly. Largest. Cir. culating of tlriteheyte,r1?ausey,: ?.'.eiye:,?,8. I mm jl,r,,tji,?jt.o.t,tjtlt!,t!l.t.rt " In" I.“ Art? Ink for." “1. MIL-9! ','2gtlalrt.',t.TM $diiitifit Jlltttttltatr. FARMS FOR SA LE. IUIIII II VI]. _ "v" I Brunch once. 625 I an. Wuhlnxzon. D. RARE uo BRHID We study bread making as a business and provide bread that is excellent in taste and in wholsomcness. It's a; bread that will be a pleasure to you every meal you use it and ev- ery time you offer it to those about your table. An excel- lent loaf for a reasonable price Also Cakes, Buscults and Confectionery. HIND BROS. Bar tyerrs' N'J'che Wright 's Old Stand. DIED. M HR. TA Tun. T. SWALLuw. W. C. \'m_1.r:'r'r. THE DUKIAH IDummI-o, Out Here you may spend an extravagant sum or. you may spend " little us you choose. but whatever you purchase will be of dependable quality. Although the demand for our CUT GLASS Ind EBONY GOODS has been large, we have still an assortment. . In meeting fully the wishes ot our Patrons we nest serve our W010 'tihis own interests. This prompts another reminder to the effect that Christmas engraving should not be deferred. For Xmas Gifts we make this cua---atut ther.e is nothing so useful, up I every way as 3 Clock, Wnteh or 3 piece of Silverware. fFhty Wale/Io: A cmnanhle brick house. A stone Pellsll' nude! It. three acres of good soil. nu the south side of Lamhton street. a wilt-and a half trom Durham. Just act-mas loft acres is n schoolhouse. A gund bruti‘r road In Durham. A Rand crwk clow by. Small fruits. Apply to Miles. WILLIAM \Vu.LAUGHAN or Mn. c, L. GIlANT. Durham Because he carries so My breakable useless knicknacks; Vttlutetue Prupo-rty situated on North Side. Jm-mhion St. tirst place outside the Town of Durham. Everything in fivst-clntri shape, goodneew brick house, ttood hank barn, and ld acres first-claws land. Large orchard em. out {ml spring with every good kind tA" fruit. A first- champion-e fur anybody. Apply co Lot No. 20 and 21, Con. 3, N, D. 'R., Gleneltt, containing Gil) acres num- "t' was. 78:) acres fit for machinery. land in gum! state of Cultivattion. watet .Ott habitats. Ill, miles (mm Durham, con- venient to Church and Post Oftice. 4 tttteg in Fall wheat, dttf “was fall Maugh- od. ~(Mnnfnrlnhle buildings. Tel-1115mm- Hane. Apply to the proprietor, Jams Mchxan. will rent fur a lerm-m‘ years. his farm of lawn-rem, being IM'ZI. cunt}. E.G.lt.. Gleni4g. 70 acres ctewred, in good gtate of ctmivatiort, mt haldwood itueh. Goruforttrlrle huiklinpn. two good wells and never-failing swing. good orchard. This is a good stm'k’mrm. and must he disposed of as proprietor' is going west. Apply on the premium! or M. REVII‘V Office. P. MCINNIS. Prop. Bum-sent) P. 0., Nov..24. J13. FARM for SALE or RENT. [iii ht,a,saiitaitiiigilltttttiattst (itiaii Ar L'. Cite we; F"'? jig', The 'urrdersisrrted ytrery fot Hate or “gassmsmm as amwwwmg: ONTARI5 .. . .TO..... . tttight Me 2hrayes FARM FOR SALE. flMty (I: Poor aid itanta Ctaus' Ji%u. Malay: Jiibxt J' 'KEELFH, The Jeweller, Durham. We have just receiv- ed a large shipment of Also a very fine line of THE AMES HOLDEN SHOE: We have just opened up about Thirty cases. No trouble to sell them. Prices to suit FOR SALE. wmtUiomiiirmiiiii"r"rliiirS FOR SALE. L ACME CURTAINS IyLutI-IA.ilvf'5i", LJARGE‘ST STORE There is TORONTO First quality at $1, 1.25, 1.75. The Popular Cash Store. .7! Word in Judson no time for delay, only 7 days more. _ _ Qualify fu,, it J-, litre-it Newest Patterns at a very low price. NE 'TOYS. GAMES, and all kinds ot CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. 'rvR: oft ---Dou't Forget, l? Santa Clam W. H. BEAN The wellslcoown Taylor full" at Dro. more, towtwhipof Egretnout :50 'tt't't'ym ; good stateoicultiyatiym ; well watered : good hulldinge: eimv'enient to post, of- flee. church and school. Apply lo I MRS. TAYLOR. Dtovore, Ont. Lot 10 Con. 22. Township Egremnm. County Grey, containing 120 news. For full particulars apply to DAVID MCKELVEY. Thistle P. O. AT" THE me 4 , Sordun 's "irriiliii" FOR SALE. Has arrived at the BIG 4 with a big load of Call and see him.--- TO RENT. j1it i Barrister. Notary. Cttnveytrneer, ii'iy, D. McPHAIL.) 'eil, I'm bean in new. Durban. the M 0.qu in and: Jen. “an, l-Cp...‘ once. " host M, Oven sound. Will be at the [Munch Home. mm... the P.'. Wednesday of cock month Ito-I10 B. I. an p. n. a. vacuum EYE, FAR, Timon a NOSE. --- - EX“I.('S!\'ELY. - ()FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST ctr the Du mun Pharmacy Caudor', Block. Residence first door west of the old Post Dace. Durham. W. C. PICKERING o. D s, L. B. S. L. R. C. P., I“. - Gnu-u cl w. Ya! “I an... Dilem- of Ere, In. Note. and Throat. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. gradunle of Royal College of Dental Burgmms of ontario, Booms. Calder Block "vet' the Punt “lice. -fttedi'iiii'jiai.i 0ft1ee----L0WER IOWN. DUI!" "l. OFFICE noun '-" q. m. H p. I . Rm DENC I and oFFteE-ou in! UPPER TOWJWRRAI. Jompuny and prints Fund: to Ian " Mortgage- " have". rut:- ot Mme-t. _ gin-MOI uude " ucompetom. and cuetul Vain-wt. .1: EBARRISTER. 3 soucnon m SUPREME count _ nanny PUBLIC. coumsuonzn, are. CD'loctlonn 5nd Annoy Pro-yur 'sttoatded to Will... Dot-(In, Mona-Rel. hum, Annamaria tsre.eorrmetly prepuod. Estate- " trtrdtgt sou: looked "ter in Imuwr'n and M. nio- tmturs' Accounts prepared and panned Burton.“ Court teuttiutttrn, Probuve of Willa. Lenar- o! Ad. u‘inutrulion and Gnu-humbly Obtained. gou- "ttus made in Rummy (Mice and Title: up“... 1et,teeertts the Aes" _h_nqdm_0phthu_l_-lo Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyance". " Money In Loan. ' mcer, old Clttotsicleoftice stand, Gar. O :Afmxu hit, " I ' a tr t A. G. M-cKuy K.C JOHN CLARK) J. G, BUTTON. M. D Plum“ k Summon. Om" our Mancini-n“. Sun ------ ttrtot0aor. colleetiottx of all kinda Farms ta" promptly altenddd to and mol Durhun. Nov. 16, OFFICE- - McKHlec‘s out Stand Durham ARTHUR H. JACKSON ima- tr,ightgerar mm: by mean ot (that mun. Black unfun- Mid Winter- ega devices Mun the to town. m with meanw- mun-u: macho-ion. “mum Rh huh- lotion - 'tl%t'2'l Iattm8ittgt {and um tttlt2 not tar-l "otr'.% Ila Inn-nut Gun. TM“. I]... ARTHUR GUN. M. D., DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. s. lumbar Coll... my“... and Inna-I a- Spechl attention given to Dw- o0 Women and Children. DENTISTRY. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of u rey. Torn“ mom-rue. Mun menu tor uln- " to duh 3, M'., mm be nice " the Review ot- tice, lnnlmm. 1" Correspondence Midland dereorto Hogs-ville P. o., will be prompuy “tended to, enn- on .pptisstiott to Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Licensed Auctioneer [or the (lo. of (In. an. WY mom to. mm mmble. mu - be left a his Implement Wan. room. iiainnoers old stand, on; the Raw“ BARRISTER. OOIOITOR. . moan" - manna-cut, ac. All Charge- Meaaxuto NOTARY PUBLIC COVMISSIONER, Ic, CONVEYANCER. VALUATOR Mun-one. Agent, Tolophono Commotion No. " DR. GEO. 8. BURT. G. LEFROY McCAUL. Mouey to Loan at wasmmhlo mm- .uld an H-rms to wit ltorrower. nice. McIntyre Biovk, over the Bank - lime loaned. Adopted by nil lending Schools In P""'" orto MACKAY d; DUNN, NOTES MONEY TO LOAN W. S. DAVIDSON, DB. BROWN, J. P. TELFORD D, HOPHAIL. Hopeville P. 0. C. RAIAGB. Durham Priotofrote, to Man ' 3th itie-dogddit Wain]; who." - W. F Dunn il

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