West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Dec 1903, p. 1

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o n n we BER 17. 1903 tallÂ¥. to oceries, sh. &‘ i“-l from our worth while ;"’“mu We ‘s Wants. ire OO ‘ mer urses up the it at a an OV om* * Suit. to show Mrrorg , Brushes ut usefu ight st Bags IFS SUrG Papers Will 1 nave hat : § s aaet give Â¥vou w uc 0 Ca7 CA CAE uind EmEennet CFE e eCEvOLE 5’: vxewg n;_ t{w ’{;mvn Hall, Jain. 8th next, ing Plv('[')lm}‘.; buat : C tm C Om e Cw f F in aid of the Public Library. _ Look out except Dr Mearns, l': -&A:‘.EEEEMEEEEE?E&E}:EEEMEEEM ; for further ummuncwuent.) [and Mr H H Miller | _ FRATERNAL VERNISON.â€"The brethren | Was declared elect __\\\-‘ [ of B('ll N“Yifl ()a"'p at (heir m(-(-t,ing on t,h(" rpp("-L ()f lh1 1 { ( last Friday were agreeably surprised fOrmer at once and W‘WMWWWMUWdW | to find that a very toothsome repast of Racefully moved t ‘\\ vyenison, &c., awaited them at the close. be made unanimo % | of the meeting. _ It was furnished by | amid loud applause | Bro. Shirley McIntyre as a reminder of| The candidate els % * his recent hunting trip, and was very , honor in a brief sp dn f much appreciated by his brethren. [for placing on hi _z 2\ RENEW !â€"We hope all who can will| Landerkin for wh . renew as early in the month as possible first vote and con to prevent the rush at the end of the| hÂ¥ yote ind influen 5 year, â€" Study our clubbing terms at lett . 100ked. forward . w ~~ hand of Title on first page. and if youy ‘Catnpaign with ea ; wish 2 or more outsiJe papers we can . POorting an iwble and quote you surprising figures. _ Rave , N°Dt, and promised g your label read "dec N4" or heyond it, | man could do to put \-@Qâ€"/ as soon as possible, and thus secure our | 12 the Liberal ranks handsome E(:)Iiduy Annual to be issued | _A resolution of co s in a few days, F LMOVATDmManNk amed 222. x4 ‘E'.:-i1-:EEEEMEEEEE?EEEX‘EEEMEEEEH ie s en arae shee A nice one would be very mach appreciated by somebod y you know. Collars, ne Silk, Muslin, Linen. Embroidâ€" ered and lace trimmed, all pric® es from Je to 75¢. Umbrellas & Parasols Make a very acceptable gift, â€" good range at very low prices. Large and well filled yet light pretty patterns, $2.00 to 2.50, Sateen Cov. Comforters Ladies‘ Handkerchiefs Chenille or Tapestry Table Covers, good colors at 75¢ to $3.00. JAMES IRELANDp $ Ladies‘ Fancy Stock 4s Floor Mat or Rug You are in for saving money if anything list appeals to your ideas for Christmas And we‘ve lots of things that aren‘t on 3, new designs, all colors, at 25¢, 35¢ and 50c. XMAS IS HERE ! Table Cloths. Table Pillow Shams, Teneri , Teneriffe Di)ilius, &e. Diutrha Napkins, nnnitcisiin n ce n u0sccs td ncortiirmmrem m FEaxEMOXNT PoLtTICS â€"The retirement | of Mr Don. McQueen from the reeveship . is generally regretted, as he bas proved | himseif a capable incumbent and would | not have been opposed had he desired | to retain it. The name of Walter | Hastie and Chas Robb are being mentioned for the position. The former . certainly has claims and is generally | conceded to be eminently the man for; the position and would he a sure winâ€" | ner, MrJ W Walls if he presents himâ€"‘ self, wi‘l almost surely be elected this year. as will McIntyre and McFadden who have given good satisfaction as â€" municipal officers. LATER â€"We leartn | that hfi McQueen will not cause an election if the old council are not opâ€" ; posed. 00 oi C en een ie e i e ie . able. It seems to be Meu’med that there is to hbe a contest for the Mayorâ€" a‘ty, for among the names mentioned are Geo. Sparling, .John H. Brown A. 8. Hunter, J. P. Telford. N. W. Campâ€" bell, Wm. Calder, but what sanction, if any, these gentlemen have given we do not know. _ Anyone of them ought to make an efficient Mayor, _ We hear of no aspirants for the council positions, but several we believe want to retire, so that there will be a contest all round. ( PHI uk o3 20g0 0 C C0C°CZ «EC200000 1A8t »©7" ine Presi‘yterian Church sheds in fthe High School pupils made an informâ€" town were also endangered, but only al concert during the pleasantries of slight damage was done hefore reliet!which an address and presentation was measutes were taken. rmu.de to Mr Sbeppard. the Model assisâ€" Town Pourrics.â€"The Nominations | tadt for the term, as a memento of the for the various positions on Council and | pleasant association of the last 4 months. School Board take pluce on Monday . The articles were a travelling case and next, but no particular stir is yet notics. | A set of Browning‘s poâ€"ms. _ Mr ho. aket i ns on onl L Ben Nevis Camp Concert is fixed for: Jan. 28ih and 29!?1. 1904. _ Two nights of varied (prngrum at only 35 cts each | night. Talent the best, Miss Mae Dickâ€" | enson, Toronto, Frank Slater Dayidson, | Detroit ; Jas Fax, Toronto : Pipe Major | Farqubar Beaton, 48th Highlanders ; | Jimm& Gardiner, the wonderful dancer: I Mrs. Newton, accompanist. _ All fresh ; and new. _ Tickets ordered already. | Opening of sale announced later. | Sxow CRUSHED.â€"The extraordinary , snow fall of list week followed by the f wet snow of Saturday has had disastrous f effect in several places. About 100 ft of | Dromovre Church iheds are ruined, | David Eecles‘ barn collapsed and a new j drivingâ€"shed of Robert Isaac‘s near ;‘ Dromore is a total wreck. with some | valuable machinery crushed. Some | damage wus also done near Varney, | and the Presbyterian Church sheds in {! town were also endangered, but only ; : slight damage was done hefore l'elief!‘ measutes were taken. | y ‘DURHAM, ECDRTSTE T 10. 000 T CCpcegd traffic and bad roads failed to bring our usual weekly supply : need we say how provoking this is to us, and in Christâ€" mas week too? We shall try to prevent this in future, Our readers will hayve met pointment this week in th the Review to reach the; The trouble lies with the R who hbhave somehow with traffic and bad roads failad i 5 VELAYED PAPEK. i have met with disapâ€" week in the failure of The reauch them as usual. vlmh the Railway Co., ;/ he bas proved| _A Meeting of the THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1903 Il congested at 5 p. m. E o oou sn Lt OeC M TTE ACCWTY AEATE by J. Burnet, D R. O. _ West Ward, at 8 P Saunders‘ Shop, by John Smith, D. R. P Poils Open at 9 a, m. and Close Should a Poll be required, it will be opened on Monday, January 4, 1904, at the following places : North Ward, at Norman Kelsey‘s House by C Elvidge, M D aA n o 2l aay 1 8 PM m 20 00 , C32 (AAECIpTT â€" FECCEOTS of the Town of Durham, will be hneld in the Town Hall, at 7.30 p. m., on Monâ€" day, December 28, 1903, for the purpose of nominating Candidates for the Offices of Mayor, Six Councillors and Three School Trustees, The Montreal Herald, The Durham ‘ REVIEW, and our IMustrated Holiday Number, to Jan, 1, 1905, for $1.15, The | REVIREW and Holiday Number alone, 81. : Opl 0 , 0 CCC CACUR Case AHU a set of Browning‘s poâ€"ms, Mr Shep Eard has endeared himself to his pupils oth by his disposition and ability and bas made many friends during his stay here. He has secured the Princi alship of Mildmay Public school for 1901’. Regret was expressed that t had hindered oyer half of the delegates, but the contingen warmly welcomed, _ _Messrs Walter Hastie and Geo Binnie e.| were ‘appointed. scrutineers for the e counting of the vote. Eleven promiâ€" iâ€"‘ nent Reformers were nominated for the d ‘ position of candidate at the approach t, ing elections but all retired gracefually t except Dr Mearns, Reeve of Hanover, [and Mr H H Miller, the latter of â€" whom , / was declared elected by the President on the report of the Scrutineers. The § former at once and very tactfully and f gracefully imoved that the nomination , be made unanimous, which was done , | amid loud applause, ()_ The candidate elsct acknowledged the , honor in a brief speech, thanking them [for placing on him the cloak of PDr. | Landerkin for whom he had given his firstvote and continuously supported | by vote ind influence ever since. . He looked forward with confidence to a j '-cmupnign with earnest workers supâ€" + , porting an able and progressive governâ€" nent, and promised to do ail that one ! man could do to put South Grey again / in the Liberal ranks. | _A resolution of confidence in the Ross [government, and protest at the un wareâ€" {ranted slunders spread about it was heartily passed, and the Convention |adjourned, Pres. Telford leading in i * God Saye the King." 1 | Notes, I | Mr. Miller, of whom we shall have CHTIT TVE ETEDT BVE more to say later on, was warinly conâ€" gratulated by the delegates and others, and eyen those wh» had supported his doughty opponent, Dr Mearns, came forâ€" ward and wished him success, freely promising cordial support. Since then, we are informed he Ens been receiving assurances from many quarters of wholeâ€"souled support. APPRECIATED.â€" { Dougall, 1st Vice Pre Kinnon, Sullivan. 2nd Ramage, Secyâ€"Treas. |_ _ The thanks of the A tendered to Mr Miller a | ledged appropriately, T CEROOCE SR TETTee CTOU. 10 inade « |eloquent reference to Premier Laurier !and his colleages in their work of emâ€" :. pire building. 4 | Turning his view locally he believed (South Grey could be won and appealed |for unity and harmony and the husâ€" [ banding ‘of our strength to meet our {opponents. _ By no meaas defending |corruption. he denounced the making of I it a campaign cry as the Conservative Ilondvrs were doing, on fallacious grounds. ‘ |. He made in closing a touching referâ€" l ence to the death of Senator Landetkin {and at his suggestion a commnittee was ‘appointed to draft an appropriave Iresolution, He closed by resigning his | position as President, |_ The election of officers resulted as |follows : LP ‘Delfan‘t RPansaia cl, _ l 1 IG a% _ L 24 TL 0_ 0 Rerorny Tacit |efforts in the relation of the colonies to ‘the Empire ; referred to the inaifference ‘we now felt as to reciprocity with our neighbors. owing to the growing apirit | of nationhood, and believed the destiny |of _C=lnil.dl: was to be found in closer Daanfan aslte ay.". . O° / Thursday last was the seventh day of _ in unusual snow storm, and in the mornâ€" â€"_ing it was feared that the roads would , hinder so many that a postponement of the Convention might be necessary, However by noon it was seen that it must go on for no fewer than 117 deleâ€" gates were on hand out of a possible 131. The Town Hall (upstairs) was filled by an enthusiastic crowd of Reâ€" , formers, and the spirit evinced was most gratifyving. â€" On every hand it was felt that the enthusiasm that could bring so many out under such conditions, was the kind that meant victory in a conâ€" | test. f ‘\__Lhe addresgs of the retiring> President> Mr H H Mm was a imodel of its kind. | He glunced backward over the bhistory of the Literal party and recounted some ‘of theiw@ achievements in iegislation ; spoke of the new zeal awukened by their tA ut ue c Eus HaR e o 11e mol 1 1 ONTARIO AKQLIV'E HERE‘S YOUR CHANCE. MUNICLPAL NOTICE W. B. VourLKkt, Town Clerk. & itb nhinhabind APID *Ct .i dl sls l d Exst Ward, at the Town Hail Cloak of Dr. Landerkin fails on R. H Miller. THE REFORM CcoONVENTION ction of officers resulted as J P Telford, President ; D Mcâ€" 1st Vice Pres, ; Dugald Meâ€" h in bano ie es i. l Herald, The Durh;unl our Tilustrated Holiday . 1, 1905, for $1.15, The | OBX NorrmInom aLases e Kpressed that the storm yer half of the Sullivan the contingent of 7 was he Municipal Eiectors Durham,. will be held , at 7.30 p. m., on Monâ€" eloct acknowledged the £f speech, thanking thein him the cloak of Dr. whom he had given his continuously supported Friday afternoon last Miller and he TORONTO Association we shall have . &c. â€" He imnade Vice Pres. ; C on were acknowâ€" This is the Place to buy your Christmas presents and save money,. See our window, R. B. KEELER 6 SQN a a Ad i 16 #4 ++ Lo * _** > ~.0. $648., Sm via Watch the next Prices : $8 Ladies Long Chains, warranted 20 years for $5.00 5b #4 # 10 years for 3.00 5 Brooches in fancy Boxes for 3.00 3.50 *# 64 for 2.2% Lockets, Bracelets, Pins, Cuff Links, and Solid Gold Rings at these snap prices, $18 Ladies & Gents 14k goldâ€"filled Watches for $12 1 s 0. ~ k. «« 10 We have the trade and intend to keep it. To do this we use the people right. No two price system here. _A list of prices like the following will make long experienced people wonâ€" der. TLoolk > JUST 2 Years in DURHAM XMAS Goops! t Dumon‘s Leadng dereley Suve The Rev, Irl :. Hicks Almanac for 1904 is now ready. _ It will be mailed to any address for 30 cents. _ It is surprisâ€" | ing how such an elegant,. costly hook ,‘ can be sent prepaid sn cheaply., _ No family or person is prepared to study | the heayens. or the storms and weather | in 1904, without this wonderfal Hicks | Almanac and Prof.> Hicks splendid | paper, Worp ax» Works. Both are | sent for only one dollar a year. . Worp | AND WORKS is among the best Amerâ€" | ican Magazines. _ Like the Hicks Alâ€"! manac, it is too well known to need | further commendation. Few men haye | labored more faithfully for the public | good or found a warmer place in the | hearts of the people. Send orders to | Worn anp Worrks Publishing Co., 2201 | Locust 8St., St. Louis, Mo. | F 400 ui adnt it utain®P cirmirizl? WBPA h ..\ * * ma | trees, Set farm trucks., Snow ball make ; Mower, Maxwell make; Washing Maâ€" ’chine. all new. 1 Cook Stove. Clare make, Parlor heating stove, nearly new; Mare, 7 years old, 2 Cutting Boxes. and other articles. Everything must be sold ; no reserve. _ None of these goods left from other Sales, Everything goes the Ixeeler‘s put up. Sale to commence : at two o‘clock sharp on time for short | days. Termsâ€"All sums of $5 and under. | cash. _ Over that amount 6 months‘ | credit on approved joint notes, 6 per | cent per annum off for cash in lieu of | notes. . The Mower will be sold on two | payments, | R. B. KrEurrR & Sox, â€" Joux Crirk, | ‘Proprietors. Auctioneer, | The Rey. Ir]l R atTiviog harness, 3 \Vheellmrruws.‘sl Rubber_interlined robe, 4 Cutter and Buggy Rugs, 1 Pulper, 1 Boss Washing machine, 1 Bonnie Washing machine. 1 Cook Stove, Parlor heating stove 2 Post hole diggers, Set heavy. Whiffieâ€" Frmnc Sint Reulc i.4 s PS ha _33 3. )\ [ [ 10. OA0G other articles, will be sold by public anction ar the. Knapp House, Durham :â€"2 Armssrong Cutters, 2 Palmerston Cutters, 8 Sets single driving harness, 3 \Vheellmrmws. 1 Rubber_interlined robe, 4 Cutter and Buggy Rugs, 1 Pulper, 1 Boss Washing machine, 1 Bonnie Washing machine. 1 Cook Stove. Par,,., } . _ ,;R. CALKTMINGC, Saturday, December 26 following Stock, Impleme hold Furniture and other ; be sold by public anction at House, Durham *â€"2 A mae.... #~ t fo yote on a byâ€"law to meet the total,cost of the new bridge. _ There can be no question about Tthis by daw, every. Patepayer sees the value we hayve got, and though costing more than at frst expected the only course open is to vote FOR on the byâ€"law. _ It is well to remember that unless this byâ€"law is carâ€" ried by the lawful majority the council of 1904 has no ontion but to raise the whole amount in one year. Our town readers will that on January 4th nex asked to yote on a byâ€"lav totals.cost of the new by â€"â€"â€" Two Stores, â€"â€" Durham and Hespeler, Alp ,,, , C_[C~Vmas season will be over, All the same the good wishes of the time ate not confined to a day and we wish all our readers, a joyous holipay season. a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year, 5 N8 M 6 M wmecmmoee x Before this reaches many of ers the Christmas season will All the same the good wish ti{ug ate not confined to a da CREDIT ATCTION SALE of BRAND NE w (GOODS. T# # 4 e o q uy COm0 Torye uced January 4th next they will he SsB C 1 MERRY CHRISTMAS THE BYâ€"LA w. Hicks 1904 Almanae + 04 , (0) #S. TO, NC Implements, Houseâ€" 1P haye noticed 1903. the our readâ€" 1 FEES: $1.00 pu- mo-t 1 | Wm. Johg_st.pn. C. Ran Intending Smdenu should exter of term, or as soon after as possible, The school is equipped for (ull Junior and atriculation work, under the follow of Competent Teachers for that Tiennatn s Durham Scnool THO8, ALLAN, Principal, MIJSS L. M. FORFAR, Classics and Moderns A. M. SHEPPARD, 1st Class Professional, § Npeciaiist. J. BURNETT, We wish all our friends aud customers a MacFarlane & Co. Druggists & Bocksellers. Patent Medicines, Rubber G or Toilet Articles we are at | service with a most com;j stock. wiPr EW Te While we are placing special emphasis on Christma;s Goods just now, we would not like you to forget that we never let our Drug Department lag behind. _ If you require any. thing in the ay of UOUrnurc MERRY CHRISTMAS of this all. Staff and Equlm;\ont. Toys of all kinds, Dolls and Dolls* Carriages. Dolis‘ Beds, Set of Dishes, All kinds of Games, Picture Books A. R. C. Books, Mouth Organs, etc. The above are just a few suggestions of the many lines we carry. It would take a pare Ebony Clothes or Hair Brush, Nallet, Smoker‘s Set, Well â€" Bound Book, _ Violin, Special Cup and Saucer, etc. FOR THE CH!LOREN Wrist Bags, Purses, Card Cases, Hand Mirrors, Perfumes, Brush and Comb Tray, Beautiful China, Perfume Atomizers, Fine Stationery, etc. FOR THEGENTLEMEN making a Selection We carry such a varied stock of articles that are suitable for Christmas Gifts that ~you should have little difficulty in nexmBuFl .l en t ue FOR THE LADIES waste and we believe you could save yourself a great deal of trouble and worry, yes, and money too. if you come direct to our Store, CCCR bntffortdsancd..* Our Handsome Illustrated HOL. IDAY NUMBER is given free to all who pay or have paid their subscription to the Rev; KW up to and for 1904. B»lance of the year free 10 DEeWw authker} .. _ £/I6 yEni You must be ing now to get wh you require for yor and friends. CLOSE at HAN: CHAS RaMAGE, PrrmmtER arp Pusursner Durham, Ont Upper Town CHRISTMAS *__ . YVHITLa&Ke@ a page paper to begin to tell it There ue o9 ow for that Department â€"â€"FREEF Cet)clin ® nes, Kubber Goods ‘les we are at your a most complete â€" Ramage, is_in ‘t much time to following Stad be up and doâ€" what presents your relatives at beginuing of Drugs Leaving

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