West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Dec 1903, p. 4

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VT H1 Massey Jfuarrishh,ive Rooms But if they get married, Its Our Business tn them in harmony with one of our WILLIAMS PL from Williams' Piano Co., Oshawa and Toronto, Ma turers to Her Majesty the Queen. Buy 1flll' gnu-l witvone ofourlatosr. Piano Cased ORGANS or I Ile rt um SINGPIR “EWING MACHINES tor a Christmas Box. ,,. " o tt? t .9 Egg ,. Ewing. g "'t-'1hjifs_"-tcf-etriri4stcxrewtuaieauaieasirseaso awamwm t"i"1if"'"i"'s"" 'tfc'""'"'?,:,"""':', _)i,' Darling’s Eng Eton? in: Gllark's for Gutters , And. all Farm Machinery see, do test. {a ge Convinced LfA beautiful WALL POCKET give while they last." Come in and see our strck. We are leaders in Perfumes and Toilets. l'crfurues from Joe to $10 per bottle. Ebony Gnuds.‘ h'osewood Sum. Cuiluloid t"seis,t Leather Goods EXQUISITE NOVELTIES FOR XMAS tfr,ldr), JI er. .t1t2lita C, ~79. I We might 319 yds Heavy dark 1i'lar1nellette going at 5c yd. 188 yds 10c 1l7rappeaettets going at 6 .20 per yd. 353 yds dark check gingham while they last at lie Don't forget to inspect our Holiday display of Fancy Handkerchiefs and other Fancy Goods " a Man Loves, Ha Girl Loves, Best Brands No. 1, Rubbers & OvershOes, At great reductions. HOLIDAY CHDOIDS Special reductiohs in Millinery next six weeks. Special Value in Women’s Fur d; Cloth Mantles Well bought and will be sold at moderate prices. Weare now booking orders ahead. That there is no better place in the C Deering Machinery, Democrats, Bug; metston and London makes, The Greg ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cot Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggon: Chatham and \Valkerville; Wilkins and repairs ; Chums, Harness. Knife f ta, Jean?! JPevemteat 4 lbs best Cutrants for. . .. 3); lbs best Raisins for.. 2 lbs best Lemon Peel.... 2 lbs 6t Orange Peel... 5 lb Mix Candies..... .... 2 Cans good red Salmon. .. Our Clothing Department is a trade winner, because we give you the same style, fit and service you would receive in custom made garments at about half the price. To be successful in business now-a-days it is necessary to do unusual things, sell dependable and correct merchandise, sell at right prices and do what you promise. We live up to all the claims made in our advertisements: they are intended to hon- estly reflect our methods and our goods. All we ask is an opportunity to prove our contentions; will you put us to the test during these Holiday months. Here are a few quotations : CASH AND ONE PRICE. mention many other Bargains but space will not permit 7ohrt givingsten. XMAS GROCERIES: Now in stock and arrivingdaily ed, Its Our Business tn keep 1 one of our WILLIAMS; PIANOS Co., Oshawa and Toronto. Mann?”- John Clark c, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, iachines, Waggons: Snowball, kerville; Wilkinson Ploughs , Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. P, with every 50c purchase ce m the County to buy crates, Buggies of Pal- , The Great Prize Win. It's his Business, ' It's her Business. Toronto, Manufoc- 25 cts 25 cts 25 cts 25 css 25 cts 25 cts i' MATHER.~In Bentinck. on Saturday , Dec. hill). to Mr and Mrs Jas, Mather", i a son. , Buscrc.--In Glenclg. on November 7th, l to Mr and Mrs Angus Elm-k. a son. E Barsum.--In Glenelg, on the 10th inst., 1 to Mr and Mrs WU Baker, a 'son. wruaHr.-In Holland. on the 15th, to Mr and Mrs Battye Wright. a daugh. ter. McKmsos.-In London. on Nov. Strut. to Mr and Mrs Dan. McKinuon. . daughter. . _ T-rortn.-an Bentinck. on Dee. 15th. 1 (0 Mr and In Horton In.“ N instant. Home for the hyida.ys:-among the number Ive sow and welvoriw are t F"vis gusnn (hum, Tot unto: Allie Gun, Strat- ford Business College I T. McDonald. Hayesville; Miss Maggie Hunter, Top. nnm: Miss Mary (imdm), L'oothville; Miss M. McKenzie. Crawford: Miss Dora Davidson, Aberdeen I Miss Nellie Moran Ayton; Miss 12.1. Campbell, Aberdeen, In Ywinton Park ; Miss May " Clocklin from Berkeley. _ Mr. Herbert Ball, Sparta, Mich,, came to town Saturday lust alone and leaves to-day, Thursday, m the cmupanv of his amiable and attractive bride, Miss Nettie Brown. Mr and Mrs Ball wilt spend Christmas at his lmme in Dundas and will return for a week or more among Durham friends all of whom will extend hearty 'ro_ngrotulatiorss to the young coupie. Further reference next week. Mr. Wm. Vessie. Sr.. left Tuesday for New York, to visit his daughter Mrs. Stewart. who is at n-esent a patient in the Bushwhnrk dospital. Brooklyn. Also Will visit his daughter Mrs. John- ston, of New York city. Rev. Mr. Jansen. Gretna. M an.. writ, ing to the REVIEW, extends to us and all our leaders and norrreadevs the good wishes of the season and “Happiness. spiritual and tempornl prosperity In 1901. In rotutnnml on hvhalf of our mutual friends. we return the good wishes. MW. Arrowstrrith, who has spent, the last f0“ months with her duughIt-rs in the States. returned“) town Wednesday. and has been welcmned by many i'nends. Mrs. E. Bums, Rochester, (nee Mise McLellan. scotclttowu.) in tam-wing for the REVIEW speaks in kindly terms of appreciation. Her branller John, Cleveland is like-minded. Many thanks. Mrs. Jun. Austin (nee IvzrieJohtvston) and little daughter, Rrynulds, N. Dak,, aw guests at her parents. and old friends are pleased to see her. Mr. Mal McPhee, Na-nugh. u delegate frnm Nm'nmnhy to the Chmveution last week, wusu guest Of Mr. Jno. A. Black for a couple of (law. Mr. and Mm. I. Ch Morton are spend. ing Christmas holidays with their daughter, Mrs Harkness) in Teeswater, Miss Ethel Campbell. of Canniugton, funnel-1y of Dutlirrm, is spending the holidays with her parents in Swmlon )‘hL Muss Ethel Campbell. of funnel-1y of Umhnm. is 1utlitluyk with her parent Park. Mr. and Mrs. Rom. Voile! of Toronto, an: the guests of his purpn's. Mr. and Mrs. w. B. Vollet, for Christmas, Mr. Wut. Harris. of the News' stuff, ‘l‘oruntn. will spend Chrisunns with his parents. but has to return all too soon. Mrs. Duncan McFarlane retumed to Flint Mich., after spendme " month at the hunwot' Mr D. B. McFurlnne. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rnumgo spent over' the week end in MI Forest, guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Horshurgh. Mr. and Mrs. Binkley and daughter left for a two weeks wait with friends In Jackson City, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Dunsmoor. Wjnnipeg, are visiting her father and family at her old home in Bentinck. Mr. Will Robertson left Thursday morning to spend the holidays at his home near Kincardine. Dr. and Mrs. Hutton moved Tuesday mm the commodium new residence on the old Mood y corner. Mr. John Cameron and his dullghter Katherine arrived home Wedmrsday to spend Christmas. Mr. Alister Gordon arrived home Tuesday to spend Chrisinms at the pal ental home." M MISS Clara Bell McDonald came home Tuesday night from Hmnilmn to spend the holidays. Mr. Thus Black, recovm'ed in health and looking well, returned to town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Bean are guests at his brother's. Ur. IV. H. Bean'), this week. Messrs. Steve and Mare Ludlow left this week fur their home in Jackson Mich. “Mr. John Atkinson is home from the . 'est. . 'l BURN THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO ARCHIV TORONTO 1lvAs--Fiwru ~01: Iverlnesuay, Dun 23. at the Manse. Durham, by Rev. Wut. Farqulmvson. George Alexander Ryan. Durham, to Mamba Eleanor Firth, Glenelg. Hvs'r--.LisumAv-on \Vodnesday. Dee, 23rd. at the residence of the bride's pan-ems. hy the Rev. wat. Furquhar- tion. Arthur Wellington Hunt, to Neliie Lindsay. daughter ot Robert Lindsay, Esq“ all of Bentinck. BALL--Bnowtt- In Durham. on Dee. Mth, at the midenrc of bride's par- t,'ehla Elev! gr. Nownilr. me. he" o Pe"a. ie . b Il- "rsatoiemh snow banks. . - -"_ _. V...” blJT' um“! Ort Erldav night hast, As for tbat thaw which we predicted on the start. well an Editor Ho my the least. we are badly Jen. as We can scarcely get over the ..F.t---- I - _ ' ."V y.\,.,nvla nunw enough to appreciate a good man and vote for him. we wi.l venture to say that not in a, long number ot years. has a man more capable. more consciou- tions. or more economical in every re- spect. olrered his servnce in our munici- pal Govert.oment, and so we advise. yea urge the eltctors, If they wish a leading Mar in the Council for lilo-l, tn " Vote for Lenh." To me vivid flashes of lightning: on a will Dun night. wuh snow " foot on the wound. is another novelty of the old year, but We we informal on good authority that woh was Um mun -.., ___ v....u\..uv| um past two Jears but has on each occasion retired in favor of the old council and at last Nomination considerable tiisatie fuctiou was expressed by him doing so. However Mt Leith has declared his tn. tention of being m the field to stay this year and should the elector: lam-v As Nomination day draws nearer, the aspirants for munlcxpal honors. are pop- ping up all around us. and no far an the old council is concerned in helm: returned by aeelausation, it is practxcully. and justly tau. out of the queuiou. Mr Duvid Leith has been urgently requested by his friends to stand as Councillor the past two Jettrs but has on each occasion retired in favor of the old council and no I...» \-....»:.VAA» .. Mr Jno Cornish. one of nnr I massive farmers. has thrtvshed about .000 bushels of grain Would he do out west? Miss Ida Blythe has Sucured down at Alafeldt at a Salary ol Vety good. Miss Clara Hoeth'n ol Orchard is visit" her Aster, ms L sreIlvtide, [his Weed. The excellent slenghiug we have had for nearly il "mum now, has every appearance this Saturday nighl of beutw n thing ot the past, as it is mum: and likely m Continue tor mum Lime. Nt' Hum Marion cmugvlnted ’us seaaou‘u tunnel-mg on Friday last nt Mr Cums blyllw'u. He hm bad n splendid lotus Seamuu's work, and has, no doubt, added much to his salary grab. Mr Wm Diekson has entered into pnnnenhip with Mr Alex Dodds in the will humuens and things nre rapidly taking on n decuhnhy Improved appettr- nm-e. We hope that success may ummd the efforts of the new tirm In catering In the needs (If their C'l1sto1tters, 'th' ho!!! pttrtiey are hmwst and upright and are Well deserving of a fair Inensmu ot success. The Ellis farm on the grave? road was purchased latch by Mr Wm Bradlry for the sum of $1880. Mr Bradley ban a splendid {aim now. We extend hearty eongratithutous. Mr Jno Marshall. Sr.. who sold his farm in tlie summer to tl Mr Admu Kelwler, of Normanby. for $5500. bus bought Mr Bob: Patty's farm recently tor $2400. and will move thereow in the swing. livgiuu. and we will , he nan-er made a sn his life. To the hu; We extend hearty cum: Name wan received recently of the Illuminati ut Min Agnes Cornish, wh" went out to Regina about a year ago. The fortunate grown was a Mr Glbsuu of lit-gum. stud we will venture to say that he tan-er made a safer Investment in his hte. To the happy yawn: couple w“ uvl.....X Ink...” - - A I wanted-Every Grit. uni Tory Will)- in u “amenable distance of Watson's who‘ll lmnse. lojoln the Farmers‘ Anselm lion which was organised there on Friday night lac. Mr Smith, Editor of the Sun. mm the cuiel weaker of the eyenlug anal bald im- audience (which unfortunately rather munh) spell bound while he drove and e ”when! his suhjnctm With grant. tome and power. At the close was tendered a hearty vote ot maul“. w James Watson acted u..- chairman "eeeutols. Mr Jun Moore was elected President, nud Mr D Leah, Secy. (Ian's bash. Messrs Jun Firm and Charlie Moifat are may entttug wood nu Mr J H Mcl’uy- _'.__9. I... ,I‘ Mr Joe Achinson arrived home from the west last Saturday Iookuw hate and hearty. Mr D Edge attended the Fat Stock Fair in Guelph last week. A number from around hen attended the wuiJing party of Mr Will Firth and Mid! Mary J Mokechnie, last Wednesday night. We join in winlnug the young couple many happy days. Pleased to see Mr Andrew Lindsw able to be around again utter being laid off work for over two months with his hand hurt on tbe thrashing ergiue. Mr Alex Jopp came home last Mend-y after spending the summer months m the boats. Alex is always a welcome visitor in this burg. Mrs Joseph Firth. Jr., and little sou js at present visiting wuh her parents at Don. Mrs Baht. Turnbull and son Baht. of Queen Hill, Bmoo. visited at Mr D Me. Fa) den's one evening last week. Mm Annie Greenwood is home 'fe spending DIX months learning dremumtkintt m town. Miss Lillie Jopp arivoa back from Moosomin, Manitoba. to spend the motor with her ttttuuipateutn Mr and Mrs Jas, Edge. Snow! Snow! Snow! and roads blocked. BLYTHE’S CORNERS. MARRIED. ihrshess of lightning on a wuh Show a foot on the that novelty of the old me informed on good such was the. muse on ast. As for tbat thaw [scams a good man and we wi.l \enture to my long number oi years, C"'" has thrashed this year -.I " . 7 - m... n... has declared his tn. the field to May this the electors know Edge Hill. v.-------.. secured a sehorr salary of $330.00 ll. It our ”JOEY. pro- What it Is: w Lvyuu1 money and you keep' hold of the other end, If they I fail to satisfy, you Ivve only tol pull the string and your money comes back. Try it " our risk. I AGe 3totd of Mo awe,- % (firth; on I? _y,l,' -ssssm.s " 'i, MISS DICK 2amsaaaa:aa:aGiiiir.ii; MODE L BA KF. RY FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. S ECnNDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY. cleanliness reigns in every department of our establishment. LA STLY, our prices are absolute] yfair Give us a call and see for yourself. A first class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry. always on hand at Rowe's store. ITSUITS TO A TI And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. 1UUhL BAKERY. LOWER TOWN t'k4tqtt:tF:tFa.qte " """mr9'e'srsrrs, F' -- a; When you buy anything at DAR- LIl\G'S. you have a string fasten- ed to your money and you keep hold of the other end, If they fail to satisfy, you lv ve only to pull the string and your money comes back. Tre it n m... o..'.." GOOD REA SONS: A BIG BUSINESS "ii', -- (t That is what we have been ll doing all this season and ' we still continue very busy. ... This week we invite our § many customers to visit t the Show Rooms and see ib' the very newest effect in it Outing Hats. v; tl Utes from 40 ptr, to Kt.00 Carving Sent from 50 m to $5.00 Silver Tea and Coffee pots from 91.35 to810 Butter Dishes from 81.50 to “1” Ton Sens from moo to 33.5.00 Knots from 2S ct: to two Pocket. Knives (mm 5 11: tp mm steel ttnow Show]: 1'." on War/(32!, I . Po 'turuu ”In. a Any person can enjoy one of our Toboggans. “-_ ti, STINSON. Your best Girl will appreciate a good pair of Skates. Your little Boy will be deligh- ted with a Coaster Sled. There is no more acceptable gift at this particular time, than one of our Fancy Lamps Our HOLIDAY PRESENTS You cannot go into any estab- lishment where you will get better value in Christmas Presents than at THE HARD- WARE STORE. am BREAD! W. BLACK “I auvw we-.. -.__ - some very tasty and useful articles and our prices will suit every purchase. Styles on WEDDING' CARES Made to order i,, In'ncf Show Cases are filled with order in Latest shortest notice. $532M Una-mun, tended u JeycLetir'rwRE The Also Now that you have a Tudhope Bug: y get a Tudhope Cutter & be in theswim ligi,s,_)iress The Spring has come and the Summei has gone and so has nearly two Carioads of Tudhope Buggies and the place which was once so filled to overflowing with those rigs is now being filled up il ith over a carioad of the famom éfmplements J" 3 We are at the shop at the bridge er- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or. ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur, 1 store, or at the Rrtvrttwthrrncr.:, will receive our best attention. Chatham Cutters Full Lines Q/ Mm "w/l./vn,,, and reliable quodtt. WM tttl Ilaht none WOMEN! -IQ‘LT, TERMS-CASH. ' Next door to D. Campbells Implmm n: Warehouse. f g'. '0ldtraith A Shipment of the. Famous Lightning Hitch HOCKEY Bale, made by John Manemu to hand. Owing 20 sunw delty in shaming they did nut, an ive in time for mt at the season so “in sell them " reduced prices. Our h su, will be your train. Also. a few [mini BOYS HOCKEY Bale. Williams“ Iso Maxwell Machinery Ot all kinds. Examine our 'rot NIP PULPiiRS; they are the best on-the market; also ttlil CHITRNS & WH1iEr.rtARRoww, ' 'mike......-.-...-,;'::',:-, The balanced our Misses and Lndieiard#tart'ts, pr pair HIV: & M Sopfepnro to meet.“ by having “In. your he: messed in tt pair of warm Overture- or Rubbers, . Box and Rubbers, Lined Shoes, Which you can are: It Popular In ievs at the NEW BOOT & SHOE fiTOltr: "ttttt muffs, WI NTER’S BLAST, Ptte, oRamittrnt I 290110;. GVIA Y IS make; Cottttortui,te and ifitglUh, and at [Mir-s In suit " purses. 'utptsao, Chur,ts, de. Best Quality Is no Cudhopc Gutter” 113031833 dtt, 1008 - -- - - -., cheiper than ever lt'O R V‘nnptly at- Respecter 'est, thu, Of P 'ersm I b 2t in ()WEN WR ITL' TWEED owEs".%" “(bl Winter Tcs, GRUCER Bauer. '1 ub..., Hid“. per can Calla-him. per; gunman... ous.............. Lunbe........... Dressed Hoes, Hogs, Live We nutm. huh rol PEEL, DE Immune Itt Inc-u time a; I200) ll Slum IN of M alt! week nurut (no. and in Wa MrNtrtt M11 t mg I.. at): ll two Gm can“ .4 (law l, from 4r pitunm "In u kt Mann-u "I West and mom Ira W m C uit 2 I m an worn in l on mum and horn-s could hut, peeterit a' u Storm. " Ctr Nimbus H I pend: " One of Visited um burg on M w e liner, W pe Mt.. Mix SEA Durham DH l' 01 he 8 (llll ll. N CW!" fv'W

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