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Durham Review (1897), 24 Dec 1903, p. 5

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‘ter r Of Persons season so will ces. Ol:r '0. Iso, a tew pairs Nilliams‘ «+... LOW €1 38 by having your a pair of warm iubbers Comtortabte at pric‘s to nous Lig htning made by John Owing to some did not zrrive #Alrarth C'y. 10E â€" STORE SH R‘S ) R B M ABLE done promplly woellâ€"known itly at ever, tteors Al 24, 2 thu? ilton V Implement , o. BELL Art] # 1 ** e Al c ev W Or h »ace ving $1 11 net 110¢es N18 HU §1 HKW.screeccere Beei, per cwt CDFKOJU.0»..,ssesecsscssce. _ 10 Potntees. porbag.â€"..». & One of the worst storms that bas visited these parts for years struck our burg on Sunsay. _ It commenced about 2 a m and continnues ail day petting worse in the evenizg, ‘nuermuy into whas one imisht call a young tornado. Cattle and borses that were turned out to water eould not be criven from the »table door, prefering thirst to the violence .f the stortm. _ Business is demoâ€"ni‘zed. roads are blockacted, street car serviee i< »ngâ€" pended, tesephone lines are tiown down and every thing in genera confusion. Owâ€" ing to the scareity of waterin the riger styx the Welbeck sawmill cmn ouly iann dermek m dira oo ce i ce uit yz e i o0 ce en nna e 1y it s o. w n DFCEMBER 24. nese cee ee0 sa0 see see see eee nes es se e see WELSECK. d pAth Curt wvounncumo w use vree d breany uy tne Vounâ€" cil of the Municipa‘ity of tEe Town of Durham (in the event of the assent of the electors â€"being obtained thereto) after one mouth from the first publierâ€" tiox in ho 2I0hiin Rayiny" the t#0 »t which publication wes th A4 Byâ€"law to Authorize the issue of Deâ€" ' bentures of the Town of Durkam in the County of Grey, to the amount of $4000 for the purpose of paying off the indebtedness incurred in the building of a Bridgé across the Saugeen Rirér at Lambton Street in the Town of Durham and to repeal Byâ€"law No. 415 of the Of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of DBurkam. BYLAW NO. 457. . t That the thaoks ot this council is due â€" Robb â€" MceFadden â€"â€" t1,4; report on and are hereby tendered to xr whomas 824id grant be adopted. and COowa‘r he meFadden. reeye, for the kind, intelliâ€" PM4 81 com fees. Carried. gent and genulemanly mamner io which _ Gom‘r Mclutyre reported as follows : he has presided over the delibrations of Arthur Wilsou finishing ditch, con 20, this council during the year that is now 5 etes; Wmm Hay, placing support under drawing to & close. As we haye found pridge, con 19, 50 cts. Also reported on a 10 him always a ready and willing grant of $15 made in 1902 to cut and im assistant in both work and advice for prove Wilson‘s )nll, lot 9, con 20, but eaid the welfare of the cownship _ Carried contract is not yet completed and reâ€" unanimously. commended that $11 be paid on account The council adjourned sizne die. to Jno McBeth the contracter. J. 8. Buack, Clerk. Robbâ€"Gordonâ€"That foregoing report The reeve baving left the chair, the same was taken by »r Davis, when it was moved by xr Kerney. seconded by xur Arrowsmith. . * Davis â€" Kerney â€" That the clerk be paid < $5, balanee of salary, 10.00 for prepariog minutes for publication and 2.18 for postsge and express charges, Carried. Kerneyâ€"Arrowsmithâ€"That the treasâ€" urer be ‘Juid $1.90 for Bank draft and vostage, Wm Kerney 2.00 for committee work. The reeve and xr Davis 1.00 each for committee work, and Archie mcLean 1.40 for gravel. Carried. Byâ€"law No 485 appointing places, and deputy Returning was passed. Arrowsmithâ€"Kerneyâ€" That Commis sioner for ward 2 be paid §6.72 Jbatance of his cowmmission. Carried. Davisâ€"Kerneyâ€"Theat Jobu xcGrath be paid $3.25 for dry wood for hall and Joseph Ne:l be pard $175 for Cedar for hall. Carried. Arrowsmith â€" Kerney â€" That Frank Haley be paid $4, for work at lot 20, con 8, (Statute Labor Fnnd. Carried. Kerneyâ€"Arrowsmithâ€" That A Black be paid $4 for repair of culvert at lot 48, con 8, N D. R. Carrred. Arrowsmithâ€"Dayisâ€"That the municiâ€" pal World be paid $7.75 for xunicipal forms for elections. Carried. Kerneyâ€"Arrowsmithâ€"That Geo Roy and Henry Clayburn te paid $13 each for charity for the six months ending Dece 831i, and that Jas McGillivray be paid $12 for keep of xary mcArthur up to Dec 81, aud that Thos Duun be paid $1o for keep of xrs Furnenx for July and August.~ Carried. Davisâ€"Arrowsmithâ€"That D McFayden be puid $1.50 for work at lots 49 & â€"du, 3 E.~G. R. (special). GCarriea. Davisâ€"Arrowsinithâ€" ‘That Jos Arkicâ€" sou be pard $175 for gravel for division No. 19. Carried, Davisâ€"Kerney â€" That the report of vhe Local Board of Health be adopted, and that the meinbers thereof be paid a further sam of $3 oo each. Camied. htha‘I. ‘,,, ; _ _ _ _ _" â€", ""CP A/GEDIOOOT I0fU, &8 per statute. members present. ‘Thomas Mcâ€" Fadden, reeve. xessrs Davis. Kerney and Arrowsmith, councillors. minutes of last meeting read and confirmied. _ Accounts were read from the municipal World with several gravel nccounts. Davisâ€" Kerneyâ€"Tlint cheques issue in favor of the several boards _ of School Trusatees for the amounuts of General ind Section School rates amounling in the axgregate to the snm of $442%0 95. Car. KK The council met December 15th Supplement to THE DURHAM REVIEW GLENELG COUNCIL. sepa s se sarou marca cuc ursy usy on Januâ€" ary next, 1904, we will close our shups, at eight o‘clock every evening. except Wednesdays and Saturdays. Dec. 8, 100. You can hardly find a home without its Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral. Parents know what it does for children: breaks Cherry: ling ioors Com‘e Melutyre reported as follows : Arthur Wilsou finishing ditch, con 20, So cte; Wmm Hay, placing support under bridge, con 19, 50 ets. Also reported on a grant of $15 made in 1902 to cut and im prove Wilson‘s Inll, lot 9, con 20, but eaid contract 1s not yet completed and reâ€" commended that $11 be paid on account to Jno McBeth the contracter. Robb â€" MceFadden â€"â€" ‘That report on said grant be adopted and Oâ€"ma‘r pg parid $1 com fees. Carried. Byâ€"iaw No 164 fcor holdiug Municipal Municipal Elections passed the nâ€"ual readings, &c. Com‘r MceQueen reported on grant on E & P townline:â€"R Honter, gravelled 8o rds en E & P townline for which $30 is recommended. and there still rcmains $6o0 of the $125 grant to be speut on said tovnline tetween Cedarville and Couon, which be was unable to gyet the work done. Robbâ€"Gordonâ€"That foregommg r be adopted and Com‘r receive $1.50 fees. Carried. Com‘r MeFadden reporte i culting hill lot 8, con 20, by W Hunter, cost §15. Robbâ€"MeFadden â€"â€" That report on Drewry‘s bridge be adopted and Cor‘r receive $5 each, com fees, Carried. Com‘r MeQueen reported road imp« ; Duncan Kenuedy, enlyert, lot 2+, con 4, §2; J Wilson. two meces of rimbor, covâ€" ering for culyert 25th siceline 81 ; Jos Bentley. gravelling E and P townline, upposite con 11. 20.00; H Cualp, gravelâ€" ling on E & P townline. con 11â€"12, $14. McFaddenâ€"Melntyroâ€" Fhat foregoing report be adopted anl Com‘r recctive $3 com fees. â€" Carried. â€" ~T. Bwarrow, The appronches were let to A for $47. which are nearly compl recommended that he be paid remainder when complute4. Com‘rs MeQueen and Gordon reported on Drewrey‘s bridge as tollows :â€"Superâ€" sirncture is +atisfactorily completed exâ€" cept printivg which comuittee thought advisable to defer till spring and recomâ€" mended that $25 be withheld out of couâ€" tract price $525 till completed. _ Abutâ€" ments are satiâ€"factorily completed, 1nd recommended that C Kirk be prid in fail viz $16» an‘4t $12.50 aAlditional for reusov» inz old abutments. k t‘ Com‘r Robb_reporied 1 16b ed at the Chronicle office, Durham. â€" Car. a epor road jobs as i ols g i aittn foilown :â€" Wm Keid. railine bradee lou (0, . Mobsddenâ€"Melatyreâ€"That the reeve couul:. 93 ;l' do nuhugsnnsd rep. bridge Statement tor 19038. Carried on 10th sideline, con 12â€"18, 10.00; do T j rep. culvert, lot 9, con 14. 2.00 ; do. rep Besulved that the following account be culvert lot 5, con 14. 75 cts. ‘Total P€id .jâ€"(xeo Freeman, flour Mr« Barclay, $17.75; Thos Bunston, tile euivert, lotu $9.60; Dr Brown aid Mis Kerr $5; J aideline, con 18â€"14, 2.00 ; Juo Manter, %led!ll. “"ofl'uM" B‘:“{'{,‘v”‘5 ;l J H filling hole approach to bridge 5th side. Br0#wn do $6 ; anicipa‘ World Election line, con 8â€"9, 75 cts. supplies $7.80 ; A Mitchell. express charâ€" > l ins R@# 45 ots ; Clerk‘s quarter salary 85.00 ; ru(“;:dul:.o :L'%F meu y '(I:;lml' '0"“‘"."_“ do } yr. postage and stationery 5.00 ; Jns "pgo Com feos pCu'r?ol:l V Ff, 1000198 RMecies, gravel 875 ; Joe Campbeil do 1.25; ie f * Geo Haw, do 75 cte ; Geo Manary do 8.40; Com‘rs M'ch.-eu and Gordon reported w Pride d+ 2.25; A Gilles, rep grader on D“’W’QY a bridge as follows :â€"Superâ€" 1.5, ; J A MeEachern, rep scraper 25 cts ; sirncture is eatislactorily completed exâ€" J p» Roberts, reps to grader, &e., 1.90 ; cep§ patnting whicl'x comuwmittee thought do rent for hall, council room 1.50 ; C advisable to defer till spring and recomâ€" Druimm. acconut for spikes, Naismiih‘s mended that $25 be withheld out of couâ€" bridge 1.28 ract nrima @595 #ill cascscdiaca uq000 2"6 McFadden â€" Robb â€" That report ba adopted and Com‘r receive 50 cts com fees. Carried. e fees. _ Carried. Council met Deo 15. Minutes susâ€" . M@Intyreâ€"McFadden tained. _ Com‘r Gordon repcrted rep. be paid $5 as bal of sain Kelley‘s bridgeo by Wwm Jordan. coâ€"f 1998._ Carried. $2.25, M Melntvreâ€"Gardan _T Cl 8 Durham, December 24th, 1 U be EGREMONT COUNCIL THE â€" UUKRSGAM â€" REVIRWY nearly completed and hbe be pard $40 »n4 ty / ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Because he carries so many breakable useless knicknacks. For Xmas Gifts we make this claimâ€"â€"that there is nothing so useful, so good every way as a Clock, Watch or a piece of Silverware. Phat Young TUhy is Poor‘Old Santa Claus‘ Back Atlways Bent ? :7 fl RARE QUALITY BREAD li Well wate Durham. The undersigned offers for sale lots 46 and 47, Con.3, 8. D. R., Bentinck, conâ€" taining 162 ncres, 150 acres in a good state of cultivation, 12 acres bush., Good buildings and firstâ€"class orchard. FÂ¥ARM for SALE or REN‘T. Resolyed that the thauks« of this council be now tendered to Mr McQueen, reeve, for his gentlemanly conduct, kind and et. ficient manner in whicis he bas discharged his duties as reeve during the year now drawing to a close. Mr McQueen made a very touching reply. Comncil rose. D. Autax, Clerk,. Robbâ€"Gordonâ€" That the reeve vacate the chair and Mr McFadden tuke the same. â€" Cxrried, Melotyreâ€"Gordonâ€"That the Financial Bintement as now reaq and prepared by ttie reeve and treasurer be aceepted and finally passed and we get 200 copies print: ed at the Chronicle office, Durham, _ Car. be paid $5 as bal t;fâ€";uvln_lry;:-;n:;ss:r-tor 1908. Carried. We study bread making as a business and provide bread that is excellent in taste and in wholsomeness. It‘s a bread that will be a pleasure to you every meal you use it and evâ€" ery time you offer it to those about your table. An excelâ€" lent loaf for a reasonable price HIND BROS. Wright‘s Old Stand. berharear d crear is no time for delay, only 7 days more, A Word in Season Quatitu _ Does _ _Only six miles from Also a hay press for sale. and Com‘r reccive $2 com ALcKx. BrGgs, Prop â€"That W Hastie and * s t# Will be at Knapp ] Baturday in cach month L. R. C. P., Lendon, #1 Graduate of London, New York and Chicago. Diseases of Kye, Ear, Nose. and Th oFrFICER HOURS 9â€"12 4. m, 2â€"4 p. m , RESIDENC E and OFFICE â€"O0l4 B1 a * NPPRB MR ssm ... J. G, RUTTON, Member College Physicians and Surgeons DR. BROWN, ‘ye, Ear, Nose, and Thmt. P m»‘.“‘:’;&"‘,-. v e uisnn an a me

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