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Durham Review (1897), 31 Dec 1903, p. 1

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RU I4. 1903 tome! NTS it Gel ler. ttttous tion me cr. 5:3xxgmmgmmsmmmxmmafi gmxmmmxmggmmmgmag i,fiiiialiiii-iilt91rJ1tg)Y . ii Clearing Sale iiiiii,,i' VOL. LAM“ Phone 27. NNi, E The greatest assortment of Candy for Xmas in Darham. Lay in your Stock for Xmas and buy them at the cheapest place which is at $wa D f) 'aiiiit 593$ fl" SI "fails', Never before 111 the History of Durham was Goods sold at such prices as this year and every Article the best that money can buy. For Children 's Coats and Ladies Evening Wraps. Wide, doable told colors, Navy, Royal and Cardinal, reg. 81.25 for St a yd. Wool Blanket Cloaking THIS IS YOUR GHANGE The best that can be bought. Fine lofty tinish, all weights up to 8 lbs. These blankets met with an accident and are slight- ly soiled. 10 ',, off reg. prices. and Wool Blankets. Blanket- ing, reg. 75e for 600 a yard. $11.00 value 8.50 value 7.50 value 5.50 value Of the Balance of All our Winter Goods JAMES IRELAND Wool Blanketing Wool Blankets Ladies' Here's a Bargain List for this week : for for for for . NO. 53 1ihhMMhhhhhilMMMMMg; Coats $9.00 . GUI) All Millinery now at half price, Long Rubber Boots........... Heavy Rubbers at $1.25, 1.50, 2.00 and 2.50. Boys' Heavy Rubbers, 81.20 for $1.00. $1.25 Underwear for l 00 Underwear for .75 Underwear tor .60 Underwear for Winter Weights MUST Go. Ilere'sa Dept. where we are prepared to give the great- est values you ever saw in Men's Suits. Men’s Overcoats. Roy’s Suits, .f‘ Boy's Overcoats. Men's Heavy Rubbers Men's Underwear Men's Clothing ...... ..... 10e Millinery ithtttrit .....250 .... 25c .... 250 ....'.'2.5c 12e 120 250 25e 2 50 2 so 25e 15e 15e Me n) 5 $1.00 . .75 A5 2tl M" a! Thu res m I inning: in? If r l Wint ll tisem _ Fine ore at ttlled x, PER Fil [ 5 yen RI home .’ His: I Fox, , :furs w l The _' publis w I One ol " (er. h; 3; Sum l which MI, tion w a l on Sun E 1 Sou »0nL In I Willia [ at one a; WA] ‘Of hm (ii (, Good l E: Dr. ( l Throat idaugh iGInssez I licinn 1 ! DIHE . E Diseum " wtll he I”. Is'w , Jitted. X COM Iso sure “(We or 1 in tho" Ill Jan. 8, I ulur pr 1 PRES, I Duty. I “as! ye: W 5 cart. I: Fill I School ' week X l, high m w i at? '."+ DURHAM, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1303. I HIGHLY COMPLIMENTARY. - The I ' Walkerton Telescope of last. week has! , the following notice of the Reform i anndidate of South Grey: .. Mr. H. H. i ', Miller, of Hanover. has been selected as _,' the Reform candidate. for the House ofl 'Commons for South Grey. Mr. Miller; [ is astrong candidate and his nomination means his election. There are few, if j any. men II] the Riding more highly re- i seeded. and his well-known platform I, a vilities will count in his favor. South I grey has made no mistake in her candi- l ate. l When you get a catalogue from a big mail order house lust. look look it over land see what lhey will pay for your 3 produce. Also investigate and see. what r their terms of credit are in case you do have ready cash; how much they will ' pive towards building our new side- walks. J ust write and ask them how ‘mucb they will contribute toward the. I erection of a church t how much they will give to nssnst the poor. After you have' done, this and receive a reply see if 1 your home metchant won't. do as well, 3 IN THE METHODIST CHvrtcm--Come and hear Mr. Wm. Monll. F. S. b'c., ete.. of Toronto in his original, unique and practical "Gospel Studies‘ " and “Jesm and his friends " In the Methodist church, Jan 3, 1001. Mr Moull. who is of direct martyr ancest ry. has a splendid _ reputation in England and America for ‘his literary. platform and pulpit work, . IS a, most interesting speaker ol unusual Iglft and tire and a. fully accredited ( preacher of the Methodist church. The Legislature has heen called to meet on Jan. 14th next. Mr Rnss’ majority 0f3 has been further reduced by the sudden death in England of And. Putlullo. of N. Oxford. Said to be sui- cide, while suffering intense pain from a. mistaken dose of medicine, THE CuttsrvAL.-A very good home crowd patrnnized the tttst Carnival and the guns were keenly contested for. The time winners in the obstacle race were H. La voile. Cliff. Seigner. Allister Saunders. in the order. named. Boy's rate.. W. Lavelle. Al. S'aunders,Jks, McClocklin and H. Lavelle. the two last tied for 3rd place. Costumes: Jessie Robertson. Jemima Saunders. Fred Laidlaw. Tom McClocklm. Everard Mc- Kinnun. RENEW '.--we. hope all who can will renew as early in the month as possible to prevent the rush at the. end of the year. Study our clubbing terms at left hand of Title on first ace. and if you wish 2 or more outside: papers we can quote Cl' surprising figures. Have your la tel read "dec TU" or beyond it, as soon as ossihle. and thus secure our handsome goliduy Annual to he issued in a few days. Mr Thomas Ryan, of 12m con. of Nornmnhy. had his leg broken last week hy a kick from a vicious horse. The break is a very serious one, the bone being fractured a couple of Inches above the knee and splintered down to the knee cap. A great denlof sympathy is expressed for Tom in his sad mishap. l-Afton Advance. his! "fe'.ar K06 rip a vvry nut-cocaful' tn"- cert. has again the Presbyterian B. School in training for one next week Enthusiasm isalrvndy mounting high and drills, dialuglws and .. pieces " are hang prepared in abundance. Ad. mission 25c and lik, V H, -'_"-e_- .-..u nu nqua Ul law ', furs at Peel, the Shownan's store. l The \Viarton Echo is recalling items 3 published Christmas week lit years ago. I One of these was "G. L. McCaul. Barris- l tar. has moved to Durham. PRESBYTERIAN S. S. UoNcrtRT.---Miss Doty. professional concert trainer. who COMING or-The, Scottish Concert Co. so successful all over' the province, will give one of their famhus entertainments in the Town Hall next, Friday evening. Jan. 8, In and of Public Lihrary. Pop- ular priees. DISEASES or EYE & RAIt,--De Brown, Diseases of Eye, Ear. Now & Throat, wtll he at Knapp House, Saturday. Jan. 9. Eyes accurately tented and Glasses fitted. Hours I-tt p. m. Dr. Geo, S. Burt, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, will he at, the Mid. daugh House. on Saturday. January 2. Glasses accurately titted at regular op- ticinn prices. Hours, 10tot p. In. DISEASES or EYE & RAIt,--De Brown, Diffs“ at" Eye, thu'. Now &. Thrpat, SOLD Orrr.--Hind Bros. having sold out, to Mr Peter Calder. mm of Foal William, they wish all accounta settled l at once either by nuul or at the shop. ( WANTED, A good general. m family l of two. A home" with every t'orttfott.l Good wage-s. Apply by letter to 5 80 Blom‘ St. West. Turontu. SONG SERVICE-A Song Service for which there has been specinl prepara- tion will he held in the Baptist Church on Sunday evening. All welcome. IheRsosAr,.--Mr. liwingy3uehan. after 5 years in the West, arrived at his home last night. Highest, Cash Price paid for Mink. Fox. Skllnk, Coon and all kinds of mw Fine budgets from Dornnch and Deom. ore and other matter arrived as we are fflled up. a __ «nun I.» 1.1 ""' [Eula MACKAY & DUNN Durham. Thanks to our excellent staff of cor- 2Tl,',"d,"ge for good wishes-A Happy an Prosperous New Year to all. If you me interested in Bargains in Winfee Goods, look up Ireland'), adver- tisement. 1904. To-mor row. How Time Flies. Happy New Year to everyhody. Money touLnnl] at " l?er cent. MEETS 0N JAN 14th. omttt i/ci"',;)',,',.':,",,',','":, _'"."."' , Monday last durin the du tho rural Fest, Mrwed at hirinCn"i'c'i"p'3il'i'l"s' "wt 5) nominyMe candi- (dates for the councils of 190t and on rice paid for Mmk, Aionday next the ratepayers will choose and all kinds of raw ( their rules frnm amongst them. In oenmn's store. Ttlhe town the '//i11't1ty, were 're, in . . . . "he evening an “a Council Ha WM I' lluj7tyy'ei,.,i,ty. I tilled with interested ratepayers. MrP,titit, tit l Clerk Vollett called on Chairman Johnston and Secy. Haulage of the School Board and the latter ave some fhrures showing that over $5110 had been spent in the installation of the Steam beating plant, exczul tions &e. and all had been met in the year’s flmutcintr. He pointed out that for the first time on January 4th next, ever?s room in the school would be occupied. and that in the near future. provision would have to he made for more school accommodation. and that in keeping with the, limes a. more generous appro- Driation for Sill‘il‘les would have to he made. Mr Brown replied to Mr Calder with some spirit claiming that the difference. in labor in two gears accounted for the extra cost. of bri Re. Mr Telford thanked his mover and seconder hut withdrew after speaking in flattering terms of the excellence of the bridge and pronouncing the Side- walks built this year the best in town. _ Mr Sharp thanked his friends for their support, he. had studied economy and was prepared to do so in the future. Mr J L Browne pointed with pride to improvements in the Hall, was a mem- ber of the Fire & Light, committee and took some credit, for the street lighting. Mr (Mulder followed and would have been pleased to have the rosy state- ments of the mavor and Mr Brown proved correct. He look up the lia- bilities accruing early in January and not shown in Statement and claimed that the council before January was many days old. would have used every available asset and would have to borrow money for the greater part of the year. Instead of 21 mills, the rate this year should have. been 21. By it comparison per perch with cost of side. walk and Nlowing even more for the. bridge he claimed the cost should have been kept near the amount arranged for at hVst. $2500 instead of now asking 84000. The handling of the oil-well by- law, the mistakes in another by-luw where 8108 was necessary to legalize it, were evidences of inenierener Mr Brown followed at more length. He compared the position of assete and liabilities with former years and claimed it did them credit. the industries of the town wore telling on its prosperity. He went, fully into the. expenditure on the new bridge showing.r renmns why they had adopted day labor. and claimed that the. town had splendid value for their money for the iron men said it WM the best, abutments they had seen l took credit for the new stdewalks, built With- out trouble and everyone pleztsed. He' closed by asking their support. Mayor McIntyre spoke brisafly, enter- ing into a comparison with previous ymrs to prove that the expenditure had been judiciouslv made. They had spent: a, good deal of money. but most of it came back to the town. He thanked the count-ll for co-operation, painted to the Treasurer‘s statement as: evidence of capacity and predicted that next year the rate would be 18 mills or less. Thus there are contests in IV. and E. Wards only, and the Board for 1901 Will consist of W H Benn. Jas Carson. IV D Mills, U Runmge. and the choice of Monday next. 17 Councillors nominated” and yet. Tuesday Clerk Vollelt received resigna- from all hut. 5 and 6 are required. One of the retiring ones w..s ultimately asked to r'ecousidev. he did, and thus the c'ouneilmen are in without aconlesb. They are MrLachlun Sharp, J. L. Brown. of the old council. and It.' Cochrane, Ed. Kress and Inn. Living- stone. new men. For Trustees three were nominated in the west ward t P. Saunders at. present trustee, Hg... who as Chairman of the Board of in has had a. hard Per- A. U. Walk. and a. IutvttutstorttV--the latter retiring. East, ward. w John- ston. Jr.. at present the efficient chair- man of the Board and Adam Robertson. North ward. c. Ranmge. ,V._._v.r.,-. -..‘,. .u IIIIK’ RFE RF". oldest Citizen»: and either should make a capable officer. For Mayor there was nominated N. McIntyre (present, mayor). Jno. H. Brown, Gill». McKeehuie. A. S. Hunter. Wm. Calder. Wm. Caldwell, J. P. Telford. S. Scott. All retired but A. S. limiter and Jon. H. Brown. and the electors will have to choose between these two eqpelienced councillors. Mr Hunter has n large stake in the town, has served it faithfully for about 15 yum-s. continuously except one year and is one of its most successful business men. Mr Brown has had 12 yrs experi- tthce iu. municipal life. is one of our DURHAM. Clerk Vollet in his omcial capacity received the "onunations, about 25 in number, and was continued in the chair for the after meeting. total cost of the new bridge. There, WEEK OF PrtAvert.-, lt is regretted can he no question about this hy~louv. “'0me to arrangements previously every ratepayer sees the value w“ have I ad.e. in all the churches it will not he Rot, and though costing more than at Flue to devote the whole week to first expected the only course open is to l "m aervicea " has been ctttitotttart vote FOR on the hy-law. It is well to 'fond,, evening. however, in the remember that unless this hy-law is cur- t Church. will he held H, union ried hythelmvful majority the council t " AB it is the ottly evening of 190t has no option but to raise the . the churchi-s are invited to whole amount in one year. - .. hitether it is hoped there wilt be a Our town readers will have noticed that on January 4th next, they will he MIN-d m vote on a. lry-law to meet the total cost of the new bridge. There can he no question about this hy~louv, every mtepnyer sees the value w“ have got, and thumb costing more than u ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Continued on page four Who are Before the Public. LY The Nominations. 'P,9H , hTty,?', THE BY-LAW. _ii,tgjfii'iii, l. "iir'uiiijiriria $!f. ladies & Gents 14k goiddlled Watcher for SI: 16 " .. 10k " rt 10 16 " .. 10k" " rt 10 Watch the next Prices: ‘5 Iaaies Iottg Chink 'rented P, Pe? fer. Ee! We have the trade arid intend to keep. it. To do this we use the people right. No two price system here.. A list of prices like the following will make long experienced people won- der. Look : Laeketa, Brno-lots, Plus. Cut! Links, and Solid Gold R)?! " those snip prices. JUST 2 Years in DURHAM GOODS , III Durham’s “lemma //l!?o Slots 5 Brooches in and BOX” None but paid up members are allow- ed to vote at, this meeting. GIL. MCKECHNIE. Cums. Fm'ru. and Mrs. A. A. Milne. of Laac.l San MI IttNres.-1n Glam-lg. an Dec. 22nd. to ---auuutsuundobt1 Mclggeu. " son. The Annual Meeting of the Durham Horticultural Society will he held in the Public Library. on Wednesday the 13th day of January. 1904, at 7.30 p. m., for the selection ot otrlcers and other busi- ness. Members and those wishing to become inmtihers are earnestly invited to attend. Mirsye---On peIeenPer 20th inst. to Mr . 1M I have seryeli t_1otttiooatuy in the rouucil for the past 15 years except one year. and the experience thus gained, l belie-ye I can profitably employ in you: service. Should you do me the honor to retuul me at, the. head of the poll, I promise to do all in my power to con- duct the affairs of the town WIN] such economy as IS consistent with on1ciency and give every encouragement to a still greater expansion of our industries. Wishing you the compliments of the Season, I sun Rum: tthlie L ew Mo, "sic and d llie. ' Wtrtritt t at owinl I ade in I "ibis a: 1 ion sen Mandi l pant C I mum f ll Mum ven by t ‘nEqu' Ladies & Gentlemen. _ At the request, of many mu» myers I have allowed my mum to “and as a. away; for the-nositiuu of anm- for hints Municipal Electors ot the " Town of Durham. 1 ion services as has been customary. Sunday evening. however, in the A t Church. will he held a union t ' As it is the only evening ' the churches are invited to ether it is hoped there wilt be a f ll attendance. Addresses will he ven by the local clergymen. 'ltESBYTERlAN SUNDAY St‘litull. Es.. T RYArtrmrst--L'ttder the skilful guid- u ce of Miss Doty. of London. the c ildren and young people of the Pres- , telinn Church will give their annual tertssittment, in the Town Hall. on hurtdarJtut'." 7th. 1904. Those who I st year saw white the children under ins Doty can do. 'need no further com- Iendution than the ttstntrancethat even st year's effort, will this year he sur- mised. To all others a cordial invita- on is extended with the assurance that no one will go away disappointed. Program to begin at 8p. m. Admission for adults 25 cts. This is the Place to buy your " Christmas presents and save money. ', See our window. Remearmert Fruity of next week the Ite. Li!trat.thuic1rrt, in Town Hall. -- --- 7..-- _ ya"...- .u nu LIIWII unu- ew Moving Views. New Songs and 1tle, and all excellent. Admission 25L- XlVIAS - Two tores, ---. Durham an Hespeler. Prestdeht. Your obedient servant. ARCH. S. HUNTER NOTICE. BORN Com. FIRTH. Secretary. iore.rs for -s.tiit for 3.00 for 2.25 - and Egulpmont. T Selma Ind 'iettitlell,Tp,ttt2rPkute,Ufatt of Competent 'l‘ewhen (or that Bey-mum: T308. ALLAN, Phnettta1. KISS L. M. FORFAR, (ll-uh: und Modems. A. M. SHEPPARD. m cum mic-gopl, Intending Bandeau should can: " mm. ot term, at " noon the: " W. rm: $1.00 [It month; Wm. Johnston. Chair-u Durham School J. BURNETT, MacFarlane & Go. Druggists d Booksellers. You He liable to take a cold any day, so be prepared to nip it in the bud with a few doses of our " Layative Cough Cure." It Wont uncut cold in " hours, and saves you a great deal of trouble and misery. Price, 25 cents. A most useful article to Lave in the home. Splendid to apply to cold feet. Soothes and relieves pain. The rubber in these bottles must be good through to give satisfaction and stand wear. Our Hot Water Bottles are made of the best quality of rubber and are guaranteed. Prices, 91 & up. We wish all our friends and customers a These cold days everyone needs some extra protection for the chest and lungs. There is noth- ing better for this than one of our Chamois Vests. They pre- vent the cold from penetrating and keep the heat from evapor- ating,-- that means you are warm. Prices from $1.25 to $1.50 for either Ladies or Gent- lemen. ilfilill%l (lilll) ifillilfll jllflllf 1lWlllll HAPPY iii ma Nip a Cold in the Bud CHAS SAMMIE. A Bot Water Bottle A Bright and Happy New Year to you all. Pun-n no Pununn. The cold weather is here to stay for many moons yet, so a few suggestions as to how to keep yourself com- fortable and well, are in order. A Chamois Vest Durham, Ont. Upper Town. may C. Rama...

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