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Durham Review (1897), 31 Dec 1903, p. 6

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" 9d “muss or "IE 5 ' woaurs Sha? ' ---i_. Tuamsept good advice is but to in- crenle ODO'I own tshine-Goethe, Ingt. aim tom high characters. and great object. bring out great dud-rm Edwards. ' Ambition I. the germ from which gigging 91 nobleman proeeedc-- The great artm u the slave od gm Meat.--- _ . _ IR) much mt In rwrt.-atsott. , ‘ The universe In a thought of God. -detdlter. -- .' .. ' , .trtaraurtiomrotmmtamrtttebetrt Mel-punters at their thought; - locks. l l I a man 1- worth knowing at all. to b worth knowing weu.--A#xxtut- “m ' . w t 1 The a,btreert am never without tum. nor the pun-ant without ex- -.-Fhuaitrt. Ambition in but the evil qhadow, ot aspiratbaFG. Wald. Ho who {omen cumulus suffers than tunes over.--Htrtettq. t moo elevated qualms- ouch mttit " man tor "oe1irtr.-ctauntort. . Mention In good tor all or It In good for none.-Bar%r. no that has no own will have no o-as-Quarles .. o l he wont me" often give the best advice; our thoughts are better me'tlmel tum our: 1ttez18ultr'c, [What the Rothschll-ds are to Parl- und London so are the meiehroed- ers to Beriirs--thnt Is. " power In the nrtanelal world. 'The ladle: ot the great Iiunnnlnl {amines nf En- row: enjoy an the privileges and have none of the crushing responsibilities ot royalty. Almost invariably they rise to the occasion and the chari- table, works organized by them may be said to be as limitless In number as they were in scope. This has al- ways been tum of the wlves and daughters brlonglng to the two houses. l #7 t W;:l;'no"er so ridiculous because of the quallthi " pave no because toucauld. nieichroeuerr' Are Big at Borltn. I To pros-n to you that Dr. Chasc'g Ointment is a certain and tbnolmo cure tor each and every form ot itching. bloodlmmnd ','at,'ihrl.i'gg,'itt': the wufsctums have irhtarahtetrd it. 0 ten. timonialn In the daily press and ask your neigh- bor: what ther think of it. Yon can use it and stall,', monev back It not cured. we a box. at ill were or Ery-sore,) & Co..'rorontm fusuonssmnxm "wow-- .u...:... .-- w. - n... - - 7,, a Ignaz GTG. am. and mm... of Luann. " tum lbw-ml; of cases annuattr. Such 'tttisa-nt' u no on. {allowing ma mum at quit. 'g,'la,'P8,r,"l'i.'"l', cm. for Pte": IBMOO‘ Inna“. ‘utbt. gm. and .1 “foul-I if Ietee.t BEChase’s Ointment De. I. r. - Cu. Gnu-men nf,graT, no I -, your Kendall's Sonia Canon . been t had two Ion. treg, and it removed than untidy. These Spain bun on him front birth, um! "I. " ten yen“ ~t.ndin|. I now have a use on u mare that was gunned hr will: throogh A bridge. and “Again: to [in [m :oxlp metre-(mt with you! Spain are. “an. "ad me a Copy n! vnnr .. Treauuou tho "on. Ind his Dunes." Yours very may. CLARK 0. PORT. Pritto ttt II: for t& Animus!!! tarmac. II has no equal. Ask y'mr drunk: foe In 1“ 'rtpaftt, can. IMO "A - on In noun." un book Inc. "wares: tm. B. I. KENDALL co.. Indian hm, VI. Did Not Know the King. One would imagine that no Eng- lishman or Englishwoxnan could pos- sibly have mistaken the King tor another man. Tet, at the inst Kempton races. a lady. coming across King Edward in the enclo- sure. mistook him momentarily for a friend ot tfore, and. holding out her lmnd. exclaimed. "Oh, Mr. SA" The King took ort his hat. smiled and looked down at his racing card. The lady then realized her error. -.Lonuon Daily Mirror. [to Wall "le" manual! Mazatlan-1| at W dosiubte for - sale. Th- and, in. Abvbonhul can he Bone Spain: ot In Yaw Standing. mummy. “mammalian. "You've read about these capable wmurn who can gm: up a four-course " tru' for t ‘n p o I‘ at half an hfllt's noticv when mum’s nothing in the house but a. few cold boiled pota- toes and three slices of Graham bread?" said Mr. Jenkins. "Well, l’vo got a wife that Is just one of that capable kind." . - Better Without a Stomach than with one tttaths Rot 3 ttogtqttutt "hurt" to It. Dr. Von Stan’s Pineapple Tablet. “Inmate the digestive organu. Let one enjoy the troot things ot We and leave no bad ttttees-- .-arry them with you In your vest poeket-00 In box, " eents-18. "Pipathagtt tor you." said the traehe- Ior to whom he was talking. with great hmrtinms and a vision of in- vitntions to dine. "Well, I mom it is." said Mr. Jon- kins. "Bhe's full of resources. that woman is. air. Why, a few nights am. I to J: home two hummus friends unexpected. and it proved that there wae'n's P. p'atuin" of broad in the house. and not a bit ot flour. We had expected to go away tor over Sun- day. and the flour barrel was Just iirGrivTsGitdit' id ttave.-Roeho" What“ "or.“ Only. . 2mm. N.Y.._Mar. u. may. $73 Why Gin Pills'? Gin Pills ore celled G_in Pills because one pill possesses all the curative qualities of one ad a half ounces of the best Holland Gin. As for Kidney trouble however, they have est the good qualitia of Gin, with nodeof i , b All druggists, sects. per box, I 6 boxes foe $2.50 or direct ha The Boto Drug Co, The Device of a Nevada Miner Why Couldn't Get Lumber. Tonapah. New. aside from being famed on account ot its vast mineral resources. also occupies the unique distinction of numbering among its inhabitants a man who is able to live in a glass house and throw unlimited quantum of stones at the lame time without suffering any ot the serious inconveniences popularly supposed to mmnnd such an assoeiation. .. Ten thousand empty beer bottles were incorporated In the structure. Tho inside walls are plastered with mortar. which is spread to a. depth suinclent to cover the protruding bottle necks, thus making a. smooth suriace. Mr. Peck lived all last wln- ter in his peculiar abode with hls wife and two children. a girl ot T and a my of 3 years. and says. while ‘the temperature in many residences ot 'Donopah reached the imaging point quite often. his family found their glass house exceedingly comfortable at ailtimee. 1..., Not a. tree grows within sixty miles of the great mining camp. and very naturally bullding material and fuel br'lng all sort ot fancy prices. the commonest kind ttt lumber selllng for $66 per 1.000 feet, while interior grades of scrub cedar command 822 a. cord. Consequent upon this condi- tion. various subterfuges are resort- ed to in the architectural make-up ot tDonopah. There are houses made at straw. of burlap sacks trimmed with blue Jean overalls. of tln from flee- gallon oil cans. ot dry goods and cracker box lumber, trl mud, stone, tents, eroth-in tact, almost every- sort of contrivance is resorted to an a makesth tor a. place ot habita- tion, but it has remained for William F. Peek, a. minor. to devise a. house in aging: by itself. _ . . He has constructed of empty beer bottles a. house 16x20 feet in the clear, with ceilings eight feet high. and containing two room. It wan built in October of iaat year by Mr. Peck. entirely unaided. at such odd momenta as he could spare from his mguiur duties at the mine. A ___ Why He Hammad. Cleveland Plain Ihaeittr. " what! you'd show your lather this little item trom, " Chicago paper. It's about a. millionaire who called his tron-in-ttsw a lobster and had to pay damage. for it! In court." "Did papa call you a. iobste'!" "No, He never did, But I just want to Show him that sons-in-law. heve certain rights that rich lathers-m- Uw must respect. He called me a. burnncle once." __ - , "Whly don't you sue him for dam- ages t" '"I would. but I don't know what a 'barnacle is." b Queer Remedy tor \Vhooplng Cough Minnrd‘s Linimetit for sale every- where. _ t C l ' Jucofh Sobel gives thre results ot his own experience with the par- oxysms ot whooping cough treated by pulling the lower jawdownward and forward. Pulling the lower Jaw downward and torward controls the paroxysms ot whooping cough ln most instances and moat of this time. The method ls usually more successful In older children than in younger ones and infants. In cases without a whoop 'the ex lratory spasm with its asphyxla if gener- ally overcome. and in thosd with a. whoop the latter is prev ted. It ls as successful as any sin le drug, or even more so. Mothers ould be lnstructed ln lts use. tty t at at. tacks. especially at night, mlght be arrested. The manlpulztlon ls Harmless and painless. Its tnly con- tra-indication is the prqsence ot food In the mouth or oesophagus. Patients thus treated 8 less likely to suffer trom com “cations and sequelae than thos treated only medieinatl.v. It is ad able to I try this method in other unmodlc l, coughs and laryngeal ptMmts.- iNew York Medical Record , Mlnard'n Llnlment Relieves Neural- Yellow News. l "What is news t" Some} editortt seem to fancy that anythitg that hurpene is news. Others to the opposite extreme and deal holly in fiction or in essays. Other think it is the proceedings ot public odiee ot various kinds. reported tul and in routine fashion. Others ho that it is only what their backers hink the people ought to know. Otlers that; It ls whatever has a ramming flavor- From the standpoint of the jour- nalism known as "yellow.'", news ls whatever IS ot concern to a mass- en or the people In their any (to. by there a murder? If it a com- monplace aftair among contuonplace rcoplo. it is not "news." t it has: 50m»? Moment ot appeal tothe 1m- agination or to the unis rsn! hu- man foolings then it is "n s." And the extent to which tlwse elementl enter in dctrrmines wheth it shall be given a column or two ages. - Frank Lane Carter, in E rybo'iyfa Magazine. I The obd bachelor Whig” learned to say "no" has no d d ot Map year. HOUSE or BEER BOTTLES. in would nr with- 'iJachelor. how did editor: g that t to the 'holly In think it males of WEE-h SI 18 ABBEY (j'ijiiii'itiis1i,, CHILD AGAIN M1 but after three m'onvths’ strugglua with the disease the child wan gm dually growing wome and the pur- en‘te had about given up all hope on savlng the life of their child: .., Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Little Edith Harris' Dropsy. At this time they determined to try Dodd‘a Kidney Pills. Imagine their surprise and delight when under this treatment the child begun to rapid- " improve. By this time she had taken three boxes, halt a pill at a dose, the swelling was gum and the help- iem little invalid was transformed into a merry iamghlng healthy. child again. "Elihu; Kidne Plus cure old and young who. They gum K_id.ney pet GUr%TiGirt -sGitrriG Qua-9' qr in wtgattortnlthrfomid. ',, l il .l That dull, wretched pain in the head just over the eyes is one of the surest signs that the seeds of catarrh have been sown, and your warning to admin- ister the quickest and surest treatment to prevent the seating of this dreaded malady. Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Pow. der will stop all pain in ten minutes, and cure. Dr. Agnew’s Ointment soothes all akin diseases. 35 cents. " The Horrible Example. u, Philadelphia Record. “How Itrtt busineas man so much Improved in tme aide shown" asked the man from theimgln ttnt.. . __. A “'1 diun seo'rwxhxy draw people," .. "I tstarted the ‘llving skeleton' to smoking cigarettes'," replied me hustling manager, "'I don't see m that should Pain over the Eyes “fig-s TTiiirs mother takes her boy In. ayd points out this horrible example." Headache and Catarrh Relieved in lo Minutes. King T7'sten rd but: itreoratod Jam-m Berrtttoelr, a Eastman, who In forty- two year: has walked 25,000 miles and delivered 9.000.000 letters. STAT! or Omo, or" or Toumo,}“ Luca COUNTY FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that tteta the senior partner ot the ttrm otF. J. Cums! t Co., doing bualueu In the City ot Toledo, County and Sums atomaldmnd that and iirm will uy the sum ot ONE HUNDRED DOL. LARE tor each and every cm of Gunman that cannot be cured by the use ot HALL'I CAI-Anna Cunt. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in m prmsetsee,thio 6th day of December, A.D., lu'lr. A ( Fiii) A. W. GLEASON, v Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Care is taken Internally and aeta directly on the blood and mucous "when ot the lyntem. Send tor testimonials, not. F. J. CHENEY & co., Toledo, o; Bold 1'4 all drmrgitrtt-'rtre. Take all" Family Pill" tor Constipation' 'A very: cheerful window In made by draping autumn leaves over the top in webby fashion as thou h one were making a. curtain. TEE) leaves nas't tall in testoone and be secutu ed with branches of leaves nt'tlge sides. I . The draping of a portiere is easy work, and in five minutes a. dull old piece of velvet can be made to bloom (is thoulit we“; a bit ot, nouveau art whrtr. Shiloh’s "'ekit Consumption Cure The Lung Tonic Sending Meat by Mall. Lknow: a. resident ot Berlin, says a writer In World's Work. wht, has 9. package of meat mailed to him every Sntuxday from a point 150 muys away in sclesia. for a. little mare thlan 12 eenta--the rate for a 22.-pound parcel. German men- cannts deliver most ot theirsoods by mail-thes a ll storekeeper thus provided tttlit good a delivery service as this In er. Germany has even been permit to mail 11- pound parcels to teases In “b United States; Toll is a foil agal ,temptatlon. man that there is an a thing as azimuth . .'.,i.s '7 " F-. 'Er1i.5it,r2 A Letter Carrier's Record. when the first sign of a cough or cold appears. It will cure you easily and quickly then-later it will be harder to cure. Windows and Portieres. Most people think too lightly of a cough. It is a serious matter and needs prompt attention. Take Prices Me., 60c. and $1.00 S. C. WELLS & CO. Toronto, Cm. URor, N.Y. no ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO atrwngroouttterooHt are Pu- suing Ell - He will usually go home by a tree-trunk road. Through the open country on the boundaries ot till rango he trots along wlthont mind- ing has ctepa. The dogs may have all this Inn here with " tum tnht they can. Be Intends only that they shall not find bl! home tree. nor even thb vielnitr ot. lt. Bo, all he enters his own neigh- borhood mmp, his movements change. The dogs may be hard at.. ter Mm or not. It they are not close behhnd he know: by long gr- perlence that they may be expected and never so tar torgetie hln pre- cious skin as to go straight to his netrt-trem I L Instead we trots along a bound- ary fence or in the stream. leaping the crossing logs and coming out, likely, on this bank opposite " Home tree. Farther down he jumps the stream. runs hard towards a bk gum and trom a dozen feet away taken a. flying leap, catching this rough trunk up Just out of reach ot the keen-nosed dogs. P' mouth. N. B.: , Gettuemett,-In January lust Fran- cis Leclair. one of the men em- ployed by me, working In the lum- ber woods. had a. tree fail on him. crushing him (awfully. He was, when found. placed on a. sled and taken home, where grave tears were entertained tor his recoxrery. his hips being badly bruised, and his body turned black from his ribs to his feet. We used MINARD'S LiNiMEN'11 on him freely to denden the pain, and with the use ot three bottles he was com- pletely cured and able to return to goes on up a. little and leaps again. touching the ground ten feet out, thus leaving a blank of twenty or more feet in his trail. The stream or tence has puzzled this dogs. Wut now; at the tree they. begin to marry. They circle and firtailr pick up thlo scent beyond this tirtrt gap. only to run instantly into a greater blank. one that the widest circling does not cross. For the coon has taken to another tree. out on this limbs ot this to still another. and on like a squirrel. trom 'tree to tree to perhhpa 9. him- dred yards. on, It may be, to his Menu. C. C. Mahards & Co., hte work. me same methods which have been applied with such remarkable success In Germany to the training of boy ap- prentices in the industrial and com- memial schools of tho empire are now to be adopted tor the education and training of girls who may geek to bet- ter their condition in life. They will then swell the ranks of that trained army of experts which has accom- plished more than any other one tae.. toe to make German commerce and Industries what they are to-day. FROM THE FAR EAST.-anuu ls producing to-dar and ',',yg',!"er the world with n. pain mugging “my. y Jn tle torry. t.1rp. Men_tI_nol_, ",iiiiiAiTi' di aiui with mad‘olno‘ xumn hi the form 0? "the D. k L" Menthol Plaster. " In of untold benefit in neuralgia, stitches. muscular twitching; eta. relieving the pain almost lnatuntly. The General Manager Cured Bill: of it, However. A few months ago the son of a. railway director was. through in; tather's influence, given a pasition ot some importance on a large railway. IN was new from Cambridge, and in the orders which ire trad from time to time issued to the men under nim, always made use ot the longest, moat unused words. This habit led to some expeueive blunders, and, the matter coming before tho general manager, he wrote the young official the tor. lowing letter ; _ ' . __---.- .-..Ac-A..l.. A Sensible Mayor., Toronto News. Thb Mayor-ls down on signs. and believes that all advertising should be done in the newspapers. This is one more proof of Mr. Urquhart? good judgment. ' l , Numb u.--" . “In promulgating your esoteric cogltatlons and in articulating youn superflJll trentiarntarcies and amlc- abh- p.ituoeopltieai or psycho'OgAcnl observations, beware ol plutltudin- uslninc affections. Let Four extent-, sutxoual communication possess a clarified couciseness, a compacted comprclieusiisieness, a coaleszent con- slstency, and a concatenated cogencl. Eschew all conglomeratlon ot tut.. ulent garrulity. jejune tratr'ement.and atrithne affection. Let your exten- poranc-ouu deeantings and unpremed. hated exputlatlon blue inteiiigib'dty and veracious sivacity without rho- domontado or thrasonieal bombast. Bedulousiy avoid nil po‘ysyllablc pro- fundity, pompous pretisity, pslttao- eous vacuity, Terirqaolat verbosity and vaniloquent "avidity. Shun double entendre, pruront, jocoaily and pcrtiteroas profanity. obscurant or apparent. In other words, talk plain- ly. briefly, naturaily. sensibly.pure. ly and, truthfully. Don't put on airs: my wh " yon mum ; mran what you say; and dou't use big words." The young official took the gentle hint and changed his titsi:e.-'nt-Biu. Napoleon's Hat. i Says a, French contemporary: Napoleon I, like other people, had several hats of various heights, and, one of these, the one he wore through! the Russian campaign, is agaln In the market. This bat has a history.3 It was given by Napoleon to In” valet, who died in 1852. After his. death It was sold for $750 to a Mme.‘ Evrard.t last it was sold in 1878., at the Hotel Druot, to Dummareaque, I tor $15, and now it is hoped that it mu realize at least 31,000. JI CUNNING OF THE ’POSSUM. tour times as great as tho Summit- vllle plank After tAt? union has vot- ed in tagor ot building they, factory the hoard ot directors ot the bot. tle company will meet and arrange to hum the work? on the new rac- tory rapidly pushed. so that tho plant will be In shnpe for the man- ufacture of bottles in this early '7 'wwtr__- MUVEUR Dunn. Elgin Road. L'Islet Co., Qua. May 26th.1893. I ' t ff, 3' ' HE USED BIO WORDS. Training German Girls. holldw. l Pure. l The ma " the thin! myw,--Wttat .do you think of the quartette? _ The man hostile ttim-Wall, It won‘t take as long as tour solos. Joplut--Mt'. but wamt't that a sharp flash? Aren't you afraid of lightning? ', l msr%rr--Whlt should I bet Light- ning nevor strikes twice in the some Place. you know. Quito harmless in comparison with my friend Jones: ho strikes me ever] time be seen me. Lever's Y-Z (Wile Head) Disinfectan' Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disinfectl. t$t “You’re forever trylng to give the lmpresslon that you‘re a, 'martyr," snapped Mrs. Henpeck. " suppose you want everybody to think that you suffer tn silence." "No?' replied Mr. Benpeck. "I curm- 1n the perpetual absence of silence. A little silence would be a. positive pimurumstome." 'tqt. Cs, Be ours that your ticket; read via Grand Trunk and 1.91113]. Valley route otthe “Black Diamond Expml." This In the direct and but route from all ftete1t,t'u"'d'"t,; BI this route humus: is now check tn bon and trom Canadian pointy. The Lehlgh Valley ha. three nations In New York, up town near all tirtrbeituo notch, and down town neu all European “mum-Mp docks, navlng pan-en- ferl or Europe a loniund expensive crann- er. aware; yogrlzlcicte 0:51)"?! Trunk axon . o on . w a. an an mucu- Agont, Yonge street. Toronto, Out, Philedelphln Leda". "Ki1ied, 3,554; wounded. 45.477." This ls not the report ot a. great battle. but the report or the United States Interstate commerce commie- sion on the Injuries Inflicted by our railroads tor the t'itatal year ended June 30th last. Itching. Burning Skin Diseases Cured for Thirty-five Cqnt..--or. Agnew's Ointmentreiievec in one day, and cum Tower, Salt Rheum, Scum Head. Eczema, Barber's Itch. Ulcers, Biouhec and all eruptions ot the skin. It is soothing and quieting and act. like magic in the cure ot all baby humor-s. Me.-47, duel-e is an elm tree tn the Depart. ment of Ardeche. Franco, which Is vigorous and flourishing. though it has attained ttto patrlcrahal age ot 798 years. According to official doe- laments it was planted on the grave Wigg--Henpeek's wife says he tnlks in his sleep. Wttgg-Well, I suppose that’s about the only chance he gets. ulnard's Linlment mnard‘u Linlment I Gray'?,, syriiii" [Red Spruce Gum Memos-u. 18,288..- 22, CANADIAN ORDER or CHOSEN FRIEND. FIVE YEARS' PROGRESS - - - -- " v w . A l to tY..Psttor.der In Four own town or W. P. In uto,t'."dh. or M . F. Campbell. Grand on“, idarfd,'Pgtt 0m he“... Baan, Out Pam! Breed.- l QUICK. SURE um by ttthit any on at ALWAYS SEE "MI “I! “XIII EDWARD" “HEADLIGHT" “EAGLE" “VICTORIA" “UNIS COME!” Slaughter on the Railroads. dot En Going to New York For Coughs and Colds. Somechlnc Worse. Exclaim!- An Ancient Elm Tm. ”REAL-by ASSESSMENT SYSTEM " I ' Worm Turns. Wining Feature. s ecial Induce -"""-....... . 4an IINnrdnr In v“... f,',fy.'1t'Itt. 'tdom KOtitr dliilttaatt?h are. Dandruff. Cures Burns. MATCHES mmmmm "I trt, tter " Tear. .1899..." Tim fi-amfinué 'iit"Cr=iiifiiiiiiifiiriti' Hawks“ win all wr', pot hula! ttN tut-qutlon expires. a bundle accoun- . ., a. n..- -. 1 nun-tum in! are“: in the mar mun. I W iHrots are waldo; tor unluc- to cud” down the quiet. candy Accumulate": of .0 Standard - " apparent 'o an do. utudont ot condition- A Word to the Win In. ttueithtlate't. ', In: - mu wu - w. "WW m- ttell up“... " [and]: moun- of 1,000 and. and our on 1 was: and. Writ. tor our ”can m. III-mum. lull-coo “was 'Plon no. cG;.0ii%,iieiiiq, N.Y.oon. no r n R., we mud u P"ikriiiijiiiiLt It! TRACTIVE at present LOW prices, ned', trade- tn than ”curiae. con-ervndvoly ', handled will, without doubt, thew “blah _ ttaAprottta in the no“ “can. ' __aia--. a..- only... mm“; log. '8tocks Are Chang}: Ion. mm tau-d” tor our booth: and“ .. Wall “new Opp-tutu..." Special “tando- dm to “you omit. "GiiiU ttrit, 1!!"- M EU? WHEAT Standard Stock Eula-20 30““! Toronto. In Iota ot 10 to 100 um torulolntho' hem of the Mum Fruit Belt. not?! Grtenebr. Bteam and electric road. ur thll property. Allconvenlem of the = Term very resealable. Apply J. CARPENEEBL __ - - Il budneu. Populsuou twelve banana; malleable tron factory. good tanning coun- try. - trade, up-to-due 'etoek and tttr. ture. complete; about 01.500 Will all or rem. house out! "on. Plain-law going to Brttutt Columbia Juno? th. A Angola, Act quick. R. E. a. urrxmqtt., Weapon. Ont. Amer-loam n. Germn Com. In his annual report, datmt Oct. lit, 1903. United State- Coma! Hugo Maoneh, Plcuen. Germany, can; "Large quantlten or cor-etc one manufactured at Oelnniu. in the Pinuen district. but no part of the product is exported to the United States; nor in " surprising. since German corsets cannot compare in style. durability or price with thou ot American make. On the contrary. there in every reason to believe that this country presents an inviting us Cy Buncomh u."-Waehtuttte. FOR "LK-EgraBLNHED TAILOR” __ hyping“. J'opaustton gw_eive_hund . Be--Br George. hasn't she trot . splendid voice! . .rh)y-..MereE'. Just see how her skirt hung-If! Bo. We.. Ba& 9:1.U'é ..... .................................o.....-.....1 ‘. u. a '"""""""----...... an...».umu..un............-o....nu.... '------..LU.r.: I""-----.-.......... 'itiiiL" 43-49 Ine'. - Dinetpdnhmuodlm on tho STOCK B1rr.RAta" without odl.1 my.” M,t'S, sans: (i,i'tt.iii'iii't'i:. 't'h'i'itii',ei,'iii2i “- w MILLER a 00., HOW JAMES & co" lRUII LANDS U " tgtatmur SPECULATE “on; has "04- Toaou'ro, but. 3mm NO. I, it 6TiioRRtr, Winona, Ont. ”Id-Int U,. tra. L i ms“ tt i 03304003000 ' 208.000.» “ ”.0”0.00 ' 800,012.00 . 400,000.00 9% . ‘IXIHIIII' 1Fl , boys but It I _ _ .0 plan» in minimums“ JANCARY ,or-mtary.--1. , “maximum at Je “l The vhzld gruw~ and worm: 5: wc I m I. human body a . gurglin- boy and m Matte in him. ti t mind, intcllrct .-Barnere. PM Be wan "trtitwnt I when a child. Hm mummly mun": I glanced with him mr and human-'1 Sunéay tumor and t 52. Incrm “are; In tt We Datum! Watt. hu imam mun nature. an I h All the 1 quirk." M. Jenna in J " The p‘mmx Rheum: toatrt mvor in A gent the {Iron l ot the Thin-m .8180 over ttrt required u: ttt In. they The Pan»: wholv sou [Ill chnmr the dopar‘ the Inna! ' carnation the Itrttt-tt “a. AP.. Ttr' ot tun-In theohll oepts. i '?-ovr wan th, been 111 and [ulfllh ali.-oao Ur days ot un behind-Lu Jesus Mum “(intention “cry iorrt Iran: of I; “anon mu' ms may a: 1nd M mum who k depart ors6Mt. the IN the In ndvnm If." 3" 44. tm, Lv h ulna lino mu or _ left i of tr Jams dorm. their depar ouch! dren IV. J thm at third t' ”nun tor the Inns or {Mil-I" Pi I’m.“ and they l, means In witich hook for ”mum: . has: "hild in tho temp-1040*"? apathy know wt Inuit 1ieely to n mm.“ in on" the court of the oetaoola of tho ral the midst or the ot tho Law. Jcwl atroetivo incidr-n curl." our Lord Inquirint and arid uni-ward! bom, " ot know” attd " “can! the”! l “was nmmh‘h-s A ad mrtmmu I ad them mm“ - no doubt 1 (w. nu! Greek wt Urrort gm cam r teach“ Y. .n [on ot witt tvlte tng-H' h trowlodg' no mum. earliest timer hc: deed. tlsr -lan‘ at thrm " t Int! 1mm tru boy ttor ed lil In] [NY H TO Rt " H " " mint I the, I (tors I. too , .3449.” he” a myrlfr‘ “nee, Ho. hirtl "10“.an the he Boyhood of " ll Ma r n " ur n it ov " but u “an. I Ftt (I "all. ol dl April r td i138 myFU‘rV In ll " was II lily P' an mt ll tt ‘l ttm ll " " a pr ttM IV

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