West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Jan 1904, p. 5

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as Ligbtning ide by John ving to some id not srrive ason so will s. Ocr loss palar Prices s and air 85# & $1 dav ts / . baving your air of warm bers, . & lew lliamse‘ c« « TCOW s Implemen t omfortabte t prices to t o wn on ur TURâ€" are the also our RROWS. 'l'e” ~4An OHE Y bridge ev 18 ope Buggy, in the swins Mid m St ever. respect 2 STORE vuke ly atâ€" ie Summer wo carloads the place overflow in# BET, utters '!’) &C. ‘ravt h FICE,. will ORKS RKERS, MENTS oprietors lton uropean Quarries 2 thus taken bw BELL & pgpily Goods Arthur ersons m Or $1.35 pairs 1J» 1.3 IF YOU WIGH TO SELL your property, he ean «o it quicker and better than you can and he charâ€" ges notRing if no sale. HFK COLLECT# debts and elaims of all kinds. t c'hnrle mude if no money collected. Is not that fair ? ie i 5 .3 5 IF YOU WANT TO BUY a place or business, he ean find something to suit you. He just now bhas ior sale 100 ACRES IN BENTINCK with good bank barn, dwelling, perbaps the best hardwood bush in the Township & ouly asks about $2000. Think of it ! He has had 4 YEARS‘ EXPEKIENCE and those who deal with hi get the benaflt of it. I‘T WILL PAY YOU,to take him gour business ingugh you have to drive 20 miles. Plenty of peoâ€" »le cotae further and find it to pay. TWEEDS & YARNS OF;BEST QUALITY. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargain‘~. a#* We ask inspection of our Teas..zz t A gageral Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection :made on all points, Depo=its received and inter est allowed «t current rates SAVINGS BAN® _ .aterest allowed op savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up wards _ Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at dista ce. IHE WORLD‘S MILLIONARRES Are careiyy a« to who »ball do their business. _ So should you be. Then you bad better go to H. H. Miller, the Hanoâ€" ver Conveyancer. CAPITAL,. Authorized.... ... $2,000,00. CAPITAL, Paid op........... 1,000,000 RESERVKE FUND ........... 250,000 AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, â€" Quebec, Mamtoba, United Btate« and England. DURHAM AGENCY HK WILL LEND you money on shortest notice west rates, very amallest cost, on your own terms STAYDARD BAKK 0F CANMN W. H. BEAN All our Customers and Friends Floar...... ... ...« Oatmeal....... ... W HORL..crccrcecer FOMSeccrerrekirects DAPOY .c« cee cen se« Oc« cccrrerircre LkMIDG....ccrcrirs TACROJD... .. ccee cecssesces Petatece. yer bay..~~ Dressed Hogs, per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Entter, fresh roll per lb Buiter, Tub............. Calfakin«, per lb........ Sheepsk108..............+ Hav MV csecee s ee 000 6# Bests H6F CW6...â€".«...... Hides, per Cwt.......... U DURHAM MARKETS. IF WILL PAY YOU to take htm your busimess Correct a tendency to consti tion with :rynan doses of Ayer‘s PK Prosperous New Year JANUARY 7. (e 20CH, $1.00, All drugrzists. Bronchitis " I have found that A-ycr’o Cherry Pectoral Phiat, reat n cihe a ton proventbe ies groe + uenta, c . &D ag M. Loomnasn 14. ifi y 4 hfi cures! Ask your doctor if he doesn‘t use it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. Ayer‘s . SCOTT 0 e Don‘t t cheap cough mediâ€" cines. ‘aet the best, Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral, What a record it has, sixty yzars of A Merry Christmas Head Office, Torono. We Wish W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. ese ces ces ses ces ces see Cherry ectoral H. H. MILLER, And a Happy and THE BIG 4. J KELLY, Agent. The Hanover Conveyancer for 15 15 18 14 1. 0. AYER 60., Lowell, Mass. 14 25 40 15 16 16 13 Mr Dixon, in replying, was so overâ€" taken by surprise, saud that he hardly knew what to say, but thanked them for the valuable presents they had given |him. wishing :K«m all prosperity in whatsoeyer profession they choose to select, &o., in futare. _ He always found them good and obedient scholars, while be was striving to do his dnty in teachâ€" ing them, and at the close of his remarks he asked the scholars to come up ahd bid him goedâ€"bye, by a shake of the hand, which they did. _ The school as closed by singing ~God be with you till we meet again." Signed in behalf of the school, Bertha Mcintyre. Sam J McDermid, John L. McKinnon, Sadie McCuaig. Mary A McEachern, _ Bertbha Hooper. A Jlrl}zy on it r‘s Help" anâ€"l * How you are swindled." end us a rough skeitch or model of your inâ€" ention orimprovement and we willtell you, ree our opinion as to whether it is probably; ‘atentable. Rejected applications haveoften, een successfully prosecuted by us. We, onduct fully equipped offices in Montreal, ind Washington ; this qualifies us to promptâ€" y dispatch work and quickly secure Patents, Fatents taken through Munn & special notice, without charge, in the MUNN [We regret that the follewing fine compliment to friend Dixon could not appear last week. â€"Ed.] The following address was read by Miss Bertha Mclintyre at the closing of the school in 8. 8. No. 10, Glenelg and Egremont on Tuesday, the 2nd Dec. The presents consisted of a fine easy chair and a par of fur mitts. The presâ€" en‘s.tion was the result of the liberality of the ratepayers of the section. ' To W. L. Dixox, Esq.. | Dear Teacher, f It was with regret we learned a tew weeks ago that it was your intenâ€" tion to sever the relationship that exisâ€" ted between us as teacher and pupils during the past two yeurs. We can assure you Dear Teacher, that while we review the years we have had the pleaâ€" sure of being under yourjexcellent trainâ€" j ing, we do sowith pleasant reminiscenâ€" ces of the pains you always took in adâ€" vancing us in useful learning. _ We furâ€" l ther haye to confess that we often violated the rules set down for us to obey, and in doing so you patiently bore w‘th us, not inflicting us nccm-diug to our deserts, nor rewarding us according to our disobedience. _ It was always your aim and object to instil into our minds something that would not leaye us in future years when we are necessiâ€" tated to lay aside our school parapharâ€" nalis, when individually and collectively we shall have to attend to our different Ayocations in life. Now as a small memento of the esteem in which you were held by us, your pupils, during tbhe past two years, we ask you to accept of ‘this chair and fur mitts, not merely for their intrinsic yalue, but as a reminder of _the pleasant time which we spent under your masterly instructions. â€" Now | when we are compelled to bid you a parting farewell, we do so in the hopes that you may be long spared to enjoy the comforts of ts small token of esteem, and to concinue the noble work of your profession. And when laid asicde from the duties of life we hope to meet in that place where there will be no parting. Thape Manrks Desicns Coryriants &c. Anyone sending a aketch and dflcflgflon may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably mtwublo. Communica tions nrim(l)y conddential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest ngoncy for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive Fakt : rour monthe br. bold by 4h neveduatore rear ; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cirâ€" ulation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a dispatch work and quickly secure Patents ; broad as the invention. Highest references irnished. Patents procured through Marion & Maâ€" on receive special notice without charge in 100 newspapers distributed thro-xouvt Dominion. :â€"Patent business of Manufacâ€" Write for our interesiing books " Inv MARION & MARION Patent ECxpoerts and Boliciters. Scientific American. ecop Hold of the String. »a we ask you to accept this chain as a small token of our love. We all wish K”u a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Rear. Signed on behalf of the schoolâ€" Robbie Aldcorn, Flossie Campbell. Neil Campbell, Lizzie Aldcorn, Willie Knox, Maggie Knox. We, your nup.ls, having heard of your intended departure thought this a fitling opportunity for giving some expression of our feeling towards you. We feel that anything we ccould say in this short address would entirely fail to convey our esteem for you, but that in time to come you may sometimes think of the days #pent in Hills:ide Academy, When you buy anything at DARâ€" LING‘S, you have a string fastenâ€" ed to your money and you keep hold of the other end. If they fail to satisfy, you h ve only to pull the string and your money comes back, Try it at our risk, Dear Miss Wilson,. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. The ecople‘ s arling, P TA worthy work may send their gifts to Sir l Wm. i Meredith, Kt., Yi.-find‘-l. ; Natioenal Saritarium Associaticon, Toâ€" &A SAD OASE. The following letter, addressed to the Secretary of the National Sanitarium Association, Toronto, from the Rectory, Norwood, Ont., and signed by Rov. J. McKeo McLennan, a wellâ€"known Angliâ€" can minister of the province, needs no _ comment of ours. It reads: "I desire to secure the admission into the Free Hospital for Consumptives at Gravenâ€" hurst of a young woman, a member of my parish. ‘The case is a very sad one, and if help can at once be given, & proâ€" mising life can be saved. ‘Throe years ago the mother died of consumption. Since that timeo it has been my painful duty to bury two of the sors with the samo disease. Now Auniec, aged about seventeen, and a boy of fourteen, are all that remain of the family. The poor girl has been in Muskoka, boarding at a private houso, waiting to be admitted. She returned home last week, and within twentyâ€"four hours of her return her father dropped dead in his buggy while driving into Norwood. The case is surely one that must appeal to the symâ€" pathies of everyone, aud yet, I fear, only one of the many that are counstantly coming under your notice." | [Note.â€"Readersâ€"and may their numâ€" ber be manyâ€"who desire to assist in this ronto, oe Mec. W. J. Gagne, Ohainmen the Masontive Crtamittes, Wseonto.| worthy work may send their / We will give FREE to every subâ€" scriber, who, when renewing his own subscription, sends or brings One Dollar for a new subscription, & free yearlr subscription to the Montreal Herald. This could be easily secured and is worth trying for. The Herald (not the Family Herald ) is a 24â€"page weekly paper and Magazine and to get it so easili' is an opportunity not to be missed, Try your neighbor toâ€"day. Dec. 16, ‘03. Now Mr Editor I would not make complaints only such irregularities as occurred toâ€"day did so frequently since the first snow storm. T?mnking you for space, _ I am Yours, In olden times stages left Durham at 4 o‘clock in the morning getting to Priceville at 5.40, arriving at Maxwell shortly after daylight in the long winter nights, Then returning, left Maxwell at 9 a‘clock at night, arriving at Durham about 12 or 1 o‘clock in the morning. These were the times when drivers had room for protesting against the weather. for the Ead to be out at nights on both ends ofythe day, but nowadays our mail don‘t leave Flesherton till after eight in the morning. Consequently the driyver is out in day time, going and coming, and should make more efforts to get through, than to return at once when coming to the first difficult place to oyercome. . When other vehicles get through our royal mail should most undoubtedly strive to get through also. We know that the proprietor of the stage does not wish any delay in mail matter if at all possible to avoid such. Mail contractors should not tender so low when applying for the contract, for it would be far better to give an adequate um for to remunerate them fully to cover all expenses connected therewith, such as keeping first class horses which would rear up on their hind legs at the crack of the driver‘s whip. than to have a team hardly fit to take their feet over a foot of snow without tumbling. â€" It is a hard matter for a driver to make a team that has only ears, eyes and four legs and no body to support them while travelling, get over all sorts of obstacles, We remember Charlie Brown and Ben Warner being compelled to shovel oul their horses to hberate them from the snow drift, still they persevered onward till they got through to their stopping place, but these were obliging kind of drivers, pressing onward for fear their might r»e something urgent under their care which night cause loss to the persons directed to if not reâ€" ceived in due time. We hear great complaints of our present stage driver as being too independent, while we give him. Credit for being so, it must be admitted that it does not work well ander all crcumstances to be ton indeâ€" pendent. Editor of Durham Review, Dear Sir, f Allow me a little space in your excellent paper for a few remarks by way of complaint on the irregularity of our maul from here to Durham, Toâ€"day our stageâ€"driver got as far as a mile or so on his way to Durham, west of this Elace. and was obliged to turn because e met with a small drift of enow. Surely His Majesty‘s mail ought to be able to get over rorads where loads of grain went shortly afterwards. _ Years ago it was a rare storm that would stop our drivers from making out their points from Durham to Maxwell. Just ask Sandy Livingstone how often was he obliged to return at this time of year and we venture to say that his reply will hbe "never " for he was determined to make out his stations, supposing he would be & little behind time. CoLLInNsonâ€" SMITHâ€" At the residence of the brides‘ sister, Mrs. George Wright, 1658 Queen 8t West, Toron to, December 23rd, 1903, by the Rev T Duniop. Mr John Collinson, of Aberâ€" deen, to Mrs Sarah Smith, of Durham. HoPKINSâ€"MCRONALDâ€"Atthe residence of the bride‘s father, Dec 23rd, 1903, b the Rey D Ecker, Mr James Jmepg Hopkins, son of the late Jno Hopkins, of Bentinck, to Miss Elizabeth Hope. third daughter of Mr Thos McRonald, of the township of Sullivan. ARTHUR.â€"YAKE.â€"At the residence of Mr Albert Yake. father of tha hrids Morratâ€"In Owen Sound. on Jan. 1, to Mr and Mrs. Harold R. Moffat. a son. W1Lso%.â€"In Durham, on Dec. 30, to Mr and Mrs Jobn Wilson, a daughter. Mr _ Albert Yake, father of the bride, on Dec. 23, 1903. by Rev. Jn=. Little. William Arthur, to Eliza Yake, all of Egremont. + GOOD FOR ONE MONTH. u: =~â€"â€"â€"Â¥ $# â€"â€"_ Priceville, Dec. 31st. 1903 MARRIED. OxnE® InTEREsSTED BORN THE ~UUKAMAM <REVIEW The Montreal Herald, The Durham RevieEw, and our Tllustrated Holiday Number, to Jan. 1, 1905, for $1.15. The REVIEW and Holiday Namber alone, $1 The well known Taylor farm at Droâ€" more, township of Egremont. 350 acres ; good state of cultiyation ; well watered ; good buildings ; convenient to post ofâ€" fice, church and school. Apply to their dames, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the securâ€" ity (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day 'l{e adminisâ€" trator. will proceed to distribute the assets of the decearsed among the parâ€" ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the ciaims of which he shall then have notice. Dated this 18th day of December A. D., 1903. J. P. T®Eurorp, Solicitor for administrator. Groros® BixxiE. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. 8. 0., 1897, ‘Cap. 129. Sec, 38 and Amending Acts, that all persons having claims against the Estate of the said Archibald McNab. who died on or about the 26th day of September, A. D 1902. are required to send by post prepaid or to deliyer to J. P. Telforxf(c:f the Town ot Durham,. Solicitor for the Adminisâ€" trator on or before the In the Surrogate Court of the County | 2‘5:3?.]“'; of Grey, in the matter of the Estate of â€" cufi:iv %{' Archibald McNab. late of the Comfortal ownship of Glenelg, in the COURtY | ang never of Grey, farmer, deceased. Eons s 06 2C ‘CONSULT US ‘ABOUTYOUREYES Examination free always maramarseece P se e 4020 a &th day of Janyary, A. D.. But let us look into your case nowâ€"â€"so that your case may be speedy and permanent. you accurately, becomingly, and just as cheaply as the very best of work can be done for. 1%°6 Cur vusiness to tell you exâ€" actly what the ailment is, and how to correct it. If glasses are the remedy we will fit them for Freelyâ€"fullyâ€"any day that you van make it convenient. But the sooner the better, if there‘s the slightest sign of anything wrong. It‘s our business to tell FARM TO RENT. HERE‘S YOUR CHANCE. Notice to Creditors. Mrs, TA vior, Dricmor e, Ont. A. GORDON, ONTARIO ARCHIV TORONTO M xt Jeweller. hetwg Lots 16, on the 17th and 18 Cancessions, in the Township â€" of Egremont. 200 acres, 150 acres under good state of cultivation. â€" Well watered. _ Convenâ€" 1ent to Church, School and Post Office, Adjoining Dromore. â€" Good buildings. For terms, &¢ apply to Mars. TaÂ¥vpon, Dromore, On t Wanted, two first class farm hands to begin work at any time during this month. _ Steady employment, Wages $20.00 per month and board. Apply personally at this office or by letter to CHAS. RAMAGE, Durham Dec. 2nd, 1903. FARM FOR SALE. Lot 10 Con, 2, Township Egremont, County Grey, containing 120 acres,. For full particulars apply to lnftentomatondiiertertihcacac 1 29 70 The undersigned offers fer sale lots 46 and 47, Con.3, 8. D. R., Bentinck, sonâ€" taining 162 acres, 150 acres in a good state of cultivyation, 12 acres bush, Good buildings and firstâ€"class orchard, Well watermf Only six miles from Durham. Also a hay press for sale. AL®Ex. BrGas, Prop. FARM for SALE or RENT FARM for SALE or RENT d S Alaborhin® uiss "tuatc dsc cis 200E c Th :i i 1 class place far anybody. Apply to KEELER, The Jeweller, Durham Valuable Property situated on North Side, Lambton St. first place outside the Town of Durham, EPverylhing in firstâ€"class shape, good new brick house, ood bank barn, and 11 acres firstâ€"class fand. Large orchard set out last spring with e‘very good kind of fruut. A firstâ€" . FOTP . > PB »G 1 & 1 FARM HELP WANTED Lot No. 20 and 21, Con. 8, N. N. R., Glene% containing 100 acres more or less. acres fit for machinery, land in goed state of cultivation. _ Water on both 50‘s. 64 miles from D rham, conâ€" venient to Church and Po:t Office. 4 acresa in Fall wheat, 24 actes fall ploughâ€" ed. Comfortable buildings. Terms reaâ€" sonable. Apply to the proprietor, Bunessan P. 0., Nov : UA. DAVVW N, â€"A comfortable brick house, a stone \ lant cellar under it, three acres of good suil, L. R. C. P., Len on, Eng! on the south sige of Lambton street, a | G"duate of London, New York ana Chicage. mile a.mllmn half from Dl:lrlxlnl:tn. J flOAt Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. acrose acres is a school house, ood traftic road to Durham. A nq $2r Will be at Kmapp BHouse, M‘.-’ e es froek close by. Sinai frows. Apply 1o 24970 in each month. " Noun, 1â€"¢p m "ea Mrs. Witurax W ILT A UGHAN P . * on on n m ., MR. C L. GRAXT. Durbam T > IG > mb ues e is 1 FARMS FOR SALE Davip Mcl(m;vnn Sakle sn in o 1 02 1) i C BUTTON, M. D. FARM FOR SALE. _ _| MemberCollege Physicians and Burgeons FOR SALE. FOR SALE. l Jorux McDoxaup, Thistle P. 0O oR l d PPR PPETERE U ORNS Of Chart Drilis, Blutwbhfi:;um,ot:uhm devices brings the following topies withir m--mmm. For terma appiy‘te t e es Niss Margarct Cun, Vencher, H.H,H,. 1 JOHN CLAFRK No pourd teceu» o ols Hosen, Pigne Werk Durham, Nov. 16, ‘08 D. McPHAIL:â€"â€"_â€"» Collections of all kinds | Farms promptly attended to and OFFICEâ€"â€"MecKenzie‘s Old Stand Durham ARTHUR H. JACKSON dracis is Orders may be left at his Implement Ware. m;nu. lcllnnon ‘s old stand, or at the Raview Office. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR iN SUPREME COURN NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, £ETC. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Licensed Auctioneer for the Co, of Grey, Bales fice, Durham. #&" Correspondence addressed dere orto Hopeville P.O., will be promptly attended to, E'Ill on application to A Licensed Auctioneer for the County of tGrey. Terms moderate. ts for sales as to gh.tg-'.‘_'&c., mnst mghe Review Ofâ€" Barrister, Notary, Conveyancer, 4 Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrewer. A. G. MacKay K.C. W. F Dunn Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &e. Money to Loan. flices, old Chronicle office stand, Garâ€" O afraxa 8t, i) 1c a«a n Jompany and private Funds to Lean on Mortgages at lowest rates of interost. Valuation mude hy a competent und carefu}l Valustor. â€" NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER, &c, CONVEYANCER, VALUATOR Insurance Agent, Adopted by al! leading Sehools in Toromto. This deservedl 1 rt brilia, plaer obGd PP PFstem by means of Oficeâ€"â€"LOWER TOWN, DURH*AM. Co‘llections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Loases, Agreements &e.correctly prepared. Estates of decenaed (or- sous louked after and En:ulodr‘n m D“- nieâ€" trators‘ Accounts prepared an urrogate Court Business, Probate of Wilr:. Letter» of Adâ€" n.l_inut.uqon_ un_d Guardiauship Obtained. gearâ€" rhas maede tm Kasticll maslce. 1oPueUe: yors chas n:ade in Registry Office and Titles reported W.C, PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Torento University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Snrgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Office. "/ the Du nam Pharn;;(-_v". “(k,"a.ld;-'t Block. Residence first door west of the old Post Oflice, Durham, Will be at the Midda first Wednesday of each 4 p. m. OF‘F!CE FIR8ST * the Du nam or to wate assistant to the Royal London Ophthaimic â€" ospital, ni,lund. and the Golden Square Nose ndghmat ospital, k C #8. SPECIALIST EYE, FAR, THRO»T 4 vaew thce, McIntyre Block, over the Bank 9â€"124, m, 2â€"4 p. m . RESIDENCE and OFFICE â€"oi1 Barax UPPFR TOWK, DUREAM. EP P t P mm woaTRY PuBLiC Conre YANCER, DENTISTRY, Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. . MONEY TO LOAN DENTISTRY, ARTHUR GUN, £@~ Bpecial attention given to Dissases of Women and Children, BARRISTER, soiciTror,.~â€" MACKAY & DUNN, Myer‘s Music Method. Telephone Connection No DR GEO. S. BURT. W. S. DAVIDSON, . LEFROY McCAUL. D. MePHAIL, Hopeyille P. 9. C. RAMAGE, Durbam J. P. TELFORD Prysrerax & 'UIC'DI, e over McLachian‘s | 8 to 10 a.x. HOURS:«, * to 4 row Office Private Money to Loan, 0e, 13 Frost St, Owen Efi;;xd the ?l{d}igugh House, ITm DR. BROWN, OFFiGUL avURS8 kK"\ House, Durham, the month from 10 a. m. tiil , THROiT & KOEE, EXCLUBIVELY . % EAST CF . 10 *>» Ts AG sbt

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