West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Jan 1904, p. 11

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'-'J 2SB M ii,iiirryE PvTflRE§ :gxmxawam ', ,re.tiPCt Sf-yes 525 A McCain; is the -tror, for he has ordered ell pathmnntern to plough the road from here to Durhem. A number ohthe young ladies will be very lonenome this next spring for their best men are talking of going away. A sad tttfair oacnrred the other even- ine. Bob Fisher had to take his bursa off mm draw his sleigh backwards and in the turn arcane upset his sleigh. The Indians any we are to have 7 more deye of norm from Feb let and to be condoned “innards. Mr D McIntyre “In laid up fot a few days with a kink in the back. Topics of the Who]: authored from over the no? on skin t ; Ice in still driving the long mum and I hauling a load both leI. I The hrm of J a Orchard & Sane have closed down waiting developement for A heavy thaw. We were very much pleased to meet with our eeteemed friend end school- mete in the person of Thomas Herd]. formerly of Swinton Park. but now I resident of Deloreino, Menitobo. who is peying u "an to his old homoeleed. and if all rumors ere correet some one will be changing her neme to be I. lire Rudy. Of course next time we will give full particulars. Mr Hardy is well and fevomble known in this pert and: no doubt every one will with him a} crown ot eucceee. The Hstrison firm are doing a rush- ing human this vear for they have a road of their own and there " no one to molest them. We have 6 ft of snow on the roads hero and that is no lie, but We are able to keep on top of those innumerable snow flakes which have formed into Luge mountains and causing collapse In many a homo. A long time has elapsed since any one has heard of Balsam Valley. but owing to this commemorable year of jimmicanen and hurrieanos, blizzard: and cyclones. it is almost an impossibility to secure any items for your valued journal. In the basement . lumptuoue supper wee served to all. this constituting our tsunuttltsoireo without any charge, when all went home rttstiued with the very pleasant, agreeable and sociable time spent together. The choir tang several selection. the church being congratulated during the evening on possessing one of finest in South Grey, judging from the repeated invitations given them to give of their talent. Miss Jean Renwick also con- tributed, Mary of Argyle. Annie Laurie and Jessie“: Dream, in a manner superior to any time she has ever sung. It was l thought so by many who heard her, aeif making one supreme. grand effort for the last time with us. Before this reaches your many readers. this talented and clever young lady will have started on her wedding tour to her new home in South- ern Manitoba. thus losing to us, one ot our most accomplished and charming young; ladies. The Choir, C. Endeavor and Church will all xmiss her very much. but our best wishes, I am sure, will t!" with her. for her luture welfare and happiness as Mrs Peter thster. The choir hue “nee presented her with a handsome mantel clock as a souvenir of many pleasant as- sociations, extending over seven years. M, l At the olou of the meeting . lengthy ul- drooo um read by Bob: Ronwiok " John “Findleynnd " the proper tune J 11 ( Snell handed "" to the letter a. hand- oomo Ind n] noble gold watch. for his long And Very otheuni services on See-Tron. for may you". It a radioed by ell one we. " expressed in the oddreen that it " urn], due to his good core, judgment end tact, together mm hie experience and buoinou ability. thlt tue tiuLuse, of the church are as good as they ore. Tue ad. dross, at which the loreuoing in an ab- strnet. cloned with a. wish tor a spared lite ior further usefulness. and that be any re- ceive that higher commendation. .. Well done good and louhfnl servant." It was signed by the msnngers or the church. Mr Findlny. being taken by surprise, feel. mgly replied at some length, thanking the Uunors for the appreciation shown. tor the kind expressions in the address and tor the very valuable gilt given. The watch. one of the tiuest to be had. had boanut'ully engraved upon it, " Presented to J. M. Findlay tor eit'usient services, as Sec Wrens of Amoo' Church. Dromore, Jan 20. 19043 $1.60.. as is usual with this comm-lion. ' boy built , yrs Mo. lame additions to their duds, a I can of over Moo, follow. ing upon . lug. contribnuon to the Our any fund, Ind but you insulin! now + in tho olrtgreh " n can of 0185. Tho nubject of a new mum: In. spoken of. Another meeting of we congregation will tre called to discuss the question when in all likelihood . mlucripsiou liat will be oponod to moot the cost at contraction. with ovary ohms. ot In auto-um] com. The annual meeting of Amos Church we; held on Wednesday evening last. A large turnout at members end adherents were present. nutwitutsuusding the bad roads. Dr Snead: escaped the chenr and culled " the val-mus news. Report: of 1 Very satisfactory nature were given by the Session. the Managers. u. E. Society. Women's Anxllhary. the Sunday School and Bible Class, and the ehoir. The treasurers report showed a surplus collec- ted for atlpeud. the scheme» of the church equal to other years or nearly so, a. balance on hand of $83.25 with several cuntrlhu- hens receiyed Since report: were pruned. ell obligations met, end a. church tree of debt tor runny years affords ample ”use for atlafucuon. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO BALSAM VALLE r. THE DURHA H REVIEW DROIORE. The following may serve as a sample of how the class in stock judging is con- ducted. We will take for 'example the I judging of Clydesdale tilliets. Four animals of merit were. brought into the stock judging auditorium. . Dr. J Hugo Reed. V. 8.. gave each student a score card setting forth the requirements of a. perfect animal with a number opposite each part showing its relative value Dr Reed proceeded to score one of the animals with the assistance of the clue. Riving at the same time a minute. critL] cism of every part of the filly and show- tng in what particular ltd Irered from the pel feet. type to he looked fol in such breeds. The class is then asked to leave they seats and judge the four filres , placing them as lot, 2nd, &d and uh. I After the class is again seated Dr Reed i asks some member of the claes to place the Mies. After taking all the placinga. he asks for reasons, and after drawing from the class all the reasons they can t give for their different placings of the fillies, Dr Reed or some other expert criticises the animals in such a way that each member of the class can know. wherein he was right or wrong in l. a own placing. The judging is not done I by more-cards. These are only used to, 1 direct attention to each put in Judging l As it takes years of study and experi- ’ ence to make an expert in any one line of live stock, it must not be supposed that at two weeks’ course, under the very best Instruction will make skilled stock judges in all lines of live stock. It is evident that the man who knows the mostto begin with, will get the mos. benefit from the course: but HE must he a numb skull indeed who in not im- mensely henefited by careful attention to so very excellent " course. Stockmen. young or old, who consult their own, interest}: will, If opportunity offers at- tend these o. A. C. Stock-judging classes I in future vears. l The Shot-l Course men numhmml from 125 toli50; some of them had Man In attendance in former years and conse- quently know from experience the value of the instruction received. . in addition to these, there were sometimes present. about. 200of thevegulaesrudents of the College. The following members of the class were from the County of Grey t---W. G. Shannon. Artemesiu; J, I. Graham, Iuteuoesia; Wm. Buchanan, Arteluesiu; It. R. Elliott, Derby; Ernest Flemming. Derby; Jno. McGirr. Glen- elg; 1Vru. L. Dixon, Egremont: G. F. Marsh, Collingwood; R. H. Cameron, b'ydenham. The instruvlion given was of u very high order and the college deserves much credit for making the mongof the two weeks at its disposal. It man also be wdrth "t"ntioning that every omcial around the farm and in the college treated the class, with. kindness and courtesy and gave satisfactory answers to all enquiries. Animals of the highest individual merit were. brought before the class to be judged and scored as representatives of their different breeds. These animals Were furnished hysome of the best breed- ers in Ontario and several.,of the ani- mals especially in sheep and cattle were Drize-wmners that, could not he excelled on the continent. I Mr. Editor t Many of your readers may not be aware. that there is it than. Course in Stock and Grain Judging held emh your from about Jan.7rh to Jun. 20m " jthe Ont. Agricultural College. it has i been instituted to assist farmers and stockinen who are anxious to extend their knowledge and improve their con- dition; hut cannot eftord the time for a regular college course. No tuition fee I is chewed nor any entrence examina- ) tion required. From 8.3) to 9.3) a. m. ; each day is spent in judging the 1min and other clones of farm needs tend the iderttiftratiom ot weed seeds. specislettention being given to those most commonly found in gross 5nd clover seed. From 9.Soto 5p. m.(except the noon hour) is occupied in practical work in judging horses. beef rattle, dairy cettle. sheep and swine. the work being done by the Professor oNngrirtt1. tore. Lecturer in Animal Husbandry. and Prof. of Veterinary Science. with the assistance of the Mininter of Agri- culture nnd other competent stockinen who are regarded as authorities on the most valuable breeds of farm animals. Lectures are ulna Riven on the breeding. feeding, and management of live stock. The course which closed on Jun. 20, loot, was nmrked by most. excellent work, done by thorough. energetic and progressive professors such as Mr. Tor. ita, Dr. Reid V. 8., Prof. Unnnnings. Prof. Jarvis and Prof. Day. route of these were assisted by experts in their own particular breed such tttt Gosling of Kansas City. said to be the heat judge. ofheef cattle in Amelicu: Mr. Sparks an English speculist in Ciydcs. Besides these we might mention the following Canadian stockvuan ‘who rendered some most valuable tvsaisusneet--Mv. Brethuur who showed himselt am expert in swine, Mr. Campbell in sheep, Mr. Ness in draft horses and others. A Chance for Farmers and Stockmen. ii: _3iiiiif't',l1iii,iili, SHORT COLLEGE COURSE. We new: to chrunimo the (lath of; ,Mr Wm Cranston. win-n took place on, \lmulay ot Inst Week 19eeetc-e.t Wtttt .04 older ui the Peesbyterin" church. a, man of high integrity and hem in and. eati- immou by 3 large circle of friends and Acquintanoea. Bil of whom sincerely flu. Hunt in sum helnud the Cotter. tor and: a teaming smile and randy joke to look In" the micro“. of hi. numerous customers. Wm Folfin left the vivlago last week foe hm home in the Countv town. Muses Freeman and McConrt. our two most wumume and “winning belles left the Village last week. Thur pop“. hr, winning manner and talented. prirrcestdske, bearing will be. " irrotriev- able: loss to the social circles. Ed Corbett. of Barrie, spent. he: was]: visiting Minds m the burg. C Roberuou retmuud last week from New Ontario on mount "t the cloning of the mica: in wL'xch he wan engaged. Dromore. Jan. 27th, ION. Further information may behnd by addressing the President of the 0. A. C., Guelph. Thanking yuu_Mr. Editor tor the space. I am, the first animal of any partieuiar breed. THE (ii) ENG STORE Stock=Taking BARGAIN SALE IT'S EASY TO SATISFY YOUR CUSTOMERS IF YOU HAVE THE ARIGHT I{IND OF GARDEN We will be glad to le.t you have some and will guarantee it to give 8atitdtuition. f you want some of the fruit of our Garden, call " 15.31:: “mom-sass , hive a Garden (Store) into which we have grafted Reliability, Promptness and Courtesy. The principal Fruit we get is the Finest Groceries and Confectionery in Canada. One of the remarkable features of this fruit, is the Quality and Price. -----d- . _-------- . P. MCIN TYRE J. F. BENTON. MANAGER. DORNOCH. _", eta, CONTINUED FOP I WEEK AT ALEX. RUSSELL. W. L. Dams. THE STAR GROCERY STORE. Miss Elinbeth Campbell In: Toronto to any for some time. D C MoArdle, of Toronto. and I W McArdle. of MnrkdaIe. hue Incubate to no their mother. who " failing (at. On Mth, the Honovillo church party held I humour mounting and had u low! supp" u night. It Hobo-ch sum- intended the an: and did tho colloc- ting. He is now “lining of leaving for a season. Mr and In Aden Scarlett hue edded mother member to their femily. on the 26th Jam. u dlnzhtet. All no doing well. RELIGIOUS $rotm--At a reception in the chapel of St Joseph's convent. Toronto, on I. recent due. a number of young ladies "reoeived the habit." Amongst. them was Ilia Quirk, of Domoch. who in now known " sister Mary “Wen. Them will be on motion ale in town next week when Border 1tuttian. lien. tucky Huddle and the thoroughbred cont. " Norway Lad " wall be oireresd toe sale. Thou will be no reserve and terms are stmstly out». real-u his death. We extend our eon- dolonoo to the narrowing on“, q6 Who null for the touch of I mainland [and and tho wand of . who “In is still." FEBUARY A, 1004 HOPE"! LE. I '. V“ N 2'44»- I II In .1 Mh'D,",yl,( h'hv,',"y,t VOL. Men’s I Girls' Childre M er In I) It F " l' Ra "I R b It ' It r tion The l prime ter , Gum an: o to bu tteg omen (in. Me liq: Y" V” " V vrrt "II! Vir'. "

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