West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Jan 1904, p. 8

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llssos' wooHInod not-lined Rubbers, Overshoes. 'ARY 4. 1901 We well-km)" mod... , turday. Or. t C. McArthur’s '.w UFFICI, wilt for space for now arriving. urhamahd re respect- lat. I have of the old right Ba- ying only men and I, hope to he New Booland 'ext Dnor to D. nent Warehouo. and the Sumac: early two unloads b and the place led tpoverfh"rin. w being filled If I of the lam": e; Com/aria”: od at prico to tin g of ma Rubbers. Boots 1 Imam): Mid In 'omen‘s Astral“ Black only. as "rditrar.'s and dngs. tt none um] every respect 'amilton mine our TUR. they are the It; also our P. LEA RRt ‘WS. positc Mid .ambton St, their pa- ‘ishing all Year, "alder. tl BELL ice to clear as urns. d c. VIC]. CASH. - famous machinery some ton "a" yuteers Tudhope Buggy, It be in weavin- the Ott if; thu, S111 Aer o' nts I .’ llraith Goods "utters ndgc ev- Goods. The Hanover Conveyancer. ()anFS'r QUALITY. Grocerles, Dry Goods, Boots d; Shoes, Crockery, be. We can give you Bargain' . a!" We ask inspection of our Tcas...z' A few month's study of business meth- ods would perhaps save you hundreds oi dollars in the future. Take advantage of the slack winter months and attend the 05137-36240 -....... PRINCIPAL l Winter Term Co-tree. January 4th. 1 TWEEDS d; YARNS V "'7'CL" J . x . (,i"guiGi"ijtiti-ti"orr' J OWEN SOUND. ON'I. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE To A “moral Banking luminous trauma-Nd Drasfts issued and Collection smade nn all points. Deposits received and inter as! allowed st curl-em rates SAViNGS BASH. wheres! ullowrd n- savings hank deposits of $1.00 mud up wards Prompt attention and every mum afforded custmnrrn living at din-ta ce. GA PITA 1.. Authorized. . . . . . 32.00.41! (JAPITAL. Paid up. ...... . .. ”I'M"! RESERVE FUND .-...... mum " A p In Ermine}: Imu- Durham. ytt o ' “farm hardwood, ttood buildings, wring creek, orchant, ae.................. .---.aa20tt 100 Ag". near Alun Yuk. tMvlvtsreu,ett hum “null and 12 swmp..v..,.... ..r....rr.t .-atoo 150 Ag" near Lunlull. stnnetlwvllinjs. good /l'fttfu"fl'J, tine (am. under ..9..... 4000 105 Ag,.. near Allan Park. excellent farm but bumliugs. cheap. 1 Agra more at lws. (imfmxu SUITE. llurlmn. xu-nr t'crtterit M orku.. tinc lots, otTvred wry the)”. " Jolt wish to buy or sell property. Inn-- "my money. inwmo a pruparu'. have wrn ings dr aw n (woollen. debts (-allnn me ' Always Prompt. Ne- Negligent“ AGENTS in all principal poms. m Outar'm. Queher. anlnlm. United sum and England. Branch»- Marvel haw-'0; laugelisl of other 1:”an of all kinds. 31mm BANK (If CANADA DURHAM AGENCY The fullowing Sell are petfret imitation of Cut Glass with heavy gold hand around top. Gold bring burnt in. it win not. wan-h all. hunt the dung for Wedding P-ent. : hold hand, 7 piece Wu" 'eu..................) not: .. 4 [but "ble "et............,. "91.7.4211. _ .. , fa Berry tiet m...... .-rrrrrtr 5queh 7 mem- crypt. Berry Beta...... .......loc and 450 etch mil LIST OF LANDS Bony OH wool many. 60 x no lam... .. " M x " mu ... Luge nine out. handle": Bhutan. 'l-lr- , ttef: MI 4 "WINE tg iittittt Jlit llllhr FEBRUARY A, S. SCOTT. I l. H. AI ILLER. [he Hanover Uonveyancer, utters '. 'lta'lti fl tt a. q. It no. /k.iiii'i w. fl BEAN " his v.7 ISO-[WA My...“ - rely upon it lawman, pi/e/tgt 8%','R'/tt " w " you ow t {913‘an lump. '="eA"""""-B-b a.“ ---_ f'C..iiee-sGLraLr.7iari" '. A. FLEMINQ. uoetore If" preeerlbed Ayer’e Cherry PM TI, so year: In. They use today more than ever. Thee Doctor; - am Old Coughs head Office, Torpno. H. H. MILLER. ans SELLS an CHEAP Bent, pure Honey. 10e a lit "o, F. REID; ifaiiUriF FL. J._CoylAh, President. fmerrir" Pectoral ”III/75% J KELLY, Agent. 2'13! WM - - (llllllll'll "li, DURING. Rrc?: "novel' :75 pit LN m .15 pm- } Prom Hon. G. W. Ross and Hon. J. iR. Stratton in reference to House of l Refuge, the Provincial Secretary inti- i mating that as soon " the refuge was , completed the inspector would be sent ': on and, if found satisfactory, provision gwould he made for paving over the F government grant of £4030. , Among the accounts presented were l the following: a 8. Electric Light ;depertment. tNO ", W. Benton. includ- 9 ing accounts tor advertising. $30.24; .McKay and Sampson. re transfer of ) grammar schwl site, $27.27. William iArmstrong. bookcase for law offiee, ( 367; R Holland, repairs to Parkhead bridge, .36. and Thos Harness, super- _ intending some. 03: M. Scullv, use of i lawn roller, 82; Parker and Co., 8.95 ', i John Shea, 6.00; also a number of ae. : couan from local printers and publish- On motion ot Messrs. Gordon and McLean, Messrs. Allan,- McKiunon. Shine. Brown and the mover was ap- pointed a committee to strike the standing committees fat 1904. From the arbitrators re Sydenham v o. Sound, unclosing the finding in that respect. - Similar eotnmanieationg were read from Victoria and Northumberland counties, while from Ilaldimund came a request for co-(yeration in objecting to the law passe last session in refer. ence to the maintenance of bridges over 300 feet long. It 7 nil were present that Mr. Doyle. Alex. Gsrvie ot Del-hr, took the place ot Mr. Bernese. who has been appolnt- ed to the House ot Relax-e Superinten- dentship. ' The mines ot selecting a warden was then taken up, and when the clerk called for nominations, the named Mr Joseph Pringle ut Division No. 2 was submitted by' Messrs. HeKimion and ' Gordon. 1 There being no other nomination, Mr ',' Pringle was declared elected end Was F escorted to the chair by his nomina- ' tors, each making in iew suitable intro. ':, ductory remarks. Among the memorials to the Legis- lature in which the council otGrey was asked to cooperate. were the following: From Bruce County council objecting to proposed changes in the assessment act, particularly in reference to tax sales and the collecting of arrears of taxes. and urging that no change be made in that respect. From S. Went- worth Farmers' Institute urging upon the government the necessity of en- couraging the immigration of more mechanics and farm laborers. From Kent county re law compelling every municipality to provide for its own poor, also that change made in the constitu- tionol county council bonrdsbe repealed. From R. fl. Fortune. elerV bf Nor. manby, suliciting uppoxntmvm as coun- ty auditor. From J Ross Robertson, soliciting us- ual grant for Sick Childreu's Hospital. Among the communications was one from Ms. s. J. Parker, county treasur- er, submitting theonnual statumem in reference to nomresident lnnds. etc. Also enclosing a letter trom Mr. Petey McGregor, magistrate, Dundalk, ask- ing torarefund ot $9. being the n- mount ot fines paid into the. conntv treasury by mistake during the. year 1003, he having discovered that half the amount goes to the informant and the other half to the local municipality. The minutes of the November tileet-- ing Were then read, utter which a large batch of communications, mem- orials and accounts Wen; presented and referred to the resptret w commit- tees to report upon. Mr. Pringle madea briet inaugural speech. returning cordial thanks for the unanimous vote ,eeordtdtim. He would not, he said, hlve telt Jimtititsd in accepting the position had he, not secured the unanimous support of his tellow members Notwithstanding this, he still felt that the position in which they had placed hlm was adel- icate one. With so many ablesnd tal- ented predecessors, he could scarcel y hope to dignity the position. butleeliug assured that he had the eonfitietwg, and support of the entire council. he would endeavor todiseharge his duties ini- fartially and to the best of his ability. n case of any error ol'judgmeutor has- ty speech, he craved their indulgence. As to the business to come up " the present session, he had not had an op- portunity to iiuniliarize himselt, but had no doubt the affairs ot the munici- Polity would receive due consideration and that the deliberations o" the Coun- eil would be conducted with dignity and in the interests of the important constituency they represented. Mr McKinnon expressed pleasure in hating the honor of inducting a gen- tleman 90 well qualitied to till the pos- ition, while Mr. Gordon said be felt it little jealous of Mr. Pringle getting the wardenship without a struggle, especi- ally when he remembered thetso meny good looking, nfhble predecessors had had to tight for it. However, he had minted in inducting a good many war- dens'but had never experienced more pleasure than on the present oeeasiop, because he believed Mr. Pringle Wes eminently titted tor the position and would provide over the deliberations ut the council in a graceful and digni- fied manner. Continuing, Mr. Gordon said it was the tirat time in the history ot the county. at least within " know ledge of municipnl attain. that a war- den had been elected without tt contest and he congratulated Mr. Pringle on " popularity. andthe county on secur- ing on excellent vet-den. County Council met Toad“ of last week in Owen Sound. At a p. m there. IP,', tagging-um owing by "I; you}. but ihpi1'e% COUNTY COUNCIL Fon tlALe.--1 yr old Bull rising 2 yrs, 2 Bull Calves. Berkshire Boar and Bow Pigs. all registered Pedigreed. Iron Batnvrcag.-1 Berkshire and 1 York Boar aluo Durham Bull. Terms. '1.00. t .Apply to Jun ECKHARM. Duncan. wut we wquld like to know :--If Jack was having a quiet chat. mm the any 13 while driving around Duallcl’s tUld. If It Jno E returned the muff you. Ea. Jack good excuse. If Alex touud the cow path or did Wm meal him. FOR SALE & for SERVICE. Neil McKenzie treated the youth and beauty. of Swinlon Park and Maple Park, to a party. before leaving for Dun. dalk It was well amended to and 'sv-lr) enjoyed channel": till the wee an): hours. , Wm Frock purchased a fiuo h we fcr the sum 011175. Wm belioyes in having good horse-n. Wm Brown, accompanied bv Mun Carlie Ferris, ot Duudulk. wane the guest! of Miss Lydia Feagunon one even- Iug recently. A few of the young people from this burg attended a party at. Harry hitlen, er'u one night ' week. All were well pleased with the good time they had. Some of the ltmtsert, are trying to not up a little wood while omen are trying to keep right bide up with care on top oi the snow. Archie Campbell accompanied by bis sister Miss Ethel visited at Dugald Fer. guson's. Wednesday cvoumg lass. Mn Wm Porter In at. pxeseut visiting her mount win; is very Ill. Hope souu Io hear of her speedy recovery. The young folks are well pleased with the choice of selecting Wm Kinsman as trustee for S. ti. No 14. Eglemouc. Success Wm. Less Wanton. uoompnuied by bits nia- tei'. Mme Florence. visited at Dugald Ferguson'u one evouiug lately All have not. noticed any an10 Park uewa in the columns of your buyer for mum tune I wul scribble a few of the huppeuingu. as business is pretty stirr. Iug around hula at prereut gm, Stuples purchased an Oxlord Cream ts'eptutstor from your agent Will McFadden. of town. Geo Ritchie wears u pleasant smile now. since boy number 'd urriwd. Bath mother and son are doing well. Arch B Campbell. of Duluth. wan th- stuest of friend. an the avenue fo'r a few (lnys In! week. Pleased to bear that D Edge's family are vecovormg mile; a severe attack of Scarletiun. A number [mm around here attended the party at Mr Andrew Lindsay's In: Thursday night nud report a. good time. Thou Moffat returned to his home in Owen Sunud last Saturday. Sorry to hear of Charlie Cotton being very ill and under the Dr.'a cure. Miss Lillie Jopp spent a couple at weeks the guest of her aunt. Mrs Wm Smut. at Aberdeen. Alter some discussion it was finally decided that the members vim the new Home of Refuge " Mnrkdalo on Thursday, accompanied by superin- tendent Barnes. and to admit ot this bring done, council adjourned until 10 B. in. Ifriday,-0. S. Sun. Council rammed Friday and sessions are being held this week. Snow muting. Home of Retuge Building commit- tee, tttel, -Gordon. chairman. Gar. vie, cKinnon. Allan, Shuts. Brown, McConnell. McArthur. Report adopted. Mr Gordon, chairmen of the House of Reine committee informed the council that the contractor had not yet completed his job. though he was un- der bonds to have it done several months ego. He. the chairmen. also wanted the council to visit the build- ing in a body and inspect the work, so that they could the better understand matters when n report wee brought in. Sorry to hear of Mn Wm Morrison henna very ill. but hope soon to hunt ot her speedy recoverv. Joseph. Lindsay. of Superior. Wes. was humus tor a few ouyu Iva week Inukmg an H than country agreed with hum. Education -. McArthur, chairman. Shale, McColman. McKinnun. Aon, Gordon, Garvie. Brow". Judicial Audit-Doyle, MeArthar, and the J udieml Auditor. Communications and Memorials --Me- Colman, chairman. Gordon, Gn'vie. BII‘OWn, MeAnhar, McKinmm. Shale. A hm. House at Refuge Standing eommlttee -MeArthur, Gordon and tho Warden. Warden 's ooutmittee--Gordon, Allan McKinnou. Finttnees--All members ot the sonn- etl--J. M. Thompson, chairman. Printing-Patterson, chairman. (h: r- vie, Schenck. Thompson. McArthur, Preston, Doyle, McLean. Road and Bridge-Orvis Schenck. MoCclman. Bell, Brown. McKinnon. Doyle and Shine. the latter chairmnn. County Property-Gurdon. chairman Ailan.» Preston, McLean, Thompson. Bell, rauerson. Garvie. Council then ndjonmed and resumed at IO a. m. Wednesday. After reed- ine minnm And receiving belated eotnmattittattoettt and accounts the spec- ial committee reported the standing committee as follows: Arrived too late for last week. Intondod for in: wool in almuduuce and btl" more To be Continued MAPLE PARK. Edge mu. o.-. THE . UtltigIAM ”VIEW I The Public Lihrniy Board at. its meet- I my: on Monday last determined to offer for sure by Public Auction on Bridav "vening February 5th at T.30 p. m.. the following articles: a number of hooks. duplicates. in Rood condition, many' of l them new: Also several tou of old mu- ,' guinea. and the magazines of the cur. rent year. when 1 month old. Also a pianu. which may be seen " the reel. dence of the Secretary. Mr. C. Rmnnge. Jan. 20th. 1%. The well known Taylor farm at Dru. more. township of Egremont. 350ucres; good state of cultiyution l well watered t good hulldings ; convenient. to post of- tice. church and school. Appltjo. :. Applications will he received by thit undo! signed u to Fridny. February 5th for the 'J'tlli'l,'lh2d.'Jle,'. for thee Towns ship of Glenda. for the year NM. An- tretqtttrttt to he made between February 16th and the first of May. PUBLIC LIBRARY SALE Owiuu IO the tuner-l of Munch: Sul- ler, m Uupuy. tu- Eugliuh church non-vi- ces usually held on Sunday morning won held in Orange Bull Int. Sand” n - o'clock. Loni commenced on February Wth. This is I trstls “the: than In: your and Exam Sunday mil fall on April In}. which is nin- du}. earlier um. E‘s-tor In.“ yo-ur. Palm Sunday will [ad on “at. 27m and ttood Friday nu April _1"" Mrs Lavi- Decker, ot%mauil, Inna cull-r in Ceylon on Thursday host. We are sorry to report the illuon of Harry liidlay and hope so soon but “his being ublc to be out again. Nu Thou Hugh... of River Bough. Mich. unwed nu Friday evening In“. having bun culls-l to no her mother. Mn Nab, who In "rtouO ill " pro-em. Mn Alex Malina be. in. '0 no and to Iona. com-what improved Ill)“ hot n- ewt stuck of " (rippo. " "o.....--.....-. Eurkeyu................... Rides, per owt.......... Cnltultinu. per lb........ Sttetittuti............... IG......................... Eng, on ttwt............ Pear...., Barley., can"... Lambs. Dream! How. per cm Hor, Live Vaughn... Bauer. fro-h roll per it, Butter, To.............. Feud“. per ha Flour......... P............ 0Mmul....... ... ......... Wham"... ............... 'its,r,(fi2',t't,' t..2di'g" .asitttisy,asaass.asta" 5m, G.,&J. McKechnieg DURHAM MARKETS. F ABM TO RENT. IUNICIPAL NOTICE. Mas. TAYLOR. Dmmwe. Ont. in J. S. BLACK, To. Clerk. CEY LON. 4 " " " " " 4 " 16 16 TARK) ARCHIVES TORONTO " :;A comfortable ttetck house, . no“ seen" node: It. than new of good soil. on' the south side of Lambton are". a allow s but I'm Out-lull. Ju.t “to. 100 mm is 'ssehooitsome. A good mule road to Dot-hum. A fond creek clue by. Small fruits. App y to In. WILUAI “Vanuatu or In. C L. Gum. Durham FARM for SALE or RENT. Vulunble Property slanted on North Side. anhwn St. lint lace outside tho Town of Durham. laughing in lint-clues. shape, ttood new brick house, ted bank burn. and 11 acre- tirst-chum and. Lame orchard eel out last spring with - good kind of fruit. A first- cluu place for anybody. Apply m . Kretaam, The Jeweller. Durham. Keep Wall of Me Jilin]. ' Lott 16, on the 17th 3nd 18 Concessions. t, the Township of Ettremont. ”um. 150 acres under good mm- of cultivation. Well watered. Conven- tent. to Church. School and Post "ttice. Adjoining Dromore. Good buildings. For terns. be Apply to Lot No. so and 21, Con. 8, N. D. R.. Glenda. eontainitttt 100 - more or In... 8) new tlt fur machinery. land in good "Me of cultivation. “fuel on both MN. a; mile. flom Durham, con- venient to Chanel: And Post OfBer. 4 m in Full win-an 24 um full plough- ed. Uomtortnhie buildings. Tera" rea- uouble. Apply to the proprietor. .. -- - -- Jam: MCDONALD, Lot 10 Con. 2. Township Imam. County Grey. containing INtkies. For full particular- upply to -2he underlined offer. for In]. Iota " and 47. Con. 8, tk o. R., Benlinck. mn- Mining 1B 1cm. llio acre- in agood sum of cuttiration, 12 um hush. Good huildrizfs and tirtrt.chuo orchard. me" was . Only nix miles from than). Also I hay pm: for sale. Banana P. o., Nov. ii," if Jilin; on ft When you buy anything at DAR- LiNGS, you have a. string fasten- ed to your money and you keep hold of the other end. If they fail to satisfy, you ltr ve only to pull the string and your money comes back. Try it at our risk. FARMS FOR SALE. w, FARM FOR SALE DAVID lcxuvnv. Thistle P. O FARM FOR BALE Mu. TAYLOR, Dre-ore. Ont FOR SALE. . War/thy, " youth? Ought. FOR SALE. ALEX. - _ _ Altman GUN. n. n. Prop. . R31. G. BUTTON. M. n. I Adqredt_dt"trtshosuao-. , i'tlfiii?'éilSiithhgiihthtqt,tat “ aw- [mu-3*“- 1'l'r?Al'tt?lt1elytt'tatii 'ttth"gt ”may... I“. JOHN CLARK Man, Nos. 16, m Noun-y Public. Commissioner. Convoy- ancer, Valuator. Insurance Agent. to. a ?iariiii's --- W Giiii2 "nun... J‘u’Mol act locum-10.. I. a I p. tn. omtre----attmat TOWN. DUIIII. CoHocuoua and Legacy promptly ”and"! to Wills. Duds. no “on. I“, Am..- ac. comctly pup-m. Euum wt ti'Yi'dtie wm loakAod 'f/tte Emuwg'u at: tte,' ub- tntora" mun MUM“: um“. (hint: 1r,ig't',','t "'ii,ii'iii,1,i'iii,i'il'iieih"i', " " m mun on... an 9 QP. . - chu mule in may one. and TI In up.“ nu u r?.'.e.Tet.atyt punt. Fund- In L“- 4- - --'HiNrFe '- “run-m - ml:- leg',,' uni um Euoubs'l Sd 'ii'ii5E tutors" coolant- wowed“: um _ (Xian. 1r,ig't',','t "'iiii'iii,1,iiii,i'4,tieih"ir', " " m nitration“ nu p '11- . - chu maul. in may one. and TI In ram "" Jon-my and that. hand. to Lou on lion-Luau a Jlll'l,d'121 of who“. Yul-nic- muu hv snowman“ and mum Val-non, All Chm-o. Mat. *77v_Vv wuvuo, B-. II... HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. ("dune of Royal (talk-l. of Dental Sum-son- of Ontario. loo-q, Calder Block over the Post otitce. Mee and hid-cc the my.“ “a (h o Bunion")! Bill. Old may“. OFFICE HOURS F-tt B. I. 2-a p. a. t-o tr. I ate 'S.ffiiiit". - 34W Mt. wAm "I. u OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST 0! the Du nun Plum.” Call.“ Block. Random. In: deer want of tho old Poet Ola. Durham. W. C. PICKERING D. o S., L. B. S. Etruscan. Sollclcon. coiaJiU,. Money‘s; Dun. 05cc. McIntyre Block. one the Bank. A. G. Mack-y! KC. W. F a... Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public. Commutation a. LL:I..l-ln. up. “mat-Aquarium“... Mdb0.hr.8m.udm ..1 In. My tt Sd 1%."Ndlttet Jtt Licenced Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Lmtmhncttorthemml . Inl- iEFLFt?tf, _i'sir'l'Ciuii,i,s'cl'i,'e,k1t see. 'e%,,"2,ff,' old“. cutie Bum minded torruia' V iaui, Uu'tGG7to' Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Term moderate. t.'gesi'h"'2 tor “In a to that. he. an“ be en the Review or 2t Dun-hen. ,'%f9."g.r,gfr'gt,tt,Tgt.' 1e.'r2,o..Pe2.th 1-55.!!“3 Pro-M Mun-Hm Myer's Insic Method. ere' Iv IE lulu-c School. h ”a... LetfMt9Itt ty the - MEDICAL. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. g. Auctioneers. nice. MoKenzie's Old Stand. Durham: martian“: ’. McPHA n. -Wmuuuummmu V-uuudunu“. orto I...“ 0°“. 'Mttfe. - Elma-g Private Money to Loam. Collec- tions of I." kinds promptly nth-u- ded to. Farms bought and sold. DARRIOTI n. ai, {errata 1211.9 - .. -- -- Telephono 0.0"!“qu No. " " GEO. 8. BURT. DEN TAL MACKAY a DUNN, l £EE30Y McCAUL. g over Gordon 'tr Jewelry More. Puma a "do... -- . l. mu- MoLaohl-n'u Cum I to " A... noun} gm n... ' lg fife“ a. 0743;. . B. JACKSON, DB. BROWN, . P.. TELFORD M oney to EGAL. the no": I on“ f'" a. ddttNltt.t ,~ MIL. Hopevillc- P. U. C. [HAUL Durham -- __. . v", cosy-uncut. "

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