West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Feb 1904, p. 1

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:-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-::-c33:4:-:Eamm:43333m333fi _,ixii"iiiiiiiiiii1ii"m"i"ihhNihhlY6,ir, ii' GOOD ROADS iii 5.: <¥WINTER~J> “ if CLEARING SALE? 3533254333333RESEEEREEEEEEEEEE VOL. tlaiiswe will consider it a favor if you will 111$: tion this advertisement when in our Storaa The very best make at sale prices. Very substantial savings in win. ter weights and you cannot change the Get that the goods are correct and the prices low to begin with. Reg priee8?.lif1 sale price N7 Reg. price $19. Sale Price 815.00 " w, " 8.00 " 9, " 7.50 " 6, " 5.00 .. 5.50 -‘ 4.50 Men d; Boys' Overcoats Men's Clothing Winter Weights MUST Go. The prices will send them JAMES IRELAND Wool Blankets Boy's Reefers XXVI. N0. Men's Suits leNTERJ This Week's Bargain List : STILL ON. Very warm and good for the cold weather. Men's Felt-Lined Boots Only a few pairs left. These are the prices for them : Reg. prices. 81. 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 Sale prices. 75c, $1, 1.20, 1.40 Rep; price 1.20, sale price $1.00 A reduction on every pair that All this season's styles. Prices , were 35 to 'll. NOW AT COST;, Prices were from 82.26 asill, These will go AT COST. t: Girls’ Ulsters d; Reefe: u'fret's out. Boys' Heavy Rubbers Men's Heavy Rubbers Ladies' Cloth Coats Horse Blankets. ii?rltit 10 ahoeil :notic: I lt , Fil 'it'i2, _ npos i kir WA - éGood ' 'locrUi; as , office, " ) De “9-1qu hnldt I Try our delicious Coffee. only 35c per ; I ‘pound. McIntyre, The Grocer. . I ' I Money to Loan at 4.h per cent. , . J than” & DUNN Durham. F f To FARMERS AND Hott-tc-Horse i rhoeing at old prices nntil further '; i notice. w. GUTIIRIE. _ i It will interest you to know that we? E I corrv a full line of Tobacco. Cigaw and l l 3 . Pipes. McIntyre. The Grocer. ',,' t . E WANTED. - Gentleman boarders. l, t- iGood accommodation in convenient , , l locality. Further information at this l, . l omce. 2 1t"t ', Demands on our space compel us to _ t,, "ME: hold over another. instalment of Glenelg _ Ft x” V history, some correspondence and other I -- n 3 nutter. ‘ pURHAM, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18, 1904 ; DIE!) IN REveLsToKE.- Mr. w. E. McAlister. a few days ago received a. I tologmln from Brit Colombia announc- ing the death on the 12th inst of Mrs. Wm. Smith. formerly a. neighbor of his ‘ln Nonnanhy. No particulars are. to hand. For " number of years she has been a resident. at western points. with or near her 2 sons and three daughters who will deeply mourn her death. To them and to the lonely husband we ex- tend all sympathy. 1 SALE Ilyrutrryrm--wedne9day, Feb. ’24, F. Shiels and Sons. Lot 24, Con. 13, ' Bentinck, will sell by Public Auction. 1 Farm Stock. Implements. Household lFurniture. Seelarge bills fog particu- ', tarts. Rom. BRIGHAM, Auctioneer. i FIRST ()FTHE tlEAsroN.-The first of I the three snainl evenings given hv , the Pveslsytevian Guild during tho year, _ will he held In the basement" church, l Frinuy Evening. March 4th, 1904. Good _ program and refreshments. Admission 1 as usual 10 cents. 3 Buy your groceries from us and you will he satisfied-uc/e. The Grocer. ELECTED DELEoaTEs,---At, a meeting in Calder’s Hall last, Saturday after, noon nearly 50 of the local shareholders ofthe N. P. C. Co. met to elect dele- gates to the Annual Meet ing in Toronto on the 18th. Mr. Thou, Allan was Voted to the chair. A great deal of discusaion took mace of a. pessmimstic natnre, the general feeling being that mistakes had been made. some of them avoidable. The following were named as delegates to whom might he entrusted proxy votes: Messrs A. Turner, F. Selgner, Jae Watson. Jno M Findlay. 0 Marin. non. A H Jackson, H Parker. Names put in nomination for Director were: A H Jackson. A Turner. C McKinnon, G McKechnie. Jan Watson. Regrets were expressed that the Directors con- sudered it vacuum-{1w hand the institu- tion. and Director cKechnie had many searching questions asked. which he manfully emzeed to answer. Another meeting is to held on Saturdav. Feb. 2hh. to hear the report of the Annual Meeting. February 25th and 26th, 1904 I room ot me Methodist Church on Mon- iday evening at 7 o'clock. Bright Songs. _ Helpful Topic. (Janie and welcome. 1 Collection at the close. THE QUESTION or BarmsEss.--This is j a. vital question with hundreds of men _ who ate. bald or tthes, so. How to i overcome the ishrurement lent by? baldness Is a simple matter when you _ consider the perfection of modern art} in the making of wigs and Toupees,; The visit of Prof. Dorenwend of Toron- , to to Durham on Wednesday. March il when he. will he at Middaugh House,‘ penders it possible for any who wish to i consultmim to do so at his private. apart- 'i, ments retained at Middaugh House for) this purpose. Demonstration given to, show the perfect naturalness of his: Wigs and Toupees. Do not miss thisi opportunity. Remember the day and ' date. Wedhesday, March 2nd. I i The Seed Fair. and Seed Exchange. Hinder the auspicvs of tho South Grey ib-armers Institute Will he held in Dur. i, ham the first week in March. Particu- ilars later. G no. Hrysre, Sec-v. I KEEP Ovw.---Little Edna Mamie- got (afoot severely crushed last week hy a. Huh-sleigh runner going over it. She l was one of a. dozen or so all scrambling {to get on, u. had praetice that seems Emcurahle. The regular Monthly Meeting of the lJunior Lepgue will he held in the school NEW OrvrcE.--Ma.vor Hunter closed up hN fiom. and feed business in the Mc- Intyre store on the 15th inst., and will have a. flee hand comparatively till building operations at his new store can he resumed. In the meantime he has secured offices in the Calder block, upstairs, entrance by side door. I HORSE b'uoT.--Mr. D. Edge had'fa [horse slip on Tuesday very simply and .hrenk its leg. On exmnmatlon it was deemed incurable and it was shot. A _ troublesome loss at this season. f The election in East Bruce on Tues- day went about 400 for Donelly. the Comervutive candidate. who thus taxes . Ctugill's place. Japan Tea is advancing in price. hut We have a large Sinck at, Me per' pnund. McIntyre. The Grocer. Fon bULR.--Two Durham Bulls. Pedi' greed. One Roan. 9 mos. old. One Red, 17 mos. old. Will he sold cheap. Apply I: T G. Morrison. Rocky Snugven . The postponed Sons of Scotland Concert will be held on ttitll-it-iii-r/IT/fi'!' ', " Eris .', t ' " RI . OPICS , NEXT WEEK tttt 'titil'; i As a. small token of appreciation of (your services. we. in the name of the lSOCiety. present you with this chair land hall rack. and also this chair to iyour worthy partner. Mrs. Edge. We Iwould ask you to new? them. not for [their intrihme value. mt as a mark of I the honor and esteem in which on are lheld he the members of the goeiety. ( We earnestly hope that both your-sell“ [and Mrs Edge "my long be spared If ' "tether. Co use and enjoy them. The ', Society lmsnlsn elected you as Honorary i, President and we express the wish that ifor many years yet we may have the , benefit, of your' expel ience and advice. i Signed on behalf of the, Society, I GIORGE BINNIE. President. _ war. SMITH. b,t Vice Pres. . Iv. D. MILLS. 2nd Vice Pres. , ARCH. DAVIDSON. Secretary. The undersigned hove for sale. 2 hulls rising 2 years old and 3 hull when rig. ing 1 Year old. Also a. pure-heed Tam.. worth Boar for servit-e. Terms. "oo, héen. yet, ,'git,l.r,.'g',:'c'i.tteg': mi; Giiii degree. the men ce it called forth on your was“ thus t1ttP1tiletre?nJorrt by us. We shall ever i/eG7Giri'r'.' he. hours spent under your guidance and Wilh you to accept this small gift " a. memento of our gratitude. Signed on behalf of the class. SYDNEY Fulcrum. WALTER “Ransom FOR SALE & for SERVICE A. & J. SEALEY. Lots 23 & 24. S. D. R. Glenelg. The Annual meeting of KnoxChurch. Normanhy, was held on Monday even- ing. A feature of the evening wasa recognition of Mrs. Jas. \Vatson by her Bible 'classof boys who presented her with the address below and n handsome silver fruit, dish. Mrs. Watson has been honored several times in this man- ner, the last orcasion being by a. clans of girls who presented her with an ultum and a. group photo of themselves. Old friends of this sertion will he glad to hear that Mrs Watson's self-denying labors are still appreciated. Following is the address: Dear Mrs. Watson. We take advantage of the op- portuniry afforded us tonight to.|how in a. small way our appreciation of the interest you. as our Sabbath School teacher. have evinced in our spiritual welfare during the past two years. You have been untiring and zealous in imparting to us the Sacred truths and pointing us to the Upward Way and although we were not always as atten- tire and thoughtfulqs we [night have Tickets are again on sale at Mac- Farlnne’s.nll seats reserved, Mc. The same talent, Mrs. Newton. accom- panist: __, __ The cotnryi.ttee-having charge of this hip; concert, have after some tt'outrle--fots a two-night com-err is hard to arrange t'ov--secuped a date suitable bo all. MN above. Tickets already sold are good for their respective nights. White Tickets. Thursday evening, Blue. Fri- dav. Every inception. . You have seen' the Society grow from very small begin- ‘nings to its present. proud standing; "rout the time it held an exhibition in a. Ismail wav in any place that could he had. until now when it owns its magni- _fictttat- grounds and buildings. is enure- ‘ly free from debt and has a. handsome lsurplus besides to he expended in future 1' improvements. ', The Board of Directors at South Grey 'District Agricultural Society, on your “retirement from the Presidentshii, of ithe Society, hag leave to congratulate I yru upon the succens that has been 'sitehievisd under your leadership. You hare been president of the Society for " Hang term of years. and one of its direc- 3 tors from at} early period. if not. from its This result in largely due to your wisdom and skill in guiding the affairs of the Society patiently. cautiously and economically so that now When you hand over the seals of office to your successor the management of the busi- ness of the Society will he comparatively easv. The following is the letter of resifzml- tion sent to the South Grey Agricu tur- nl Society. by Joe. Edge, Esq.. and read at its: annual meeing recently held..- .. To the Ottieere of South Grey Agricul- tural Society ' G-tarsrres,-After heing forty-six years a. member of the Society, durigg which tune I have for many years fill the ofBee of President of the Society ably assisted by the members thereo J Now an I am nearing 8i years (Jan. 26, 1900 and not able t , attend to the duties devolving on me I must retire. hoping you wtil our efully. as usual. curry on the work. I know of no other Agricultural Society in a better position than you me at‘sresent. ith kind regards to all. I t'tmain,yours truly. JAMES EDGE. Edge Hill.', The Board of Directors met at Mr Edge's residence on Monday night. Feb- ruury lat. and were treated to an oyster supper by Mr and Mrs Edge after which the following address was read and presentation made To JAMES EDGE. Esq., Edge Hill: RESIGNATION AND PRESENTATION. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. Miss Mae Dickenson Mr. Jas. Fax Mr. F. Slater Davidson Me, J. S. Drlyiwdacle Pipe Major Paton Jimmie Gardiner. THE BIG CONCERT Feb. 25 and 26. 3mm. -0- ,,._._ ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO R. B. mull t SON 25c Bargain Window for Satur- day, February 20th. Eve: y- thing in this w.ndow worth from 50 cents to $1.50. Your Choice Saturday for " cents. Japan seized without, opposition cer- tain Russian tuercGnt, ships. Tuesday. A great and staggvrmg blow has been struck by Japan. Her torpedo craft with Cottstttttate CournRe approached Port Arthm hatOwand torpedoed out, of action, 3 battleships and l cruisers. with a Russian losu of 10‘kill1-d, 40 wounded and Japan not. a scvau.h. Be- sides two Ruwiun warships were on» tured at Cheanulpo, and a Itutssiatt war ship in dock at, Nagasaki. Japan. I: no doubt a. prisoner' This practically Rives Japan command of the new as Russia has now only 4 ships to Jaen's 6. Wednesday. A Railway bridge has been blown up on the Russian railway. Meanwhile, Russian troops and sup- plies are being rushed through Man- churiu to Port Arthur and Japanese transports curry thousands of J ups across the straits w Caren. . Monday, February ll. Japan seizes Masampho. an important port in South Caron. Japanese ms:- dentmare leaving Port. Arthur “Mother Russie'.t points. 1tustditn troops sent to Pekin to pro- tect the legation. it being feared China may rise. (N her countries intend doing this also. On Satulday. February 6, Japan in- structed her minister to leave St Pet- ersburg, thus rupturing diplomatic re- lations. The CZar's government were shocked! at this, and ot course had to withdraw their minister from Tokio. Japan waited 48 hours before taking any action, and thun suddenly cables were cutand her tieet was on the move. The Russian government announced their reply was just ready to send, one account save had been sent. and even here duplicity was observable. [ This 1ontt-looUd.tor struggle has " _ last begun and we shall set down brief- ly the situation and events. I The Cause ( The war between Japan and China T or8 years ago ended in complete victory for Japan. but owing to pres- sure from the great powers. J span had to yield up her conquests and be con- tent with an indemnity. Amongst these powers Russia was prominent and since then, having secured a foothold in the Chinese province of Manchuria. cotsnsibly topreserve order, Japan has I been watching her with a jealous eye. , Russia in 1902 promised the powers.- I amongst them Japan,--- to evacuate l Manchuria on October 8 1903, bat that i date saw Russia still there, not only so. ; but strengthening herself. Moreover': she was making advances as it she: would dominate Coma, adjoining Man- I churia and lying near to Japan. This , forced Japan to action and since October ; last ottieiel “notes " have been passing 3 between the two countries. Roma's _ ansWer being always delayed, while I she Was still adding to her warlike strength. Japan's last 'note' was sent ‘: about Jan. 6th and Russia as usual. 1 delayed reply, till Japan, knowing. as _ most of the world suspects. that Russia 3 was only plaving for time. determined l to bring matters to a head and has: done so with a vengeance. l Mame Early as there will be a great rush here/tiT, THE RUSSO-JAPANESE WA R. DURHAM. 'aNiiirierui ____ WWW ”GET: iiUiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiT "" 11108. ALLAN. Phnetpl. was L. I. FORFAR. all-dam Mddema. [Mending Bandeau should em n m... of term, or at noon than “Us. rm: 01.00 pa NV Wm Johgm._ e. Rang-go. um I Durham School sun and Equipment. Ttse wu- qupu lgr MI {can In ADVANCED; MacFarlane t Co. Druggists t Buoksallarx Durham, Ont. Crushed Oyster Shell Crushed Bone J. BURNETT. We quote you the following: Lake Herring (335.00 Lake Salmon. ..Sg.7.59 Egg Producer This extremely cold weather has been hard on fishing and prices have stiffened up con- siderably. Present Stock is exhausted, but we have some due here any day. HENS LAY MAKE YOUR CHAS BAMAGE. Pun“ an Pulusnl. Always on hand. Aong with their other food, you will be surprised at the increase of eggs you will get. This is no faney--it is a fact and you can test it and prove it to your own satisfaction The time to have your hens lay is when eggs are dear. YOU might just as well get the top price as someone else. If you will keep your hens warm and feed the mour Upper Town. supply of In Our Vull Junk: but]: gas 'eh81?yfye a:

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