a hard, macadamirtrd highway closed with gates at ctther and. The was? is lined with tail foreign buildings and brick walls, over which iyor tho misled roots of other two- itoried fonlgn constructions. As well might be anywhere else but Putin. p ily u tthw gateways on this street remain as they Were before the siege, and a stretch of the "tench com- pound wall bears yet the mark: whero bullets and shell peppered it th "t V?" tho mldsnmmer months of new The old trees. the coffin shop. 'th.. Inn-Heme 'shop with its gilded "NPKJ " m: boars"-in fact. all the AI.- ---, -_y_-. - ___ "W... "" u"! old annexe frlndinnrka are gone from Legacy; strut l, place are the lam: tsrr:telv, wall: of the "Waldor- ooe Kaserne." tlm lofty Engllsh bank with lta clock tower. and the laby- rlnthlne cc Ian and foundations of tho large hotoI of the Commgnle Wagons-LIN Om rubs his eyes In was that three short yen-l could one-ct so complete a mango. and each day convinces him that the Patina†museum- have changed qulte as .1101: as thl- small quarter ot the Tan-tu- cits. Wtth tho grout and the rude await- can; there has come. too, u oom- glotc change ot lace god heart. The _ -ee ,-....-. the railroad trare. to parallel tho Tartar city wall. and tho Manon is beanie the water gate through which General than“ and the British troops patcurt that August day to re-. new the besieged lcttationts. Jim-i- mam meet the arming trains and whlrl one past the walled and bal- mtradod canal to Logallon street. -I.__.I - _A-r . ---- Tho femur oi progress and -pius- parity ic. as great within the Chinese city also. am tho 'tceroy, Yuanllih Kai. has kept the may not him by tho International body that ruled Tiemtln in modern western fashion during tho foreign occupation. The object lesson was not lost, and the ioxcigr. impctua has not yet subsided. Tho Viceroy hue; built a broad. mac- adamizod boulevard from tho native .toa railway station oi its own that t'il-KIN with electric lights at neat, there are hon buiJgau across tho river in place of the old pon- {bom and the whole: place bums with such plane†as Wild never dreamed a! in China. Tho (My gains o.' Pokln swim: open day and ntght; turther breaches In the Wall". have tend made to permit 6L. __,:|__,,,. A . - The presence of 100.000 foreign troops. wlth all thr-is. surprising ae- tintu-s and methods. Walked up Tien- tein and sent it spinning in the path of pt'opiw'tiet.. Locust government by foreigners had free sweep in any mumeqmi reforms or public works. and math the 0m native city laid fiat and its walls destroyed, there was every chance to cut, widen and lay an roads as they were needed, to en- large the 1re.agn contusion. make a. Japanese. a German. and Russian settlement, and extend the modei British settlement in the heart oti the tormgn mu. Business house; dwellings. banks and barracks have been built in every quarter. good roads lead in every direction over the mud plain. and Tientsin as it was below tho war bears no resemblance tomthis. busy. hustling. modern city. .87": Dowager Elam-no Ridn About In an Auoomobue Nowadays. Tho Boxers did the metropolis of (an-h a good turn in 1900. when they homegcd the forelgu settlement, de- clared war on an the world. and brought down upon it. the armies ot oighl great powers. "0.. the other hand the ducn.whlch :so tar as anybody knows. have al- ‘ways frequented the most open places "uso lay pale eggs without markings. tBut MIN] them you will find a great- pr tendency to revert. to olive browns for sandy tints. the very color ot the 'eond and shingles on which the eggs are found. _ b you will solve at the same time half a dozen other mysterlel which have puzzled great. scientists on this queer problem tilied planet." "But there are blue and white and spotted eggs you can’t explain. At least I can’t mtlutactoruy. Any- body may start hm own theories on the subject and tUtd the problem end- less. Solve It correctly and} think "cilGr. that, I believe, has been' , “I "NW .vuu. sweat. a. valentine; reasoned out in thte way; The or. 2Uf,e,,,.'nr gaunt, hand instead, 131ml 1toTCgg were rock doves and they And that “a 'her',','),',,-', am wed-r laul .whlte eggs ln eoatormity with I only tad: W I. you understand. the natural law which ordalns that, - " my M in hand. color tor must species or biro nest- ------ 'au' the lqlark. so 121M. ','J,' (ematlle The Parson’s ere. In rent: see em wnen a e, . , gm um, "31", Bloom. ,' Bishop Huntington, ot the Protes- "You Will find traces ot this early tant Wm! Church. diocese ot Inetlnct in the tact that wherever Central New Yor there is u. deserted rabbit warren you and a. wlm one‘ an“ an rm Tl', will nod doves taklng advantage ol It th ' even rom It to build their nest. tn the ab- " we word! mu seem a‘llttle .ndoueu burrows. But whether In strange to mum at up: "More than helm or trees the nests still con- one meter has been dirMaeed more tam white eggs. whlch nature or- th ' vualmd tor thew rock dwelling an-. 11'1l,',el Pt? sacrlfleed by centers. t 9 â€GU-Y. pleasure-seeking, or "Owls lay pale eggs for the some silly partner of a diligent pastor." reason. They breed la the dark More than one? Ve [it . - "Oo the other hand the ducks.whlch the mmmem. ",21',,',lif,ec?ot, a: irf.1 tar as anybody knows. have tbl-. feet, but It he hardly: fair to o".',','ii ways treuuentod the most open places on the lmperfectione of a ttew There also lay pales eggs without marklngs. earnesto the mind‘s e 0 so ‘1) IBat (mph them you will Had a great- lures and memories of! "at. Ue-, ’er temlezlcy to revert to olive browns who raised large fuming: who Jllt? "ttaellt 1n.1eP.ttr.r..,tt"yi.f1.t,,l,'e, ml, waqhef, darned. eprubbnd, mend- - noun-u. _ k "The egg shells of the plan" and similar beach breeders are exactly ground color, Just as the partridge sud pheasant eggs are the color of taller. loaves. And grouse. quail and moor fowl haw: egg†matching exact.. ly u. color with the brown stems of heather and the pine tree scales among which they lie. - . " Morn..." Which be Pee-to Mellon-cc. "rt you no Internet! In “turn! emu-a." new n men who like. to _ yore over the cane- on the Malena "i Natural History. "here In . very 4-1-9112 one. but you one fine " all 'tho tood for emulation and theory (you want. no more: of very eminent thinkers have done already. 'tWhat in nature’s reason tor the , color and marking of hlrdu' eggs. amr En the process at evomtion how bu: in worked out? There must be a rea- son [or their infinite divernity, and It can hardly he an nethetlc one. . .. . "Take the doves Their egg- are .wtnte, and plainly visible In the “1me Beat. though the nest. In mm In a tree. and the eggs should be ot a darker tint to (allow the general rule. t" . can say with any Confidence In that the nll-pervndmg {bonnet oi du- tmt and need for protectlon In ex-. hibited In oggnbelln an In more im- portant things. and the main Idea in their co;or scheme has been to ne- cure natetr and harmony wlth their surroundings. But even that but ex- ceptions; , -iFriGi Goa simple dnough. yet the most advanced natural-u haven‘t been able to puzzle ltuqnt. Ay Wt KNEW WAYS IN CHINA. COLORS IN Ir.itMy mos. woman‘a life in 3;}:an tiii7iriiiiui"'t7, 'N." "I told you oo." The wagea'o! am In; may or In slimony. A Him to the Powers. Toronto Nrws. In thin weather. somebody will get . severe cold " that open door lu Man- charm Is not closed. “Say. Maasu. Joe," he whluparod. "dat speech wot yuh made tuh de jury was bad nuff to hang me, but, dis ynzh one"-trhtrtcin.tt his head sad- 1g--"3rurtuh She'itt, please pull dat mape."-uWaaltimrton star. " Thereumn. much to the surprise of the auditors, Mr. Blackburn- launched into un effort on the is- sues of the hour. He was proceeding to his own entire satisfaction when he felt a tugging at he coat tulle. Glanc'mg around he encountered the pained exy.retmionyCttyt negro. Mr. Blackburn was then taking his first dlp in politics, running for some small local office. lie had a hard time gnltulg people to attend the meet- ings at winch ho was advertised to speak. and luck generally appeared to be against him. Well, hanging day came and the doomed man was told that he would have filteen min- Wt' in which to say. his last words. Mr. Blackburn accompanied the man to tho scaffold. and as " eyes wandered over the several huzdred of his [ellow citizens who .had Cums to Witness the spectacle - more than he could ever hope to attract by his own eloquence - his brain was lit up by, a flash ot genius. He had " few hurried words with his client in which he painted the waste of words it.would be tor the unrurtun- ate man to talk at such a time and impressed upon him what a godsend tho opportunity' to make a speech would be do him. Blackburn. The negro somewhat reluctantly ggreed to let him go ahead. Kindly ofnce Joe Blnckburn‘s Per- formed for Negro About to Hang. When Senator Joe Blackburn was a. struggling young lawyer. as all really. great statesmen must have been at some stage of their career. he was called upon to defend n negro charged with murder. Mr. Blackburn did it»: best he oould--made an un- pussaoned address to the jury and all that sort of thing --but the de.. lundnnt was sentenced to pay, the ""hrery' penalty. One tat the ed, cooked, kept the brood in order, educated it; sent bayla and girls to ootlege and aimed themselves to do It ; kept their husbands well ted, con- tented; took an actlve part in all: sorted church. Sunday-school, char- ' ltable, educational, mclnl work and play: snatched time to read, too; mbmlt‘ted weekly to be "bonded" by dlvers "Influential" molds and ma- trons, and nntreetlanttom, boresmnd kept sweet. helpful, patient. sunny! through life. Thelr works do follow them! The miniateraf wives were. are. and ever shall he all right. - "With the Procmlon" ln Every-body's Magazine tor February. I To write you. meet, a. valentine; I'd tnko your dainty hand instead, Bttt-you'ro a. drtswisttr-r am wed-r And that is why. you understand. I only take my pen in hand. wims. lesson with a ltinip of'buner. some salt. mpper and a. very little sugar, and serve no hot as possible. Valentine. Ellis Parker Butler In much. m hand.? take this mu of mine Boiled Two“. Boiled tomatoee hare a much bet- tor flavor than the game vegetable fruit stewed. Smooth tomatoes near-Ly of a size would be chosen. These are dropped In balling salted water and boiled until they can be easily pierced with a fork. Lift them out then. place on new“ of but- teLlled toant. score each on top_croes- The Empress Dowager enjoys her automobile In the summer palace gnonnds. and Prince Bu, who has charge " municipal affairs. promises that the main street- of the city shall be tlt tor automobile travel in one 'etsr.--Chieago Tribune. typical and moat popular oiliciols no longer spit at the sight of a tor- oigner. bloom-tor Ill-dwelling. u if ejecting perniclonu halal, nor do they openly long to have the skin of a for- eigner- tonned for the cover of a cart. 81: princes drive in foreign built ttrouzh.una. and more than sixty foreign carriages will be in use by or. !lgial pprsonagea this winter. It is the best, you cannot afford to de- pri we your wife of so tral.. uable an aid. It has ball Every house needs a New CenturariWashet. may be paid In momenta of a Courteous G. T. It. omein1. Toronto News The chorus ot complaints that comes from the branch lines ls pleas- antly varied by words of thanks to a. courteous oftcial of the Grand Trunk (mm a company of storm- bmnd puncngers at Clinton. Sixty- two people who were stuck In the sum-w Saturday night. Jan. 23. and Hut-wands worn entertal ed In tho Chgton hotola tm. the tollpw'attt Wed- netlttt GUIDE {A} Lire/iii hi; the towe Ctr, Tho late Admiral Sir Harry Ken-3 pol said a. short time before his death: "I am well over BO yeah: of ego and I have enjoyed every hour of my lite. I am melt content to A Cry for Hott'.--' pain In the back in nor: of the Hana-ya tor help. South Ameri- can Kidney Cure in the only cure that hasn’t a failure written again-t. it In cases of Brlglzt'slllneaae, diabetes, inttammatton of the bladder, gravel and other kldney ttil- mentn. Don't neglect the apparently Inig- ttifieart “algal.†Thu powerful liquid Bpeeitie prevent: and rurro.-70 She would not, though I coaxed and teased. And med of her my bride to be, She _mid _she'd marry ' whom the Dear tytrtv-..r was tor seven ,enrslmuirtorttsrtt, to cul a. deep gush In n mirerer from Bronchial 'ji'iii,ii,e',1iri. leg, which, owing to a tap, 2:31; 70:31.: amaze??? tet :gfgapeculiar mistake. came near being a. whim. I go't‘no 1Gt?"/,ef,,, any. ire more serious than the cucum- thinst till 1 trled Mr MfNARD'alsreaDees would warrant. His leg; was HONEY BAMAM TWO bottles Kowloon,†and hs W30 taken to Waldo- Page! and nix bottles made " norm Dom village a. distance 'ot six to I',2'iel'T'it T,""2l ollcarmiyg ire- seven miles. ‘for nurgical’ treatment. trom throat y ne m er as U n the arrival there the injured y lam: trouble, 2It was found to be at death's Frederictona F. VANBUsKutK. door from tho loss ot blood. and it . A was then discovered that the cord had been tied around the wrong leg. 'e?lre1'ri""r"""-------- He is now recovering. "Do you mean to tell me that you were cure! enough to punish your can like that ?" he demanded. "Om oo’ce I did, Ttsh hunch." she momma. "How dare you L, no brutal t" The adored wommn looked at him In fino contempt for a moment. then asked slowly: ' "Look n-henh. Jedtte, was ytoh tmer do lather oh a wuthless mulmtter boy"?" The Judge almost roll from the bench. "Er toh ain't,†continued the next-ens. "then Toh don‘t know nur- nn' about do case!" - Harper-1} Mechanii 7 _ I Miami’s Limment Cures Distemper. A certain Judge. living in the upper part ot Now York, while trying a. case. listened with pain and ditr. Manama to the testimony of a col- omd woman who was describing how she had whipped cum ot her off.. spring. She enlarged on the har.. ming detail- until the Judge stop. Ped, her. pianos-(1,. --- 7 - WM‘ fl" h'etr7oo2rtoss Irnowtr!-she plea-es Little Braves-tNd time a quarter-a- box "Pttrtrers" are quitting the tieid in who). battalion. Dr. Agnew’o Little Pm- at 10 cent. a vial are driving them out at all pointe. Because they ect gently, non enac- tively. never pain, and are easy to take. t5iek headache euccumbe to one doee.-69. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO " The London Chronicle tells a story I ot an incident in a Donegal village ahawmg the friendly Irish habit ot giving a pleasing answer in prefer- ence to the bud truth. "I want some p ptr'rmint lozenge A." stud the S xon vitri.or, coming "r i.tht to the po at. "Sure ya do," sud-ed the Irish shop- keeper, keeping off it. "How much are they '."' pursued the Saxon. as “the man did not move. "And Isn't ! It two ounces tho pentty they are?" [answered the Irihman. nail. willmut imovxng. "Well, have you Rot any P' p-rsisted his customer, lmpmlemly. "Sure, not any at all," said the Ir- ishman. coming reluctantly to the) point with his sweetest smile of GT.) The Chicago Buslnen Woman's Club has decided against dances m which it la necessary tor the gentleman to put his arm around the lady. " that land of dancing la to be barred the dancing teachers may as well look around for new Jotts.-aJhlmsBo, Record-Herald. 7 i - "v _,-.. "a. a "nu nun- “1-“;qu lurllcvl ot the â€Item. In buying Hall's Catarrt Cure he nun you get the genuine. It ttr take: Internally and mado- in Toledo, Ohio, " F.J Cheney & Co. Testimonials tree. Bold by Drllggluu. Price, 7 Ge per bottle. Take Hall's FumllyPul- tor eorsstipatlon . “i __.- --pe "w, "u. nu "I van lulu to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hull‘l Catarrh Cum, manufactured by F. J. Cheney. & Co., Toledo, O . connin- no mercury, and In taken Ina-manly. acting dgrvtitly upon the b ood and mucoun “the" A . _ ___.__ ., . . -- --- no mercury will surely destroy the sense ot umellnnd completely deranae the whole lyn- tem when enterlmt It “would! the mucous aurlnceu. Such nrtlcles should never be used except on f,T,ir,if2'ttp,.'n,t trom reputable Pir,'h clans. n.- t I' damage they trfll do, Mun old , he Istanbul by Dr. Agnew- I eatarrh-I Powder. " Rollo". in I to mum... _ F. A, Both m, dump. Cook-Mn. Que. ’33.": "For :Joyean 1h,fitete'ett,S'rt.' My Irma: was '07 alien-Iva even to mr. Belt. I mod overnh If which frowned no I a can. In Minoan all nuanced had to pro- ,' claim them no good at all. 1 van lnduced to "f Dr Agnew’n l nurrhul Powder. 1 got. rule! Inns-nu, after urn caulk-anon. " Beware of Ointment: for Cattarrtt that Contain Mercury, rellef tuitiiiiruttTriirG" initvl'lc-iiionr "ii ilyttgrt and I am in. Iron al the elk-en of Dr. “cow’s Ointment to love. eel-m In on. day. 350. foul Breath, Catarrh, Headache no Had a. Good Time. Chicago Chronicle. No Dancing: for Them. The Judge Witted. Inconsistent. Bumutt Nova. Bound to Please. in I “Can no one annwex' t"is qutauont' tho new curate asked, who was 'standlng behlnd the aqu-re‘s daugh- lter . . , A l‘ttle girl was suddenly struck with a. brilllnnt Idea. She held up her hand excitedly. ' “Well. Nell " tho squire? dangh. ter asked. am rpitppprtal. - __ - For the Children. The Earl of Meath, " somewhat en- thusinsttc British humanitarian. has suggested to the London school au- ‘thorltlee that children ot the ele- ;menta.ry grades be taken from the city and hmught up in model country ’villagou. the parents to pay only the have cost ot food, the county council I footing other expenses. He urges that in t' la way children of the very poor {would have an otherwise unobtain- .abla chance to grow up strong. Wealthy and mod cititena. In addi- lti.on, many of them would probably zetay in the country, thereby helping Ito repopulate the rural dlatricts. “Please m’ss" the sum“ child re- plied breathless'y. "mother can 'twll be a miracle lt you don't marry they†ouster; -aiGish [Iron looked at one another, but remwned (lent. _ - _ 7 Brilliant Little Nelly. Phiudetohin Rormd. The Squire's Pretty Daughter (er. sunning the village mtv-oo-Now, chldren, can You tell me what a m'rncle ltr , Thry Bound tbs Wrong Dog. A man in North Waldo'boro. while lcuttlng wood hut week, had the mitrtorttutt, to cul a. deep gush In glue leg, which, owing to a very speculum mistake. came near being imam!) more serious than the cucum- PM li, Hum l I 33:13? 'fl/le, remains, there ‘is (9tt!llttl1'e. ygonsumptiom THE PAGE WIRE FENCE or, I 'V'TED Minaril's Liniment Cures cow, etc. Destructive Bugs. A Boston entomologist makes the extraordinary statement that bugs, under which generic name he 1n- cludes the little creatures from the grasshopper down to the ladybug, ‘are dostroylng property in this country to the amount of $250,000.- ooo a. year. The qratrshopper eats up $90.000 000 worth ot vegetation, the Herssian fly $30,000,000, the ahinctrtmg, 81otxy3,0'00, and tho po- tato bug $8,000 000. Moths, lady- bugs. tobaccco worms, nuanhbugs. beetles and numerous other entomo- logical entitles consume the re- mainders-Ormego Times. mum's Lumen: Cures Diphtheria. GGiiiii 3332 Iiurd’a Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. "Humor! life is only fifty years. If we are reluctant to lose it, we become dis- loyal to the Emperor for generations. Two ways lie open before us t the loyal way " to die. Let our motto be to contippe fighting until we fall exhausted. “This is he n'iost tmost-ai/Gr/tro-lirics', How desirous. How joyful." “Grasping 400 provinces with one hand and planting the flag of the Rising Sun on the Castle of Pekin, let us return in triumph. For you are to be an example of the military chm, increasing the fame of the nation. - a K5F"'"""'" -_.. """"J' l "We are munching through a. country in which the scorching heat blisters the tietsh. We are passing through fire and water, but we do not care. The enemy’s projectiles come like hail. The corpses are piled mountain high at Heijo. Blood disoolors the waters of Wei Hai Wei, but our soldiers, never retreating an inch, eagily captured the Chinese fort. "Both in the desperate battle of the Gulf of Pechili and in an attack on the Province of Segio, we displayed the m.- tional prowess by slaughtering the Chin- eedi,Irh_tlng against our couptry. 7 . Tonshin Joysku hakai hash! Toyo heiwa no giwo shinnu, Momai ganko no chan-ehan gt. Burei kiwamsru furnmaiwa, Setshi yakuwan bani hitun, Nimn danshino u emside. Ya no gums o ysbursnto. Translated, the song is as follows: "The Tien Tsin treaty has been brok- en. The extremely disaurteous conduct 'of the barbarous and stubborn Chinese, failing to recognise the value of peace in the east, causes teeth to be setand arms folded, while public sentiment is sorrowful and angry. "To break this dream of barbarism by the po.wer of the Japanese soldiery, our reinforcements are continually advanc- ing, with titqps floating bravely. .lc Dena-Ibel the inm or Jun-nee. During the War With Chins. i When Japan sent 3 party of mu! of. [ncen and sailors to the States to take charge of the eruUer Ksugi, built by the Cramps, they taught one of theJap- uncle wu- songs to their American ac- quaintances. Here in how the Jepaneee version m in part t Prices; B. C. WILLS & Co. 305 at: 50c ti. LeRsr.N.Y.,'Nrontts,Caa. ' The Lun Dure Tgnlg 8 " once. It will strengthen the lungs and stop the cough. When you think you have cured a cough or cold, but find a dry, yanking cgugh remains, there is A JAPANESE WAR SONG. _Ttit?totyttoetttrrtsaaatosats, tt “Ci-tho mm the world mr. Ea. [would cost may more to have you tat the table regularly than it does , tor me to feed you from the pantry shelves every; nitrht."-Amieairo Ile- cord-Herald. Lord Kelvin's estimate ot the ago or the world is: "Not so great as 40.000.000 ymrs; possibly an lit.. tie as 20.000.000 yearn; probably 30,000,000 yours? As not even the greatest scientists have. been able to ttnd out within 10900300 or 15,- 000,000 bears how old Mother Earth in. it must ho confessed that the keeps the secret of her ago quite as well as do her charming: daught- tars. The scientists may at last me to the conclusion that, like the out“. the in "ooir, as old as she ‘M n I The winter a 1903-4 will live in the memories or Sir Thomas Shangh- nessyi and Mr. C. M. Hays as a. sea- . son when the sieighinz was much better than the railroading. "I heard n-im'téuiiig mother the other deal that he didn't, think it "Do you think your father has any idea that I have serious Inten- tityy-ntsorytlrtg you?" The automobile. rapid, shifty. and a bit dangerous wlthai, came to con- tend with the horse for mastery in tho matter of outdoor exercise and transportation. The motor car has made a can place tor itself. but nel- ther " nor the chyt-ntutenirty bicy- cle can claim equality with the horse we a brace: ot nerve: and presenter ot health. . _ . Then use the New York Cellini, the only trunk line whose train. enterNow York City, corner 4th avenue and 42nd “not. Aaend-Good idea. Travel under your nom de plume. Marianasâ€. Young author (who thlnks himself famoue)-I believe I should an)†my holiday batter it I could go in- cog-Into. Are You Going to New York ? Can be had in TUBS, FAILS. WASH BASINS. mLK FANS. STABLE FAILS. ETC. "REUBEN! TREAT-El! with Allen's Lung Balsam bring: "ll the phlegm. all.†Inflam- mation. atop- t e cough and pain In the cheat. and overcunea tho-e terrible cold- :{bich it nozlecvod soon becomes column). on. it Is a hundred to one shot on an utterly unreliable tip. Impulse prompts you to slant down toward tho swamp all once, to Jump 11an trom somewhere, promptly knock hlm over and be done wlth lt. This will save useless potter-mg pver Ioollsh tracks and also save valuable time.--Edrryn Sandys. 1n February Outing. It may be the track is first found in n briery thicket, which hampers all the rising ground. marking the edge of a. great swampy woodland. It is murr--in tact, almost too easy. The hero loves mramfy woodland. so. of course. he merely has skipped tor a trifling distance along the rim, as it were. of the depression. then gone down and squatted under some handy log, from (which shelter you will bounce him within five minutes. The- oretically this is sound; practically. Li.lljlrrRE WARE To my notion. there is a peculiar charm about trailing e hare. In the (int place. there is a superb uncer- tainty about where you will locate the beast. if it known where it is It- eclf. You find a fresh track. and It wine. you will follow It in whet ap- parently in the wrong direction. and thero-well, you just keep on follow- ing. Somewhere. perhaps only a few yards to one, side of where you struck the track. is the other end, and. of course. a hare. You acquire wisdom concerning this small tehnicailty later-possibly hours itstetr--tmt that goes not_of necessity spoil_thc sport: Use Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- light Soap. a, Easy to have “emulation. The Horse Holds It. Wm. lute ot' Mother E53111 - --. __.,.-. - Cyffyt----...-...........h 20.0w .09 PURELY 1eyylUiiiiill9lo IIGIMIATEI. HEALTHY and RELIABLE Mair-y. The Canadian Ordnr of Chasm Friends Still Forging Ahead. From lly ftrst-cta" dealer. 7 ,._--_. -....---- -"' "'V III-LII“ Organ." wanted. Wrtto- W. F. MONTLGUI. Gull Manor, Hamilton. Ontario. w P. CAMPBELL. can Ogsnlur, Hamilton. Ontario. wertrervihr., Th: Order In int clued “other prosperou- yur. In or]. Tout morn-o 'Mt,',t,',tf, "tatt-..................... 'rqt.itnere-rtri Gth%"litee.r.:::::::r.:::::::.: Tot-l 1'ttttr,t,e..s.f..c..V..T.TC.rC.r.'.r.r.'CC.y.'.y.', Tot-1hr)!!- Frsi.............LCCC.".CrrfCiCr, diiejttitt 'fllllllMllltNt Her Conclusion Sletghing Good The E ulvo Hm. t of "me-nu the mm a ‘1‘!" P""'" tth,tt mata- aitltltatrgt ah CtBs8Ff, a. 0-1. loam], he. bl! an lit- Probably even the been able arrived ne tht'ught tho trxt tnignt prove too apropos. no thou-upon ex- naval-ml an »l..or gonna: Irum 11:" barrel. and preached upon "Art Ir1hot, He Who Should Fame. or Look We tor Another"." Even with thin thoughtful mitttrtitutton, tho no gno- gstlon and to smile but a. little. '""-riai-ai-a=..L'"X_er, arrived he Prove too a Evan More Apropos. A good story is com; the roundn in tho Orange.» or a prominent Proa- bytcnun clergyman tho mu Prl" aunted Pct, twins the day beforv Chrintnuu lays the New Y rk Woibl. Ilo had pmpurcd a sermon for tttrist- ma: In armng upon t .o aubjwt. . Unto LU i'. Say, in Born." When the twltts era sfatecmani; off. ' ShebFor what mun? “WM. he told her one night that when he was " his work her was was ever before Mm." "Well?" “Thu " 3. "utlor, and a mare,“ remarked the III!) with the impru- donhtlcuoae an he rmtllzpd that Ins Eyek_t,tLrtyLtreert tratrrcd. Ana-u. iGu"riii." 15-57;, a. Gi/di," 51.3,}??? Alb-t, Yong. Quint, Toronto. on. Bo can that your ticket. rem] via â€rand Trulk and Ilhllh 'erltr.r mutoufthe "Black IMO-Old Stun-I.†Tiitn in the direct and but. rout: fro- all fitnetegu'tyt; "F this rank I’m-re te now eheeke In hum 't.nd from Gnu! " potnu. The hum: Talley ha than union tn New York, up town nun all Inning hatch, and down town nevus“ Blur-m Inn-hiptlucku. having pawn“ for! or Euro). . Ionian l upon-1w tram. or. Fftry,tt FPS". a: . cu; of Jirand Trunk Aka“! or Mot-gun. Tot-onusmr. J. Pierpont Morgan has gone to Montreal tor a rest. 1123 action Icem- natural enough here. but Lion. heal. whlch isn't really aware ot in manual reputation abroad. In manual): Inkling down the moun- ta . Wash may duhes, pots or puns win Lever’a Dry Soup . powder. It will to. move the - with the greatest case. as "Not males! I were passing pt'oph' who wore Fanning me; to stop." he replied-Detroit Free Press. "'Would you like to-drive n m:- at the mtg of 100 miles an hour.†I asked. I found the motor-man an mum- goat and courteous fellow. IAN. smile nun. Must WW Fm -bet' ','h"utth,l'tt a] (an: wor- uu th Sa1',P.u2"lgrlt"tld recommended. A I: ple P. o drawer " Hamllum. Ont. ANN-Imam (boar-cu. Ap. W to In. W. A. BOLTON. Human, Ont. ISSUE NO. 8 1904. Bans" & th, 113 4)rtill NO BRASS EYELETS Why The, Famed. Their engagement ls brown l POPULAR CORSET Foil I904 Even More In Going to New York WANTED WONG HIP J Mw'avmw h a. Ind 000 can? 1E,bit1jf, and not†my I h tho Ga '="a'rHmL'h'?f.r. no MANUFACTURED ON LY " TORONTO. - ONT. A Tine Answer. 253 ' In taet the beat tnctta a cartoonist." -h'onks tiiiiiyi6ii.iri; LL' 22:: 36490 vvv.re2h81M, STYLE My P(iririj," 's',, “a; i; More iius undo: mm txrday to a I that. mum-r _ an, " u ull mn~n~ I. n I n tor and-r4 vs numbnuva " “We but u" thmuc on. (inane-J. pa not (mm. r04 wl*' tial “MM. :3 [NIB tns V Janna esp' 3. lugv t I to tw tuio ( Mano teu l wruWA. M nonhuman wt eximscscu u muuL. oi [mm mm ' I nun-us l , 'trent) uh! U a. Wut‘u. hunt»: " “IL. LAD run . t. . now w... Wllulu \.= (our can“! M") " ll l'ul'l. sum .--0’uadn new 'ertrt'e. . Ir-Ib ten-d (hung! tha' 1-a.o., k 1ttctuscs mum boo' nunun‘ m mm c.. â€an aunt†at wax. aud â€NFL ' a.“ "its' “Lu-mu “1pm. ot £0†to “a canâ€... now w.ciilui, salu- ulul ' catu mall!) sic only rum.“- to muu‘ Hu- wruar Lu Ah: prop.“ it Lu: y Port .u'Luur ray te um I north and cm run In umutm grown. m.- " duh-mu sb' trom um uur WM. tu: land upw'; will ha in the mun. meet tite (“any uh he [00.6mm the Jaluu thur. in! sagnunlu One wrMuu l now ttolutt an says that [In- area ot “an they should lu- and tito ruc- Ilmlmrm. wn Muslims. Thu tl tor the “mu-nu I'P'Iltw to (La-aw; hon. and it in Russia would r out that it ' pormihio to Ctrl gum†amunu “Moss tlt" mun loud and to a: notion. Japan and dish' Jnttatt l {nullwh them ty mum the Cor eelicut Conan.- Ita turn It is law“ t%oui. polling: â€than of th' Arthur. In were dam he conrix'r not). JaPAerEsE--Aiteadri 'tUSSiAN--Thr's'e w Ottawa dos Ontu'm Net, itoln qvt..ui,lg “.1 GU.†rnm'Ir w “runuwrh rum! Tr†no battleships l1 u " Jap- JAPAhi tbt action. ' Russians gtterc..'uttttme. transpon- (Thu last crane" sunk bl " [IS ot b u rat o a A! tut “I IL 008‘ wa Japan! h ttt u m: 46 h " “II M M: " lwd oh'