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Durham Review (1897), 25 Feb 1904, p. 2

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A crowd of seamen gathered about. and linully an onlooker gave one of the combatants u sly but hard kick, whereupon the crowd laughed. TIra 7min on until he who had been kick- .od by the outsider broke loose tram in. tunes-nary and turned Iiercc1y ‘on strut humorist. . Several others ventured into the comp. and pretty soon a, dozen men {were bitlng. touring and punching ~ono another and jumping on those orho were down. -. . Suddenly a Russian naval lieuten- Ant. in his bright unllorm. {lashed attto tho crown and laid mercilessly About him with a thin) cane. _The ntttst ended in an instant. The huge. clumsy sailors Were caved by authority and stood oriatrutg about the oilicer. like dogs before their mater. 'Is and Juan. Tho mu. Jun " was“)! . .mt caller. You - meet Mm on gum ships. except us cook or W. But the -tahts at 'om4grl? staun- “I like Janna-o crown. They are .1th hardworm and may. The: can be relied upon in time ot dancer. Ind when "bore they "r. ‘dom get drunk.'ln this last reopect “W m the non wonderful sailors h the - I The Rosanna. especially those from i the Educ pSo"tu',"e,',', nearly an; mood unor- the "sattd!reletl Aim-t - mm: and American; um” mp can-too a few Mustang. ', The wine:- was once aboard n ship on which there were the Russians! before the malt. They were thorw ouch sailors. They could not rang; its when very. drunk. but not other- “. Two of them tackled each “her one dar, on the quay In Od.. oua. Thar threw their arms about qaett others necks and kicked with their knees and bit. . ' ' Tho huh chap (tweed around. and taklng advantage of an opening, tar.dml so heavily on tho big fellow"- bw that he floored him. The yell tint aroma from tho ont okers would Inna done credit to ten times their numbnr. t Iui and mo merchant seamen. Accompanied the combatants and their Yankee hackers to the su- burb. _ I one of tho fightvrs was much smaller than thn other, bat more active. a " was a pretty even match. t " didn't take anyone long to observe that tho sympathies pt the Jam were witty the little fel- Time waa calla]. After Sparring, the but follow 'tttld hard knock on tho Irma chop. A I- came trom the crowd. "Good. good. good. little man 1" they found their mun b"own eye- glhrtening with g-lteuggnt. -- -- qu-uu “v... -.--- -_"_-_ - The writer uncut levord months In Black in; Run-inn part- and, be- ing at that. time bdore the mat, - trio close contact with the sen- tu’tng'm-en. Deanne we mule Run- aunu.elseyraeuunetn, they are are not particular“. unrivalled up, al- thoogb not no tuimendous in size 0.9 the Balm: men. Run-nan mm are fond of right- irrau other hand. when an Eng- “III police officer onge tried to quell k" Foie among somo Russian sailors ht an English seaport they played football with him throlurls n w.ity. When some reserves tiuall.y came upon the scene. the belligerents wont winingly to nil. The next day they were arraigned In court. Their (we: were beaten and bitten, Tho Magistrate expressed great august at their methods of fighting. This surprised them. Through ania- terpreter they said; "Ht you light. don’t you try to hurt the other fellow as much as you can! Isn't it lair to-uso all the means given You-your teeth. lactate the must. Thar were thor- ough canon. They could not read their native language. on: cores of them ware fond of any“). novels ot the puny-awful sort. They were all Baltic Rama”. and they nl'wnyn made the duttnctm.. "Vat. you tlnk I rant to “be tak- on tor mm of dose mack Ben tlatter- m?" mm nf them asked one any. “Veil, pct-hap- I don’t need to tell you that I am not come troo de Boaphorml. I don't look like dorm unrivalled no grain bumpers. do P." - ‘ . I 7 _A!- -L--. .BVWo%TB""'%o B..- “.w" -.____. _ as walled up m. gigantic chostl and Itmtched out two arms that my?» a main yard He had been In 3 the Gnu-’0 nary, but had deserted tot can In Ionian merchantmen. l They have Norse Mood in them.' use” Baltic seamen. and they prey tor the "an and vmhond life ot, manhunt Inna-I. Therefore the new; man od the Russian menofawnr are mint! "Q03” Black m 1ereet"c'Y aU,._inatGristConi., tiiv,ause his unilorm wasn't Russian. A, "ttu, trait man shown'nt one of the countleu sailors' fights that take vim In 89¢ka _ _ ' _ . Tho Japanese sailor‘s idea of lair "tttttInit is dtantetrieal1r opposed to that ot the nus-inns. His rules are stricter even than the American's. At any rate. he disapproves of a. big lollow'o pitching into a little man. even though the latter may M's science with him, i ,- -iifwGuliiti% ot an American ship *ént ashore to settle a dispute In ttw. gun! old .-\ng?o-Snxom way. your toot. your nulls? If we were to use only our lists. we couldn't hurt each other In a year. and the light would never and.” reriiiiis" Flaming sailors. é Nootbcr two t,resot m are fellow landed a blow they hissed or qxrito '0 ditroeqlxt u tho-, at Rttg- were Client. but when the anal! man It. and Juan. . “ruck home the: wept and howled The um- Itu' itt eer1t?u1te to: m. . __ . _ 80 n viént on. Every time the big Kilt" MIAMI. IEEIUILY Insomnia. IEALTIY an [EMILE m "N. mu- . 'le 'e. 'li'm'l'lf: tgt'Q tep. was: a“... The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends Still Forging Ahead. Tttoo-tttre-rr-eo-.'. but). but I. it Yotat hens-o Harv Total In”... tn In 293.! ?er?tqeEtte. _ Faa i;3?i1333:::5§1...............IIIIIIIIIIIII'O'E‘EK'Sq? Though Snail. They Like to Tackle Bitt Russians. i It looked as It the Jam Were do- ling a bullet dance - their legs shot out in 'ell danctlons. and tux Iver: sink looking hoodlumi disap- ,aeared down u we street. Wtte i two Jam seemed highly: elated. Deep down in the Japanese sallor'a lheart is a. glowmg hatred of the 'Kusaian sailor. It a. about his only. ' racial prejudlce. The has“ has not particular ani- V malty. tor the Jam; he merely oon- i Balers tum is very funny and some- times u very pwgnaclous little chap. I The Russian sailor likes tlght l when he is drunk. and if any Jags ' are around. he will favor them as wall as the next one. But the Jap. . who does not drink. and who en- , Jone. tight when he meets somebody , he does not like. loves to get into An antiouary in the city of Brussels named Goebel gave perhaps the oldest dinner which has over been eaten. A description was given by one of the guests. Mr. Amar.iah Dukes. He says: "At that dinner I ate apples that ripen- ed more than _eightcen hundred year! Now is the time to bring some twigs indoors and put them in a vase of wa- ter to the window sill. Choose anything you like, and if you do not know" what it is, so much the better.' There are three classes of twigs that are especially in. teresting; etsr1rflowering shrubs; the common shade trees, and above all the fruit trees which give the largest and showiest flowers. Winter buds are a fascinating study. The leaf-buds are. gen- erally long and pointed; fruit buds are short and fat. If you know what kind of twigs you have. you might put n lit. tle merchandise tag at the base of each and record the date of bringing indoors and the date ot bloom.--(runtry Life in America. ago; bread made from wheat grown be. fore the children of Israel passed through the Red Sea. spread with but- ter which was made when Elizabeth was Queen of England; and I washed down the robust with wine which was old when Columbus was playing barefoot with the boys of Genoa.' In Naming the gallon of all na- tions 001131 r it a prime duty to get drunk when than go ashore.and usually the Russian sailors are In the majority. The British tar, Am- erican tar, or German tar may rum bowling through the streets. but un- l-ass he tries to wallop everybody he meets, the small, neatly uniform- ed dock patrolman will wink their almond eyes at him. But let a. Russian sailor attempt: slmllar antics and it is all up wlth him. The first little patrolman who sees him makes adlvo and guns the CERES sailor by the “gist. Usually the Rmmian"te twice the Jap's bulk, bat that is immaterial. He stands no Show at all. The Jap has a. poem-lax- jiu-jitsu twist that he applies to the wrist, and the Rus- sian goes along to the lockup ever.“ tlme. " he begins to Tight savagely the policeman shown him what jluditsu tactics really, are. Therefore It is not an unusual sight in Nagasakl to we a. brown policeman. scarcelyo tire feet over all, naming down the street with a six toot thmn Russian unilor in tow and in complete submission. "The apples were from an earthen jar taken from the ruins of Pompeii. The wheat was taken from a chamber in one of the Pyramids, the butter from a stone shelf in an old well in Scotland, where for several centuries it had lain in an earthen crock in icy water, and the wine was recovered from an old vault in the city of Corinth. There were six guests at the table ,and each had . mouthful of bread and a teaspoonful of wine, but was permitted to help "him. self bountifully to the butter, there being several pounds of it. The apple jar held about two-thirds of a gallon. The fruit was sweet and as fittelir ftnv. ored as if it had been picked but yes- terdsy." . . It was after dark, and the roughs. rreeing two Japs coming down ~the street. thought they could bulldoze them as they could Chinamen. They tackled the two Jups, and the two Japs tackled them. . a mix-up with the Russian. A. " re- am. times are never dull ashore, whenever Russian ships anchor in Nagasaki harbor. The Jam themselves are not afrald or a fight. even when their oppon- ents outnumber them. This wan shown by an encounter .seeera1 years ago between two Japanese man-or-warm men and at: hoodlums on_ Folsom unmet in Ban Franciaco. Inter on One ot them waved hitt arin- and creamed with Joy when the little chap tinatir put bl! big opponent out of business. Then the ans carried the victor on their shoulders to the nearest tea house, where they cheered him most luau], made him drink as much tsakt no he could. cheered him again. nnd then the big fellow, for displaying “Ell ggod guts in losing. _ __ Flnally several mu. uniformed. mounted pollco appeared. " their object was to dispel-as the crowd. no one know It. The: were litted ort their horses and swallowed up M the throng. . . mind’s Linimcnt Cures cow, etc. A ‘1be OLD DINNER. ,-..cL.tr6Eifiii.iiii 'lwlun in Water, 'd (M Eb,'ir% La to the good you can pouibiy derive iron _ them. Hall’s Cutnrrh Cure, manufactured I by F. J. Cheney. & Co., Toledo, o., contain- no mommy. and in mm: inurnniiiy, acting directly upon the b ood and mucouo anti-cu of the ”Item. In buying Hull's Catarriz Cure be nuns you get. the genuine. It in take: , internal? and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F.J. Cheney Co. Tertimoninla free. Bold by Dmggiou. Price, 7 Ge per bottle. Tnh. Hlll’l Famiinilis tor conuipntion 'Shiloh’s a __, Cexasumptikxa A Uon‘ndl’l'l. senovmo Ontario. - a be!!! male: Which would you sooner tte-one or the chins-ta d the - M's may" on d ttte bmn ' Ttsd Four-Track New. tor February. Only G cent- " numt new. dealers. .. Shop-worn Joke. . Toronto News. moo the Bear came out of his hole. the Japanese have been doing noth- ine but Run-tan the Grinder. Have You Eczema P--ETa" you an akin diva-c or eruptions '.' Are you subject to ettattntt or scalding , Dr. Agnew'l om. meat prevents and cure: any and all. ot that, and our" Itching. Bleeding and Blind Pun besides. One application hymn relief In ten minutes. and can. cum! In three to II! lights. " ttrtttrc-71 mm Lima! Cum- Gum hem Mrs. Languy'l Turqulose. Mrs. Langtrv has a passion for tur- quoises, and possum: one with I curi- ous History. uucc When "..iadeniomeuc Mars" was staying in Venice she bathed in the Lido one morning and saw something at her feet through it'ae clear depths of the pure water. An adept at swimming. the actress dived and brought to the surface, so it is said. an exquisite sperimen of a. Persian tur. quoise, on which was any!“ tn eastern love song. Ever since, W are told, Mrs. Lang/try has worn this stone. attached to a neck chain, and avers that it has brought her luck. "I wait an asbestos curtain bo. fore the kitchen range." Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectan' Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disinfects. as Miro the 'ahah-Well, Fer honor, I guess I'll plead guilty. I must have been pretty drunk to refuse a. drink. Mistress to 'servant. who has Just given Dotiee.-"What inducement can I _rrteyr you to Yematn t" Jtadgrs--They any you were drunk and wanted to tight became you were asked to drink. "Not ofaetiy, but they took the Bear by the 5cm“ ot the neck." "Well, I see the Jam finally took the bull by the 110mm? _ A One of the heavy local advertisers of a western city says he has found it neces- sary to advertise regularly to build up his present large business, as does any department store man. He maintains that he has found it profitable to exploit a great variety of articles instead of making a display over a cut in sugars or other staples. "The women are eager readers of my announcements,” he says, "and they find in them suggestions for their day's purchases. Thus through ad- vertising I sell many things to hundreds instead of to occasional buyers." Beware of Ointments for Cettarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury win uurely destroy the *yttser ot smell-Ind completely damage the whole I,"- um when entering It through the momma nurtun. Such articles would he"? be used except. on L"ri2f,ig,"g trom reputs .1. Pali glanp. " t 19 damage they n.r.il.t do, “you . old One Henry Jenkins. died in Eng- land on Dec. 0. 1670. at the alleged as» of 169 years. He is laid to have been a. fisherman for 140 years. Al- though he could neither read nor write his reach or memory was such that he would calmly give evidence in count; in! antlers upon which Ids memory went back 120 and 140 years. As a. boy he is said to have taken a tome load of arrows to Nor- thnllerton to be forwarded north in tune tor Fiodden field. At the one of 100 years he used to swim a. wide stream in Yorkshire with ease. He [wed until four years after the crew! me or London, was poor all his life, but mbs‘lted cheerfully thy thumbing and salmon fishing. ' "%riiTGcii", "hii7UrisTtiirTr" 7.113;;- and gimp our: tom ot 110.11de and ”van.- Doctors tt.ei',ut"p. In. in". on. to " Dr. A'nuv's 0hr. tor In. “our: felted mom and cum hon. For mum you! In. John A. Jamel. of Wiarton, on... van a gun Minster from Bear: Duncan. For any: at a ttme the was eogtttned to bed, And " Deemed as though every breath Imam. be her Ian. Her Dbl-l- clans but! that Illa mum Chg'?, on" any minute. With woman'l wand: Insulating, and believing that .. while the I life than . hupo." Idle lung-d "In. Dr. Agnew’l GIN loathe Heart. Tune ttottlt eurolhet. _ A - J Saves the Dying Dr. An.w'. Livon- PIIII. a" do... loo. Bright, Entertaining and InstructiVe Hunt's Lunlment Cures Diphtheria. When the little folks take colds and coughs, don't neglect them and let them strain the tender membranes of their lungs, Give them A GROCER'S ADVERTISING. , The Lon "re Tonic 5 It will cure them quickly and strengthen their lungs. It is pleasant to take, PM. 2le.. loco. all 31.“. an The Modern Kitchen. N. Y. Bun. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO A Grrat Old Man. Not White 'toher. Bulls and Bears. A Husband for Twentyvtwo You" and Didn't Know It. After living In Chicago tor 2/3 years Chew Ting. a Chinatown. is to be de- ported. He was told that the only way he could 8E0 p2 deportation was to be married; but he declared that ho would rather return to the Flow- ery Kingdom than marry an Ameri- canAg'lrl. _ Ftnirteathert, (may not make tine bird?, trat, they _make_ fine bonus-ta. A debt of gratitude is generally] the hardest kind to collect. "Kem-a wonder wiry a. bachelor h called oniy halt a man t Cynic-.. I guppnee -re has no chance to lead a don-Mane. f “Mm Elderly came from a very old {am " an rt pie T' "Oh, yes." "Well. Ibo loch it." . ' Me Speculum on the c-.--" the ordinary run ot medical practice a greater number than thin have treated our. of chronic dyspepsia. and have iniled to cure .-bat Dr. Ton Stan's Pineapple tnbletl (60 in a box at M cents cant; have made the, cure. giving relief in one day. The" little " upecinliltl " have provan their real merit. --'rst . "WILD I have never seen my wife," said the Grumman. 'U have been a marriM man twenty-two years. I learned ot my marriage through my father. He wrone to me from Chhia. and said that he. bought a wife for me twenty-two ymrs ago. and that he was suvtng her for me, so that he could surprise me. I under-mud my wife cost 85." The social climber bellevel that all's well that ends swell. The poet who says no make- mgneynmuqt be , tuneful liar. A blgamint is a man who has more when than brains. MARRIED IN CHINESE STYLE. "Oh. mamma, Isn’t it awm-lly' tun.. nlpt They’ve named the opera 'Lucia dt Iautrmormoor'--nnmed it after our ttat."---'-. Dr. B. r. man Co., t have used your Kendall‘s Spain Can tbr so years and have found it an fufalltblc remedy. Please mail In: your book " once u t hau- colt hm new haying t.royitm ,.litlt.. Yes" lru}y._ L. L. '"t'rtiapyrPItareet. Suddenly. she turned to him-lt we during tho hush that precedes the "Remnavu. nel tritensio"-- and said: "What is the name of the piece, Mr. Gillette t" For reply. he handed her a. programme and pointed to the title. Then, in the whisper that bne hears more Ir1stinetly) than thunder. and easily reaching the prima donna, she cried out to her mother: 31121213” tii. ET.TaufiieicEiauri tiifi w. A Good Cat Story. Some allusion to his fondness 'for cats Ira-mum crops out in a. per- sonal paragraph regarding Mr. Gil- iotte. But he has another weakness, not so often mentioned, and that is a. fondness for high class music. Among Mu min is a lady with similar tastes. A eharminprlittle girl she One day in London Mr. Gillette Joined " box party! at n Melba mat- inee ot INtteizetti'tt opera. The child insisted Impon sitting near him. and ho was Mad to have her. As the per- formance went on the actor softly explained to his protege the mean- ing of the movements on the stage. In son's MG CAR. Although the Pope - travels he owns a sleeping an.whielt was con- started in. 868, when the line from Rome to Naples was opened. ltfwill be exhibited " the Milan Exhibition in 1906, to inaugurate the Simplon tunneL There are three oompnrtments --a throne-room, a car for the guard of honor and a bedroom. The thione-roirm is riehlr furnished and has a cupola engraved with the papal arms and the twelve apostles. The carriage is so ar- ranged that the Pope when seated on his throne is plainly visible and can give his benediction to the crowds " the stations. The slee ing ear Is di- vided into three 'jart"lf.'ft'e'l',1 bath and dressing roomtr--whieh are hung with Ith',' and white, the papal colors. The is of ebony and ivory. __ -ii"d iiiGiGitkr"rGniiyGuTt hi} Gaia." Fifa tl {Iii for 85.. Ask your drums! for {INDALL'I I AV!!! ctrwr. also 'La {mpg-o 9u__tl_u Esme; the yeh- 055. has. who is " pot of Mr. Gillette’s and who We a cat, a gift to her tram him. named by the romantic mother Lucia. di Lanupprmoor. elel by MINARD’S LINIMENT. MRS. RACHEL SAUNDERS. . “What dens he look like Y' "Oh, lttr Gnomes well enough-tUtd ret-oh, you'd know directly you looked at My: that he wad a genius." _ _ _ “'nne nfanager says he engaged the 40 chorus trls in :30 minutes." “Gra- cious, but he's quick at figures." tsmith-Why In It that Intellectual women do not make good mothers? Brxrwn--tnoy don't usually get a. clgnoc. my boy. _ _ Two Rivers, N. B. I was Cured of Diphtheria, after doctors failed, by MINARD’S LINI- MENT. JOHN A. FOREY. Antigonish. I was Cured of contraction of mu- Pspa--8how me that you deserve my daughter and you may have her. Bpind1esma,nka-1 have made her love me, air. Papa-Take her! You have performed a. miracle beyond my com- pmhenslon. I was Cured of lune back, after luf- fering 15 yet”, by MINARD’S LINE. MENT. ROBERT ROSS. When a Hindu» and a, widow meet in, rivalry. Satan hates his breqth, ISO-loo. “In. PAGE "lrt)llllllllii" HITTING mum’s Limment Cun- Diutonpor. Dalhousie. Savings or the Sages. CLIPPED (Evan hikiltlon patched, let. I could not uncover a What thing it was it u my Occur Before " Took PM. Guelph Mercury. The mm: are respecunux request- ed to take note that lf the war can come- trom the east to-aw" battle happened bo-mormw; lf It comes from the west to-morrowh bottle 2'y5t"1','t yummy. You can "(we t out [or mt. There never lived a. man with out- tlcle-nt descriptive talent to really do justice to his first smoke. Them are hundreds of ways ot holplng a. man, bat tho only correct one ls to put him where he can help hlmlelf. Toronto Star. "Ana you twld us or agin III t" or Coma. asks Japan. , _ "We're Wiju." says Cores. ' "We're WUu' lo a. man." t "That's very friendly ot you," San Juan. with smiling face; "And. since the matter“: settled. We'll take Wilt! tor abuse." What shmnk your woolens ' Why did holes wear so soon t You . used common soap. a. Only smoke good cum. 8. Norer smoke the lust In." of a. Cigar nor the end of a cigarette. 4. It a cigar or a. claret“ so“ out. fto not tight it again. . A of tobacco smoke. 6. Do not chew the end of a. cigar. T. Use a cigar holder or cigarette bolder and line it with cotton. for the nicotine will cling to the latter and will only penetrate in very qmall quantities into the smoker. system. Sell esteem is apt to cause men to assume loads that more intend- ed for mules. VICTORY ls " WEIR M0E.--in the fight again" (when and pains, be they In thebuk. chest or aide, be they nt-uralglc or rheturustie, " The D t L " Menthol Plum" are the ban pol-Hue weapons to be armed with. The ttret halt of lite in devoted to acumulatlng loads to overwhelm the second half. Where one man is tit for respon- sibility them are a hundred trying to mums it. Phydclan, lays down the following rules tor smoke". and maintains tint those who observe them need have no fear that tobacco will do them or Hands she had ordered, The thing was simple. quite; She wore the ostrich feather To match her appetite! Special excursion via Lehigh Valley Railroad, from Suspension Bridge, Fri- day, Feb. 26. Tickets only, $10 the round trip; good for return until March 7. Stop over allowed at Philadelphia returning. For tickets aml further itar.tietthu'a, gull But after the theatre ' We went to get a. lunch. i And when I had considered l The quite expensive bunch Via the Chieago-Union Pacific & North- Western Line from Chicago daily dur- ing March and April, to San Francisco, Lon Angelou, Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Vancouver, and other Ptufifhs Gout points. Very low rates to Helena, Butte, Spokane, Ogden and Salt Lake City, Cor. responding low rates from all pointo. Daily and personally conducted excur- sions in Pullman tourist sleeping can in San Francisco, Los Angelo: end Portland, through without change, double berth only " Choice of routes. For particu- lars, address B. H. Bennett,'?. King street east, Toronto, Ont. It seemed to stand out Ignely. New Ode-nu Tttness-Democrat. She wore an ostrich feather. . ' 1 And somehow to my eyes, l ' i Although I am no critic. , l , S It didn't harmonize. : , l f tl8-lllfali'ntitm and Mum-4|!) 31;_o;-_;Hdress kobt. S. Lewis, Chnidin n Passenger Agent, 33 Yonge street, Tor. onto, Ont. Toronto Mail and Empire. According to the weather experts the mean temperature tor January: broke the record for meanness. It. oo Wt Ilglll. " asund- B. Do not it where more In a. cloud $33 TO THE PACIFIC COAST CI- bo tgnd II TUBS, FAILS. WASH Bums. thiLK FANS. QTABLB FAILS. ETC. Use FIBRE WARE diiV%noto mild pigs". The Height at Meunneu. “mum-u. I" “do. to smoker- Random Thoughts. Exp'amed at I“! . From any ttrot-et- dealer. diltt Iit?(l A ans‘ Base. . well known much u down the touowintr it matched. W In. No". “out. w "oxtld 33m: trd t'gJ2"t'tt M 1 lt c “MW d eiiiiiEfihthtltt'rhtElte1h,'EelC' How to make soap.bnbblm tor s soap bubble party; “Into a plnt of hot water shave a plume of brown laundry soap. about an lnchsqnnre. contalnlng a. good preportlon or lye. When this ls thoroughly dissolved add a tetumpoontut ot Bum arable and our untll melted. Then a teaspoonfnl of glycerlne ls necessary and lastly a quart of cold water. Wonderful colored bubbles can he made by add- ing dyes. but for little people straw- berry or currant Juice 4or yellow are Other. new” and the Bent. Mildew“. PM Tttm-r ' you called upon Um Subbubo last night. Mek-Yee, and it was M much an I could do to tear myself any. Thym-at1o in fascinating. itrtt't Ibo? Ditt--ott. I wun't thinking ot nor. bat of her father‘s bulldog. The Ian'e Troubles. John Smith. J a. monotone. belte the Best; tel': I'" that a nerve to chm ' 100 And Bligh. startled. rear: and tgt'," gourd mt. Good VIM " It IRS. w. A. neuron. tin-um; thtt. WANTED “I IrMF--'t','Jte,p,ttil,')';t: VIII" I‘ll. "Nr-iris/iii-hir w... qnmud gitgntnt', In. work and the can ot nook n be wdlmomnndod. Ap- Mr P. o. an." ST, Ila-noon. Ont. not... meant... marques, new, “mar. will; proper? exempt. rom oefsttre, landlord ind run}, d letet iieettett?.'Prt, em. - run-nu, uI-ww- --- ....H - 7 one mat Iold " coplea In three duo; another cold " In a week ' French edition now madr . oattit Me ', order outttt was; : It not osmium?" money reminded. The Ttttt J. L. Nichols .. Limited, Toronto. tanner. auto: "ttra, iieepfetA'.ylr?, L'WJi NEW SPRING SUITS FROM " 06 to $12.00. Send [or tuition.- and cloth vampku. Boutheott Suit Co.. London. Canada Monuon this :mper. "a,ft'".'ot,,,, go. ot your own Ill. Ilul, Allyn-I an 'fi'llf mm a mum-nut M a - 2""gtt', u 'lta'g,'leg' "ll {nanny w-' " I... A In: ht or! our" i'iiitli.q'h'el',s,'r, a ,eltabte hon-n. to artvorttte out I In. WWW, to y-mpt. “than Mane. u-a in trhtfttlet Inn-1mm]! doom-null. of " MM] n m In tmm, brown. M. Ma And I” . "coco-Mono. . Odin-n Oppfnunky Q.', y?“ W. - ”with; t minimum " dolhn lo a an no in. mmuu-u "gamma mum». «and Madly on can): hr the run of Rheum:- thu. Con-tum on. Indication. Love rcwpluuu. lid- Iey null Budd-t Dianna. stomach fumbles. hum. Vesta-us. mum. hey buiid up the “out Biomi. WRIT WI AOI You " DHELL 1". - " I . GENT. A COX of De. VIII-M‘- “pawl-1m. ctr-mun; to our pun. 'terro- Vim buil- " of Hill ttom you. In (alum: to rennin I hundsmmy luwrvuro prawn! rim-n m. Yuu an all the pm- quickly. Writeus twin}: wotrugt Lou with tho PM. ma sold. We ‘" Mun-u [nirvana Dit. WILLARD'S VKCIZ‘X ABLE PILL“, no mum whine-nu no ' when we an "O 'rliuivromy “Mammal Duran we will do n. TM. " I M "tn','g'ISr to re,,', band inllurly dorm-um hm dun no. man“. I" It phyla; a Prnt for than N. box. not!“ Bttttr Imn- Inn of charge. writ. m " one. And to tho an: tn your loamy. Addr-- HANDSOME DISHES was on. misuse amount 00.. am. out. . tonouto. on fiir4)itij] FREE! Bnusu & 00., NO BRASS EYELETS A POPULAR comer FOR I904 STYLE WANTED - (We mu MANUFACTURED ONLY " 100 PICCES FREE, macaw. - ONT- 253 Soap Bubbles. un- dl etroyt iie%tr Russian and Japan f, JAPAN Ti) Russia to Take Her Tim Japi The Pi .ci". mpgralud pmtclm-n‘. “so twrlra mun-shin -turau'.3' of the Jar (maximum I Nady Lu l In“: '1 no hm, inn-3&0“ W's: Land on “a: M Human; u kt plums Ll‘amun . nun hum; nun. barn» U'lAILm, A: MAN"; sum-g qt'ist arc than; than, exec-w. m l haw urns! tie you)». Last Ut..', Wmmmd m tlr, “Alumna; Numb “mud. Turn- at noon: 11'3“er other “the“. In; ”Ruin; nu" por The“: arc' ‘u-u I day at hummus. “‘50er flag. ton-5.11m tiGNOU' c [an wsd‘ux-m oitrttt .11. teu A: thet dnvuu. Tin mix-ably udupwd [mm not loam] All 'il been; burl remurlutlw' bonus urt- t twatts'" Tita omuooru' anti'-" [W l puru- WIs ted and I mummy]. 'il t titrhteru all mm new um tt u. In ml in dmliuumn Mi Mm tadu Itin- l'mlnwula. From mlur “with! new“ l’c-uiuaulu u t J‘ulmmme arm; to "ttttcet ll..- oem‘re ot rutli Tito tit. Pete ot the Daily bi lowing Tumain Wilt-“(m H. w tti any; ""Ne Ju Chim-cu- tteutra and willing T. Imu Railw- tt In": ttptr" London calg (‘I n Russian lim witty.: lnkau Now Chums. I tia The turn my tlt:t t nruiny; uncluu Wa MT. d 5 u, o'cd ”man a vim: NLLL In rt nth Mtl {100115 ed in forcing they armed up close " 1 mm ammo Admiral are unknown tnctn mambo ct W mono! t I" at". ' Lettat autumn mnvund to. a" n cm; w, tttT rhupa‘ nun yl~w Ill but. Sandy they " u and steam quietly to th 'tte Third At 1111mm: 0&me manual receive-41 h " m 'l! -tcttmt l rho men't " Ttte :11 mam mm- pl WI bu ood lit ELMO!“ up mu m oti tl of the cr brunr LIU'W Ti"' I'm.“ to tltt "um mg in: In m 1't llu‘y INN!” l mu Office m tebsgtr'M" hymn-am " may in In Fulawandul ' with the Russian Pt lore m mv-Mf-w "In lll Russ kdvll drot Ir Ldbl "MP" t My: 'll 'tt ll Ail I}; ned " " " In: ll again it Nt. w the mum“ t'lll I' or, In. ah " b‘clock l ,.uod to l d a Y' um! mm i In orpa "o " w n tt'tt "at“ rm ' w or tl th MPS u of lit tirintt in u ttttd Tl Artt tt " th' tt Sund " mails the apttod I int r lanai urn-:1 " 1rkat was." " tl orm fill tm " {CO ntid dot th d: llt‘ll " lo h tu' [1.1 r IT

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