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Durham Review (1897), 25 Feb 1904, p. 4

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5’ T , q 95119 Eeople’s w t dh pg. Marlins, Dmggist. (t 'iMsqseiyqsge4eahoisciye'44gaeiy.geeiysaasaiyo t3u1ketegy.etet1ieiR ie"ttottf"I"'s it'i""i"tt,t"*"'tt, T. . , g 2)arli'rts s Shrug Sure 't A?eard Clark’s for Gutters I And all Farm Machinery we, At test. to be Convinced By hebox f , (HEIRS! (Mills! (HEIRS! fi',":(l,ee,-)io'ct TRY THE GLEN, THE BEST 5c CIGAR IN CANADA WE ARF. THE LEADERS in this line, as our Prices and Stock will show. The Largest Assortment ot English, American & Canadian Cut and Plug To accos in Town. ms, aai'iiiii',""iiiiiii, oiiio'iriiiiiiiicii (llllll)llli(l 1; We”) Print?, We”) Singhums Wow are” Saods, They are composed of the latest weaves and Patterns and you will be wise to see our large range before you purchase your New Spring Suit. Our Stock of Spring Goods are arriving daily and we are safe to say that we are showing a larger and better range than ever in all the newest designs in New Dress Goods, New Ginghama,' New Cambrics. Vestings a Prints. That there is no better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Pal- merston and London makes, The Great Prize Win. ner Cream Separator Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons: Snowball, Chatham and Walkerville; TN ilkinson Ploughs and repairs ; Chums, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. ba, thrring Soods 7ohrt givingston, GO FARAIERS near Durham who are now using this machine all say that it is the best skimmer. easiest to turn, easiest to clean, makes less noise and is the best fin- ished Separator on the market. Cash and an: Prim,, As usual we have a large pile of Prints to select from and are of the best quality. See our Window Display, These Goods are in nice Checks, Stripes and snow flake effects and are from so to 20 cts per yd. Made in Durham. ream John Clark See them and have one for the coming season. 'ortook. (ii) epapaéors Jhyrat. I The Toronto "San " had the follow- l ing article under the heading ot Ct Un. iconverted " referring to the agitation among Certain manufacturing interests. for an increase in the tariff. The stand taken by Sir Wilfrid at Montreal should commend itself to the great producing classes of this country, no- tably the farming population. Here is the article: "Sir Wilfrid Laurier. on Saturday " Montreal, broke his long silence on the question of the tariff He argued " length against an imitation ot the l tariff of the United States, which hssot l, __ "__'" --.-.v-uu-u 501161111 that " War is Hell." One may be ex- eased for wishing that our country and our Empire may not be dragged into pkg Ham-m the tiamU. France and Britain are working nicely together trying to keep Turkey and Bulgaria quiet. An ominous re- rt says France is warning Spain that Edwin is scheming to seize some of her ports and Spain has sent a force to the Canary Islands. Germany would go with Russia should there be a con- flaeration, and it is possible We may yet, see the islands ot Britain and Jap- an arrayed against the continents: a little terrier (or terror) on each side and the big bulldog beiween. English speaking people sofar are being entertained by the big show, but many a home in the two warring coun- tries will soon know, already knows, in the y'ords oCtte American general Russian bitterness towards Britain is becoming more marked and efforts are being made to break the Anglo-l!'reneh Alliance. The Bear is also smoothing Turkey down and would like to get its Black Sea fleet into the Mediterra- nean, a move which Britain would certainly resent. A report that 3000 Russians were drowned crossing Lake Baikal proved untrue. The railway is not completed round the lake which has to be crossed by boats in open weather and on the ice, on a temporary railway in winter. It is trne apparently that 600 Were, frozen to death. and a train at a point near the lake ran into an avalanche causing some deaths Harbin, the point on the Siberian Ily. where two lines diverge to Port Arth- ur and Vltidivtntoek respectively, is to be made, Russian headquarters. Hero will be massed men and supplies for " great movement in spring, and mean- while, tho' little is known, Japan is not idle, and not likely to wait till her enemy is ready. Since our last issue no very striking events have occurred. Another Rus- sian ship committed suicide by strik- ing a mine, and the general careless- ness or incapacity of the Russians is only equalled by the eftieieney of the, ans. Port Arthur and the neighbor- ing seaport of ‘Dalny are both blocked completely by tho Japanese fleet, or part of it, and Russian ships, except the iew at Vladivostoclt, are helpless to do harm. The few at vladivosioek are reported to have been seen out. but have left no damage behind them except one met'ehantman destroyed. Fon STOCK Bnnuonns. - The first Annual Meeting of the National Stock Breeder's Association is to be held in the City Hull, Ottawa, Mareh 7th lo 12th Inclusive. For further information apply to F. w. HUDSON. Ottawa. THE QUESTION or BAravottm.--.Thu, is a vital question with hundreds of men who are bald or partially so. How to overcome the disfigurement lent by Laldness IS a simple matter when you consider the perfection of modern art in the making of wins and Toupees. The l isit. of Prof. Dorenwend of Toron- to to Durham on Wednesday. March 2 when he will he at Midduugh House, renders it possible for any who wish to emisulubim to do so at his ptftytettpart- _ ments retained at Midduugh House for this purpose. Demonstration given to I show the perfect xmlumlness of his Wigsand Toupees. Do not miss this opportunity. Remember the day and date, Wediweday, March 2nd. l m'.-----. ‘1‘»;5 _.---..--- HIGH TARIFF OR LOW TARIFF, FINE Map.-The Toronto Daily Star is to he congratulated on issuing the best map of the seat of war up to date. Free to every cultscriher too. Only 81.80 for the Star and REVIEW one year. Teats-Japan Teas have advanced in Price. Teas will he sold at the old price 20c, 25c, Sik, a. 46c a ll, at. Parker's . Axo'rmm HORSE Lotrr. -. County com., Jas. Allan. has this week, lost a. fine horse by distemper, valued at 8160. This makes the second home Mr Allan has lost in four months. Get. your eye on our snaps in Clothing and Furnishings. Theobald the Clothier Money to Loan at 4; Ber cent. MACKAY & arm Durham . Though the deposits in the Show Banks ale large. an withdrawals can tske place at present. Herb Food and Herbngeum in stock again, " Grant‘s. Mr. and Mus. Wm. CoLitdttr. Owen Sunnd. were guests at the RIVIBW otrice Tuesday. while on their way to visit Egremont friends. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur McGlncklin at- tended the funeral of the latter's aunt at Holstein on F riduy. Messrs Thos. and Wm. Caldwell were in Holstein on Frida attending the funeral of their aunt, in. Hatch. Mrs. w. Calder ic recovering from an “hack of wealthy. Mr. Allan Belt, -weaee glad to co. in around again, after severe illness. Mr. John H. Banter was but. week eontined to his room through illness but is recovering. THE Russo-JAPANESE WAR. PERSONAL MENTION. THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO _ What are our Canadian farrnertsgoing to do? Will they 'in future look after their own interests,' or will thev look after the interest of Mr Portier and other wealthy manufacturers and sup- port a Conservative administration that will increase the burdens of the farmer by imposing heavier duties on agricultural machinery and toools, on hardware, boots and shoes and the many other articles that the compara- tively unprotected farmer and work- ing man find necessary to buy ? Mr. Fortier says that as a manufac- turer he will ' in future look after his own interests' and vote Conservative to obtain a greater degree of protection and, in consequence, a higher price tor his goods. Mr. Tame, like Mr. F'ortier, has left the Reform party to support the Con- servatives because he favors higher protection and Increased duties. "These words coming from a Liberal manufacturer. J M Fortier. will throw consternation amongst the Liberals of St Jn mes' division. Mr Fortier. took the chair this evening at " great rally held in the east end in favor ot Mr Bergeron. He made a s eech as well. He had supported Sir Wilfrid because he was a compatriot. He could do this no longer, and would m future look alter his own interests as well as those of his employes and the people frener- ally." 1896, bat I now see that the Premier and his colleagues do not intend to adequately rotect the Canadian in- dustries. A'ff,fl'g,.et, I have come to the conclusion to throw in my lot with Mr Bergeron. the protectionist eandi. date. "Montreal, Que., Feb. 11."-r have sqypor‘ted yr Wilfrid Laurier since The following from the Toronto World ot Feb. 12. is also pregnant with meaning; Under the heading "Liberal Breaks Away, " "Can’t support Sir Wilfrid Because Protection is needed " it publishes this Montreal despatch .' After this assurance the tariff refor- mer will have more hope of a cutting down ot duties on the day after never l than tear of a rise in the duties in cot- tons and woollcns. At all events, this timely and clear statement will remove the apprehension of many that in the matter of the tariff, as in some others, parties were going to outbid each other. There will hereafter be a clear issue. It remainsto be seen whether the manufacturers will live up to their assurances that they are non-political. They have raised and spent their mis- sionary fund. and the heathen is un- converted. Will they now abstain from vengeance? " There an Iota of men who do not buy their Wedding Rings from us. and we no just " ttatistled that there are lots of men who would be better on in many was if the; did buy ttttrn us. Suppose you no e a test cue of thin. Hardly a ray ot hope was let fall on the manufacturers. "A day," Sir Wilfrid said, "will come when the Government will perhaps:be obliged to make some changes in the present tariff, but then I think we will accom~ plish our task, as we did in 1897, for the geneygl welfare of all classes." We are RESPONSIBLE for every Mate uncut we make and are prepared to live up to it. We are RELIABLE become the goods we otter are of the ttutuattteed sort and we replace every single thing that does not hold up to our idea of perfection. We ore REASONABLE in our prion, con- sistent with good values. and every prioeia marked in plain ilgures and no other is accepted. This “one should prove to you, n it bu to our hundreds of customen. that we 2gr.our prices are reasonable ma met everywhere in their literature, in their Parliamentary debates, and, more than all, in their titeal policy. Their protection pushed to its very limit. had had disastrous effeeta. Our country was superior to that of our neighbors, our climate productive ot strong men, our resources immense, our institutions freer, and our fiseal policy beter. This is all in line with Sir Wiltrid's stand cilateon the Alaskan decision, the treaty-making power, and the command ofthe militia, and shows that he has determined to meet all charges ol'direourteay or disloyalty to the Em- pire by appealing to Csnadianism. It the Liberal leader's apparent eonfl. dence is warranted, Mr Borden may one of these days find himself leading in a. forlorn hope the protected manu- facturers. the Daughters of the Empire. and the Upper Canada Old Boys. . RESPONSIBLE I RELI A BLE , REASONABLE I lute bun mewhet ekillclly promoted by the Matttthusttuxrm'Aa.i'ttitioet end the Daughters ofthe Empire. and he: been aided not alittle by the“ rebrm ere like Mr Charlton, who we in the mere threat at a prohibitive _ Canadian tariff a moment inducing the United States to come to reciprocity, or some sort of fair trading. Sir Wilma said t ' 'They (the Conservatives) want as to be the vile eogyiats ot the fitteal policy of the United 'states." The Americans were in everything inclined to exag- tteration. This exaggeration waste be A. GORDON. ', JAKE KPEs ( The Best Quality - cheaper than ever. undertaking nmmptly at- tended to FURNITURE MODEL BAKERY, GOOD REASONS: FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SEC’YNDLY. we are artists in our line. TH IRDLY. cleanliness reigns in every department of our establishment. LA STLY, our prices are absolute] l fair. Give us a call and see nor yourself. A first class line of Bread. Cakes, Pastry. always on hand at Rowe's store. IT SUITS To A Ty And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. AT Peel’s Shoe Store Jake Kress ( I did not so to Toronto last weekto find fault With the working of the National Port- land Cement Ca. but to buy Goods and can uthe you this week some of the greatest bargains in Graniteware that has been before the public for A few Snow Shovels still in stock. The. majority of wise farmers are buying Dr. Hess' & Clark's Stock Food. and their cattle tire showing the im- provement Do not forget that there is one establishment in Durham that makes a specialty of ell kinds of Baskets and Mata. Just received another import-- _ tion of Fancy Lamps, which can be sold " prices that will am BREAD! NICE THINGS Made to 'Jder in Styles on shortest NICE PRICES WEDDING astonish you: some time. HARDWARE I. ', W. BLACK. '-_ f TWVSON FOR AND LOWER TOWN .CA KES Latest notice. ",ri9t,Rh' BARCLAY & BELL Call and ”NOW EMILE qrudhtstre Gutters Now that you have a Tudhope Buggy, get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the swim Also The Spring has come and the Summer has gone and so has nearly two earloada of Tudhope Buggies and the place which was once so filled to overflowing with those rigs is now being filled up with over a earload of the famous gmplements I I We are " the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. Or- ders or enquiries left at C. McArtlpur's store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE, will receive our best attention. The public of Durham and neighborhood are respect- fully notified that I have taken charge of the old established Wright Ba- kery, and employing only iirsi-class workmen' and the best material, hope to have a share of their pa- tronage. Wishing all a Happy New Year, Chatham Cutters Full Lines of these well-known and reliable qoods. Of all kinds. 'Examine our TUR- NIP PULPERS ; they are the best on the market; also, our CHURNS & WHEELBARR0ws, Leggings. mm. & Gloves. Still A few nil“ in some lines of Winter Goods going cheap. We also luvs in stock . lot ofditrerent hues in Men's, Women's. Boys'. Ikses' and Children's Boots & Shoe amt Fine 0 sin coarse were!!! get . petrotgennine hand-made Boots or Shoe. ready for spring Wear. I lino secured the service of n firte clue BHOEHAKER and wil I now be able, to execute f,',',',',',',?"" any work either new or rope ring. - Pete, Jtamittort Jiarn @rgans They are good in every r.espect bier hunks. has“. Club 8m. Dautr tncl. Shoo Dressings. Brushes. Ike. to be had at the New Boot and Shoe Store. Next Door to D. Campbell} Implement Warehouse. - 'TERMS-CASH. Nitt GRA Y IS make; Cututortute. and Stylish, and at ptircs to suit alt purses. ’ulpol a, Churns, de. Show Rooms opposite Mid daugh Stables, Lambton St. Maxwell Machinery T' manna! as. 1904 Also see our famous . MCIlraith cttgouty. water o' 'ck, th w To lave your our Goods. OWEN HUI'ND Owes SUPNH WRITE FOR CAT Kl Winter Term Com n The “NIH”: Grocenes. Du Got d; Shoes, Crock A few month 'y, at ods would hundreds of Take ndvant months and , " n We ask it " you wish to IIII)’ '" xv” MW Immuy. um...» " w Uritiugsdm“ n u. .-..l:... I " ' Always Pun-m, New. DURHAM AG 100 Acres TWEEDS & 100 iAclrn " 1‘" tu, qrrerl. trt 150 Acres , Acre Bend: -intt. hunk dew-m waede, Prompt .un (Brill-[V ,etforded cut. Ilium ce. lilillil i,lfii' 017 A “mm-Ml Bank“ Drafts issued and .llpoinu. “Plum out 'Ulowed a! run-v tots Acres SAVINGS 8.919. 04mm... binning. RESERVE Fl'hit QAPITAI. Anllmro'n-d AG ENTS Outavio. ll “but“ and l' SIMDARD BANK ttttttt fig fiEh2 Gold Btu: The tesllowitw Bu of Uttt Glnss w around tn... G will hut Wash 1 for Wedding l' S. SC [luv-ya]! “up, l'.'.m C. A. FIulu"3 BIG4 ll pEBBUABY 2 SRO-Rh demand. can “MO. Aid nature In We can IL”. MIL The Hanan icon- l 'ryplu out laud {air Quint Mme Consu .. inc-Imam Q: Ila-mum. ”32227.!KJI-w Then; a media: weeouchand ht Ask any good (1 w. ll. Give nature thn nearly overr C and“ wit m air, most impel l9u'ishine food 7 -" 1701?me H. H. MIL head Office, Beet [um W. F. COWAN. P1 GEO. P. RE“). I i Firl .1 (M My Che Pect J KI‘ZIJ El ve VOtt ‘ll "gland qesty Oust Wnte "tthe if V". M for

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