West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Feb 1904, p. 5

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hue In"?! s also m in may I up Ions ,nd ll "" will any ' I I. H. lVIILLER. or;an QUALITY. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargaini. "'" We ask impaction of our Teas.“ A few month's study of business meth- ods would perhaps save you hundreds of dollars In the future. Take ad vantage of the slack winter months and attend the H. ."Hn wish to buy or sell propeity. hor. "W" "whey. inmu- a property. haw 1xritiisgs' drawn or collect. debts canon me ' “er: Pam". "our Nullgont." ow um sovxn -.. nmaPAL Winter Term Commence. January 4th. TWEEDS & YARNS A geoerul Bulking business transncted Drafts imam-d and collection "nade on all points. Deposits received and inter as! allowed at "um-em rate- SAVINGS DANA -nterest allownd on savings bank deposits of 81.0) and up wards Prompt attention and every t.u-ilitv ,thrrdird customer» living at Ilium ce. J KELLY, Agent. 105 Acre. new Alba Park. excellent hm itur buildings. cheap. ' I Acre mun-0r ler.s,titsrtsfmxts street. but... umr Cement. works. tine lots. often-d Very wlnmtp. ' cy" I, N08TifEitttp, r a” _ . f -,'"t ,‘V‘ "Ay .ecy y; any/Lu tc"ltfi. / Ihvscs SOUND. 0N1. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE TO NEW LIST OF LANDS loo A In Bentluck he" Durham. Mr ' @5330 hardwood, good tutilditrtts, swing creek. orchard, dt'...... .----.-.ia00 I00 Ac"! near All-n Ptsrk,tiAer1e-d, 201nm- “nod and le swamp" m...... ....r...r._ ..... moo M50 Acre near Iuunlash,stortedwellinqs, ood Ju'ftth//fl'J. fine farm,under ._..rtrm.. £00 The Hanover C'onveyarteer. Hanan-r Hvilqh-s aitove I ttnvet,n lat ye “at of other lands ot' all kinds. I n VITAL. Authorized. . . . . . .uumu CAPITAL. Paid up........... LINN“) RESERVE FUND .. ........ 850,qu AGENTS in all prmcipnl paints m Dunn-in. Quebrc. Munmlm. United Mtutsmo and England. ly) 1'l'I4 L. Authorized DURHAM AGENC all!,!!!,))!,?!,!!,: CANADA The fullnwing Bette aw petfeet imitation of Catt. Glass Wilh heavy ttold hand around top. Gold Mug burnt in. it will nut. Wow!) "ir. but the Hang for W edding Pro-menu: hull. Run]. 7 piece Wan-r fHts.................e.to each .. 4 ieee Tub!- tet..........., .. $1.75 cut-h $r 7 tii":',?,,?,,', MW... .........veneh “we Crysta Berry Set”... Max: and {Inc-etch lane You! [WWI IBIS VIM!!! Henry Bll wool mall-u, no x no hum _, .. M x " in. e pile white “helm. 'nnaaita, - S. SCOTT. , 31).”: A“ n-..- M] 4 HE C. A. FLEMING. FEBRUARY " . a“ . not”. an EEEiSiip? " l'he Hanover. Conveytuurer, one“: FEE...“ fetr l. ih.tla 0... Consumption A,iiirr1'fi *lmW-wwuwnw - C. In“, I“ m w. II. BEAN TI . . - ll ii iGiGii -m the cough and heat the In“; Ask any good doctor. mum I will 'GGG :35: air, 'lrre_irrtttortait of all. se '."ee9ttt was. and H. H. MILLER. Best, pure Honey. Ith. a lb - W. P. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. Cherry“ Pectoral SELLS = CHEAP - tpts, an iCeiriii (lllllili'g RINK, DURHAM. BEEP.“ - r2..ire Mr $1.00 in" 11.15 poi: He leaves behind him. one brother James. of Dnrnoch and eight children: Alex. of Regina. Rev. James of Hillsdale. John J. ot Pincher Creek. Frank of Cal- gary. Mrs, James Ramon of Dromore, Mrs. Thus. R. Gihaon of Kendin. George and May, on the old homestead. nlso nine grand ehildrent- "Who long for a. touch of the vanished In religion he was a Presbyterian. quiet. and unusnming. but none the less tuncere At the formation of the Latonn congregation over half a century 330 he was chosen a Inc-tuber of the Committee, was the first treasurer. and fnrumny yearo was " member of the session. His interest In the t'ougregation. "l. ways deep. continued through life. He was so pleased that a new church had been built. and thankful that the young- er gem-ration was showing such inter- est in the cause so dear to bun. During his last illness he inquired an- xuously about. the different. reports presented at the Annual Meeting. and when told that. the dent on the new church was now only tive hundred dol. lars his face ht up Ind he exclaimed." That is grand". - hand; 7 And the pound ot the voice now still.” On the 20 inst. the remains were laid to test amid kindred dust in the La- tona Cemetery, Rev. Mr Aitcbison con- ducting the funeral teerviees.-MJom. A: we R0 to press we hear of the death of the above: another of the pi- oneer-a. Be died at the "3|de of his daughter. Mrs. J. W. Blyth. Vmey. In Education the suhject of unr sketch tank» deep interest. He was amonp'lhe first to move towards the organizmu of s. S. No. B, Bentinck and Glenelg. lining the position of trtttgree for many years. On the Sub day of Feb. 1850 our de parted friend was united in marriage to Ann. youngest daughter of the late James Smith. a true helpnmte. sharing his joys. and ever. anxious to take more than her shale of his surruws. Sixteen years my) the faithful .loving wife and mother entered into her rewmd. From this point the journey was cor" tinned to the “land oiBee at Owen Sound. then n village of Iowa than half aduzen dwellings where he entered fur the [mm which was " [JOIIIP fur nearly sixty-one years. during which period he has ex-perwm'vd the hardships und pleasures incidental to pipneerirtg.,--- Carrying punish)!“ on his back for mikm.---The days and nights urn-m, going to and from "lngles Mills",--!).. Yelling lhmunh cmdmuy ruttuhe,-ie umuwr's Jogging. burning and fencing. The sowing and [wiping running the stumps. wee a few of the many Incid- dents wnirh tbe writer enjoyed heur- ing about, from lips now closed. Mr. Skane claimed the land at the heather as his hirthplacr. being horn in the parish of Kincardine. O'Neil on the 28th day of October, 1820. In April. 1843 filled with the hope and enthusimu of youth. accompanied by his brother John. he left "Bonny Scotland" with its heather clad hillsund rippling Mine: and crossed the Atlantic that he might nouns uncut the frve homes. which the new land offeredto the hardy. Iumppt'vc- iated wilt-rs of the old world, _ From Toronto the journey was t'thtV tinued on foot. ty the way that kuuwn as the "king's hush". through by Ar. thur. Mt. Forest and where now stands the busy town of Durham, with onty the "blaze" to guide them, matching the the shanty of the late John Jessmmn on the 23rd day of May. 1813. .mu an nut pulpit. "tteruce was in the I hurch ot his enoire, the Baptist . church. In Durham. in August but. There he win long he remenmettd, and [his portraut in the mo-morial Window, 'rctlrialr commemorates it. first puslnr, l and one at the most. devoted clevgymen that over lahored hetween the lakes. The long hard walk: of the 50's and dim; over laugh roads. through blazed m- oan 5.4.7.. V, - . . _ " 2' render and 1 student t [But he new" loot his I scape! story. and o lpreiuthed in the Preal ',"el hiu but pulpit title] I ..-.i " . _ On the mm mng of the 18th tnst.. the tall familiar form of George ftkene Sr. " Lumnu. lay cold m death. The bright smile which during life was wont to light up his clear cut features was stilithere. but. the heart that al- ways bespoke hessrtinetm lay auntimnless over the noble, sympathetic. but new. silent heart. He was tttst married in 1842 to Esther Wilson, who proved a worthy helpmeet. and whose memory their children keep Pver Ween His son Joseph. in Roches- tel. ham long been "prominent preacher and professor in the Baptist denomina- tion. His daughters. Mrs. A. C. McKen- zre. Montreal. and Mronle preceded him " few years ago and besides thee, there are Mia. fhyttrtey and Miss Stewart left to cherish his memory. The occasion culls not for grief and to the family it is congratulation rather than condolence that should he offered for "a life well liyed "fight well fought." At date of writing. funeral arrange- ments are not known. blocked railrunde preventing assurance of the arrival of friends who are on the way here. Next week we may add a. few extracts from it sketch by his son made in 1886. Later. --Deeeased't, sun and snipin- luw (-ame Tuesday evening and the funeral sin taking place to day. ated. nesdwy. _ -- "'"NF9" .v-ua. Illrollgu "M190 bulb. can heat he told by those now getting advanced m years. at, whose lug huta he culled to mininler and to cheer. or to prom-h the gospel. Notes fewot all d'asiotnimstiom, took the mm- riuge vows before him. Many whom he nun-lied and whom he baptized did he oh. nee placed in ttte silent. grave. and now. the ripest of them all. he is “abated to his fathers, leaving the manor-v of a useful life, an honored imuw. and heroic Christian character as n beniaon to his family, and an exaunple to all who knew him. Riv. Aunt. Mun-A31. ( Continued from pay. J. D lie. thop Bunch» and others won more than' Iii-mica! pen-amen. ' The burning of:ute, Parliament. Buildings. the rotten-enimr of Lmd Elgin took place in his prime. and the menu] activnin tstiterd in him by the Winner of thou- timn never forumk him. for he WM. even over his Nth birthday. a .-l-.. “-4) _ ' ‘ EZEKIEI’. Amman. (530mm: SKENE Sn PING PIOIEIIS. __ _.._ w... unluun ' I 1 utudpqgof public add” r 10.! his lntemt m the . and only but June Att.1-ttrieriGl chm-eh big 100 Acres. Lot 38. 2nd Com. N. D. It., Glenelg. 15 acres tit for rultivacion. the rest hardwood bush. Also Lot 86, Con. 3. N. D. R., 5 were: clear. the res! hard. wood bush. The Saugeen River rum thrqugh holy. . For further Meal“: MeArtttut--Robb--That we now ad- journ to meet on May 27th " a Court ot Reunion on Assessment Roll, to receive uppllcusnons tor Township Trauma. and Also for I man to operate the under, and gown] trtttsirMtsts,-Cdrrted. Bobb-aordort-TUt a hy-law be prepared for next meeting of goumil lo Increase the clerk's salary '1lr.r-thsrricd. send iir apply to Gordon-Ferguson-Tut we receive Mr Thee Brown's resignation, " Tram. and advertise for application: to be re awed at nextmeeunu or Con.netl, for [he oMee of Ty. Teeaaurer, security required 'HEooo, and also for a man to operate the grnder.--CarrUd. . 'Renolved that the folluwing accounts are mud ..-D McCrio. gravel 81.00; Municipal World, Assessor's nupplxes to. $12.91 ; A Miwhell. express churges " cu l Glen} regulation fees 828.80. tho " being 82 births, 18 marriages and 44 deaths. Robb-McArthur-Tut foregoing re- port he adopted lad order granted.-- Carried- Fereasou--MeArthnr-TUt the Audi- tors Report be adopted. as read, and an order be granted for " each, and clerk get. Soo copies of said report printed at the " Rep." otfiee.--Aharrud Com'r. Gordon reported that he ind kept the baseline in a. safe condition tor the travelling public, as required by this council from Con. 6 to Kelley's aide-line at the follom'ug eort .--'ro D McLauuhlm. 2 days with team and 2 men six hours shovelling. total cost M.lio. By-law No 168 for appointing: Path. mucters was tilled in, and the mum of Wm Pettigrew an Comtuirostrouer for Hol- stein, at " 5o yer day was Inserted in by-law. paused the uv-uul readings. was signed. genial. ch. According to the by-laws of this, munieipalitv each path- master is held in office. until hm succes- sor in "ice bus taken his declaration. The Auditors presented their report which was examined by the new and council. Feretvo1--hhshrthnr-Ttsat By-law No 167 be now filled In with the name of David McIntyre as Anchor. and read a. third time, be signed. mauled. &e.--C'arried. Yenn.Fergusun, McAnhur. Plastic; Nays, Robb. Gordon. I'sobb-Gordou--That by-law No 167 he now filled in wnh;lhe name of Jas H McDuugall. as Assessor, and mend a third time, be argued, sealed. &a.--Loat, Yeas. Robb, Gordon: Nays, Ferguson. Me. Artlrur, Plastic. 4"vonton--Itobb-TGt Brim” - be now mm] a tirtrt and: second time. to appoint an Apsesaor for the year 1904.-. Curried. Qordon--1?erttuson-Tut the clerk drawn the actentiuu of Mr Coleridge to our Ty. B5-luwn wounding such cases. and request him to forwud nun-A of parties who did the work, so that they muv at credit on this your: Path Trote.- Curried. Jttrbb---hieAtthttr--Titnt ttr he placed in John Swmmtou‘n lmmh to provide woodtor Mrs Barelay.--aarried. McArllmr - Gordon - Regarding the petition rt'-tgt4tpemtytttent of rmlway lands, that this council mk- no mm. in the luauel, an it is now being dealt mm in Pnrluuueut.-Carried. Cunncil met Feb lllh. Minutes unnamed. Communications received from DP Coleridge, Pntllnuusuc‘ round- ine an "cm-nut ol $2.M for tilliru: a washout and other improvements. Alan a petition Iron: It Legato and others re- assessment. of Railway Lands. Mrs. Hatch died M. her home in Hol. stein nu Wednesday, Feh. 17th at the ago of81 years. tr mom hn. Hers was a lung and painful illness patiently born. She was hmn in titrttfotdtthire, England innw and came to Canada with her father’s tamily m 1833. She WM mur- tued three times. and her aged husband survives her, aged 98 years. Of her five children only one is living, Mrs Rich- ard Irvine, Grenfell. N. W. T. who came to he with her mother for the last few weeks. Mrs. Hutch died trusting in he: Suviour, "Not low but Rune Ire-. afr. lemmas". in re1ittiott was A Preslnyte. inn and In politics at reformer. On account, of the severity of the VII-other tho tum-ml procession wasn't as largo an it would have been had the weather horn favor-whip. An the day. 'ruesauv. the 16th Feh.. was the coldest thin Winter. a few trunk-rs of the familr would not he on tum- for the funeral on account of railroad stoppa- ges. Duncan. the younm-at son. arriv- mt from Duluth. some-time through the night. tttter the funm-ul. Two of the daughters and his other sons Inhn and Neil were in attendance at the funeral. John iv one of the manage-m in the Asylum in Toronto for the but. 10 or 15 yours. The rimming were laid to rest in Mrkerhme'se cometary. D Road. Glen. elg. Rev Mr Mutheson ofr1ciated at the house and at the grave. Isle of Ulvn. Ambit-white. Beo'lnnd. at the ripe age of 87 yarn. Mr. McDona- nil cum. to the north line. Glenda. my three ymn ago this winter. coming from the tnwnnh‘lp of Vaughan. where he resided for two anthm your! after coming act-n” the ocean. Be. like the rest of the puma-on at tho forest had to endure hardships for n few your: an ac- count. of wnnt. of conveniences. bot he like many of but have countryman. thought nothing of can-vim: n In: of flour from the town at Durham. Edge’n Mills. a distance of ten milln. as the can might he, wuhout tasting u mo el of {nod 'einer having honw in the marking till late " night. . At hid "widen". north lino. Glmelz. on Saturday nun-MM. the 18th Wh.. PY, kherin IpDogmgll. native ot the FARM FOR SALE. EGREIONT COUNCIL Mane “clams. Markdale. Mas. JAMES HATCH. Dtmcatr IcDoquu. D. ALLAN. Clnk. my waist a Durham Bu'.l .tv1tuvet-ndtsons o. Prince Cruiclzshunk (imp). and York- shire Pigs from imported stock. T308. SCAR? & Sons. Rocky tHtttteen. FOR BAIag.-1 yr old Bull rising 2 yrs. 2 Bull Calves. berxshire Boar and Bow Pigs. all registered Pedigreed. FOR BRRVrctg.--1 Berkshire and 1 York Boar alga Durham Bull. Terms. 81.00. m‘_,. Deputment of Public Workl. Ottawa, robin-110. 1m. Newupupen inserting th Biiveetiremettt without 'tthhtrits from the Department, will not he paid or t. The undervigned have for sale. 2 hulls rising 2 years old and 3 hull calms ria. ing 1 Tet" old. Also u. pure-bred Tam- worth Bour for tservice.. Terms. 3100. FOR SALE & for SERVICE Lot 10 Con. 22, Townshtp Egremonr. County Grey, containing Wheres. For full particulars apply to FOR SALE & for SERVICE A. & J. SEALEY. Lots 23 & N, S. D. R. Glenelg. - “a- _ -___. -.. -__- -H'-.".'.mr..- "an-.. nun “consular not: tender. The on? will In Melted it e tenderingdecune, mm or {all to com ete the work continued for, at! at!" be returned In once ot.soev-septamse of ten. er. The Depaetatentdoes not glad Itself to accept the lowest or my tender. Br on!gy_.__ ---_---- SEALED mum man-ea to the tt_mteq$gat. ednndendolwd “Wham" It: In). men-an than anal-Ion." will he mound. It "a: ole: until 2,Ifty, mu Mot, lnclndnly. ftetheeoaatmetiono' 'Gariiiaiii"iifiiG van- men: than at an“ Ste nun. Alum gamut. Gunman“: '.t,htt'ht,'t,.' (3&0an wen u thee no! .A.Gny. .annln chat! ttf harbor worn. Dunno. It emtittet 'dt Buudtrttt, Qagatttfdtt,1'. "cd “at " . ' " s5tiaeg,i'l'l,fkl,t8 Works. on“. Tender. will not be considered tulle-a made on the form stntplie_d. 3nd signed with the mom] signature: of tendenn. An mm are?“ on I chm-turd but. pay- nble to the order o the Honourable the Minute! bt 111ttlitr1rtrttfy uitytathoyte4.totty' (um-99>. Turkeys...-......... oats........................ Limbs..................... Dressed Hops. 'per cw! Hogs, Live weight..... Butler. fresh roll per My Butter, Tub.......'.....'.. 1)lgirtr..-.-..... .... Hi"ifrm, per ttwt.......... gylfakipu. per I........ shesespskttsi............... 18set,, par "wt............ Potnuks. per bun..." Flour......... ............. Oatmeal................... Wheat...................... Pets....................... Barley..................... Apply to Jun ECKKARDT Bunesmn DURHAM MARKETS. PURE-BRED STOCK FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE. DAVID MCKELVEY. Thistle P. O T" ,- vvr faxasiligt FRED. GIEJJNAS. NTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO fl M " oo oo Ott M 2b " 25 16 " 10 " 40 00 on no 60 49 50 16 16 22 13 " M I The undersigned has for sale. ready to ; use. (6) five thorohred Tnmwonh Hours. Price tmuroneuble. HENRY ALttXAttDKR. Lot 9, 00-. a, W. G. R., Bontinck. Lots 16, on the 17th and 18 Concessions, in the Township of Emanmnt. 200 acres. 160 acres under good tttate of cultivation. Well watered. Conven- tent to Church. School and Poet Otrire. Adjoining Dromore. Good buildings. For terms. &c nppiy to Lou It IS and w, B. D. R. Township Glenda. containing Mum-a. ' mile- trom Durham. orbool oppoute tltnte, Poet one! l mile. Forum Rood shape. att needed down "teetrt, 15 mood that in ruddufoneeding. Good barn 40 x N nume' ndauion. good ltd-link. in? ment shed out! a Rood Mick home. or fart her infomuion apply to Proprietor. A cantor-tau. brick house. s wane can" and" It. three acres of ttdod soil, on the tomb nine of Inmbtou "not. a mile and . half trom Durban. Just new 100 acres is " 11160] home. A good mule mud to Durham. A food creek close by. Small fruits. App y to like. Wu.qu \VILLAUOEAN or HR. C L. GRANT. Durham Lot No. an and 21. Con. 8, N. D. R., Glenell. containing 100 stem more or Inc. . so acres tit for machmeW land in good auto of euitivtstion. AM on both 50's. 65 miles ftom Durham. bon- venient to Church and Post Other. 4 acre: in Prdrwheat, 24 notes {all plough- ed. Comfortable buildings. Term: reu- sonnble. Apply to the proprietor. Bum-nun P. o., Nov. FARM for SALE or RENT. The undersigned offer. for sale lots 46 and 47, Con. 3, S. D. R., Bentinck, coo- tainjng 162 acres. 160 “BM in agood state of cultivation. 12 acre: hush. Good buildings and flrst.chum orchard. Well watered. Only six miles from Durham. Also a hay press for sale. ALEX. Bums. Prop. The well known Taylor farm " Dru- more. township of Egremon! Wan-e4: good Mate of cullivul ion t well watered ' good buildings t convenient. to post of. flee. church and school. Apply m Valuable Property situated on North Side. Lamhwn fit. Bret lace outside the Town of Durham. Everything in tint-class shape, good new brick house. ood bank barn. and 11 acres first-claw, fund. Large orchard set out last spring with every good kind of fruit. A thart- class place for anybody. Apply to YOUNG TAMWOBTH BOABS FOR SALE. FARMS FOR BA LE. FARM FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE. FARM TO RENT. KEELER, The JewelG, Durham. Tues. IcOon. Bum-In P. d MRS. TAYLOR. Droninre. Ont. Mus. TAYLOR, Dromore. Ont FOR SALE. FOR SALE. Jun: MCDONALD Adopted by . 1emding>tehools tn Tomato. Tbu'daetvedl po In: m by mean of Ohm Brim. Fii',lSiShtii'e1,'t,i and otherinter- hing! t to“. M]. ttlMftMftS'lf1 comm. a“ N Rh ie lotion Hun I not "In. mum II. we“. rm. I.“ JOHN CLARK) Durham. Nov. 16, = D. MoPHAIL.’ J. G. HUTTON. M. D., C. I. agent-Inn. ugh-95m and-nut “WWII-ICU... Tht' Diana of Eye. Ear. Nose. and Thad. - q _ “My: gen Isl-chm 159%: tyttett tetl,rrig.?= tt'pllt','u"gul.t . omen nouns F-tt e. a. S-4 p. III. t-4 p. In. Telepheee Gee-ecu” Ne. Mt (Mtee----LOWER TOWN. DUIIUI. Notary Public. Commissioner. Convey, ancer, Valutor, Insurance Agent, ac W. C. PICKERING o. D s., L. B. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Roomc. Calder Block over the Post Dace. a. ”nouns-r I“. ml, 111an a soul. "l---... EXCLU'lV‘LY- - Ottite, 13 PM! M. Ott on Bound. Will be u the lldduuch Home. Durham, the W,'. Wednesday ot etch month {you M) B. In. HI p. ll. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST " the Du nan: Pharmacy Calder', Block. Ramdence that door we“. of the . old Poet Otttce, Durham. Jammy Ind punk Fund- to Lou on Mortgage: " Iowan. mm of mun-c. Valium“..- and. by I compact“ and oamftat Vsluuor. Licenced Auctioneer for the County of Grey. WAucdoneulonhem. 010m. Eden mu- mudal to. Intel lemon-Ne. me be M n " Implement Wage. lpgus. [calamari old mud. an the Run" Barristers. Solicitors. Conveymcen. Ldt, Loan. (Yum McIntyre Block. over the Bank. A. G. Mucky! K.C. W. F Dunn déie ""7? an ’13."? - m" ___ =i., nmg'egto. canteen flii,dll2euro""'"' D. IcPHAIL. Hopeville P. o. or to C. BAIAGB. Durham Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public. Comtntistoner, he. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Term modmte. ent- for tales " to dues, in. mm Gem the Review ot. ttee, Durttayy "r. WW9999°°MW Causation- And Anny promptly nth-dad to Willa. Doom, Mom". Low, We... Maconoctly pupa“. Esau. ot doomed Irs. sovusiookmt am:- and Enoutor'o and Ada h- truwn' Account. pupa“! sud an.“ Burma Cqurt. “when, {may oCVil Jacar- OI Court Ruthie;- PiisihairfWiGnGita0i " mtnemuon and Guardianship Obtained. gou- chu and. in Baal-Hy 0.00 and “(100W hike' Jd%ttUthtttdi DR. GEO. 8. BURT. sate tum-m to the Rain] Locum OrhMI-Ic “Ell. Why}, And e Golden Square at-. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. Innbc - It!” all uncon- ARTHUR GUN. M. D., aNngt.eteUDaa.eaata. 1llUer's Music Method. _ - - -V _ v.-. -- “any 00.1.10 coin-uncut. At. face. McKenzie's Old Stand, Dnrham - Ml “an“ un- to on...“ " Women and out“. Money to Loan. ttice, over Gordon'. Jewelry Store. Private Money to LOAD. Cnllec- lions of all kinda promptly unen- ded to. Farms bought. and sold. G. LEFROY McCAUL. MEDICAL 34mm: " a.“ 39391910,; DEN TAL. MACKAY & DUNN, noun '. MUSIC. A. B. JACKSON, LEG-AL. J . P. TELFORD DB. BROWN, PIT-mu d lunar. mo- Moqu-n'l ”I. --- 1 no M) A... (Soloed sing-Til;

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