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Durham Review (1897), 25 Feb 1904, p. 6

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i\ Both despemdoes are believed to haw bad records. “Texas" some three or (our years ago broke Mil here, where he wan serving a term Which one ot the officers find the shot which proved fatal. is not known. bat It in possible that the Chou from both revolvers took ef- fect. A postmortem and inquest may "now thrtrt on thil point. quvhly (Laura: w! ' Tan; a "wand time. nut tt mxmem oi laxity on the part 01 Etwiar: would probably nine ext Inn. has hie. tor "Ewan" doubt- le intended to use the revolver in his ht of "'ostrerirtion. * TV.Tv.a" was then nandcullvd. atrl ctt cer Brown basing an'hed. be was speedlly trattatorrmt to the patrol wagon and not long after was placed within tho oogtru- of a cell. Exclmum- or Show. “Tn-mm" understood that ho was being worsted. and he called "Billy, Billy. Billy. give it to them." Nickle had pnvioualy noon the man to than: '"Nxtur" called. bat “Shorty Billy" and put on his coat 'nnd had 3mm oataide. But he was not tar away. for almost as soon as the call we!» made the officers saw the board skunk-rs on the window of the room torn aside from the outside. heard ttw 0mm of glass. and at the sum" 'rtontortt amt a revolver poked through a wm'uw. lnatanzly a shot ram: out, and tho detectives instinct- ivrly crmw'wl. but at the same mo- uwnt pulled their ruvolvcrs from than p chm: and nsml them. Two bun-m tore through the window at the 1lespot-a0 x N'ckh saw "Shorty" run away. and. suppysing that he wax prr'rxt."m;.t t , mtrr tho house to tmtttt,rrrur. the Lghting. called out in wanna: t 'nos that he n-unt not at- tun”): to (mu-r or he would he shot dn'ul. But as ho called "shorty" had mum IU LL; tracks in tho snow. and wax c'oad. raving only covered ntty for: on ms NNA3 to the trout of the hour-, when death overtook him. Whom the m'ttcllvus. a low minn‘ua later, louml 's arty“ lying dead on L320 wan-ow. ho Mill grasped in each him" a sewn-shooter. "y4horttr'af' l During tho past couple of month- a number of midnight house break- ings and mbberies have been per- pntrnted in the city. The crack:- nu-n a.» a rule have chosen hotelu at their Flames of operations. and Sat- urday night as the time, and the local dc tot-tires have been on a still lxun‘. for tho mrpetmtom ever since. Tho intent robbery took place on Hnturdny night last. when Cole's turning lactory on Dathurst street was bmkan Into and a quantity ot ion!) ntolnn. Yesterday. two broth- "the named Frank and James Watson and Fun] “molly were arrested on Humidor: of bring concerned in this tum crimo. This morning two of tho prmumrs. Mbselly and Frank Wan-rm. minded guilty to house- .'urak'trw,', and a quantity of the "tslr, .1 tools were recovered. atr.. D-trctivra' Vail! This Mierlzoon detettivcs Nickle and l-lgolton were detailed to search Morreliy'ts home on Ridout street north for tho rest of the stuff. Their in 0-31: on the door of the house not i bring answered, the otticeru enter.. i all unhidiinn. and were confronted by I aeosr'll.r'a mother. Mrs. Richardson. Tho minim) accompanied Egeiton up- I “in”. Aitkio remaining below. The. ' In in tt burglary Bil Desperate Struggle With Man Named "Texas." Outcome of Housebreaking and Robbery; "HEN Shorty Billy” hops in Tracks in London. t 'r'uu iataM Records. I death overlook him. luttcilvua. n few miuu‘ua l 's any“ lying dead on .0 still grasped in each teru-slzuott'r. 'shorty'e' announced to the detec- Vi Illlfll A flllllill.lll " “rt-mud one beneath his oaled \vcap'm. her revolver.“ I fellow-dumb but)” logetxer hp: busy e: ' Texas. ' .tlei' drew IN was at u": Izoa (m "is I were fifty 'muted eartridges, while! war; one. lie had Just toluthem thqt a quantity. at Mayer ammunition may that enter in through a nur- l was also when from his pockets. An! row gate and wad: a uni-row w”. interesting article in the shape aloud now he intimates that may la pocket electric search lamp way, Will seek to train admittance out» also found. Ba min; a button thin ground of more. profession. That , instrument gives for a. light which‘ mutis......Lord, Lord. True religion in mg in Terr useful in penetrating theimore than a pmfesslon. ye may [depths of gum,“ whm M, De. I neimowledze the authority 0. Christ. famous job is being performed. Arr. believe ill his ditiuity and accept his other article was the handle of a. teaching» as truth, and still with- filo or chisel. in addition, a dia- out the love of God. in the heart we mond pin. Which has been reoognis- will be ohm. out of F the kingdom. ed as that stolen from oberneaser'. l Kingdom of heaven. Defined by Paul a hotel at the time a safe ”as 'iiiiilt',', being "righteousness and peace. rial bodily [m that place. The and Joy in the Holy Ghost (Rom. It, safe was recovered a few weeks no.0! 17). He that doetlt cttrbst's iollow- hidden in a shed a mile west bye“ are "doers of the word and not this city. "Shorty” was wearing the hearers only" (James l, 3:). See Rev. - . . 9" ' is the re pm when found. The dead man also - 14. file will, etc. That ' , - more n. f. . W - ones enters into the kingdom who no ur can retrembling one stol _ . on recently with other goods from n ohers the gospel and keg» the com- rty Glenoo store monuments of God. My Fatlter.Uht%t tly . for; not refer to God as a stern n , , u go ready to condemn, but as a I , ALCOHOL IN MHMUNE. loving father who is ready to bless 1’” -.-- and help his children. This was tl' ith Royal lemma“ Denounce [he Pracs truth hitherto unknown. itce. -3. Mmy. Not merely an occasional hn cO o t; do tci . ' ' , one, but the number Will be aston- . tJetits Jritic, o 'l-..elli,ir: your...” Wa ishizigly huge. in that any. The tlr.. it: 9.1.,“ a“: ."fmm Louncn ot tho Judgment. day. The day when the an ii'ii'r1C,', Yt'?.: “e’um u~scudr=ed tht, final accounts slyu1l be brought in, Cir.. w “ed J m a.scc'utzt gli WW1” med- and when each shall receive lilnjuut ' . Att ”MW” with.) did “an bum desert. Bee Acts IT, tlt; Rom. ll, 10; RN mm '.."..t"Py thas 501110 ol the wow 2 Cor. G, IO, Prophesied. As the A- tl"?,:,','.' £90118 Wu Lanna-u iron) 14 t0 whole gospel is a real prophuoy. fore- he on“; Tm}: mount“, and that new telling the not future of the human ill “if; t If":' ""itlt Vhc'hasiru' percen- ruoe--death, Judgment and eternity. ' ' a 1 " ure purcuasuj pure-.3; iUl' the so every preacher is a promiet. See '3. allfmwui “mm. It has (“I'll-dud to uni-z Paul's definition in 1 Cor, 14, L'. Cast m i1.rf':1."11"c.",y pi'ulnbttiiig LIN) sum out denls. Through their preaching '.. ff a. (H.611 mcut'oicts which contained souls had been converted and devils ’5 a HWHMH' porcentuge of moon-J: had actually been cast out of men'" ‘rt than was: urceiot-u'toly. neat-wary Lu hon-ts. Wonderful works. There have )1 r"r""ifr" ”Will. . been great revival" of religion and I- t L. ‘fud HUG-(1'1! to neck legislation great manifestations of diwlnc pom-r. n lt Diem-n: tlie mm oi candies in The truth has been preached and God [ '.'.' Th ll"ils “Home-11mg liquorn were has blessed It. l l What is done with zest is best done. There is as much devotion in duty done an in prayer said. A collection among the dew-gates roalizmi almost 85(1), and this. with other sums from local sources. will wipe out the total Indebtedness of tho Grand Council. The motto for tho current year in “Two thousand new members and what we have we'll hold." It was deeded to cor- dlally thank tho management of tho railways which are "utorein:r temporancu among their employees. Tho Grand (boned practically voted, down ail pmpoBCd amendments to the constitution. The ofticert, for the term are: J. A. Austin. Toronto, Grand Council- lor, reelected by acc0matixur,hirts. B. bunny. Trenton. Grand Vice- (bunclllor; Rev. w. P. Fletcher, Drayton, Grand Chaplain; W. M. McMillan, Ilamnlton. Grand Secre- tary; Clarence Mallory, Bloomfield. Grand Herald ; w. J. Armstrong, Mir. ton, Grand Trustee ; L. C. Peake, To- ronto, Grand Auditor; Dr. "W. Craw- ford, Hamilton, Grand Medical Ex- aminer. J . H. Peacock, Milton; George M. Baird. B'onh-nm. and Jae. Hales, Toronto, with tho officers named above. from the. Executive. Mr. T. J. Shanks, editor of the Royal Templar, was awarded a hearty vote of thanks tor hls cour-' tomes to the press and for the as- sistance he gave the delegates in] their work. are amictéd with 7 GAG" "or-Tea-ti; trouble of "9 kind to give it a faithful 'rul.":r(sigud) Mn. E. P. HAYES, ei2g,e, it]. (Roxbyrfv). Barton, Mass. - a a [m ' ferf , r.t'a . Ch '"'P. - . LVL'tg. , ine esernn bb The symptoins of Fibroul Tumor “at 'iitr!iaTle,",'.ec"l,'ni,1'i,"a'Spiv, 'Q'l'll,'l given. in your little book acearately lugs ot Jam" all through His life awe?!” my .e.ase, BO I ,t1,t,et,0 w, for excited admiration. wonder and _tytriSe._'l--(sitrzted) MRS-h P. AYEB, amazement. "They were autonirhod 353 Dudley St.(Roxbury),Boeston,Masa. l, at (Ihriet'a cl't'ims: 2,at His marl- . . feet power." His doetrine.-The oer. Mrs. Hayes Second Ye.' GG, on the mount Contains a min- "DELR Mita. Prmrnate i-Sometime mary of all the great moral prrner. 1tsrelyI,sttezo1t_deseri,tri.rstrmvy-mte pm and cardinal doctrines or the toms and asked your advice. Yoyre- gospel, except the atonement. His plied, and I followed all {our dim lawn divinity, as the superior of tions carefully, and to-doy “novel! ‘ Moses and tho iinnl hymn of men" in women. fully asserted. 29. Ravine: author- “Tho use of Lydia E. Pinkham’s i ltr-His power lay in Himself and Vegetable Compound entirely or i in His life. By his speaking with pelled the tumor and strengthened my i authority may he meant, I, that the whole "stem. I can walk miles now. i truth he. spoke came with anihorlty: “Lydia. Iii. Pmm’. vege- t P., that the majesty and power with table Compound is worth an ob which he We Have him authority. tarts th drop I adehse “1m... who Not - an the ttttrutetr--"m, did not Mrs. Hayes’ First Letter Mp,?,,'; ing to Mrs. Pinkham for clp: 6s Dina Mas. Puma”: t--1 have been under Boston doetora' trestmcnt for; long time without any relief. They tell me I have a fihroid tumor. I can- not sit down without great pain, and the soreness extends up my spine. I have bearing-down pains both back and front. My abdomen is swollen, and I have had fipwiutr spells for three years. My appetite is not good. I can- not walk or be on my feet for any length of time. The afternoon' seasbon was practi- trally downed to the electwu of orri- cars, but aux-mg the tune of taking tho ballots. it was decided to cun- ti:nue to meet yearly in February, instead of in Mag, as some delegates pmmwd. The next conventiun will be heid in Toronto. Dunng tho session the following amt-mule delegates to .he Dumm- Yoon Council were elected: Iles. J. J. Nome. Annur; A. B. c'pcucer. Col- ringwood; 'P. H. McCallum. Exetcr; Lawns House, Ridgewuy, and W. c. Davidson. 'c'lccattord. tor robbery. and a warrant bu been [out to: Ina arrest cwr mac». On the body ot mm man were found hidden In the lining ot his coat a. small steel law. Inch as a used by I burglars in _ their nocturnal'ralda. ' Ttso.ootieetkst of articles taken . i from theusioth%tr or “warty” and found in tho cottage were ot a mis- cellaneous nature. From around Ms. gwaiat was taken a. belt in which I'.. wua needed to seek legislation to prevent the mic- ur candies in which mtoxucatmg liquoru were used. Royal Tempura Denounce the Prac- lace. 'to out) Cornell.- A. Jycu"crdct.r'... seamen the On Lune Cuuncu uf the ituyu. 'leuupluw. uému mscuuued the 'oasuury on woman an patent. med- AUAllcd. An expert auaaJuu “an sum and to snow was. sumo us the wow paymen- wrtu wutmuuu 1mm A no i4 per Cunt. 11.00112”. and that new own ot those mm the itislver percen- I Lugosi new purcuasul pure.._y tor the‘ Lamar m mum. IL was nomad] m and: for mgmlatmu, pmlnbluug we sake of ttil such Human“ wtisci, contained a gveuLel‘ percentage cd woman than was ubswulolx ncccmm'y to lawn-rm them. ed as that Nolan ,rrom ObeI-nesser's ' Kit note! at. the tune a safe was 'iiiiilt',', "N bodkly from that place. The a"? safe was recovered a few weeks ago! 10 "W“! in a. Shed a mile west ore" tIris city. "Shorty” was wearing the 39," Pm when found. The dead man also “w J',",'?,,',,',',,,',):'," 'e/t'Ae,'lg,',t.ligi', one stol- g; . ' w- Glenoo shire. other goods from n Inf? linens and tho firm! shvWo of menu in fully asserted. 29. Having author- tlity-Ris power lay In Himself and lin ye life. By his speaking: with H - . ..-_, "nu P"'"'" "I"! which he make gave him authority. Not an the txtribetF-"Ho. did not spank like a. common interpreter of the law. confirming Bis doctrine as tha Jr'wlsh doctors usually did. by the authority or their lmrned men. but with the air and author’ty of a prophet. and by that authority took men him to even cox-rent the IV. An astonished pr'ople.--rr. 28, " 28. These tmyimstr-Tho sermon jn t prra'had. Adorn: d-Tho teach- lnga of Jesus all through His lite excited itdtrtlratlon, wonder and amazement. "They were tv.tonirhod l, at (3hrl9t's churns: 2, at His mart- test powor." His doetrine-The new man on the mount contafnw tt mm- mary of all the great moral prrner. [who and cardinal doctrines of the gosprl. except the atonement. His Ur/l divinity. n_s t_he - superior ot Ill. The foolish buudtrr.-...vn. M, 27. 26. Doeth them ttot-/Phe foolish man is one who fails to do what he knows he ought to do. He hears. but is ditrtrttediettt. Tho, Band-The foundation is the principal thing. The house on the rock stood. but the tvtructure on the sand was soon un- dermined. The one who says Lord, Lord. but whose heart is not right, is on the sand. 27. It tell-Bo falls the owner. The floods are “wearing? away his sandy foundation. and soon one trnmendous storm shall beat upon him. and. ho and his hopes shall forever rail.--Barnes. Com. Great was the tali-Bow great is the lam ot the soul! What a terrible fall tor a soul crusted in the image ot God. and with alt the glorious possibilities before it ot at ite of bliss forever wth Christ. to be cast to the left hand alt the last day. noel: is Jesus Christ (I’m. 118. 22: Isa... M, 16; 1 Cor. a, 11). He isthe sure foundation. As we centre our faith tn him, and build according to tho maxims which he has laid down, we will be sale. 25. The rain........ txrat-9t tempests and storms of ar- motions, persecutions. temptations, and all sorts of trials beat ngianst the soul. Suddenly. when we think we are safe, the calamity omnes upon us. HOW important In that hour to bopoesessed of something the tem- post cannot destroy. It fell not - Tho mrligion of Jesus Christ in the soul will stand every test. "The em- blmn of a. house to represent the re- ligious life is specially appropriate; 1 A house ls for rest. 2. A house is for shelter. 3. " house is for oom- fort. In like manner true religion is tho rest, protection and Comfort of the soul." tried. 4. Only one foundation trtand.--Parttor. Upon a. totrk- ll. Tho Wise builder (vs. 21 .25). " Therrttorts--.getnu, nom proceeds to impress tho truth by the use of a very striking illustration. When- ever iteareth--.See R. V. "Wrth class- es of men hear themrd. So tar they are alike. The two houses have externally the some appearance. but the great day of trial shows the dif- ference." Will liken him - "m. Matthew, who living near the lake had often witnessed such sudden floods as are described. uses vigorous language and draws the picture viv- idly." Tho Jordan was annually swollen and became rapid and (mi-3 (ms Everything within, reach would then be swept away. A wise man-- Tho truly wise man pays attention to spiritqu and eternal things. He is a prudent man, a. man of under- standing who looks ahead and sees tho danger and makes use of his best means of avoiding it. The Moe builder is the one who hours and obeys the words of Christ, built his houmy--Hlt, character; his soul's interests. Each man possesses a. houso which is his absolutely. and tor which ho alone is resmnsible. Notice: "l. All men are building. 2. All builders have a choice of loun- dntions S. All foundations will be .mv v-wuw - I 23. i never emsw'you-rrow and! From this me see how easy it is to in deceived. Many are trusting in tho church. their good name, their generosity, their great gifts, their umpioyment in the ministry, their wit-”cringe, their devotion to the cause, etc.. ete., while at heart they am not right with God and at the last great day will be cast to the left hand. Depurt-d9ueh belong at the left hand, from me-What could be worse than banishment trom God? 1I.aicmamtDoesgisottu Word. JottutMtnbarr.--h. New owl‘s-awn ace. umnclent (n. 21. an). .1. not wary one. He had Just tolu them that may must enter All through 3 mn- INTERNATIONAL LESSON NO X! b'gaMetiAIth' 28. 1004. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO baiiday School." "‘4‘ CWS 3* t?,T'lt5 , M a will Our A Special Army Order Issued Bidding Him Farewell. London. Feb. '22.--The i'i'my; has is- sued a special army order bidding farewell of Field Marshal Earl Itotr. erts ttpon his retirement from active ompl ,3rnent as Commander-m C; l, t at his Majesty’s forces. and thank- ing him tor the invaluable services he has rendered the Enigma. 'Ive order concludes: "I ttalt all ranks 01 the army to profit by the example at his illustrious career and single-minded devotion to his Sover- eign and country.“ Who gets history from novels gets novel history. "" ALLEN? LUNG SALSA! before the men-Hen grip of the com has taatened npuu throat and lungd. After n tew do». the rough Invade-r. and a complete cure in but the qu, scion ot a ilttle time. KING THANKS LORD ROBERTS. The Pour Trmek New: tor Fobrunri u, 'tttle at all nun “and; St. Michael’s Church st Coventry is said to have the widest nave of my English church. it is 125 feet wide. That of York Minister in 1041-2 feet In width. 20 Years of Vile mttarrh.-antns o. Brown, journalist, of Duluth, Ilium. write. '. " I have beerttotutteeertrom Throat and Nasal (Datum Mr over 20 years. during which tlmn my head hm been noppod up and my condition truly mlurnbl‘n. WMN- " minnm utter using Ur. Amow'n Cutarrhat Powder I obtained roller. 'rttrretrottte. have almost, it not entirely, cured - 6Oe..-'" In Germany I. pad of n large number of detecheble discs af paper, with uholo in tl e centre, is attached to the mouth. piece of the telephone, and the upper piece of paper is torn " miter each conversation, and io vienna call boxers are provided with napxim, uni 3 notice is stuck up requesting the public to wipe the receiverl after use. Tho security of the Christian. T. 25. This New refers to the safety and happiness of those who tnmt in Christ. It is calculated to afford en- couragement and hope in time of trial. The Christian is exposed to tsfthutlontr, mrsecutions and various forms of Satanic assault. but he who buttdg upon the Rook of Ages romaine unmnveri am'd the team God‘s [wo- pie have the mile of Divine mili- ance and support. The infinite Fa.- ther limits theirpft1ietiontr, restricts the operations ot their enemies and turns every curse into a bietraing.-- Burton R. Jones; Obedience is a tent of relationship to Christ. In the days of an flesh when the Master was at one time speaking to the people, one said un- to mm, "Behold Thy mother and TM brethren stand with- out desiring to speak with thee." Jesus said. "Who is My mother? and who are My brethren 'l" And stretch- ing forth His hand toward Hie ditr. ciples, He enid, "Behold My mother and Mr brethren.' For whosoever shall do the will of Mt Father which lain heaven, the same is My brother. and sister and mother." Matt. xii. 46-50. What an inspiration to true devotion to God'. Obedience is a test of love. The strongest pmo! that one can give of his love to God, is by keeping His commandments. However high the profession, tho want of obedience at- rords sufficient ground to question the genuineness of ones' affection tor God. "It ye love me keep my commandments," sald the Lord. Bee John xiv. Pt, 24. Only 5 Cents a Copy not to his own understanding. but "heareth" and "doeth" the “say- ings" of the wise and infallible Teacher. This is practical piety. The mligion ot Jesus Christ in: one at deeds. not ot words merely; a "er of action, npt ot dreaming." CHURCH WITH WIDEST HAVE The wise builder. He looks well to the foundation. He builds, upon the rock. This denotes wisdom. Turesiglnt and pnecuution. The wise man leans cuccuull aubstnlute Ivar obcxlicuco. The loomlu builder. tle who flat- ters himself that because he crictlt "Lord, Lord," or because he prophe- sietl'. and ductiz "many wonderful Warn" m the name of Christ. he null be saved. w represented as the fool- an builder whom Christ will at last disown. and moms house shall tall in utter rum. 11tto (collar) builder. Be who flat- Hearing and knowing should be toi- lowed by doing. Ttuu will result in greater knowledge. A religion ot pro- teuxton merely will always be one of doubt. Wide that of tho docr will always produce a couscous assur- ance ot (“vine favor. There can be no effectual substitute tor obmicncu. A protemion of faith in Christ is irururtietent tr. 21). This passage clearly teaches that one may em- brace a. mund creed. maintain a reh- you Proteus on, acknowledge C .rist to be me Lord and pray to Him as such, and yet have no part in Him. See Matt. xv., it, 9. tuners can be no true devotion to God when the heart is not united to Him. will atoms," tnrt- 'iGiii"tra, "Get-die}: new to God. his lord's will and prepared not lum- aelf. neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many siripca' (Luke xii AT). "If ye know thear, things, nappy am ye it ye do them" (John xiii. 17). Mo happiness comes Pf'.', from a knowledge or the D.vine they put It to no practical use. The Gospel w represented as the "perfect law of liberty." It "imposes 911mm- “on: trom God and pmwribeu a rule of life. It pom-hes transgressurs. and rewards the obedient." A knowledge ot the word is no". enough " "mm pervant that knew than. It I. (iiignodjo regiment the _ 1mm; t6taog" Mase-- Ideal Gamma in daily Me. Me Following m the cloning quac- Plol! cannot be divorced from holy tione at want when contra Iteintt. today I Heal-mg the word I: not sufficient. Cub. Mar. "Be re users of the word. and not ; New York ... ...... ...-- mo Maren- ontr" (James L. 22). Nu chicago ... ... ... o.....-. " 7-8 one'a Jon! is ever saved merely by Toledo ... - ... ...laz 3-4 1013-4 mining, the rumba! .fl,r,'af/gi'utt, Duluth. No. 1 N... ... " 7-8 95 7-8 cave ens-e vs: y Imagining t '. they are Christians because they are, “NM” bun". my... Regular hearers of the Gospel. while} The ottermu of ruin tO-du they put lt to no Dractlcal um, 'l‘nns were Emu” -.rh ...-I..-” "...- “u”... doctnna ot the scribe- And Phari- oooa ttter-tvo."-.-. PRACTICAL SURVEY. Vital Importance attention to man'- attkudo to the Divine will u reveal. ed in t:.o may Scriptures. This [es-on , decidedly practical In its amnion- SANITARY TELE Ph . -1 ES. Guonther. United State,-,' Consul-Gen- and at Frankfort. Germany, has re- ported to the State Detrtrtmerrt that a. proiessor of the University of Frei- burg, who has investigated as to the mistenue of radium in naturn. has come to the conclusion that all natu- ral Rpringa ot water. and also the petroleum wells, possess a heavy gas. whose radiation. are similar to and probably identical with radium. Highway. Moor Green. Birmingham, Jan. 29. 1901. Dear Mr. McNauglrt.-a am very mach obliged to you toe your let.. tor of Jan. 2. and for your kind- ness in tratding m" the photographic album of the National Exhibition hwld at Toronto. I up glad to think that tho t-xhibi'tion was r0. succesl- ful and that tho collection tent by His Majesty attracted so much in.. tH‘e-t I have no.ed With grunt sat- infection the general patriot]: spirit in which the magtufaetueers or Cun- ada have retFrved the proposal tor prtrerpntial trade. I entirely mute with thorn that a tariff can be "asily frrmod which will not interfere with the development of Canadian industrimt. but will, nevorihtlues, have 0pm the way for a great in- consn of trade betw, en her and the mother country. I have never tur- sumcd that Canadian loyalty was dictated by Interest, but in the at- fnim ot this world. sentiment, how- pvor strong, in none the worse tor bing- anvrorlzrrtcd with mutual w!- vautugo. It is impossibln, in tlvw o ttho dovelormnnt of othvr cmpirew, to regard the future without anxi- oty it differ-nut States ot the Brut- ish vmpirn turn each- to stand isolat- mi and apart from the rest: whvrn- as. n ml union on some line ot mutt-2 organization would make the British Empiro tho stromrrat and most [mm-porous in the world. Be- have mc, yours truly. MORE RADIUM DISCOVERJES. Natural Spring: and Petroleum We": lie-Herod to Contain It. wahhingtfyu, Alex 22.- Killian! A Letter Commanding Manufacturers View. on His Droponuu. Toronto. Fob. 22.,-hn album con- taining photograph» \iles taken at the Dominion othLLonn. last fail was sent by tho Exhnbi lon Board to the Rzgha Hon. Jowpn Cham- berlain. Yeisruay Prceiient W. K. Mchuuxgm r~ce.ved the following letter from the ex-Coloulul Secre- tary: Business In Hamilton has been de- vuloplng nicely in nprlng goods, in up": ot the weather condition. Travellers have been meeting with Ian difficulty thi- week in calling upon customers, and the mail order- business has been fairly good. Value. of staple goods are firm. London wholesale trade la showing a little more life now. The grain de- liveries are still light. and that nu and. country tttail trade a.- little slow in some helmets. but renewed activlty u looked tor when the coun- try road. become more ”able. While tho cold wuthor has tended to chat bum“ At Ottawa the pact two week. retail onion tor the cpl-lug am. coming luv-ant may athe outlook for buwnou for the sprint: At Winnipeg In encouraging. Reamer- have been buylnc' lllnmlly, A little more when has bren coming {0pm. Putnam:- are fair. At Ttctoria-vaucourer and other Pacific coast points tho bustneu prospects tur the spring are bright. “ac lucal Industries are quite active and labor is well employed, and train oonditioru, am poulthy. At 'Doronto wholesale trade I. showing :1 little more aetivitr this week. The travellers are making their call» with lea difficult}. and retailers are ordering freely. We report; from the mother country m- dlcav‘ that the emigration movement this year w ll bl [arc '. Bunnies. ttt gluebuc is much the name an preceding week. Collectlono are still reported ttlow. Thade at Montreal ie picklng up come alter the severe blockade through the heavy lnowtaltu. Traw ellers are sending in more omie a now. The demand tor wheat and flour I. very active. Values of staple 'p,?,',',."'"'"" are firm. Money. In Inn. 1tier, geese. per m. 10 to LN.; ducks. per Ito., .11 to 13c; turkey-i. per lb., " to 180; potatoes. per bag, tttie to $1.05; mbbaga, per down. 600 to Ttie; cautiflower, per dor.., .2 t $2.25; celery. per down. " to tkhr, beat, headquarters, so to 38; bret, toryqtrartertr, " to 86: been chm m- oamass. $6.50 to " boat, medium. carcass. 8.1.50 to 80. mm. yenrlais, " to $9; mutton. nor cwt.. " In " veal. per curt. " to 39. . . uranium-tn "" ‘lr-ue. $3.25 io IF'. I "ca,ar.' ibéFihiva '56 to 82.25; argued Starts, 86 to $7; mu, new Laid, per dun. “a to iUf. butter, dairy. Its to' Lee; creamery. $1. to Me; chickens. per itt., 13 to - --____ -v-.._- -- - - “In. Dressed hogs are unchanged at ttt to $6425 tor heavy. and at 86.75 to " tor light. Fawn; an, tho quotation: Wheat, wlute, bunk, IAM; red. 91 to 9.50; “my. as to 'due; 30089. 7.9 to tate; (and. bush., 6t, to 680; onto. bush, itd lo Blue, baggy. but-11., " to Atge; hay. mummy, per tun, '9 to “0.50; unmet. 06.50 to la; straw. per tom .10; Secdus, manic. hush. 84.50 to $5.75; M Clown bush, $6 to 86.35; timothy. MAI hm. FROM Mit. CHAMBERLAIN. more small, wnth prittes Kim. Wheat la higher. one load ol Waite uelllng at 90:. one toad ot red winter st 9150. and two loads of 20080 at 79 to tAha, Rule: la unchanged. t'Ato bushels selling at " to 480. Oats sold at 350 a bushel tor one load. Hay in moderate supply. with sale. ot 20 loads at $9 to $10.30 ab ton tor timothy, aha Ht viii; to $8 for unwed. Straw steady: three 1otdy aching at $10 a. ton. MIMI); m the cloning antac- tiotte at luau-taut when contra today I “__ -__., Cut. Mar. . Chamberlain. W Cr:'.:'.'.:: as: for thas.: . ttiv, Michael‘s. Azores. for ieliiiis. She left for Halifax on Feb. 8, mud on Monday morning, during the severe storm, tire broke out in the forehold, between the decks. Smoke poured out in volumes, and the immigrants were, panic stricken. Oftierrt, and crew but- tled heroically with the mums for eight hours, ftntuir extingniuhing the tire with steam and water. Part of the cargo was 1'oe11eotr.. damaged. TU immi- the bridge, severely injur'ed the captain. mate and quatternttuster, and then was carried overboard, The smokcslnck, which toopled over, was lashed up with great diitieulty,. and the Panama. un. able to return to Hamburg, owing to theLmry of the gale, put into St. art.. _-I9_ .77 - - The fame Erngtxlgtion ladder wan torn from its fastenings, carried tho whole length of the ship and, striking ‘I... k_:J__ -- . . _ - Halifax. Pets. . '.--The Hamburg- Ameriean liner Panama. which left Hamlin"; on Jan. 10 with a large gen- eral cargo for Kew York and 150 immi- grlnts for Halifax, arrived here this morning. after thrilling escapes from laundering and destruction by fire at uca. Six days out from Hamburg, the l’allnnza ran into a furious hatrieane, which continued seventy hours, during which the smokestaok was smnshcd. "Id everything movable ripped olf the dodge; by boarding Beam Thrilling Voyage o: the Pullman on Atlantic. Thomas Green dropped (Ir-ad :08- yesterday morning at 156 al-‘ront street east. Tommie, Green worked the feed will owned by his step-son. Joseph E. Dunno... and arrived at the office at the usual time yenlurduy morning. It. H. Uaunerom.ot Nut-u: Eusthope, was Considered and nuslnim-d. and will be cent on to the 81:1;me Presbytery for oomldorutnuu. use or the propertst"" - "WW ‘ Presbytery. which was bold lagit oven» ing, the can trottrriHyarctowu' to Rev. yearn um] u purse of 8.2.20: by the Westm'ulietvr Church. The Kaiser will leave for the Medi- terruneun on ithe fourth of next next month. The Emirrtr.m will not accompany him, owing, it la report- ed, to inditooitiou. Correspondent members in other countries will be secured by the Can- adian Manufacturers“ Atstsocustiouto do the work done by the United States Consuls. Rb". Dr. Pitblado. of -W.ln.nkmg, has been presented with u retiring al- lowance of $500 " your for starve Mr. James Ruin. a Iran-Her. living at 22 Gerrard street West, Toronto. was struck {by n. car on! tonne street. Toronto. yesterday. Ilia skull Wars matured. The American Newspnxwr Publish- ers- Association has decided, to agi- tate for the mmoml or the duty on wood pulp from Canada. The Dominion Government have ask- ed the Admiralty for a wan-hip to convey .mitmiirnariee in Coma to I. place o.' surety. Four Toronto firemen use most dungerouriy ill new the (JHSCLI‘I m inhaling nttrle acid fumes at " tttv. At a 'pecltrl mum": of “I" Torouto Mr.. George Y. Chown, luguunr of Quttenhs Uuivers:lty, has also been up- pomtcd Treasumsr. The Toronto Exhibition riuvctor_ w.” ask the Toronto City Council top 833.0.“ toe balding purpuwen. 111(- tsour mill at Month-u. Mar. wné 'burned yesterday. Loss $1.000 or 812.000. Robert J. Hill. a. C.P.P.. hmkvmzm, was killed at Drumbo yonturday. He 1mg i guLondon. mob lliutuon'lu can; with Jiuiiik"ii' ities develop. f to the my ot other neutral pow- ers. Again, French amps and m Inn-rs "ave been ordered to the emit from Mediterranean ports. and this taken in connection with the attitude. in thought to boalgantieaot. It is known that imam is using her litmuat en- deavor to get France to stretch "very punt in her favor, and in run- iotw to have a. strong French fleet in Amalie waters. in a menace against Japanese Vessels, and to be ot use in [watering the naval equilib- rium In the lelow. Yea. i i 'r e “than Foreign? Union is {new} regardng we ouuok. wlrrte xhe Ad- miralty u getting mad; for rapid Landon able: Land'- ls My asking a premium ot 30 per cent. again“. an outbmak ot an Anglo- anch war within tho next three month. This high rate ie based on tho {not that Franco had nut given a. format declaratnon or an attitude of neutralty toward tue Car eastern beitttterenta. 'bcyond a. vague slate- menl by Panza Maturuw “cleanse. In tact, ttte French (imx-rnnmm. ht- atead of giving such assuranoe, has 5111mm Jinnah; to use J.buul. Wham in in we Freud; colony if iii/ie-ici ot the Red Sea. as a. but) of renum- mue tor not fleet-3mm is ‘coplrury Bu'lulo dopx'tch: An aha-nod: po. ptr pgblums the tollowhg cable: Growing UneasyAbout French Movements. 1mm 'llflMll' ' BETTING HEW For Rapid Mobilization of the Fleet. STORM AND F4111: H L“.l3 Kl , a Then he (1301)"! t '%tet white, gtuuerttst be”! Ute I‘m-oath clasped the who": am. ehp wth m lot done HIV-I'W‘llX An angry tlush burn“! I mei.' ligt I upe" 1'10 hint in: {mm Mrs. Mayo cont "tey daugmu‘ in quite Mn. tilio cannot take luau!!! trom .um win-a uh Mariam] wife" of Fun l will how you. “Mot." The dbl-0nd- were. mm mm to their can; in! (aver new mum m1 mil ham ~02an it “a ”a :pou her. ' vim they were no qulel - do ”a to log - Wu. no word up] an: "and the can In an - to “to Na luv: N trad I In" not om It. I we." hrs nld. . Ivy o' - ha mum I could 1 you .1 admiration a" " was such . IIO lulu-ht ha I 4Mrswootl: 'ilto m - woman in M [at any ttart ' In; all ho:- lilo hu Grudge. When over and imam out. 1110 would tia ‘0].qu H-furn h, - Fijix morn House, lunuw’vr. and hunts: hurry [real hm“; mug lug. Ono cumin -tttttterrxl it oe JULY, nlul crtmuon will -Blr Owou t' 0mm- into t tho lamb I. and it An: I; “I at CHHI‘. I Mayo. au.l h Violet. " I went to l, an. "and sonar a. ttnrt l -r’u “no; “he (ammonia-g Utem tor yin 1 " her miae, Lian: blur in hm- "tt that ho hum M ttood hate do " What womwrtu! h In and. "How Mam diamonds are not gt Mr. [My hxury I', duo cuzl do mutt " would Mitt Would lu'li aimpticit.s, no (not unnu- h , from his tnrNret, w with tl. now lip; Q low cry of do,' thought Sir van temptntmzl of nun Terr to»: tw placud iter trroat gill mirror, and II .1th tell full upon u M ot her golden hall Militant guns, on tho beautII'ul than any 1mm ”Helms picturv RN Mt, (how gicttoring dinnmndnl to“ “mull”, had mn-r Mr. [hue Print! out in min "tstr. " ntNr than nu “Unglued Sir Owen. .. You wear dlnmunds, Mint " It!!! born to won: llruu, “It. tun! toetmur how “It! income you. I luv u tary unruly tor you. w;li I. by ttvcsotrtintr lh m?" But Fiat t (Iron buck fro m with a pa v. man-ml t uwmont no sudden that dhe (unsound. mm .zku clot -ttturgtxt mar lwr. "You bought thong for 'MMU' them." "You dun“ mar thrm h ton her, “and no m ”liner." ' I. “no meantimo \ir (In M uncoaainrly to TI, - brought Roma lanai - to Th? Limtss--crr, an of game and fruit, ol Mt will“. of Hum-n4 'tothltttt of them le “no lhe- an“ ho wan " could not do tho “this that porn»: thr' ' nu torturod Mr! L.” StNettta and roars. Nttr.ix Umnhle “It.” aim mid. ca “be than." mu ""0" an“ t.r,1, liked it, it" , ”mutation h hit tor "ttite had never mean vwrn a: “I cannot." one said. quit a ton Humane. I on near them." an 0.0.“)! tirv l “(no but 11mm diamond "tar. n broom. tut-r1. g ' all with :tozuu 1 nm of fir. . vlmr. lilul. Th (aim o Jim!" m It! are they WI 'tt "cow. "I tave [al't mor-I tron than than I would mm te Sir Owe-u a-wrllod. |.-.ugmn mu 9.13 as many mun did not ob) Th. next "Y“. and l u, R hr m-m-ptm: Huh 1 low bow 1ttrre " berm! m But Viol t trim: to rl'. tram tto ir "Wh asked tat.“ Um mm Sn tended 'ShtVIs M hit {Ln hr: -,t that it 1m: to look ct then st do you think of Vrrlet. umo'. Lil you. I ell Viol lik not I m [1“an suited. hug!“ u; many i'iii ire-0:1 for who [as May“, wi I thr t tha a. “'3”! worn a in , and to am oodon yen: thing - b. I "will LE hop: It. I dis MT upon 11 my to M ll kl" " FW rather ix wot up: I'l- was th Wont" out in: I an Um. would [ml] . tt t itt In In In tttt d tar I over I huh- d! wulllou Than I " that d wi with "anal Item " cloud mania! oorl‘d thead horn 'rm 'tr mix: I!) rm"! 'toar "" "N It] tt mo " V h " b4 tt ttt WI ll

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