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Durham Review (1897), 25 Feb 1904, p. 8

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I _l' . 'CC',',':"',)','!,',",'!,"'!,',,'?,',' rts,.itsgyai,tygmariiaiiiiiiik t 1N"8"Hr" nrnnl l-In o,.,,,,..,,.,,,...' THE PEEFLEEETUREE , , - ig xairamsisgs88iiitsfiiiiittteig Ii (XllgliFNiXg5ieghi"d ROBT. BORN ET. on: camera. A bum in. Quail...“ are»: for the nu-n of .4500. . John Mrkeehme uni. pint", wlr been Wanting friend: tae and all: Rushing bunineu a tnadn Were ttood. The ge'tmu homer lee is war as a n-eul to be. Wr heard John McMillan. ot Pa'k. houv,t" Duncan Ihnru "n Willie MoLod and Arch McLellw lb l, tended u jurymen M Owen Bound but] week. The Presbvmriaa church sheds here are full of - Ind we and make: " hard work to not rigs itviU. Mr qnd Mrs Funds McLeod. of Col. lingwood, vi-icod friends at Top Cliff for a few dawn lately. Another change by Sundgy last. Mrs MoArdla films last week. Our petple hrre have bad telephone connactinn. The new, telephone wire put up helm-en here and Dnndalk is breaking every few (lava and our pvople are complaining that the connection with the mum line " Dnudllk is hard to not and that if they iniot rm get-ting con- nection they get very improper replies " Dundalk. Will Barnett has purchased a new hung. one thus goes. A wad-ling took place in the, Latter Dave Saintn Church. on 15th con. The aroum was Mr J MOMIIHAD. of WM!)- inglou Territory. lormorly of Arthur Townuhip. to Miss E Wilson. daughter of Hugh Woon. Charles McLean per- formed the ceremonies. He is a. new band " the business. Thou McAuley has sa, appointed mam-or tw the council " 990 salary and ha» commenced the work. Percy Lawrencn. of Durham. was pleasant culler in Ceylon ou Mondny. Lelllian Down 70‘ Port Law With P. M. Cub-let! this Wash. Train w» again stalled Sand» evening and saw. brllot some one cut. me off just then, the train due here at tive o'czock has not gut here yer We are glad to learn of the improves. ment of Mrs. James MoMnllau who was seriously suck the latter pert of lust week Mr Jno Pickett. of Markdale, was in Ceylon on Manduy last. Mr. Rom. thumtron,ot Dundalk, was a plenum caller in Ceylon on Snturdu last. Born to Mr. cud " John Purslow. 9th of Feb, Itto4, a daughter. Miss B Brodie an buried in Mark- dale on Fnday lust. It seems Sud to have one so voting taken. but nod does all things for the best, so we like Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, will trv to may trom the bottom of our hearts, "Th, Will he done o Lord und not mine." - a--- ,v. owl; woun- Holloa , the storm still is holding high carnival in these parts. thermometer re- gistered this afternoon twenty degrees be. low zew. Quite A few have La Grippe or rather G'ippe has them. Mrs. M. Whit. taker. Mn. H. McCrae are laid up with it this week Mrs, Sargent, we are glad to report. in somewhat. Improved. Mr. James Brown of Regina. N. W. T. came home Saturng last week with the remains of hie sister Mrs. Curse. Rev. Mr' Liule " holding a serious ol revival meeting-t in the Presbyterian Church which are being very Well attend- ed cunsidermg the state of the roads and washer. He was tosaitrtasdltust week by Rev. MnNeleou of Owen Sound. This week he in having Rev. Mr. Bell of Laurel. Bothsre very earnest workers tor the cause of Christ. Forest Conn-wry. She leaves beside» her husband tlnee small childnrn‘ to mourn her loss. Tim narrowing friends have the sympathy of the sums community. The Nrmers urcund here have formed a bed-ring and are having a meeting on Saturday mum. of this week to complete arrangement.» lor the sew-on. Intended for “It week The Ill-me of Mr. Thus. Brown was saddened be the mws of the death of his datum" Aunn- (ters Came) of Lumsdeu who (had on 'r'utsO.y ol last week and tV ccordiug to the ms}: of the deceased the runulm www- trough! hum» to Holstein. teaching here Saturday night. the funeral taking place Monday afternoon to Mr "”77 I V Wm Lake paid a arink visit to his daughter " Edge Hill,'on Sunday. A ucDomld, who bu been hid Jsr work for some time. resume: his old post this week "inking ship timber. Some of our young men no 1 foot men through the bug Hump on Sunday. uncolm Stewart sold his blind bone and purcbssonl one with good eye-sight. It wants a horse with a good active nerve to M4t the We“. Loclno McLenu in amused drawing hen to Durham. Snow. new. new. lots ot now. Slight than. in. week. then mun mow. Moan Kine-h swim: have booths the I o Stew”: tum and hue com- menced taking on -iogts to Mr Pot. ter'ts mill. The latter in grinding them Into lumber. wood Ind amino-t. spending a week's visit to tMtriisiir,-iG a Turnlmll. Vick-n. Malcolm mow-rt bus sold and u going out West uboul March. David Watson in hnnling Mean Kiunoe & Sparllug. Min Jo‘nmo Potter, In visiting friends Arrived foo late for last Miys Laura Bill returned home After tyr, ,_‘- vv w'vH-UUU Duncan Hunt’s farm " the bum in. counlnlluu ol 1...) PRICEVILLE. HOPEVILLE. THE DURHAH REVIEW HOLSTEIN. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO CEYLON. “NECK. going on while the a wood supply was is not so good this gamed a. little the way of s thaw on ital. an have and elsewhere Lay is visiting Swnzmn his farm the 20th logs for of his . FOR. tiALe..-Two Durham Buns. Pedi.. greed. Out, Rtmn. 9 tttOR. old One Red, l7ums. old. Will he said cheap. Apply I: J!. G. Morrison. Rocky Bullpen [we do find it hard to forgive him for awakening our hopes of breathing a. bright and bracing. if somewhat biting breeze. and then holding to our faces the musty odor of ill kept apartments and stale jeete without the firit snap of mind or human to raisethe wind. How- ever there is no use in keeping up; grudge and if the book gives little evi- dence that the writer has brains. we shall suppose he did his heat and shall try to he content. For our part the old con let slightly modified would exactly 1 fit 'dl! tritautioic-- " He nevet' said a foolish thing I And never did a wise one." 7 W M I' - r- s-_-_-.,..-..,.. W _....." or." HI! chapters on drinking "iiiii crime bring up subjects that call for serious senrehings of heurt, hut one hardly knows when to take him serious. ly and when in u lighter mood He he. wails the drinking and immorality in much the some tone as he denounces the “Garb of old Gaul " as .. a. costume for small pretty boys too Tounqtr be "reechett."hnd usu dress that, tells of childishness. if not of immodesty. In conclusion we are told that the hook is written to answer the. pruyerthe Seotchman has been so lonsrpt'eaehting.. " o wad some power the giftte gie us. To see ourselves as others see us. " He. assures the Scot that for all the. pain his bunk may cause he is truly sorry, hut gives the time worn consolation. "It is for your good and it hurts no more than it hurts you." Certainly that is not saying a. great deal, for no man or woman north of the Tweed will lose an hour's sleep over it. Bo far as we are concerned we can with ease forgive all the hits. any we even Welcome all the 1tyfttfogtn,tti, the most humiliating. but. , After duly liewailing the fatal infatua- _ tion that has borne in the Dmicsto look down upon the land and rule the realm of church and stale, he turns to the World of literature. Since humor is dead and criticism hlind. iii-cause Scotclimen have got, a hold of Punch and contrived 'o won" themselves into "llthe leading newspapers. our author gives usa spec:- men of what he thinks criticism should he. In reading over his attempt one is reminded of Elspeth McFailyen’s opin- ions of preachers- "A preacher o' the moderates " she savs " who gets lazy take to readin' auld sermons. but when ony o' the Evangelicals get lazy they take to repeatin' whole screeds o' scrip- ture. by way o' fillin in." The latter is exactly the style of Crosland. He gives you page after page of Lamb. Watson. or Barrie and to whatever is against the Scot he fervently exclaims . Amen ' and of what presents him in an thing of a human aspecthe says "Bah” then he rubs his hands and says with a self sat- istied chuckle. " That. is the way to criticise.” His insight. or, the want thereof will be seen ft om his way of dealing With Burns. .. The real reason " he says. .. why Burn, became and con- tinues to he a sort of patron saint, to the peoples north of the Tweed is. that he was an erotic writer, a eondcmerof pop- I ular vices." "It was he who averted that whiskey and freedom gang togeth- l or.” His chanters on drinkina nmi I _ certain woman. on hearing that the B, itish soldiers. after the sack of one of thetowns in the Indian Mutiny. had been chained two and two and sent " as slaves, exclaimed--" Gueed help the man that’s tied to our Sandy." These are brighter spots but, if they are oases they stand In the midst ofagreat. de.. Bert. Our writer gets solemn “the owl and stupid as that other animal that only kicks. England he sees in the hand of the Scot. but the Southerner is powwlcss to help it. Poor, poor, Cock. ney! he can only" in impotency pour out the sad lament, 16 When Britain was ruled b Englishmen she wore the) epithet (great by good right; since she] has been ruled by Scotchmen she has well nigh lost tt." . l At first he makes a fairly successful n'tempt to he funny. Very neatly he trips his man. whom he. sees. as in some cartoon. with true features annoyingly awry. reaching out with eager hands to grasp the earth and all that is in it, and shunting "Touch mu gin you dar." in the following fashionr-iBdt who that has a feeling for warfare would figtit with a Scotchumu y Such " one. I hope does nothreathe: the plain tact being that if a Sum heats lou. he. heats you; whereas if you begin to heat a Scot he will assuredly haw] in the King’s name for the law, " Hech Sim rin for the polis Ah’m gettin' whuppei " Once again he turns a Rood point when he tells that a tlertain woman. on hem-inn that. the V, "_-.-..- W {Hall "I"? It; [kept within hounds all might well be _ sat%hed. But of late things have been coming to such a pass that" even catttty common sense acotchmen are in danger 1 of losing their heads in admirin their own shadow. Turn where you W5]. you find the irrepressible So it. Balfour. Rosebery and Uampheli-Banneriua." leaders of all the political parties are Scotchmen. The primate of allEnglaud hails from the same land. In the newn- paper otBees in London you hear on every hand the burr of the Doric. while the books that for yeais have had the market are those that smell of the heathen. All this sail would in itself he enouizh to upset any bark were it light in Ina last. but now the flyisring ordeal comes in the shape of a book from T ll IV (lrmland protesting through all Its two hundred and odd pages against this Scottish invasion which all the powers in the south have hitherto been unable to withstand. One IS a little perplexed as Hi what. the author. intends' his hook to he. In the earlier l hapters you fancy under all his charges a seine ofdry grim humor. as if in a quiet way he wanted to give to the Inc: an indirect compliment. hut the impression that, he is sore under sou“ personal disappointment, notwith- standing his emphatic disclaimer, grows ( as you read. ‘ since _ win In loving foe than hogan in a wool: or no u Dakota. It i! on“ that the Anninnuy urmom will be [watched by an Rev Mr Auden-on. of Shalbnrne. in “so Pr- byteriuu church hero. on a» am Sun- day in larch. when the can! guber- int: will be on 4he following evening. Of all men. tkotehmen need the least to pray “Gie us a. Raid opinion o' our- selves.” Whereyiir he goes he walks with lordly Head and carrius the air of one who owns the laud. This pleases him and nmuaes others so that, were it l,,__. -Smct, L . -- - _ THE UNSPEAKABLB SCOT. _ PHONE p. K FARMERS-Bring in your Batter and Eggs . N. P. McIntyre The Star Grocery- V _ -- ........v w.- n. an: arm! Elna cam-r12. They use perfertly fitted to the head sud henna "we of mummy P mt. Dorenwend will take meant-amen“ And demonstmte the menu of his Wigs. LAtNE%---rt you oppteciote the added chum and the younger “mutant-o lent to the face by having beautiful but. do not full to see the (and omn_ ment of Switch... Bongo. Pomp-Coon. Wavy Fronts and WI... which Pmt. Dorenwend will hove with him. Consultations entirely free and demonstrations given recording these conceptions in noun-oi but. l - I He will be at the Middaugh House On Wednesday, MARCH 2nd, 1 GENTLEM EN WHO AR E BALtt.-atven thouxh you are bud or mm; dly so. you can rennin your former uppeu-mce by wenriug DOPOhwond‘. WM. and Tom”... They we made to much my shade of hair. They are a protection to the head and . cure for chronic cold in the hut] and eMarrh. They m tserfeettiv mm! m oh. “.4 .M- k..-“ "-- -- . a- - 7 jrii' "rihliii [8MB SWINE ' NEW SPRING GOODS __' jliER,. [1(lijti)ti)EljL:, People who've tried c194 Come and see some of our Bargains in Dress Goods We have out regular line of Prints at IOC and taylc And besides a yard wide Print at the same money which is SELDOM SEEN and we consider them the BEST BARGAINS ever shown IN DURHAM. Notwithstanding the advance in cotton goods we have been able to buy at the old prices and in some cases much less. Some of our Spring Goods have come to hand and loads to follow-if the trains would bring them along. HABPY THOUGHT RANGE THE BIG STORE is the place where to get your GROCERIES. -.. r' ' 41: HUM a; DON'T FORGET we still sell the COTTON GOODS DRESS GOODS WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK. it consider it the Best in Canada. PROF. DORENWEND PRINTS IS COMING TO DURHAM. Wednesday, MARCH 2nd DON'T FORGET THE DAY AND DATE. 2 TAF. 1 "rk'r,"a, , iF.ili"itF,ls:N,qlFaFii'9 fit. FEBRUARY _. Hines} Prices Paid. €33 bt X8'ldex'lh'Qii'/h',' VOL. XXVI 2i,lp'Jyl'drllylTi1F,,"yI .JA Men's 81.65111: Women's 1.C5, 31 Children", L25 0 Men's Rubbers . Giru' Rubbers Beautilul Wide W ll Nice Ladies " only Ladiea' EVVe wan want the Good how far the dd Tweed and Some extra tt Ladies‘ Silk (101w Dress Goods Wrapperett Flannellt Prints Shirt The ON l and \Veeklv and Pam. ff, and Iveekrs, and Mon. w, and 11mm" and Tommtn and Dan'lyGl and “‘wkly and W, M...» and " 'a.tet'tl mention away Hundre Are all ple from is, in re buts we wn shelve the w Is cans of some " I, YOU l nndJ ertt

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