West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Mar 1904, p. 2

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€# fl i} 1P +â€"# e} o 5 osia‘s. *Â¥ f§.' !g o fl Earhn& %;xg?g;osi{os i 3B i i ie o o ip i s s ip t is s op tp tp ops sp ofp pipppq tE S o see, to test ) xflovd Th oo e ode ols e ofi oliecliaot ofi ofect: ww:mww*:g;g a # .. 29 # $ Earlxng s PDrug Stovre # k. ‘MI d Clark‘s for Gutters ! And all Farm Machinery ATOMIZERS and All Kinds of Rubber Goods of the best i quality, at the best prices, at the best Drug Store. A Household Necessit " ~BUY A~~» HOT WATER BOTTLE IF YOU WANT a HoT Ttime That there is no better plac Deering Machinery, Democ merston and London makes, ner Cream Separator, Road Raymond Sewing Machines, Chatham and Walkerville ; and repairs ; Churns. Harnes Our Stock of Spring Goods arce arriving daily and we are safe to say that we are showing a larger and better range than ever in ali the newest designs in New Dress Gonds, New Ginghams,. New Cambrics Vestings & Prints. FOUNTAIN SYRINCES. ( o 9n Cash and One Price Gohn Pivingston, ow Jprl'ny Soods 530 FARMERS near Durham who this machine all say that it is the best ski turn, easiest to clean, makes less noise an ished Separator on the market. As usual we have a large pile of Prints to select from and are of the best quality. These Goods are in nice Checks, Stripes and snow flake effects and are from 5c to 20 cts per yd They are composed of the la test and Patterns and you will be wis our large range before you pl your New Spring Suit. â€" inghams ‘rints to be C onvinced ‘ress Soods ity at any timeâ€"Saves many a life till the Doctor arrives. J ade in Durham. RPEaAmMm John Clark 44 . 20 3 _ _1 _ _ LE mVAOAIEC | ow . using 1 say that it is the best skimmer, easiest to clean, makes less noise and is the best finâ€" on the market. tter place in the County to buy I ‘, Democrats, Buggies of Paiâ€" i makes, The Great Prize Win. r, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves,, fachines. Warcons : Sazruct.11 See them and have one for the coming season. setville; Wilkinson Ploughs , Harness, Knife Grinders, &co. orlock. $ ) & @ 4. | _ Rev. Messts Smith and Farquharson vYAÂ¥$ flgen.. | took part in the services, and the choir. | _ We reproducean extract from asketch nexztmmnanmnnenmemsemenmmmmmmmm ‘ of his life by his son some years ago : (~ _ "He travelled and labored As & misâ€" ’sionnry all through Grey and Bruce, ' through parts of Nimeoe, Wellington, ers ap " Waterloo, Huron, Norfolk, and on the Indian Reservation. Hedid the pioneer work and organized the churches in Durbam, South Arthur. North Arthar, ery Mount Forest, Priceville, Hanover, & Greenock, Holland, Sulliyan, Elderslie (now Chesley.) He preached and bapâ€" | d tized in Tiverton, and the church there was organized by the Rev. Wim, Fraser, He helped inf rlc;vivul w?]rk and in orâ€" I ganization of the chure amongst the _ the Cou TE to buy the Germans in Carrick. ~He frequently y Buggles of Palâ€" Visneg sm)(’;ner. hHe org;nize'l the | in.| church in _ Goderich towns ip. _ The e Great .Pnz$ Win church in Durham was organized with iS, Cookmg btoves, twelve members in 1853 in that room aggons : SI:OWba] 1, w_hlch he reared in the forest,. $Y +430 % 1 eparators you purchase wisz to see weaves Durham Bull Calvesâ€"gran Prince Cruickshank (imp), ar shire Pigs from imported stock J This took place on Wednesday, Fetb, > | 24 and though on yery short notice, a p large number turned out to pay the last ‘ | tribute of respect. â€" Had another day eâ€" > | lapsed allowing the. news to spread, _ | many more from country points would ‘ | have attended. >| _ Promptly at 2 p. in. the remams were , I' taken to the Baptist Church, where a service was held, Pastor Newton preâ€" > | siding. He spoke very warmly of the strong points in deceased‘s character, \] but dwelt especially on how God had + | honored him with a long lite, a fruitâ€" ful life, and an appreciated life, j Deceased‘s son Rev. Joseph Stewart. _| now a Professor in a College at Rochâ€" estor, was invited to speak, He did so. and the occasion will long be rememâ€" ,'Iwre(l as touchingly pathetic, the deâ€" voted son speaking in eloquent words of the worth of a loving father who had seen a ‘beautiful oid age.‘ To the speaker the occasion was unique and | | was one that can never be duplicated in | his experience. Here, in his old bhome, ’ ' where a few rods to the west bis father ! balf a century ago, built his fiast log | shanty, where a few rods to the east, awbout the same time, he held summer services in a grove, and where around him a s rinkling of those who renmemâ€" bered IE:- labors of the pioneer pastor, whose portrait embellishes the chief window of the church and whose reâ€" | mains were in his son‘s presence, here | he could speak with a foll heart. He vullined in vivid style the courageous ! {spirit of the deceased, how he surâ€" | mounted early â€" educational disadvanâ€" } tages, how he conducted his work largeâ€" | ly of a house to house nature, how his | "wreat big heart" won friends, â€" and | spread sunshine in the path of many, I how his wonderful physical vigour en | abled him to supply, on foot, points, widely separated, and drew imany les-’ sons frem the wondeful life. He took | occasion to thank warmly â€" Durham / friends and neighbors for all acts of | kindness and consideration to the deâ€" | ceased, I PUREâ€"BRED _ STOCK FOR SALE. MctGREGOR.â€"In Bentine February 26. to Mrâ€"an McGregor, a daughter, Belle McKinvnon, sister c Black.] Mrs. Jno. Austin and daughter of No rth Dakota (we omitted to mention last week) who have been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Johnston, left to spend a few weeks wita friends in Galt before returning home. Miss Stewart, havying sold the residue of the property, long known â€" as "Stewart‘s cormner" to Mayorâ€" Hunter, will we presume, be leaving town soon. Many will regret to lose Miss Stewart‘s personality from our midst for she has proved herselt a faithful friend to every . good cause. _ The best of good wishes will follow her into the fature from all who witnessed her devotion to her father, and knew of her own sterling character. FUNERAL OF REV. ALEX Principal Allan was forced to lie off a day this week with seyere cold. This is a most unusual occurterce with him and we hope, ardent worker that he is, that he wont force himself too much before recuperating. Mis. Calder has been a sufferer week or two back with an attac & pendicitis, which happily was c in time, and we hope she is on t} to recovery, Mrs. J. H. Hunter, Mrs. R. A. Grant and Mrs. L. Sometville were guests at a reception held in the Parliament buildings by Mrs. Charlton, wife of the Speaker,. guests at a dinnergiven in the speaker‘s charrber by Mrs. Stratton. in honor of Mrs. Mortimer Clark, wife of the Lieut Governor, Mre. (Dr.) Jamieson was one guests at a dinnergiven in the sp chausber by Mrs. Stratton. in h Messrs Hugh McKinnon and Hugh McLean ot Bentinck, have been Lrying to leave for Manitoba for over a week but the elements are against them. Councillor Kerney, of Glene recently Councillor Torry, of and n> doubt compared experience. street. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Somerville have returned to Toronto and are at present with Mrs. Somerville on Jaryis St. Little Marguerite Hutton had a narâ€" row escape from serious injury by being knocked down ty a horse on the iting father, sisters here this week, Riley Riley. Priceville were vwiu;rs in town Wednesday. Mr. TbOS. Banks (Oiwan Simund in uis Drs. Dixon and Atkinson and Mr PERSONAL MENTION, Calvesâ€"grandsons Grsisl T THE DURHAM REVIEW . Banks, Owen Sound, is visâ€" BORN entinek on Friday, Mr _und Mrs. Alex, with an attack of apâ€" appily was checked i lorry, of BHentinck, compared | municipal dtioisitied 4 c is 2 c , ard Yorkâ€" It his fiast log ds to the east, e held summer where around e who renemâ€" pioneer pastor, . and other frends , of Glenelg, visited ‘.â€"_[ Nee Miss o Nrs."J. & .« STEWART. NTARIO ARCH TORONTO the way of the » ASSETS. To Lands, Buildings and Furâ€" HitUife:;:4++>.s s rans o ol A Cash on hand.:.:.,;,‘": .: :/ tor a ABSTRACT STATEMENT OF AUDITORS REPORT TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG Jr Bâ€" Wiilie Mor:on and Kechnie eg.. Thomas Wrigh Jr Câ€"Islay Quinn, George S d entd" Jr Aâ€"John Harbottle. Tan Campbell, Harry Vollet, Frank Mclltaith, Norman MceDonald. Sr 1stâ€"Edwin Search, Maud Kress, Lizzie Hiilis, Russell Lavelle. _ Pearl Mitchell and Harold McKechnie eq. Jr Pt 2nd (A)â€"May Cliff. and Vivian Crawford eq., Nettie Daniels. Evyline Levi. Karl Lenahan, Ruby Catton. JrPt 2nd (B)â€"Verna Fluker, Katie Bell Black, Earl MeDonald and James g,loyd eq., Harry Guthrie. Jane Hartâ€" ord, Jr. 2 (A)â€"Ruth Mu;fin. Jamie Farâ€" quharson, Laudell Lauder, Annie Ector, Maujorie McKenzie. Jr 2nd (B)â€" Wilfrid Calder, Jessie Curric, Maggio MceNally, Willie Clark, Mabel Latimer. Sr Pt 2ndâ€"John Mellraith, Winuie Brooker, Fred Laidlaw, Gertie Campâ€" bell, Maggie Tort y. Sr.2ndâ€" Nellie He pburt Lo Becker, Alma Holt, & Victor Livingston eq. Ir. 3edâ€"Vaddie Cald well, Ruby Mills Catharine McDougall & Ceo. Lloyd Eq. James McClean, Sr, 3rdâ€"George (;‘atton'.' Ella .Kinnie Hazel Marshall Belle Ector, â€" Laur Seigner, Puablic School Department. Sr, 4thâ€"Tena MceDonald, Bessie Telâ€" ford, Loutie Marbottie, Jean Crawford, Mary Ritchie. hif 4thâ€"Robbie Laidlaw, Nellie Smith, Chas, Ramage, Annuie Aljoe, May Glass, in 0 e] Form 3â€"Charlie Fm;| MeDonaild, Bertha Wilso Annie Petty. Form 2â€"Rita McComb Carman _ Aijoe, Sadie Greenwood. Form 1â€"Ethel Morriso e1, Keith Newton, Hugh 1 Lawrence, J. P. Teprorp. k Solicitor for the executors. Dated this 3rd day of Maich A. D, 1904 their names, addresses. and descriptions. and a full statement of particulars of their claims, and the nature of the secâ€" nrity (if any) held by them, duly certiâ€" fied ; and that afrer the said day, the executorse will proceed to distribute tbe assetsa of the deceased, among the parâ€" ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. 25th day of March A. D., 1904, In the Surrogate Court of the County Grey. _ In the matter of the Estate ... Of . Alexander . Stewart, late of the ~~â€"Town of Durkham, in the Cou;:y of Grey, Baptist Minister, deceased. otice 1s hereby given pursuant to R. N S. O., 1897, Cap. 120, Sec. 38 and amending Acts, that all persons having cluirms against.the estate of the said Alexander Stewart, who died ou or about the 22nd day of February A. D. 1904, are required to send by post preâ€" Paid, or to deliver to J. P. Telford of the Town of Durham, solicitor for the l executors, on or before the I\mlr‘,vâ€"ro i T.oD OD w h â€" DURHAM SCHOOL RONOR ROLL 0 in 0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. FEBRUARY. 1904. High School Department i1 3â€"Charlie _ Farqubarson, Kate ald, Bertha Wilson, Bella Bmnie S #o S in m â€"Ethel Morrison, Oliver Hunâ€" Newton, Hugh MceCrie, Hattie Nell‘ie Hepburn, James Smith _Alnm Holt. Aénesl{::mag.e a .an 2o nv i w N ma o zce o | a â€"â€"Nil. ; ;, I~ Is\O D iD in un On O O in o an, on »â€" Comb, Lily Walker, adie Sharp, Ethel n _ and Mary Mcâ€" Wright. $1200 0o 1692 39 $2892 39 Douglass, The Best Quality cheaper than ever Undertaking pramptly tended *» FURNITURE y mm mmmmeermmeres,, There are lots of men who do not buy their Wedding Rings from us, and we are just as satisfied that there are lots of men t\}r’ho ‘aio:lnl%“ be better off in m;;xy ways if e from us, pose you ma{o a test e{aeol this. P y MODEL BAKERY department of our establishment., LASTLY, our prices are absolutel yfair Give us a call and see 10r yourself A first _ class line of Bread. Cakes, Puostry, always on hand at Rowe‘s store. P Pn oom MV P! "3 WrCs and no other is accepted. _ _ y This alone should prove to you, as it has to our hundreds of customers, that we ,k_ing\: our prices are reasonable and __ right. FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. TH Il‘(DLY. cleanfiliness reigns in every We are RESPONSIBLE for every state ment we make and are prepared to _ live up to it... j We are RELIABLE because the goods we _ offer are of the guaranteed sort and we replace every single thing that does ,, not hold up to our idea of perfection, e are REASONABLE in our ices, conâ€" fim.l With #ood)\ wa ies p:.v“ [EUH+ RESPONSIBLE : RELIABLE ! : REASONABLE uk sw ce d e e ml uu‘rpnc;s, C ie ut with good values," an â€"ev f‘% ‘n n‘lfill“lf(}({ in plain figures ; And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. /T suits To aT / Jake Kress GOOD REASONS: JAKE KLRESS . FL, STINSON, w. BLACK. Every person having hens should secure some of our PANâ€"Aâ€"CEâ€"A, a positive cure for Gapes, Cholera and Roup, and a great Egg Producer. STIITSOAIT‘S Eyery farmer sbhould have some of our Stock Food, as it is a preventative ot Distemper, and a sure cure for Distemper Cup and Saucer 50c . * 1.00 Berry Spoun 2be * T5¢ Butter Knives 25e " 50e Odd Desert Spoons 10c reg. 25 ¢ Odd Forks 10c reg. 25¢ Odd Teaspoons for 5¢ reg. 10¢ 5 Bottle Crait $3.00 reg. $5.00 Now is the time to buy presents. Great Silverware Sale now going on. _ We have an immense Stock, and are deâ€" termined to clear out part of it at reduced prices. Below you will find a few of our prices : Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. WEDDING CAKES Ma(_le to ‘order© in Latest HARDWARE ! FOR LOWER Towx atâ€" Call and Also Now get a The Spring has come an, has gone and so has near] of Tudhope Buggies a Which was once so filled with those rigs is now b with over a rarload of NNOW 3t t %mpleme Ats ) 7 CHURXNS & Of all kinds, E NIP PULPERS best on the ma receive We are at the shop at the bridge ery Wednesday and Saturday, ders or enquiries left at C. MceArth Store, Or At HLG REUFIEAH Phvrats news . . They C?mz%am Cutters Full Lines of these well =[ and reliable goods. Show Rooms daugh Stables PEEL, inE swoeman Your Spring Trade is Ours because A MARKED FACT Naxwell GRAYVS make ; and Stylish, and ewil‘ alt purgses, that you have a Tudhope Cutter ulper3, Churns, &e. Leggings. Mitts, & Gloves. Still a few sizes in some lines o Winter Goods going cheap. _ We also have in stock a lt of different lines in Men‘s. Women‘s, Boys‘, Misses‘ and Children‘s Boots & Shoes in coarse and Fine Goods. I have secured the service of a first class SHOEMAKER and wil} now be able to execute promptly any work either new or repairing. $"8. Our Prices are the Lowest and Our Values are the Highest I n Tudhope CGutters Trunks. Valises, Club Hags, Daub ings, Shoe Dressings, Brushes, &c to be had at o the New Boot and Shoe Store. Next Door to D. Campbel)‘s ImplementWarehouse. Also see «S. Mcllraith ho sns " hnsc 2 k are good in every respect r at the REvirw Orrtor our best attention. ote; MHAamilton __Agene ‘y. ses" ~ TERMSâ€"CAST airekccptaninni ns To leayve your orderand get a pair of genuine handâ€"made Baots or Shoes ready for Spring Wear. i"g‘ s C HEEariy CWQ oor lavcadliee Buggies and the place ce so filled to overflowing market ; _ also} on WHEELBARROws MARCH 3. 1904 & M Examine our UR > : ‘lhey are the our famous J)f ach:'ncz-y a Tudhope Buggy, er & be in the swim: our cA thur and the Summer being filled {f the fam Â¥4 tw rday. _ Or. McArthur‘s _omfortabte al prices to M@G up famous our will WO 4 inuore You Eucoion T1 C,. A. FLEML _ owEX souxD . â€" 0_ RD _ _ Winter Term Commences Jaz I Acre © A few month‘s study of busin« _ ods would perhaps, s Owrx â€" SHoux». WRITE FOR CATALOGU Th(' H:nm\ TWEEDS & YA OF,.BEST QUALITY Grocermes, Prv Goods. & Shoes, Orocker» We can give vou Bar If Writings drawn oncollect c« J * Always Prompt, Never N Jhar NEYWY LIS 0F 1 B(’!Hch-n al 150 Acres A general Bank in Drafts issued an all points,. Depos: est allowed «1 esr SAVINGS -Villgfi baink «d wards _ Prom; facility «afford« dista ce. 100 Acres 100 Acres 105 Acres CAP'T.‘\I Author CAPITAL, Paid uy RESERVE FUXJ AGE.\WX‘A\ L1 .|“ GEO. P. REID, Manag DURHAIM AGEN Ontario, States and SIBBAR] BJ | S. SCQO Gold Ban The followi of Cat oc around to will not s for W edd Heavy all HJF BIC you wish t w noney, H. H. MIJ. MARCH The Hanover ( One of Ayor‘s Pilis at hesten recovery. Cent fece Orysti hundreds of dollars in Take advantage of the months and attend the “Y e a sk ins} M C 25°., 50¢., 21 All draggis BY, H. MHard Co * Aver‘s Cherr{ Pector our family. We think t’& in the world for courhs ar you how it quiets th throat, heals the i lungs, and cont: hardest of coughs. Aye We know what all p tors think of Ayer ; Pectoral. Ask you;. tor and find out. !*, wHDHJ D; U| Head Ofiice, Toro H. H. MILLE »64 Cher P ecto BANa (3 AIZPL T. F KELI Is KATE P®TERSON OW AN. Presid Go n oo #C%€0 H U for irs in th n

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