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Durham Review (1897), 3 Mar 1904, p. 3

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est, : of a first ind â€" wil ptly any 1 ; your uine Shoes es and 1 coarse [ 2 W lurs IAlN ith / 4*\ 3 J M flM_f S iD Py\ + CAPITAL, Authorized 4 CAPITAL, Paid C364« . â€"â€" _ RESERVE FUND ;. . AGENTS in all nrm A few month‘s study of business methâ€" ods _ would. _ perhaps, save . you hundreds of dollars in the juture.' Take advantage of the slack winter months and attend the . * To //mf,e{sey _/ 4 FEBL P Cedcd (“/// / l Owrx Souxpn. Oxn. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE TO C. A. FLEMING, c owEX sOUND . â€"â€" RINGUPA L Winter Term Commences, January 4th« OF. BEST QUALITY. Groceries, Pry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargain‘. * We ask inspection of our Teas..w# TWEEUDS & YARNS t you wish to Imy or sell property, bor row money, insure a property, have writings drawn or collect debts calion me 1 Acre The Hane Nk# LIS) OF LANBS 100 Acres near Allan Park, 68 cleared. 20 hardâ€" V OUut wl 12 SWBML.....00+ cesc 21GO ‘50 Acres near Lamlash, stone dwellings, good omcâ€"butldings, tine farm, under ......... 4C00 A general Banking bnusiness transacted Draits issued and collection smade on all points, Deposits received and inter est allowed «t esrrent rates SAVINGS BAN& _ _aterest allowed on savings lmink deposits of $1.00 and up wanls _ Prompt attention and every tacility «afforded customers living at 100 Acres DURMHAM AGENCY On Sta Improve Your Educalion This Winler SNEARD BM UF GANANA 05 Acres S$. SCOTT . Always Prompt, Never Negligent. H. H. MIELLICR, Bil 4 Gfim!gfifigungm’ The Hanover Conveyancer, offers Hard Coughs One of Ayer‘s Pilis at bedtime will neston recovery. Cently laxative,. MARCH 3. 1904 _ Cherry | Pectoral t1 W. H. BEaAaAX l1 not wash off r Wedding Pre you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. Ves know what all good doecâ€" tors think of Ayer‘s Cherry Pectoral. Ask yourown docâ€" tor and find out. Ee will tell Ayer‘s H,. H. MILLER, ndl W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. NTS in all primcipasl pomts in _ Quebec, Manmtoba, United ind England. Aver‘s Che family.. W wgists 4 §~i1 ce Berry tal Betty Sets wing Sets are perfect imitation Ulass with heavy gold band top, _ Gold being burnt in, it t wash off. _ Just the thing ve l havea large list of other [ all kinds. it J KELL \', Ag“"'- s Che Pectoral is well known in ly. \\'rer{hink it is the best medicine rld for coughs and colds." KaATHE F&TERSON, Petaluma, Cal, M n t pure Honey. 10c a lb SELLS oys CBEAP @e%~ «60 on vevit 2 OLX M is fNannellette Blankets w l is ‘ss, Garafraxa Street, Durham, Works. fine lots, offered very Water Sets Table Sut. Betry Set.. Co~ e0 0@ 60 Allan Park, excellent farm heap. entinek fif. _ Just resents : for (D x 80 in cet. car 1 build 10e and J.C. AYER co., Lowel!, _ Mass. CPPTTOEnE TNR 310 . . $2,000, 00¢ «. 1,000,000 . .__ $50,000 H url LnoveT $3200 £2.00 each $1.75 each ®1.60 each 1 45¢ each dn *2.6> PMIF $3.00 pair $1.15 pair ) rim COPUTERRUNCEC EC es e Scott, Arch McLean, Jno Good, Jas Spence, Hugh McKay, Henry Cole, Alex â€" Ratledge, Don Mclinnes, . Robt Turnbuli and H J Middaugh. The reâ€" port was approved of by the éouncil. A petition was presented by the trusâ€" tees of Union 8. 8. No12. Artemesia and No 2: Glenelg, asking the gouncil to pass a bylaw to enable them to raise the suw of $250 on the Glenelg portion bf settion for the purpose of huilding a" school house. The petition was laid over for turther consideration. The sum of $200 was granted for the Improvement of Lambton St. _ The Reeve. Adam Cochâ€" rane, 8 E Legate and John Kelly were appointed a committee to have the same laid out to the best advantage. Carried The prayer of the petition of the trusâ€" eXz _ 48 k ukanioain arut No tive weeks and the vote be t«ken theron on Dec. 17ih, 1869. Carvied, Council for 1870:â€" Jas Edge,. reeve ; Jno Homprey, deputy reeve; Jas Lauâ€" der, James Lauder, John Trayers and John McDonald, councillors; J W Meâ€" Donell and A McKenzie were appointed auditors ; Christ »pher Williams, tavern inspector and Sam Donnelly assessor. Special meeling was called by the reeye for the purpose of appoirting an assesâ€" sor instead of Mr Donelly, who resigned the office. W m Morrison wasappointed at a salary of $65 per_avnum. The tavern inspector handed in his report recommending the following parties for certificates for tayern licenses, viz: Jno m n Kant! MaFean. " Ino ‘Good: Jas Special meeting of council held at the Argyle Hoiel, Hotel, Durham, on Nov. 23rd, 1860, tor the purpose of taking into consideration bylaw, authorizing the issue of debentures to the amount of $44,000, to aund the construction of a railway from Harriston to the village of Durkaga in this towaship. _ The bylaw was entertained by the council. Bylaw 0 for the purpose of taking a vote on the granting of $44,000 and fixing votâ€" ing places, wore passed, _ The following gentlemen were returning officers:â€"Jas Brown, Durham ward ; Arch Black, No. 2 wad : Cenoter ward at Pardy‘s Mill, Finlay McRae; West electoral division. Chaffey‘s Mill, Jno MeCormick : North electoral division, Sam Donelly. Byâ€"law was ordered to be published in the Durham Chronlele for four consecnâ€" The following motion is on record moved by Mr. Travers, seconded by Mr BHum plhrryâ€"*That pathmasters attenâ€" tion be cailed to the fact that several parties in the Township are placirg stone on the rouds and in many places fences are on the roads also, causing inâ€" conyenience to the public and that parâ€" ties guilty of doing so. havesaid obstrueâ€" tions removed." _ Lots of stones and fences put en the roads since. _ The above motion was passed. A petition was presented by Chas Mcâ€" Quoen. an old gentleman in his day, asking the council to grant him the sum of $100 to defray his expenses acrtoss the Atlantic, back to the land of bis nativiâ€" ty. 1t was moved by Mr Lamprey and seconded by Mr Travers that the above petition be not granted Carried. The old gentleman was removyed without a petinon a year or two afterwards to the world beyond and all the good couneil of Glenelg granted him was $2 to pay lus way 10 Bruce County. } A communication from Dr Ghent and Win Ferguson Esq., local Superintenâ€" dent, from section No. 12, Artemesia, praying 10 hbave part of section No. 2 UGlenelg united with 12 Artemesia was laid on the table for further consideraâ€" tion. Councit for 1860 :â€"Jas Edge, reeye; John Humphrey, deputy reeve ; Hugh McFayden, Francis Walker and Jno Travers, councillors ; J W MeDonell and Arch McKenzie, auditors; Jas MeGirr. Assegsor, 1861 _ 3858.80 18GS8 3870,00 1862 â€" 2880.00 186D â€"3078.00 1883 32064.00 1870 3216.10 1864 â€"3062.50 â€"___._._ 1865 3136.00 $1401406 00 In »dding the amounts for each year we find it to be forty thousaXd Tour hundred and six doliars raised im 12 y1s. the years 1861 & 1868 being the highest, Int we find the difference chiefly is in the County rates for said years. Council for 1868 same as previous year ; auditors MceDonell and McKenâ€" mie ; John Batrnet, â€" tavern inspector,. Tenders were recerved for the office of assessor for 1868 as follows : Thos Stotâ€" hart $75.00, John MeDonaltd 88.00. Ja~ MeGirr â€"65.00, Jno__MceKechme 55.00. The tender of John MeKechnie was acâ€" cepi ed being the lowest. _ _John MeCorâ€" imck was appointed coliector for 1868 at the rate of 3 per cent on all monies colâ€" lected by him. * _ [ 10 O PCTCes TOUse every exertiuit 10 torward said project. Byâ€"law was passâ€" ed. The tollowing tigures show tax levied for the different purposes intended for, from the year 1859 to 1870, showing the rate levied in each year. _ The gravel road being built in the yea« 1860 caused a heavy rate to be levied for that purâ€" pose for 20 years, Council for 18067â€"Jas Edge, reeye ; J Humphrey, deputy reeve: John Traâ€" vyers, Francis Walker and Hush MeFayâ€" den, councillors; MceDoneli and MeKenâ€" zie, auditors Jehn BRarnet, tavern inspecâ€" t0r : Jas McGirr, assessor, A bylaw was imroduced to raise the sum of $30,000 worth of stock in the Grey and Simeoe Railway and the reeye anddeputy reeve were requested to use every exertion to torward said project, Byâ€"law was passâ€" ed. The following ctaims we sheep killed by dogs :â€"Ha $87.75, John Kelly 7.90, . 11.00, John Caswell 5.00, _ strong 18.00, John McCarty MeCarty ©2.00, John Carsor F«lkingham 9.00, Win. R. 1500, Mrs Camer on 4.00. Th 850. The above amounts to of dog tax fund Council for 1866 : Humphrey, _ John Walker and Samuel the Council were eled Reeve and Deput y w Council themselves appointed reeve and ty reeve. J W MceDd Kenzie were appein Morrison, Assessor ; , ern inspector, (Mr B: Mrs Arrowsmith. o McCormick, collector U A SXETCH OF GtENRLG tomoup., Contimued Jrom several 1850 $1270.30 1860 3228.30 1861 3858 °0 yer of [DC | 8 8 No 12, Jeputy were chosen by the nselves _ James Edge was eve and 8 B Chaffey, _ depuâ€" W McDonell anc Arch Mc. e appoinced auditors, W »sessor; John Barnet., tavyâ€" ir. (Mr Barnet was father of smith,. of Durham): John Collected in the Grvy‘flrnndv Simceoe atker and Hugh McFayâ€" ; MeDoneli and MceKenâ€" amounts to be paid out Claims were paid for dogs:â€"Huagh McKay y 7.90, Jas Waldie vell 5.00, Wmm Armâ€" el ‘Carty 16 00, Dan Carson 12.50, Jas n. R. Rombough 10. Thos Stathart For 18656 $31478.00 1867 @Â¥yern inspecâ€" A l.)~l;|\\' was n of $30,000 weeks ago. 2078.00 3870,00 8078.00 32106.10 i obe, i1 , | going d be. on ; | * sbine . | some t $ storins J | snaw in % eRERTIECCE = I bolrea + = | places s 6 | demey + | insd udad l ters 2 Lh t‘ i t [ Every : Staff and Equipment. The Xchool is equiflped for full Junior Leaving and matriculation work, under the following Stafl of Competent Teachers for that Department : THOS. ALLAN, Principal. MISS L. M. FORFAR, Classics and Moderns. Intend ts should enter at beginning of term, orlnnl'f::&u possible. * Fon Sars.â€"â€"1 yr old Bult rising 2 yrs, 2 Bull Calves, nerkshire Boar and Sow Pigs, all registered Pedigreed, For SrnviC=.â€"1 Berkshire and 1 York Boar also Ducham Bull. â€" Terims, $1.00, _Lot 10 Con. 22, Township Egremont. County Grey, containing 120 acres. For full particulars apply to POR SALE &iorSERVICE i8 ing Wie+ FOl sSALBE & for SERVICE l sin nut one of those that think that danciug is an evil far above all other ainusements, but L am one that is a firm bolhre~ +r that by attending continually | ploaces / chis nuture that it has a tenâ€" doney o draw away the minds of those imivilziagy therein from attending to malters relating to a nobler character, 1. e.. the attending of church ordinances, Every person knowp that eyery Sunday for the tast two months was n stormy ove. ind very few made any atcempt of goti« io church, but as the case might bo. on ohe following Monday night, a \"shinc‘ or "dance" waus to be held in some vluce or other and no matter: how storiny ‘he mght was or how deep the shomn Caitks eyery effort was made to get thor i success wias sure for eyery one thow zo‘ a, Ind had their desires accomâ€" plisi.~d 6y being present on the occaâ€" ston. I heard a young lady making the lemur. that her conscience was conâ€" deomin= her always after being at a ball or duin c and that she often made a vow thot she would go to no more, but the next sho said was atcended as well as the tirsr for the desire seemed to be getâ€" tiny sirvonger in proportion to the treâ€" quont «‘tendance, But there are those who do not attend any of the places I have made reference to and they seem | to enjoy themselves in a different manâ€" ner by citending other kind of amuseâ€" menes. _ If 1 have made any rema=rks Uhat aze out of the way I will thankfalâ€" ly siand correction, Thanking you Mr Ed., for space, I am Yours, SoMEBODY. l;()'\'. heaiod @Diaa s aC6cs»8 wihried? esns vlftiima grave, ‘V!)Hd.r............-......... P S e Potatoes, per bag....... espe C stuch i f(;l‘ 16 done SWinor time train} Durham School d NA EOE V ues ce ce n n en en e n en ne e OMEKt, cecare trrere rersss5+s LMMDS:ssscrccrÂ¥serugssress Dressed Hogs, per ewt HMogs, Live weight..... T atter, freah roll per Ib Lutter, Buiter, Hides, per ewt.......... Caliskins, per lb........ S11CEDSKIOS..6 200 66k k 66665 Beei, per CW1L...........« Floar.... Oatmeal Wheat... Pe:r-'...... muticl i B stt c dnc d d ca id p'-'Iv"l'\l’l_\F that some isnnk it their duty to atiend to all the sprees and pat tres in=ide of 2C miles. _ n the ind of our focefathers n Wias en stomary im some places to have the nexi place a ball was to be held, given out at the preceding place, Now, 1 mm notw going to say That the inigui« ties of the forefathers have followed their chitaren down this far, but 1 can say tliat their manner and custom in thai respect are not forgotten by ihem,. It is good to timitlate: our anceszors, in as Tar as it complies with the rules of leacdin« the youth on the way that terâ€" minatcs to higher and nobler deeds, Now let me point out by the way a few of the eyils that are associated by attending balls, dances,. shines or whatâ€" ever name it may assume. _ Suppose that we leave out the infury that atâ€" Appiy to Jxo ECKHARDT Bunessan IS DANCING INJUKIOUS TO HEALTH AND RELIGION. | _ Council for 1871:â€"Jas REdge. reeve ; |Jmm HMumphrey, deputy reeye ; Jas Jander, John Travers and Hogh Mc Favcen, conncillors; J W McDonell and Arch Black, anditors: W neMorriâ€" 80. assessor; Christopher _ Williamns, lavyern inspector, _ $2500 was set apart to tb expended througbout the townâ€" shin for 1871. _ The tender of J 8 Black Wwis accepted at a salary of $76 for all mon‘es collected by him for the year. The irastees of school section No. L mase «pplication for authority to bor. row $450 10 pay for the erection of a new school house in saidsecetion. â€" The applhcation was granted. DURHAM MARKETS. UVA .. In sald section on (Glenelg‘s portion of sortian. _ John MceCormick was appoinâ€" ted collector for 1870. in sait section on Air. Editor, f Dancing is so commeon nowâ€"aâ€"days at some chuink it their duty to atiend all the sprees and parttres in=ide of 20 thes. In the biand of our forefathers n TARM FPOR SALE. 1»?aAvip McKruÂ¥y®y, Thistle P. O udersigned have for sal>, 2 bulls ‘ vears old and 3 bull calves risâ€" in old. _ Also a pureâ€"bred Tamâ€" vour for service. â€" Terms, $1.00, A. & J. Seaney. & 24, 8. D. R. Glenelg. TUDs++wscrtesveue FEEG : $1.00 was granted. To be Continued F4 ry in some placeées to haye te a o ball awas fto be dheld, the preceding place. Now, 7 o0 6 oo 25 in 55 00 25 15 15 20 40 18 55 50 16 16 22 00 THL UUunrHKAM REVIEW $N., G. & J. McKechnie 3N., G. &J. McKechnie y Te YFZGF§p: MacFarlane & Go. We have 300 Calendars left which were snowbound. They are small but better than none. . Call and get one. Louse Killer Druggists & Booksellers And GOattle Food m t Wnn n mm m nc mm nipagme s mmvan on m smm American Horse We can Recommend A STOCK FOOD Dinrer Sets from.....:......$8.00 to $25.00 Fancy YVases at.:}‘.:......%....... 160. 285¢, 90c A full line of Carpets from....12%3¢ up to $1.25 4} lbs Tea, regular 30c, for..... 20 lbs Sugar, granalated....... 3 boxes Cornâ€"Starch........... 8 cans CONIL «6. sarels. .:i . . :. ; 3 â€"cans Tomatoes.....s..y..}.l Durham, Ont. Destroys all parasitic and insect life on stock and poultry without any inâ€" jury to the animals. Easy applied & always effectmal We have seen it used with the best of results and do not think there is its equal on the market. It aids digestion and enâ€" sures the very best reâ€" sults to be got out of the feed. It makes bone, muscle and flesh and puts animals that are ‘off color‘ in prime condition. Horses get sleek coated and spirited, cows give more and better quality of milk, hogs fatten quicker and lambs develop better if fed on the Food. 6 1b. for 25 cents. Now is the time of year you should start and get your stock into shape. We belfeve there is nothâ€" ing bette1 for Horses, Catâ€" tle, Sheep and Pigs, than ompe B e arrmes (The popular Cash Store.) §#% As Groceries : Crockery : Carpets : TORONTO Hexry Aurxaxner. Let 9, Cen, 2, W. G. R., Bentinck. The undersigned has for sale, ready to use, (5) fivye thorobred Tamworth Boars, Price reasonable. Lots 164 on the 17th and 18 Cancessions, in â€" the _ Township _ of _ Egremont. 200 acres, 150 acres under good state of cultivation, _ Well watered. _ Convenâ€" ient to Church, School and Post Office, Adjoining Dromore. Good buildings. For terms, &¢ apply to * The undersigned offers for sale lots 46 and 47, Con.8, 8. D. R., Bentinck, conâ€" taining 162 ncres, 150 acres in a good state of cultivation, 12 acres bush. Good buildings and firstâ€"class orchard., Well watered, Only six miles from Durham. Also a hay press for sale. Au®Ex. BrGGs, Prop. Valuable Property situated on North Side, Lambton St, first place outside the Town of Durbham. _ Evergthing in firstâ€"class shape, good new brick house, good hbank barn, and 11 acres firstâ€"class land,. Large orchard set out last spring with every good kind of frut. . A firstâ€" class place for anybedy. _ Apply to FARM for SALE or RENT. The well known Taylor farm at Dro more, township of Egremont â€" 850 weres goo0d state of cultiyation ; well watered ; good bhmldings ; convenient to post of fice, church and school., _ Appiy 10 Mas, Tavyrox,. Dromore, Ont, Lot No. 20 and 21, Con. 3, N. D. .. Glenelg, containing 100 acres more or less, _ 80 acres fit for machmery, land in good state of cultivation. Water on both 50‘s. _ 6§ miles from Durham, conâ€" venient to Church and Post Office, 4 acres in Fall wheat, 24 acres fall ploughâ€" ed, _ Comfortable buildings. ‘Perms reaâ€" sonable, _ Apply to the proprieior, Joux McDoxaup. Bunessan P. 0., Nov. 24, 03. .__Lots 14, 15 and 17, 8. D. R. Township Glenelg, contaming 150 acres, _4 miles from Durham, school opposte gate, Post Office 4 mile. â€" Farm in good shape, all seeded down except 15 acres and that is ready for seeding. Good harn 40 x 70, stone foundation, good stabling, impleâ€" ment shed and a good beick heuse, â€" For further information apply to Proprietor, TnHos. McCorms. Bunessan P. 0 100 Acres, Lot 36, 2nd Con., N. D. R., Glenelg. 15 acres fit for cultivation, the reat hardawood bush. _ Also Lot 36, Con. 3, N. D. R., 25 acres clear, the rest hardâ€" wood bush. The Saugeen River runs through both. _ For further particulars send or apply to YOUNG TAMWORTH BOARS FOR SALE. FARMS FPOR SALE. KEELER, The Jeweller, Durhawm FARM FPOR SALE. FARM TO RENTD. FARM POR SAuF. FARM FOR SALE. Mars. TA Â¥vroR, Dromore, Ont FPOR SALE. Mary McolnTYyRE, Markdale, $1.00 Adopted by ali leading"Schools in Toronto. I This‘deservedly popular system by means of | Sating devices beio hss Hofoneen ind otherinter evices ollow as l the child‘s immediate comprehension., Musical Notation Rh Motion Piano Work | "':'1:'!‘_“?2'!?& m History â€" Technique JOHN CLARK Durham, Nov. 16, ‘08, D. McePHAIL Notary Pubtic, Commissioner, Convey: ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent, &¢c Private Money to Loan, Collecâ€" tions of all kinds promptly atten ded to. Farms boughi and sold Eginrptly” attended to. _ Rates reasonable. ers may be left at bis Implement Wareâ€" rooms, MckKkinnon‘s old stand, or at the Review Oflice. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &e. Money to Loan. Otfice. MclIntyre Block, over the Bank. A. G. MacKay . K. C. W. F Dunn Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &c. Licensed Auctioncer for the Co. of Grey. Sales Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey, Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales as to dates, &c., mnst be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham, #=** Correspondence addressed dere or to Hogevllle P.O0., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to Jompany and private Funds to Loan _om Mortgages at lowest rutes of interest. Valuation made by a competent und careful Valuator. Officeâ€"â€"LOWER T0WN. DURHAM. pim HONOR GRADUATE of Terento University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Office. ©27006, 15 Fr08t St, Owen Sound. Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, first Wednesday of each month from 10 a. m. 4 w w 4 p. m ()FFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Du nam Pharmzcy Calder‘ Block." Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham. l aa lt WCB N Y 220000!, ACCCCmente &c.correctly prepared. Estates of deceased rop sors louked after and Executor‘s and Adm nigâ€" trators‘ Accounts prepared and {»nuod Burrogate Court Business, Probate of Wills, Lettere of Adâ€" minstration uuti Guardiauship Obtrined, gear~ chus wade in Registry Office and Titles reported m Collections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Leonuses, Agreemente &ce.correctly prepared. Estates of docouodrofi sots louked after and Executor‘s nnd Admints. wate assistant to the Royal London Ophthalmic â€"Ospital, England, and the Golden Equare Nose ud Throat Hospital, 88. SPECIALIST EYE, FAR, THROAT & NOEE, MAIDLPLP35 60 nomow... ... EXCLUSIVELY. sz Member Coliege Physicians and Burgeons Ontario, Olfloe and Residence Cor. Garafraxa and Ge 8t., at foot of Hill, _ Old Moodie Corner J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. Graduate of London, New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, K Will be at Knapp House, Durham, the 2nd Saturday in each month, _ Mours, 1â€"6 p m."C% «42 1iiotionmncers. or to Myer‘s Music Method. flice, McKenzie‘s Old Stand, Durham 9â€"11 a. m. 2â€"4 p. m. 7â€"9 p. Telephone Connection No. 10 »C, PICKERING D. DS., L. D.S O dn "TAt L. Pr: T..G. HOLT L/ D.s. BARRISTER, soiciror,â€" wOoaTRY PuBLIC Convrerancer, dc Prysieran & Surerox, Office over McLachlan‘s Store C ts o C M ky 00 .. ARTHUR GUN, 4@° Special attention given to Discases o# Women and Children, Td Gâ€" AT, G. LEFROY McCAUL. MACKAY & DUNN, DR. GEO. S. BURT. MEERILDEC.AA.AEL, , over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store A. H. JACKSON, L TSE D. MecPHAIL, Hopeyville P. 0. C. RAMAGE, Durham noURrs : â€"< Office, 13 Frost 8St. « . P. TELFORD Money to Loan,. DR. BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey, OFFICE HKOURS 2â€"4 p. m. to to Moderate C. P., London, England 7â€"9 p. m George *» the till

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