West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 10 Mar 1904, p. 4

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Clark‘s for Cutters ! And all Farm Machinery Go see, to test. to be Convinced 7 7 ( TA le‘s *F ; I. H. PDorling, ‘Sn * o h h pcp ip h h ip tA pip pipdpipp piitbpEP®R efi i { i t s 4 mine 4 0 9 Jt PP .4 # PQarling‘s Prug Gtore ~ xford ATOMIZERS and All Kinds of Rebber Goods of the best quaality, at the best prices, at the best Drug Store. A Household Necessity at any timeâ€"Saves many a life till the Doctor arrives. & J. L Wortock. «6 ~BUY A~ *Â¥ HOT WATER BOTTLE IF YOU WANT A HOT TIME Tow Prints IYew Singhams Our Stock of Spring Goods are arriving daily and we are safe to say that we are showing a larger and better range than ever in all the newest designs in New Dress Gonds, New Ginghams, New Cambrics, Vestings & Prints. 4. bw Dress Soods ow Spring Soods That there is no better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Palâ€" merston and London makes, The Great Prize Winâ€" ner Cream Separator, Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons : Szowball, Chatham and Walkerville; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs ; Churns, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. FOUNTAIN SYRINCES. John PBivingsto®s gent 30 FPARMERS near Durham who are now using this machine all say that it is the best skimmer, easiest to turn, easiest to clean, makes less noise and is the best finâ€" ished Separator on the market. As usual we have a large pile of Prints to select from and are of the best quality. These Goods are in nice Checks, Stripes and snow flake effects and are from 5¢ to 20 ct per yd. f ‘They are composed of the latest weaves and Patterns and you will be wise to see our large range before you purchase your New Spring Suit. Caskh and One Price. ffade in Durham. PEA John Clark See them and have one for the coming season. epcu?a.éoz?s «+ FoR SALE.â€"â€"1 yr old Bali rising 2 yrs, 2 Bull Calyes, oerkshire Boar and Sow Pigs. all registered Pedigreed. For SERYICE.â€"1 Berkshire and 1 York Boar also Durham Bull. Terms, #$1.00, Apply to Jxo Ec®xuarpr Bunessan FOR sALE & for SERVICE Solicitor for the executorse Dated this 3rd day of March A. D. 1904 their names, addresses, and descriptions. and a full statement of part,icul‘;rs of their claims, and the nature of the secâ€" urity (if any) held by them, duly certiâ€" fied ; and that after the said day, the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased, among the parâ€" ties entitled thereto, haying regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. In the Surrogate Court of the County Grey. _ In the matter of the Estate of Alexander Stewart, late of the Town of Durham, in the Counf}/ of Grey, Baptist Minister, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1897, Cap. 129, Sec. 38 ana amending Acts, that all persons having claims agaimst the estate of the said Alexander Stewart, who died ou or about ‘the 22nd day of February A. D. 1904, are required to send by post preâ€" paid, or to deliver to J. P. Telford of the Town of Durzham, solicitor for the executors, on or before the 25th day of March A. D., 1904 A fine Map of the Seat of War, in three colors, 18 x 22 inches, will be mailâ€" ed free to eyery subscriber to the two papers remitting us two cents extra for cost of mailing. Address : which 1s clubbed with the REvIEW to new or old subscribers paying in adâ€" vance $1.15 for both. Do _you want the latest and most reliâ€" able War News, well illustrated, then read the Weekly Montreal Herald R J. C. Aparys, Jas. FErausox. Although taken completely by surâ€" prise Mr Aitkin replied in‘ a f}:-eling manner thanking them for their beautiâ€" ful present. and not for the gift alone but for the kind words expressed both to himself and Mre Aitkin andthat they always will have pleasant recollections of the years spent amongst us. * We wish to take this opporâ€" tunity afforded us toâ€"night to express our sincere regret which we feel over your departure from our midst, but are pleased to know that you are not being far removyed from us in going as you are to another part of the townâ€" ship, and while we feel that in your reâ€" moval we lose true and kind friends but trust that our loss will be others gain. _ We also take great pleasure in expressing the kind regard and esteem in which you have been held by us all. We recognize your many good qualities as neighbors and we shall always re member with pleasure the many acts of kindness receiyed at your hands and trust that in your new home your years may be longand abundantly blessed and as a small token of our appreciation of your many good qualities, as neighbors, we present you with this arm chair. and also this rocker to your worthy par tner. Mrs Aitkin. _ We would ask you to acâ€" cept them not for their intrinsic value. but as a mark of esteem in which you are held by your wide circle of friends and neighbors we earnestly hope that both yourself and Mrs Aitkin may long be spared together to use and enjoy them. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors, f C Adams and at the proper time Mrs Edwin Haas and Mr \an‘:er Ferguson presented them with‘a beautiful pair of upholstered chairs. _ The rest of the evening was spent in games and other amusements, _ When ample justice had been done to the good things provided by the ladies, the company dispersing n{ter all joining in singing * Auld Lang Syne." The following is the address :â€" Egremont, Feb. 26, 1904 To Mr. Ax» Mrs. RosBt. Arrkix, Friends, On Friday evening, Feb. 26, the friends and neighbors to the number of about twentyâ€"five gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Robt Aitkin, con. 18. when a very pleasant evening was spent, MrJ A Campbell ably filled the position of chairman, when a short proâ€" gramme was gone through, Mr and Mrs Aitkin was asked to come forward when the following address was read by Mr J Mr. and Mrs. Hampton, of Holland Centre, spent Sunday at Mr. 8. Scott‘s. Mr. Angus McDonald, of Topcliff, spent last week visiting Mr. John A. Grabam and other friends in town. Miss Whitechurch, of Stratford, is spending some weeks at her brother‘s, Mr. Whitechurch of the Cement Co. Miss Mae Dickenson, Messrs Fax, Beaton and Gardiner, the concert talent, after 9 days detention in town, started Wednesday morning by slcigh for Hanover and from thence by train to destination. They will not soon forget their experience here and many hope to have thein with us again in better weather. _ Dutring their stay they were invited guests at several homes in town and have made friends by the delay, though they hbad, perforce, to cancel several engagements,. Mr. Grafftey drove to Guelph on sionâ€" day to secure a train for Montreal, rathâ€" erian unwelcome return to oldâ€"time conâ€" ditions. Mr. and Mrs, Herb. Watson, of Priceâ€" ville, spent a few days in town this week the guests of the latter‘s aunt, Mrs. S. Scott. WAR ! WAR ! ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. PERSONAL MENTION. THE REVIEW, DURHAM, Ont ‘THE DURHAM REVIEW J. P. TEuForp. NTARIO ARCH TORONTO Young Bulls, Heifers and Terms easy. Verschovle (Imn, Jerms easy, . | Head of Herd. PURE BRED DURHAM‘S FOR SALE. 110°¢i and Farm Property on Durâ€" ham Road, Tp. of Glenelg, 4 miles from Durham. Good Stock Farm containing 994 acres. All well watered. _ Will be sold orrented between now and May 1st. Judging from the record of the past year I have no hesitation in saying that if they had the plant in Heaven and work it day and night and seven days in the week they would not make a success of it for the reasons already giyen. Thaoking you Mr Editor for space in your yaluable paper, Providence has been very kind to our country. when our building material became scarce then he opened the hidâ€" den treasures buried in the earth to be used for ourgood. But look ! this Comâ€" pany has practically issued a proclamaâ€" tion that all who wish to earn their bread by the sweat of their brow in this shop must forever renounce the exisâ€" tence ot a Su%reme Being and work seven days in the week or be discharged as an outcast or rebel _ of this kingdom presided oyer by the President and Secâ€" retary of the Durha«ro Portland Cement Company. It is quite evident and well known to the public if not to the Board of Direcâ€" tors and the official management that it does not pay to disobey the Divine command. _ We may use all our energy and all our skill, but if we try to rob God of his rights we may rest assured that He will stand in the way of success. Then go out to Hanover. The Knechâ€" tel tirm, whose immense factory was burned to the ground a few years ago, whose loss must have been very great, but who courageously went to work and even built greater, with other furniture factories at their door : who toâ€"day offer to build for the use of the Young Men‘s Christian Association a commodious ha‘nll wbep young men can be encouragâ€" ed and inspired to live a better life and to remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy. Look at the report of the Durham Furniture Co., with opposition â€" all arounc, paying off mortgages and enâ€" larging their building and this year exâ€" pect to pay a dividend. The Cream Heparator Co., feel confident they will be able to do likewise. I understand the cost per barrel to manufacture is abhout 40¢ and that the same can be sold for $2.50 to $2.75, With no bad debts, a ready sale for all their out.Fut. all_ new _ machineryâ€"a great deal of it I understand bought thousands of dollars below the estimaâ€" ted cost,â€"with no opposition that other firms have to contend with, working night and day and seyen days in the week, an office full of experts, the place walled around like the city of Jerusaâ€" lem, and yet not be able to make runâ€" ning expenses, but have to mort age the plant! Seems about time to cufi for a change of management. Dear Sir:â€"In reading the report of the N. P. C, Co., I. like a good many others, was a little surprised at the frank confession made by the Secretary that after a successful year‘s work, they find themselves in the hole to the tune of over nine thousand dollars. Apply to Gro. Ryxax, Durham But France and Britain wili not be easily drawn into it, the lately tormed friendships being highly yalued on both sides. A feature of this war is the absence of correspondents at the front. _ Tokeo is full of them, but Japan will not give theru passes nor allow thein out. The imgulnritg and hapâ€"hazard in connection with the mails of late makes it impossible to get a clear account of events. However under the best condiâ€" tions, no clear account seems possille from the contradictory nature of the despatches, All that is clear is that Jaâ€" pan has command of the sea, is not sucâ€" ceeding quite so well on land, and that Russia is massing her forces and not trying anything very aggressiye as yet. The problem of feeding her army may lead Russia into trouble with China«. She is taking supplies from districts almost up to the Great Wall. and yet expects China to keep order in these districts. _ It is expected she is goading China to assist Japan, with the idea of calling in France. when Britaan would be bound to help Japan. _ In the confuâ€" sion arising from a European mixâ€"up, she would find some way of escape from the humitiation of surrendering to the * heathen" as she chooses to call her opponent. Hotel and Farm Property w Yy.cl q m OB Pel 1 . Not ouly shut up, she may be cut off by land and sea, tor a detachment of Japs bis been landea at Possiet Bay, some distance to the south, and are marching inland in the direction of the railway from Harhin to Viadivostock. As no adequate Russian force is in the neighborhood the railway will surely be wrecked, and succor for the seaport will be difficult to get. The Japanese army is rolling north over Corea 50,000 strong at least, and a big buattle can not be long delayed. Japan can land sepplies over hundreds« of miles of sea coast, having thus an imâ€" mense .adyantage oyer Russia, who has to transport them long distances. _ It is one of the possibilities that Russia may gink her ships and abandon Port Artbhur. mustering ali her strength at Harbin, where the railway diverges to her two ports. Since writing the foregoing, later mails have arrived. _ A sensational desâ€" patch tells of a fleet of Japanese war ships shelling Viadivostock, but withâ€" out drawing a reply. It is suspected the fleet :is out marauding Japanese merâ€" chantmen, or, some think, may be steaming for Europe for satety, until Russia can send out greater naval strength. _ If it intends to return to port, there will hbe another fight : if it doesn‘t, Viadivostock is shut up as tight as Port Arthur. To Editor REvIEw, FOR SALE OR RENT. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR THE XKUSSOâ€"JAPANESE WAR. â€" Heifers and Cows, erschoyle (Imported) at H. PARKER, Durham. I remain, X. Y N. PDurham, or at Review OrricE department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutel yfair Give us a call and see 10r yourself A ... first â€" class line | of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at.Rowe‘s store. MODEL BAKERY, LOWER TOWN The Best Quality cheaper than ever, Undertaking promptly tended to FIRST of all, we use only the finest ‘~‘Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every FURNITURE And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. /T suits To a7] / Most people know that it‘s a rest their eyes want. Rest them by Sng nds P 50 cce se l t 11 Lo es There isn‘t a more serviceable article nor one which would give a boy more pleasure Try ours. getting a pair of glasses, 7"° Examination free, THE BUSY STORa Leading Jeweler, â€" '-fiurham Offer him a reward for proficiâ€" ence at school. If he had his say what it should be, it would be a‘ watch. Jake Kres s GOODâ€" REASONS: ENCOURAGE YOUR BoY OUR STOCK FOOD Notwithstanding that busiâ€" ness has been seriously interferâ€" ed with lately in some lines, owing to stormy weather. We have in stock at present what caused a rush to our Store. ‘There is a DISTEMPER EPIâ€" 1 ve tgrnn en ui .07 OoUR POULTRY FOOD 4 HErC PB BE ARCICC CCCE C DEMIC running through the _â€"___ country at present, b Our Stoek Food has Hundreds of Uases in this locality, and has Our Poultry Food will make your hens lay eggs. Who can do without it when eggs are such a good price ? AHR CRRRE PRORACCCZ 1 0C the worst case known. If any animal you own has a cough do not delay one moment in securâ€" ing a package. It may save you immense amount of money. Ask your neighbor about it. Every farmer should secure a tin of our InstantLouse Killer LOUSE KILLER S TIITSOLITS JAKE KRESS REST YOUR EYES GIVE HIM ONE W. BLACK. Made to order i;“i;;;; Styles on shortest notice. WEDDING â€" CAKES A. GORDON, . STINSON, 4 M s FOR , but cured atâ€" (BARCLAY & BERLL Call and Now that you have a get a Tudhope Cutter Also The Spring has come and the Summe: has gone and so has nearl y two carloads of Tudhope Buggies and the place which was once so filled to overflowing witle those rigs is now being filled n with over a carload of the {famous We are at the shop at the bridge evâ€" ery Wednesday and Saturday. Orâ€" ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur‘= store, or at the REvirw Orricr, will receive our best attention. gmplements 7 7 h h _A A6., vro |~v. ’_onr _ orderand geta pairofgenuine handâ€"made Boots or Shoes ready for Spring Wear. I have secured the service of a first ::u; A SHOEMAKER all;g wily now be able to execute an work either new or repalring. fraby Still a few sizes in some lines of Winter Goods going cheap. . We also have in stock a lot of different lines in Men‘s. Women‘s, Boys‘, Misses‘ and Children‘s Boots & Shoes in coarse and Fine Goods. NOW © 8t Leggings. Mitts, & Gloves. Full Lines of these wellâ€"known and reliable goods. Chatham â€" Cutters Your Spring Trade is Ours because PEEL, inE snoemar A MARKED FACT Of all kinds. Ex NIP PULPERS ; best on the mar} CHURXNS & wut Peter MHamitton Trunks. Valises, Club Bags, Daubâ€" ings. Shoe Dressings. Brushes, &ec. to be had at the New Boot and Shoe Store. Next Door to D. Campbell‘s Implement Warehouse. »ar‘ â€"TERMSâ€"CASH. ~®ma Th € in EEIBFEY ges ey are good in every respect GRA YVS make ; Comjportabte and Stylish, and at pricrs to suit alb pursges, a Our Prices are the Lowest, and Our Values are the Highest, ulper3, Churns, &e. Show Rooms opposite Midâ€" daugh Stables, Lambton St_ MWaxwel! I)]achinery "Nat you have a Tudhope Buggs Tudhope Cutter & be in the swmiw Fudhope @utters Also see our famous SMarn Organs . Mcllraith Agency. market ; _ also! ou: c WHEELBARROWS Examine our TUR oA thaus our are the The second session 0 OCouncil for the year ]}% Elmwood on Monday :1 10 a m. Members all qs the chair, Minutes of J and passed. The comu wrer‘s sureties reported and «atisfactory, â€" Repor receiyed and com, paid their services, also 81 +« Of 8 Grey for search. I gented their report whis wouncil was ordered to 4 adopted, and abstract 1 and auditors paid $6 ea Applications for the 0 received from Robt Brig Jacklin, Mr Jackiin wa salary of $70 including « ion school sections. 104 appointing keepers and fen« sed. Petition re of Elmwood ash labor for presen: 70¢ per day. The praye was granted and Jaco appointed commissione veiyed from Menry Brg asking council to aid W i as she was in poor cites was ordered to receive $ ber maintainance, â€" Wan pointed operator of the rent year at a nrate of w «dlay of 10 bhours work. granted to Elmwood Dr Cook‘s account for McConnell and cthers muined, â€" The following ordered to be paid : M«i for Assessor‘s statone nin $8.80 for work wh ed on town line B & $100, his salary for 19 journed to meet in Ail 1904 28th d Z» day oi vision and ness, Cons, 10 & 11 â€"Lou KJiagus, Wiwn HMastie, . Jas Stinson. HMarvey 1 & 13â€"David Barton,. 1 Thos Clark _ J S W Mine jr., Wim Jenks, â€" Cons 14 & 15â€"Lows O Brmen, Oliver McCa Gregor, George Tolc Crawford, Oscar tschre lot, John Schilling, W Keep the boweis o ,A;:reo Pllis at bod‘ John McCallum, Ge W Smith, Thos Bailey Mugel Tyreman, Rols Robt Leslie, John 1Â¥ Leeson, Henry Geisel, 4s0ld Ba Keil McLean, Ro W Smith, Mathew Hunt, Win Grierso BIC 4 " Patterson Lows Dhe > HE Heavy a The following of Cut Glass around top. will not was! for Wedding A few month Owrmx â€" ow wWRITE FOR CAl Winter Term Comp owEX souU xD Ay Bc ., 56¢., $1.00 Night C All druggists One dose of Aye Pectoral at bedtin night coughs o No croup. Nobr Improve You EQuS0 > NOoRTH CIOAHVL doctor‘s medici affections of the tt chial tubes, and 1 for over 60 year; "I have used Ayor‘s Cher family for sight years. The to it for coughs and colds . H,. ods would hundreds of « Take advant: months and a . A, JPLE Che r ect Best pur BENTINCK CO M §IS1,.1 .3 M OUNDKEET Tt g het 4 V ENCENIEW ATH M AGT 10. . n & next the t #@ & € W H. Bevyx for H 11 U it hu are h e lat k nov

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