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Durham Review (1897), 17 Mar 1904, p. 1

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ap xt ACES rs. $1 ALE Y alve red «Xecutor NS 3 at Q"f son «> h Delin subâ€"tomic Saugeen VICE months. 36 inch C th shay it AMmpâ€" th th M lnCeleCole_ole_eleCole ColeColeCo aSele "ale "aleCale Cale®0} Sn aleSelaSe aeale ale "ale= ns "o a=e l "s e "0,229 e 20 ;;WWWWWWMWW&WWVWMW% x The End of Winter & ernnnnnnennNsENARREAE: VOL. XXVIL. No. 11 &A h ¥¥ 1 T L T f a raln ln a As s ' to lbo‘)ll as g « lave as tlle in : OuU trai ® and r N ns 1 the look ew G start _ v a +oods 1i r + I « but will s t then ods in nHHit A § bfi'f suit v 1. * B g we br Goop l0 ore you ; W C ex bred sh Sa & ok : b +; Ne su pe im or LE.â€" s ._‘L)g.l_im_“___m_: iplewene at C atble" on p New 8 , have & A don‘ atisfied ome and "hst' wee':'y Jogle- Otl? of th pr C t, d th thi i ehest pH n Cornist orot 6 ng Go ) on‘t b at fll)(is se,ls’:St Dri(S now‘()’ll‘nish stock fh- < ’§“~§ ods wh 1y “hlge."vern‘ for ed sale in t'hN""m-nd 4 & P kc * en I th : cire $27w the in lh'e lar anâ€" p B x i 7. erinl they arri ‘wzobtnq;'"":t;mc was ie ie ullsddisg?gc comi w x ® 4 ew YOrk-:y Goods rive fv“‘clfi’l;fi“afi’,fi, 10 By That t Ashee; % lntest aLO' All L P lp. . w The tg::,:“Onche bolk of yles ines $90 ip. D m Ca high s'hip' whic of f in R , al .CO, rom mero est for h is R ead so mothe C. ore. n fo pri fanc 6 em C Uttrins ... yâ€"Mad so her of fcinnes th"3173 ced cow h I)r1 ember e Shirt Ci. helinethil;gtbe hg:.:;gv Ye stOci‘s()‘ “;‘osv a ed O: we h f s. E::‘@ --D“hlvor less wimeovn bull for » ats a ave Ti fn()lflchefi; og "hnt‘hau 31‘86“ .at‘;ot tg’ f nd Mol llson‘s P l‘iv"""fofi r 1i:§§'m§§,“,f'air' while" f,°$ A H ina an v{‘,fl to romo ov y" wi got is ® P \\ : ‘ln, C $7() MA g'()ter th ith the 5. _ heat, geis yildel raist.vrfxn?:wf“%fhat # ahor ,’,f:;en:";or' sitcly foo isng year. ich > ; RKO .00; o s 4 & M Sl(‘holmwent t' a fin sJobnl Mlnsa); Smi n Bro o D e co Eck is tb bflugh'th annctr‘ | Stewnl To hardt prstipee Shem ho 29‘0bn m do C. .50, and ) wes, Bro ont zen fi MceJ nd ewes + and wn ld Yeovi ne O nnes boug! John Alex. ew il, an xford & 1 ght t Br . Dii es, Th Oxf » % nnes he I own imimni 0s ord * He olyroc 3“ one f the Dan.‘ eovil, 4 Pa iy*s u) pro grade grade Muar [‘,4 o rk. Bssi“'el“pd A cow s. C uo. u‘sid ut d by good yc .PP Mcâ€" / been .p buy for th Hrigh “'Ucr"""is been l:"-"sen‘;m wol;.ldhl()"k"(-n" Oflngper: rger,. , and re ,po c;il‘ni]’ Han ceipts esns Toave t lght h:ve ave Â¥YKkxy>We want the room and the money,. _ You want the Goods at our prices. Just come and try hox far the dollar will go.<>xff Tweed aad Worsted Suitings in Winter and Spring weights. Some extra Special Lines of We Never Allow Dross Gonds Woo! Blankets Wrapperettes Flannellette Blankets Flanunsilettes Ladies‘ Jackets Prints Children‘s Coats Shirtings, Men‘s Overcoats Men‘s Underwear Men‘s odd Pants Boots & Shoes Men‘s Suits Hosiery Furs The Tie-ups_{“:é ON THE RAILWAY & JAMES IRELAND ‘Train In Goods to grow old. Always rather sell for less than atte:mipt to carry over from one seaâ€" son to another. We‘re not making much money at present, but s Were making a good name for the Store. As soon as the trains start running we expect to have our New Goods in. _ Be sure to come in and look at them. We are satisfied that they will suit you ; if they don‘t, don‘t buy, but before buying, have a look at our New Bpring Goods when they arrive This is the time of year when Stocks are reâ€" vised and plans reorganized which means getâ€" ting ready for Spring. _ We‘re making short wierk of everything that belongs to Winter. All Winter Goods selling at or below Cost. Is causing a good deal of delay in the deliyery of some lines of Groceries and Spring Goods we would like to place before you, but our sheives are crowded with Guods su:table for the weatherâ€"â€" Carpet and Linoleum. PDNTIC "s eorc *‘4% | _ 1854â€"1904.â€"The many friends of Mtr. |and Mrs. William Wilcoxen of Carrollâ€" | ton, Mich., formerly of Durham, will be | pleased to know that they celebrated \their Golden Wedding on Feb. 16th. Nearly all of their children and grandâ€" | children were present. The house was | beautifully decorated for the occasion, ' Many presents and telegrams of congratâ€" | ulations were received from friends in \ Grand Rapids and Canada. DisarrormNTED TRAaAvÂ¥ELLERS. â€" Mr. and Mrs T. Storrey, Mrs. Stnnehouse.: Douglas Munro, all bound for Manitoba, | Douglas Sutherland for Fort William, Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P.. Jas. Gun, A. Binnie, Wim. Calder, Allan Bell, all tor: Toronto, got special rigs on Monday atternoon and drove to Hanovyer. The! morning train had gone down all right, | their train was about an hour late, but that was nothing. and they waited,| to be toliâ€"but not before the Durham ; rigs were well on their way homeâ€"that | the evening train was cancelled. Nothâ€"| ing for it but to bottle their chagrin, | put their hands in their pockets again | and get Hanoyer rigs to take them back | to Durbham and wait for another trial, ; to some of them a fourth or fifth attempt. [ SUppEX DEATH In DaKoraâ€"Very sad was the news received by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston last week that their little grandâ€"daughter, _ Ruth â€" Frederickcon who spent about 6 months with them, a year ago was dead. A fall on Friday while playing, injured her in some myâ€" sterious way and she died on Monday. Guitp ILirErary NrGnHt.â€"Monday evening was the monthly literary meetâ€" ing of the Presbyterian Guild. The topâ€" ic for the evening was * Astronomy,‘ inâ€" troduced hy a paper on the subject by Mr. Peter Ramage, which brought him compliments. _ Miss Ida Wilson sang a pleasing solo. An attractive immigration pamphlet issued by the Minister of the Interior, bas reached our office. By a series of cartoons it sets out the attractiveness of Canada and is specially adapted for distribution in the States. DROMORE GALORE.â€"We have it on good authority that during the recent blockades Mt. Forest drew some of its supplies from this N. Egremont hamlet. Dromore merchants are sellom caught napping. A pie and box social is to be held in Watson‘s school house, No. 1, Normanâ€" by, on the evening of Friday, March 25th. A good programme has heen prepared. Admission 10 cents. Ladies bringing pies free. The Chatsworth Banner last week is sued an * Emergency Number," a small 4â€"page sheet of 3 columns. Like ourâ€" selves and many others of our exchanâ€" ges they have been hit by the storm. The postponed Geographical Social held in the Methodist Church last Thursday evening was a decided success a large crowd being present, Mrs, Matthews, one of Durham‘s oldâ€" est and most respected residents, died this Wednesday morning. at the resiâ€" dence of herdaughter, Mrs, H. McKechâ€" nie, aged 86 years. Artemesita council is petitioning to have a twoâ€"year term in oftice for local municipal councils, Sugar is again on the market in town. Found, in Town Hall, after concert, a watchâ€"chain pendant. © This office. Money to Loan at 44 per cent. MacKaAxy & Duxx Darham. DURHAM, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1904. caOwW NKz EoOoPICS foon 20 Aticaatonhatis aud A fine Map of the Seat of War, in three colors, 18 x 22 inches, will be mailâ€" ed free to eyery subscriber to the two papers remitling us two cents extra for cost of mailing _ Address : Potatoes, Earlyâ€"â€" Wm Smith, 8 L Scott. Potatoes, lateâ€"Sam L Bcott, D Edge. y Do you want the latest and most reliâ€" able War News, well illustrated, then read the Weekly Montreal Herald which is clubbed with the REvIiEw to new or old subscribers paying in adâ€" vance $1.15 for both Spring Wheatâ€"1st, W L Dixon, Sam L. Scott. Goose Wheatâ€"Wm Smith, Sam L Scott. Barley, Gâ€"rowedâ€"D Hamilton, Wm Smith. Oats, Long Whiteâ€" Wm Smith. David Leith. Oats, Short Whiteâ€"Robt Edge, Wmm Ritchie. Speltz or Emmorâ€"Wm Smith. Peas. Small Whiteâ€"Alex. Beggs, Dan Ed..ze-t.l Peas, Blueâ€"W L Dixon, Wm Smith. |_A Pictortar Trir Arouxp» TuE t WorLp.â€"In the April Delineator is |beguno a series that promises to be exâ€" ;ceediugl_v interesting and instructive, |The title, Atound the World in Eighty , Pictures, is explanatory of the nature I)Of the series to a certain extent ; it gives | no idea, however, of the delightful form of the navrative, which is letters from a }young bride on her honeymoon to her ifa.ther. The first stage of the trip is {from Montreal to Vancouver, the points | of interest being the quaint old Canadrâ€" | an cities Montreal and Ottawa, Niagara, !the wheat district of the Northwest, the ‘(Rocky Mountains, and vyarious other features of interest en route to the Paciâ€" fflc. The pictures are striking and exâ€" press adequately the characteristics of :the great region, and interest is not ‘lost annd a host of dry facts. for the narrative is as pleasant reading as fiction. Timothr Seedâ€" Thos McGirr, Robt Edge. Clover Seedâ€"â€"W L Dixon. To complete the notice we had last week, we give the Prize Winners at the Seed Fair, kindly supplied by Secy Binnie. e FREDERICKSON.â€"At Nemo, 8. Dak., on Feb, 20, Ruth, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. M. Frederickson, ( nee Alice Johnston,) aged 11 years. MooDIF.â€"At Nemo, 8. Dak. an Feb. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. John Moodie, a son. One of our citizens found driying on the roads so bad on Monday thaft at the railway crossing on townline of Benâ€" tinck and Brant he took the railway track for it and faitly flew through the tunnel to Chestey, _ Had a train come along while he was in one of the big cuts there would;have been a collision in which the G. T R. would likely have come out on top,. _ The citizen referred to says he underwent great mental ten. sion while he was splitting the wind along the track, and his head has many more gray hairs since thatiexciting ride, â€"Enterprise & PresExTATION To D. MuxrRro.â€" On Thursday of last week, the lacrosse boys in town met with Mr Douglas Munro at Mr. Darling‘s Parlors. to have a part ing word with him before he left for Winnipeg, where he has secured a good situation. _ **Doug." has been a highly valued member of the local team and his prowess on the field and general goodâ€"fellowship willâ€"he greatly missed. As a mark of theesteem of his comrades he was presented wich a suitably inscribed purse and in it two $10 gold pieces. _ All classes in town unite in wishing him prosperity, though regretâ€" ting to lose him from our citizenship. A Riaorous CurtmaT®r.â€"The rigors of our climate are well illustrated by the space given to storms in the general news. _ On one page of a city exchange lately we saw headings "That stalled train," "Travellers‘ Experiences," ** A worse March in 1873." " Lecture on the Climate of Canada," "Pipes successâ€" fully thawed by electricity," * Railways Battle with Big Storm," Buckwheatâ€"Thos Gadd. 01 Friday last The Eaton Bros. brewery in 0. Sound was buined, loss $20000 No insurance on the buildings. When the fire engine was brought out it WAas found to be out of order. The G. T. R. has paid the nroprietor March 17â€"St. Patrick‘s Day. Keep his memory green. WAR ! _ WAR ! THE REVIEW, DURHAM, Ont. SEED FAIR PRIZE WINN®ERS. Revien. | ONTARIO ARCHIVES f TORONTO DIED. BORN | Japan is manoeuvring to get possesâ€" sion of Nin Chwang and thus get at e railway to Port Arthur from bo h sides. A few skirmishes nave t :ken place on land chicfly between outposts of the two armies. i The Russia battieship in Shangnai | harbor at opening of the war is to give ‘the essential parts of ber fignting arâ€" mament to a Chinese gunbuat. Without any very decided happenâ€" ings enough is transpiring to keep up gublic interest. _ The Japanese fleet as not yet met the Russian fleet in or out of Viadivostock. _ A new general named Makor f made a brilliant dash at the Japanese be eigers of Port Arâ€" thur, and lost a torpedo boat but sank one of their destrovers. Discussion is taking place as to the feasibility of taking the Baltic fl=et through the aretic sea, but this might take two years. â€"The Minister ot Marizce will introâ€" duce a bill during this session looking towards securing from Britain two cruisers to be stationed on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, to turnish a training for the navy to Canadians. â€"Mr. ‘Taylor, M. P. P., has a bill proposed in the Legislature to compel dcerâ€"hunters next season to don a red or scariet coat while roaming the woods. _ This to prevent them being mistaken for game. â€"Parliament opened last week in Ottawa, with a deal of glitter and show as usual _ The main topic in the address is the growth of Canada and the necessity tor the new G ‘P. R. Railâ€" way. â€" Round this long discussions will likely take place and it is by no meauns certain that this will be a short session as at one time expected. â€"The Grand Trank Pacific Rail way will now be bailt At a imeeting of the sharebolders in London, the amenâ€" ded agreement with the C inadian govâ€" ernment was unanimousl\ adopted, chiefly by the efforts ot Manager lru,\'s. The guarantee depusit of $5,000,000 in cash nas been made st Oitawa. â€"â€"The Sessional indemnmitvy of the Legislature has been increased from $600 to $1000 ard seems to have been delightfully and unanimously carried. â€"â€"Postmaster General Mulock should get a medal if he can ma‘ke his departâ€" ment show a surplus this year after the big expense he is at in teaming mail while the railwavs are blocked. Frinay, Maron 25.â€"Alf. Hincks, Lot 48, Con 2, 8. D. R., Glenelg, offers for sale, Farm Stock, Implements. &c. 12 months‘ credit. 5 per cent discount. mgu .. wb D, McPnai, Auctioneer. See posters for particulars. wo~â€"Â¥ # & _4 â€"ECr. Wilson of St Thomas has been appointed to the Senate and takes the place of the late Senator Landerkin. [A notice similar to the following is given free to parties having bills printed at this office. â€"Ed, ) Frinay., Marcu 18.â€"Wm. Marshall, Sr., Lot 14, Con 3. Normanby, will sell Frxn Etock, Implements. &2. Terms 9 mos, credit, 6 per cent per annum for cash in lieu of notes. 1 P e S CCEX RWTEDICT T7 LPRIAL, The C. P. R. was not through yet on Monday ol this week,. The opening of the Hanover Jline lhO'ed some outlet for a few days, and some supplies were expressed in that way. _ Monday 10 or 12 travellers went og' by sleigh in the afternoon, but the evening train was cancelled and they came back again. Mails are reaching here by oidâ€"fashâ€" ioned methods, Sunday and weekâ€"day, so we are not quite so bad as Ladyâ€" smith or Mafeking, Toâ€"day, Tuesday, there is no train yet aud no surety when there will be. 24 days now, The Hanover line was opened on Friday last to C. Sound. and the natives turned out to welcome the first train after mbout 10 days cessation of traffic. The C. P. R. was not through yet on WiSniRel sc y ue a C Â¥ 10e gang are somewhere between Mt. Forest and Patmerston and, it is reportâ€" ed, bave muet with a bad half mile where a farmer in fine irony, had been making a sleigh track where the ivon â€"horse failed to make way. Two weeks traffic on this had made it so hard as to resist a farm plough anc therel was nothing for it but to chop it out. wiWnout a storm the first time for 5 or 6 weeks ; but no, the afternoon developed a searching east wind, with more snow, and the gang of shovellers on the G. T. R. track thought it wise to come home earlier there being a danger that the line might be blocked behind them, and all their 10 days‘ shovelling be of no avail. _ Drifting did take place, but not so serious as was ex ected, though it took a good paut of 'i‘u«sduy to reach the spot they nad left off,. " w A Spring not yet in sight. WINTEKRK DIES HARD. SALE REGISTER. THE WAR. D. McPHAIL, Auctioneer. lb U acres, near Dornoch, Frame Bm‘d» , mgs, Orchard, Good Land, $3400, % acres, near Wilder‘s Loke, two harns. Scone Siables with cement | Boors, frame house, well warered, ; Cheap, Forfurther particularsapply to I Mackaxy & Doxx, Durbham, we are going to have in this window the greatest goods for $1 ever placed in a window. One look and you will agree with this. _ There will be goods worth vp to $3.50 in this window. You take your choice Saturday for $1. All new and upâ€"toâ€"date goods. Come with the crowd and get your share of the great Bargains as there will be a great rush here, The People want another at this price and on Saturday next, March 19th, R. B. KEELER & SON Another ONE DOLLAR Big BARGAINX WINDOW Durham‘s NEw BAKER FARMS FOR SALE. ADVANCED J. BURNETT, We quote you the following : Like Herring $5,.00 Lake Salmon .50 This extremely cold weather has been hard on fishing and prices have stifflened up conâ€" siderably Present Stock is exhausted, but we haye some due here any day. The experience of 20 years leads me with confidence to solicit support. _ Satisfaction guaranteed. The Public of Durham and neighborhood are respectâ€" fully informed that the underâ€" signed has bonght out the Wright Bakery, known as the ‘*Durham Bakery," and inâ€" tends by strict application to business, and good material, to warrant a share of the paâ€" tronage. CHAS RAMAGE, Parmmter axo Pousursucs. The Price Smashers. N IT GOES ! Upper Town. . Watson

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