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Durham Review (1897), 17 Mar 1904, p. 2

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i | #x 4¢ m ELV YOn vasling waves ; 1 tho heaving and fears and crios by a singlo wor Ho tha wh dar sou pxCus thi aowa the co:d winds from the mounâ€" talsg. These winds are not only vioâ€" beont, but thoey come down suddonly, and oiten whon the sky! is perfect.y dear.â€"Cam. Bib. It was now full â€" "Thoe boat was now iling."â€"R. v. "This storm was probab.y excited by Satan, the prince of the power of the alr, w ns havin« tha Author and a‘ll tho preachers of tho gospel togother in a small vessel, thought, by sinking it, to defeat the purposes of God.."â€"Carke. But the plans of Sutan often migcarey. Christ is able to bring good out of the threatoned il}, and thus canuse even the éovii to assist Him in perfecting the covrage and faith of His foiâ€" down the cvid wit taing. Theso wind lent, but thoey co and oiten whon t dear.â€"Cam. Bib. "Tho boat was n "This storm â€"was e cemitice 4 ce l w c ie rounded by act liks g. down the ® il. A groat tompest, vs. 87, 38. 37. groal storm. It was one of those swiden and viclent squalls to which the Lake of Genncsaret was notoriâ€" auiy exposod, lying as it aces 600 foeetl lower than the sea and suarâ€" rounded by mountain gorgss, which act liks gigantic funnols to draw down the coid winds from the mounâ€" talng. These winds are not only vioâ€" bent, but thoey come down suddonly, and oiten whon the sky! is perfect.y FTear.â€"Cam. Bib. It was now full â€"â€" ‘Tho boat was now Ciling."â€"it YÂ¥. ‘"This storm was probab.y excited by Satan, the prince of the power of L hes alr, w ns havin« tha iuthor and a‘l tho preachers of tho {ospel togother in a small vessel, bought, by sinking it, to defeat thol Counun§ &Ail gcni.dlilod;. 4. A WALCBGâ€" woiu i courago, overcoming â€" a.l dange?i¢"â€"Lange. "Clw.st is conâ€" tinuw.ly say.ng tho game w us. He is Cror Cuidyg us 10 Jass over sime line in nmw ficlis, with their new exper.ences, privueges,‘ duties, conâ€" filcis, joys. Commentary.â€"L Crossing â€" Gailllec, Â¥9. mr 30. o. Lo it sileâ€"Jcsus id | pPurana dJ y Dopsines CiÂ¥ wueary through the bong day‘s work uand N@ulcu retiremenc. "*Unto the o.her KXu5 .s, i. A waichwordg on Iaithn, break.u., through a Darrow bounâ€" tkivsu. _. A watchword oi «ove, overâ€" I1 1NTHEINATIONAL LiSSON NO. X MatmCH 6. 1i904. ‘umnday School. ha ‘Oh. y «l no eatle roproo‘.â€"y. Jesus Caims the Storm. A t 0M "Oh, you atre mistak cheerful terant. "I‘m ahead." The reproo!. Jesus admintstered a sharp reprooif to the disciples in two muostions, not so much for disturb> ing liim as for cisturbing themselves. They had tha frith to follow him, to ory to him in danger; but the faith that holds steady under ali cireumâ€" stances they had rot. This faith Jesus felt they ought to have had, or mizht have learned on this occasion, in comparison with which the faith they did have was nothing. That faith is as nothing which, 1. Beâ€" comes paralyzed by foar. 2. Holds in fair weathor only. & Thinks that God cares not if his people perish. 4. Learns not its latest lesson. 5. Reaches not up to its greatest posâ€" sibilities. As faith is paralyzod by fear, so it is the commering opâ€" posite of fear. Faith and foar are mutmally exelusive. A per‘ect faith ocliminates fear. Eldon G. Burritt. comes tnto the sou! and pervades the boein«@. Peace, be still, Though the roar of o the storm awakened him not, in re=ponse to their ery ho arose and with a word stayod the hostile eleâ€" mens. To the roarin@ winds he said, "Io at peacse," and the raging waves, "Te swtill," and there was an imâ€" mediato calm. Christ _ can speak porce, 1. To the elements. He is Lord ol nature and uses natural forces 18 iInstruments to serve his divine purâ€" poses. 2. To the storms of sin and passion which rago in tho unregenâ€" orate linman breast. The heart of the wicked is "like the tronbled sea w 4d 2 ‘7n fatigns and finding rest in sloeop. Faith ia God, tho Fathor, a clear eonâ€" science, and hard work san put inâ€" somnia to ‘light through them. Christ was apparently unconscious and reâ€" gardless of thoir danger. e oftâ€" limes seems indi‘ferent to the poril which impends over his children or his church. Storms of faraticism or formalism, persocution or literalism blacken the skyand throaten all in coovulsive ruin; but the kinzdom of Christ will not sink. :It is supplied with an inteornal lifeâ€"preserver. mitting in his activities for the salâ€" vation of men. 2. Preached in pub»â€" lic and expounded in private. 8. Taught sepiritual truth by reference to corcrsteo things. 4. Needed opâ€" portunity for rost and recuperation. 5. Realited the needs of the people "on the other gide." Tho otorm. In the darkness of the night a howling tompest. of wind sudderly rushed from the heights of Lobaron and Iermon down â€" the worges and ravines which converge /4 sns 1 3 & 43 . I Jesaus tho preacher. Jesus was atâ€" taining the hbeight of his ‘earthly popularity. Multitude®@ were throngâ€" ing upon Ili@ ministry, cager to hear bis patables and to profit by _ his wighty works. At the close of a busy day in Fapornaum he seeks reâ€" liof from the crowd on the Sea of Galilco. His disciples take him just as ho was, possibly without refreshâ€" ment, into a emall boat and folâ€" dwe«l by a flotilla of other amail boats, they make for the other side. As a proacher, Jesus, 1. Was unrreâ€" t Teachicgsâ€"Christ‘ s# true Cisclzles aro willing to tollow Him ijt>o d nâ€" gore and di fesitles. Poril} and perâ€" ploxities often come when we are in the direct lins of Cuity. Trials nre{ rot always calamiti=«. The # orm was a grcat trial during the time ! of it, but it was a great benefit tol them in the end4. Through it they were eaablod to obtaia clâ€"arer Pleas of the majesty and greatnoess of Christ. Christ cam» to the world to eare, bit if we would be anved wel must call upon Hm. Jeus by comâ€" manding the wind and the waves showed Himsel! to b»> the One who mad> the world. We have no cause {or alarm when we have Chriâ€"t wi h us, but without Him our fr:il bairque is cortain, sooner or later, io go down in the blows of life‘s trizcls and temptations. He i: the Godâ€"man who stands equal witra God o«a tho high level 0‘ D.« ity, and equal with man on th> low levil of hemanrity."â€"Hom. Com. Ob>y him â€"The Ozre who ecroat>d wind and gea could ecortrol thom. inally are reant Wonmng s nds +o $ A ra that secand electri now three " said the re e mistaken that the ond wire etricity. released â€" t the pricat‘s lant 1 wire, and, being feity. formed the eased the body w mard Kitleq real eal estate a n." replied just that â€" months of {th i2 bouy oi the | 4 rostrate posiâ€" |C vith one hand | other holding } 1 by the conâ€" f the firemen thn body, and | & T his feet by , k > was not serâ€" ; i To Tambknum meka I a hely aaim lantern was eing a conâ€" the cirevit. y was quite posiâ€" hand lding ® CR ! ""â€"-' ltt. | 8 ‘V.’ ‘i‘* | § ANMbCJ & 6 B h agos: & / ho y f }(5%2 & 2: 4k . eA ‘. & * bat Ged UK . 18 P 5t, & in 4d € \ Bet < ‘t 3 \ 6 1J 4 ard. ae s lan,. Ladies® Rlegaat Gold laf Colâ€" Watch, handsomoly engray q _ ed Casejowelied movement hat | Our little friends who eart ren‘t | cur lovely Dollscan obtnir % f this beantiful Watch Free find | termmacancemmetramas in se« [ QIRLS, we ofer c gr perâ€" | am&nqu. Do OW | 2 as deseri the othor a $ BC (-! :h x PW â€":â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-v_ & â€" CallahL@W} Here is a Tremendous Bargain s («) How Toronto Drain Diggers Attempted to Settle a Quarrel Toronto, Feb. 290.â€"Two drainâ€"diggers fighting with pickaxes occasioned â€" a scene of terror in the house of John P. Husten, 106 Robert â€" street, yesterday afternoon. The drainâ€"diggers got into an altercation while in the house. and proceeded to settle their differences by resorting to pickaxes. They went at it with a will, and, what with the clash of those instruments and the terrified screams of "Murder!" and "Police!" on the part of the other people in the hoitse, a large crowd was soon atâ€" tracted. _ Amone them was a husky man wearing a Persian lamb overcoat. C @iivn Suikk‘s 2 0 . " %Carrangements to Cotiver Laese handse entar‘gh* to your addre«s w.thoutcosting you Remember, Giris, we give these lovel ywpm for seliing only 16 packages of Marvel Wash Nomoney wa we makearra entar‘gh‘ to y Remember. ( «) will treit von fate a»4 i °f " CSTOG reflable busitess firn will treit you fafz and riâ€"htjand expect the same from Girla seud us your order now and you eann have all these 1 some presents in & few dsys. . Adars The Ma: Blviva C5., Dolt nm 91 +, _ Torontos tm "onminertAvcunnriltzera zies _2 1j _ 20 injums we offer gre not to be comy usually g ven. Nooter firm ever premium ; for so little work, Wear will treit you fatz and riâ€"ht jand CSb mmsul bus ansue LGvLimnt N $5000 ons * I appreciate my ; #ll the proise to Lydia Z. Pinkhum’n’%c@otabh M. Tmza, 607 Haberstoon 5t., bevanmah, Ga. Mrs. Piskham Las on filo thousands of lovale Riess,. ebutiae DLFERIN, We will give you 6 .'.onzwqua Dolis, one a E&ndso:ne big Doeil ay descri the othor a becutifel Bisque Bl.hfil)ell. also a lovely ltoav? Steriing Siivor pioted race 10% and a beautiful Sclid Goxd-!lmngod Jowelled Ring, all WEREZ for se.‘mvg only 26 packages at 10eca packtaroe of Marved Woekins aigll CC OPCC T T C ud Waskbass qup s PC PC CER packuge of Marvcl Washing lue, the great w Ned your name and address at once, RO mc '.\'E.Jfl'.' WOWU and send Bluing by mail postr sond von with tha Pieius «l0 2900 C CIIDT Ladies® Rlegaat Gold latd Wu.ch,b:u\dsomclyanxrsn ed Casejowelied movement, Our little friencs who earn cur lovely Dollscag obtrin this beantiful Watch Free, Commeanind is {paj n3 . . 3;,s}os Of iomaie froubic, and am satisfiecd that your Compound is the bost medicinedor sick women."â€" MBRs. ELIzABZTH H. ThHorPrSOS, BMex 165, Lillydale, N. Y. Thousands upon thousands 6f women throurhkeut this country are not only oxpressing such sentiments as the above to thoir friends, but are contizrually writing leotters of gratiindse to Mrs. Pinkham, until sho bas hundreds of thousands of lotters from women in all classes of nocioty wheo havo beer restored to health by her advico and modicine after all other means had failed. Here is anotshor letter which proves conclusively that there is ro other medicine to equal Lydia E. PinkLksim‘s Vegetabile Compsand. e PP a n “Ap!Al_..‘-‘l_l. Pixxuax:â€"â€"I owfored with i T ne essands uo ginl c yq . 1 m NN IMIZ Ve THa J ToELUEH " My family and relatives were naturally as gratified as I was. My mioce had heart trouble and nervous prostration, and was comsiderod ineurable. She took your Vegstable Compound and it cured her in a short time, and she became well and strong, and her bome to her great joy and ker hushand‘s delight was blessod with a baby. I know of a number of others who have beem cured of diferent kinds of fomale trouble, and am satisfied that your Compound is the bost medicineior sick women."â€" Ma2s. EnizA BE M. Tmaamanx 20 e o e e 11090200000 000000000000800000000000030000000000000008 "J . . & PV P O s > C Pn tpttrRt! o9 * O 99 â€"Selpr btrap Aatindrs itA c is 4t id Th s 2 ~ < Mandsome BISQUE DOLLS FREF Also a LOVELY BRACELET and SOLID GOLDâ€"firishod A Dss 1 l s orrmmmmmmoncomadiEWELLEID RAINQG.â€"â€"â€"â€"==â€"S=â€"â€"â€"esseco B o 1( he ty " Dear Mrs. Prinaxai:â€"I am one of the mary yi your grateful friends who have been cured through the use of Lydia K. Pirkham‘s Vegetable Cempound, and who can toâ€"day thank you for the fine health I enjoy. Whenr I was thirtyâ€"&ve yoars old, I sulfered ssvere backache and frequeunt bearingâ€" downr poins; in fact, I had womb trouble. I was very anxious to goet ::fi. ard reading of the curss your Compound had mado, I decided to try is. I took ealy six bottles, but it built me up ard cured mo entirely of all my troubles " My family and relatives were naturally as gratified as I was. My mioce had haoenut |temililn) SWA * SEAMEERSIE enusrcal ns qs 2 1B ) 0 0 EC TNR CE P tds utA rand oo metn enememcee meanus % + se * A\y} 3 X ; g..’):\'i \\‘f": Mrs. Elizabeth H. Thompson, of Lillyâ€" dale, N. Y., Grand Worthy Wise Templar, and Member of W.C.T.U., teils how she recovered from a serious illness by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound. FOUGHT WITH PICKAXES. ul Watch Free, § Blue live: itmaternimsiints fike n be , we o%er s grand mui Bisque Dolis, one a 1 FRORFEIT it weo caunet fosthwith above icstlmonials, which will prore Blexant Solld Goldâ€"finisned JewelicdRing NoT en repiniiut‘ raidahong S abar dcs 1. 0070000 Stock ngs, Slimers, Buckls«, etc. Sty» lshly dressed from head to tou. Tx:mmi Bisque Hcad, Full Jotntâ€"d Body, L ng Curly Golden Hair Po url{ Tecth, Boastiful Sleeving Blue Eves Dolly goestonleep just ,>m._ We have in ou ‘factory handreds of M; S!!ushg aad Jotuted Dolis thas aruived irora Gerimvay too lure tor our Caristmas trade. . We don‘t want to cart» them over the sumnit? so roccca have ONTARIO ARCHIVE TORONTO aanat forth with the orighen! lostaess and o€ ?fl‘vflmwmm&u: valme araan. hi Higenizess ‘!‘hlrhtr:-mmu-.-. e «ho iwo lovely The beautL'ul‘ Preâ€" a thoap ‘premiums i & lotof valunole â€"+i am one of the mary vi your grateful friends i the use of Lydia E. Pirkham‘s Vegetable day thank you for the fine health I enjoy. Wher suffered severe backache and frequent bearingâ€" e e v 1 **Ome of my raighbers adviced me to tbeg Lydie u. P{nkh.n's Vegotableo Comâ€" pomzdl, and I procured a boite. A great chamge for the botter toeok place within a woek, zad I decided to keep up the treatment. " Within tivo months I was Hike a chamged woman, my hoealth good, my stop light, m eyos hright, my complexton vastty M and I foit once mere ie a young girl I woader now how I evor ond uced the misacy . I would ast spond asnethor yeer like is for a poor hcaith for eror ssvor yoars, not sisk cnough to stay in bed, and »o4 well eneugh to enjeoy livand attend to my daily dugios properâ€" ly. I was gprowng thir, my comploxion was sallew, and I was casily upest and inritable. autl Nourway has established a State workâ€" ingmen‘s bank, which is to loan money at low interest for the purchase _ of workingmen‘s homesteads of ore and oreâ€"qvorter to five gacres, and the erecâ€" tion of houses thereon at a cost not to ecarecu $304. â€" The inuverest charge is 3 1â€"2 or 4 per cent., and the refunding is to occupy 42 years. ‘he man with the fur coat threw one of the fighters out of the house and P. C. Baird arrested him, but the other duellist escaned. The man arrested was Wim. Rolfe, 267 Church street. of them. He dashed into the house and put an end to the pickaxe duel by showering 13c ocnama‘: & . . C T I hlows on STATS WORKINGMEN‘S BANK. 1ake [th. and gi Getahis Compound.=~â€" ns the combatants, flooring _both t Ra: (only a9 n 99 400 h searched. ‘The reports of the °doad rur all the way from 3 to £5. The evidence, however, is in favor of the lower number. The dead and in jured wereaxorkman. None of the in jured weilt 3 At Victor:ia, Vanoowrer and other Packic Coast points, trade is picking up, but oobections are still slow. | Winnipeg wholesale trade benefitâ€" td largely: by the recont bonspiel, | viciting merchants haring placed ; good orders for the coming seamson. 0 shore mos gotiations tween the isters tor Fronch sh reador a re urc needic The onl London, Feb. 29.â€"The Daily Express makes a cry this morning against the leiting of contracts to the General Electric Company and the Otis Elevaâ€" tor Company for elecirie motors and clevators dor the London Underground Railways. It recalls that Mr. Yerkes repeatedlv declared that practically all the equipment would be British, and refers to his statement before the comâ€" mittee of the House of Lords when his bill was passing throuch â€" Parliament. It now seems that the English comâ€" panies with whom Mr. Yorkes entered into contracts simply turred the conâ€" tracts over to their American connecâ€" tions. sale trade is munf'fdr ;te;ay“;;: provement in business the hbert two morths. Prices of staple goods are ark wsaa s Why American Firms Are Equipping Underground Rarlway. The ontlook for tamde is far from diecovraging. «C The conartsons of trade at Ottawa have Reoer satisfactory. . Th« whoteâ€" lo Hamikton this week the wholsâ€" saie irade ime eXxperiessed a good demand for spring goods. The sea wor lor ordering is geolting late mow, and retablers, whenr trarelers bave been abie to reach them, have beea gracing liberal sized orders. Yailues are firmiy held fer both domâ€" estic and imported goods. ‘The ovtieok for spring trade is good. London businposs cirsies do not show as much activity as usual for this time of the year. A siight improvement is generally mretiscabie in trade during ths part week at Quebec. Coilestions are still reported wow. In the city the shoe manufacturers appear to bare ail . Following are the quotations ;â€" ! Wheat, white, per bush., $10.}% ; do., ‘red, bush., $10 % ; do., spriug, bush., 95 to 99e¢, do., gonke, bush., 86 to | 8B6ye; peas, bush, 65 to 68c, oats, | bush., 36% to o7c, barkiey, oush., «/ | to 48¢; Lay, timothy, per ton, $9.1.0 | to $11, ao., clover, $7 to $8; straw, : per ton, $9 to $10 seeds, alsike, bush., $4.50 to $5,75, do., red clover, | bush., $6 ww $6,.35; co., timothy, 100 ! lbs., $2.25 to $3; apples, poer hb\ . | B1.10 to $2.25; dressed hogs, $6.50 ‘ to $7.25, egxgs, new laid, per doz., ‘ 40:; butter, dairy, 18 to 22¢, butâ€" | ter, creaemery, 22 to 26¢; chickoas, | per lb., 134 to 15¢; geose, per lb., 11 | to 13; ducks, per i5., 12 to 14¢; turâ€" | keys, pet Ib., 18 to :Ue; potatoss, | per bag, $1 to $1.10 cabbago, per _ dozon, 60 to 75¢e; cauliflower, par Cosen, #..75 to $2;, celery, per dozen, 45 to ©0Oc, beef, hinquarters, $7 to. §$90; beef, furequarters, 85 to $G.1’0.‘ beef, cholos, caurcase $7 to $7.50; beef, medium, carcase, $6 to $6.10 lamb, yearliug, $9 to $10 mutto», per ew . $7 to $8; veal, per cwt., $8 to $10. sradestreeis on Trado. Who:wsaie trade at Moatreal is quwie? lIad UusuAl at tl.s seavod, eving to lmme Ire.ght n.0ckuaqde in the rauways. Bipmenies of goods are beâ€" lng mau®e luc iie spribg to cusomâ€" erw. ‘@‘ue A@reaihor tuis week having continued very do.d, the cond.tione t busaess are much the asume as they were k week ago. Va.ues of stejm0 pouus hre very iirm. One of the large womestic muils lhis weeok AG VAldod the.r pr.ces of â€" priats nrOD® ‘There has beon some improvement in whoiesaue .trade coud.tions in ‘Donento, uut time coud weather is still tho ch.e! drawback. I« is {earâ€" ed sow that ihe wpriug seamon wiil be a iate one, and that, «x Courss, ls aweayse h.ouranoe to trade. Values tirm. A t of ,000 ims. of â€" wuol 'o‘:l this week for sh.pmenat at 183%¢, & FRE al t U 7 °_ Foillowing aro the cloging quotaâ€" | tions at important wheat centres toâ€" _5 day : RyX Dregsed hogse are firmer at $6.75 to $7 for heary, and at $7.2% to $7.0 for light. hy o. 4 l Toroute Farmers‘ Market. } The receipts of grain toâ€"day wore amall, and prices gexerally ruled firm. Wheat is higher, with sales of 100 bushels each of white and red winâ€" ter at $1011â€"2, and 200 bushels of goose at 86c. Rye is lirmer, with sales of one load at 602. RBarley is unchangod, with sales of 400 bushels at 47 to 48¢c. Oats _ are ?‘fzmd)’ ,500 bushels selling at 304 to &4C. H;ay in good sapply, with sales of 40 boads at $9.50 to 11.00 a ton for timothy, and at $7 to $3 for mixed. Straw ie unchangeod, with sales of five loads at $9 to $10 & tor. CONTRACTS WERE SUBâ€"LET New. York ... .. ‘Moledo ... ... :. ] Duluth, No. 1, N. 102 die was passing w scems _t s with who contracts sin ; _over to tI Negotiotions â€" Progrersing Johr‘s, NNld., 1 Legislature q Boyts made a ged the renew modus viven riredrndifishdiat toufiaretsiBiriatt Arawictidinclnthcask .1s 4 the same prige wiil be paid lar mogdus V ons were the Coloni for a sett NCH SHORE QUEST; diess is were now pending beâ€" re Colonial and lmperiat Minâ€" r a settlement of the entire shore problem, which would revewal of the mioes ni m >nsâ€" lHess after this yvear. xplo The Mlarkets. Lwading Whoat Marketls. whom s simply o their â€"I.â€"At least three and e%gh‘tfaeu in jured l tila ine for Pa r Aa Settieme avorably G Three that wreckâ€" the Warner Y at Waukeâ€" * dead may wreckage is of the dead 20 toâ€"day »ch in i the Â¥ ye Ad ‘The Col ION (Gi 106 1â€"2 108 3â€"4 102 dV ch nt Burdeli said he w that Dective Nickle murderer, and that blood. & The evidence of thett a prisoner was vory strong, 1 ticles found in his posses identifled 1e stolen goonds. lezod olfences were committed ernasser‘s salooa in this city, the stores of J. M. Tait and Dixon, at Glencoc. The laiter took nlace on Dec. 29 last: Burgelt conductod his own examination, and rovealed a doal ol Intelligeonce and abiil tectise Nickle admittod that Detectise Egelton, he had at Burdel!t witbout making any ment or showing a warrant, Ing the man over the head wi butts of their revolvers in the that he was secking to draw volrer, as was the fact,. Burdeli was vory cont in cour before being commiited | ima statement, in \wh.ch ho pro agalim the stortes which the had been glving in the news about him, many of which withont a veostige of truth. want is a fair trial, I am a I subject, and 1 want British play," he eaid. **horty Billy‘s" Pair in Londo. â€" kes Charye Ago«i Desective. London, Ont., Feb, 20.â€"Harry Burâ€" deil, allias »®exas,"* the mana who was arrested atlt the time ihat his pai, "Shorty Biully," with severaq alluses, Was Iuatatiy shot by a London geitec»â€" tive, was toâ€"day sent sor trial upon three charges of Burglary. The atâ€" nsl BA 45 2 0C C SOME OF THE Ain CELLS in the buman {vnge are no Mager than 1â€"] 50 of an lnch. _ Ween you have a eold, thes» nre slozzed with mueu®e. Allen‘s Lung Balsam clear, the tiny airâ€"passages and heals the lufammation in the bronchlal tubes. March Smart Set. "Bo your Uncle Totterly lived to the great age of one hundred _ and nine yearsa! How to you account for his longlevity 2" "I attribuate It to the fact thast ho waw never known to do much of anything else,"" The Polsone pring â€"As in nature so in man, pollute the spring and disease and waste are bound to foliowâ€"thestomach and uerves out ol kilter means poison in the pring. â€" South Amâ€"rican Nervine is a y#eat puritier, cures Indigeâ€"tion, Dyspeps«ia, and tomes the nervew ‘The best evidence of i ts eficacy is the unsolicited lestimony . of thousands of cured onee.â€"â€"76. Aoveral engines from the Buffailo Fire Department arrived â€" at 11 o‘eclock. At this hour the firs is burnâ€" ing filercety, but Chief Littie bolieves that the flames can be kept under contrnol, as there is no wind blowing. The fire is reported to have stariâ€" <d in the basement of tho Rocuesior Py G._o0d, com,a y it 43) A Ime coun.cted wit. «h> mo.«0â€" toat runs the elevator blew out, and ihe next momeat flam»s were ruâ€"h ns uo the clevator well. In a few minutes the b«ildiag was wrapped in i%ames. The fire spread to the Walkovcr ~hoe Company, juast east 0. the Rochesâ€" ter Dry Goods Company, and this building is entirely gutied. At 9.15 Chis Frank Jaynes was severely injured by a fall. His head was cut open. He was removed to the hos pital. So far thore has boen no loss of life, although there have been neveral mirac.lous escapes .rom fail}â€" lug walls and flying dobris. Buffao, N. Y., F b. z=6.â€"iwo fire engines, with their crews, bhave beon seut to Roâ€"chester on a spscial train loaving here at 8 35. The grgasite b.illing, at the corner of Main and ist. Paui atioeis, wil bo a total losgs. The bulidimmg occcpied by the Roâ€" cho.ter Dry Goods Compaiy, just .t ol the granuile Dulisizng, & toâ€" lally destroyed, and the wakls have ialien. Ar 9 o‘clock the fire is Bburzsing liercely, altnough the fire «opar.â€" meut are sanguine thas ihoy can Porseat bts . pr.uding. h fivs «iar.â€" «l belfore many psople wore on the stroet, bor the uews s004 spread, aud ny y ortGock tihere wore thouwâ€" aâ€"ds crowding tho «câ€"ne 0. the dinâ€" aster. The eap.Gcions 0. «dynamite hat tho firemen us~@d to cuâ€"ck the spr.aua ol the Hames couli be heard i1 al wections 0. the Cciry, and this nolso was supplemeâ€"nied by a aumâ€" ber of crashiag woalls. Life .ines roped in the fire dist.ict, and the entire nigut squad 0. policomen is on duty. Commismionâ€"r o. iublic Eaiity Gilman estimates the foss at us hour (Â¥ O‘ci0ck, arn botwoen five aud rix mill.ons. tha â€" Wasui@s dais Ilrozen up _ many ol the mains, and for the pasi iwo wueks iue fisemes _ RBave pwsea enâ€" shged is tuawing out ihe pipes. un movunt of the lack O proper apâ€" parulus this work has poea slow. at 7 o‘clock Clus Ltde and comâ€" mistioner 0. iubl« mmicty Gilman telegraphed to Buifaio asd ayraâ€" cuso for assistance. Rrthester report: Ihe greamt Tire that startad ia the nearit 0i the bueiness district this morning is tilk rayiag ficre ly. The w.aker is3 «deat for fighting siire, as hoere is â€"wA@rgely auy wiud ulowing. Mad hore bs.ea even a mMmouer.kely hign wi_d, tuwo Finemed suy, Bo«iBM;, Could AÂ¥e preÂ¥outeal & FAp.Aislon 0. ie saltimore fire. As 4t ls tize divemen aro battling under â€" extreme wlilâ€" rusil.@a, tho WiAUCi HBabas iifs nOt working as they should. ihe cx«rcme dsatOls ARC o Recte Help Asked From Buffalo and Syracuse. SAYS HE‘S A MURDERER. Loss Between Five and Six Million Dollars. Porton of Business Section Burned Down His Sole _ vocation. 2000E maxing any showing a warrant, nan over the hoad wi their revolvers in ths was seoking to Gdraw a was the fact. 27200 In iMis Clty, ard at of J. M. Tait and Hugh lencoo. The latter thelts on Dec. 29 last N‘Ckle . was "Biliy‘s" d that he did it in ecold ‘ * e of theft against the vory» strong, various arâ€" in his possession being infk raBebee us ol ts he wanrted to ehow ory con in court, and rommiited made a which ho protâ€"sted $ which the police n the newspapers of _ which â€" wore of truth "All t d his own crossâ€" rovealed a gmood _ and abliity. Deâ€" am a British British â€" fair the human {mnge in luch. _ Ween e "lozzed with that, with 1 attacked at Obâ€" 1 4 a 10 belief t was nothing neighboring « wit irlrawn t o‘d offiece, 7 transact nov my dear," was the engagement was age would be m; Then Violet we; er tAE T 016 w **Nanxma," sho s me all trouble *" *"Yos," replied x: safely leave it a And #o wenalth poble eaourh to 1 heard in the that ecorchi houss seem did sot int« no letter. a littl mot I« b I1 N vwocent of th puted to him Polix was s was too war Ing an of Bait Jt wasn trom i0 could she have t was an invitation was happ haps i{ st thoso let: havo awrrit Prescat! sharp, su« manr at h quickly «l &s poing awns one of her rek w d turned and handsâ€"a la odor of vio looked at 1 .{n-\‘"'n th He read it the feeling must be a | a deadly as going . to the handso deadiy pale: into his ey voiceless ®o eunlight see bloodâ€"red m the roar O his ears. 1 open in his who bad re How jlong It seemed : torture rol was literall borne ali i stronz heas true hopeâ€" lea v« on. bac the hay tao the terr eould M sy copyi0g rcime tho i TE >wit thi int o nr ldaet have thought 2 PaAG 1 eure vory Jn« ad at th views his w 1 to Vio L y W dE WIFR 22M D 11 t went ha BOLd en 5o up t I H

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