West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Mar 1904, p. 4

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38 se oo ts the io e ho tb e dn reols : n dn fln eQectecben i oc ofectecdeef 24 5 Parling‘s Prag Soore i # ariing S Pug {y=ore % ‘i’ ® 0 > A le‘ 5 i J A. Dorling, "Sadk 5 I Jpip J p q t ip pipi 4* y kssE gppL$4LE® xflord e We have a lot of stylish Readyâ€"toâ€" wear Skirts in Black and Grey Homespuns and fine . Broadcloths that we‘re clearing out at big reductions. Here are a few of the prices : B J. I. Wortlock. 2 doz Ladies‘ Wrappers, regular $1.25, while they last at i5¢ each. 24 Ladies A Household Necessity ATOMIZERS and All Kinds of Rebber (GGoods of the best quality, at the best prices, at the best Drug Store. IF YOU WANT A HOT TINME **â€"BUY aA~ HOT WATER BOTTLE Clark‘s for Cutters ! And all Farm Machinery see, to test. to be Convinced That there is no better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Palâ€" merston and London makes, The Great Prize Winâ€" ner Cteam Separator Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons : Srowball, Chatham and Walkerville; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs ; Churns, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. RBargains in TW rappers FOUNTAIN SYRINCES. Radies‘ Underskirts ‘ Black Sateen Underskirts, regular price, $1.50, clearing for $1.00. _ Cash and One Price. John QGivingstOMs ggent 50 FPARMERS near Durham who are now using this machine all say that it is the best skimmer, easiest to turn, easiest to clean, makes less noise and is the best finâ€" ished Separator on the market. $6.00 Skirts for $5.00 5.50 «4 4.50 | Ladies‘ Stylish eSXkirts _ ]YfTade in Durham. at any timeâ€"Saves many a life till the Doctor arrives. ream â€" {yeparators John Clark 66 66 66 See them and have one for the coming season. 2.00 w‘P Mr. Bert Moore, who has been in the West for some time, returned to town Saturday last. Mr. Harry Cornisb, accompanied by his sister Miss Minnie and Miss Dawson, of Normanby, yisited at Mr. Geo. Mcâ€" Donald‘s on Sunday last. wir, Hugh McNab, of Riverview, Man., who has been at his home in Gienelg forthe last three months drove to Drayâ€" ton on Monday, where, with friends, be is gathering a few cars of settler‘s effects to take west. Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P.. and reeve Morice of Normanby, found theinselves at Guelpn on Friday of last week and track to Palmerston blocked. _ They hired livery from town to town and got nome in the evening. To the Editor of the REvIEW : SIR : I see by the lasc issue of ‘The Chronicle‘ that the individual who writes the mess which is dished up as * Corner Concerns " has agam been pokâ€" ing his nose into other people‘s busineus. so long as he confined his impertinent allusions to private individuals we hore withhim, now when he gets so far ahead of his brain and decency in interferin with an order like the Sons of Scmlnnd‘f an order which his nationality prevents him eyer becoming even a member of, we ceriainly have to call him down. What on earth does he know about the order? Or Ben Nevis Camp who is balâ€" loted for or not? Fotr the benefit of those who are interested, Mr. Miller was proâ€" posed and balloted for in a regular meeting of Ben Nevis Camp No.45, Sons of Scot.fimd. Feb. 19 04. \Shen the Soâ€" ciety wishes to report any of their doings they zin do so themselves without asking Jim Mack to do so from the second con cession of Egremont and desire him to contine himself to the back line where he lives. Thanks for space, The Legislature. free from the pyrotechnics of last year is getting through some work this year. A new Assessment bill is an important mea sure, but cortaining much that gives rise to criticism. _ Then che giving or guaranteeing a loan of $2000000 to resuscitate the Soo industries is a measure of importance, but (ferhups the session will be remembered for its action or nonâ€"action in regard to legisâ€" lation aiming to restrict the liquor traffic. _ A measure of this kind was to be introduced last year, but was shelved by the time taken np with Gamey charges. _ Now Premier Ross seems bound to make good the promise of Sir Oliver Mowat and concurred in by himselt as a member of the governâ€" ment. _ A liberal caucus was held last week which might as well have been a public meeting, for the business done, seems to be public property. _ Here it was found the Premier was far in adâ€" vyance of his party with a proposal to abolish bar and hotel license altogether and have the necessarvy sale for purâ€" fioses other than beverage controlled y government. â€" This received scant support. _ An alternative scheme to navye a compellable yote for local option got more favor. _ Others want a reduction of about oneâ€"third in the number of licenses, but making the twoâ€"thirds pay an amount equal to the three. Some wanted an improvement in the personnel of the licensing comâ€" mission, others had a proposal to change license Inspectors from place to place to prevent collusion with license bholders, &e. This week wili likely see a bill introducea cuntaining some of these suggestions. Whatever is done it is high time the whole qusstion was divorced trom polâ€" itiecs, We have no patience with soâ€"calâ€" led temperance men who want to manâ€" ipulate the *‘ yvote‘‘ for party purposes and, like many others, we are forced to consider the " vote ‘‘ a very uncertâ€" ain quantity anyway. â€" The deteat of Dr. Stewart in Centre Bruce taught that tact very clearly. The constitaâ€" ency piled up a big vote at the reforâ€" endum in favor of restriction. Dr. ESteâ€" wart accepted the pledge of the temperâ€" ance leaders, his opponent would not, and yet Dr. Stewart was defeated showing plainly that the principle in view at the referundum was trodden under foot in the mire of party pulitics. Report of S. 8. No 10. Egremont. Class 4thâ€"Jessie McGilliyray, Anaie McArthur, Mary Mciones and Ernest Robb, eq. Sr 3rdâ€"Lizzie Nicholson, Wester ‘huvury. John Knisley, Irene Henderson,. Aunie Sinclair. _ Jr 3rdâ€" Leonard LDickson, Charlie McDougall and John McInones, eq. Sr 2ndâ€"Kate Sinclair, Hattie Eakett, Eva Robb. James Bunston, Alex Nicholson. _ Jr 2ndâ€"Bella McArthur, Archie McKinâ€" non, Pt 2nd Srâ€"Dave Robb, Calder McArthur, Robert Dickson. _ Pt 2nd Jr â€"May Robb, Gordon Mcliroy, J. J. Merchant. Sr 1stâ€"Mabel Eakett, Alvic Robb,. Gilbert Durrant. Average atâ€" tendance 32. tX ETe Report of 8. S. No 1, Glenelg. _ Class 5thâ€"Lizzie BRinnie, Violet Britton, Kate McArthur._ _ 8t 4thâ€"Cassie Kennedy, Sadie McKeown, Emma Beaton. _ Jr 4thâ€"Millie Whitmore. _ S8r 3rdâ€"David Nichol, Susy Bell, Jeannie Fallaise, Jr 8rd _ Willie Seth, Archie Kennedy, Katie McFarland,. Sr 2ndâ€"Amelia Rigby, Jimmy McGillivray, Noretta Fallaise, _Jr 2ndâ€"Ben Whitmore, John Arnett, Rennie Smith. _Pt 2nd Srâ€" Wilfred Nichol. Alex McFarlane, Geo. Mcinois. Pt 2nd Jrâ€"Charke McFarâ€" line. Average attendanceâ€"21. PERSONAL MENTION. TEMPERANCE LEGISLATION. THE DURHAM REVIEW An officer of BEx NEvis CamP. SCHOOL REPORTS. H. LawRENCE, Teacher, %o ALEx. FirTH, Teacher. ONTARIO ARCHIVE TORONTO We take the following extract from the Ayton Advance of last week as beâ€" ing appropriately appreciative of its deceased towneman. ment of Mr Wenger was a member of the Presbyterian church in this yillage and one of its best supporters. _ In politics he did not take an actiye part but supâ€" ported the Liberal cause, He leaves to cherish his memory A widow, and a family of three sons and three daughters. _ These are Edgar of Pittsburg. Allan of Montreal. and Minnie, Ella, Flossie and Harry at The Ontario Kisheries authorities have forwarded to the department of Fisheries at Ottawa a number of sugâ€" gested changes in the regulati)ns in order to preyeut the waters of this province from being fished out. These will probably be accepted at Ottawa, with possibly a few minor changes. Some of the more important ~suggesitâ€" ions are as follows :â€" 1. To confet Dominion authority upon provincial fisheries overseers. 2. To specify a minimum Penulty of $10 for fisheries violations. _ The Domâ€" inion Commissioner regards this as rather severe for trival offences, _ 8. To compel owners of priyate ponds to observe the reguiations. 4, To prohibit all fishing except unâ€" der provincial license excluding only hook and line angling, , 6. Fishermen‘s huts on the ice to be licensed. * & ) 8 7. The following close seasons :â€" Speckled trout, Sept 1 to April 30 ; black bass .and maskinonge, Jan l1 to June 30 ; pickerel or dore and rainbow trout, Jan 1 to May 15 ;lake herring, criscoe, etc., Noy 1 to 30; lake trout, Oct 15 to Nov 20. nets. 8. The following minimun sizes of fish which may be taken : Black bass ten inches ; speckled trout, six inches ; maskinonge, thirty inches ; yellow pickâ€" erel, 15 inches ; blue pickerel, 12 inâ€" ches; sturgeon, 36 incbes; whitefish, two pounds; lake trout, two pounds, All under the size and weight named aboye to be replaced alive in the water, 9, Number of fish to be legally alâ€" lowed per diem : Black bass. eight ; speckled trout, twenty; maskinonge, four ; yellow pickerel, twelve, and liake trout, four, 10. Sale or export of black bass, maskinonge, and speckled trout to be prohibited for three years. 11. Netting of black;bass and maskiâ€" nonge to be furbidden, 12. Artificial lights and flares, driyâ€" ing and beating fish, to be prohibited. 13. Fishing within 300 yards below a dam, fall, fishway, or mouth of a river, forbidden, t The Federal Commissioner considers three hundred yards excessive. The other suggestions he considered effecâ€" tive, Me also submits grave reasons why trap nets should not be employed. He considers that 1 close seasons, enâ€" forced effectively, is all that is really needed. And that the prohibited sale and export of game fish will be far more beneficial than a lengtbhy close season violated all the time. ome." In the Surrogate Court of the County Grey. _ In the matter of the Estate of Alexander Stewart, late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Baptist Minister, deceased. otice is hereby given pursuant to R. N 8. 0., 1897, Cap. 129, Sec. 38 and amending Acts, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Alexander Stewart, who died ou or about the 22n0d day of February A. D. 1904, are required to send by post preâ€" paid, or to deliver to J. P. Telford of the Town of Durham, solicitor for the executors, on or before the their names, addresses, and descriptions. and a folil statement of particuiars of their claims, and the nature of the seeâ€" urity (if any) held by them, duly certiâ€" fied ; and that after the said day, the executors will proceed to distribute tbe assets of the deceased, among the parâ€" tiees entitled thereto, haviog, regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. 25th day of March A. D., 1904, J. P. TErrorp. Solicitor for the executors. Dated this 3rd day of March A. D. 1904 THE LATE NOAR WENGER. qnlckl{ ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably munublo. Communicaâ€" uonut.rict(l)yeonndem . Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest nfiency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive sent free. Oldest agency for securing Mi tents. ePat.enu taken :fi:g:%hollnnn &n‘ Co. ro:‘,eh special notice, without charge, in the Scientific Amecrican, A Landsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir. culation of s;y lentific nurntyl. Terms, $3 a Feat : four months, $L1. by all newsdealers, year ; four months, $1. Sold byall newsdealers, 361Broadway, “y:!!a éug..ok F 8t. w.,_.m :m.“ CHANGES IN FISHERY LAWS. _"rVVY¢** _ Copyricnts &c. Anyone sending a sketch and d“cl‘lgflflll may ninklw asnartain anr aninian fraa whathar an NOTICE TO CREDITORS. To define by law the mesh of all [tT suits To aT] / And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. Flour and other ingredients. SECNNDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutel yfair, Give us a call and see sor yourself. A first â€" _ class line â€" of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe‘s store. WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. FIRST of all, we use only the finest MODEL BAKERY, LOWER TOWN FU RNITURE The Best Quality cheaper than ever. UndertaRing promptly atâ€" tended to WwWEDpDING PRESENTS Now is the time to buy Wedâ€" ding Presents, $ we are continuing . Our Silverware Sale. _ Among the special articles offered are Buscuit Jars, Fern Dishes, Cake Dishâ€" es, Bena Dishes, Butter Dishes, Berry SpoPDS: rie Knives, Butter Knives,Cruets, Salt and Pepper Bottles. TABLE CuUTLERY We have a fine display of Table Cutlery, and our sfie- cial for this week is IXL Table and Desert Knives, at g‘rices never before heard of. he quality of these goods are known by the majority of people. FANCY LAMPS o 1 ca ~ LA Winaamer GOOD REASONS: P AVER Y ReRECTTC CC Our â€" Assortment of Fancy Lamps cannct be equalled any w here and there is no more suitable Wedding Preâ€" sent than a nice Lamp. Priâ€" ces low. FANCY BASKETS You should examine Our Stock of Baskets. _ We excel in Fancy Work Baskets. CROCKERY MENDER Have you heard of our Crockâ€" ery Mender. Secure a Bottle at once. Jake Kress z. Cfiflk. ‘ *s,"}y f’. Â¥ \v’!J PR 119 ho 3A sSTIIRTSOINTS There isn‘t a more serviceable article nor one which would give a boy more pleasure Try ours, Most people know that it‘s a rest their eyes want. Rest them By Offer him a reward for proficiâ€" ence at school. If he had his say what it should be, it would be a watch, getting a pair of glasses, _ 78" Examination free, "~@@ ENCOURAGE YOUR B y Leading Jeweler, â€" Durham :yA !* 4 ie 30 :,_-/ \\\)5 JAKE KRPESS REST YOUR EYES W. BLACK. lt i. (@ Sm ,fw\:'% c ‘&?\\ yO itrer i\ 34 FHL. STINSON, GIVE HIM ONE A. GORDON, FOR i\wz;,- ;5)’ NOW $ V V FOÂ¥ 0 To leave your orderand get a pair of genuine handâ€"made Bots or Shoes ready for Spring Wear. I have secured the service of a first class SHOEMAKER and wil; now be able to execute rrompuy AlLy work either new or repairing. * Still a few sizes in some lines o{ Winter Goods going cheap. . We nlso have in stock a lot of different lines in Men‘s. Women‘s, Boys‘, Misses‘ ard Children‘s Boots & Sh and Fine Goods. pesimessrse Leggings. Mitts, & Gloves. Your Spring Trade is because Trunks. Valises, Club Bags, Daubâ€" ings, Shooe Dressings. Brushes, &c. to be had at the New Boot and Shoe Store. Next Door to D. Campbell‘s Implement Warehouse. sar â€" TERMSâ€"CASH. * PEEL, ine swomman Full Lines of these v and reliable goods, We are at the shop at the bridge evâ€" ery Wednesday and Saturday. Orâ€" ders or enquiries left at C. McA rthut‘s store, or at the REvirEw Orric®, will receive our best attention. Chatham â€" Cutters The Spring has come and the Summe has gone and so has nearly two carloads of Tudhope Buggies and the place Which was once so filled to overflowing with those rigs is now being filled uj with over a carload of the famous Now that you have a Tudhope Bu ge get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the swiw Call ‘and see our Goods. BARCLAY & BELL i[Emplements / / Also Affaxwell ]){fachinery Peter MHam{‘/on Our Prices are the Lowe=, Of all kinds. Examine our TUR NIP PULPERS ; they are the best on the market ; _ also! ou: CHURNS & WHEELBARROWS and Our Values are the Hig GRAYVS make : < },);zfa;f-/('rbt. and Stylish, and at prices to suit alt purses. 'u/pet a, Churns, SMarn Organs They are good in every respect Show Rooms opposite Midâ€" daugh Stables, Lambton St. Tudhope @utters . Mcllraith Also see our famous Agency. 17. 1904 oA thus HC KNOWit MARCH 17. The following STAOARD BAMK BIG 4 ® HE s SELLS Meavy all w Gold Band CAPITAL, Authorized CAPITA, Paid up.... AGENTS in all pru Ontario, Quebec, Ms States and England, RESERVE FUND A general Banking bus Drafts issued and coll all points, Deposits re est allowed «t cxrrent I DURMHAM A SAVINGS SAVINES wand s facility dista c NEW LS! 100 Acres 100 Acres 150 Acres Laxative doses of Ay night greatly aid th 105 Acres 1 Acore Besides if you wisn to NuUyV 07 row money, insure . writings drawn orcoll * Always Prompt, h H. H. MJ of Cut Glass with h around top, Gold + will not wash oif for Wedding Preser If The Han« TWEEDS oOF BEST Groceries, Dry & Shoes, Cr We can give 1 g&" We ask inspecti A few month ads â€" wo Sarsap C Mas. Delia MoW §$1.00 a bottle, Ay If your blood is t pure, you are mise time. It is pure, that invigorates, : refreshes. You cer All druguists /) NOR" @?/4////4 Owrsx ol wWRITE FOR C the medicine that health to the hor medicine tested & 60 years. A docto Winter "I owe my lifs, without Sarsaparilia. It is the m cline in the world for nerv perimanent, and | cannot th ow E? Poor Inpout You E01 * , H. 1 The Ha Head Office, Best pure 1DGs hundreds « Take adva months an W. F. COWAN, GEO. P. REID, H. H. Mi bank deposits Prompt atte afforded cust x soU~xXD BANa J KEL H Lt for Com d L1 ¢ he

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