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Durham Review (1897), 17 Mar 1904, p. 5

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in some lines of eap. _ We also lifferent lines in s‘, Misses‘® arnd Shoes in coarse service of a first KER and wilp e promptly auy pairing. oves. ib M‘ D‘nb' s. Brushes, &e. New Boot and t Door to D. nt Warehouse. Organs opposite Midâ€" . Lambton St. leave your r ot genuine or Shoes VÂ¥ear. rade is m € C FACTE @iPr (?? 214 OM * oA > thu? ASH. "%>q se Y/. Iraith YTachinery the Low the Hig Z.’I".'?J', &c' 8t TME Suftters liamous & BELL our â€" Goods. l the Summer rlv two carloads and the place 1 to overflowing being filled up »f the famous ne our TURâ€" hey are the : _ also} our BARROWS. _ stteors SHO dhope Buggy,â€" be in the swins rv respect 14 LV . or Arthur‘s cE, will dre ev tortubte »riersg to D( 1# AAN +8 CAPITAL, Authorized . ... ... $2,000,00L CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND............ 850,000 STAOARO DARK OF CAIAM MARCH 17. The following Sets are perfect imitation of Cut Glass with heavy gold band around top, Gold being burnt in, it will not wash off. _ Just the thing for Wedding Presents : Gold Band, Meavy all wool Blankets, 60 x 80 ins... l e 6 x 84 ins... « size white flannellette Blankets AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, â€" Quebec, Manitoba, United State« and England. HE $ SELLS a_ CHFAP BIG 4 A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection +made on all points, Deposits received and inter est allowed at crrrent rates SAVINGS BAN® _ .aterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up wards _ Prompt attention and every facility afforded customers living at dista ce. J KELLY, Agent. DURMAM AGENCY NEW LIST OF LANYS 100 Acres !" Bentinck near Durham, 90 cleared, 10 hardwood, good buildings, spring creek., OrChard, &¢...........................§8200 100 AQ". near Allan Park, 68 cleared, 20 bardâ€" WOOG ABHG 12 SWAMPp.......... .............._ 2100 150 Acreg near Lamlash, stone dwellings, good mn'luu’-linm. tine farm, under ..4800 105 Acres near Allan Park, excellent farm fair buildings, cheap. 1 re more or less, Garafraxa Street, Durham, Acn.‘-.ur Cement Works, fine lots, offered very If you wish to buy or sell property. borâ€" row money, insure a property. have writings drawn orcollect debts call on me * Always Prompt, Never Negligent." The Hanover Conyveyancer, Besides TWEEDS & YARNS Laxzative doses of Ayer‘s Pills each night greatly ald the Sarsapariiia. OF BEST QUALITY. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargain‘. raâ€" We ask inspection of our Teas..@z iece Crystal Berry Sets lll'"' CC PCY u. A few month‘s study of business methâ€" ods would perhaps save YON hundreds of dollars in the future. Take advantage of the slack winter months and attend the MNORTHERNY! /) 5 f"/ C Owrx SouxD. 0 $1.00 a bottle. All drugaists. Winter Sarsaparilla owEX soOUND _ â€"â€"~ If your blood is thin and imâ€" pure, you are miserable all the Ayer‘s time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know the medicine that brings good health to the home, the only medicine tested and tried for 60 years. Adoctor‘s medicine. "I owe life, without doubt, to Ayer‘s .!.mpum:, It is the most wonderful mediâ€" cine in u.l.mnull‘l" Mrvo.mm kess Iyflrol_l rmapen can an nm-il. 9Â¥ MRS. DELLA MOWELL, {tmrl. . J. S$. sCOTT. Lngrove Your Education This Winltt Poor Health The Hanover Conveyancer, offers : H. H. MILLER, C# w oic)~ Wns Mess L/ F «â€"~ y )wix â€" SouNnD. On. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE TO cheap des above I havela large list of other lands of all kinds. Best pure Honey. 10c a lb W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. H. H. MILLER, . HKH. BEAN 7 plece Water Sets 4 piece Table Set. 7 piece Berry Set.. Term Commences January 4th . . FLEMING, w@<a» 6@ for CALDERS BLOGK, DURKMM, J. C. AYER Co., «.........$2.00 each ...... .. $1.75 each ......... $1.80 each 10¢ and 15¢ each RINCIPAL Hanover $2.75 pair $3.00 pair $1.15 pair read : ‘The clerk of Nelison township, asking council to join in a petition to the Legisiative Assembly, asking that the term of municipal conuvcillors be extendâ€" ed to two years; M F Ainslie, secretary of local municipalities of connty of Oxâ€" ford, asking council to join in a petition favoriog optional legislation re formation of county council; tenders tor purchase of timber on Alma street, Eugenia, from P Munshaw, Jas Williams and J E Williams ; J I Grabam applied to be apâ€" pointed oyerseer on valley road ; the reeve and clerk, report as to closing part of Alma aetreet, Eugenia, and disposing of the same to EKugeuia Electric Light and Power Company. recowmmending that the same be done on certain couditions. The Artemesia Council met in the hall on â€"Saturday, 5th March. ‘Ihe members were all present, the reeve in the chair, The minutes of session of Feb. 6, 1804, were read and coufirmed. The followâ€" ing communications were presentéd and Gibson â€" Mends â€" That the reeve and Mr Best be a committee to examine part of 180 eide road from back line to Rickâ€" ard Allan‘s land, with a view of assistâ€" ing Mr Alian to opeu the same or disâ€" posing of it. Carried. Meadsâ€"Best â€" That R G Warling be refunded 980., being an error in his taxes, 1808, lots 1. 2%, con 2 N D R.â€" Carried. Bylaw 633, sppointing officers for 1804, was read n first and second time _ Byâ€" law 634. authorizing the borrowing of $1l000 for current liabilitie®, ‘was passed. Purvisâ€"Bestâ€"That thisa councit take no action in sale of timber on Alma street, ;Eugenia. Carried. Farvisâ€"Gibsonâ€"‘That notices be placâ€" ed on valley road, that the same is only under construction and persous travelâ€" livg on the same do +o at their own risk.â€"Carried. HMbsonâ€"Meads â€" Thkat any person or persons cutting or removing timber from auy streets in the tows plot of Eugenia, or any roads ol this towunship shall be prosecuted according o law â€"Carried. CGibsouâ€" Meads â€" That the report of comumittee as to closing part of Alma street on which the falls are situated, be accepted by the council, but that no action be taken in the maiter at the preéseut t1me.â€"Carried. » Gibsonâ€" Meadsâ€"That the draft petiâ€" tion presented to this council regarding the tormation of county councils to counâ€" sist of the reeves and mayors of the municipalities, be adopted and that the reeve and clerk sign the same aud rorâ€" ward the same to I B Lucas. Eq., M. P. P., for presentation to the Legisiative Assembly. Carried. Bestâ€"Purvisâ€"That the counoil conâ€" cuirr in the perition of the township of Nelson, muking the term of councils two years, and that the council sign the same and forward it to i1 B Lucas, Esq.. M. P.. to be presented at the Lexisiaâ€" ture. Carried. Gibson â€" Meads â€" That this council hereby â€" appropriate the sum ot $#600 tor repuirs to roads for 1904 as follows :â€" div. 1, $150 ; div 2. #150; div 8, $150; div 4, $150 ; and the members of ing council are appointed commusioners to expeud the same in their several divi: sions, and that they be allowed ten per cent of seid amonnt for exponding the same. Should any commissioner expend more than his appropriation. without consent of this council, the amount shall be deducted from his commission, and that a statemeut of such expenditure be presented to this council betore any comâ€" mission be pard, ts appropriation not to incinde town livmes or bridges costing more than ten dollars. Carried. T J Coleman, A 8 Irving,. Jolhn Gibâ€" | son, Wm Purvis. F J Mathesou, Frank ‘ Chard, Charles Irwio, Altred Harrison,.. George Moore, Win Moore, Henry Johuâ€" stom. Jus Foster, Robt Merser, sr., Wim Carter. W J Cargo, W J Teeter, W J Peeter, W J Talbutt, John Pedlar, Jno Blackburn, W H MeNally. Jos H Watâ€" son,. J J Little, ueorge Hutchinsou, Ww Wilson, Leu White. R Black, George Suell, Wilsor MeMullen, Joun Stewart; E Doupe, Jos Dunean, E Wuris, Geo Biakley, Jos_ Aussum, Colin McLean, Alex White. Richard Waters, J Parsiow, Jos OQlive:, J (G Little, Charles MeKinâ€" nou, A Dingwall, Jas Tuarner, Alex Carâ€" son. Dan Stewart. Dan Muit, J W Lyons, Wm Fietcher, Henry Stone. Jas Fisher, BRobt Meldram, kred Nicholson, Thos Sullivav, John Porteous jr, Robt Fisher, Johu Beecroft, Fred Boland. J K Jamieâ€" son, Wm Cameron, W Walker, Thos Genoe, J H Holles, George Warling, Benu â€" Madill. Heury Wilbame, RAcbert Cooper, O Walker, Ww â€" Heath, John Bramff, J W Crozier, J H Duckett, \Robr Graham, Audrew Wilson, W W \Tmmble, Samuel Bowles, 8 Hemphiil, ) Ea.;;‘a;:n..“.]”a‘_;\_du;us, Wm Foster, Wes Lyouns, Robt Neilson, Geo Lawler, Robt Ferris, Martin Phillips, ‘Thos Thorobury. C H Lyous, Malcolm McMilian, _ Jobn Boland, â€"Irwin BFaweett, WW Fields. Andrew Grabaw, Thos Butler, J Patou. pPOUNDKEEPERS Patrick Bulger. Herbeit Purvis, Geo Wright, Jos Cairns, Peter Muushaw, Ed Patterson, M G Orr,. FENXCEVIEWERS Richarda Whittaker, Jos Aussom, Hadâ€" dy. Wm_ Heath, Wm Blair, C Irwin, George Moore. C W Bellamg. Geo Binâ€" nie, W H Hemphill, Robt lantt, Alex Carrutbers, Leonard Latimer, Alex Mcâ€" Rae, jr. REPORT OF COMMITTEE To the Council of the Townsbip of Artemesiaâ€" GrExTLEMENâ€" We, your committee appointed at your last session to enquire into and report upon the closing of part of Alma street in the village of Eugenia upon which the falls are situated, beg to report as follows,â€" Your committee after considerable tbou:iht and enquiry have concluded that it would be ac visable to close up said street from the northerly limit of Simpson street to the southerly limit of Bosquit street or so much thereof as would be required within said limits, and convey the same to the Eugenia Electric Light and Power Company, upon conditions ns near as may be as followsâ€" 1. Thas the said company shall enter into an agreement with your honorable bod{ covering as follows,â€"to sné)‘ply the inhabitants of your townâ€" ship with electric power for lighting purposes at a rate of not more than 25 cents crer month per sixâ€" teen candle power lamps, AD at the same rate for greater or less candle E)wer lamps, all night serâ€" vice, and that the inha tants of your township Council adjonrued. Artemesia Council. OVERSEERS said company. 5. We would recommend your honorable body to {m\m the said cmnr.ny the right to erect poles and wires upon such highways as they may require for their Kurposeu but to be subiuct to such stipulaâ€" tions as the council may think necessary in the 6. We also beg to s\uigett that a clause be placed in said lfreemem that in case of the incorporation of any of the villages now in your township at any future time such village or villages shall have the benefit of such arrangements as shall be made by your honorable body with the said company in regard to the use of said power. 4. As to the price over and above the privileges asked we suggest that your honorable body shall fAix th(;‘rricu to be asked therefor, which may be arranged between your honorable body and the 7. Wefurther beg to suggest that your honorâ€" able body be legally advised in any action taken in regard to this matter. 3. That the said eomrany shall commence the development of the said power within one year from the time the said agreement is effected, and shall have the said piant in operation and supply case the said company do not have the same in full operation within the said time the said street and falls shall revert back to the said municipality, as ifthe same had never been sold or leased to the said company. shall have the said piant in operation and su;(?uly power within two years from said time, and in From Special Correspondents in the Field. The Russoâ€"Japan conflict has comâ€" menced in earnest, and that part of the world is now the centre of interest, shall have the first right to the said power. . Street lightning not to exceed $10 per year per 32 canale power, all night service. R 2. That for Powex purgoses the inhabitants of pour municipality shall have the first right to be served, and at a reduction of say at least twenty per cent less than shall be supplied to outsiders. In order that our readers may be kept in the closest touch with the situaton we have made special arrangements whereby they cau bhave The Weekly Globe for the year 1904 on specially liberal terms, The Globe, with its usual enterprise, has made arrangements with The Lonâ€" don Times whereby it is able to publish simultaneously the reports sent direct from the scene of action. _ ‘The Times, London, England, has established its reputation as being the greatest and most reliable newsâ€"gatherer in the world, and our readers can have full benefit of its excellent staff of corresâ€" Qundvnt,s by reading The Daily or The Neekly Globe. The Globe has the exclusive control of this service in Canada, and these reports will not appear in their original form in any other Canadian publication. A summarized report with every item of interest will be especially written for The Weekly Globe, enabling readers to gain a thorough knowledge of the situation without the trouble of reading columns of contradictory and confusing re}mrtsx, Wep l l MWT Te PUL LC GeFHN Sm SHLctsh ces hrst The Weekly Globe, with its illustrated section and many interesiing features, is now one Of the cleanest and brightest newspapers in America, and we are pleased to be able to announce that the arrangement juast completed will enable subscribers to secure it for this year at a special price, For SAL®.â€"1 yr old Bult rising 2 yre, 2 Bull Calyes, oerkshire Boar and Sow FOR sALE & for SERV ICBE i’lgs all registered Pedigreed, For SERvICE.â€"1 Berkshire and 1 York Boar also Durham Bull. Terims. $1.00. Durham Bull Calvesâ€"grandsons o. Prince Oruickshank (imp), and Yorkâ€" shire Pigs from imported stock. THos. Scarr & Soxs, Rocky Sungeen MA oi FOR SALE & for SERVICE The undersigned have for sale, 2 bulls rising 2 years old and 3 bull calves risâ€" ing 1 year old. _ Also a pureâ€"bred Tamâ€" worth Boar for service, â€" Terms, $1.00, A. & J. Srauey. Lots 23 & 24, 8. D. R. (Gilenelg. Hotel and Farm Property on Durâ€" ham Road, Tp of Glenelg, 4 milesâ€"from Durbam. â€" Good Stock Farm containing 9004 acres,. _ All well watered. _ Will be sold or rented between now and May 1st. Apply to Gro. Rvyax, Durham, or at RevieEw OFFICE All of which is respectfully submitted.â€"â€"Advance PURE BRED DURHAM‘S FOR SALE. Young Bulls, Heifers and Cows, Terms easy. _ Verschoyle (Imported) at Head of Herd. _____ s Lot 10 Con. 22, Township Egremont. County Grey, containing 120 acres. For full particulars apply to Staff and Equipment. The $chool is equipped for full Junior Leaving and Matriculation work, under the following Stafi of Competent Teachers for that Department : THOS. ALLAN, Principal. MISS L. M. FORFAR, Classics and Moderns. Intending Students should enter at beginu: of terim, or as soon after as possible. ing is Co in t n FEES: $1.0) per month | ; i \ Wiin dohnston, :. C.â€"Ramage, . | : 9# Kon WQWW Chairman. Secretary . ] ; Â¥% Apply to Jxo ECKHARDT Runessan FIOUT..2.06 606 «es e sesg e« 66# OAtMEAI....... .cc .06 000648 WDORb.. . ..csssrarsecrerses PCRS.......ccarccccrrre 666668 BAFIOY ... .cc cce ce ce e6. 6k OUUS..ccecscarerccs cessenste TLMUODNS..crcccesrressarerrer Dressed Hogs, per ewt Hogs, Live weight..... Tutter, fresh roll per 1b Buiter, Tub.............. PUREâ€"BRED STOCK FOR SALE. BEQGg8... cce c0 060068 Hides, per Cwt.......... Calfakins, per lb........ She@DPBKIOS... .26 00e k66 606 VY OUU4ceee ces cecace n se 8 se 8 DUTKGYBece k66 e es esc ce 66# F[HY1ssarererterserssrte8 Beei, per cw! Wo"d........... FOR SALE O RENT. Potatoes, per bag....... Durham Scnool PDURHAM MARKETS. THE GLOBE‘S WAR NEWS. FTARM FPOR SALE. pavinp McK®iv®Ey, Thistle P. 0 H. ParkER, Durham. 2 N0 2 35 8O 1 o0 G oo 40 3o 15 15 20 10 55 THE UUKHAM : REVIEWV 2 35 Yo 40 So 3 50 16 16 22 40 00 00 13 55 And Cattle Food American Horse We can Recommend Louse Killet A STOCK FOOD We have Ty$ ! 3F _ PAE MacFariane & Go. Drogsists & Booksellers. Durnam, Ont. N., G. &J. McKechnie 3 not think there is its equal on the market. It aids digestion and enâ€" sures the very best reâ€" sults to be got out of the feed. It makes bone, muscle and flesh and puts animals that are ‘off color‘ in prime condition. Horses get sleek coated and spirited, cows give more and better quality of milk, hogs fatten quicker and lambs develop better if fed on the Food. N.; G. & J. McKechnie Now is the time of year you should start and get your stock into shape. We believe there is nothâ€" ing bettc: for Horses, Catâ€" tle, Sheep and Pigs, than We have seen it used with the best of results and do 6 1b. for 25 cents. Destroys all parasitic and insect lifc on stock and poultry without any inâ€" jury to the animals. Easy applied & always effectual 3 cans Salmon .. 10 lbs Sulphur... ave 300 Calendars left which were snowbound. Thev are small but better than none. Cali and get one. 4} lbs Black Tea, regalar 30c¢, for. ... .. 8 Ibs RAISINS... ... .. .avkarlskssss +. 3 lbs Currants...... ts 6 lbs Figs. ... 3 lbs Seeded Raisins. ... 8â€"Cc&n8 COIH.........iaxkss.}s4a..ss 3 cans Peas..... 2 cans Tomatoes A beautitul line of Lace Curtains at all prices. A full line of Carpets with prices to suit. Fresh Groceries : (The popular Cash Store.) ONTARIO ARC f TORONTO Lace Curtains. Carpets. TYeguIal uUU, 10L +A s + ++ ++APAAXVO s * s +# is y y t‘ won oo o 19 is Teve i is‘ sixin a * moondl sings. .. â€" s is a d s Rey w B :Ar%s 20 i «* ‘w : * * x 0 ! Lots 16, on the 17th and 18 Coancessions, |in â€" the _ Township of _ Egremont. 200 acres. 150 acres under good state of ed. â€" Comfortable buildings. Terms reaâ€" sonable, â€"Apply to the proprietor, Joux McDoxaup. 100 Acres, Lot 36. 20d Con., N. D. R., Glenelg, 15 acres fit for cultivation, the reat barawood bush. _ Also Lot 36, Con. 8, N. D. R., 25 acres clear, the rest hardâ€" wood bush. The Saugeen River runs through both. â€" For further particulars send or apply to Lots 14, 15 and 17, 8. D. R. Township ?lenelfi cgmuming 15l0 acres. 4 miles J G' HUTTON! u D'- c- u- rom Durham, school opposite gate, Post Office 4 mile. Farm fiu good shape, | . MewberCollege Fbysiciens and Surgeons all s:%detti down excepamc':-:s nn‘g lh7n (}fhice and Residence Cor C and is ready for seeding. rn 40 x 70, .Garafraxa and George stone foundation, good stabling, impleâ€" ; St., ut Soot of HAL, . Old Movdic‘Corner. ment shed and a good beick house. Fotr | OFFICE HOURS further information apply to Proprietor, | 9â€"11 a. m. 2â€"4 p. m. 7â€"9 p. m. Lot No. 20 and 21, Con. 3, N. D, R., Glenelg, containing 100 acres more or less. 80 acres fit for machimmery, land in good state of cultivation. . Water on both 50‘s. G&miles from Durham, conâ€" venient to Church and Post Office. 4 acres in Fall wheat, 24 acres fall ploughâ€" Bunessan P. O., Nov. 24, 03. The well known Taylor farm at Droâ€" more, township of Egremont. 350 acres!; good state of cultivation ; well watered ; good buildings ; convenient to post ofâ€" fice, church and school. Apply i0 Valuable Property situated on North Side, Lambton St. first place outside the Town of Durham. â€" Evergthing in firstâ€"class shape, good new brick house, good bank barn, and 11 acres firstâ€"class land. â€" Large orchard set out last spring with every good kind of frut. A firstâ€" class place for anybody. Apply to FTARM for SALE or RENT. The undersigned offers for sale lots 46 and 47, Con.3, 8. D. R., Bentinck, conâ€" taining 162 acres, 150 acres in a good state of cultiyation, 12 acres bush,. Good buildings and firstâ€"class orchard. Well watered. 8nly six miles from Durham. Also a hay press for sale, cultivation. _ Well watered. _ Convenâ€" rent to Church, School and Post Office. Adjoining Dromore. . Good buildings. For terms, &¢ apply to The undersigned has for sale, ready to use, (5) fiye thorobred Tamwor th Boars. Price reasonable. _ in sk ! LV l y o ._â€" MIRNRY ALRXANDEK Lot 9, Con. 2, W. G. R., Bentinck. YOUNG TAMWORTH BOARS FOR SALE. FTARMS FOR SALE. FARM FPOR SAuC. FARM FOR SALE. FTPARM TO RENT. KEELER, The Jeweller, Durham. THos. McCoxs. Bunessan P. O AkKRM FOR SALE. Mrs., TA v1roRr, Dromore, Ont. FOR SALE. Mary MclxtyRE, Markdale. Mars. TAvLOR, Dromore, Ont AuEx. Brogss, Prop. $1,.00 . . 25¢ .« 200 . . 205C . . 250C . . 205C . .250 . . 25¢ . . 25¢ . . 225C L. R.C. P., London, England Graduate of London,, New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. E#i"Will be at Enapp House, Durham, the 2nd Saturday in each month. lfouu. 1â€"6 p .m."@®A Office, 13 Frost St, Owen Sound, Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the ?m Wednesday of each month from 10 a. m. till p. m. #2. SPECIALIST EYE, KAR, THROAT & NOBE, AMBIDLALGGpprrmm... ... EXCLUSIVELY. B# W. C, PICKERING D. DS., L. D.S. \ / the Du nam Pharmacy Calder‘: Block. â€" Residence first door west of tne old Post Office, Durham. HOoNOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Office. Officeâ€"â€"LOWER 10OWN. DURHAN. 9â€"11 a. m. 2â€"4 p. m. 7â€"9 p. Telephone Connection No. 10 nd Wills, Deeds, Mortgage®, louses, Agreements &e, correctly prepared, Estates of deceased rw soms louked after and Exeeuto‘i"u and :‘u ?:-‘ trators‘ Accounts prepared an Ynu«l urrog Court Business, Probate of Wills, Letters of Adâ€" wate assistant to the Royal London Ophfifinn ospital, England, and the Golden Bquare Nose uqun. BUBINOBB, P PODWWUE ©P NTAE AADUIDTC MC PUDC minstration m& Guardianship Obtained, gearâ€" chas wade in Registry Ofice und Titles reported Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to Loan. Oflice. MclIntyre Block, over the Bank. A. G. MacKay: K. Câ€" W. F Dunn Office over McLachian‘s Steore LÂ¥ 1 8 to 10 a.M. ARTHUR GUN, M. D., Dr. T. G. KHOLT L. D. S. Collections and Agency promptly attended to Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &c. Money to Loan. (\filice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store. A@~ Special attention given to Diseases of Women and Children. Notary Public, Commissioner, Convey ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent, &e: Private Money to Loan,. Collecâ€" tions of all kinds promptly atten ded to. Farms bough: and sold FFICE FIR8ST DOOR EAST CF JOHN CLARK + D. Mc Office. Purham, Nov. 16, ‘03. NOATRY PUBLIC â€"CONYEYANCER, dC. This"deservedly popular system by means ol Chart Drilis, Blmkbous Diagrams and other interâ€" esting devices brings the following topies within the child‘s immediate comprehension. Musical Notation Rhythmic Motion Piano Work Keyâ€"board Location Musical History â€" Technique For terms apply*to Miss Margaret Gun, Teacher, M.M,M. ME TD TO.A.TIL. DR GEO. S. BURT. G. LEFROY McCAUL. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey, Terms moderate. nts for sales as to dates, &c., must m the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham, & Correspondence wddressed dere orto Hopeville P. O., will be promptly attended to, renu on application to Ds IAT T.A BARRISTER, S0OICITOR,* Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Licensed Auctioneer for the Co, of Grey, Sales g:'mpcly muttended to. _ kates reasonable, ers may be left at his Implement Wareâ€" rooms, McKinnon‘s old stand, or at the Revi®w ffice. McKenzie‘s Old Stand, Dnrham A.i1ctioncers. Adopted by al! leading Schools in Toronto. This"deservedly popular system by means of NOURS : or to Myer‘s Music Method. wl eecend 4 ie . DR. BROWN, ° J. P. TELFORD ME TT SILC. D. McPHAIL, Hopeville 2. 0. ‘ C. RAMAGE, Daurbham . H. JACKSON, PHAIL _# Moderate

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