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Durham Review (1897), 17 Mar 1904, p. 8

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§ i § | EN § | ‘THE PEOPLES SToRE: §MEEE§QREE®E a# QEEEEEEEE‘@ a These must be disposed of to make 3 large quantities of Spring Goods no _ REMOVED ! ! We are now comfortably established in our new premises, south of the Middaugh House, lately used as a Flour and Feed Store by Mr. A. S. Hunter. Phone THE STAR GROCERY STORE 2 Oe CC y CNeAmkt Ckkit,, wo ie 0y preparing for an enormous Spring Trade and are giving great Bargains in all Lines of Winter Goods to clear, Having become settled e expect a carload of Spring Groceries just as soon as the Grand Trunk can get through. We are buying highâ€"class goods and do not hesitate to say we shall have the best stock of Groceries and Confectionery in Durham. N. P. McINTYRE, Buy your Groceries from Prove this statement and Goods delivered to any part of town, | [ & [ & I [ § Mr. Coriett, aféer having taken the chair, made a tew brief rema«rks conâ€" cerning the early davs of the ~old neighbrhood ot Welbeck in which Mr Stewart‘s father and muther played a , A very pleasant evening was spent _at the residence of Mr Malcotm St â€"wart on Thursday of last week, tie event being a farewel! surprise party of old neighbors. _ Aiter the asseimbling of nearly all the neighbors within three miles square, the eliest min present in the person of Mr John Corlett, was duly elected chairman and performed the part well. _ There being a nea ly arrauged program things passed off in firs _class order. A Kindly Goodâ€"Bye Mr Thos W.ison is engaged hauling out ties to Darhain. _ Th se were the ones Mr Pust could not get out. Mt â€"Walter Horsburgh is engaged s«kidding logs with his own bimd horse and Mr Spatling‘s blind horse. Mro Horsbargh says driviny one blind horse is one thing but driving two blind horses is driving two things, Next. | C O , aB. O Eâ€"BIOPK OE IGe fur dairy pui': pose for the summer, Mr Jno Turnbull lost a valuable horse one day rast week and another on the sick list now with distemper. All the inhabitants ot Welbect are getting in a three months stock of provisions in case of emergency. I guess it will be in case ot flood. Mr Jas Welch is busy dust from Mr Potter‘s m putting in a stock ut ice pose for the summer, Master Reggie Moon, we are to learn, is recovering from his attack of pneumonia. Mrs George Tuarnbuli, Vickers, spent a week yvisiting her mother, Mrs Mary Hill. Mrs Wm Lake is recovering slowly from her recent illness. Lots of snow ye; more postponed. Assessor Staples, Glenelg, got as far as Priceville on Satuardavy last. _ He says he is all done but the south line. So Jim must be a fast walker as well as talker. Alfred Hincks had a wood bee one afternoon last week and at nright the youngsters enjoyed themselves in amusements of a different nature to a dance. _ Mr Hincks will be moving to our town in a couple uf weeks. We are sorry to report the illness of Miss Jennie James, as she has been bedfast all winter from a complication ’ of ailments. Miss Minnic Melntyre was able to be out to town one day last week after a two months rest with a broken foot. Miss Maggie McKechnie, who spent 1 couple of months amongst friends in this part returned to hber home again in Dakota, a couple of weeks ago. Her brother John. who accompanied her over at New Year‘s, is around here yet actending to matters relating to, his tarm. M Sam McDermid is busy _ brick from Proton, as he inter eering his house next summer _ Our sick people are getting better, \but there are lots complaining yet, but we are naturally a complaining people any way, for ihe firss act performed by us after coming into the world, was to set up a yell of complaint and the ecusâ€" tom has naturally foliowed us up to the present age, when some of us are yet ting hoary with the bitter trosts of the scores of winters that we have experiâ€" enced since our arrival. _ _ Sacrament will be dispensed in the Presbyterian churceh next Sabbath, the 20th inst., at the usual hour. _ Rey Thorn, of Fesherton, will preach on Friday morniug previous at the asual time. _ The ‘nniversary will be held on Sunday, the ?27th ‘inst. â€" wnen Rev Mr Auderson ot Shelburune. will preach. Annual So‘tee on the following Mon day evening. when a good time may be looked for, weather and everything else permilting. Last Sunday was New Year‘s. ‘Lots of ehurch in the morning * _ Wood is a littie more plenteous scarce enough vet. Drover Couk; of Ceyl(;n, bas about 100 hogs feeding since two weeks, on account of the railroad blockade. Our roads are very good at present. No trains into Flesherton yes, but are expected toâ€"day, Monday. aatepap e delves iBart en t Witlsihs dz i in w e BBhk 4 C1A W i44 < we going to do, but wait patient! y for we see already signs of an approaching spring for the crows are fying hither and thither and soon we maysbe lookâ€" ing for a dove to come back with signs of spring in its mouth. nor coal oil inside the corporation, for sale we mean. lt is bad enough to bave to go to bed without supper, without groping in the dark for the bed room. _ Arch Butter says he capn get neither flour nor oil for love or money, so when the barrel of meal and the cruize ot oil is exhausted, what are i PRWOCU : ‘Weâ€"are all here yet, waiting for to | on the be thawed out. We heard an old sayâ€"| Wade, ing, by nonâ€"religionists of couse, that ’ inent [ it was hard to support religion with no | * Zach flour in the house. â€" If that‘s the case it |\ Blue H will be badly kept up in Priceville ; mimic Just at present, as there is neither flour ‘ roars o otf Mr Maleoim St :'x;rc last week, tue event surprise party of old WELBECK. to the Stewarts. THFEF DURHAM REVIEW Lots of people out to PRICEVILLE. T, 0 00 AXCCASROV CHOCE® € 8 taimer and the vim and energy which , we are pleased | characterizes his conversation makes from his recent : him a welcome visitor at all times. | _ The contract of caretaking of the siv baaling saw | Presbyvterian Church has been awardâ€" mll and intends / ed to our estimable citizen, Mr Peter Ice tfor dairy ourâ€" | ‘mirra.._. 0 3. [ cIP C e 5 in 20000 +o 0 as he intends ven and prospects for busy drawing the finest since NTARIO ARCH TORONTO 2. 6k Sm ol . Ts ced o ob eoenmnedc es castonally. (2) linwersion in Blu»stone Solution foo Five Mimmutes.â€"For No2 treatment, a sirOuy solution was mage by dissolyâ€" Ing onue pound of copper S pmore ( Bluesione ) in one gallon of water, and then unme:sing the oats in the solution for a period of five minutes, (4) Sprinkling with bluestone Soluâ€" tionâ€"was â€" made by dwsolving one (1) Iimmersion in Hot Water.â€"For this treatmment. the grain was placed in a bag, which was then immersed in imâ€" mersed in water at about 115 degrees F, Soon af erwards it was placed in watâ€" er which was kept at a temperature between 13# degrees and 135 degrees F _ The grain was occasionally stirred and was allowed to remain in the waer for period of fifteen mnutes, 1 was then spread out on a ciean / floor to dry, where it Was stirred a. . _ Many inquiries have been made by "Umnrm farmers regarding the Lreatâ€" ment of smut in oats, Expertments bave been conducted at the college in order to ascertain the most effectual remedies which can be used for this pest, Two varieties of oats were selected in the spring of 1902 and again in the spring of 1903 and uniform sn les from each vatiety were sllhmitletflo to special treatments with the object of killing the spores of smut adhering to | the grain. _ The various lreutments‘ are as follows : L Lc l s oul . o se mc‘ s [AE e GUOT Tiffany. It panctuality, thoroughness and excogitation count for any thing, Pete will make an exceptionally good jeuitor. but Mrand MrsJ D Hunt and f; of North Dakota, spent a few ple days calling on their many frie this vicinity. In a short time the return to their abode under the and stripes. Mr Mike Montague, who left on day for Chateworth, atter spend month with his manv frienas ; mnuimih zff}, sil C hh affer spending a month with his many friends in the burg and yvicinity is a pleasant enterâ€" Fubnon "ansl kh. ces i L P Al4j 12. . _ 1. __ SAdeOOUu y A regular old " has been," W hen any stranger strikes the town And hears this awiu} bleat He thinks the devil has arrived And owns the town complete. But spring is not far distant now No doubt we all are glad When green grass comes, no more we‘ll f hear * Te voice of Norway Lad. â€"â€"It is with pleasure we welcome back to our midst trom the Queen city Mr Artie Dargavel, who is vet rather feeble from the ill effects of a chronic case of diptheria contracted early in the winter. Artie is a lovial. big hear. ted tellow and we ail wish ftor his ‘ speedy recuperation. - n 1113, â€"if, . _ OV Mavi A&AY From morn till setting sun £ At night the village gets no rest With that starved sonâ€"ofâ€"aâ€"gun, He ate a suit of underwear As it hung upon the line He bawled for moreâ€"; he‘s bawling yet His voice is wondrous fine. This meagre fare has him reduced Till now he‘s gaunt and thin And looks just like â€" wellâ€"somebody A ranerle n xnd beq on t ig wA Treatment For Smut In Oats | _ Mrs. J D Morgan and son, from Dunâ€" | dalk, visited Ceylon this week. } We are sorry to hear of Alex. McLeod | being sick with the measles but hope t see Lim »bout in a few days. Archie MecMutlen who bas been lard up neuralgia for the past few days is able to be about again i ___ An important pastoral from his Lordâ€" t ship Bish ip Dowling was read yesterâ€" dâ€"y in all Catholie churches. It dirâ€" | ects the pastors to introduce the Gregâ€" orian chant, as recently ordsred by ; the noly frther, at as early a date as ‘possible iu the church masic. Bazaars and picnics under the auspices of the | Chareh are forbidden, unless the writâ€" | ten permission of the Bishop is first obâ€" | tained. Public dancing parties, under whatever name, are also striectly forâ€" . bidden. The practice of hayving flowers i at iunerals is to be discontinued. The ’ faithfal are advised to abstain during Lent trom indulgence in intoxicating liquors. DORNOCH. This town can sport a billy goat A voracious goat is he, For when he‘s hungry he will eat The first thing he can see. You hear his bawling voice each d i. T Nit! 1HD WSW j fao ingst â€" 3y 1 3. "", UC DISNOD 18 first obâ€" tained. Public dancing parties, under whatever name, are also strictly forâ€" bidden. The practice of having flower:s at iunerals is to be discontinued. The o tWhiint ul 8t h 2 & _ on the program was a song by Mr. | Wade, Mr. Thos Potter played a promâ€" finent Kan with his recitation namely, | +Zachory, Katherina, and dot olt | Blue Hen."" _ Mr Potter being a good | mimic took off the German well amid _roars of laughter. The program was ‘ a long one and space wont allow detail i but eyery one present had to sing a | song, tell a yarn or take a lot of coaxâ€" ‘ing. All performed their part but H | Alexander, so of sourse he took the | coaxing. _ | A‘ter the program was over the l chairman â€" called upon Mr Donald Etewart, the eldest of the ftumily, for a reply which he did, but that was the most trying part as it referred to his _ happy childhood days and happy days gone by. He thanked them all for the way they had showed their good fteelâ€" ing for the family and trusted that alâ€" though they were going far away thevy | would always have a pleasant rememâ€" , brance of their old neighbors. _ So with many adieus and encouraging words to our departing friends and 3«~ighbors, the party broke up at awn. ' prominent part and were hig bly : pected by all who knew them. _ N . J D Morgan and son, from Dunâ€" visited Ceylon this week. Are sorry to hear of Alex. McLeod sick with the measles but hops Lim «bout in a few days. "l, Sspent a few pleasant on their many friends in In a short time they will oo 98 & . as recently ordsred by her, at as early a date as the church muasic. Bazaais MSe is h e w8 ; ETE CZ regarding the trea(â€" oals. _ Experiments ed at the college in the most effectual ) be used for this pest. its were selected in » S I *4 mm a » CEYLON. was stirred ocâ€" voice each da y and family, i o. | IMPORT | â€"~ sSEEps | Monâ€" Stars (8) Untreated.â€"One sample of oats of each variet‘\l’ was loft untreated in order that the influence of the various treatments might be observed, _ Eight lots of oats of each variety | were, therefore, used for this experi« ment. . After the treatments had been completed a few hours, the oats were ¢ refully sown on â€" separate plots, | When the cats were coming into bhead | they were examined frequently and all smutted heads were removed and careâ€" fully conunted from day to day. _ The The following tnhleefives the toual perce-nmge of smutted heads of oals , from each treatment : T (7) Sprinkling with Diluted Form,.,.! lin.â€"One half pint of formalin was poured into 5 gallons of water, 'l’he, oats were then sprinkled with this soluâ€" tion and carefuily stirred until the| grain was thoroughly moistened, J (6) Immersion in Diluted Formalin (Formaldehyde).â€"The solution of forâ€" malin used for the immetsion process was made lly pOlll‘iflg oneâ€"half pint of the formalin into 21 gallons of water and the seed oats were immersed in the solution for twenty minutes, tmA m o e cve pound of bluestone in 10 gallons of water, which was used for sprinkling over the oats until they were thorcugh. ly moistened â€" after being curefu‘ily stirred, (5) Immersion in Potassium Sulphide Solution.â€"The potassium sulphide treatâ€" ment consisted in soaking t{;e seed for two hours in a solution made hy Aiecal.. Druggist and Seedsman POULTRY sSPICEe STOCK Foops We have been fortunate enough to buy 2500 yards of 36 inch wide Print regulatrly sold at 1 5e and are cheap at that price. _ We will sell them for the next 10 days at 8c.. +â€"This is a Snap you will not get again this season as all Cotâ€" ton Goods have advanced 25 per cent in the last two moanthe BARGAINS IN TORCHON LACES Biggest Snap in Prints at the Sunrise of the Seagon The Alex. Russell . Em _O0 _ Nofi Caag Oyster Shell, Red Albumen Egg Producer, Poultry cure of Cholera, Roup, Canker, &c, Bibby‘s Cream Equivalent Oil Cake and Linseed. Clover and Timothb y Seed. Salt in Barrels and Bags. Land Plaster in Bags, SCOttiSh_ Chief Oal.s. verv nr . PARKER At Russell‘s I2 I 2 12 yard ends, 3¢ yard ; for the end good quality, 60c bush These ARE Snaps 64 66 4C 5e Addressâ€" Lny person baving | the above E-mwe. wil} count of the same wirh, Estate rima ye LUfIDIrNIENHH» £ i4 .0 2 Bluestone (5 minutes) .. , . _ +A*%. > 38 !{ Bluestone (12 bhours) . .. ; | _ r¥‘s .3 4. Bluestone (sprinkled). na*+a~.. o# ‘6. : Potassium Sulphide (2 hours) 17 |6, Formalin (20 minutes}....... . : 7. Formalin (sprinkled), /_ ks .0 18. Untreated.................... 4.7 The smut in Oals y frequent] causes a great reduction lrny t.h:u;ield 0’; 'grn,ia. The treatments with hot water, formalin, and immersion in bluestone | for 12 hours have given the best results \at the college. The formalins is a clear ,liquid. which can he obtained from alâ€" most any drugstore, Tho tracrl. h with tforman. 2C CCC Irugstora _ 7. 010€04 from al, most any drugstore, Tho treatment with ftormalin is easily performed. com.â€" aratively cheap, and | very effectual, E‘armers would do well to treat their oats before sowing in the spring, Ont 279 Seignory, ) yvery productive, medium early and ush.; 5 bushels and upwards, 500 bus, 64 64 Hot Water The best in Treatments «6#4 â€" Agric. College, _ € (sgelph, ¢ FOoOpsSs $it srst Wt 2. Durham tX MARCH 17, 1904 Invoice of Seeds is to hand, shipped per S. S. Loyalist, and will arâ€" rive in a short time. for Calves and Young Pi NOTICE. Montrea), iD din s 44. 9037 wit hout del..y_ K. Grarrrey 64 the market, claim render & A- ZA vm. 25C. Percentage of Crop Smutted, Tonicâ€"A sure two months, Durham against the acn. 8. ts 1gs, es o e e rmmeng . JAAA BEDAR®AAs&. ns # . 2/ Dr ‘ °fi New York‘s VOL. Xxv omm Resmsnr We Ne The E. WEDNE TRIMMEDD 4 JAM MJ Trai As soon as to have ou in and loo they will s but before look at our Goods to ; less than son to an« money at ; MWe‘re ma This is t1 vised and ting read: wurk of ¢ All Wint Rememb Dried O And foll * JP J Dry Ins!

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