West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Mar 1904, p. 4

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W * ® } i# Clark‘s for Cutters ! And all Farm Machinery Co see, to tost. to bo Convinced & o o o 7 ; 9 PL. Plorling, usns 1 J J p ip p k tb io i i h pppipip dpppPLP® @xford Gream â€" eparators oi i T T ts o Pie a Parling‘s Drug Btore # JUUST ARRIVED PER EXPRESS THE LATEST STYLES IN Hand Satchels, Wrist Bags, Wallets, Purses & Pocket Books. NEW GOCDS AT NEW PRICES Fancy Combs, Pins,. Retainers, Pomps & Stickers, the latest in the market. B J. L. Worlock. & Paris and Yew York Pattern Hats and Ronnets, Williner_y 9/000/!1'9:, Jaitors and PReadyâ€"toâ€"wear Hats. On Wednesday, UGhursday, and JSaturday, HJarch 30, 37 and HApril 2, OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT . That there is no better place in the County to buy Deering Machinery, Democrats, Buggies of Palâ€" merston and London makes, The Great Prize Winâ€" ner Cresm Separator Road Carts, Cooking Stoves, Raymond Sewing Machines, Waggons : Stowbail, Chatham and Walkerville; Wilkinson Ploughs and repairs ; Churns, Harness, Knife Grinders, &c. dpring Opening We will submitffor yourfinspection a most complete rarge of highclass ::{C}Zn gffiiflgos&cng {Igent 30 ITARMERS near Durkam who are now using this machine all say that it is the best skimmer, easiest to turn, easiest to clean, makes less noise and is the best finâ€" ished Separator on the market. Cash and One Price. We respectfully solicit a visit of inspection. ]fTade in Durham. John Clark I9O4F See them and have one for the coming season. IThe Deople‘s a month. _ He was yisiting friends preâ€" paratory to leaying this week with Mrs. Horsburgh, for Carnduff, Assiniboia, where a brother of Mr. H.‘s is located. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Horsâ€" burgh will wish them much success in the West. Mr. W. 8. Horsburgh, late of Mt. For. est, came to rown on Saturday, on the first passenger train to avrrive for about Mr. J, L. Browne has bought a couple of studios at Hawkeshbury and at Vanâ€" leek Hill, places about 10 miles upart, and expects to move in the near future. His son Willie is coming home shortly to assist in imoving and will take charge of one of the studios. Mr. Brongheest. of Southern Mamâ€" toba, who has been amongst Glenelg friends for a month or two, returns this week,. _ His mother was a sister of Neil and Alex. Livingstone and of Mrs. Stonehouse, Durham Road. Saugeen Presbytery meetsin Mt. Fotrâ€" est, toâ€"day, Tuesday, Rev. Mr. Farqu. barson and Mr. C. L. Grant tried the morning train, but not being assured of getting through they hitched horse and drove to the meeting. Mr. Thos, Petty and family, Varney, movyed Saturday into the Cameron resiâ€" dence near Blackburn‘s corner, which he purchased recently, We welcome them to town and to our citzenship. Miss Sweet, Exeter, is again in charge of Mr. Morlock‘s Millinery establishâ€" ment. _ Repeated engagements prove that Miss 8. must be pleasing Mr. Morâ€" lock and his customers. Mrs. Stonenouse, having received a telegram from her daughter in Maniâ€" toba,. who is ill, left by way of Fiesherâ€" ton last week, after several attempts by G. T. R. had failed. Messrs Douglas Munro and Allan Bell secured passage away from here by Hanover last Wednesday, _ The former en route for Winnipeg, the latter for Toronto. Misses Bessie Brown and Hazel ioâ€" Gregor made a start on Monday tor Park hill, Miss McGregor‘s home, but bhad to return,. _ They Jeft Wednesday morning. Miss May Williamson arrived at her home here from Galt on Saturday last. after an extended visit with ber relaâ€" tives, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Benton. Mrs, Jas,. Lander and daughter, Mre. Webster, of Toronto, were amongst the blockaded travellers at Palmerston and arrived on Saturday last. Miss Ella Robertson came home on Saturday from Hamilton, haying endur~ ed the blockade for a day or two at Palâ€" m erston and Mt. Forest. * Mr, Angus Cameren left this Wednesâ€" day morning, for Bottineau, and we trust will now have clear passage and a s uccessful summer. Miss Pfeiffer, sister of Mrs. Burgman, who has been visiting here, left Tuesday. but came back again. _ Her home is in New Hamburg. Mrs, Robt, Watson, (of Rainy River) was a guest last week at the REvieEw oftice and with her sisterâ€"inâ€"daw, Mrs. Gadd in town,. Mr, A. Binnie was a delegate to the Grand Lodge of A. 0. U. W. in Toronto last week. A propsal to admit women was accepted. Mrs, T. Noble. accompanied by her daughter Sadie and son Arthur, left Wednesday to take up their residence in Toronto. Miss King, Music teacher, has been appointed to teach music in Mt. Forest Public School at a salary of $50 per annum. Dr. Gun was in Stratford this week on professional duty, and came home by way of Hanover, Tuesday evening. Mr, McArtbur, brother of Mrs. Jno Nichol, left Wednesday for Walkerton and there took train for the West. Mr. H. H. Miller, the Liberal candi date, passed through town on Tueaday, Mrs. Cope came home on Saturday after spending a few months with friends in Guelph and Fergus, Miss Cain, who has been visiting at Mrs, Gada‘s the last two weeks, left Wednesday morning for Michigan. Miss Scbwenk and neice Allene Ehrhardt left Wednesday morning for Handusky, Ohio. Dr. Jamicson left Wednesday :o atâ€" tend his Parliamentary duties. PERSONAL MENTION. THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO J. P. TerFrorp. Solicitor for the executore, Dated this 3rd day of March A. D. 1904 their names, addresses. and descriptions, and a full statement of particulars of their claims, and the nature of the sec. urity (if any) held by them, duly certiâ€" fled ; and that after the said day, the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased, among the parâ€" ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. «In the Surrogate Court of the County Grey. _ In the matter of the Estate of Alexander Stewart, late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Baptist Minister, deceased, Totice is hereby given pursuant to R. h 8. 0., 1897, Cap., 129, Sec. 38 and amending Acts, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Alexander Stewart, who .died ou or about the 22nd day of February A. D. 1904, are required to send by post preâ€" paid, or to deliver to J. P. Telford of the Town of Durham,. solicitor for the executors, on or before the } 25th day of March A. D., 1904 MorRisoxâ€"In Glenelg, on Feb. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Morrison, a son. 3. Provides after the cost of adâ€" ministering this system of assessment is taken ont, for the division of the revenue so raised between the Proâ€" virce and the municipalitieeâ€"15 per cent. to the former and 85 per cent. to the latter. 2. Provides for the levying of a tax upon this assessed value, accordâ€" ing to the average rate of imunicipal taxation in the Province. "1. Thecreation of a Provincial Assessment Board which shall assess the entire property ofall railways in the Province at its actual yalue as railway property. This measure, now beforethe Legisâ€" lature deals with the taxation of railâ€" roads in Ontario on a basis much fairer than at present exists. The glaring difference between American and Canâ€" adian practice in this respect has openâ€" ed the evyes of the country, and the Legislature would do a popular thing if it sarried the Pettypiece Bill whicn involves three things: â€"The British House of Cormmons by a majority ot 33 bhave supported the Balfour government in not disallowing the measure admitting Chinese la bor to the Transvaal. _ ‘The terms of their admission are little, it any, short of slayery and is in strange contrast to Canada‘s poll tax of £500 to keep themm out. _ First thing we know some Canadian employers of labor will want to have them bonded here. & The exâ€" cuse in the Transvaal is the extreme financial depression. «â€"Notice of a bill to prohibit the importation, manufacture and sale of cigarets was introduced into the Dominion House on Monday by Mr McLaren of Huntingdon and seconded by Mr Richardson of South Grey. dfeat the government. On the outside this looks fair enough till it is known there is a rule, unwritten it may be, not to introduce contentious subjects on Friday when many members wish to leave for their homes, consequently the whips are not vigilant to muster their full force. Dr Willoughby, the Conâ€" servative ‘whip, was no party to Dr Nesbitt‘s move, which failed of course, for there were speakers enough to fill up the time till adjournment with 10 minute speeches Next day when there was no chance for his sharp tacâ€" tics, his motion vanished, and the isiands on Lake Temagami, which caused the trouble, were lett in peace Dr Nesbitt sacrificed his principles rather than press his party to another defeat. â€"â€"Some very plain talking is being done at present looking towards a union of Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational bodies, and by promiâ€" nent lights of the three denominations. The great benefit noticeable by harâ€" movious workinrg in new mission fields, where duplication of services is avoidâ€" ed as munch as possible. is leading many to think the same principle wou‘!d work wonders in older districte. Union would necessitate the placing of less emphasis on externals and more on the inner life, something few will say is nout desirable. â€"There was some excitement in the Legislature on Friday last. _ Dr Beatâ€" tie Nesbitt finding there was a majori ty of Conservatives present introduced a contentious subject and was desirous of pressing it to a vote in order to â€"Canada is to have long range gans for her batteriesâ€"ordered from Engâ€" land and ot a type just adopted by the war office. **Without a rival in Enarope, ‘‘ 18gâ€"pounders, with an excepâ€" tional range. Like a boy with a new popâ€"gun we luook around and wonder where we‘ll use them. Possibly, as the boy sometimes does. we may get into trouble with them. â€"The Fishery Authorities of the Province and of the Dominion, have been putting their heads together and the result otf the conmfab will be seen in new regulations which greacly shorten open seasons and places other limitaâ€" tions. For instance no more than 20 specklea trout can be taken in one day. Provincial overseers are to be clothed with Dominion authority and the minimum fine for infractions will be increased from $1 to $10.00. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. TOPICS OF THE WEEK . THE PETTYPIEQE BILL. BORN + ++ The Best Quality cheaper than ever, UndertaRing prvmptly atâ€" tended to MODEL BAKERY, LOWER TOWXN department of our establishment. LASTLY, our prices are absolutel yfair, f Give us a call and see 10r yourself. A . fArst . class line,. of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe‘s store. FU RNITURE Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY. cleanliness reigns in every FIRST of all, we use only the finest And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every,.desirable variety of pastry. 1t suits To aT] / Leading Jeweler, Silver Medal on view Wiudow, April 1: 10 ine pupii, resident in South Grey, taking the highest marks at each examination centre, for the same examinations, we will give a To thq pupil, resident in THE BUSY STORE To the pupil, resident in South Grey, taking the highest marks in the Inspectorate at the Enâ€" trance Examinations in June next, we will give a SILVER MEDAL, VAL.gG Jake Kress GOOD REASONS: G. HL. STINSON. SILVER MEDAL CONTEST GORDON, TRE JMELR WEDDING PRESENTS Now is the time to buy Wedâ€" ding Presents, ag. We are continuing â€" Our Silverware Sale. _ Among the special articles offered are Bascuit Jars, Fern Dishes, Cake Dishâ€" es, Berry Dishes, Butter Dishes, Berry S[i\oono. rie Knives, Butter Kn ves, Cructs, Salt and Pepper Bottles. TABLE CUTLERY $ We have a fine display of Table Cutlery, and our sfie- cial for this week is IXL Table and Desert Knives, at ;;ricen never before heard of. he quality of these goods are known by the majority of people. FANCY LAMPS . Our Assortment of Fancy Lamps cannct be equalled any where and, there is no more suitable Wedding Preâ€" sent than a nice Lamp. Priâ€" ces low. FANCY BASKETS You should examine our Stock of Baskets. _ We excel in Fancy Work Baskets. CROCKERY MENDER Have you heard of our Crockâ€" ery Mender. Secure a Bottle JAKE KRESS s TEAITSOLINTS A. GORODON, BRONZE MEDAL at once. Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. WEDDING â€" CAKES . BLACK. FOR ‘" view on our April 15th. 1 â€"â€" _ Durham BARCLAYâ€" & BELL Call and Also Foudhope @utters Now that you have a Tudhope Buggy get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the swine The Spring has come and the Summer has gone and so has nearl y two carloads of Tudhope Buggies and the place Which was once so filled to overflowing with those rigs is now being filled up with over a carload of the famous %mplemenfis 77 We are at the shop at the bridge evâ€" ery Wednesday and Saturday,. Orâ€" ders or enquiries left at C. McArthut‘s store, or at the REvirEw Orric®, will receive our best attention. Since we started business in Durham, and we now take this opportunity of thanking the people of Durham and surrcunding country for the liberal share of patronage they have bestowed upon us, and will try to merit a conâ€" tinuance 0 the same by attending as ;;);i;l'y. doing as neatly and cheaply as possible, any work given us. Just One Year Full Lines of these wellâ€"known and reliable goods. Chatham Cutters REMEMBER THE PLACEâ€"Next D. Campbell‘s Implement Warehouse. Your Spring Trade is Ours, f because PEEL, une swoeman A MARKED FACT MAL Of all kinds, Examine our TUR NIP PULPERS ; they are the best on the market ; â€" also out CHURNS & WHEELRA RPpAwc We have a line of Gents‘ Pat. Leather Bals in American and Canadian makes. They are beauâ€" ties. Call and seethem. . »@r‘ TERMSâ€"CASH. e GRAY‘S make ; Comtortalte and Stylish, and at prices i0 suit als purses, Our Prices are the Lowest, and Our Values are the Highest, 'u/pez 9, Churns, de. Show Rooms daugh Stables OUR STORE is crowded from u? to bottom with Boots, Shoes Slippers, Rubbers, &c., for Ladies, Gents, Misses, Boys Maxwel! JJf achinery and Children. * t oter Hamilton __ HAgene ry. SMarn Organs are good in every respect Also see our famous MARCH . Mcllraith WHEELBARROWsS opposite Mid. , Lambton St. oA thaus our The Han C. A. FLEMING, Principa savings hank deposits of & wards _ Prompt attention facility «afforded custome dista ce, J KELLY, NEW LIS" 0F TWEEDS & Y Groceries, & Shoos We can & A general Banking busines Drafts issued and collectic all points,. Deposits receiv est allowed «t ccrrent rates SAVINGS BAaN« If you wish to huy or sell 3 row imoney," insure a prp writings drawn oncollect d« * Always Prompt, Never »a*" We ask Transacting Business AGENTS in all prci Ontario, Quebec, Mam States and England, CAPTITAL, Authorize CAPITAi, Paid up . RESERVE FUXND . 150 Acres 1 Aore Besides DURMWAM AGE 100 Acres 100 Acres STAWOARD BAKK | 105 Acres Golid Band, 7 pie * _ 4 hie The following Sets of COut Glass wirn around top, (Gol will not wash off for Wedding Pre Heary all w BIC 4 S. SGQ Spring Ter: MARCH 24 Â¥you will hasten reco, Ing one of Ayor‘s Pills H. H. l0ce Crystal J The Hanover Con 7 NORTHERN It is impossi! without some To simplify s them profital Business Ed1 on a Coughs, All 4 € size wi w, H. BE Cherry Pectoral, own doctor if this He uses it. He u why it soothes and * I had a rerrible cough toy m‘.â€"...?}:’t’ '.’m"l ramia LC L _LCCC7 7 Povoral botte tâ€".ludy cured me." M mss . ":," Daxroare, 8 For hard colds, | asthma, and coug kinds, you cannot thing better tha w d w1 Head Office, To H. H. MILL Best purs W. F. COWAN, Pre GEO. P. REID, Mar ds SELTS ()} Cher P ecto Drv Goof begins Ap 08 = ce Wa Tai @0 e0 Â¥ w +C w H for CALD heax 11.

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