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Durham Review (1897), 7 Apr 1904, p. 8

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Pn ie iitin in h encrnegure o h ghde n oogaon bos en sarains py < Call in and ask to see our and prices. It will pa .7; C# 3 CODA J P ipenanonememanfnammnemenmeas on apeaprrryrrnn THE STAR GROCERY STORE lAlWiAhNaaiaba aiiahah iNA iNa ahiibbatitibihdiL] Ye Ken Verra Weel % THE PEOPLES STORE] Our Clothing First Way‘s Muifflers, Scarts, Heavy Sox, Winter Caps, Gloves and Mitts. Big Snaps on all of them. For Fancy Dress Shirts and Nobby Ties, we lead. Our Stockiis new and up toâ€"date. Our Underwear So are we, and in our fine nex Store, south of the Middaugh House, where we have lots of room for display. No trouble to show goods, Come in and see them anyway whetâ€" her you buy or not. Since the tracks were cleared, we have been receiving large shipments of Dry Goods, Readyâ€"Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots aud Shoes, For Spring Wear _ Come early while there is a wide selection to choose from. ROBT. BURNET. Rush in Your BUTTER & EGGS, Mighest prices paid There is only one way to do it ard we have adopted that way, viz: To put the prices down to temptation point, even below cost. That this weather is not conductive for business Still, although it has its drawbacks, one thing remains and that is that we are more than anâ€" xious to clear our Store of Winter Goods. All wool different weights & fleeced lined, 75¢ to $2.25 a sui t Top Shirts, Heavy and Light,...............40¢ to $1.10 Only a tew MEN‘S OVERCOATS left, prices. . .$6.50 to $8.00 BOY‘S OVERCOATS, prices from............ 3.98 to 6.95 MENS READY TAILORED SUITS from. .....4.25 to 13.98 We expect a carload of Spring Groceries just as soon as the Grand Trunk can gef through. We are buying highâ€"class goods and do not hesitate to say we shall have the best stock of Groceries and Confectionery in Durham. WE‘RE READY FOR YOU N. P. McINTYRE. EASTER IS HERE! These are big snaps and cannot be procured again. Prove this statement and Buy your Groceries from Ereshest Groceries in abundance eEA Goods delivered to any part of town. | H Johnston hus returned from an exâ€" ’ tended yisit to Monut Forest, Port Hurâ€" | on aud other places. ‘ Geo Legate is visiting friends in this vicinity after haying spent a year near ‘ Gcorgetown. We are sorry to say that Mr Jas Mightcn is seriously ill and that there is little hope ot his recovery. An unousual anvd what might have been & serions accidlent occurred to Ella, the little daughter of Mr and Mrs Wm Legate. Her hand was struck with the axe. causing an usly gash. _ Aunâ€" operaâ€" tion was performed by Dr Gun and at present she is recovering nicely. . We hope soon to hear of her being well Again. _ qiX hok s 1i k Jos Edmonds left Tueslay to «spend the summer in the West. Ho leayes bis farm in charge oi Chris Sumpton. Miss Jenanie Wileon, of Darham, spent a fortnight at Thos Reay‘s and other friends in the neighbcrhood. We are sorry to hear that the little daughter of Mr and Mrs Jas Liviogston bas au attack of bronchitis. but we hope to hbhear of her rapid recoyery. _C F Lawrence. who is attepding Mt Forest High School is Lolidaying at his home here. Thos Turnbauall. of Huntsville, Muskok«. speot a few days witi> his paremts Mr aod xrs Geo ‘Tarnbuli. returningy sgain to the same place on Tnesday. Wedding bells have been ringing. Last Wednesday witnessed three unions in the holy bonds of matrimony. _ xiss Bertha Edmonds was imarried to Mr A Bartman of Allan Park, xiss Lioa anghâ€" ton to xr Geo Mervin. Miss Satrah Hopâ€" kina to ar Jas Redford of Lamtlash. We extend our heartieet congratul«tions. Miss Ellen Puatherbough left for Lonâ€" don. Spring is a much welcomed season, especially after such a stormy winter. This being Easter there are a number of visitors coming and going in our yvicinity. Among these are : Our estimable teacher. Miss Davidson. is visiting Q. Sound relatives and friends. 1 McCormack, Principal Dixie Public Schoo!l. yisit:ng his parents hore. Angus MceCormack left for Chicago Monday. e Miss M Filetcher is visiting with her sister Mrs McKinnon, Rocky. Argus McCormack. Glenroaden. visited at Alex McCormack‘s, Saturday evening. W Quinn & Co., are busy again in their saw mill #o we can bear the six o‘clock whistle. Sarabh Caswell is visiting her parents for a tew days. Miss Fodie MeKinnon. of Durbam, visited with her cousin Miss Sarah Mceâ€" Cormick for a week. We are glad to report Mrs Lanughâ€" ton‘s improved condition after a few days confinement to her room. Miss Martha Hornsby is stili keeping abous her usual, not much improveâ€" ment noted, bus experiencing occasionâ€" al bright spells. A successful wood bee was held on Tuesday last. _ The turnout of 26 stalâ€" wart sawvers amplv attests the popuâ€" larity of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Jr., at whose place it was held, the usual hop was had sfter. Neil Mchean visited Bunessan friends recently. We are indebted to Mr Wm R Bone in receiving this week from him a large and handsome map of Manitoba together with valuable information reâ€" garding cheap homesteads. fine views of Winnipeg, &e., &c., he has our warmest thanks. _ We have handed them ovyer to our local post office (Thistle) for use to the general public. The above named gentleman, who has made a comfortable home for himself and family in Minnosota, is able to come home every few yearsand renew old acquaintances. _ On this occasion although the weather and roads have been the worst experienced for years he, wife and little daughter have been able to get around and pay his numerâ€" ous friends a yisit. They ieft r0or home on the first C. P. R. train from Ceylon, after the blockade. _ He says we need say nothing of the blizzards of the States atter our experience this winter. The sale at John Laughton‘s on tke 16th passed off tairly successful. _ The stock was in excellent trim. and naâ€" turally commanded high prices. _ Jno is giving up farming for the time being at least, and devoting his attention to the mercantile business for which he has a natural aptitude, as well as beâ€" ing popular with the public. Mr and Mrs Wm Tucker have been paying Toronto friends a visit for this last month and returned on Monday last. _ This well deserved outing is something new for Wm. Who wouldâ€" n‘t have a wife? They have experiâ€" enced a fine time among new friends. Mr Abie Jones lately paid a visit to his grandparents, Mr Hornsby, and other Egremont friends. He continues the picture of perfect health and amply demonstrates the fact that steady work is not derogative to good health. There is scarcely any occasion for a young man lving idle most of the winâ€" ter, as we see sometimes, in this woodâ€" en country of ours, if he hasonly the "list and elbow grease‘‘ to put it in ractice, and turn his band to any Eonorable calling as Abie does. Mr and Mrs Chas Cuttrass left on Monday of this week for Winnipeg after a lengthened stay of two months and a halt av DP Coleridge‘s. Charlie is an expert in the trade cf lathing. it is purposed bolding a song serâ€" vice, on the invitation of Rev Mr Roach, at the hall, some Sunday socn. Miss Lizzie Laughton, organist, togethâ€" er with the choir, have the matter in band. NORTH EGREMONT. MULL CORNERS. VICKERS. THE DURHAM REVITW TORONTO | Epring is at hand but the snow is ‘ not disappearing as iast as some would ' luke it. s | . On Tnesday of last week nearly a < dozen left bere for the West and more , would hate went bnt owing to the | mockade on the western end of the road lt.he Company would not take any se(â€" tlers cars so a few could not get, but ; think they can get away this week. IAmong others taking cars this week ( if they can get cars, there seems to be a fir:ml scarcity of cars just now) are Thos > id, HF Caldwell, J Cornish, J Merâ€" chant. Mt Harry Lewes Jr of Orchard underâ€" wont an operation for appendicitis here at the home of Mr J Ross on Saturday of last week, Di Brown doing the operâ€" ating,. The operation was very successâ€" ful and is doing very well since. Miss M Canada. Toronto spent Easter with Miss May Brown. Mr Wm Rice and family have moved to Holstein where they will reside for some time. Mr and Mrs Keith are spending their Easter holidays in Toronto the guest of their daughter Mrs Long, The girls around here are taking adâ€" yantage of Leap Year. Two weddings took place in our yillage Wedresday last, by the Rev J Little, Mr _ David Bruce to Miss M Aberdeen and by the Rev J Truax, Mr T Smith to Miss Legg. Dr Dougal McKenzie spent Easter with his father and sister here. John Little is spending his Easter holidays with his parents. Meesrs Will Bel! »nd Richard Enghsh had their clover thraâ€"hed some time ago. Both parties were well satisfied with the yield. Miss II Lawrence, teacher at 8. 8. No 10, is spend ing her holidays at her home in Bentinek. Mr J B Swanston, Toronto, Miss E 8 Swanston, teacher at Mosborough, and Miss Essa, of Mount Forest, are at home for Easter, Mr C W Ogg is on a business trip to Toronto. Mr Richard Forsyth, Engineer. Galt, visited his cousin, Chas melunes, and other relatives here last week. 4 Mr Allan McGillivray is recovering from his injuries, but he will imiss his front tooth for the balance of his time here,. He regcived a very severe blow. Mr and Mrs Robt Aitkin and little son Allan spent Monday with triends around Hoelstein. j Mr Duncan McTavish is at work in the mill evre. Our mail service has been very irregular lately. Soft snow and water on the roads make travelling very difficult and dangerous. Good Friday and Easter Sunday are past and now we will be looking for the beautiful spring. Roads are in a bad sllu‘:: at present and will be worse yet before they are better. N MeDougall‘s sale, north line, went well on Saturday last, D McCormick, auctioneer. _ This is Mr McCormick‘s ?8th year as auctioneerand he can test lungs with the youngest in the business yet and always gives good satiaf’fxcliou. Our creamery is getting in shape for spring. _ A very good Board of Directors have been elected to manage the affairs of the business. The Sacrament that was to take place in the Presbyterian Church hore last Sunday was postâ€" g&ueu till the first Sunday in May on account of 1 roads. Chas McKinnon met with an accident the other day by getting his hand in the turnip pulper nearly severing one finger and bruising the others badly. _ HMe is doing as well as can be expected. Dr Dixon dressed the wounded hand. Three young ladies, who are attending the Durâ€" ham High Sehoo!l, had quite an experience of the badnes: of the roads while coming home the other day. _ There were Miss McLean, daughter of Jno McLean, Artemesia ; Miss MeDonald, daughter of Duncan MeDonald. D. R, Glenelg, and Niss Bella Binnie. The trio started on foot, each aiming at getting home for tea with their dear mothers a bout 5 or 6 o‘clock, but to their discomfort they were seized with a craving appetite & long w ays from their homes, but had nothing to appease their desires, so in chis unpleasant condition they manâ€" aged to crawl along, until they g t to Dunean Mcâ€" Donald‘s about 8 o‘clock at night, footsore and hungry. _ Miss Binnie was more fortunate by getâ€" ting home to supper at the right time, Jno MeMillan, of Swinton Park, moved recentâ€" ly to his new farm at the six corners, Muir‘s. We are sorry to hear that Mrs John A McMillan (councillor), is unwell for some time, but we hope to.hear of her being well by this time. We took the following figure»s from§ the Assesâ€" sor‘s Roll, Glenelg, for 1903, which may, be interesâ€" ting to some atleast : Total Assessment for 1903, $669,845 ; highest on roll, N G & J MecKechnie $12200.00 ; second, J & J Hunter $1825.00 ; 3rd, Geo Twamley $1075.00 ; 4th, Jas Bell 3900.00 ; 5th, A 8 Hunter, 3550.00 and so on downwards ; the lowest is Neil O‘Hanly 60.00. _ Total number of names on roll 960â€"of these we find thein in religion as folâ€" lows, Presbyterians 487. Roman Catholies 190, Methodists 170, Church of England 64, Baptists 33, the balance is made up with a few lfim-islw. Lutherans and United Brethern. _ Number of days Statute Labor 3228, number of births 60. number of deaths 28. Total number of persons rated as resiâ€" dents 2500, highest number in one family, A braham Hooper 13, second 1 G Pilky ‘2, highest number of cattle owned by one ratepayer Thos Scarf 70 head ; cattle owned b}' one ratepayer Thos Scarf 70 head ; second, Arch McCuaig 50. Number of women on Assesament roll 40. Total number of acres in mwnshiF 69,440, or in round numbers about 70,000, highest land owners N G & J MeKechnie 1400 acres, The above does not come in as part of our continâ€" ued history for Gienelg. f Wood cutting and attendimg sales has been the order order for some time past John Duncan and family are comforâ€" tably settled on the old farm again. Also Mr Hall has moved to ns farm here whrch he purchased from Geo Lamb last summer. Roht Bradley will move ere long. to his farm, east of Markdaie. which he bas rented for a term of years. It was feared at one time that the high water would cause some damages, but on‘account of the frost the waters have gone down considerable and it is to be hoped no damages will occur. (in gccount of bad roads Mr Hincks did not Ffl moving yet into our town, but is expected to this week,. Mr Hincks sale went off well under Auecâ€" tioneer MePhail, who is a crack at the business. Mrs Donald MeMillan South Line, was conâ€" fined to her bed for a month with Inflammatory Rheumatism, but we are pleased to know she is better. Our schools are closed this week giving teach ers and pupils a rest for a few days. Miss Bertha Melntyre, of the N. B. College, Owen Sound, spent a few days at home at Easter. Bertha is getting awlong well and will make her mark yet in business. Mrs Neil McLeod, west of here, is very low at present, _ As the old lady is above the 80 years it will go rather hard on her, but may recover. Born to Mrand Mrs Alex McEachern, South Line, (Glenelg, a son, on Good Friday morning, April Ist. It is of late the custom on the south Line to be making presents of a different nature to persons moving away, but none can equal toa rres(-m like as Mrs McEachern presented &u-r husâ€" and with, it being their first son. _ All {nin in wishing father, motuer & son a long and pleasant life together. Roads have become impassable, but when all else fail try the handâ€"sleigh. At the recent communion held in the Presbyâ€" terian Church here four new members joined the church, one aduit was baptized on profession of faith by sprinkling. Springâ€"like weather and Easter holidays hOLSTEIN. PRICEVILLE. YEOVIL. Glascott iYou Are Invited Our Reputation as leaders in Fashionable Dress Fabrics shall be further enhanced by the most gorgeous display of those light, airy filing Dress Fabrics, so popular for the Spring and Summer of 1904, such as French Voiles, Poplinâ€"deâ€"chene, Crepeâ€"deâ€"chere, Mohair, Lustres. The Dresses of distinction for day and evening wear. xe Gay Wilhams had his saile last monâ€" day aud everything went welil _ He ieaves uis Tuesday by Markdale tor the West. n all the rew Shades, light Blue, Navy, Black, Cream Champagne. at per gSPO HP s y cA TTA .: ns chhk se r e e ks s1 »x9+) 1+ . S :) 06. ©D5G I$L.M0, 300. Crepeâ€"deâ€"chene, Silk and Wool Crepes, everything that is chick and proper. Jas Goodwill has also been laid mp for & wlule. _ We Lope ne will soon be alâ€" right again. Intended for last week Old wiuver ha«s surey taken his flight and spriug is coming this Way. rre Juo Weir is at present atterding her sisier. Mis MeDonaia pear Durkam, Who is ser10usly iii, We also have Trimmings and Linings to match above goods. Taffateen, a lining suita ble tor making drop Skirts in all shades of goods in stock. A Dituer hbas‘ been ou the sick list, but we are glud to hear the old gentleman le uround Agian. luitor aua NMrs Ramage ot the the Revisw. vi neu at Nr D McFayden‘s oue @Â¥cuing alely. The light, gauzey, serviceable Goods so popular this season in Champagne, Biue, Black, CreatM,, White At .. .. .... > :>....>.+«»@,+++,.03¢, 60, 850, $1,00. The above are only a few of the many novelties we carry, as a visit to our Dress Goods Dept. will convince you that we are head and shoulders above all competitors, Jos Boyle iutended Jeaving for the far Weet, Mouday, March 28th. but was detained, _ owing to tramms blockaded through Mauntoba. He left a week t&ler. Thos Mo«an sold a yearling colt to Mr Hury Alexauser of Beutinck. | Nr Jno Staples took a business trip to Dunualk last week. _ M: Geo A Stuples left last week to re suime bis duties on the C. P,. R.. in Cranâ€" brovok. B. C. One Price to all. kiovert Euglish purchagsed anu Oxford Cream â€" Separator, from John Livingâ€" atou. Durbam. I MPORT 2 SEEDS POULTRY SPICESTC & FOOD STOCK FOOD Druggist and Seedsman, Dress Goods Opening Friday and Saturday, April 8 and 9. We consider it a favor, if you give us an opporâ€" tunity of showing you our goods, whether you buy or not. H. PARKHNR, Oyster Shell, Red Albumen Egg Producer, Poultry Tonicâ€"A sure cure of Cholera, Roup, Canker, &c. Edage hill Alex. Russel] Bibby’s Cream Equivalent for Calves and Young Pigs. Qil Cake and Linseed. Clover and Timothy Seed. Salt in Barrels and Bags. Land Plaster in Bags, Scottish Chief Oal's, very productive, m;dium early and good quality, 60c bush.; 5 bushels and upwards, 5oc bus, Trimmings and Linings it i w4 The Big Store. Mohair and Lustre Crepe, Eolienne, AT THE BIG STORE French Voiles To the 44 | _ Jos xerchant bid goodâ€"bye to his friends bere last week. _ He is going to the North Wost, urs J H Scott took a trip to Toronto Easter and was accompanied by xrs J A Scott. m«â€"s Eliza Kerr, of Brampton, formerâ€" ly of â€"« Rincardine, is vistting with her sick aunt, xre Joseph wcArdle. PThe roads still keep bad. The lazy men‘s club here is likely to be broke up as the weather gels warm, one man got a load of woodâ€"he was seen sawing it with a boy and long saw, but he sird he only studied the end of 's.,w. the boy did the mork, Another man hao a borse and sleigh drawing | wood and mofiummm to the sugar bush, Geo Coulter is j Manitoba this week. The roads are in a very dangerous conâ€" dition at preâ€"ent for either man or horse to trayel on. and our mail carrier, the colored gentleman, hbad his own time last Batvrday. awr Jas neCracken, Jr., is ill at present. vr Jorogh Atkinson zold a horee lust Nonday for the neat sum of $145. ar Jno Staples lost a calf a couple of weeks ago, by falling into the riyer. _ It wes seev last Sunday going over wcâ€" Gowan‘s dam. The best in the market. id y Alex Russell has moved to the loth APRIL 7. Invoice of Seeds is to hand, shipped: per S. S. Loyalist, and will arâ€" rive in a short time. HOPEVILLE. preparing to move to Goods delivered promptly to all parts of town Durham leeluCale‘a fln en VO T A Revr Reyt Revo Revi Revio Revi Revi

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