West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Apr 1904, p. 4

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1 M P k S8 it ho rp oi se ce fe ols ie ce cfn ce byo on eloofh ofechofecfefe efecie ols § We bave something to attract everyone‘s attention in the following lines of of} Masseyâ€"Harris Implements : Binders, Mowers, Drilis, Rakes, Hayâ€"Loaders, Filougks, Harrews ard al kinds of Implements. Also Proven Hay Forks and Perrin Riding Plows Our car of Buggies, Democrats J Alsolarge stock of Bicycles and secondhand and Carts have just arrived. * Wheels. Repairing done promptly «& right. GoAan ffi’@ifigstcn, STsest, Dusiim. New Steck of Thomas and Doherty Organs and Singer Sewing Machines CSDLRARS IMDPBQMENT TUDHRERCGOMS Dcomething [Yew in (Qashers : The Perforated Drum, only in the IDEAL. â€" Also Wilhelm‘s Wringers, all made by Watson of Ayr. Ghe Spring usA We can only give a mere list of our goods, but in quality and adaptability to the needs of South Grey, we are not excelled : DEERINXG HARROWS, WILKINSON PLOUGHS, HENEV‘S HARNESS, PALMERSTONX BUGGIES. All renowned articles and at fair prices. Passeu=â€" farris SGhowrcoms Jz B J. J 7)707‘/00/{*. Our stock is replete wich the choicest imporâ€" ted productions and comprises the most perfect creations of the flower maker‘s artâ€"ornaments that for beauty and effect cannot be equalledâ€"laces and shapes of the newest design. _ We carry everything essential to the Millinery business and our prices are right. _ We would be pleased to have you call and examine our stock. Raymond Sewing Machines, Ketlary Stoves for Coal or Wood. mported Plowers, t‘s Lice Killer kills Lice on Cattle, Sheep, Poultry, etc. have a Full Stock of all Pratt‘s arling‘s Prug Gtove Fire and Life Insurance promptly attended to. Gohn Glark. preparations which we recommend. Ornaments and HYovelties . /A Hlortlock $ Cash and One Price. For Highâ€"Class IMPLEâ€" MENTS is best seen at m o The Deocple‘â€" CS hb iA pLLALELbLLb tidPLE cR 44X se for Horses, Cattle Oxforda Cream Separators made in Durham sell themselves. Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence, «5 Mr R. B. Ledingham passed his 2nd year examinations in Theology at Knox College, â€" Congratulations. Mrs Mighton, who spent the winter in Detroit with ber daughter, returned last week to her home here. Miss Anme Robertson, who has been in Ottawa with her sister, during the winter, came home on Monday last. Rev. Mr and Mrs. Truax, Holstein, atteenJed the McDougall lect ure W edâ€" nesday night and were guests of Mrand Mrs. J. Latimer, Mrs. A. C, Wolfe, went to Meaford on Friday to visit her sisters, Mrs. Culbertâ€" son and . Mrs. Roadhouse, also hetr mother, Mrs. Poole,. Miss Mary Marshall, operated on last week for appendicitis, has madeste ndy progress since towards recovery and mother and friends are now free from the anxiety bound to accompany such an operation. The little three gear old daughter of Mr. Jas Livingston, Vickers, was the subject of a critvical operation last week, the removing of an abscess from her lungs. _ Miss Arinstrong, nurse. is in atâ€" tendance and the little girl is recoyering satisfactorily. Mr. Jake Kress, so long in business here, leaves shortly for Muskoka, hopâ€" ing when free from cares of business and among lake breezes to improve his health which kas of late caused him anxiety, We hope he will come back with bealth fully restored, meanwhile he has disâ€" posed of his business to his brother Ed. who will attend to both furniture and undertaking lines. M J, W. Watson, Detroit, who has been at bis home in Normanby for a week or two, was a caller at our office Monday last, Mr Watson has now a lucra tive position with a leading Inâ€" surance Co. 2 pr‘s lace curtains; Robt. Foster, cocoa silyer fruit basket ; paper holder ; C. Re Wade. bread knife Of particular interest are the photoâ€" graphs of Japan which areshown in the May Delineator in the series Around the World in Eighty Pictures. They are not of a martial character, of which there is an abundance at this time, but they give an excellent idea of the home life and occupations of the brave little yellow people and of the beautifal counâ€" iry in which they live, _ Although the Japanese haye made rapid strides toâ€" wards progress in the last decade their civilization is still curious to Western eyes. It is a strange imixture of the modern and old order of things, and over all the native picturesqueness of the people. The photographs are from the collection of a young bride who is making the grand toutr. One of special interest is a view of Seoul, Corea. Cottage Farm, Cottonwood, was the scene of a quiet wedding on April 6th last, wher Mr Thos,. Ewen, eldest son of Mr aud Mr Robt. Ewen, Aberdeen, was united in marriage to Miss Jean, fourth daughter of Mr and Mrs John Mcâ€" Clenaghan, Cottonwood, Assa., Rev. F. J. Scott, of Pens., performing the marriage ceremony. The bnude was supported by her sister Miss Mary, while MrThos. Clark assisted the groom. _ After the ceremony all sat down to a sumptuous dimner prepared by the bride‘s mother and sisters. In the evening a reception was given at the home otf Mr and Mrs T. Ewen, Rose Lawn farm. Cottonwood, and the young people enjoyed themselyes in games and dancing to music supplied by Messrs James Wiikie and John Martin on the violin and accordion and Mr C, E. Gilhes and Miss Jean Martin at the organ. The grooms present to bride was a gold watch and chain, to bridesmaid, a gold bracelet; John and Mrs McClenâ€" aghan chamber set and bible ; Jas. and Mrs McClenaghan, linen table eloth : Miss Mary McC., set smoothing wons ; Wmm McC., fancy parlor lamp ; Mr and Mrs 2. E. Gillies and family, set of jugs; »ir and Miss Clark Craig. silver tea and coffee pot ; Mr _ and Mrs Bolt Craig,. dozen silver teaspoons ; J. D. and Mrs. Ewen, pair blankets; Wm. Ewen, chenille table cover:; Robt. and Mrs Mcâ€" Crae, linen table cloth; Mr and Miss McCrae, doz table napkins ; Robt. and Mrs Kinnon. linen table cloth ; John and Mrs Campbeh, silver butter knife ; Geo. and Mrs Kinvon, pair towels ; Jas, and Mrs Mutch,. Lumsden.â€" silver berry spoon :; Robt, Alan and John Hewitson, LumstGen, fancy cenire table ; Miss Jean Hewitson, fancy lamp ; Messrs J. and G. Ross, {carving {set ; Mrs F. J. J. Scott, fancy photo frame; Jas. and Mrs Wilkie, 2 pr‘s lace curtains; Jas. Forster, teapot : Robt. Foster, cocoa jug: Alex. McLaren, silyer fruit basket; Miss L W. Disley. ‘\mpcr holder ; C. Rogan, carying set ; 8. NVade, bread knife and board ; Mr and Mrs Craig, fancy ftan and sprip of heather; W. Gordon, 2 fruit dishes ; T. Wilkinson, Pense, silver napkin ring and half dozen â€" teaspoons : R,. Edwards, Findlater, silyer souvenir spoon. SsDPRING SHOW. The South Grey Farmers Institute will hold _ their Annual Spring Show of Entire Horses on‘ the Agricultural Grounds. Durbam. on TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1904 The Following Prizes will be offered : For Heavy Draught Stallions: 1st Prize, 815, 2n¢, $10. 31d, $5. For Light Horses : 1st $15, 2nd $10,. 3rd $5 Horâ€" ses winning Prizes must have a stand in the Riding during the Season of 1904. Exhibitors must be members of the Inâ€" stitute (Fee, 25¢) and pay an Entrance Fee of $]. _ All Horses must havea Regâ€" istered Pedigree, W J Youxa, PERSONAL MENTION. THE JAPANESE AT HOME FARMERS®‘ INSTITUTE THE DURHAM REVIEW BENTINCK BOY BOUND In Matrimony‘s Chain President Gro BixxtE, Secretary TORONTO Last week the most exciting incident ot the war took place since the first memorable bombardment. _ The Rusâ€" sian battleship, Petropavliesk, struck a mine. according to the Russian story, and listed so that she ‘turned turtle" ond went down in two minutes, carryâ€" ing with her a crew otf about 790, and worst of all, taking with her to the bottom the brave and capable admiral Makaroff, who of late. has been adding new life to the Russian forces. Now all is gloom, worse than Briâ€" tain ever felt at a South African reâ€" verse, for the Russian must suspect what most of the world believes, that it was no mine, but efficient torpedo work of the ever alert enemy. ‘This is what the Japs claim and the storvy of the disaster as told by the few survivors and some other spectators seems to bear it out, The Russian fleet had left their base, Port Arthur, but meetieg with a superior Japanese force, were retiring before it when the disaster occurred and to add to the blow it is thought the battleship is sunk at a spot which will block the opening to the harbor. Moreover, two other casualties ocâ€" curred, without doubt by the Japs. the sinking of a destroyer, and injaring another batteship, which however erept into the harbor, which seems the only sate place tor Russia‘s fleet. The result :â€"Japan can land whore she likes an army of occupation, and if the army in baitle is as effective as the navy in action, Russia has still further hwmiliation to suffer, then, it is ghought, this will effeetually bottle up the Baltie fleet too, for that force, it is plainly seen, would find the Pacific Ocean anything but pacitic as it apâ€" proached the shores of Japan ; the Vladivostock fleet will also hesitate before trying to join itself to the belabored _ skeleton of Port Arthur squadron, and the Black Sea fleet might as well be in the moon. Serydioff, comumander of the Black Sea fleet, is Makoroff‘s successor. The lamentations at 8t Petersbury were very affectung, and a throb of sympathy for the Russians was felt throughouf the world ut the great ealamity. _ But such is war : _ "® war is hell "â€"and the lurid light of it spreading over the world by the press, should hasten the time when humanity will rise above the selfishness and other low instinets of the race in which wars bhave their origin. â€"Andrew Carnegie has set apart 5000000 for the benefit of heroes or heroines who suffer injury while savâ€" ing human life, and in the case of their death their wiyes and children are to be protected from want. _ _ The field to which this applies is the United State and Canada and the waters thereo, and nurses, doetors, &e., who voluntary give their services in epidemics, are to be elegible for heroes or heroines. â€"The session of the Ontario Legislaâ€" ture is about coming to an end and Mr Whitney is finding out that a majority of 3 is as good s 30 when they stick to their posts. _A sensational story was issued by the News last week that >n election was at hand, but the Premier on being questioned, had heard nothâ€" ing of it. _ Mr A. G. MacKay has done some brilliant work this session and will rise to Cabinet rank before long. A despatch to the Globe from Ottawa depicts the rosy condition of the naâ€" tional finances. It is simply astoundâ€" ing how the trade of the country has increased during the nast few years. No wonder thoughtful Americans are talking of the advantages of reciprocity with the young giant of the north, Here is the despatch : * The coffers of the Dominion are fall almest to repletion, and there is no sign of abatement of the revenue. _ Money is still pouring in. and the highâ€"water mark bas apparently not, yet been made. For the nine months ended March 31 the ordinary revenue amounted to $51, 203,567, which was four and threeâ€"quarâ€" ter millions more than for the same peâ€" riod of the previous fiscal year, and $18,â€" 612,313 in excess of the ordinary expenâ€" diture. â€" Over all expenditures combined there was a surplus of $12,060.443. The ordmary expenditure for the past nine months was but $993,000 more than for the corresponding period of the preceâ€" ding year,. _ The revenue from customs, excise and the postoffice shows a subâ€" stantial increase in each case. There was a {slight falling off in the revenue from public works. The fcllowing were the receipts in detail :â€" â€"A little tempest occurred in Otta wa last week, when it was found that Mr Borden, leader of the opposition was quoting from and had published a private letter of Mr Blair‘s addressed to his colleagues while he was in the ministry. _ As the Jetter was marked "private and contfidential,"‘ the premier and Hon. Mr. Fieclding assumed it was Mr. Borden‘s duty when found in possession of stolen goods to say how he came by them. _ Beyond saving he got the letter from a gentleman not in the emplovy of the government, Mr. Borden would not tell, but it is plain somebody has stolen it. _ The matter of the letter was some of Mr. Blair‘s ideas about the G. T. R. Railway and contained nothing but what he had publicly spoken about when he reâ€" signed. â€" Whostole the letter? is still unanswoered. Customs,...... Excise.....,.. Post Office ... Public Works Miscellaneous Totals....... $146,507,211 Expenditures .. . $31,668,085 TOPICS OF THE WEEK A RUSSIAN DISASTER. &A FULL TREASURY $26,688,788 â€"$30.217.704 8,011.977 9,763,404 3.119.455 3.487.516 5,205,026 _ 5.120,790 2,612,003 _ 2,6814,150 1903 $51,403,567 $32,001,254 \ _ WAR! â€" WAR ! A first <â€" ‘class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe‘s store. FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY, cleanliness reigns in every MODEL BAKERY, LOWER Towx Do you want the latest and most reliâ€" able War News, well illustrated, then read the /T suits To a] / department of our establishment. . LASTLY, our prices are absolutel yfair Give us a call and see sor vourself which 1s clubbed with the Review to new or old subscribers paying in adâ€" vance $1.15 for both. A fine Mapof the Seat of War, in three colors, 18 x 22 inches, will be mailâ€" ed free to eyery subscriber to the two papers remitting us _4 cents extra for cost of mailing. Address : Weekly Montreal Herald And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler GOOD REASONS: We are always getting someâ€" thing new for the ladies, and our latest is a Breadmaker. Every woman should have one. A child can operate it, Pread mixed in 3 minutes, Call and see it. The American Steel Wire Woven Fence is superior in every way to any other fence manufactured. Our variety of Shoe Polish is something extra. This week we are offering with every bottle of Silk Eaze Shoe Diessing, aA Silver Spoon and a Pair of Shoe Laces for 25 cts. We are now in possession of a carload or Nails, Any person inteuding to bnild will find it to their advantage to consult us regarding price. You can get nearly any kind of Basket you desire in our store, Fancy Work Basket in abnndance. Well if you carried one of our Watches, you would not need to be afraid of being so, as they are always on the minute. Yet? If not, you had better come in and have a look at them . It won‘t cost you anything, Every farmer should have a pair of new improved Back Bands to plough with. dchoot Weda/s Have a look at our new Sitver & Flat 90 ME RXTSORIT‘TS THE REVIEW, DURH AM, Ont. HARDWARE ! . EL. STINSON, A. Sordon, id You Ever Sot Aeoft ? W. BLACHK. Have you seen the WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. stock of \Chatham Cutters BARCLAY & BELL Doots & Shoes P., To clear. They are good value at more than we ask for them. wo v>*~~ @@ We have a lot of different Shoe Dress ings anrd more coming. Ask for a bot tle of g@lycerine Lusre, regular 2% size and get a silver spoon. â€" This is m fake â€" Every â€"spoon is stamped and 1 genuine. â€" Spoon and polish, 25¢ 1 The Spring has come and the Summ« | has gone and so has nearly two carload ! of Tudhope Buggies and the pla« I which was once so filled to overflowin with those rigs is now being filled a I with over a carload of the famon REMEMBER THE PLACEâ€"Next Campbell‘s Implement Warehouse Call â€" and Your Spring Trade is Ours because Our Prices are the Lowes, A MARKED FACNT We are at the shop at the bridge en ery Wednesday and Saturday. O ders or enquiries left at C. McA rthur‘ store, or at the REvirw Orricr, wil receive our best attention. PEEL, : HE Full Lines of these wellâ€" and reliable goods, Now that you have a Tudhope Bug get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the s« Also i{mplements / / Trunks. Valises, Club bags, Teleâ€" scopes, cte, on hand. Custom work and repairing done prompUy as as possible. TEEMS CA sHL Peoter Aamilton M c goney. Of all kinds. Examine our TUR NIP PULPERS ; they are th: best on the market : ~ also! ou: CHURNS & WHEELBARROWwsS and Our Values are the Highest GRAYVS make ; Comjportabt and Stylish, and at priccs t snit ali purses, Whieh we are gelling _â€">~ ifIt Reduced QDrices They are good utpers, Churns, de. Show Rooms opposite Midâ€" daugh Stables, Lambton St. PA WifeH thu: Aaxwel Jffachinery cudhope @utter: JMara Organs Some odd sizes in broken lines of Also see our famouns . Mcllraith Jf{ave APRIL 21. 1904 in every respect our Goods SHOEMAN WO 64 4 W T ts t? HIKE H Transj Busine Rin the Sar bowe‘ls rey G) Sar Impure hb somewhe boils, pim nerves, tI ousness, 10 100 150 10 stomach biliousne Your d« remedy,| 1 Ac qLE Imp1 Or pUFR/ est SAVING SiAVIDE® wards Dra all q 1aAC) di.-' APRLI \\ i w A 1 14

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