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Durham Review (1897), 28 Apr 1904, p. 1

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\R J sn ) ‘%‘ 5 RIL 21. 1904 for 1]] )S ! L. Alex. Russell ONLY *SIIGI DS Durhany per yard tQ »cents cents 59.98 5 49 nlarly s CS We beebcalesslesnlecelaceiecelace aealaaeleColacelaeelee) tecalore aceianle"alaveleaulene ane wee‘a elenala e eennannnnnnnenannnxRHnERERC VOL. XXVLI. NO. 17 You‘ll need some of these goods this spring. have all kinds of patterns and colors, in Our stock includes the prettiest, daintiest pa you could wish to see.......at 50¢ to $2.50 pe Special Lace Curtainâ€"3 4 yds long, 60 in wide lovely patterns,........ special $1.25 per pair Will help solve the difficulty. We have new patterns & good colors in all qualities : Carpets * Linoleums $ It‘s the time of year when every good housekeeper is thinking of how she‘ll renoyate her home. Our stock of JAMES IRELAND § JAMES IRELAND LINQLBUMS Floor Oils GARPBTS Union Carpets. . ..@ 25¢ to 50c per yard Allâ€"wool Carpets..@ 75¢ to $1 per yard Tapestry and Brussels Carpets @ 50c to $1.25 per yd Tapestry Squares border all round, . ...@ $8 and $10 Floor Mats and Rugs, all sizes, ..@ 25¢ to $4.50 each 12q . _ _‘ " 0_ vo se\ EL ME â€"COIOTS, Itf ONC side and reversible designs. All prices Lace Curtains MS Splendid floral and block designs, 6 feet wide, ..@ 90c, $1 and 1.20 per yd , good range of patterns @25 to 50c per yd Cretonnes A Star $1.90 «fk .: ews $1.85 .... $4.50 ] .... â€" $1.60 ire. $1.75 iser $1.60 ; + ++ $LTG Star‘ $1.75 8, .. G #1.60 prettiest, daintiest patterns> +>..at 50c to $2.50 per pair We _ DUKrHAM L. C,. REINSTATED.â€" Once \ more the Lacrosse season has come ; round and a renewed activity is seen in the game this year. Three districts | have been formed in the Senior series, one of which is composed of Mt. Forest, : Owen Sound, Orangeville, Seaforth and St. Mary‘s, | The organization meeting | of Intermediate and J unior Districts was held in Toronto Monday evening when ; tae first draft was drawn up. The final avrrangement will be made next Monday : evening. Elora, last year‘s Junior chamfiions. are now in the intermediate, |and Fergus, intermediate champions, ‘are now in the Senior series, In the \Junior series, District No. 1 comprises , at present Hanover, Harriston, Southâ€" ampton and Walkerton clubs, But | best of all, Durham Lacrosse Club has | been reinstated and will have a hustling ?t‘eam this year, though Doug, Munro i will be missed. The first driaft places the club in District No, 3, along with the Wellingtons of Owen Sound. Dunâ€" , dalk, Markdale and Flesherton, the latâ€" ter two being new clubs. One fault | with this arrangement is that Durham will have to drive to every village (since the new crossâ€"country railway isn‘t here yet.) but with fivye clubs in tze district. | four home games are provided for enâ€" | thusiasts, Onrr town has good lacrosse l material and will again have a team that can either land the Junior chamâ€" l pionship or make a close race. [eSel pi00 UOM S O L T ZNAmATT C OVEUACEC T & RAINCE« ton exchange that the name of N. W. \Campbell appears in the list of the | successful candidates in the subjects of | Ristory and Latin at the revent examâ€" | inatronsat Queen‘s University, Kingston. | Mr Campbell, it is well known, always ‘kept up regular student habits, but the feat of taking honors in Latin as he has | succeeded in doing tells of an intensity | of application that few retain, The | Review offers its sincere congratulations | to Insp,. Campbhell and confidently looks forward to an honorable conclusion of | the course on which he has entered, A big snap in Women‘s Dongola Bals, $1.3â€"ai Grant‘s. i SsomE FNE Drawirxas.â€"In Theoâ€" lhald. the Clothier‘s, north window at present, the International Correspondâ€" l' ence Schools of Scranton, Pa.. have on j exhibition a number of drawings of all | kinds of machinery, &c, the work of lstudents in many different towns in Western Ontario. Among others Messrs [Frank Harris and Lyal Ireland, two |town students, and Harty Benton of , Galt, have samples ot intricate drawâ€" ing. The school has had or now has 22 ; students in Durham. F o0â€"CHow.â€"The citizens of Durham ’ will shortly have the pleasure and privâ€" ilege of a yisit from Miss Kirkby, a rmissionary on furlough from *"Fooâ€" Choo, " China, where she has been enâ€" gaged in mission work for some years past. She will have a collection of curios to exhibit and we hope many of our citizens will avail themselyes of this opportunity, of learning something of Shina, and LKQ Uninese, â€" Notice of date, and place of meeting will be given ater. Landies‘ Rain Coats in navy and fawn for $2.50â€"at Grant‘s. MIss K. L. Drxox Secy, Halifax Fish Cake at McIntyre, the Grocer‘s. THE WratHER.â€"The snow fall of last Wednesday was of short duration and was followed by some good weather which is fast allowing the farmer to get to work. _ And be will have to hustle this year, beginning at adate that he sometimes finished by. The variable weather has not been ideal for faill wheat. which is not promising. Goon WoORK.â€"We notice in a Kings esd dod eg se ts i w rst ies e mae _ GaAS AnD O1L.â€"The meeting of the Gas and Cil Co. called for May 5 has _hbeen postponed to May 12. _ The fire in Toronto prevented the necessary publiâ€" cation in the oftficial Gazette. Butter and Eggs taken as cash for goods at Grant‘s, S. G. WOMEN‘s INSTITUTE.â€"A meetâ€" will be held at the home of Mis Wm. Ramage, Thistle, on Wednesday, May l1th, commencing at 2 p. m _ Ladies are cordially invited to attend, whether they are members or not. | _ SETTLR UP.â€"All parti | the undersigned are requ settlement by cash or | May Ist. ' _ _ihere‘s money to be saved by dealing at Mockler‘s. His new Spring stock is | teeming with bargains. |, FOR SALE.â€"A Counter 10 feet long, a | lot of shelying. spice boxes and drawers suitable for a grocer. _ Can be seen at | REviEw office. | _ _ MacFarlane,s Tonic | you up for the Spring MA PDr Geo. 8. Burt will be at the Middaugh House Durham. on Wedâ€" nesday, May 4th for consultation in eve, ear, nose and throat cases. Hours 10 a, m.â€"4 p. m. GCAS :AXD OLLâ€"««Tha mantinme ‘AF ALs Men‘s stiff Felt Hats and Men‘s and Boy‘s Fedoras, at Grant‘s. See Mockler‘s stock of prints before buying. â€" It will pay you. Money to Loan at 43 Ber cent, MacKaAyÂ¥y & DUNXN Durham. Bee Mockler‘s 5¢ towelling, worth 8c. All wool carpets, 75¢ and 85¢ a yard, at Grant‘s, Get a drum for the boy at Mceintyre the Grocer‘s, Garden and flower Seeds, Lawn Grass, Beets, &c., at Darling‘s, Bulk Pickies. You need no jug. Mcintyre, the Grocer. There‘s money to DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1904. cash or _ note before Jacos KrEss, Burt will be at the se Durbham. on Wedâ€" All parties indebted to Tonic Elixir will tone OPIC: requested to make 50c a botte, try D Three of the Choruses to be given by the ‘"*Choral Society ‘‘ on Thursâ€" day May 5th. in the Town Hall, are selected choruses, as sung by the Philâ€" harmonic Societies in the large cities. These are the ‘ Triumphal March‘ (Naaâ€" man); Longfellow‘s serenade, ‘Goodâ€" night Beloved ‘; the ‘ Bridal Chorus,‘ (Ernani). ‘This chorus has been learnâ€" ed without music, words only having been copied by the singers. Everyone should hear this chorus work by fifty. (50) wellâ€"trained voices. Proceeds in aid of the Public Library. Admission 25¢c. All seats reserved. Plan at Mcâ€" ‘ Farlane‘s Drug Store. The prizes in each class were $15, $10 and $5.00 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd. respectively, '\Ve are indetted to Secv. Binnie for the list of prize winners, In the light horse class, 1st went to *Robert J" owned by Wim Groat. Holstein, 2nd to "Clear Grit" Herb Livingstone, Allan Park, Dr Fortune of Ayton, 3rd. There w.w.e 6 entries of Heavy Horses, lst prize being taken by "8t Clair," owned by Stephen H, Moore of Conn ; 2nd went to "Moncrieff," one of two exhibited by Mr Ed Hoy. rnd which took 1st in sweepstakes at Mildmay last week, MrJas l?atton took 3rd prize. The Spring Horse Show under the Auspices of S. G. Far, Institute was held on Tuesday, on the Show Ground, The departmental Judge sent was a Mr Gray, Newcastle, who expressed himself i’qu('h pleased with the material before 1tD, Applhcation was made for the use of the Town Hall on July 1st for a concert in connection with the big celebration that day, or for the vrivilege of moving the seats to the rink if desired. Appli= cation granted, The council also granted the needed extra light near the ( hotel. The council aiso passed a resolution supporting the petition to the Postmasâ€" ter General asLing for improved mail seryice, was H. O‘Hara & h()., Toronto, who gave $7433 and accrued interest for Deâ€" bentares of face value $7270, Debentures Sold.â€"Tenders wers openâ€" ed at a special meeting of council on Monday night. No fewer than 6 offers were made and the successful tenderer f A FINE ATLAS.â€" We have received a | copy of a pamphlet issued by Hon. Clifâ€" | fnrj Sifton, Minister of the Interior, enâ€" titled " Geography of the Dominion of | Canada" which is fuil to repletion of | facts ana figures bearing on the history / extent, resources and possibilities of the | Dominion, Itcontains 64 pages of maps / illustrations, descriptive letter press, | and useful hints for intending settlers / which cannot fail to be of use to intendâ€" | ing emigrants from Dakota. Dunbar, Devon or Donaghadee, for whom Wel L)resumeit is largely intended. A copy ung in every school toom in Ontario | would also be educative, | CEexext Miro StarTED.â€"Friday of last week, four of the great rotaries at the Cement Works were put in motion and fired and this week all will likely be going. They have all received a new coating of fire brick and are in splendid condition. 40 cars of marl were loaded at the Lake on Friday and 36 delivered, and nearly as many on Saturday, Manâ€" ager Farr is pleased with the start and the town is glad to hear the hum and see theâ€"rolling smoke once more. CoUNCIL Vacaxncyv.â€"Councillor J. L Browne being now estabished in Hawksâ€" ville where his many friends here will wish him well, though regretting to lose him from our citizenship, his resigâ€" nation will no doubt soon be handed in. Mr Sparling has been mentioned as t suitable man for the vacaucy and if he will accept there will be no ‘need of an election, The Annual Love Feast and Sacraâ€" mental Seryice will be bheld in the Methodist Chureh on Sunday morning at 10.15 o‘clock, conducted by the pastor, Subject for the evening service Open Windows," Strangers welcome; bhyman books providhd. i Fancy Belt sets,. Shirt waist and Blouse setsâ€"at Darling‘s, A SmasH Ix Grass.â€"While Mr. G, McKechnie was dressing one of his windows a roll of carpet fell against the large pane of plate glass and comâ€" pletly demolished it. This is the 2nd or third time this window has been wrecked. DOMINION ALLIANCE.â€"At the cail of the President and Secretary of the local branch of the Dominion Alliance a meeting will be held in the Methodist Church, at 8 p. m. on Friday next, to discuss the temperance situation. MacFarlanes‘ sell only the best mixed Lm.ints. Try their floor paint, it dries ard in a night, same price as inferior grades. New Embroidery 6 inches wide, ular 20c a yd.â€"while it lasts, 12%¢ yard at H. H. Mockler‘s, To make room, we are clearing out all Stationery at a price, at Darling‘s. Union Carpets, yd. wide, at 25¢, 38¢ & 50c yd., at Grants. H. H. Mockler is selling 8¢ prints for 5c per yd. See them. * You really get drums for nothing at Melatyre,. the Grocer‘s. Call and see MacFarlane‘s dainty wall papers, Call and see those drums. McIntyre, th«e Grocer. CHORAL, SOCIETY TOWN CuUNCIL. HORSE SHOW. + 0+ 9Â¥X [ ies .? Mignmasis Svalipeprsnt s .o conaes s | + o PP iL. sionel s ONTARIO ARCHIVES j TORONTO by Hon_ opg_; 1t connection at Hanover would enable by Hon. Clifâ€" | then, to reach Walkertonconveniently > Interior, e0â€" |from the North of the County. _ _ OCol, D""“"!‘"‘ Of | MacDoaald arranged for a ‘Railway repletion “fhneellng at Walkerton and Mr Shaw n the h's"‘"‘yl’asked Mr Daniel Knechtel of Hanover bilities of the and myself to aitend the meeting, ages of maPs ‘ which we did. _ The meeting was quite letter press, informal and was attended by a few of ding settlers / th, public men of Waikerton and Mr se to intendâ€" | KEnechtel and myself. At that meeting ta, Dunbar, | Col, MacDonald gave us to understand _ whom we lthur. the Canadian Pacific were behind led. A cCOPY | the undertaking, _ It was suggested at i in O"t‘""olthat meeting to Col. MacDonald that | the road oug%nt. to run from Hanover to â€" connect with the present C. P. R. line ¢ from Toronto to Owen Sound. Everyâ€" # one present at the meeting seemed to ‘s were openâ€" agree that it would be a great convenâ€" _ council on |ience to the people of Walkerton and than 6 offers | Hanover and that it would also be much ful tenderer|more profitable to the Railway Comâ€" wronto, who / pany to have the road connect with the erest for Deâ€" { present Owen Sound line. +4 & i Mr MacDonald asked me what busiâ€" a resolutiOn | negs they would be able to obtain at he Postmasâ€" | Durham. 1 replhed that there is at Darâ€" proved mail | ham the largest Portlind Cement Facâ€" ]lmy in Canada providing freight in the r the use of hauling of coal and coke as well as the )r a concert shipping of the cement and also a large celebration | Furniture Factory and a Cream Separâ€" e of moving | ator Factory with other minot concerns ed. Appliâ€"/and I also said to him that Durham |shipped a yery large amount of farm the much | Produce and live stock. _ He said in re he Central PIY (bhat he himself thought that it | would be better to extend the road from |Hanover but that be could only follow lhls instructions which were to obtain a [ Charter trom Hanover to Lucknow. 1 under the | asked him whether he would have any titute was !ohjection to my mentioning the scheme )w Ground, |to people who might be interested inl it was a Mr / the extending of the Road and whether " o# 19M A T | t 8¢ 6 | WWe took oc to Mr H. H ts for | flviw at pre a Ikerton, _ ng ltlmposed rail | H» over, and ut all iarham peup nection of s 4 _ |agteristic fran c r;fr ;(l? letter wh \of publishins. ‘ed him to go to Ottawa to use his inâ€" fluence in assisting to obtain the Charter and that he had aiso been provided with a Pass, by the C. P. R., for that purpose 'gmd that was accepted as evidence that it is really a C. P. R. undertaking. _A nnmber of persons at the Walkerton meeting on mmdny evening, Mr Knechâ€" tel and myself among them. expressed the wish that the road might be extendâ€" ed from Hanoyer to connect with the rlesent C P R line and it was thought y all present, including Messrs Shaw & Scott, that the soad would be extonded from Hanover but it was thought probâ€" able that the C P R had not fally deâ€" cided on the route that it would he betâ€" ter to take from Hanover. This of | | _ _Another Railway meeting was held in ’ Walkerton on Monday evening last, which. at the invitation of Messrs Shaw and Scott, Mr Daniel Knechtel and myâ€" self attended. . There appeared to be some doubt in the minds of some perâ€" sous as to whether the Canadian Pacific ()oulp:uby were really the persons for whom Col. MacDonald was acting but Mr Shaw stated to the Meeting that the C_n.l.n:u_diun Pacific Company had requetâ€" (I might also mention that the C. P. R. l’nru understood to be at the bottom of ‘the undertaking. _ He replied that it | would not make any difference and that I might mention it if I choose. _ I hapâ€" | penen to be in Durham the next day and |1 mentioned the matter to Mayor Hunâ€" ter and to two or three other prominent citizens of Durham, giving them Col. MacDonald‘s name and address that ’they might, if they desired, communiâ€" cate with him. / ._ Dear Mr. Ramage : { 4 I beg to acknowledge receipt | th;‘ morning of your letter to me of 21 "]ins® in which you intimate that the pedg. le of Durham would like very much |to bave connection with the proposed ) Walkerton and Lucknow Railway, for _ which a Charter is now being asked for a roud to run from Hanover via Walkerâ€" *ton and Teeswater to Lucknow. _ I will i be pleased to give you all the informaâ€" {tion that I possess as to this Raulway ‘pmje( t. Itappears that the matter is | in the hands of Colonel A,. H, MacDonâ€" ‘ald,, K, C. of Guelph who acted as | Sohicitor for the C,. P. R. in the obtalnâ€" !ing oft the Charter for their extension ,from Guelph to Goderich. Colonel Macâ€" Donald in the first instance wrote, reâ€" |specting the matter of the Wilkerton & Lucknow road, :o Colonel Scott of ‘Wulkermn, Law partner of Mr. Alexâ€" ander Shaw, K. C., the two Coloneis Eheing old acquaintances and I suppose military comrades. The plan in the first place was to build the road from Walkerton to Lucknow but MrSbaw suggested that the road run from Hanover and he said that it would be more satisfactory to the people of the county of Bruce to have the road run from Hanover rather than from Walkerton for the reason that the only means of communicacion that the people I of the Northern part of Bruce Count y have with Walkerton, the County town, is â€"by the Grand Trunk running from Wiarton South to Hanover and a C. P. _ We took occasion last week to write o Mr H. H. Miller regarding the Ivity at present existing in Hanover, Walkerton, Lucknow, &c., re the proposed railway from Lncknow to danover, and intimating the desire of Darham people for a cross country connection of some kind. With charâ€" aeristic frankness Mr Miller replied 1Wf» letter which we take the liberty of publishing, and it seems to us the oceasion calls for local activity, to ensure that any cross country line must pass through Darham. Sitting supinely, we may one day see a branch strike off to the north or the south of us, and leave us helplessly twirling our :m;nbs and see the opportunity tor the wchâ€"desired double connection finall y pass out of our reach. 1 Q‘ollowing is the letter : ! #4 Hanover, April, 23. 1901 | CROSS COUNTRY RAILWAY A Time for Action. ez zo ca apaer are greatly admired, With a staff of five assistants and head trimmer, we are bound to make the best showâ€" ing to Durham. We cordially invite you to inspeot our Stock. The BEST AND MOST NOVEL EFFECTS we could find, have been brought here for you. Our Lace and Trille Hats, and Folded Chiffon Hats, Also the Flower Hats We are having a particularly splendid season in our large Millinery Department. Never before have we had such thoroughly artistic goods at such prices. Spring and Summer Mx’llx’nerg We have still a few of those BERRY SPOONS AND GRAVY LADLES that we were selling at the great bargain price of 500 each, and to clear the lot this Saturday they go for 2c each. Good quality silver plated goods. The rest of the window will be full of great Bargains and you can save Dollars here Saturday, April 30th, Come early and get first choice, 881 % R. B. KEELER & SON J){iss TDick. THIS SATURIAT, APRL 39th B@B" They will be in the Window. K See the l{ materialize and that the people of this Distmict will soon hayve a cross country road which I am sure would be a great benefit and convenienve to our manufacturers, farmers and people ganerally. We have been hoping against hope in connection with this Electric Road for a long time and I trust that either one ?f the schemes now hbefore us will shortâ€" 1 may also say while writing you in the matter that I atended yesterday (Friday) a meetimg in Walkerton of the Huron & Ontario Rlectwic Railway Company, You will perhaps remember that I am the Provisional Director of the Electric Road Company for Hanâ€" over as Mr Laidlaw is your Director for Durham. _ As Ar Lmdlaw was not present at the meeting in Walkerton yesterday, I may say that a letter was read from Mr May, of Toronto, who has been endeayoring to obtain capital for the building of the Electric Road and in his letter, wricten within the last few days, Mr May stated that he quite ex» pected to be able to haye the contract signed within a very short time for the building of the Electric Road, F Nubads snn Rtviatcts n accalie s1 F0 sent C P R line. _ The extension would give us a convenient road to Toronto and the East and would also give us access to the lakes and North West trade via the C P R and other sueamers at Owen Sound. _If the citizens of Hanâ€" over have any influence in the matter at all, I am sure that it will at ary time be gladly exercised to assist in having the road extended. over people that Manover shall be the Eastern terminus of the road. _ There are few, if any, reasons why it would be a benefit to us to have the road end at this point. _ There are many reasons why it would be a convenience and proâ€" fit to the people of Hanover to have the road extended to connect with the preâ€" sent C P R line. _ The extension would Now I do not suppose that any persons in Hanover will have any particular inâ€" fluence as to whether tne road will he, if built, extended from Hanoyer, or if s0, when or in what direction, ‘but 1 can sincerely and confidently assure you that it wil[ not be the desire of the Hanâ€" course was merely conjecture as no one had any information as to why the application 1s. in the meantime, for a road baving its terminus at Hanover. CHASs RaAMAGE, Paerxtrr axpo Posursure The Price Smashers GREAT BARGAINS AT KEELER‘S I am, Sir, Yours faithfully, H. H. Mrmo®r. c

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