West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Apr 1904, p. 4

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&\ W t something IYew in TDashers : The Perforated Drum, only in the IDEAL. _ Also Wilhelm‘s \\'rixlggr.fi, all made by Watson of Ayr. PfPasseuâ€" ffarvis Showrcoms CDARIS IMPLGMENT WHAIRERCGOMS Binders, Mowers, Criils, Rakes, Hayâ€"Lcaders, F‘cughs, FKarrews zrd 2| kinds of Implements. Aiso Proven Hay Forks and Ferrin Riding Plo w s DEERINXG HARROWS, WILKIXSOX PLOUGHS, HENEKYV‘ PALMERSTOX BUGGIES. All rencwmed artinlas a«uc * K: N GohAhn Pivingston, Jhe Spring Rusk We have something to attract everyone‘s attention in the following lines of & t C of: Masseyâ€"Harris Implements : 3 13 o ol ts ce ho ofe ols ofe ce oo ofs ce ce oo o ofe ode ofe ofe ofe obe ole ols ogâ€" 22 & Qarling‘s Prug Store & ® b o h te‘ "5 & KE. PDorling, "Hipd‘ 4 ts e se ip p ip ip s sp ipcp i: pp pepipipip fpipipi¢i¢L ® Raymond Sewing Machines, McClary Stoves for Coal or Wood. See our line of vTooth Brushes. We can save you money. Ne are leaders in â€" Roflet {/fTrticles. Call in & see our stock Our Stook is now Gomplete n We can only give a mere list of our goods, but in quality and adaptability to the needs of South Grey, we are not excelled : Our Millinery has long had a reputation for correct exclusiveness{unapproached by any other store maâ€" king pretences to nonâ€"extravagance. You may pay up to $15 for a hat here, but you‘re paying for art and not for fancifulness when you buy an expenâ€" sive hat at this Store. We can give you beautiful Parisâ€"modelled hats, the work of our own clever Milliners, at $5 to $10. We can give you pretty, tastefully trimmed hats for $2.50. And at every price you find good taste, beauty and harmony. elegant lot of Belt Sets, Shirt lwaist Sets, Wrist Bags, Chatelaines and Purses. Gohn Glark. Call in and be convinced that we are the original Price makers. _ Remember you keep a string on your money until satisfied itlinery Department Cash and One Price. For Highâ€"Class IMPLEâ€" MENTS is best seen at â€"~ 1 1,0UUGHS, HENKYV‘S HARNESS, All renowned articles and at fair prices. the orlock. $ ortlock $ lil all kinds of Sundries HAgenrt, Durham. Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. | _ Dr. Marcaret McCarucrmr Marâ€" RIED.â€"The bride in the following noâ€" , tice taken from the Globe. is a cousin to Mrs, J., W, McKechnie of this town and 'of Mrs. David McUrie, Normanby: The very quiet wedding of Dr. Margaret McCalium, daughter of the late Mr, Jas McCallum, and Dr. Samuel Johnsten took place at the Central Presbyterian | Church, Rey, J. McNicholl officating. | The bride was given away by her brother Mr. Andrew McCallum, and »was attired in her trayelling dress of Bavy blue tweed. with toque of blue Jfand white. Only the immediate relaâ€" | tives were present, and after the cereâ€" mony Dr. and Mrs. Johnston drove to ‘ the train and left for Buffalo. THE PRICE OF SILENCE.â€"Nearly evâ€" ery week we are requested not to pubâ€" lish something that would make an exâ€" cellent news icem, Sometimes we don‘t mind leaving out a news item, but we certainly do not like to see the news published in another paper the editor of which was apparently not requested not to publish. â€" Henceforth if there 1s any news item you do not wish puhlished. the charge for keeping the saime out of the Herald will be ten dollars, that is, for a ten spot the editor will think the matâ€" ter over and if he Cecides to publish the news you will get your ten back.â€"â€" Walkerton Herald. The meanest man on record has been found. He sold his sonâ€"inâ€"law one haif of a cow and then refused to divide the milk, maintaining that he sold the front half, He also required that hi« son inâ€"law provide all feed consumed and carty water to the beast three times a day. Recently the cow hooked the old man and he is suing bhis sonâ€"inâ€"dlaw for damages. Theobald, the clothier, announces a great 60 days‘ clearing sale. _ Kead the bargains announced in his ad. _ Page 8. Remember the Choral Society‘s Conâ€" cert on Thursday May 5. In Town Hali, Proceeds in aid of the Library, See the Tooth Brushes and Toilet articles _ at Darling‘s. Axminster Mats and Rugs at $1, $2 $3 & $1â€"at Grant‘s, Thoroughâ€"bred _ Collie Dog for sale Apply to THos. Burt. From Durham April 21st. a young, Scotch Collie dog, seven month‘s old. Fox color with white breast and white paws. Answers to name of " Laddie." Suitable reward Mr. John A Graham has resigned ns position as teacher in Hutton Hill school and has made an engagement with No. 9 Glenelg Trustees. Mr. Tyreâ€" man, the teacher at present there, leaving for college. _ Mr. Graham has been very successful in Hutton Hill, and there will be much regret at losing him. g'he change takes place after the holiâ€" ays. Mr. Beale, formerly a Missionary to Japan, intends to give a lecture in town at an early date under the auspices of the W, C. T, U,_ Hislecture is to young men, on * Purity," and is very highly commended by press, pulpit and public men. Date next week. Word has been received by friends of the Stewart‘s in Bentinck, since their arrival in Winnipeg. They got there sately and will now be at their destinâ€" ation in Dauphin district. Miss May Leeson, who has been teachâ€" ing in Indiana for some years, arrived a short time ago at her Varney home. We regret to hear not in robust health. Friends of Mr _ Lewis C. Simth. formerly of Dornocb, have receiyed word that he is dangerously ill at his home in Kent County. Mr. Albert McClinton, arrived at his old home. Mr. Jas. Burt‘s, last week, He has been in Indiana for some time and is looking well. Mr _ John McFadden will shoertly move into the house he purchased from Mr Allan, Mrlrwin moving into hisâ€" the Vair property. Mris W. B, Vollet has been in Torâ€" onto for a couple of weeks, her daughterâ€" inâ€"law, Mrs Robt, Vollet, having been seriously ill. Mr McWillhiares and a friend Mr Horâ€" ton, 0. Sound. were in town on Monâ€" day and took a look over the Cement works. Misses Jennie Stewart and Annie Watt left Taesday morning for Oakville, and Miss Barbara Watt for Toronto. Mr Allan _ McDougall contemplates moving to Chatsworth where he has the chance of securing a hotel business, Mr. J. J. Craig, Fergus, Depâ€"Dis G, Master visited the Masonic Lodge here officiallv on Tuesday, 26th inst. Mr John A. Black has been confined to the house for over a week with a severe attack of bronchitis. Mr. R. Shaw, of Lion‘s Head, spent from Thursday to Monday with his uncle, Mr. Jas. McAuley, Misses Jackson and Root, Palmerston, are the guests of the former‘s brother here this week. Miss May Saunders, we are pleased to see, has resumed her former position in Russell‘s store. Mrs T. A. Harris left for Teeswater on ;I'uesduy to see her mother who is very ow. Miss Belle McKenzie is in Toronto this week. Mrs'Morlock was a visitor in Mt. Forâ€" est this week. Mr. Geo. McDonald, Jr., left Tuesday morning for Hamiilton. Miss Bessie Atkinson came home from Toronto on Saturday last. Miss Mary Marshall is progressing rapidly towards recoyery. Mr. J. F. Grant, of Toronto, is visitâ€" ing his parents in town at present. Mr and Mrs Binkley are moving into part of J. L. Browne‘s house on Queen Mr H. Ball intends returning to Michigan this week. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. PERSONAL MENTION. THE DURHAM REVIEW 1OST. J. W, Crawford. TORONTO Young Bulls. Heifers and Terms easy. â€" Verschovle (Imn Jerms easy, _ | Head of Herd. PURE BRED DURHAMNM‘S FOR SALE. NoTICE.â€"AIll parties are hereby notiâ€" fied that closets, backyards and surâ€" roundings must be cleaned forthwith in accordance with the requirements of the Board of Health. The Inspector is on his rounds and strict attention is reâ€" quirea to this notice. Applications are asked for by the Municipal Council of Egremont for the the office of Township Treasurer. _ Apâ€" plications received up to May 27th, 1904, mentioning securities, particulars of which will be given by the undersigned. Also tenders for man and team to operate Grader. WarureEr Hasti®, Davin Arrax, Reeve, Clerk,. Holstein, April 1st, 1904. A special Meeting of the Shareholders | of the Durbam Natural Gas and Oil | Company Limited (for the purpose ufl disposing of the property and winding up the affairs of the Company ) will be | held at the Town Hall in the town uff Durham. in the County of Grey, on ; Thursday the 12th day of May A. D,1904 | at the hour of 8 p. m | sOHNX MCKECHNIE, President, | N. B.â€"Only Shareholders, whose shares are fully paid up will be entitled | to vote at above meeting. | i)-â€"i)a;\l;fn;';‘tmn‘sfelyuf the Liceus;:. issued to CUyras Stockton. TnHos. A. HarRRIS, Inspector, Durham, April 19th, 1904. A meeting of the Boapd of License Commussioners for 8, Grey will be held at Durham, on Thursday the 5th day of May to consider the application of Jos, | _ â€"Nearly 500 prohibitionists met in | Convention in Toronto last Friday and yoted down a proposal for Government control of the sale of liquor, but ‘" exâ€" pressed deep regret and disappointâ€" ment that no legislation had been inâ€" troduced in failfiiment of promises and in response to the demand of the electorâ€" ate as shown in the reterendum," also warned Governments and parties that the demands for adequate temperance legislation could not be longer ignored. ‘The enthusiasm at the meeting presentâ€" ed a remarkable contrast to the apathy of the country as judged by Rev. Dr. Abraham, the Secretary‘s report. _ He had written to 475 active temperance workers and had received replies from only 45, though several had been written to 3 or 4 times without response. It was recognized on all hands that until the electorate rise above party ties there was little chance of ultimate success. G. F. Marter was elected President, F. 8. Spence, Secy., Assessâ€" ment Commissioner Fleming, Treasurâ€" er. _ An appeal to the Convention to wipe out a small deficit brought in a suim of $1100.00, more than twice the amount required. â€"A law passed by the Legislature just closed will give general satisftacâ€" tion. _ It is that that when a vacancy occurs, an election must follow within 8 mos., thus preventing such a delay as the famous N. Rentrew case. â€"The jury who sat on the wreck case near Guelph, brought in a verdict mildly blaming the operator, Mceâ€" Kinley. but severely censuring the G. T. R. for a faulty station, for a bad system, the **O. S. slips," and for inâ€" sufficient help atstations. â€" For instance McKinley. 19 yrs of age, had only to " avtend to four telegraph instruments, attend to two telephones, sell tickets, check baggage, open and close switchâ€" es. attend to the semaphores. give inâ€" formation when ssked, and take care of incidental duties. On an average twelve trains a night pass by the station, consequently there is also suftiâ€" cient work for an assistant. â€"The seven grotested election triais will be held in September. or 7 doz. for $1.00â€" At 15c ner dozea, LAKE HERRING OVER â€" ESTIMATED J. BURNETT TOPICS OF THE WEEK HMuvan McKay, Health Inspector, APPLICATIONS WANTED. NOTICEâ€"Postponed Meeting we could sell by about three kegs, but in order to get them off quick, we offer them to you We overestimated the amount of Upper Town. Heifers and Cows, erschoyle (Imported) at H. PARKER, Durham. { NOTICE. MODEL BAKERYv, Low s Leading Watchmaker, J eweler [7_' Ssuits To aTJ / And therefore we hear nothiné bt-xt praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. _ 48th Highlanders Pipe Bana _ . of Toronto. â€" Full particulars will be announced later. CALEDONIAN GAMES. Durham. July 1, 1904. Steps have been taken during the past week to have a day of summer sports on the Show Ground in Durham on the above date, _ The organizing body is the Sons of Scotland Camp here and they have received fair encouragement from hotels, merchants, professional men, &cwifA town, in securing a small i,:uur;m(dfl hbefore launching the scheme, iberal priges will be ofiered for the usual games and events. a school dnll competition will be arranged for, ard the great attraction of all will be the Sitver & Ftat W Have a look at our new stock of come in It won‘ dSechoot Wea/a/, Well if you carried one of our Watches, you would not need to be afraid of being so, as they are always on the minute, A. Sordon, d s LA s o t‘ Remember our Bottle ot Shoe Dressing, SIL V E R Spoon, and pair of Boot Laces for 25 cts. Do not forget our Breadâ€" maker, 1t is worthy of inspecâ€" tion. You can easily suited in a washing Machine as we have numerous kinds, Our reâ€"actâ€" ing machine gives great satisâ€" faction. Just to hand, another nice lot of Trunks, Suit Cases, Valises and Telescopes. The " Belviders®‘‘ Carpet Stretcher and Tacker is away ahead of all others. Will not tear the carpet. Our Tinware Department is well sorted with Milking Pails, Strainer Pails, Milk Pans, Cream Cans etc. S, W. P. is an excellent brand of Ready Mixed Paint, suitable for either inside or outâ€" side work, _ Any person can use it with satisfaction. Yet? If Have vou d HTou Ever Sot Loft 2 Made â€" to Styles on WEDDING CAKES Z\ga(.ie to order in â€"Latect HARDWARE ! t / 11 not, you had better and have alook at them. t cost you anything, W. BLACK. « STINSON. seen the shortest , Optician , ER Towx Latest notice. ‘BARCLAYâ€" & BELL Call _ and Also Now that you have a Tudhope Buggs get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the swin The Spring has come and the Summe has gone and so has nearl y two carloads of Tudhope Buggies and the place which was once so filled to overflowing with those rigs is now being filled ay with over a carload of the fanrous We are at the shop at the bridge e ery Wednesday and Saturday. O ders or enquiries left at C. McA rthur store, or at the REvirEw Orricr, wi receive our best attention. {mplements / / ‘s°* Maxwell J){fachinery Of all kinds. Examine our TUR NIP PULPERS ; they are th« best on the market ; _ also! on: CHURXNXS & WHEELBARROWs Chatham Cutters Full Lines of these well=] and reliable goods, PEEL, ine snogman SMarn Organs They are good in every respect Your Spring Trade is Ours because Our Prices are the Lowest, A MARKED FACT REMEMBER THE PLACEâ€"Next Campbell‘s Implement Warehouse Toclear. They are good value at more than we ask for them. geo * @@ We have a lot of different Shoe Dress ings and more coming. Ask for a bot tle of «lycerine Lustre, regular 250 size and get a silver spoon. | This is no fake. Every spoon is stamped and .« genuine. Spoon and polish, 25c. Trunks. Valises. Club bags, Teje. scopes, ¢te, on bhand. Custom work amres repairing done promptly as as possible. TEBMS CA sBHL. Je Sfave Doots & Shoes Poter Hamitton Cte J{yency. Show Rooms opposite Midâ€" daugh Stables, Lambton St. GRAYVS make ; Comjportalt and Stylish, and at priccs i suit ali purses, ulper3, Churns, doe. and Our Values are the Highest P WeA thus 8. Mcllraith Which we are selling _s4> TIt Reeduced PDrico: eudhope @utters Also see our famous Some odd sizes in broken lines of see our APRIL 28. 1904 WO ) U #4 CAPI: CAPIT / RIiKEH A gener Drafts i all point est allow savings wards Lacility dista c SAVING STAV AGE N Ontario, States a The H DUFR NEW awhmdlar C. &A. FL 100 Ac Groce 105 Ac 1 Aore If 100 Ae 1560 Ac Be T ra Bus ‘ Aiwa All Muslis 1J F t B Sf Aid We W 4 \JL re 8t bi

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