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Durham Review (1897), 5 May 1904, p. 1

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ccess of our tes without the genuine l. Russell il 30. S FI bl I JS (ose ex 1,'Nt. bun Mel ’HIRTS US! Bras Ctmtit) " tt l0c ll' Wed " " It __-_ie,.ptyyivitrreHiMMMMM, WM (it)), Remember 'tpr, an nNF. WFFK Mt "-riiiii1i1iiiiiihiiuih1lihhi1iiiiuhiihhiioi, 35:3:x§zxaxm333m3mwmmmmm 43523 i'si?'i'i"ii'mlzmeae5e=al*i%llanrie=allMilliiiiili ii Some of the jj,i, 't'.e--- VOL. XXVI. NO. 18 One of the best offerings of the season is our line of Beautiful Fancy Muslins in several shades, only lch per yd Our 1iINGHAMS. ZEPHYRS, and COTTON VOILES are all marked just a little closer than most. We have many new and Stylish Draperies, Coverings, &c. JNEW CRF.TONNES and ART ML'SLINS. NEW ART SATEENS ( IO different pattems and shades. NEW DRAPERIES and SILKOLINES. FOP ONE WEEK MORE Lace: & Insertions, all over Laces, Ribbons' &T|:immings Early Summer Goods In the Millinery Department Ready=t0=wear House Furnishing Department Special : Skirts and Gowns, well made and beautifully trimmed with Lace and Embroidery and Insertion. Skirts, 75c to "so. Also plain and with tucks. Gowns, 60c to 1.50. Carpets, Linoleums and Floor Oils Some Late Arrivals in Arrived late-going early. Among others notice: The very newest effects in goods and make up, ranging in price from. . .... ....... T hey are hand wrought on superior quality wash silk and will make up exquisitely. . Patterns all different. Prices $1.50, 1.75, 2.00 and 2.25 Silk the same quality to complete waist, 27 in wide, 60c yd. Silk Waist Fronts with Drawn Work Newest Spring Ideas JAMES IRELAND 'iii' 20010 i We are showing all the newest and it is only to introduce our perferiirtitfsr' Clothing that we offer this generous discount Remember, _0ur S.tock_is New and Complete 1901‘? IO DANS ONLY. Highest Prices paid for Butter, and Eggs. H ‘7‘... "Han. .u.w unuulUlUCllca 6 inches wide, worth from 20c to 25c. at..12J4e per yd New Patterns worth from 7c to me, for. . . . .. .5c per yd Ladies' White Waists We are always pleased to show our new goods whether yon buy or not. Indies' Whitewear THE CA SH STORE. Rich tapestry, different patterns, excellent value at Soc. Extra special, . . . . . . .65c per yd That's what we're going to give on our new Stock of NOW for Specials in New Arrivals of is a Big Discount --IN OUR-- Our large Stock of New the Carpet Department. Rates , Star iu.Mt - 'ews $.86 . ._.. $1.50 I ... $1.60 sire. $1.75 iser $1.60 ...'. 81.75 Var $1.75 Li.. l I fl?" ' We will offer those New Embroideries and daintiest patterns in Dress Goods and Suitings Clothing sum to 2.50 i3} ( HOTEL LrcENsEs.--We om‘tled to mention inst week the result. of the meeting of the Board of License Com- missioners in Holstein. The number of licenses Issued is one less than last year the reduction being in Normanhy. which however with nine licenses re- nmining still leads ever}; rural munici- ality in the province. allowing isrthe Eist: Allan Park- Peter Huber: Conn -E Bolger; 11oltstein--J. A. Zettel; Dor- noch-Wm. O'Marat Roh nor-Wm. Ryan; Ayton--W. A. O’Reillv, John Zeuel. Peter Doersam; N eustadt--Louis Himmel. O. Bcharta, Louis Werner, Henry Rittinger: Moltke -h Hergot; Varnit-Wm Crawford; Proton Sm. tion--E Bolger; Durham-McGrath & McAuliffe, C Stockton. V Hahn l Hope- viue--Jno Scarlett. Hanover. Dundalk and Elmwood license were held over for consideration at a future meeting. A GRoWlxo Tows.--Assessor Elvidge made return last, week of his assessment roll. The total assessment is 80l0irtt,0o an increase of 820000 over 1003. The population as taken from his returns is 1750, but Clerk Vollett, mixtures us that without doubt, It is now over 19400 so much ofan influx has taken place this spring. The prospects are good for st ill more. and there in every likelihood that the assessor for 1007, may he able to re- port 2000. The population at the census was 1420. ARBOR DAY.-ihos. day (Friday) should be busy day in supplementing nature in renovating suutourtdimz,s of school and homeaftet the tie-up of such operations by winter. The day is not a holiday at school and p-Lrents should insist on attendance of their children that day, and interest them in all the aesthetic exercises, so becoming in themselves. and. if properly conducted. educativennd refiningin their etfeets. it is preeminently a day to insulate "Nature Study" a subject that. more will he heard of before very long. ENTRANCE MEroArs.--Jeweler. Gor- don's otter of medals to the, leading Entrance candidates is causing some talk and should cause some enthusiasm among Entvanoe candidates and their teachers. There, is a misunderstanding abroad as to the possibility of one pupil getting two medals. Mr Gordon's ad. this week puts that right I at the centre furnishing the silver-medallist. the next in ordorwill get the bronze medal. We were wrong in our last announcement in stating the value to he $611), the re- tail price being $8.00. They are all hand made and engraved with 70 letters at. a cost of three cents a letter for en- graving alone. Teachers and pupils should call and see. them. They are beauties. TheGhald. If you don't want bargains. don't Mme here. We have nothing hut, yywyitytia our Giving up Business Sale. Wiin, START Tue. BrticKvAttir--Mr Wits. Black with most. timely and com- mendable enti-i-prize has bought the lu-ickym-d to the west of the. town an d intends to have it, going at an early date. This will be H. deculed haunt.) the town and neighborhood for the lack of a local supply has been severely felt. We hope "Black's Bricks" will become famous for excellence and be widely used, and his enterprize will he thus amply rewarded. I How can they make those suits for thnt money? is the question put, to us daily. Never rttind-just let us try one on. Theulmld. the Clothier. Dr. w, M. Brown. of Neustadt will he at. the Knapp House, Durham, Salm- day, May 14th, for consultation in Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat cases. Hours, 12 to (S p. m. ( New Lace Curtains tn hand, 2,25 pr. I! At Grant‘s. l 20percentcott for one week to ttttro. ‘duce them. H. H. Mocklor. SvnnEs.--Amos Miller, Hanover. for some titne liveryumn here, died in Han- over on Sundwy and was buried Tuesday with Forestric honors. J. S. McIlraith, offers some Mtt'artive articles free in his ad this week. Read his ad page 4, and are his famous shoe dressings. here May 29th inst. 7 d -..9...rr. Don't. miss the Concert of the Choral Society, tn-night in Town Hull. Get, your ticket ready and hear 50 lmined voices. he dispensed in the Arait"yTeviiiil"Giupe'i; here May 20th inst. Money to Loan at. 45 Ber cent. MACKAYJE UNN Durham. MncFUrlnne.s, Tonic Elixir will tone you up for the Spring. 50e a hotte, try it. duce them. H. H. Mociia.." ......, Have you seen those black sateen underskuts for $1.00. At Grant‘s. Swell Neckwear and Men's htrdeoom Slippers, special snaps. at Theohald's. Bee Mockler's Ge toweling, worth 8 cents. Stu-r; DURHAM, THURSDAY. MAY 5fT904. _ a . - 2t,-?to1.rriiiiillyt [all-:53?” kid shoes from one's up. at at; iiiilliiiiii)8lrttst I c1ul and see, MturFuvlaue's dainty; j .“ 'aunent'of the Lyd? Supper will tttttit iliiltt:rjiil'f,.'._,iiiti), ‘3 Fit Vrturistw..--Irvspector Harris on Sun. day went West by Allan Pave, Hanover and Neustadt, pavungu visit to hotels on his way and ma it result four or live pro rietors have to answer for infraction Mtge License Law and in addition to fines may qualify themselves to have their license withdrawn altogether. A license isa contract. between the gov- ernment and the licensee, by which for the privilege-- the .Rovey.tuent-ti. e. the people ) __ has the right to with- draw it. It is these persistent attempts to defy law that gives strength to the cry for prohibition. and if hoitl-keepem, were Wise in their generation they would keep clearly Within thelr privi- leges. Thesontiment of the best hotel- keepers and the public in general will support Inspector Harris ll] stamping out the crookeduess or weeding out the crooks. Ilentmtkiasser,nov. Mr Mnny Jack. lin. has returned hie lull in good shape at an enrlydate. Ive. ttke the follow. ing items from It '. Avres assessed 75. 010. Avtes eleuved 46135. Woodland 9.074. Swamp 19.800. Ola-hard 400. Val. ue of real nruperty 1.0fh5,730, Value of persona1pt'opevr y3.900. teal and personal property 1.069.630. Fall wheat acreage t,096, Pripnlat ion3.l 15. Children between (Sand 21 l,08t. Children between 5and 15851. Voters 21 to 00 627, Births regis- tered M. Damn: veqisteved 39, Cattle 8,2m,tsheep 4,385. Pugs 5.195. Horses 1,&50.--Potit. No CHANGE IN Tur: Ihsautrcrr.--At me “naming of tho Judicial Com. of the Canadian Lacrosse Association Monday evening. hutfvw ruvuions wore made for the final draft of districts. in inter- mediate &jnnim- mties. Junior District No. 2, which mcludes the Durham club has no ch Inge from that, announced in last, week's issue The committee Io arrange the (lialrict svhedule "meta at Markdale, Me Geo. Duluhw. Markdale being convmler. Mount. Forest's senior team has dropped out of the Fs'enior series and will play Intermediate la- crosse this season. Sot'Tlt AFRICAN Trews.--.Dt. Mc- Donald. who had experience in the S. African war, will give it lecture in the I’rt-shyt.»rian Chuvch on Monday next, at tl p. m., illustrated Wlih stereopticun views. The Ladies" Ald have the ttlttt. ter In charge and admission will he by a Silver collection. Dr McDonald was It closeoltsetwer. as those who heard him on a previom occasion can testify, and living a racy platform speaker, a treat is in store for those who hear him and see the views taken lw himself. H. H. Mockler is offering six inch openwork I‘lvnhroidries. worth from 20c to 250. for. 121; for one week only. s'wanM [NU LITTLE OxEs.--M iss Grant, tenchet of the Primary classes of our school has had an addition of 33 new names to her roll book since the weather not fine. The other rooms have alla fairly full attendance, and the matter of increased school accommodation will force itself on School Board and town before long. Indeed it is even now necessary for during the next, Model term, one of the junior (IPJMU'HIIPHIR Will have to he accommodate in the Town Hall or elsewhere. How MANV IN DvuHssi.---A hotel- keeper in Chesle.v having stated that. not, more than 3 pet cam of the adult. populathm Were abstniuers. tne editor of the l‘IntH-priso with some friends went over the Voters' list and found GO who. they had roman to believe. neither touched. tnstwl nor handled. Chesley's population living 1770 (ll morn than Hui-hunt). this is :Ilmut 11 pm vent. of the male adult population. Will some on" who "knows” Durham, please hand us in an estimate. To see the picturesque court cos- tumes of the 17th century which are being procured by the Shukosperinn Club from outa of the largest. (-usuuuels in America, for them production of Hamlet. is alone worth the price of ad- mission. Those who enjoy a night of refined ent,evtaintnent will not miss the concert in the Town Hall. to-night, the thst given by the Choral Society. 2,5 cts. All seats reserved. Plan at 3itueFarlane's. GAS AND oIL.--The meeting of the} (ins and Cil Chr. called for May 5 has; been postponed to May 12. The tite in ; Toronto prevented the necessary Poli-l, cation in the otticGi Gazette. l l Rev. Messrs Farquh:uson, Durham.; and Little. Holstein, drove to tJedaril, ville on Monday to arrange for the) transfer of Kingscote congregation to; an adjoining preslrytery. g FUR SALE,-A Counter 10 feet lung. a lot of shplving. spice boxes and drawers suitable for a grocer. Can he seen at REVIEW oifice. Justice cannnt he done the goods on paper. Prtt will have to call and inspect, and allow" us to show you the sn'tps. at TheoGld's, MacFarhtnes' sell only the best, mired Luints. Try their fioor Pun'o it dries ttrd in a night, slum: price as inferior grades. Every sentence in our ad is genuine. We hive the grands for you at never equalled prices- Theobald. H. H. Mockler has some lines of Canned goods that are just. a. little finer in quality than most brands. When buying a suit, for your boy. see Mockler's Ready-made Clothing. Now is the time to select your prints; a. hint range. At Grant's, To-night- Thin-Mia) -Choval Society i Concert in Town Hall. 1 There are bargains for you at Theo-, lmld’s sale. Read his ad. I Infants kid shoes from one's up. at Grant’s. Call and see MncFarlaue’s dainty)l wall papers. ' as those who heard hm, occasion can testify, and platform speaker, a treat those who hear him and taken by hunself. I”; ', Rom: Itosn BRILAThnt was .c wry w f '""1'"".f.tatetpeut, mule by the G, T. R. "' l authorities who visited Hanover. 10 days in g {180 to.a deputation of shippers who rf , 1/"try.itw.ed them. Mr McGuigan said ll I that this branch was ly! to cunlmcun's ii ', who had built it as 'hltt and cheaply w Cay possible. and lmd. han ed ir nvm- lo T/tyi, Grand Trunk with the result that ll L that. the "ridges And 1oruilred wei-e not n icompetent m rennin of tu_tfticiently l heavy engines wing utilized in ade- '!tptately handle the volume of business. '- ', Wonder ifour brunch will merit the l. .snme comment, and if so what are they e "toine, to do about it? Durham P. o. Second Class Professional teacher. male or feumle. for School Set-tion ll. Bentinck, (Hutton's Hill). Dutiea to begin aftermmuwr holidays. Applimr (ions. stnting qttalfFttifytts and exper- ience. veeeived up to 21 May, 1901. - - Cii.ts. Luvmcxcu. Susy. 2nd May 'ot. Lots 32 x 33, Con. 2 H. D. R.. contain. mg 100 acres more or less. About, 00 acres cleared and in good 'itate of cul- tivation for nllkinds of crops. Remain- ing l0 acres hard wood hush. Four miles from Priceville. Emile from school. On farm an» two good wells Brick House 30 x 22, with kitchen 17 x 2i, cel. lar and all conveniences. Good bank harn50x 65. splendid stahling. Tale good. Easy terms of paymentMsuic purchaser. Appl if by post to Price- ville P. O. or on 'IL, premises to -48th Higblnn ders Pipe Band of Toronto. Full particulars will be announced later. Liberal prizes will be ofiered for the usual games mid events'. a whnol drill competition will be arranged for, and the great attraction of, all will he the Ben Nevis (‘amp at its meeting last week set, everything In motion for the Great Demonstration on above date. Mr Wm. Calvert. Lot T, Con, lh', Et remont. will sell by Publie Auction on Wednesday, May 25. 1901 Valuable Farm Stock and 'tttpl-nts, Buggy good as new. democrat. hinder. m-urlv new and umny other vnluulnlo articles. See posters. Sale at 2 p.11). Turms:$5 and under cash; W, mos. (-wdit on approved joint notes. G per cent discount for cash. minus mm tits pockets. retinal-king: "Xe“ would cout an uncu‘ deal to keHf."" The EnR1trehman regarded the huge bird with disfavor and said t '. It would make mighty [Hugh muting.“ But the Irishman exclaimed '. '. Bednd. but that nd be it devil of a hurrd to h'ght."--Boston Travel”. his Evrvsrsa.--The Concert in the Town Hall. this Thursday evening. by the Choral Society is the heat of its kind and should he hugely patronized Amine-d chmus of GO vow-s isnnt heard every day. As their first. im- pulse has been to help the Public Lil. rill-y there should on that account he liberal support. Tickets 25c, All seats reserved. Plan at McFUvlane's. Npriossr, TrtArrs.---An Fhwlislunan. a Scotehlnan and an Irishman were ad- miring it tine stuffed eagle in the show window of a taxidermist. The Scotrh- man shook his head and tin-AN his hands into his porkeh. rcmnrking: "Ye" would cost an unm' AMI In i E DWLY bh'rticirv.s.--Intense re- grgm ex ressed when it. became known 'lr/lg?') and Tuesday that M rs M%. Lauder was stricken with appro- did“. and that, the Mth was a severe on.) She was in her plate In charch on Sunday and so soon to he a sufferer is very startling. The operation was pets formed Tuesday and at time of writing she is doing well. We hope she may male " rapid recovery. to " TORONTO TEACHER WAN TED FARM FOR SALE. i, "outlay evening the rehearsal of fuelonculy Dave" was interrnplvd uric“ from Mayor and Alderman inexpresseid themselves us highly 'ii"', with the preparations the Club king in the way of scenery. em. i'the production of Hhukespeur‘s u: ngic'l’lny "Hamlet" on May ' 13th. VatoPPert--Did WU not believe Id Allan to he the most vern- linen we mmld ItTrcely imagine a; ll. trout could he caught in Wu. This he did on Tuesday er. In general pour catches are made hut the fttih'l1 do anything Ite Mr Allan. Durham. July I. 1904. CALEDONIAN GAMES. t2tgtict: Mr, l-‘mqnhnr- , Sunday morning’. set-hum matrihutmn to this live topic let out to notice but tind we durum? to, in the space at our I week. Next week. Inky McIntyre was made the “Muplurnf gold out? Imttnns thut, by his brethren of Ben up. Shirley has been a work- hem with him the Rood wishes y in town, among them the Ile. SALE REGISTER Aer "Humlet" is hullvd for 13th with a casu- 1ftwettty. (I): Shukesperiun Dramatic 'e Sailor Huts from 15c to we Hur, Mouton. Sm. Prop. D. MCPHAIL. Auctioneer Io print. selling for c, cts pet Mdeeier's. am -0- 0.- R, B. KEELER<§ SON (3ur efforts to please Our Window will be full of great Bur gains this Saturday. clump-t $3.000N'll. A urea! - q; u)?" bargain Saturday at ..'-.q PYr T'l* q . .ao tio dam Ten Spoons. warranted white 'tlu'gpe, will always wear Itirte. worth $2.00 per own. It will be money well spout it you buy a dozen of them- 81 00 Spoon- Sum-41y tor only .'rrea. . FOR SATURDAY, MAY 7. ssss Read m'cr these snaps : 100 only Du-ssing ()mnlm. re Manly Ladies" The coming Militia Camp promises to he one of unusual interest.' During the Mt two years only small continual” “we been ordered out. This your lull companies will he lulu-n. [would like to see tll the old "minim-q tto and enjoy 0; camp under. the improved candilmm: also nu nmuy new men as can be secured. Quin- a number havo already joined, an those who intend going should apply at as early " date Its.' possilrle. Nee "0le later of drill. An important. communion! mu was read from M K Richardson M. P.. show. ing the action he had luken in connec- tion with extension of Luckttow-Han. over railway to Durham in I'qumm- to Clerk Volteittu letter. from the town. The matter is to he conmdet.ed on Tum.- dny of this week by the Railway unu- mittee. Hampden, May A request from the tire hI-Imuie for Certain articles: how. ”lay pipes. ladder. sinnlese coupler. brake, he was ('Olll- plied with. On motmn J P Telford was appointed engineer for all new sidewalks I tis sea.- son. Bd of Woter, was authorized retaining wall and sidewalk h bridge to Middnugh House. Mr R. Mx-(anckon called attention ot council to sidewalk in ft rm m his P."." perty, (Dr Hmmn's residence). Jr!yth. needed support of amm- kind. Cotmctl granted him $25 " part of expense ot tttting in. The necessity of mon- Pu."."." ink stations ml the river bank: an thh to plwe the fimr-erurine wus recognized and the Board of worto, are hu'inll two put in, one at the rear of the MoKN'hnle more pmperiy. the other ("Ht of Guru. flaunt " bridge t near Calder Muck. Accounts, were as fullnws: w Irwin. printing, 26.25: L P, Elvidge. Lu): " Mat-Kuy. cot"tuitmiott collecting hum. 18.50: Geo Ryan. wood. 3.m: Hugh Mow. Kay, 3 mos salary as H 1."1'p"ei; ti.23; C Elvidge. “may". 40.00: V Laidlnw, expense unending railway ttteeuttg. loot. Tntnl. 8132 26. Petition of rout-payers out. side of Bruce St. for new sidewalks was ac- canted. J1f/v'fllfrtery . . Met on Monday evening in regular meeting. All pron-m. Prices are Always Reasonable. M iss Dick. KEHER’S BARGAIN H815 cheap at 20 they EIC..... The Ladies in Durham and sur- rounding country in artistic nil- linery are not in vain, are proven by the crowds that visit the showrooms daily. CHAS BAKAGE. P-.n no PUILlslltl. We wish to call attention to the GRAND DISPLAY of Millinery at Miss Dick 's. Never before has there been such a grand dis. play to choose from. The styles are so becoming and colors so beautifully blended. VOLUNTEERS! ATTENTION! Durham’s Bargain Stun». 10 3’0!“ -----iqt ---- TOWN COUNCIL o. M. quwzn. Capt No. 4 Coy.. 3ist 14-h. Satundsy .... Long Chains. warranted wear with solid gold slide», ou-h. A great an; .le HI, 1mt tidewaik built. i/ai t for ruhlwr to have Regt . JC i'ii q

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