West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 May 1904, p. 4

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Ul We can only give a adaptability to the ', DF.r:RINC, HARROWS. l' PALMERSTON BUGGIES Binders, Mowers. C kinda of Implement: Dar car of Buggies. Democrat and Carts have just arrived New Sn Organs ( chfr'astwracittarrrris ghowroams Aw: I.“ l'f'CT r ‘ v 55.541 A.“ u A J/f'r'ar, /7 ohr, Slriui'rtsstort, all; The Spring Rusk rh'lock of Thomas ans and Sloan-13m Raymond Sewing lachines athin IDF. AI. :H't‘>(1)lCt!Iil'§.,' to attract "eryone's attention in the follovirg I hf? Mnsscyllarris Jmplsments: rs, Mowers. Drills. Rakes. bor-Leaders, F'lcvrrs, Forums ' " lmploments. Also Proven Hay Forks and Perrin Ridinn Our Millinery has long had a reputation for correct exclusiveness unapproached by any other store ma- king pretences to non-extravagance. You may pay up to $15 for a hat here, but you’re paying for art and not for fancifulness when you buy an expen- sive hat at th Store. We can give you beautiful Paris-modelled hats, the work of our own clever Milliners, at $5 to $10. We can give, you pretty, tastefully trimmed hats for $12.50. And at every price you find good taste, beautv and harmonv, g JN: in washers t Tlre_l'er_foraten Drum, only .. Also Tilhvim's Wrirwers, all made by wa-tkos/o? Ayr. Eafzifnsfs :9ma' item 9am Glark. ire and Life Insurance promptly mly give a mere list of our goods, but ity to the need, of South Grey, we ar ROWS, yuLKlNsoNPr.ovims; Tito Eoople’s -- o . t. . Earhngg Druggis "5-c'ie:cyci':'cs"rcrsrr-ctcss4sntensetto $666636 J Call in and be convinced that we are the original Price makers. Remember you keep a string on your money until satisOd s and Doherty wing Machines WIIhery 2epurtmertt Cash and one rJurice For High-Class IMPLI 1HiNTS is best seen : rimmed hats for $2.50. And at every find good taste, beauty and harmony. Tooth Brushes. Wc can save Teil" dfreieas. Call in & LBJ/753.31? wmeamsms Be}: Sets, Shirt Lain Sets ' Mculary Stoves for Coal or ...., -u-uera, I-Ictgrs, Ecru“: trd al an Hay Forks and Perrin Riding Flows Also largo site]: of Bicycles and " cordlmrd Wheels. Jlepairirg d, no 1m myth & right. Iv ' Oxtord Crt-zun Separators made mes k in Durham sell themselveS‘ r our goods, hut in quality and nth Grey, we are not excelled: V I'i3u'tiHs, IIENIiY'S HARNESS, Ill renowned articles and at fair prices. h Me ser9Fivibciksuigrsiei. york of our own clever We can give you pretty, 'ortock. (iii) III vagance. you may but youve paying for den you buy an expen- can give you beautiful in all kinds of Sundries attended to 'ortock (ii) 447562113. Durham. Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. the followirg lines see our stock you monev. Wood. in the Mm 'it, of irl Lot 10 Con. 22, Town: County Grey, containing full particulars apply to "Rf Applications are asked for by Mnnivipnl Council of Eurmnnnt for the office of Township Treasurer. plicatiotvs roceived up to Maiyznh. 1 mentioning sevuritios. particulars which will he given by tlie nndorsigt Also vendors for man and team operate Grader. WALTER HASTIE. DAV”) Au AN Reeve. Uh Holstein, April Ist, 1004. , acres cnmce, tTisnproved land. a [U 2t, miles from the growing town of Rncanvillv. in which there has been tive ehevatovsereeted in the past.? yrs., and 16 miles from Moosomin. Price 811 per acre. This land is located in a district where crop returns are sure. Fall particulars from W. F, Jury. or WM. Ennis. Moosomin, Ass. Filma Irilt NORTH WEST iirfrfiriir LANDS FOR SALE. 520 Acres choice, unimproved land, :3 miles from the D‘l'lnvinn- mum Cheap l Tums. A. “Aunts. Inspector, Durham, April mm, mm, A "Naming of the Board of I. (fmmmwmnum fur M, Grey will h at Durham. on Thmsduy the 3th May to (nnsider the :Ipplirntinn u D. Davis. fopa trnmfc-r of the Li issued to ('ylns Stockton. Tums. A. “nuns. In“: V MeV ._.....\‘, ul .‘I'IHIJI l Township of l-Zurumnnt. "mo It, mm. for the tollowinar mm to the work of the propuwtl lie 1 For lsrivkunrk. C' For " 'PJ/gr/p/tpork. I Pai, c, Tinsmit I work. l Plans unal s'pecitivations m llnrahmrc Starr. ll ( In no hrckei.vEv, FARM FdRXSALE --- CHORAL SOCIETY Three of the Choruscs to by the "Choral Socictv It o Mrs. Lnnde-rkin left Monday noun for Ottawa where she will visit!” hevson, Mr. George Lan, lwlure taking up residence in Tl Mrs. Lnndt-rkin has resided In ovet'for. the greater purl of her Ii few pe-rlmpu, huve as many m flit-lids in town as she. She c-nju good will and 1'05le ol' nil itt alhition of not n few, The, lmmlerkin leave in the Collrse ctruplts of weeks, and they too l nrisrwd " " wide (-n-rlo of tTie Post. cum-rs will ho n-u‘h'uvl by Sc-lmol Trtyitecs of 51-1100 Mrs. John Wilson. Ihuham, spent a few days nnwng friends "mum! her old home, nt McLemn‘s mill, lately. She leaves with her clniheu on Finlay to jmn her huahnml in their new homo in Toronto, She, min-S llu- REVIEW with them to keep in touch with home affairs. a crest. mmr Dornm-h. F lugs, Ou-lmrd. Good I. “OWN. near \Vihlnr's , FARMS FOR SALE Messrs Shirley Mclntyw and Jeff McCracken left Monday tor Ednmnt'm to try their fortune,,. in the West. The Rl-view extends [nest wishes tr. the two young men and hnpeq to heat of them honoring lhemsvlvvs um! their native town. momentum, Ass. Edge Hill APPLICATIONS WANTED. Mrs ( ltrw, Chas. ) (‘mnorum t' home Monday front Tm-unto At1t again in residence in l'pper T, Mrs A. McLean and Miss Itentru, guests at Hotel lit-ass. Preston Spri Mr It. ll. Tuwnsrmi. vditm- of the 1Vroxetet. Star. with his two suns. canw up on Saturday to visit his ri-la- tivus, the McDous,ralf's. MN Gun leaves for Tovonto this week to nth-ml the annual meeting if the W. F. M. S. there. Her daughter, Miss Margaret accompanies lwr. Mr Fwd Huntur is at prawn. nguwt ntihelledts, wheve his nrotltetu'anti sisti-l', Mrs Snuwrville an: residing. Mrs'ortievvilieis expected home 'soon. Conwvutulatiorv4 to Mr Jno. Byers. Humptlen. and Miss Mattha A. Williams, WJH ttrday, Wednesday, are living united in wedlock. Messrs J. P. Telfm-d and Geo. Binnie Went to I). Sound last Saturday in enn- net-tiun with the settlement of the Mc-. Nal, eslnte. NOTICE TO CONTItACTons Mrs, LmIde-rkin left . - _ - vv Illlv‘l hut-mu hump Stables Hours. frmnplmn“. , Mr Allan Mc-Dnngnll is muvmg this week to Chatsworth having bought the Campbell House there fur tho nice sum of $11,500, Mrs T. McGirr is a. delegate to the w. F. M. S. annual "mating In Toronto thts week. Mrs Ireland isalso in at tendunce. Mrs Jas. Milan. Rochester, calm- home on Saturday for u few Weeks" visit with her mother, Mrs J. w. Scott, Upper Town. MW McTnvish with her three child- pen is at, present nn 3 visit to her par- ents, Mrnnd Mrs Mail. Mr John (huneron 1s spending at few days at home. Miss Susie Gadd left Tuesday mom- ing for Toronto. Mr c, Lutz is moving into the Ipit: end home, just vacated by Allan * Cs Datum". PERSONAL MENTION. V~_ vvuIll\rIllr|ll/ " frmnehouso. well watered, rfurthw‘ 1mm icuhtrsappl.v to MM'KAY k Di-ss. Durhmn. - 'e"r'P. . Vt 'Orr" a". wk. on my d ligrmnnnt. tlpto SATI'RI’AY. MA Y tlw following vummcts, all rrlmlng of tho Proporol m-u' school. vir, _ Lt?., TOWHQUD THE DURHAM REVIEW NOTICE up t'esudeuce in Toronto. in has rmidml Ill Hun- r'mtel- purl of her life and liave as many Irerrouul n as she. She Pnjuys the l respttt of "ll and the tot a few, The Album we in the Corlt'se at " 'ks. and they mu will he wide (11'le of frivn(ls.- ' “my will ho “PM sduy the 3th day of :.ti'rrlitat.iott_os Jos. 2 For mm & Hum-rim I Painting & Mia/Jug 1min se%Grii/, " Wm. Summit Holstein. the Board [mu-gt: Iviruie'vk"i/ Frame Bu Hd Land, $3400 a Lake. two wi!h ('ellwnl. ('mnorun. mum 'Nronto and is I l'pper Town. the Liver/si,' SH Il Art-use Springs. mum nfth "fl m pa y " TORONTO l t ; it A l special Meeting of the s'havehohnt,,, of the Durham Natural Gas um! Oil Company Limited (for the pin-p059 of dispnsing of the prmwrty and Winding up the att'airs of the ('onnmny i will he held "rtlteTown Hall in the town of ( Din-hat” in the C1runty of Grey, on Thursday the P2th day cf May A. 1).!!!” l at, the hom. of h' p. In i sous Mt'KEt‘uxn-z. President. 1' N. IB.7~()nly b'hareholuers, whose [ shaves are fully paid up will he entitled l l to vr,te at. above meeting. l Nt't' -"'e __. .. .. "T"WW, V Provmce will be developed in British! "Columbia. The Eastern Division will; '. i give nere~s to an enormous and prm-ti- , I willy unexplored wooded plain, north of lithe height of land in Ontario und‘ . Quebee. lt will he singular. if that '; b region fails to have any resources of; .[uny kind. and whatever resource- it I I ' "ray posse»- must. by llti sheet, extent be of considerable value. It. innv prove to 1 have great industrial and agriculturill value. and in that event the national] gain will he t'nor'ttttrtts. Aside hon. the ronunereiul stimulus. the growth of " I new ('unmhmi I'tritHrttttttlvtrtt our north- I ern plain will give a depth to the eonn- I ' It'}'. and possibly will establish " tom-n I l with the West which will be ot’priet-g lless Value in the development of out" [national ccrtsciousness. Further. the“ {building of the Eastern Division uull l nmke "Trurl.tathcaexvhrititwo't' Hudson's Bay. with all the possibilities: involved , in that, line of duvelopmvut. _ We will gain a new looting on the Paciiic, and the Pacific is the ocean of l I the future. A new belt of settlement, l across British Coluturia, n new seaporr i A on our we~1ern seaermst. a new river of t I international trade new)» our country. ,) " new aventie for. the placing of our: wares in the awakening ()rient~suehj are, some of the promises of the project, l to send the Grand Trunk across the i Fl plaivs and the niountnins to the coast. , The senior. milwny of Eastern Canada , SI will be in touch with the markets of l . Asia and Australasia." TI or 7 doz, for $1.00. At 15c per dozen, LAKE HERRING New (”I'lli of stupendous size and of inenlrulnhle trotcvilsihiies will he opened fotdevelopusent. The Wester." Division will quarter :u'l'os~' a reginn which has I-nnm fora Inilliun farms. Ewrv mile of the main line will he in rit-h furunm: t'ouutry. IIUW nlnmsL empty I t"or'ttover, feeotsliue., can be driven into utit'ottttt- dimricts, which treed hm " railway lo draw wliIeI-s. Flu-[her “MAI. " new - ""'_ee_e. .3 ”up-'- Q9rtte"0VNrr_ tage of " second link between the New! and tlu. West. Out. whole scheme of national existence may depend on mn- >ll('('t‘.~" in drawing Em! and We,st in- gotht-r. The new railway will inure tho double um nu-unsuf timing this: the more s" Immune it should he "ue of the host lines of communication on the cuntuwnt. ,..,.~-‘.\l Ill I'll. country. (-nndmuns the Moncton ".xten. sion. pmmising running rights, “fie! ex- piry of 50 your lease, and several othet points which are fairly dtaltattaairIe. Havmg done this it "lose,,. with a rusvule- view not t-xwllml by any Litwml jnurlml we have yet sown. of the advau, mg” m the project in general. and Wt' “We constrained to Hire u Irorttott of it '. evet'y (‘mmdiun spirit. must "xpund as the rosy pirstsilulitiias sore grasped. "The general project, prewnts a re- tutit'liitlrlecontras"t lo the tortuous cum- plt-xily of the details. At the very out. set it ensuu-s to mu country the blond. siulplo‘rund mum-nm-ly impurlsuut. advan. b......, _ . .. " _ OVER - ESTIMATE The News, in at recent editorial, points out several nhierlinnnhlv details such as too much latitude allowed the [woun- tevs, the. pledging of the country to building the tltteltecsAlmitiiri portion. not; knowing the rhmm'lor of the Parliament having decided by a ma- jority of 55 to go on with the guarantee of the new G. T. P. contract. a. broader view is commencing to he taken of it. seeing there is no chance of propound. ing further modifications. Thai is. in some quarters. for it seems hopeless to expect papers of a certain stripe to speak the nmttcr fairly. Some Clon- servutivc pupeIs" such as the 1vovld and the News. rise "hay" incl-c potiizanship and state facts without distortion", though having their fling at various features. -Japan has won a great victory on land and no .v acmpies both sides of the Yala riverat and near its month. The Russians lost about 4000 men and 28 guns and are in full retreat 'ttt- land. Japanlostaboutrm, Admiral Togo has Been trying again to block Port Arthur, but failed. It seems cer- tain that in al few days tho-railway will be eat and the isolation of Port Arthur accomplished. . BURNETT NOTICE Postponed Meeting, we could sell by about three kegs, but in order to get them off quick, we offer them to you We overestimated the amount of THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC Upper Town ll Ire (leveluped in; British The Eastern Division will 0 an """."".""ls 3”ch prm-[i- ------+qi- ---. nus. Al the vet y out. ml country the lunad. m-Iy impurlnm. advan- ink between the Hunt Out. whole scheme of " may depend on uur V ' s MODE v - - - I v ‘U . v. I FIRST of all, we use only the finest { Flour and other ingredients. l SECONDLY. we are artists in our line. f THIRDLY. cleanliness reigns in every I department of our establishment. f LAS'I‘LY, our prices are absolute] yfair, ' Give us a call and see lor yourself. A first class Hm. hr , GOOD REA SONS: Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler Bread. Cakes, " always on hand at Rowe) And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. fr SUITS TO AT!) ', Durham Senool JL oo? Waltz/.9 Intending Students should onwr at begins of term, or In" soon after as potable. FEES: tl .00 per month Wm Johnston, C. Rama... Chairman. Secrclur“. sf. Sordon, St." and Equipment. The ichool is equipped for full Junior Lenin! and matriculation Work. under the following Matt of Competent Teachers for that Department .. THOS. ALLAN, Priueipal. MRS L. M. FURFAK. Classics mnl \Imlnrnc 'wmrméer the A Silver Medal, value $8.00 to the pupil resident in and writing at some centre in S. Greyr-taking the highest number of marks at the coming Entrance examina- tion. Also a bronze medal to the pupil standing high, est at each centre. At the centre having the silver me- dallist, the next highest will receive the bronze medal. Have you seen them yet? If not, you had better come in and have'a look at them. It ll on 't cost you anything. S3'CtCtbrSSCayr'e LBAKERY Churns House-Cleaning Fishing Tackle Grain Seeders Cages 'y, STINSON. 3.22. B hiya-:Wamm - Moua, Paints! Tis a Marvell “'EDDTNL} Made to 0rd Styles on sch, Our variety of churns cou+tauv.-lrttsrlt 1'vock, “and limb. Itoeker& Bum-I. No person can get thmuxh Ilnurw» cleaning siatisttsctKly without " trood Nit-lvluddcr Ind ctvrpetu'eator, and we hn Ye the quality. In Fishing Taekhs we tttkctltr ' You should we uur stock of Fly and Gut Hooks. Pike Hooks. Jointed Poles. Fish Muslims. dw. It will pay you to secure one of our “and Grain sown-rs. If you require RFBBER Tl'nlis‘ for your grain leak-r. we have (Immunity and our price is right. our customers an- !ast tmmrtg out that there Is no palm to mini “Sherwin Williams' Ready Mixed Paint." Every person with a knowledge of paint. will use no other. A school bo‘ycln nuke a good jg}, with it. damp-w for n We have a great vtsrivt.v--Utost Bird and Squiml CAG' Es', HARDWARE I W. BLACK. FOttr'A R, Classics and Modems , LOWER TOWN uuc ot l, We are at the shop at the Mid: c I Pastry. i ery Wednesday and Saturday. l we's store. i' ders or enquiries left at C. MoArthu . . ti . r . trr-, u VG CARES , storey or at the Rrn my l order in Latest lI receive our best attention. shortest notice. 'otutitions / l Optician at beginning designs Barn I Call and BARCLAY d BELL Ite Now that you have a get a Tudhope Cutter giémpZements f Ilso was gone and so has nearly two cm of Tudhope Buggies and the which was once so fillc" tooverilo with those rigs is now being Mic with over a narload of the fat The Spring has a has gone and so h: Of all kinds. Examine m NIP I‘l'LI’liRS : they best on the market: " CHURNS & WHF.r.tn.u, [Full Liues I am] " Aarn They are good Chatham Cutters Show Rooms opposite Mid daugh Stables, Lambton St. PEEL, :HE SHOEMAK Your Spring Trade is 011: because A MARKED FACT Pete, 3tamitu 21 I algen 0y. Maxwell Jitaers GRA " Mill? ; ( 'um/m'lu i (Ital Stylish, um! "I pr/cu. ttttit all pursue. REMEMBER THE PLACE My Ctunpbell'ts implement Wm-olmu,.. 'tttpe, a, tl 1911172.; Trunks, Valiscs. Club Bags Bags, &c. in stock. Jhsots, Juan, &ippers WE ARE NOW GIVING A SILVEL SPOON, made by the Victoria Sn vet Co., with every 25c botth. m Glycerine Shoe Dressing and P. u size Black Cat Scribbler with our). 15c bottle of Black Cat Int-sun" Besides these we have a lot of mi. er dressings, liquid and paste and Our Values are the Highcs: Our Prices are the Lowe; gum, 'Dressings Also see Tudhope Gutters Custom work and Repnn'm done as promptly as poiosulole , III!!! CA III. rvst Mrrioe ttt ttot If them, "TH-hum "liable ttoods. see our Goods From 25c to 95.00 our famous A large stock of in ever y rest but xaminc our TI' : they arc I rkct ', also'; C ililleMR Rt tll' @rgans mic and the Another lot of MCIlraith 'est, Af 1/; 'rudhope ll & he in the MAY 5, 1904. inert Sum th 1) " gt. Sch, SAVINGS B LH'II din.- “A P! Itriril MAW 0n! tit " KEV" DURH A gr Dru! NEW 100 Acre 150 Acres dl ' 100 Acre 105 Acre , Acre Groceru e " TWE Tran: Bush Mu All MI can”? d covery. Always P1 It ll. ll ll' w. The and l doctt form .. WI - Um Your thin.{ (Inn by Id Smal iieg H // E0

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