West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 May 1904, p. 5

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:an the Highest; ow MUM; A Sunaae I made hy the Victoria Sit-. with cvery 25c bottle . ' Shoe Dressing and a 3.- l Cat Scribbler with ugh e of Black Cat Dreasia, . these We have a lot 0103:. ngs, hquzcl and paste. opp' 8hoes, 6/49/9913- DIII'I‘ I \‘II l lc I lraith rye/1 0y. Another lot of Churns, Je RED FAI5t 38 the Lowest. & BELL HE SHOEMAM In mite Mid amino“ St. 'cal, thur Ottt .77 17‘le a' _ -- 534-3 MAY 5. 190q Elm/lion ttit an PLACE-Next It 'nt Wn rehouse. vexing:- “If idler: m lurhlhh 90,?" 100d v. o “that tepairiptt possi ble. oo, "VN.. is Ours., Win/Iv. w I It ll “I School CA PITA L. Authorized. . A . . . .82,0tn.00t. “AI'ITAL, Paid np........... 1,000.000 RESERVE FUND............ &'50,000 SAAAAAAA BANK AA Jllillll AGENTS in all principal pomta m Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba. United Stun-- and England. A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection smado on all points. Deposits received and inter ttit allowed at rutrrertr rate- SAVINGS BAHA -nzerest allowed on savings bank deposits of '1.00 and up wards Prompt attention and every tueilitr afforded customer; living at dint“ ce. - - _ A _ If ynu wish to buy or sell property. bor. row yummy. inmw a property. have writings d, awn ”walk-cl, debts cnllnn me ' Always Prompt, lever Negligent.“ lililll LIST OF LANDS DURHAM AGENCY civurvU, In hardwood. mull buildings. spring "rrck. urn-hum. ac...... o-..-..--.)) 100 Acrgg m-nr Allan i'ark.t;yvlvtsreU.2uttnrd- “nod and ”Mutiny. t...r.r _.......-....) tSO Acre m-nr lmnlmll. stonvdweliintrts, good amt Ltliu'i'lllr, lino farm, under .r.._.F.t. 4000 105 A9,. m-M Allan Park. excellent farm fair huitlings. cheap. 1 Ac... lllurr or hss, Hnmlmxn yitrcct, Imrham, mur ‘t'lln‘lll Works. hut-1015, nth-red very "lrrup. 100 531nm (w BEST QUALITY. Grocerles. Dry Goods, Boots d; Shoes, Crockery, dm. We can give you Bargain'. H" We ask inspection of our Tawney “with-n above I hm'ela huge list of other lands ot' all kinds. H.1- llnnnvt-r C'onveynncer. TWEEDS & YARNS Transacting Business All nnr Spring Prints. Ginghnms. and )luslins, one nnw in. Court, & so-e them. az")-- Wear/(mm w , 1-(ropj')/l'l'Jt'it-,E-l1,s"(c/)'o, V S. SCOTT. Flooroilcloth, l yum wide " 251 .. 2 yards wide " 501 Tttble UiIcloth, 4.1 in wide. at 2n 'i'nblt. Linen. " in wide. at BN .. or. in wide, nt (In Lin-n Table Hon“. 't'?t yards long at “any TM" 9hertitttt, P.', In whim at 2 2 yanlulong. 2', do I: do " do v, do All curtains have ,l,l,hl,,/,,lu,l,'lii'ii,ii',1f,' Spring Term begins April 4th, 1904 A. FLEMING, Principal. Owen Sound [1.11. Al ILLER. 1'he Hanover Conveytuacer, othrts "Cu-ire-ta-it-ri;".", It is impossible to go thrcugh life without some business transactions To simplify such matters and make them profitable, you should haven Business Education such as is giv- en at the "tvit. pure Honey. like n 1h. - w. 1 I. , 31CL\N Roller Blinds, plain........ .. with (ring fitrsapariiiii " When " you: old. for may months no one thought I could ttre he...“ thin blood. But. I- . low wan, Ayn" fraud": com. plovoly tutored no to halt ." Meta. R. '"rcoiriiFiri". Vlad-ad. NJ. The Children Head Office, Torono. The change is very prompt and very marked. Ask your doctor why it Is. He has our formula and will explain. {lyeris‘ Your doctor will tell you that thin, pale, weak, nervous chil- dren become strong and well by taking Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Small dosed, for a few days. H. H. MILLER, w. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. RI"). Manager. MAY 5, ."e1"tertstliritTiiG prevent ro- r. euro than. with Ayor’n Pills. I In lk-ntim-k near Durham. 90 In hardwood. goal tmflditteyt_rfyt_t J KELLY, Agent. I 2t in. wide m 27 In do 36 in do 37 in tio Go in do 1 ttbpice edges for r e.u. [tr [all 10(- ln-r pair, 70(- per pair, 7.h. per pair. 31.00 I " pair, cxrcpt '.'.'tc line " Hanole "IR " can-h I30 each $3200 . per yd ' per yet . per yd , " r yd per yd .Atto each w per yam! Report, of U. A. s. No. 2, Orchtud, 5th Class-toval, Eddington. 4th-- Mary Hinder. Simon Hovgi. Aggie Mark. Sr .3rd, -Aggie Brown. Perry Hoettin. Laura Hoegi. Olive Hoy. Gertrude Hay. " 3vd- Jessie Douglas. by ttttd-Janet Hoetim. Jennette Hoy. Charlie Lewis, Johnnie Dickson, Flossie Dickson. " 2ud-htoy Dickson. Johnny Garvey, Earle :oegy. Arthur Boy. Nellie Myers. Pt 2mtr-Essue Douglas and \Valter Hoetu Iin w... Jessie Hoy, Leslie Hoegi. Pearl Schrmn. A-Hracie Hinder, Milton Hoegi, Murvav Srhmm. Bert Dickson. B-Norma" Dickson. Harris Fizzel. Avtl'ugt- attendance -31 Heport of R. S. No l, (llenelg. 51h 1'lass-Lizzie Binnie. Violet Hrlttsm, kate MiArlhnr. br 1th--t',a.coue KNI- nedy. Laura. Mc1lillivrav. Sadie Mc. Keown. Jr ltthillie Whitnmu‘. May Young. Sr 3rd--Jetmie McGillivrav, Winme Binnie. Jeannie Fallaise. Jr illilaMary Ann Bell, Archie Kmmmly, Katie McFarlane. Sr Pmd-Norerta Falluise. Artreha Righy. [mum Benton. Jr 2tul- ' Whittuore, Rennie Smith. John Arne”. Pt 2nd tir--Wslfred Nichol, Alex McFm-lmw. G'iurrge Mr- lnnis. Pl.2nd erUlmrlie McFm-lmw. George Arm-Lt. Pt. lat, Nrv-Flora Mr- Millen. Averagentteudance--30. ALEX. Form, Teach; r Report of S. S. No. IO, Glenelg and Ishreetuont. for April. 3th UIrvgs--Johrt L McKinnon. 4tlt--tiatnuel McDermid, Suns McKinnon. St. 3tui--Lizzie Mc. Uuaig, Edna Lhislett. Harold MrDer- mid. Jr 3rd--John McEachern. Isaac Hooper, Julia McKinnon, Charles Mr- Donald. 2nd--Wttlie Hooper. Sarah A MeEachern, Maggie Hartford. Ada Mc, Lean. Pt, 2ud tsr-Roy McDetanid, Ida MrCuuig. (Tlmrles McKinnon. Pt Sud Jr-Florence McCuaig Bernie Hartford. M. Mt‘CANSEl.. Temlu-r. Report of l'. S. S. No. 2. "eutiuck and Gleneltr. for April. Jr lth ~Mndge Mor- ton, Ellen Edge, Johnnie Newell, Melin- da Gl'dslly. Sr 3tu-Arthur Nitrliie. Minnie Tessie. Elias Ellie. Jr Ill-(IN Mable \aner. Vila s'if.'k')'i.oi'/ John- nie (iraslny. Sr 2nd--Gertte Morton. Jr 2nu--George Newell, Hrrlwrt. Duns. moor. Alfred Buvtley. Noble Bititlev. Sr ht-Willie Edge. Mable Vessie. h. lst -'l‘houms (irnshy. Earl Vessie. Gur- net Wststuer, Edith wrsmev, Earl Mc- Kechnie. A. Emut, Teacher. t {Durham Bull t',alver--gtmndsopy 0. Prince C,'ruicks,honk (imp ), nrd York- shire Pigs from imported stock. THUS. SCAR]? & Sosa. Rocky Saugeen Young Bulls. Heifers and Cows. Terms may. Verschoyle (Imported)ac Head of Herd. _-_ - - ' PURE BRED DURHAM’S FOR SALE. 100 Acres, Lot 36. 2nd Com. N. D. It., Glenelg. 15 acres tit for cultivation. the rest hardwood hush. Also Lot 36. Con. 3. N. D. It., 2.5 acres char. the rest hard- wood hush. The Saugeen River raps through both. For further particulars send or apply to MARY Helms. Markdale. _ ,, --'"".. -'___. -... .,.....- "VF Has. 4th, Fwd Mountain. Margaret Pony, John A Lawrence, Will Morice, Dellk Voila]. 3r(l-Bessie Milligan, Gertie Morice. Chas B Lawrence. John Pickers, Earle Valle" and Juhn Petty, m. tir 2nd wtt'rtdita Lungrill. FlurenL-e Munnmin. Agnes Petty, Marion Petty, Willie Wells, Jr 2mu--Psol, IV Ihtfi, Via-un- Nnhle. Fred C'uit. Leila May vollet. Jr 2ndia)--Bessie Wetmer. tit Ht 2nd--Leshe Novice, Maggie Donnelly. Hon-h Nubia. " Pt 2nd (a)--rhiwruu J Hutton. Jr Pt 3nd (U)-Jautes lmnglill. Pt. lst -Melvtlle Min-no. (irum- Petty, Wm John Vollett. Heport of Hntlon Hill Selloul, for April. 1901. run Cl"ss-Aliee Lawrence, Elsie Petty, Mary Nun-mu: Dullie Hop- Jr lsu --Nootsan McDonald. Myrtle Daniels and Muy McKH-lmie H|.. Mary McKechhiv. Wesley Johnston. Della Drowe, Jr B-Charlie Havens, Frank Movlock and Laura Bryan H]. SI 1st-innie Kelsey, Willie Haslett, James Rulings. Maggie Hartford, John Hurhottle. Jr Pt 2nd (B)---h'dwm Search. \Veslev Morton. Lizzie Hllhsand Cassie Russell M... Maud Kress. Harold McKechnie. Sr Pt 2nd--witmie Brnoker. Fred Laidlaw. Maggie. Tun-3. ()mnphell Mc- Lachlnu. Milton Mills. Jr Pt 2nd (A)-Mu-uic Mountain. May Cliff. Ruby ()ultuu nud Tummy Lauder up, Vivien Crawford. Leone Russell. Jr 2nd (In-Mulwl Latimer. Jasie C'urvie, Calvin Kinnee. Wilfrid Calder, rvessa McKay. Jr 2nd (A)-James Iihtwthnvson, Gladys Whitmore, Ruth Moran. Eric Kelli), Murgurie Mat-Kenzie and Louis Layeile eq. Jr 'dvd-Catherine. McDougall, Brock Grant, Ruby Kinsley and Willie McL'rie eq., Eddie Mt-Almlly. Hazel Guthrie. Sr 2nd--Nelhe Hephurm Harold Al. ine. Agnes Runmgcand Jumea Sum h u... Allister. Chuuevou, Lena Wilson and Victur Livingston up. Han-per Kress Sr 3rd-diha Burnett. Bene Ectoz', furor Saunders, George Umlon. Ituuy r Is. Jr 4th--Cecrt Wolfe. Tommy Holt, Nellie Smith, Allan RuIm-twn. Lynn Grunt. Sr 4th--ivene Latin)”; muLruo,,a,,. Bessie Telfm-d. Wiitie Cttttsptteli, Robbie Laidlaw. Form rence, I Ulockiir bottle, e APRIL. 1001 High School Department Form W-Annie Petty. Bella Binnie and Charlie lumpuhurson en.. Bfrtha Wilson, Knle Mcuomud, Clam Aljoe. Form 2- -Lily Walker. Sadie Sharp, Rita McUmuh. Ethel Greenwood, Cur- umn " e. Je A-Victor Cation. Jessie Black. ETJEtTil-BEtTilD STOCK FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE. DURHAI SCHOOL HONOR ROI; urm l-Keith Newton. Hattie Law. ee, Willie anuhnrson. James Me. 1-‘klin. Easel Luidluw and George Har. uhlic School Department. Jonx A. GRAHAM. ’l‘wuher II. PARKER. Durham . HARROW, Teacher. FbT,TP, FOR SALE & for SERVICE The undersigned have for smle. 2 hulls rising 2 years old und " hull vulveu ris. ing 1 Feat' old. Also " puw-hretl Tatu. worth Boar for service. Tel-ms. $11)", A. & J. SEALIcv. Lots 23 & " S. D. It. Glenelg. Fun MALY:,--l y: old Bull nix-dug 2 yrs. 2 Bull Calves. ocmshirv Bo." and Sow Pigs. all t'egisteved Pvdigrtty). Fort b'Ettvu'E.--1 Benkahire and] York Boar also Durham Bull. Trrms. $1.00. The undersimwd has for Rule. ready to use. (5) five lhurohred I'tuuwot th Hours. Price Icason..ble-. H ENRY A Im'xANItF.it, Lot 9, Con. 2. w. G. It., anlinck. FOR SALE & for SERVICE SIRE. 1si'olborgc4729, by'rmn U'Shanlor MI, hy Rum!" Robin. M], by “ammunit- ll. by Julnmiu Cope m. by Muircuck if». DAM, Blosmm, by Duke.- of Edinburgh 21".. hy Lochuml Champion II“. Fuller Pe0igrve on ttpplica0u. Durham's NEW BAKER A. W. Watson Imported May lam, by John lmnkln. Rivervivw, Ont. prrscnt owner. JOHN sn'Al'l.H,u. hnrhmn. mist!“ I’TIUN t (‘lydusdule Champion int ln-uum'ul Man-k '. white stripc on face. one mm mm: foot, rising :3 yeah old. stands 10.3 hands high. In good runditinn Weighs uhmu 2000 lbs. He walks and WK", us’ an drmt horse ,houIU. Has good fect and logs. plum tyof feather. Int-mums about P2 inches belou the knee. Brod by Mr Inn-um, 1'umucrltutd. Hm: I'EDIHREE: CLYDESDALE CHAMPION YOUNG TAMWORTH BOARS FOR SALE. Apply to an Euuum/r Hmwssull he Public of Durham and T neighborhood are respect- fully informed that the under- signed has bought out the. Wright Bakery, known as the "Durham Bakery," and in- tends by strict application to business, and good material, to warrant a share of the pa- tronage. The experience of 20 years leads me with confidence to, solicit support. Satisfaction guaranteed. MacFarlane & Co. Mto's Pure Mixed Paints WINDOW SHADES JOHN STAPLES, Prop. OUR i)il , Druggists & Seedsmeu HAVE The oldest and best in the market. Try their floor paints. They dry hard with a gloss m one night. in all coloring" Which are so much admired for their beauty of design, richness of coloring, and low prices. Just fancy a choice gilt paper at 6'l cts. Bring the sizes of the rooms you would like to freshen up and let us figure how cheaply and daintily it can be done. w YOU {ELEGANT WALL n x ll SEEN NT LINE PAPERS THE UUuHAM REVIEW ll] Druggist and Seedsman, Carter's Dwarf Essex Sowing Rape T, [ttiii'?-:', F American and Canadian Seeds. . Fifi? Clover, Timothy, Orchard Grass. 7 -----DUTCH tw/rs'.---.- Ground Oil Cake, Linseed, Horse and Cattle Spice Aberdeen Grren and Purple T op, Improved Grey Stone. Include Sugar Beet, Half Sugar Mange], Norfolk Yellow Giant Man- gel, and Mammoth Long Red Mangel. Swede Turnip Seed----- Kangaroo. Elephant, Champion; London Purple Top, King Swede, &c. RIDING flu IND GARDEN SEEDS 42KB AN N UAXL IMPORT OF SEEDS From Britain and from one of the noted Seed Houses, including the SEEDS , SEEDS ! T, 4.1, lbs Black Tea, regular 300, for. . . 3llvs Raisins..................... g 3 lbs Currants...... ...... “lbs Figs.... ...... ... 3 lbs Seeded Raisins. . .. .... :3 cans Corn..................... :3cansPeas...... ...... yl. 2 cans Tomatoes................. iit, 3 cans Salmon...... .... lr, 10 lbs Sulphur.... .... . N¢awwvwméw 4tit rt'sirjetiijt-)riiaJ-ts.ik,i?:9kit,,, $N.,G. &J. llddKedl1ni'ei'i ism mam: tttir"'"""'"" FIELD SEEDS A beautiful line of Lace Curtains at all prices. A full line of Carpets with prices to suit. Our Blue Japan Tea at 25c, 35c, apd 50c cannot be beat and seldom equalled. Give it a trial. Here ire a few things cheaper than usual : Puma (60 to 70).. ..3 lbs for 2Sc. Dates...... .. .....3y lbs for 25c. Evaporated J'ete11etr. " lbsfor 250. MclNTyltE's GROCERY Fresh Groceries : N. P. MCINTYRE. a?', PARKER. (The popular Cash Store.) ' t, J .McKeohnie§ GOLDEN LION, Lace Curtains. - $6 Apricots..per lb, isc Fresh Sultana Raisins, 3 lb, 25c. m,'regular30c,for........$].00 ..... ...... ......2,5c ...... ..........25c aisins.... .... ....2.5e ... ...... ......25c G........................'.?; ..... .... ......25c .. .... ........25c Carpets. attba_attbatk Teas Fruits MONsoox, TORONTO RED ROSIE Goods delivered to unv part of town. --- i', 'JOHN CLARK Durham Adopted by All 1e.dingyehools In Tomato. TbigMerervedl In ”Item t new t (that Drills. 'ii'ii',lSil,thik'i'iit undue: 'llldl'. tt'Mtittit ltlnp the to owing We: within the [M's Immediate when“. For mum ”whim 7 . Its: lumrot mm, Teacher. I.I,I. teusiewlNotatiott [Jimmie Motion Plano Work Key-baud may; “a! litany Technique Durham, Nov otBCe---, LOWER 10WN. DORH' I Notary Public. Commissioner, Convey ancer. Valuawr. Insurance Agent, Inc Jompuxy and print; Moruoui. It luweu ruhm ot nude My u'ummmm mm m Barristers. Solicitors. Conv Ac. Money to Loan. (yice. McIntyre “luck. over A. G. MchayT KC. tht Barrister. Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public. Cotttntiistoner, doc. CO'thiouI and Agency promptly alum-[ml to Willa. Doom. liortuugnl. Luau”, Aunumlrlth immune!” planned. Foaestam ot Alt-crowed per- 3028 looked after Ind Erocutoru and Admin"- tnwrl' Account. pun-eluted 1'tu't't,tg! riurrosste, Court Buliueu. Prob-to ot Wit I. Lottery ot Ad. ministration and (Banana-hip (“mun-u. ti'""- chm: and. in Rani-My (mice sud Tim-u nuance-I nu HONOR GRADI'ATE of Tmom. L'niversiiy. gradual!- of Royal College of Dental SIIIRHDIIN of Unlnrin. lam-u. Calder Block over the Punt (mu-e. OFFICE FIRST DOOR um thn nu nun-l DI.......A..<,._ .- n A' the Du Bloel. Rem )r. a. BUTTON. M. D., c Licensed Auctioneer for the co. of tiny. we. promptly attended to. W Magma orders may be left " hits Implement Wan-v mum. Icklnnon‘s old and, at u the RIVIMV Ottiee. wm be a the much am Wednesday of and: 4 p. m. Terms moderate. Arnnn-mcmu for sales u to dam. (an, must be mule " the Review It; time,DuHuun. hr (minim-um.“ them, or to Ceylon P. o., will he promptly “tended to, "mu, on Ipplluuon to " SPECIALIST EYE, FAR, L. R. c. P., London. high-Md Gradual» ot loudongxew York and (Hugo. Diseases of Ere, Mar, Nose. and Throat. "Will he at Knapp noun. Durham the - Baum-y in each month. Hours. 1-0 p .m.‘ ate new“: to the Roy- .orpital, England. and the nd Thmat [lupin]. '--tta, Ill u oarnv rurLis '. f. PICKERING D. D s, L. o. S Auctioneers. EEN TAL- Br. T. G. HOLT L. D. S- ttice. Mckenzie',, Old Bland, Durham Myer’s Music Method. ‘. McPHA n. or to C. BAIAGE. Durham I. ' cey Ion haw I telerthotm (Mine. mee, (war Gordon's Private Moneytn Loan. Collec- Iionsuf all kinds promptly ntten ded to. Farms bought and Mild ARTHUR GUN. - tepeunl mm rim to mm 0' Women 5nd (‘thn-u. 'yh't!."ttrr. - SOICITOR. if _ Coll... Ctety" ul Bun”. Licensed Auctioneer fer Co. Grey MACKAY d; DUNN. m and Residence for. than.“ Ind "may bl., u foot of mu. Old Moodie (hint-r. OFFICE HOURS tla.tu. 2-1 p. m. 7-9 p, ll. Tolophono Connection No. " DR. GEO. s. BURT. MEDICAL. LEGA.L. 1ldilPROY McCAUL A. B. JACKSON, MUSIC. Lin I'IKBT HOUR EAST Ge Du mun Pllurnm‘y Calder' Residence fltst door was! of up old Post 011100. Durham. HOURS J . P. TELFORD D. [CPHAIL (Mylun C. RAIAGE. “Moo. m m: m Chatea- 34:553.}; a. love". mum at intent-at. vaaluoii mundane and carom! "ltmtor. " l'n’ucun A Huston. our Mancini-uh Sun JET EYE, FAR, 1'ltt.t?.1r, .4,y!?rri. "rt-tr-.,- EMT“ RH MA . a w. 1:! Ftort M, (Nu-u muud. the Pllqaeugh Hpufe. Durham. we DR. BROWN, Money to hum Licensed Auctioneer for the Cunnty of Grey. '.'r1PtCrypo (a Loan on stolOAJ 2to 4r.- 7to out. C°~Vl vnucg; My“! !lmt’plln0phlwlyif "iiaiiirriGTG'."lii'. , Conveynncers. Jewelry Store- Golden ”345.3% “Y3... the Bank

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