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Durham Review (1897), 5 May 1904, p. 8

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l W \ [ U It is May ! It is May! And all Earth is gay, For the snow and the Frost are all gone away. The farmer is b\u-g from morning till c‘en Attending his duties and guiding his team. Anod at last the beautiful days have come, for really this day, Monday. is the most beantiful day we have seen since last October, eyerying seems to be on the move. Even the old mosquito will soon put in an appearance, although she may be assured that she will not receive the best reecption on her arrival. We are just thinking of beginning to | like home alth sow to morrow if the weather and all| care at ber ne else will permit. Everybody is ploughâ€" Hev‘s Roae ing. Fall wheat is looking tairly good the funeral of after so much suew and frost. Sick Sunday aftem people are in some cases getting better | voung man of BOOTS & SHOES New New New New New New THE PEOPLES STORE Headquarters for the Both leading makes. "Maple Leat" and @© Imperial * ROBT. BURNKETT. The following lmes of Goods have just come in and we guarâ€" antee all to be the latest and of best quality for the price. Spring OVERCOATS, the very latest. lot SCOTCH TWEEDS, and other Suit Preces. WAIST LENGTHS and new readyâ€"toâ€"wear WAISTS. Summer SHIRTS, all styles and sizes. HATS, including famous " KING‘S OWN " brand, lot of Readyâ€"Made CLOTHING, including many Rainâ€" coats for both Men and Women. This Week‘s Arrivals : PRICEVILLE. OF CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, BOOTS & SHOES, AS ANNOUNCED LAST WEEK. Freshest Groceries always on hand. 16.00 and 18.00. Some arrived before I got my cancel in. Every suit bears the stamp Kirng‘s Tailor. Simply swell garments. Regular stamped price, 16.00 and 18.00, sale price........â€"â€"13.00 & 14.00 Hats & Caps at net cost price. $7.00 and 8.00 blue and black Worsteds and Tweeds, french faced, well trimmed, Regâ€" ular, 7.00 and 8.00, Sale prMICG@......k...}...}.}..}..>>>> $3 90 & 4.25 Royal Brand Clothing Reg, 25, 50, 75, sale price 20c, 39c¢, 55¢ Men‘s Clothing CARPEiIS, O ILCLOTHS LINOLEUMS I am giving up business in Durham, and in order to do this quickly, it is necessary to get down to.a.nd below cost price. Below will be found a partial list of Prices, genuine Prices, Prices that must sell, Prices that will sell. of all kinds. TABLE COVERS and and others are still poorly. _ Hector Mcâ€" Docald who had a rusty vaid ran into his hand is getting on slowly and will take game time before he is better. Mra MceArthuar, North Live is still keepâ€" ing poorly and not much improved :n health so far. Malcolm Cameron of Toronto spent & ‘ This the 20d of May being a fine day few days seeing his sick sister, Mrs Mc-land no seeding done is a sure sign of 1 Arthur and is returning this week. late spring. Mo:ct of the farmers have Mrs Jas McDonald moyed to her own | their ploughing done and are waiting for house on the South Line lass week, The fine weather aud a good growth before old lady seems to think there is no place | sowing. like home altbhough she had the best of| Mr Thos Potter is going fishing toâ€"day. care at her nephew‘s all winter. My Pattor is an exneort fhebar and will Vilea Rev‘s Roach and Mathsson attended | ly bring bome all of the speckled beauties the funeral of Mr Wilson of Boothville on | the law allows (20). Sunday afternoon. Mr Wilson was n,‘ There is lots of snow in the big swamp young man of 25 years of age. Mr Mathâ€" yet and at the rate it has been going the Ties THEOBALD, The Clothier. CABgE TG GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE Now is your Chance ; Don‘t let it pass. Donald McRae purchased Join Staples‘ fine horse and will attend to his duties during the seasou. | _ _John McKechnie of Dakota, is putting ! in crop on nis farm one mile west of this : placeâ€" _ 7 y %. 'eson preached on Sunday night from the lwork " Remember uow thy Creator in | the days of thy youth "&e, he said he | thought it an appropriate text after ‘attending to a young persons funeral durâ€" \ing the day. The address was very beâ€" |coming and wellt delivered asd attentâ€" | ively listened to by the hearers. The Gaelic Communion on Sunday lost was fairly well attended, Lots of Guelic people if they could only make themâ€" selyes believe they could understand the Janguage. Ach cha nmoch Gaelic a uis ged cha gu leor dhi aig air maraichean, Rey Mr Roachis expected to preach for Mr Matheson next Sunday oyening in the Presbyterian Charch. This is a step that should be always tolerated by all brarches of the Christian Church, firall must travel on the one and only way before they reach the Hayen of Kest. Born.to Mr aud Mrs Dayid Hincks on April 27 a daughter, Both doing well, The painter began his work on Monday last of painting the interior of the Presbyâ€" terian Church here. The contractor is a youung man from Flesherton. Miss Dora Mclntyre of Rochester is spending her holidays with ber mother and family, Mrs Mclntyre, South Line, Glenelg. Itis over two years since Miss Mclutyre visited the old home. Mr Brander of this town lost his faâ€" vorite mare last week. â€" Veterinaries Maclotgyre and Ottowell did al!l they could to save hber aud although they go$s her relieved of the foal she died shortly afterâ€" ward. Robert Fisher and team is ploughing with Arch McCuaig for the past week. Mr Matheson announced last Sunday that be will. during the sumwer months, preach Gaelic eyery 1st and 8rd Sunday in each month, at 10.30 a. m. and Englisk at 11.30 and on other Surdays English at 11. So that the busy pastor has to preach four sermons every other Sunday. _â€" Dr Dixon is a busy man attending to his patients, who are uumerous this spring but we hope after a while the doctors will rot bave so much tc doâ€"not that we wish them or their patients any harm in hoping so. Mr and Mrs Matheson are in Toronto this week. Mr Mathbeson is attending a meettog of Synod held there this week ~~ _ WELBECK. 16. :o Fancy Worsteds, single breasted, piped seams, high grade tailor made. Only a few left. Regular 16.50, Sale price.::...:rrindena.sanger .. 12.50 $10.00 and 12.50 Blue, Black and Fancy Worsteds, french faced, piped seams, high grade running, regular 10.00 and 12.50, Sale price........{$6.25 & 850 In different styles of handles, and best of coverings. _ Regular 1.00 to 3.50, sale price.............. 806 to 2.50 THE DURHAM REVIEW Fancy Worsteds Umbrellas Worsteds \last five weeks, ‘twill be the first of June | before all is gone. Our new school is a settled thing now, and the trustees are going ashead smoothâ€" ly. Sofar they have let the jab of excavaâ€" ting site to Mr H Reid and he bas got his part nearly done, _ The stone part of the oid echool is now torn down and Mr Bharp is holding forth in the little frame building behind. ‘The scholars are pretty well crowded but they don‘t mind that when they are sure they do not bave to put in another winter in the old school, A very pretty wedding took place at 6 o‘clock. April 27, at the home of Mr and Mrs Aitken when their second daughter, Emma, was united in the holy bounds of matrimony to the man of her choice, Mr, Geo. H, Alles. The knot was ticd by Rey Mr Little. The many valuable and useful presents showed the high esteem that the bride held among hber friends, After the ceremony was oyer and the usual bhandshaking and wellâ€"wishing, the gunests (who numbered about fifty ) sat down to the table just laden with nice things. The evening was spent in games, music and social chitâ€"chat. Your correspondent paid a visit to Mr Frank McCartoey, now laid up with a broken leg at Mr Peter Tiffney‘s. _ Mr McCartnoey is the man who got his 1eg broken on the townline between Holland and Glenelg towhships. He was taken to the Hotel having no home of his own and it what Mr McCartney and others eay is true, it there is a Humane Society in the Connty of Grey, they ouzht to look imâ€" to the case, tor your correspondent would not use a dog like what Mr MeCartney says he was used. For instance a wan lying with a broken leg on a bed mada of blocks and old lumber for a period of over two weeks, and no pillow under his head, allowed to remain trom four o‘clock in the evening uniil eight o‘cloc« the next mornâ€" ing ; lying with a broken leg twisted out of snape in a box and crying with pain from 12 o‘clock midnight to 8 next mornâ€" ing loud enough for people to hear him 20 rods away yet no one would get up to see what was wrong or give him a drink of water and had to call in a stranger off the street to go for a doetor. Why. the worst savages that ever were known or the wild Indians would not treat a dog that way, let alone a bhuman being. _ And to think this was all done in a Christran countryv‘! Mr Duncan MeArthur moved last week to his newly purchased, viz., the Cameâ€" ron farm. _ We understand hbe had gooa luck with all but the cattle. They had a hot time driving shem oyer hut got them there all right but the cattle were back to the old homestead before the boys got back for another load, taking a bee line through the bush. â€" Rev J Little goes to Cargill this week to aseist Rev Mr Nichol of that place with special evaugelistic services for a week or two. Bern, on Tuesday, Aprl 19; to mr and xrs Wim Orchard. a daughter. All well, Messrs Geo Calder and J Smith left last Friday morning for Regina. TORONTO HOLSTEIN. Goods delivâ€" ered to all parts of town. This is Houseâ€"cleaning timeâ€"Don‘t Forget that the HOLLYWOOD PAINT,â€"the best in Ca and a wellâ€"assorted stock of Wall Paper at low pricesâ€"yet good value. Selfâ€"Evident Facts Alex. Russell Next Saturday â€"â€" â€"â€" Bargain Day In all sizes _ Just a few left. Boys‘ Norâ€" folks in dark and light patterns regular, 2.50 to 5.00, sale price $1.25 to 3.50 The famous Lion Brand Boys‘ Knickers are to be found in this store. Double seats and knees. â€" Regular 7oc, 85¢ and 1.00, saleprice..........55¢, 65c & 75¢ Men‘s fine Shoes,.....from 1.00 to Men‘s Heayy Working Shoes" _ 85e to Geo A Slater‘s Invictus _ " 2.75 to Imperial Shoes,........regular 3.50 for 8 pairs Women‘s Dongola Boots ...... ......$2.25 sale price 10 pairs *& I * s........... 2.50 sale price 22 pairs * ** r«++++...... 3.50 sale price 9 Men‘s Suits made of good Tweed..$8.50 & 9.00 sale price 60 Broomsâ€"made of the best of Corn..regular 25¢. sale price Space will not permit a full listâ€"Dont Forget to bring * Written List of Wantsâ€"Its a timeâ€"saver. if you waut to see or do business you must go where the business is Just take one look into our Store any fine day and you will see a busy iot of salespeople and a big crowd of shopping people. Its an old saying and a true one, that " We all like to go where the crowd goes." Eoe en e e e e o o C o o meeemeeeennireee “. get your goods, for large selling means heavy buying and closer prices. The larger the amount of trade we do, the cheaper vou We have dug up a few SPECIAL BARGAINS for Boys‘ Knickers Boys‘ Clothing Dress and Working Shirts, all at cost. ALEX. RUSSELL All Produce Taken as Cash Shoes THE BIG STORE n e MAY 5. 175 425 2.75 We close every day at 6 o‘clock except Wedâ€" nesdays & Saturdays. Alex. Russell itc in Canada $1.49 1.69 6. 50 .16 i 4 t VOL. X® (o ooo t . 88 4 Hou k aea l en e "ms â€" Beautifu _ KB *# Rem "AAAb B BXE w REvIEw Review Review Review Review Review Review Reyit Raevi Review Skirts an« Earl The very Carp Thevy are Speci W Our GINC Ne FOR ON Silk Laces & Rea wrrived 1: w and w and‘ and and and and and and and We Sil NJ NJ C)

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