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Durham Review (1897), 12 May 1904, p. 1

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419 1 . 1904 @0 m Readyâ€"toâ€"wear [nCelmCaleCele aleCole ColeColaCe aele Cale=ole CelaCele ts 1e celee ae|aCale =ale Cele "ale =s e e 0=0 |o=ep e 0 ave " _ JAMES IRELANDâ€"Z M, * x"« g Newest Spring Ideas %HEEMEEEEHEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEE gcc Some of the ;5; VOL. XXVIL NO. 19 _ H. H. MOCKLER. ©€ on We have many new and Stylish Draperies, Coyerings, &c. NEW CRETONNES and ART MUSLINS. NEW ART SATEENS ( ro different patteins and shades NEW DRAPERIES and SILKOLINES. One of the best offerings of the season is our line of Beautiful Fancy Muslins in several shades, only lZ}C per yd Our GINGHAMS, ZEPHYRS, and COTTON VOILES are all marked just a little closer than most. FOR ONE WEEK MORE Laces & Insertions, all over Laces, Ribbons & Trimlfiings Early Summer Goods In the Millinery Department Remember House Furnishing Department Arrived lateâ€"going early. Among others notice : s eCial % Rich tapestry, different patterns, excellent p « value at 8oc, Extra special, .......65¢ per yd Skirts and Gowns, well made and beautifully trimmed with Lace and Embroidery and Insertion. Skirts, 75¢ to $6.50, Also plain and with tucks. Gowns, 60c to 1.530. Carpets, Linoleums and Floor Oils The very newest effects in goods and make up, ranging in price from............. They are hand wrought on superior quality wash silk and will make up exquisitely. s j Patteros all different. Prices $1.50, 1.75, 2.00 and 2/25 Silk the same quality to complete waist, 27 in wide, 60c yd. Silk Waist Fronts with Drawn W ork sXCN L ArECLRO WOTLIL IFOiR 7¢ 0 10¢, for....... AGC per yd We are showing all the newest and daintiest patterns in WOR 10 DAYS QONLY. and it is only to introduce our perfect fi.tting Clothing that we offer this generous discount Remember, our Stock is New and Complete Highest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs. Somse Late Arrivals in 6 inches wide, worth from 20c to 25? a New Patterns worth from 7¢ to 10¢, for Ladies® White Waists We are always pleased to show our new goods whether yon buy or not. Ladies‘ Whitewear THE CASH STORE, P o e 1124 That‘s what we‘re going to give on our new Stock of NOW for Specials in New Arrivals of is a Big Discount «â€"â€"«â€"â€"IN OURâ€"â€"â€" Our large Stock of New Dress Goods and Suitings the Carpet Department. We will offer those New Clothing ose New Embroideries 25¢. at..12%%c¢ per yd DUTNU #1.00 to .2, 50 t Cnoratr SocmEty Coxcrrt. â€" This event came off last Friday evening, the excitement attendant on the big fiire of Thursday evening breaking in on all plans. _ The attendance was no doubt affected by the postponement, but the quality of the performance was excellent and will undoubtedly make subsequent concerts things to be looked for. _ Mrs ‘Newton, who has been the chief organâ€" | izer, deserves the tulk otf the credit, but \there was evidence abundant that our musical talent bad lent itselt freely for ‘ the public good, _ Solos by Mrs Newton }and Mr J. P. Telford were popular numâ€" | bers. and the chorus of 50 voices, when ‘,united on some of the patriotic pieces, | was exquisitely thrilling. The bass and | tenor voices furnished a pleasing variety, |a.nd were particularly effective in the | "Holy Friar." _A charm was lent to the | whole by the Violn and Cornet selecâ€" Itions by Mr and Mrs Warner. many | being quite unaware of their ability in | this fine. It is safe to say Mr and Mrs \(Warner will be popular on any fature program. â€" Mrs Newton, as usual acâ€" \ companied tastefally, The proceeds are to be applied to the Public Library Funds,. _ A cordial vote of tnanks was giyen the performers, 8. AFRICAN LECTURE.â€"Dr. MceDonald on Monday evening gave a most interâ€" esting lecture under the auspices of the Ladies‘ Aid of the Presbyterian church. It was accompanied by Stereopticon views, taken by himself, of vamous features of the war and these tended to make very graphic his description of men, guns, armored trains, Boers and battles. He is specially vivid in his acâ€" count of the siege of Ru»tenberg in which he took part as an artilleryman ard where for a month clothes were never pnt off, and diet was a simple mixture of half a cup of flour and water. One of the pictures showed a flat stone beside his gun which he used tor a pil low in the strenuous times. A hearty vote of thanks was given him and a silver collection helped the funds of the Society. They all say the same. _ ‘"* Why, how do they make the goods to sell at the price." Theobald is simply giving goods away. Remember *"*Hamlet" is billed for May 12 & I3th with a caste of twentyâ€" four by the Shakesperian Dramatic Club of Durham. A San JOURNEy.â€"Mr and Mrs Pease, Toronto, came up on Monday afternoon in urgent haste to see their daughterâ€" Milliner at Miss Dick‘sâ€"who was taken ill only last Saturday. They had the melancholy satisfaction of seeing her alive for she died about 8 p, m., Monday. Deceased was an esbimuhna young lady, winning many friends, and her sudden death must have wrenched the heartâ€" strings of her loved ones, for it has deeply moved the whole town. The remains were taken to Toronto Tuesday morring. Canned Grant‘s. Hanxt®T.â€"This, Thursday, and toâ€" I morrow evening the Durham Dramatic ‘ Cluh gre preseni. *4 ie ts i k let. ’laney s:hnnld'fi: w:fl' patronized for a study of Shakespeare brings its own reward. The cast of characters is an inâ€" dication that the play will be quite sucâ€" cessful, even for amateurs. “’I‘o go, or not to go. that is the question." Go, by all means; tickets at Darling‘s. _ MacFarlane,s Tonic Elixir will tone you up for the Spring. 50c a botte, try | it. REcovERING.â€"Mrs. A. W, H. Lander has during the past week made good progress towards recovery from the operation for appendicitis, which is the more gratifying as the case was a seâ€" vere one. Miss Mary Marshall is now sitting upand will soon be herself again. Mockler‘s Coffee, ground fresh, it‘s the best there is. Try it. RaPIPLY Risina.â€"The second story of the new Hunter Block is now up and progress in completing will now be rapid. _ With the improvement made by Mr Hahn, the four corners at " the busy Corner," will be hard to surpass anywhere. Dr. W, M. Brown, of Neustadt will be at the Knapp House, Durham, Saturâ€" day, May 14th, for consultation in Eye,. Ear, Nose and Throat cases, _ Hours, 12 to 6 p. m. You don‘t get the chance every day to buy everything a man wears at below cost. _ Call now at Theobald‘s. That‘s where you get it, M epies mein ugh. e nds ts House on June 1st, One day only. Owen Sound‘s population is 9,684, an increase of 205 over last year. Our county town is nearing the city mark. Do not fail to see the Fancy Drills to be given at the Promenade Concert, on Friday, May 20th, Admission. Oxr Day OXNLy.â€"T. P. Smitb, eye specialist, will be at the Middaugh ibA iL ol oR DN M OM MR C H. H. Mockler‘s stock of Groceries is all fresh and he keeps the highest grades in all goods. Just imagine one customer told Thenâ€" bald Monday that on a purchase of $16 he made $5.. Good wages, isn‘t it ? G. DURHAM, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1904. zl oâ€"OW NRkBe 2tE Oopice Haddie, 2 Cans for 25câ€"at L The first sitting of the Court of Reâ€" yision for the Township of Glenelg for the year 1904 will be held at the Townâ€" ship Hall in said township on Monday the 30th day of May at 10 o‘clock in the forencon. And Notice is hereby further given that a business meeting of the Council will be held at the same place at 2 o‘clock in the afternoon of the same day. Dated May 12th 1904. Mr W im. Calvert, Lot 7, Con, 18, Egâ€" remont, will sell by Public Auction on Wednesday, May 25. 1904 Valuable Farm Stock and implements, Buggy good as new. democrat. binder nearly new and many other yaluable articles, See posters. Bale at 2 p. m. Terms: $5 and under cash; 12 mos. credit on approved joint notes. 5 per cent discount for cash. The coming Militia Camp promises to be one of unusual interest. During the ast two years only small contingents t)-u'e been ordered out. This year full companies will be taken. I would like to see all the old members go and enjoy a camp under the improved conditions; also as many new men as can be secured. _ Quite a number have already joined, so those who intend going should apply at as early a date as possible, â€" See notice later of drill. 0. M. Sxiprr, Capt. No. 4 Coy., 31st Regt, Hampden, May 31 d, 1904, THE Late Jas. WhirrmorE.â€"On Friâ€" day last all that was mortal of the above wellâ€"known gencleman was laid to rest in the cemetery on 2nd Con., Glenelg. He had never quite recovered from a stroke of paralysis he had two years ago, and he succumbed to a second stroke of the same nature, He was a much respected member of a wellâ€"known family, of whom four brothers remain : William and Gecrge in town, John in Egremont and Nat. in Glenelg,. Deâ€" ceased was in his 65th year, and for the most of his life has been identified with South Grey, _ He was buried under Masonic Auspices. His widow and family will have the sympathy of the community. One son is in Winnipeg. SWELLING THE REvENUE. â€"Last week before Magistrate Duncan Camphell, of Hanover, â€" License Inspector _ Harris brought three cases of infraction of License Laws. â€" Convictions were made in each case, Messrs Huber Allan Park, and Seip, of Hanover, being each fined $20 for selling during prohmbited hours, and G_Ries, Hanoyer, $50 for obstructing officer. Drowxrn at Cursiry. â€" Johnny*i Moncel. 11 yrs old :uvl’«x brother two/ yeare elder, sopse â€" x up! d ie dhanthodh s fuye 0 4 51 1 raft on the mill pond on Satarday last. | The younger lad lost his balance, fell inâ€" | the water and sank. _ Twenty minutes | elapsed before the body was found and [ life was extinet. \ To see the picturesque court cosâ€" tumes of the 17th century which are being procured by the Shakesperian Club from one of the largest costumetrs in America, for their production of Hamlet, is alone worth tge price of adâ€" mission. A most pleasing program will be presented at the Promenade Concert, to be given in the Town Hall, on the evenâ€" ing of mlay 20th. Admuission 15 cents. SwEPT BY FIRE â€"In a letter received by J. A. Black, from his sister, Mrs. A,. McLeod, Farwell, Mich., she states that their house had been completely gutted by fire. They simply saved what clothes they were wearing at the time Sir Henry M. Stanley, the great Aftiâ€" can explorer, is dead in London at the age of 63. . His was a remarkable career ; a workhouse boy to knightbood. There is not an article in Theobald‘s Clothing and Furnishing Store that is not marked down below cost. Don‘t be too late getting there. Mr, Thompson, Knox College, will lecture at Burns‘ Church. Friday evenâ€" ing at 8 p. m.,. on Foreign Missions. Boothville correspondent gives a symâ€" };‘athetlc account this week of the late hos Wilson‘s death and burial. On the supplement. Thursday next, being Ascension Duy. there will (D. V.) hbe Divine Service in Trinity Church at 8 p, m, Theobald‘s giving up business sale has produced some summer Clothing from $3 to $5a suit. Goop SALE.â€"Reeve Morice of Norâ€" Ll.l)llnhy sold 7 fat cattle. Tuesday, for H. H. Mockler has a large range o5 art Sateens, Cretonnes, Silkolines, &c. Raincoats and Boys‘ Suits at wholesale prices at Theobald‘s, Do you want one? 3 Cans Peaches for 50c¢c, at Grant‘s, Gleneig council minutes held oyer, H. H. Mockler has some nobby suits for children. Call and see MacFarlane‘s dainty wall papers, Good progress is being made by the| Committee of arrangements for the Dominion Day Celehration in Durham.; Remember the Kilties Band. | vVOLUNTEERS! ATTENTION! COURT OF REVISION, Townoship of Gienelg. SALE REGISTER. DOMINION DAY. D. McPHAIL, Auctioneer. J. S,. Buack, Tp. Clerk® _ The Russians retired to Feng Wang [Cheng, and Kuroki, the Jap General, |didn‘t fall asleep. _ He followed them | and almost without a blow got possesâ€" sion there, his enemy retiring north to [Liao Yeng, a strong position on the road to Moukden. On our inside pages is a full account of some of these operations. Read it. CCULBERTSOX.â€"In Meaford, on April 20th, to Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Calbertâ€" son, a son,. TurxER.â€"In Tiverton, on Wednesday. 27 April, Mrs. Turner, (mother of Mrs T. A, Harris ) aged about 80 years, Whatever they may do later, at the present time the Russian troors are beâ€" ing driven north through Manchuria and the victorious Japs are saying litâ€" tle but ‘doing ‘ things. Evidently are following a plan too, while Russia apâ€" pears to be hopelessly muddled, A ‘portion of the Viadivostock fleet is reported to be bluocked out of their own harbor and wandering on the Sea of Japan. The sea being clear, landings took place north of Port Arthur where the peninsula is only three miles wide, the railway was cut ard now the Russian Gibraltar is isolated, invested by sea and land, without hope of outside suecâ€" cor and will fall like Sebastopol. Again, Niu Chwang, which Russia has been fortifying of late, is threatenâ€" ed, and fortresses are being dismantled and preparations made to save 1500) troops at present there by getting them to Liao Yeng. Admiral Togo has Port Arthur botâ€" tled up at last, though at heavy loss of life. _ 20,000 Japs volunteered for the privilege of going into this deathâ€"trap ! 1'13'\;‘ Slag t , 'lrl'.cnl i(‘m to e The great battle a week ago Sunâ€" day, when the Russians were driven back from the Yalu riyer, has been followed by events which show that the Russian defence has been comâ€" pletely broken down. Chief Tortry on behalf of the brigade wishes to thank the citizens for the assistance they rendered> in handling hose and in other ways. I wish to express my sincere thanks to the Firemen and Citizens of Durham for their noble efforts to save my h)mperty from destruction by the recent re. T aiso wish to state how much I appreciate the sympathy I have received personally and by letter, from many friends. The value of the engine was again amply demonstrated, hose worked well and the brigade deserve credit. _ Mr Ed McCliocklin got a bad cut on the eyeâ€"lid, but he stuck to his post. e Board of Works should make a giflingy at the pond. â€" Indeed there shoald Mr Crawford left at 5.30 for Aberdeen, and teacher McIntosh made a record run on his wheel to inform him of the disaster. of small value in a big Are. P Mr COrawford estimates his loss on machinery, buildings, stock, &c at about $9000, so that the insurance covers a mere fraction of the value. The loss to Mr _ Crawford mounts up into the thousands, and there is only $1000 insurance, not enough to pay for one machine lately installed. _ Genuine sympathy for Mr Crawford is mixed with regrets for the town, for it is not likely another sawmill will be built The wind, fortunately not high, was from the north, and vigilant watchers made preparations to save nearâ€"by resiâ€" dences. and we believe in some instance# these did take fire. Meanwhile many willing hands tore down lumber piles or aiged the fireman in handling the hose and soon the danger of spreading was oyer but not before much valuable stuff near the mill was ruined. Ahe whistle, and the conspicuouns fiames soon brought a crowd and the fireman 15 minutes from the whistle blowing, had water playing on the lumâ€" ber piles. for the mill was hopeless, _ It was early seen that the small office building would go, for the intense heat revented entrance by the door, _ Mr glephux'n got in at the east window and managed to pass out the hooks, papers, &c., and was scarcely out himself when the rolling smoke poured out of the window. Last Thursday night about half past 6 p. m., an unusual blast on the Factory whistle startled the town and in brief space the whole town knew that Crawâ€" iord‘s sawmill was on fire bevond hope of saving. The fire seemed to have started from the engine house, and must haye been amouldering for some time, for remark bad heen made that there was an odor, as of a heated box. Mr 8. McCracken was among the tirst to notice smoke and rushed over but found himself too late as the under parts of the mill was a roaring furnace. _ He made a dash for his tools but did not succeed. _ MrJno Harbottle tried to save some door frames intended for the Hahn House, got Lw.o out, and had a narrow escape i .A i hiatBg ce xi Pssnc dsP ism tcasicd se from being overcome by smoke, A mnute more and the flames were outâ€" erde and in a flash, were the whole length of the mill. leysr AÂ¥he whistle, and the consnicuons CRAWFORD‘S MILL IN ASHES TORONTO CARD OF THANKS. »Uention to every spot where THE WAR. DIED. BORN J. W. Crawrorpn. Gur @fforts to Dlease w 99 PR a PmA y EC ETE CC RDATTTCT ba i; S’E;"“" Na. 3. Jonim » m/ & * *+* Â¥ang s L * ons uhss ! R. B. KEELER & SON 10 Tooth Brushes, worth 20¢, each. . .19¢ 15 do worth 15¢, each. .. 8c 7 only Carving Sets, worth $2, each $1 60 only Combs, worth 20¢, each ... ..18¢ 27 only do _ worth 10c, each..... 6c 10 only Lockets, worth $1, each..... 50 300 packages best Envelopes, worth i0¢, per package.......... ... .. U Great Bargains in Waltham Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Rings and Silverware, Keeler‘s, the cheapest store in Grey County to buy your School Books and Supplies. The spring crop is now being rapmdly put into the ground and the land is in excellent condition, altogether too much of it was left unploughed dast fall, the winter setting in earlier than usual, and much time was lost in thrashing when Eloughmg ought to haye hbeen done. Svery day in the spring counts, and a week‘s difference in seeding may make a difference of thirty per cent in the crop, which means a loss instead of a gain. _ Early seeding is the best every time, providing always that the seed is properly put in the soil, At present the agricultual outlook is promsing and we can only hope that present promises will be fulfilled, Fruit trees have wintered all right. Mice are reported to have done a great deal of damage to orchards im cther districts, but have not done any damage in this district o far as known. _ Altoâ€" gether the outlook is promising for a good crop of fruit. Wellingtons (O. 8.) in Dundalk Markdale m Durham, Durham in Owen Sound, Dundalk in Markdale Owen Sound in Duham Markdale in Dundalk Durbam in Markdale Dundalk in Owen Sound Owen Sound _ in Markdale Dundalk in Durham Durham in Dundalk Markdale in Owen Sound FOR SATURDAY, MAY 14. 19 only Hair Brushes, worth 75¢ each 40¢c To take a vi@@K things as they are we might say that grass and clover have come through the winter in good conâ€" dition, and with good showers during May will yield good crops. _ Fall wheat has not come through so well, where it was exposed it is partly frozen out, and where the snow lay too deep it is smothered, so that it will not be a fuall crop, _ There will not be much plowed out, but most of 1t will be somewhat thin. _ Seventyâ€"five per cent of an averâ€" age crop will probably be about the reâ€" sult, judging by present appearances. The farmer, depressed at the long stay of winter, is now huoyant with hope, and is pushing the work of seeding with energy, fully expecting a bountifal reâ€" turn from his jgvous labors. Spring has come at last, and come bounding right out of the snow drifts into the bheat and growth of summer. Beldom has vegetation advanced so rapidly as it has done during the past week. Thne fields have already assumed the green and freshness of early sumâ€" mer. _ Fruit trees are pushing forth their buds. giving promise of plenty of fruit in due season, and the woods are fast becoming clothed in their beautifal robes of green. [ »Give us a few lines on the Agriculâ€" tural outlook, Mr Binnie" was a request we made last weck to Mr Geo. Binnie, Bunessan, and sure enough here they are,. . Many thanks MrB.â€"Ed.] Tffillinery ... Prices are Always Reasonable f(fiss Dick. T_he following is the schedule of games BARGANS 1N KEFLERS The Ladies in Durham and surâ€" rounding country in artistic milâ€" linery are not in vain, are proven by the crowds that visit the showrooms daily. CHAS RAMAGE, Prrsxter axp Posusu®er. We‘"wish to call attention to the GRANXD DISPLAY of Millinery at Miss Dick‘s. Never before has there been such a grand disâ€" play to choose from. Thestyles are so becoming and colors so beautifully blended. The Price Smashers LACROSSE SCHEDULE. m# @ @~â€" â€"â€"_ SPRING. Owen Sound Aug. 1 June 3 June 7 June 14 June 24 June 28 July 8 Jauly 15 July 22 July 29 July 29 Aug, 0 *) 4 44 t

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