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Durham Review (1897), 12 May 1904, p. 2

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§A & And the Cannorâ€"ball go hang, When the Westâ€"tound‘s ditchf. ; And the taot.car‘d hitched; ) And it‘s way for the Breakdown Gang! This special train has been dubbed the "Wrecker." Really it is a relief train, ready to respond to any call for aid in ease of accident. The man who would be a wrecker must have what his fellows call "grit," must be quickâ€"witted and quickâ€"motionâ€" ed, and must be an expert machinist. It is not an easy task for the wreckâ€"master to select a foree having all these qualâ€" ities, and his gang are picked men from the best on the company‘s pay roll. And size counts for much also. Two or three little men are valuable, for there are many nooks and corners in and under the torn and twisted cars where they ean work with hammer and wreach, where a big man could not move. For the same reason a few leftâ€"handed men are desirable. If a railroader has ever been a sailor, he is given preference in been a sailor, he is given preference in selection, for there are so many ropes and chains to be fastened to the wreck to pull it apart that the seaman‘s know!â€" edge of knot and splice is of much value. â€"From _ "Way }:»r the _ Breakdown tiang," by D. A. Wiley in the May Bookâ€" lovers‘ Macazine. On every large railway system there is a train not scheduled on the time eard, but just as essential to maintainâ€" ing the service as any of the limiteds or locals. It is a passenger train, but the passengers pay no fare. It consists mereâ€" ly of two or three freight cars and a eaboose, yet when it starts over the road everything else on wheels must give it precedence. If the President himâ€" self is en route in his special of private cars, he must take the side track until it passes by. As Kipling puts it: Oh, the Empire State must learn to wait Whe Myers Royal Spice Co., of Niagara Falls, Oat., and New York, have just shipped a magnificent exâ€" hibit of their Cattle and â€" Horse sSpice, Hog Powders and other goods to the St. Louis Exhibition. Their display in the manufacturers‘ baildâ€" ing will be unique and iNustrate fitâ€" tingly the fact that they are the oldest manufacturers in the world of this class of goods. There is litâ€" tle doubt but that they will take the honors of the great (Fair. One striking feature of their exâ€" hiWbit will be a photograph / disâ€" play of their large plants on both sides of the river at Niagara and in England, Fow Wheeled Vebicles. "The armies now on these roads or bridle paths of Corea will fiad the matter of fransportation of supâ€" plies and ammunition as difficult as Braddock found it in the Alleghany mountains a contury and a hbailft ago. Wheeled vehicles are not comâ€" meon in Corea, the bad roads making them useless for most of the year. The beasts of burden are the little ponies and the sleek buils which transport nineâ€"tenths of all Corea‘s freight. ‘The Corean pony is a very small affair averaging only cleven and a half or twoelve hands bigh, but in meannoess he outrivals any horse of the mos theroic mould. Yet he has gome excellent points to make up Dropsy and Heart Disease.â€"‘"For ten years I suliered greatly from Heart Uisease. Fluttering of the Heart and Smothering Spells made my life a torment. Dropsy set in. My physician told me to prepare forthe worst. _ I tried Dr, Agnew‘s Cure for the Heart. One dose gave great relief, one bottle eured me completely,"â€"Mrs. James Adams, Syracuse, N. Y. 107 Viceroy Alexieff, it is reported, does not get on so well with the military set as he did with the more freeâ€"andâ€"easy naval leaders. The spelling of th: viceroy‘s name should be noted. It is thus written in his own hand on the photograph.â€"Victoria, B. C., Colonist. FACH OF THE SIX PICTURES REPREâ€" SENTS A GARDEN VEGETABLE,. CAN YOoU NAxE THREE $200.00 GIVEN AWAY Vice Admiral Alexieff owes his hith preferment not to his ability, which is decidedly mediocre, or to his distinguishâ€" ed service, which has not been conspicnâ€" ous, but to the fact that he is one of the wealthiest men in the Russian empive. He is the owner of vast territories in Russia, and has a princely income. _ He is also a great favorite with the present Czar, and has always been. Hence, when the Emperor was looking around for a suitable person to represent Russian maâ€" jesty in the Orient the choice not unâ€" naturally fell upon the Czar‘s favorite. He is a nice enough man, but he his a very bad temper. _ His irascibility was often the cause of painful scenes aboard the Africa. He would be ail sugar and plums with the sailors one minute and the next like a bear with a sore head, growling and cursing everyâ€" thing,t;tp and down. _ In those tantrums Alexieff exercised wis full power of punâ€" ishment and was merciless. When te eooled off he was sorry enough, as pasâ€" sionate men generally are after the ebuiâ€" lition. T c [ 4 1 a w4 omeuew en [ o_ £ _4 |_NBFECE use ) | NC debariol OP THEX? L-__.___J . | wedding, the It does not cost you one cent to try and solve this puzzl=, and if you are correct you may wina large | quired of sist amount of Cash. We do not ask any money from you, and oycontest like this is very ?memcir.z. ArMOUE 1 Tu o n cefi t Liver not matler where you live; we do not care one bit who getsthe money ; if you can make out the numesof | i~ 4 \ edding three of these Garden Vegetables, mail your answer to us, with your name and address plainy written, ard _ young to und M your answer is correct we will notify you. We are giving away $200,00 for correct answers, and & \.\‘ige reply. 4 few minutes of your time. _ Send in your guess at once, with your full name and address, to ¢, a T <ar AITHE MARVEL BLUEINCG CO.. DEPT }1407f coxonte. ex®«. 0 @ funeral and AN OPINION OF ALEXIEFF By One Who Travelled Round the World With Him. Mr. Jeffrey, who is a retired marin> engineer, was chief aboard the steamer Africa, in which Alexief â€" traveled around the world, and he parted with the ship at Cherbourg, France. . Mr. Jeffrey says that when he heard that Alexieff had been appointed viceroy in the Far East he was of the opinion that Alexieff was not a big enough man for the job. _ sy o. maormt Mr. Robert Jeffrey, who resides in Cowichan, is the possessor of a remark able photograph of Vice Admiral Alexâ€" ieff. â€" It is superscribed as follows : "To Mr. R. Jeffrey, with my best thanks and compliments. E. AlexcieZ, commandery, H. 8. Russ, M. I. Africa, 20th Juin, 1883, Cherbourg." MAGNIFPICENT EXHIBIT. A Hailroad Ambulance. FOR CORRECT ANSwERs TO THIS SEED PUZZLE g.1, Dus in iny horse of Yet he has to make up ON > ON Gee took him to the gallery for a photoâ€" graph, the crow‘s language, once a source of much pride, became a great humiliaâ€" tion. He plays with children, but fights if they disturb him. He is very neat in his habits, taking a bath frequently, if not regularly, and using as a bathtub any vessel which happens to contain enough water, having been known thus to honor a frying pan on occasion. He takes the greatest pleasure in scattering over the tloor any nails which he may discover. He allows nothing to grow in his owner‘s garden after its head has once appearâ€" ed above the soil. But in spite of all these pranks the crow is very much a part of the carpenâ€" ter‘s family. _ HMis birthday has never been recorded in the big Bible, but he will be four years old this spring, so the youth says who took him from a nest in the woods. He lived upon bread and meat in his babyhood, and the diet evidently agreed with him well, for Mr. McGe says the bird‘s digestion is now perfect, and that he will eat anything, "even onions." In the days of his callow youth, the crow‘s wings were kept clipped, and his master declares that they must be cut again, as the bird has been keeping bad hours and associating with others worse than black crows, to the corruption of both his manners and his morals. The injury to his morals is shown by his shocking profanity, and when Mr. Meâ€" A postcard, posted in Swindon on April 16, 1872, has just reached the adâ€" dressce‘s son, having taken 32 years to arrive at its destination, which is conâ€" siderably less than a mile from the place where it was posted. Both sender and the man to whom the lottre was addressed have been dead for many years.â€"London Express. Sheâ€"Do you still adore me, George? Meâ€"Didn‘t I stop reading the baseâ€" ball news to hear about your new waist? â€"Chicago News. There is a crow in Cameron, Mo., which has the gift of language, and has managed to learn a deal of English without any direct effort to teach him. The bird, which is the property of a young Mr. McGee, the son of a Cameron carpenter, is in the habit of greeting people in the streets in a stentorian voice, but it is for his home circle that hereserves his choicest _ accomplishâ€" ments. When visited at his home the bird talked quite after the fashion of the most skilled parrots, who, it is said, never do their best in strange company. lHe called members of the family "Pa," "Ma," "Norah," and "Homer." There was scarcely anything which he did not say or attempt to say. His interrogative "What for?" was interposed in various parts of the conversation _ with most laughable results. He called the chickâ€" ens to their food, clucked like a hen and mewed like a kitten. It \;as s::g t{mt he enjoyed a dog fight above ‘else, encouraging it in §he *ogi b suuungm‘gmmm’gfind’%im* spirited ;acu]ations of "Sick ‘em!" and "Lick ‘emt!t" Was He Asking the Time? "I wonder what ‘time Mary‘s young man left last night," said mamma. "It must ‘a‘ been exactly 1 o‘clock, ma,." said the younger brother. "The idea! How do you know ?" "Why, just as he was leaving I heard him ask Mary some question, and she said ‘Just one, only one.‘" Minard‘s Liniment Lumberman‘s Friead. Talks Like a Parrot, and Funny Tricks. ‘The first thing that strikes the stranger, is the absence of all color. Everyone, men, women and children is dressed in pure white, or what was originally white. The men wear loose, baggy‘ trougers, and the woâ€" men large, flaring skirts and very ghort jackets, and no provision seems ever to have been made by| the Corâ€" ean dressmakers for the resulting gap. The feet are incased summer and winter in padded shoes several inchas thick. f One would naturally‘ expect _ to finda the people of Cores, lying as it doos, between Japan and China, bearing some resemblance to the people of the one country or the other, and the traveller is totally unprepared to find a people with a cast of features and a Tigure more cecidental than oriental. In fact, when one steps ashore at Fusan, it is found at onee to be an intensely interesting country, though on a clear day the coast of Japan is visâ€" ible to the southeast} ‘They are not neglected by their native owners save in the odd resâ€" pect. The vast number of hills to be climbed make the ponies‘ loads <lip, apd in this way the little beasts reâ€" ceive galls which are frequently reâ€" volting to foreigners, but their ownâ€" ers pay absolutely no attention to thase burning wounds. Yet the ponies aro kindly treated and usually well fed, the forage being two pounds of beans and millet boiisd in water, and poured hot Into a trough, with some chopped straw (rice or millet) in addition. The ponies are worth 825 each. OAAAE to and over 200 pounds in good weaâ€" ther and average 150 in bad. And they are as sure footed as a mounâ€" tain goat. They take their gait from the race they serve and no Corean was ever known to show such poor form as to hurry. Thoe ponics averâ€" ago two miles an hour, and will go faster if urged and argued with persisten‘tly. t K for being always crossâ€"he can and will carry most pationtly very heavy loads for his size. These run up TALENTED CROW, THIS A MILE IN 32 YEARS. PROOF POSITIVE. /A es 4i_ Has Many The older members ofr the family hayâ€" ing departed in gala attire to attend a wedding, the twoâ€"yearâ€"old Elbridge inâ€" quired of sister Helen, aged five: "What is a wedding?" "I‘m atraid you‘re too young to understand," was the worldlyâ€" wise reply, "but it‘s something between a funeral and a dancing school." There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. _ Fora great many years doeâ€" tors pronounced it a local disease and presâ€" cribed local remedies and by constantly failâ€" ing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has provencatarrh to be a conmstitutional disease and therefore reâ€" quires a constitutional treatment. Hall‘sCaâ€" tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoontful. Itacts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. _ They offer one hundred dollars for any case 1t fails to cure. _ Send for cireuâ€" lars and testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggistsâ€"75c. Hall‘s Family Pills constipation. Winnipeg is threaterned with another land boom. Instead of raising buildings they will be raising prices. f Port Mulgravye, Jan C. C. RICHARDS & Co. Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lever‘s Dry Soap a powder. It will reâ€" move the grease with the greatest ease. 36 Dear Sirs,â€"MINARU‘S LINIMEXT is my remedy for colds, etc. It is the bost liniment I have ever used. 4 MRS. JOSIAH HART. a story recently at a dinner which was to the effect that a young Scotch minâ€" ister having married the daughter of the wealthiest member of his church, in a country _ town in â€" Pennsylvania, was obliged to apologize publicly for an error in the report of the wedding. The reâ€" porter had asked where the pastor and his bride intended to live, and had been told "At the old manse." As this stateâ€" ment appeared in print, the reply was "At the old man‘s." Right Rev. Alexander Mackayâ€"Smith, the witty coadjutor of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, told It appears from the despatches that the King and Queen are having a suite time of it in Ireland. This inevitably breeds contempt for law and constituted authority, not only upon the part of the criminal class, but in the minds of people higher up in the social scale. It has been well and truly said that the lynching mob is by no means the most sinister and menacing manifestation of disregard for law. is not enforced constitutes a peril to the entire legal fabric, and it is notorâ€" ious, unfortunately, that fewer laws are enforced than are â€" unenforced. The ratio of punishments to offences comâ€" mitted is so small as to be almost inâ€" fiitesimal. The truth is, of course, that we have too many laws already. We need not more laws, but the entorcement of those that we already have. Every law that "To nty «surprise (the first box did me «so much good that I felt like m new man. Five boxes cured me tromipletely. Thousands of cases similar to that of Mr. Perkin® hre the proof that any Kidney Disease from Backache to Rright‘s Disease yields readily to Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. "I, at time@ had such severe pains in my back and kidneys that I thought I would, have to give up all hope and die. I was unable ta work and was becoming destitute. "While in thig rondition a friend persuaded me to try Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. I had little faith in them, and it was more to please him than anyâ€" thing else I gayp them! a trial. _ "Dodd‘s Kidrney Pills saved my life and I canpot praise them! too much." Tyndall, Man., May 2.â€"(Special.)â€" Among the many in the great West who confidently state that they owe their lives to Dodd‘s Kidney Pills is Mr. J. J. Perkins, a well known resident of this place. us "For two years I was troubled with « gny kidneys," Mr. Perkins states, "and at last ‘became so bad that the doctor gave me up and gaid I hrns incu‘rable. f J. J. Perkins Owes His Life to Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. Manitoba Man Helpless From Kidney Disease Made Strong and Hearty by the Great Canadian Kidney liemedy. THE INCURABLE CURED AGAIN. Made a Mistake as to the Place. Tho# cangdg it easily with the . 4 "L't hi. 1 %eht'gfl'# * Ball Bearing Washing Machine and quickly, too. Five minutes‘ casy work will thoroughly clean a tubful of clothes; no handling of the garâ€" ments or rubbing on the board necesâ€" sary. Itis without a peer. Your dealâ€" er can get it for you, or you can get a booklet fully describing it from THE DOWSWELL MANUFACTURING C9. LTD. HAMILTON, CAP A Sweet Time. Too Many Laws. Price Going Up, A Hybrid. wNIAKIQ ARCHIVES TORONTO Children Wash the Let 04 «orv 4 s 1897 CAN The following model of modesty apâ€" pears as an advertisement in a London newspaper: "Will any wealthy, charâ€" itably disposed gentleman, enthusiastic automobilist, or large firm, give a specâ€" ially interested man of small means a secondâ€"hand car? Applicant, who would be deeply grateful, is very keenly interâ€" ested in motoring, but cannot afford to buy a car. As a guarantee of good faith he would gladly undertake not to dispose of car at any time without the full consent of donor." "Some of the young girls nowadays," said Miss Ann Teck, "are positively terâ€" rible. The idea of a girl Eeing engaged to two young men at once! It‘s shameâ€" "And," suggested Miss Peppery, "it‘s aggravating, too, isn‘t it?" * Ask for Misard‘s and take no Other. Apply Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder without delay. It will save you suffering, heal you quickly whether you have been a slave one month or fifty years. It relleves cold in the head and catarrhal headache in ten minutes. ‘The Hon. David Milis, Minister of Justicefor the Dominion of Canada,inâ€" dorses it. Foxâ€"The Japanese have a system of j physical training called jiuâ€"jitsu, which, , it is claimed, enables the weak to masâ€" ter the strong. ' ful!" More Lives are Blighted by Catarrh Knokâ€"Why? Are the strong barred from learning it ? CATARRH TAINT The Russian Rooster. (Toronto World.) In vain do the nations meet and enâ€" deavor to minimize the horrors of war and protect nonâ€"combatants. "A Japanâ€" ese 12â€"inch shell exploded in the yard of General Stocssel‘s house, outside Port Arthur. It broke a rooster‘s leg." The rooster probably knew little of the merits of the conflict, and it is not even stated that it wis . crowing over any Russian victory. Wandering harmlessly round the general‘s house, and rejoicing in the approach of spring and the reappearance of the succulent worm, it observed the apâ€" ( ?ch ‘& shell, which it not impmoâ€" my mis a)k for an eggshell. 'lphus without a moment‘s warning it was struck down and crippled for life, its beauty destroyed, its lordly strut gone forever. _ Henceforth it must limp through the fields of its ancient pride, condemned to listen to the remark, made with tedious iteration, that it was the victim of a fowl outrage. Its only consolation will be the reflection that it takes a twelveâ€"inch Japanese shell to break a Russian rooster‘s leg. herally informed young man. "Yes," replied the old fashioned doeâ€" tor; "if they don‘t get into a man‘s sysâ€" tem they are liable to get on his mind and worry him half to death." "Germs cause an enormous amount of sickness, don‘t they?" said the superâ€" ficially informed young man. Shiloh‘s % Consumption Minard‘s LiIniment is used by Physicians. PAGE METAL GATES An clectric current raised to five milliamperes in five minutes _ and maintained at this intensity for five more minutes with the electrodes on the forchead, and the neck increases muscular power from 6 to 7 per cent. On the other hand, it has been discovered that the best way to produce slsep is a current of four milliamperes at thirty volts, interâ€" rupted 100 times por scncond. Speech ceases at first, then the motor facâ€" ulties are suspended, the _ respiraâ€" tion and pulse being unaffected if the electrification _ remains within the I mits indicated, although arrest may be produced by an increas> of the intensity of the current. Immeâ€" diately after the electrification â€" that is, when the operation ceasesâ€" the subject awakens, but a genuine sensation ol comfort is experienced. Properly Applied Electricity is an Excellent Sleep Producer. There seems no end to the uses to which elcctricity can be applied. It is now found that it can be so emâ€" ployed as to be the best soporific in existence. Ziemssen has slown that the cerebral substance is the best conmductor in the human body and exceeds by 3,000 times the conâ€" ductivity of the muscles, this auâ€" thor further stating that i electriâ€" clty has not beon more extensively employed in diseases of the brain this is due to exaggerated fears of the dangers which would result therefrom. A curreat of electricity passing from one ear to the other causes stupsfaction and creates the impression that objects seen by the subject are all pilaced on a moving wheel, while currents passing from the forehead to the neck appear to be not only harmless, but beneficial. If There is Hint of Catarrh Taint TAKING SLUMBER IN VOLTS THE PAGE WIRE FENCE CoO. Limited, â€" Walkerville, Montroal, PREFERS A MODEST REQUEST. Prices: S.C. Werrs & Co. 305 25c. 50c $1. LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto, Can. § ‘The Lung UPC Tonic at once. _ It will strengthen the lungs and stop the cough. When you think you have cured a cough or cold, but find a dry, hacking cough remains, there is danger. Take thar by All other Diseases. Ten Cents buys Dr. Agnew‘s Liver Pillsâ€"the best. 3 feet wide, 10 feet wide, The Deadly Microbe. The Strong Barred. Too Grabby. 4 feet high, including hinges and latch , 4 feet high, including hinges and latch Other sizes in proportion. The Tall Missourians. (Kansas City Journal.) Missourians are said to be the tallest men, on the average, in the world. They average, it is asserted, 5 feet 9 inches. It Does Seem that Way. (Cattaraugus Times.) Licking a boy to make him go to Sun day School is a firstâ€"class way of lead ing him to the devil. Keep Minard‘s Liniment in the House Above «tation in New York is situated on corner Fourth avenue and 42nd street, and the New York Central is the only trunk lne whose grairs enter it. New York Central Lands You Grand Central Station Bays district, and comprises a serâ€" ies of connected lakes, over which large steamers are navigated. What greatly adds to the Lake of â€" Bay®s value as a health giving and sportâ€" ing resort is the unmatched purity of the air one breathes upon its heights. The cranky grumbler, unâ€" less h eis a confirmed dyspeptic, forâ€" gots his ills under its reviving influâ€" ence in less than a week, and sees life‘s problems in a smoother light if he only has the sense and capacity to enjoy the good things in this life which Nature and Providence have prepared for him. The whole regâ€" ion is placed high above the level of Lake Ontario, and its bracing mornâ€" ing breeze which rivals the colebrated mntmosphere of Pike‘s Peak, Col., imâ€" parts new lung power and fresh viâ€" tality. _ e For all information, full particuâ€" lars, descriptive matter, maps, etc., write G. T. Bell, General Passenger & Ticket Agent, Grand Trunk Railâ€" way system, Montreal, Canada. At the Horse Show. There are many costumes at the Horse Show that are perfect dreams, but in the whole equine parade there is not a single nightmare. Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sunâ€" light Soap. sB "That singer gets £500 marked the critical patron ville show, "yet she has : buzz saw." DUILLA MWM + "Perhaps," rejoined his friend, "that is why she makes so much dust." A‘t a point 15 miles north of Toâ€" ronto, on the Grand Trunk Railway System is reached one of the most magnificent districts in the Highâ€" lands of Ontario, and which has been named by many worldâ€"wide travelâ€" lers "the Switzerland of America." The region is known as the Lake of SWITZERLAND IN CANADA. Use GNLY the SOFT, SILKY, TOUGH ‘TOILET PAPERS Insist on being supplied with one of the following brands :â€" In Roilisâ€"‘** standard," "‘Hotel," "York," **Mammoth," In Sheetsâ€"*" Imperia‘," *‘ Royal," *"*Rega!," "Orient," & For Dainty Luncheons Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, U. S. A. Natural Deduction. (Chicago News.) Send for our book, "How to Make Good Things to Eat." Libby‘s Atlas of the World sent postpaid for five 2c stamps. ;e-ts $500 a week," reâ€" al patron of the vaudeâ€" she has a voice like a 4B0DB% [corsoummes ) | a0 ue ) see?" MANUFACTURED BY ©2.75 , 5.75 m From all parts of the world admirers of her son had gone to visit her, and she always received them kindly. To the last she remained simpleâ€"minded and generousâ€"hearted. It was in this typical, himble Dorsct hoqxe_ that the Wessex novelist was born and brought up. In the old thatched cottage of Bockâ€" hampton, near Dorchester, in which she had spent nearly all her life, the mother of Thomas Hardy, the novelist, has just passed away at the age of 90. Y It Cures all Creeds.â€"lHere are a few names of clergymen of different creeds who are firm belevers in Dr. Agnew‘s Catarrhal Powder to " live up to the preachbing" in aly itclaims: Bishop S weatman, Rev. Dr.Langtry , (Episcopalian) ; Rev. Dr. Withrow and Rev, DPr. Chambers, (Methodist) ; and Dr. Newâ€" man, all of Toronto, Canada. Copies of their personal letters for the asking. 50 cts. 105 We do not rant and rave about the HMorse Show; We can‘t go crazy o‘er fourâ€"legged brutes; But we‘ll gamble all our money that we do know C RGEN 203 3 4 4 w cdcatn" l P A. Pocket Hlahlnfi Device; #old anyâ€" where on its excep onal simplicity and effectiveness being demecnstrated ; can be carried in the pocket, and no person with dnvlnfflgohould be without one ; sample by mail, 50c ; circular let.urr!n:e. Novelty always be used for sooths the child, sof colic and is the ‘L‘“ ISSUE NO. 20 1904 umm 1 on AaAan u WLNTEDâ€"HOUBII(ARD. GoOoD WaAGES, comfortable home, four maide kept. Mrs. Collinson, * Highfeld Schoo!," Hamilâ€" ton, Ont. $800.00 S N P Ee o COd CE AEL un F to visit our agencies, to establish new ones, procuring names and addresses, to advertise our goods ; experience not necessary, but honesty _t}ng '!ndu:‘lry’.. nB:'n.dleyâ€"Uarreuon O., aumummcmare w mcmmmmmeemeameed en C Mrs. Winslow‘s Sooth! should wawvs be used 1Of cwg'-fu ml_-g _ 1% f MRA TDE ORA MWrasonmity anufacturing Co., Toronto, That MOTHER OF A FAMOUS sON B% C Brusn & GO. GENTS ATTENTION â€" "DAVI®S®~" PR UV _ Rhiutis. sald anw_ NO BRASS EYELETS A POPULAR CORSET FOR 1904 BTYLE l{imited, Brantford, Ont HEAVY LIFE INSURANCE. U LONC HIP ,J t the lovely girls up there aro simply beauts. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY TORONTO, â€" ONT. How It Strikes Us P4 aÂ¥G by us or Winnipeg, St. John â€"â€"â€"orov in l smm dA DPA CC A YEAR AND EXPENSES for men or energetic women Ont. cures wind a* PQ Nime Russ: SCri Gene

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