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Durham Review (1897), 12 May 1904, p. 6

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may: lraith- SHOEMAN’. :n A SILVER we Victoria sir ' 25c bottle of wing and a 3e bier with each Cat Dressing. we a lot of oth- and paste. e Mid bu St tte Tibet! J'oiwers .1i93w-v killer: 'tp'---, ext are house. Highest. ' thu, {lion I» 101-101,” ) priws to Lowe at. BELL 12, 1904" FACT Spec! is Oury Goods rm; ible " " School U "ls I!” C C NEW LIST OF LANDS Oli' BEST QUALITY. Grocenes. Dry Goods. Boots & Shoes, Crockery, dx. We can give you Bargainf. ti?" We ask inspection of our Teas..yj The Hanover Ctrutcyturve C. A. FLEMING. Principal. Owen Sound Spring Term begins April 4th, 1904 The Hanover Conveyance" offers: 100 Aer . tn “mum-k near Durham. 90 Hun-r3. In hardwood, good buildings, writ: creek, orchard, "let'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.,'.'.'.'.'.'."":"; 100 A”... max- Allan t'tsrk.tittcleared,arttard. wood and 12 swamp...,...... o..,.............) ISO Am». near Lmsisih,stoneusvettimrsstoot) /tft%'/fl'J. tine farm. under .....r..r. aooo 105 Aero mar Allan Itrk, excellent farm {nit hulfdings, cheap. t Acre num- nr less, Gturafrts.xn street. Durham. "y"" (um-m Works, tine lots, offered very rump. If )‘lru wish to buy or sell property. bor. row ”mm-y. insure a. property. have writings d: awn orcollect debts callon me ' “ways Prompt. Never Negligent." Transacting Business TWEEDS d; YARNS Durham Bull t)oives-trrandtes o. Prince Uruickshnnk (imp). ard York- shire Pigs from imported stock. THUS. SCABF & Sous. Rocky Sangeen Beudt's above I hawk la, ge list of other lands of all kinds. 100 Acres. Lot 36. 2nd Con., N. D. It., (ilenvlg. 15 acres tit for ruitivntion. the rest haruwood bush. Also Lot sts, Con. 3. N. D. It., sy, acres clear. the rest hard- wood bush. The Saugoen River runs through both. For further particulms send ur npplv to All "ttr Spring Prints. Ginghnlns. and Muulins. me now in. Come te, ttee them. PU RE Yo nng Terms n»; Terms mug. , Head of erd. 2 yurds long, TI In. wide at 2301-" tmir. '2', do 27 in do 40c per 1.1:. i', dd 3ti in do We per you. :', do a? in do TGC. per put. 3'., do .10 in do $1.00 per 3.1:. All curtain: have tspiee edges. earrept 25e line II. IL BTILLER. P1ooroilcloth, I yam wide at 250 per yd .. 2 vttrqhs wide " 501- per yd Table ()ilrluth, i:', in wide. " 2.31- perytl Tubu- Linen. M in wide. " in: [In yd .. " In wide, " " per .xut Lino-II Ttstrle (1mm. 't'Vi yum- long M 31.40 each Hun-y Twill sheeting, r: in wide, " 2a, per yard ijiiuu%t-oa constlpatlon 9mm! ro- . covon. our; mm with Ayor'o Pint. HF, atts SELLS atts CHEAP MI 4 S. SCOTT. Table (menu, V, -iit' Tnble Linen, M in .. 5'. in PURE-BREED STOCK FOB, SALE. u so u homo. AJL'lryur-u Roller Blinds. pl)!" w. I I. BEAN It is impossible to go thrcugh life without some business transactions To simplify such matters and make them profitable, you should havea Business Education such as is giv- en at the Sarsaparilla Ayer’s The change is very prompt and very marked. Ash your doctor why it Is. He has our formula and will explain. .. When " you. “I. to! may 'gtqtttttg Io one thoutrttt I could I!" been“ of “in blood. But. In . [av Inch. Ayers raglan]. m- pluoly rrotorrd no to In}! ." M as. E. '"rc-uiir, "-013“. N. J. The Children Your doctor will tell you that thin, pale, weak, nervous chil- dren become strong and well by taking Ayer's Sanaparilla. Small doses, for a few days. his long, " do " sto do FARM FOB SALE. Best pure Honey. 10e a ll) - H. H. MILLER. MAY 12. 1901 (st ( ' KKK/:7 $1733? MCINTYRE. Markdale. Bulls. Heifers und Cows. y. Verachoyle (imported) at BRED DURHAM’S FOR. SALE. Mm [thud for (lllllfll'(l BlOGK, DURHAM. PARKER. Durham i Durham P. O. M'. Hanuve ', 2.14- per your. 4Oc per pair. 70v per pain 730 per pull. $1.00 per pair. J. c. Am co.. DWI". Mun. me and: he rut-h ii, Shims. Joe Hilton. Nellie Mutch, Nettie Tvotut. Mal-y Alles. Jennie Dillon. Win- low Keith. John Smith. Sr Ist-John Ross. Georgiana Alles. Allan Smith. Annie Rum-re. Jr li-Walter Shiels. George Shiels, Arthur Eccles, Ethel Mulch. M. NASMITH, Teacher. Report of S. S. No. 13, ftlgremont, for the tuonth of April. 1901. ah Class-- May Dixon. Minnie Hulpenny. 4th-- Arthur Wells, Gordon Geddes, Bertha Itenwiek.Jessi? Eccles & Olen Noove eq. Br. 3rd.-- Reuben Wells. Eva ileu- tom Wallace Findlay. Mary Tucker. Jr 3rd.-Itoxsmie Watson, Mandy Renwick, Alex. Findlay. Bella Lester. Sr 2nd-- Laura Mckelvie, [birdie Lester. (Yuri Harrison, Allan Haulie. Jv2ud.--Aluta Henwiek. Murray Findlay. The funeral takes place on Tuesday the10th Inst. to tlw cemetery in this place. The Rev. Mr Mathew") will om. mule at the house and grave. The tlv~ teased leaves " fmnily of four suns uml one daughtevand a lonely husband to mourn the loss of " faithful "mun-1- and wife. Berni-t of S. S. No. 9. Egtemont, for Apri . hit. 4thukuhy Rogers. Roxana Hamilton, Anum tteid, Ethel Hols. burgh. Aggie Reid. Maud. Sr3rd~Nm~ hurn Horshurgh. Laura Ecrleu. Jr 3rd -Jennie Mulch. Jessie Burrows. Annie Shiels. ,0livef Raid. Annie Troup, Alex art, te, Alvin Eccles. Lulu Hamilton. Rohiie Keith. Milfred Bilton. Sr 2nd- Mary Match. Manna Keith, Myrtle Whyte. Alex Smilh. Harry Hnrshurgh, Nettie Rout-IN. Roy Reid, Clarerwe Ros... Hugh Reid, Robbie Shieln. Fred Eceles. James Troup. Jr 2ud---Flemutg Reid, Howavd Hurshurgh. Nornmn Hoes. hnrgh. "Wil!?.'. Colt/sy,, at. ledTJInhn We have known the subject. of our sketch from her youthful days. She, With her father and mother and the rest, of the family moved to Glenelg to lot 41 on the second Con. N I) ll 52 years years ago when only about. 7 or8 years of age. She was always kind and "trec- ttonate, ready to lend assmtamce when. ever reluired. She was it loving wife. and dutiful mother and now that she Is gone the home is left nmurnful and and. To the bereaved husband We can only say that he has now to tvavel in loneli- ness on life’s pullnvny for she who alwnya "hared his joys and tn onhles has ceased to be his earthly mungmnion. but he haw the auxin-anew of a. glam-ed) re- union in the world beyond w Ire there Is no death. Rt-port of H. S. No, 13, le the lunnth of April. 1901. May Dixon. Minnie Hur Arthur Wylls G1s,rdtyt Crt Repoi-tnf ti.s. No, 1 Nat-tummy fur Ami]. Class 5th.--Mttggie wallatw, " tth-Hat ry (Mild. Nellie Burns. Sr. 3rd --Agt"'s Marshall. Jr 3rd.--Ev" Mc- Allister. Willie Meavns, Willie MeAl- ltyter. "sr2nd--Willie \Vallace, Arthur Guild. Jr 2nd --Mary Backus. Jimmy Marshall. P. ond-Walter. McAllister Janet Gray. Pt' I” Jinry McAllister John Kerr. Jr In - ii ttt t'rddwell. A. L. MCUILU Zuni, Teacher . Report of S. S No. 12 Egrvmmn. Arithmetic in IV to Part ll Inclusive. Thculher classes had no examination. Marks given where co or over was taken. hh---Magsrie Hamilton 65. Mary Brown. Sr 3rir--Fadntt Hamilton at. Jr 3rd--John Brown GO. Blanche Reid Go, Fanny Patterson 5C, Isabella Ferguson 50. Aggie L. Adams. Br 2nd--Nina Mc- Fadden 90. Martin Wilson. Charlie Nel. son. Nettie Hamilton. Jr 2nd-Uharlie McKenzie 60, MahleEccles, Edgar Hem y. Part, II-Bert Ferguson 57. Tommy Brown 55, Maggie Eccles i58. ROY Eccles 50. Mary Hamilton, Mary J. Fergusnn. This week we give nsz our budget. on ohituarynnd sonw Gaelic composition on .. Summer " which may be interesting to the Gaelic people who arr suho serihets to the Durham Review. We donut. chum that the composition is worthy ot giving plum- hut for curiou- ity's sake we know that the editor will comply with our request when we ask him to hear with us m trying his pu- ttence and exercising his talent. in an unknown language In, him. [All the editovnsks, is to "hear" with him this weed as space and time both "re precious.. "An Tsumhraidh" will appear in our near issue.--Ed.l 1hED.-On Sunday morning 8th May an. r a long tilness borne with christian Bullion-e at her residence on the North 'ine. Artmesiu. Mun-y Umueron. beloved wife of Donald MrArthur aged about 50 years. The grim reaper has mg in. cultured our "rink! ', this time taking an its: victim Mrs Dun Hnslie. She Ind been in poor health fur some time hut the newa of her death, which occurred on April 80th, was a shock to munv. She haves her huslmnd and four children to mourn her Inns and to whom we extend our heart felt sym- pathy. Second Class Professional teacher male orfemale. for School Bertion 11, Bentinck. (Hutton's Hill). Duties to begin Jdirj"yertra!eli/ltyt y'.r,'y.,ct- Deg”- any“ gun-u..- __'---" - t _ . . tions, stating quaifitt.ttrtytt' and exper- ience. received up to 21 May. 1904. CHAS. LAWRENCE. Sccy. tiyry to say that out venerable citizen. Mr Superman. " very low. His recovery in doubtinl. . Mr Ram Twamley lost tt valuable thre, your old Colt. last week, due to the has weather. The Pres. Church people have bought an "man from Mr C Mekinnon, of Dur- ham, for use in thrir Sunt'iny School, the price paid was nomewlwre in the neighbor- hood of eighty dollars. Minn Annie Hobkirk In able to be around again after I few weeks' illness Mrs Hugh McDonald. of Durham. " spending a few day‘s " Hobkirk‘s. Mew” Phebe: and Dice have tho-it mill moved from lbe swamp on the 14tl, to Mr Fischer's farm. Miss Kate Mchugdl is working " Mrs D C McKerhme‘u m Glenelg for the hummer munths. Misses, H. Haatie mm L. Greets visited friends on the 8th lad weak. TEACHER WAN TED Such hot watcher ! PRU'EWLLE. CRAWFORD. C. o. DRIMM‘IE, Teacher. 79¢-.. 'ULERIDGE. Teacher. "r6iiririririsiriii for SERVICE WEDNESDAY. to Wm. Ritchie 's, Edge Hill, for noon, then by Ulenroad- un to Alex. Ellison's, Con. IO, Glenelg. for night. imported May PAM, by John Donkin. Riverview, (MIL, present owner, JOHN STAPLES. Durham. DESCRIPTION '. ('lydemlale Champion is a bountiful black ;white stripe on itwe, one white hilld foot, rising 5 years old, stands 16.3 hands high. in good condition weighs alum 2000 lbs. He walks and goes us A draft horse should. HM good feet and In: rs, plen- ty ot feather. niem‘ures about Pd inches bellow the knee. Bred by Mr Burton, Cumberland, Eng. 1'EDi1'ritEF.t MONDAY, May 2nd will leave his (m n stable and pmcm-‘d west to Alfred Ttteker's, l‘inm-Zur " mum. then Sunth to Drmuure to ll. Isaac‘s " night. SIRE. mllwrgo 4729. by Tam O' Shanta! Hill, by “and" Robin. titG, by linrgamic II, by Johnnie 1'opc 117, by Mum-ark 5:0. This famous Clydesdale. Jag. Paton, Proprietor. will be on the following route for this season : TUESDAY, to Sam. Queen‘s, Con. 2, Egrcnmnt for noon and to Knapp Huuse. Durham for night. THURSDAY, to J. Boyle's, Towns- end's Lake for noon then to M. Norris', Con. 10, Glenelg, for night. FRIDAY, to John MeNall.y's, Con. il, for noon then to Paul Nelson's for one hour then south to Dan Meinnis', Bun- essan for night. CLYDESDALE CHAMPION SATURDAY, to Com. Hotel, Price- ville for noon then to his own stable “nu-re he will remain till the follow- .. 2' Mummy morning. DAM. Blossom, by Duke of Edinburgh am. by Luchclul Chtsmpiou 4iti, Fuller Pedigree on application. FOL; CSALE & for SERVICE Volt an. 1-:.-1 yr old Bull rising 2 yrs. 2 Bull l .nyes. oerkshirt- Boar and Sow Pugh. all regislered Pedigreed. FOR se:nricE.---1 Berkshire nndl York Boar also Durham Bull. Terms. $1.00. The undersigned has for sale, ready to use. (ii) five thnrohred Tamworth Boat-s. Price reasonable. - _ - i I" - v" 7 if 7 HENRY ALEXANDER Lot o, con. 2, w. G. IL, Beutinck. The undersigned have for sale. 2 hulls rising 2 years old and 3 hull calves ris- ing 1 year old. Also a pure-bred Tam- worth Boar for service. Terms, 8l1.00, A. & J. SEALEY. Lula 23 & Bl, B. D. R. Glenelg. Applyto an ECKHARDTBImessnn YOUNG TAMWOR'I‘H BOARS FOR SALE. MacFarlane t Co. Druggists ' Seedsmeu. WINDOW SHADES ?tttCs Pure Mixed Paints OUR 0F , HAVE JOHN STAPLES, Prop. The oldest and best in the market. Try their floor paints. They dry hard with a gloss In one night. Which are so much admired for their beauty of design, richness of coloring, and low prices. Just fancy a choice gilt paper at 6yl cts. Bring the sizes of the rooms you would like to freshen up and let us figure how cheaply and daintily it can be done. in all colorings. " GAURDIAN. pt '" filo {ELEGANT WALL n ' U SEEN NT LINE PAPERS THE D UKHAM REVIEW Sugar Mangel, Norto1kWe11ow Giant Man- gel, and Mammoth Long Red Mangel. Carter's Dwarf Essex Sowing Rape American and Canadian Seeds. "NIP Clover, Timothy, Orchard Grass. “DUTCH SETS.---.. Ground Oil Cake, Linseed, Horse and Cattle Spice. 4:2ND ANNUAL IMPORT OF SEEDS [illhlil EIEED END GARDEN. SEEDS Aberdeen Grr en and Purple Top, Improved Grey Stone. Druggist and Seedsman, SEEDS I SEEDS ! From Britain and from one of the noted Seed Houses, including the Swede Turnip Seed--- Kangaroo, Elephant, Champion; London Purple Top, King Swede, &c. ypliiEaE?5iiEajmiijiED at sjiR5iiiF2.5iif'iSyagyMit?a FIELD SEEDS H. PARKER, 1nclytle fitypy: Bee_t, Half Our Blue Japan Tea at 25c, Me, yy' 50c cannot be beat and seldom equalled. Give it a trial. Here are a few things cheaper than usual: Prunes (60 to 70).. ..3 lbs for 25e. Dates...... .. .....3}4 lbs for 25c. Evaporated Peaches..2 lbs for 25c. " Apricots. .per lb, 15c. Fresh Sultana Raisins, 3 lb, 25c. McllNTYll2E'S GROCERY N. P. MCINTYRE. GOLDEN LION, tilt Teas Fruits Moxsoox, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO RED ROSE 25c. 25c. 25c. 15c. 25c. Goods delivered to auv Part of town. Durham 0tmse----LOWEtt TOWN. DURH‘I. 0mm. 131713;: R. om on Found. 7 Will be " the llddaugh House, Durham 2m Wednesday ot etch month (mm 105. In p. ll. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST Gr the Du mun Pharmacy Calder'. Block. Residence first door. west of the old Post Ottice, Durham. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College ot Dental Burg-sons of Ontario. Rooms. Calder Block over the Post (Mice. Jomptny and print. Fund- to Loan on Mortgages It Iowan. mm of mutant. Valuation mm W tb©Otuttettqttt and cumin] anuuwr. J. G. HUTTON. M. D., C. M. once and Residence Cot. (3mm:- and Ge tlt., a foot of mu. Old Iconic Corner a. SPECIALIST EYE, EAR. THROAT & NOSE. _.--, EXCLOiiVELY. " L. R. C. P., London. England Graduate ot IamdoniNew You: And (mu-go. Din-nae. of Eye. Mar, Nose. and Thin“. town! be u Knapp Bouts. Durham, the an titanium etch month. Hum. 1-0)) an.“ Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyance”. mun-:3; Loan. (yiice. McIntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. MICK-y! K.C. W. F Dunc JOHN CLARK.) Co'uetiom, and Agency promptly tbttexttded to Wilhs, Deeds. Mort as. houses, Agreement- “.wrmtly i,d'ld'2S." Rum ot decanted por- mun 111..le n"... .....I u___‘..-_. . - . . D. McPHAIL/ --. r.-.._.“.. ”mu-w- u: uwrllllcu por- sons looked “to: and Ereeutoru and Admiuir trltorl‘ Account. prep-med and Tuscan] tiurrovnto Court Buniuen Probate of Wit I. Letter. ot Ad. minutntlon Ga Guardiuuhip Obtained. sou- chu and. in Regina 001cc and Titles reported on Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Licensed Auctioneer for the co. of Grey. Sales mu attended to. an: mun my be left n his Implement Win-- rooms. chInnon's old ma. cu the Bunny 00109. Durham, Nov. 16, B',. Adopted by I“ leadintrBehool. in Toronto. Tttiardeservedl po In - by new t Ohm mm. ',r'iiii'il?i'lle"iiii'i'?, and other “33. ',ttMtt'i"i',',t hung: the (010m tops. mum. the ad's immediate comm-ion. nasal Notation Rh hmie Nodal Plano Work Key-baud London rusted Emory Technique For m whim It. Mttrtmmt (In, Tasha-.3 l.l.l. Notary Public. Commissioner, Convey ancer, Valuamr. lnsunuce Agent, " Private Money to Loan. Collec- tions of all kinds promptly "tten ded to. Farms bought and sold Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Cotnrniistoner, he. Money to Loan. “Rico. over Gordon's Jewelry Store. alt? using“: to the Royal luldon Ophthalmic Jl'lr'tte, Englmd. and the Golden alum Non nd lung! oridtai. '--tt B. In Terms moderate. Amusements tor sales In to dates. &e., must be made at the Review 0(- tice, Durham. - thtrtesportdenee man-ma them, or to Ceylon P. o.. will he promptly attended to, than: on applimtiou to Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. ‘. C. PICKERING B. D s., L. D. S. Pm'ucux & Ermine»; - OMco over Housman! Store-a n 04"" PUBLIC _ 60:7; GUGE ARTHUR GUN. n- Spochl mention given to Div-cam a Women And Children. MM 00ml! ntryety" uul Surgeon- Auctioneers. ttIce. McKenzie's Old Stand, Durham BA RR£§I_S_R. - SOIOITOR. - or to Telephone Coeotoqttion Ne. " BR. GEO. S. BURT. Myer’s Music Method. DEN Ct? ME DICAL. Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey MACKAY d; DUNN, . LEFROY McCAUL. HOK'RS A. H. JACKSON, J . P. TELFORD MUSIC. D. MttPMAIL, Ceylon P. o. C. BAIAGE, Durban: Ceylon 11.5 I telcphoue otticc. BR. BROWN, EGAL. OFFICE HOURS StolOA.l 200 “an Maderate W. F Dunn 7-0 p. I. ll

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