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Durham Review (1897), 19 May 1904, p. 1

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'1 tic EEK. .50 dware or bo AY 12. 1904 Alex. Russell ans Prices " K posted MUS Mn " ‘EEEEEEEEEEEEEESWEEEEWEEE ii?iml'i'masaamaesixxaesiiaaysnriegsggsr ili Some of the VOL. XXVI. No. 20 Early Summer Goods In the Millinery Department A rrived late-, Special I NOW for Specials in Carpets, Linoleums and Floor Oils Skirts and Gowns, well made and beauti and Embroidery and Insertion Also plain and with tucks The They are hand wrought on superior quality wash silk and will L make up exquisitely. . ' Patterns all different. Prices tr.so, 1.75, 2.00 and "f! Silk the same quality to complete waist, 27 in wide, 60c yd. t Silk Waist Fronts with Drawn Work Newest Spring Ideas JAMES IRELAND very newest effects in goods and make upl ranging in price from.. .... ....... Some Late Arrivals in Indies' White Waists going early. Among others notice: . Rich tapestry, different patterns, excellent . value at 80c. Extra special, . . . . . . .65c per yd Indies' Whitewear New Arrivals of the Carpet Department. ad Insertion. " skiriiryiciniiriii' '3, with tucks. Gowns, 60c to 1.50. ' 99d beautifully trimmed with Lace - vr- F ,.-"\'.. .v‘ iliilttttrg, 81.00 to 2.50 'irrir' I‘ HAMLET.~The resentation of this -.famous play of the immortal Shake- , I speare on Thursday and Friday last. by _.the Amateur Durham Dramatic Club ' ‘ was a decided success I the reception by lthe town and community was only 'lfairly successful. We hope the begin- ‘jning made will result in continued , . ctfort on this high class line, and lead to f, a closer acquaintance with the great , poet's works. It has been said thata lknowledge of Shakespeare’s plays is a Enecessary Part of a liberal education. fHenses a nrger vocabulary than any ‘:other writer In the English language _ and modern language is largely sprink- ' led with phrases,' sentences and thoughts first used by him. The costumes were elegant. and appropriate of course to i the age of Ham et. Mr ll, H. Mockler, i' to whose skill and industry most of the credit is due for the production. and for the painting of the new stage wings. he., _ took the part of Hamlet, and his inter. pretation was very Rood. Where all did well it seems inviduous to ar- ticularize. yet the brilliant part talken by w. E. Theobald, both as Polonius and in other parts. shows special dra- .matic talent. Seldom too has there been seen a better ghost than Ed. Mc- Clocklin, who also appeared as Prince I of Norway. Lauder Buchan was grave digger. a serious occupation. but a part of the audience would ex lode atl Lauder'a sharp sallies. Indeed the risihle audience marred a few touching Incidents by untimely mirth, whic would not occur where the performers were unknown. Jos. Burnett madea stately King. A. R. McIntyre. E. C. McClocklin. Jimmie Darling. W. Living- stone and Thus. McClocklin. have dra- matic talent only needing development. Miss Eva Mockler made a love y and clever queen, Miss E. McCaul sustained her part well, and Miss Maggie Munro is fitted to adorn any stage. The com- pany were at considerable expense, and we hope they will give us in due time. the Merchant of enice, Othello or Macbeth. and we venture to think a. much lar er gathering will reward their efforts. 'ht/il KingandMiss Ethel Limin I rendered tine music between the acts. 1 rl um u. L. n. uccureu a 1ew days ago. ‘IMr. Thos. Scarf. Rocky Sangeen. made a sale of 4 thorough-bred hull calves to to Thos. Mercer. of Markdale. who was sending three calloads out west from Toronto Junction. Scarf was to have I his bulls at the Junction by a certain iday. and shipped accordingly: but wag [bitterly disappointed to discover that hu, stock was delayed in some way and [arrived too late. They had then to he ‘shipped home again and Mr. Scarf has I been at great, expense of feed and tran.. ':sit for nothing. Cattle shipped by Mr. l John Brown on same train. reached i their destination in time. The G. T, R. i will no doubt compensate Mr. Scarf for i his outlay and loss of sale. MISSEDA Goon BALit.--What. looks likea piece of gross mismamurement or downright carelessness on the part of tile 9LT. R. occnred a few days agn. L- um,“ 1-“ . __ _ --eeeee -_.---‘-.uuu\lu an“ I1" decide upon future action. There is a. decided feeling of reluctance to say good-byeto this fine natural resource, yet a decided lack of individual or cor- porate enterprize to take hold of it and make It "go." l LECTURE otl_PAs.---Thts, Thursday levelling. Mr Arthur W. Bea". M. A., 'gives an address in the . Presbyterian' Uhurch on “Things Japanese.” He was I . . l for 5yearsa my teacher In Kioto. Japan. and from personal experience he is well fitted to tell an interesting story of the " Britain of the East," now administer- ing such fearful unishment to the biggest nation in Europe. He comes under the auspices of the W. C. T. U, and the admissnon fee is Adults 10 cts, Children c, cts. Lecture at 8 o'clock. _ i GAS AND 'Irs-Thursday evening last i the shareholders met In the Town Hall, to discuss the prosgects of action in con. . nection with the owmg well. Presi. dent John McKechnie was in the chair. Mr. Kelly. Secretary. No further light was obtainable or resented. A motion to authorize the Birectors to tell the well for any reasonable offer was de. feated the amendment being to offer. an option of 82500 on the well for two months and {oiling this the directors again to meet the shareholders and to A.,..:J_ ___ - A - I A most pleasing program will be ‘;presented at the Promenade Concert, to 5 be given in the Town Hall, on the even- ing of May 26th. Admission 15 cents. l. Qatswotth's lst Council consists of ‘Thga McGill. reeve. elected over his op- ‘puent. Wm. Taylor tar 54 lo 31. and ion“. Ritz. Wm. Crane. Jas. Airth. E. (o. Mertiun, councilman. I DEFERRED OPERATION. -- Campbell iSaunders. son of John. was taken ill i with appendicitis last Friday and it was iresolved to remove him to Stratford ', Hospital for the operation. They mis- leed the train Saturday. and as he has lgot somewhat better since. he remains ( lat home and the operation is deferred. l Horn 1yPnq.ymcresrrs--Mine _'i;',",'ii 1Hahn of the Knapp Hmtse.-eait it Hahn House and he dons with it,-not satisfied with Luildinga fine large annex to his hostelry, is remodellieg the old part Out of knowuue. ft.'t.etir,,e,ttoe:" mm Gnrafraxa. St. you ace a. capacious hall, with a broad stairway in front. and upstairs and down stairs the changes have modernized the. structure com- plelly. When the old part is brick veneered. there will he few if any bet- I ter hotels in the country. , Money to Loan at 45 per cent. 1 MACKAY & DUNN Durham. l ONE Die osa.t-T. P. Smith. eye mpm-ialist, will be at. the Middaugh I, House on June Ist, One day only. i Highest prree paid in cash for eggs at I Begga’ Grocery Store. Alan potatoes i wanted. Next' door to Limin’s butcher i shop. DURHAM, THURSDAY. MAY 19, 1904 ii2-.,rthttrmttae ii..ilRfihiié'it ttil I N. J. McArtravn.-A recent number i of 66 \Vorld's Work," a high class magn- zine published in New York has an interesting article on the "Ideal Schools of Menomonie. " a little city of 5000 pop- ulat ion in Wisconsin. The schools. reckoned among the best in the world orginated with he. H. Stout. a wealthy senator who spared no expense In Ret- ting the best. Amongst that *' host” is N, J. McArthur, a. native of Bentinck. just north of Durham, who has charge of the school of phvsical training, and who receives very high praise in the article. His pupils have had a remark-, ahle. athletic record, which we can well, well believe. being under an all round lst class athlete as teacher. We con. gratulate N. J. on the distinction his merits are winning him. 1 SETTLE!) IN THE 8oo.-In sending a. _ change of address last. week, Mr. Geo. Lam h, formerly of Glenelz. gives a may picture of the future of the Son. eHteei- ally since. the guarantee hv the. Ontario overnment of the loan of 82.000.000. fie is on the American side. largely built up by Canadians. and there is to he spent there by the American govern- ment In dredging, improving canals. kc. some six or seven million dollars. The lat of June, it is expected, will seeihe Canadian industries running again. htrl L. notes With feeling the passing of that pioneers 'rueh as his old neighbor. Mr. Allan. Thanks. Mr Lamb. for that in-l vttation to visit you; it ever We're with. in 60 miles of you. we’ll pull your latch string. ' If you want alive town. encourage the man who is trying to do something for the place. He may become weary at times and should he encouraged. Don't get jealous of him and throw cold water on his efforts. It is more diftieult to build up than to tear down ; that is why so manv are engaged in des- troying what a few nre (wanting. A half dozen active men are worth more than a. dozen passive men. It, talus more enterprise than money to build up a town. If you cant push. crawl out of sight and sit down. If you can't suyn Rood word, say nothing.: Ex. " LUCKY DAs."-/11h ls en pnonius name belongs to a fine. trotter Stallion lately Jul-chased by Mr. Rom. Scott from Mr. flog Ellinon of Surnia. He is brown in color and of unmistakeahle excellence as a trotter. Has sire was Billy \Vilkes. a. horse With a splendid pedigree. Dam was "Suggestion " by "Onward" a horse. that in 1902 stood Best in the world for brilliant offspring. There is room for. improvement in thls style of horse here and Mr. Seott's enter rise should be appreciated. " Lucky Sun" is 5 yems old. in his prime and has splendid action. RE-OPENING filtettvrcatg.--The paint- " q . ing of St Colimiléu Chain-la. Priceville, is BORN about comp ete an t e re-opening ' I.-- , A , . . service will be held on Sabbath, 29 May. rivte'h"r.e)n-dh', gleafg 'Wl'ih'hig'nt: The pastor, Rev. Mr. Matheson WI" be! . assisted by Rev Stanly Robinson, BA. 1’ McLeAsv-In 6an9111. on May T, to Mr. Coleman. who will preach atothe Imam-l and Mrs. Lachlan McLean, a son. inn an evening gervices. n Mon my following the Annual Soiree will he, .ARRIED' held. Supper from 6 to 8 p. m., after MArumArt-Grtortare-.Un May 11th, by whichn first-class program will be ren-l the Rev. Mr. -""----. Miss Janet dered.--Hememher daies.Ma.v29tutd 30. i Geome in Mr. T, [mutinln Ila-ukull - --'"__ ... Y'""""'"""" uu . . . . ' his extraordinary election expenses at 'hhhle 'git'eg 'et, "pJ'lt [saggihtiz the some, time making alleged invidious a. "I IRR_ . . comparisons With another case where fatherJau. Atkinson yfe,Itini.t.t!.e.tmytt, fraud Gd been roved The editor an accident occured to little Willie At made no (o/Ci",.",':',',',',',');,,,, he wTiii re- kinson. Thehcollt. 1'v'l,i'l,1,v',7,, “91:21:": tytrihlethoukii he did not write the “9:31“? on] 'h',"'d'lldit, ""ll'lr'he"fi,1 article. and claimed he was ftv.Xified in ttti . es rom . . C . the uhhe interest .in the comments he sensuhle when his father reached t?/.,'ell,'lf2' A B A leaworth for the Globe but 'till m the waggon. He " going] I. F U%Cd, Kw the applicant. Judg- about now not feeling much the worse; b It . _ d except for his lip. i"'"" “no Pedrerge . The 31st Regiment have received or ders to go into camp at Ninzamon June It. The companies are to he to strong. and the pav for service this Feat has been increased to 70e per day for first year men. Kic for second year men and $1 for men who have served three years. The increase. in [my and the promised improvement in rations will make the work ot recruiting much easier.-Ex. Saturday. June 11th. Mr. Duncan Anderson will be present and address the meeting. woinen'g Institute meets t,ermtttitue..iynt1 place yrith Miss Lillian w. ery. Toro/td -tlndifarLizu7iii"ii, Hespeler. as delegates. ' MASS Mrerrrrsa.--Mr Arthur W. Beall. M. A.. will nddress a mass meet- ing in the Baptist Church on Sunday evening next on "White Cross Work"' at 8.15. (made to suit close of service in the churches). Mr Beale is highly Braised its a. lecturer. and will no doubt aye a large audience at this tneeting. The Annual Meeting of the South Grey Farmer's Institute will be held in the ‘Towu_H_nll, purhign, on Sr. Lotna,-We have rereived a string of tickets for the St, Louis, Exposition'." which, under easy conditions, can be renewed all smmmr. " the Manage- ment would kindly send an accepted return ticker, we wig ht take a week " and see the affair and get pointers for Durham’s big show on Dominion Day. EMPIRE DAv.-Next Tuesdav. May 24, the memory of good Queen Victoria Will he honored in many Peg, and in every rchool in the lan appropriate reference should he made to the new association of world-wide British inter- est now being sought to surround it. Potrrmvsrrm-The Promenade Con. cert arranged tor Friday 19th inst has been postponed till Thursday May 26th. BETTER Pun- With a view to in. crease the number offering for nervice in the Volunteer militia, a day's pay is to he 70c instead of tioc. With indus- trial conditions booming even this will not prove very tempting. The Durham Shakespeare Dramatic;g Club intend presenting "Htuulet" l Walkerton Friday night. 1 There will be Divme Service at Alum“ I School House next Sunday at. 8 o'clock. I W o --lllrmia---arRtat---armtgt, Our Mm nt-ted HOL- IDAY NUIIIB is given (no u all who ray or Inn- paid their subscript on to the Rlvucw up to and for ION. Baham- ot the your l free to new subset-then for tioe. NOW is the time to lam-w or sub- ncrilue. Addw all orders to J . THE REVIEW. DURHAM, Ont, Only------" oo-A-isa, ONTARTO ARCHIVES TORONTO And Notice is hereby further mve [haul business meeting of the _Coypcn. will be held at thesmne place at 2 o'cloci in 'he afternoon of the same day. Dated May 12th 1901. The tlrnet sitting of the Court, of Re. vision for the Township of Glenelg for the year 190t will be held at the Town- ship Hall in said township on Monday the S0th day of May at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Second Class Professional teacher. mule or female, for School Section ll, Beutinck. (Hutton's Hill). Duties to begin after summer holidnys. Applica- tions stating quaiticntiomi and experi- ence. received up to 21 May, 1904. Durham P. o. Hampden, May ad, 190t, going 'shzmld kiwi} aiggalzi;:t drug a; possiblP. Bee notice later of drill. . o. M. Swarm. Capt. _ No. 4 Coy.. 31st Regt. I would like to see all the old members go and enjoy a camp under the improved cuudiuon-l: also as many new men as can be secured. Quite a number have tur.eady. ioiyyd, so thoee who intend The coming Militia Camp promises to he one of unusual interest." During the rust, Iwo years only small coutingenls ttve been ordered out. This year full companies will be taken. M ins friends Miss friends Miran Cassie McKechnie of the Rocky visited at Mr Pulberbough'a the first of the week. Duncan McQuarrie has hustled through seeding: and is now marketing his hay and grain. of his aunt. TEE; A3213; iridiirTiii Monday last. A wet night interfered with the lecture on Friday, the attendance was small but the speaker was interesting. MArumart-GreoRore--on May lllh. by the Rev. Mr. -""--y Miss Janet George on Mr. J. Laudels Mamba“, both of Nornmnhy. TEACHER WAN TED ha B. Y. P. U.-An entertainment. desist. nated "A Measuring Party," will he ti"tp under the auspices of the B. Y. D -. AL - n - A A -- _ A meeting of South Grey Farmer's Association will be held in thuder'e Hull og',/ht,yttr: may 28th at. 2 o’clock p. m. A urn Iva Ann-n MtPutherbousO attended the funeral Do not fail to we the Fancy Drills to be given at the Promenade Concert. on Thursday. May 26th. Admission tlie. All are welcome, 1' Great attractions are being provided {amongst them being the rl-,-4ttth Highlanders' Pipe Baud. l -tkhoot Drill Competitions. --Jeroteions, Races. Jumpinz Vault ing --'rutr of “In. Tuning the (Enter. (to. --Wtghitutd Dancing. Pipe Competition. l-if/tia; and High Wire performan- { ces. Ac. E Special Talent is being engaged for l A Concert in the Rink in the evening. at. which the "Kitties " will he present and other stats. The town has gum-unwed over $2!) and the (Jump half as much more and the mmmittee confidently expect the biggest crowd ever seen in Durham. Usual cheap fares. Jso. H. HUNTER. Chairman of Com. u. RAMAGIC.“§9C_I-elury. 7 j [MINOR DAY l)llll)linlllMt Under the auspices of Ben Nevis Camp of the Sons of Scotland. a gala Day of Summer Sports will he held on the Agricultural Park on the National holiday. VOLUNTEERS! ATTENTION.' COURT OF REVISION. Township of Glenelg. K McCormick is a guest with In town this week. Quinn is visituxg Clmtswortu this week. DURHAM. JULY 1 -----_q- -----_----.- HULL CORNERS. J, te. BLACK, Tp. Clerk, CHAS. LAWRENCE. Cfs HUT-tbs. Chief. Secy. t Dr. Grime Pecktvun Murray is divulg- ing a great many interesting series In her monthly panels in the Delmeutor under the heading of " The Fountain of Youth." In the June number the sub- iect under discussion is .. The Neck and Ar_mts'r-point, at such anxiety to the girl who wishes to look her heat in evening dress. Dr. '/Ttagge under review the questions ot undnut and deficient tIrish, of undeveloged chest; ofauperfuous hairs and mug skin and recommends such nncuml and health, remedies " "usage. bathing. gymnu. tic exercises and voice cultivation. Re. garding the lust nuned u it means to beauty she says: "The potency of voice culture may he ohsetved in those who make singing & profession. They have beautiful necks and throats with. out unsightly hollows. It is because they have to supply an ample quantity of trevh air in order to vocalize, and as I. result the whole. system feels the hen. Mt. Even it one cannot sing much, it is most beneficiu to take singing lessons." Singing " a lens to Beauty. from JNo Yera dl roeronto ll, B. KEELER 6 SON "My, per p.trr.Ur._..r.T,r.7r, 20e A lot of Combs. Hair Brushes. Mirrors. Books. Stationery and Funcy Goods will be alunuhtemd. IT only fancy atone Minn. solid gold, won]: " mull Sammy. ..... 16 only stom- net Brooches. worth 01.50. ouch "trtrxur_.....,.., 50 ngipLW cent _ Cuff Links. FOR. SATURDAY, MAY 21. Ifllfn BARGAIN WINDOW Today's Millinery news chiefly concerns a large shipment of new Summer Millinery goods. All the newest and latest in white hats and materials for Summer. . This assortment gives our Millin- ery Room an air of conspicuous elegance similar to that which was so noticeable at the Spring Open- ing. We were tempted to an- nounce a SECOND OPENING. However, on second thought, we found it unnecessary as our an- nouncement of new arrivals will be sufficient to awaken your inter, ests in one of the nicest millinery displays of the season. ?'ti9etr ape "Always Miss Dick. It possesses the necessary elements to make it popular, proper strength and pronoun- ced flavor. Our NEW YORK COFFEE Was easily the best in town Give the gentleman the Cor fee for nothing but gave him credit for knowing a good thing when he told us that These are a few of the Alto grout Burgnim in Watcher, Clocks, Jewelerv & t'iiverwrre, J. Burnett, CHAS Ramon. Pun-n no Pam-u. The Durham Bat-rain More, We Didn’t large stock to choose from. 'irrilyyy se. Upper Town. 35caLB. Reasonable N itreat snaps t =8aat'WMt'uMe,FRl l $2.00 " 70e

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