West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 May 1904, p. 4

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M,', "li) n l L masseyz Our car of Buggies. Democrats and Carts have just arrived. New Stock of Thomas and Doherty Organs and 'ohngerts'ewing Machines Binders. Mowers, Drills, Rakes. Hachaders. Fleughs. Hancws and all kindsoi Implcments. Also Proven Huy Forks and Ferrln Riding Plow We have something to g ohn givingston, 3:19.“ GLJ7R£.S Lfit P2847? (ivy r. 1r)muimttats Something Joe in washers t Tr1e_1ler_io_rattd Drum, only in the IDEAL. Also \Vilhelm's Wringers, all made hy Wagon 3f Ayr. 9319 Spring Rush Wc can only give a mere list of our goods, but in quality and adaptability to the needs of South Grey, we are not excelled: DEliRlNG HARROWS. WILKINSON PLOI‘GHS, HENEY'S HARNESS, PALMERSTON BUGGIES. All renowned articles and at fair prices. iFstckri'zcii'r%Fsii'ceei; t,ts"""t,1"s"ttt 'it' t "_r2 _ crfe , . " . 9 J ' a W 3: Earhng 5 Eng gape ',it, Raymond Sewing machines. lcCIary Stoves for Coal or Wood. j;'a"iiii'?sii'-i- Our Millinery has long had a reputation for correct exclusiveness unapproached by any other store ma- king pretences to non-extravagance. You may pay up to $r5 for a hat here, but youve paying for art and not for fancifulness when you buy an expen- sive hat at the Store. We can give you beautiful Paris-modelled hats, the work of our own clever Milliners, at $5 to $10. We can give you pretty, tastefully trimmed hats for $2.50. And at every price you find good taste, beauty and harmony. 'lllitthtery (Department Fire and Lifo Insurance promptly attended to. JUhn GlarIi. 1.99.1 Cash and tu, Price. . f. War/06%“ (iii) attract everyone's attention in the. following lines of of] Massey-1larris Implements : For High-Class IMPLF. MICNTS is best seen a' 17/? GFPIS Also large stcck of Bicycles and secondhand Wheels. Repairing dcne promptly & right. Me Oxford Cream Separators made in Durham sell themselves $5M? i3ureauttiiutei9 at gkcwrooms Always the Best The People's 2)ruggist. Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. tttS/sts-ei, , Durham. Mr. Joseph Williams, who went to Tisdale, Saskatchewan district, N. IV. I'., about 3 yrs ago, writes home of great prosperity and activity on im- migration lines. The foundation of a town at Tisdale is well advanced there being Stores, Sawmill. Gristmill. Black, smith shops, schools and all requisites of a modern town and all since spring of 1903. Mr. Wm. Watt. son of Mr. Wm. 1Vatt, Dornneh, and now interested in mming near Seattle. gave us a. call Monday on his way to Toronto on a visit. Mr. 1vatt, previous to going west Gyears ago, was a faithful correspondent of the Review. The trustees of Hutton Hill school have engaged Mr. Thos. McDonald, now of Hayesville. in place of Mr. John A. Graham. Change takes place afterthe holidays. Tom is an ambitious young teacher and will make a worthy suc- cessor to Mr. Graham. Congratulations to Mr. Fred Hunter. who a week ago Saturday was umrried in New York. The lady was a visitor here for a short. tinw two years ago. Mrs. Hunter and daughter, Mrs. L. Fl. Bomervtlle. attended the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Benton of Galt, took the home of the latter, Mr. R. Wil, liamson. by welcome surprise Saturday evening. They were guests there till Tuesday p. 11).. paymga. visit to Holstein friends before returning. Rev. Mr. Farquharson goes ttg St. John, N. B., the. iivst week in June as delegate to the Presbyterian General Assembly which meets there. this ymuu Last year in Vancouver. this year in the east--truly a vast field'. Mrs. Home". Toronto, was a guest with her sister', Mrs. .1110. Cameron frnm Saturday to Monday, having come from Mt, Forest where she had been visiting her daughter Mrs. Mc- Kechnie. Mr. Russell went to Fergus, Tuesday. where Mrs. {Russell had preceded him by " fewduys (m n visit to his father and other members of the fumily,and may combine business with pleasure. Miss Young, of Norwich, is a guest with her niece Mrs. Fumuhursun "t ttte3lanse. Mrs. Farquhursnn t-xpecls n w'sit from her brother, Dr. Edward, who has lately returned from England. Mrs. Wnt. Johnston and Mrs. Thus. Johnston of hiilcote, Sydenhnm, visited the fovmer's cousin Mrs. C. Kunmin- last, Thursday on their way to Toronto and Port Hope. Mrs. llilkm' and Mrs. Thompson of Port Elgin, gr'atulmother and aunt rc- spectively of Mis. Frank Livingstone are guests with her for. a few days. Miss Nora Chadwick, teacher, visited her home hon- over the holidays. Miss C. teaches in a purely Geruuan section and is highly appreciated. Mr. Kohl. Scott leit Thursday for Owen Sound where he shipped at horse to Con. Knapp at the b'or, winch he has been training. Mrs. A. ly. Watson and family moved to town from Michigan last Thursday and are now dmniCIled beside tl.e bake-shop. Miss Sadis- Catson left Monday morn- ing for Lauder, Man., on " prolonged visit to her sisters and hm- Inulher. the Dr. there. Mrs. John anlmg from Edmonton. Alta. is visiting friends in Mintc undhvr nephew Charlie at Mr. Mc. Farlane's. N r. R. Wellwood, of Dundalk, sum-nu.- panied by his eldest daughter visited his tu'tCH, Mrs. John Carson on Vivtotua Miss Maud Dnvidenn this week had an attsuk orappendicrtis, but we learn an operation iu, happily, not necessary. Miss Lizzie Molntush of Tovonto is spumlmg a few days with her mother Mrs. McIntosh and sister Mary in town. Mr H. Ball left on Friday morning for hm home in Dunks. to SPP a hrnliu-r who is leaving for British Columbia. Mr, and Mrs, Shepherd of Tomntn, arespendiuga couple of weeks miner father's, Mr. Pvtev Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McGregor and baby from Sullivan were visiting an lust. sinter's, Mrs. gnu. A. Black. Dr. R. P. Hopkins. of Grand Valley. Vinited his son, R. It. Hopkins, of the Standard Bank staff. Miss Ella Robertson returned to her hospital duties at the General Hospital. Hamilton, on Monday. Mrs. Ruelwn and Master Floyd Mur- shull, of Stratford. were guests at Mr. Brnuker’s over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Worts, Omngevillp. wen-v guests of Mr. and Nts. Wm. Unid- well for a few days. MISS Edith Dunn. Toronto, was the guest of het. brother, Battiittw Dunn for u few days. The Misses Beamish. of Toronto, were the guests of their sister. Mrs. Wm. Yum-Lt. this week. Mr. Jos. Lawson, Life Insurance ugh. of Ottawa. is a. guest of his uncle, Mr. Wm. Lawson. Mr. Chas McKinnon arrived home Tuesday week after spending a month out West. Mr. Adam Robertson went to Guelph In 9P9 his mother and other members of his family. Dr. Pickering spent the 24th in Mt Forest. Mrs. Jns. Redford and daughter' are in Toronto this week. Dr. Park. of Hamilton, spent a few days at his home here. Messrs Wm. and Jos. Firth visited their sigh-r. Mrs Dodds of Berkely last week. Mr. J. w. Crawford went to Toronto Monday, combining business and pleas- sure. Mrs. Thou. Allan is on a visit to her mother In Grand Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Mcllraith and family went to Gait on Tuesday. Mrs. Jas. Carson is in Totonto this week. wsning her sister, Mrs. McBride, Mr. Chas. Burt. of the Big Store, spent the 24th in Fergus. kt y . PERSONAL MENTION. THE DURHAM REVIEW in II- “I hope this will find wm all well give our regards to all old friends." TORONTO "I have been ploughing on a. riding plough, half mile furrow without turn- ing. It is raining tn-day. the first since We. got here, Weather has been cool, especially with east winds. which old residents; say, are more prevalent than usual. The prospects for a. good season are excellent. Though Carnduit is fiye miles distant it does not look mote than two owing to the clear atmosphere d: "The price of land has gone up almost 100 per cent in the last 3 yrs.. much of it held hv speculators. Clean prairie around here mo scrub. Farmers seem to he in good shape, many tine bank barns, some of them 70 x H feet. and out btuldingu to match. "Arrived at Carn0uit at, 12 noon Fri- day, which was good time, 31, days. We were pretty tired after the last 125 miles of rough riding but glad to be here safe and sound. My brother John left the Thursday before us. yet only reached here one day before IIS, We. have rented a. farm about. 5 miles from Cataiduff and one mile from JoUn's. Mm H. likes the country well. “‘ Thursday of the same hills. lakes. stretch?» of small spun-c, Itut Portage: A few days ago we received a racy letter trom Mr w. S. Horsburgh. late of Durham, and we cannot. refrain from reproducing some of ir, being of general interestand especiallv so to the many friends he and Mrs Horstmrgh have in Durham and to the South. We bveak in where he tells of the journey. .. We left Mt Forest. 29th March for Toronto, leaving there at 2.30 om- honr late. the crowd being so great the train had to he made up in two sections. we getting " on the. fitst. For. an extra. tht we took berths on a tourist sleeping ear. and the convenien- ces this brought. us was well worth the money. ”()n "waking Wednesday morning.r the 30th we were running through rocks and around lakes. and for mmt ofthe day the train sped through the barren waste To our regret \vvlmssed through Prnt Arthur and Ft. William at. night and did not, see the busy sister towns. The town has guaranteed nvvr $200 and the Camp half as murh more and the committee: cottlhlently expert the higgewt crowd aver we" in Durham. 1Nual chean fares. Jso. H. HI'NTHR, Chairman of Com. c. Rum”; Secretary. Du. HI’TTUN. Chief. --- -+ . -7 - ----- Great attractions am- being provided amongst them being the ~â€"-l8th Highlanders" Pipe Band. --s'chool Drill Competitions. -Pvocessions, Races, J limping Vault ing --'lhtg of War, Tossing the Cuber. Ice. -Highhutd Dancing. Pipe Cotttpetirion. Trapeze and High Wire performan- ces, kc. Special Talent is being engaged for A Cotwept in the Rink in thra (waning. at which the bt Kilties 't will he present, and other, stats. --- - -+ o o -----_-- During the evening session of the Teachrr's Convention: in the town htsll at Drayton, 1astThursGy, an incident occurred which might have resulted in a horrible fatality. Acetylene gas is the lighting facility used there and when the programme was nearly over. some radical disarrungeuient happened to the generator causing it noise throughout the building sunilar to the rattle of hail- stones on a tin root. Considerable ex- citement wasmoused which was hrought to a climax when an individual M the rear of the hall shouted tire! In an in- stant the 400 people were on their feet making for the only exit. Fortunately the power was tut ned off at this stage, and the general iiliu-in sosided.--Rep. - V _ O . _-------- Under the auspices of Ben Nevis (lump of the Sons of Scotland, u gala Day of Summer Sports will he held nu the Agricultural Park on the National holiday. Messrs Jos. Burnett and Bert Mockler are this week Tieitors In Toronto. Mr. Rohert McCracken spent the holiday with a friend in the country. Mrs. T. Cowan, Mt Forest. visited her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Williamson, for a couple of days. Mrs. Arthur Mtt'locklm went to Hol- stein on Friday to see her sister-in-law Mrs. S. T. Orchard, who is seriously ill. Miss Cora Wright. who has been visiting a week at her uncle's, Mr. Jas. Carson. left Wednesday for her. home in Mt. Forest. Mr Chas. Home. Toronto. is visiting at his uncle's, E. T. McClocklin. and other. friends in town. Mrs. Roht. Williamson and Mrs. Jno. Hmhottle spent a couple of days with the former's patents. Mr. and Mrs Jno. Horshurgh. and other friends in Hols- tein. Mes. and Miss Turnbull. who grant the winter months with Mr. 0th Milligan, returned home last week. DOMINION DAY f)lilll)Rlillll()ll, A LETTER FROM CARNDOFF, DITRIIAM, JULY I, 1001. r“ \VIJ MODEL A first class line of Bread. Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe‘s stor U. GOOD REASONS: FIRST of all, we 11sc only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. TlliRI)In', cleanliness reigns in every department of our establishment. LASTIA', our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and sue mr vourself. And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. tr SUITS To AT / Intending Students should enter at beghmln' of term, or as soon utter as possible. FEES: 31.00 per month The School is equipped for full Junior Leaving and ytstriculBtton work, under the following Stud of Competent Teachers tor that Department: T1103. ALLAN, Principal. MISS L. M. FORFAR. Classics and Modems. W m J oh nston , Chairman Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler Durham School rail ' " Our Fishing Tackle and Hammocks are worthy of in- spection. As the weather is getting warmer, it might be advisable for you to examine our Ice Cream Freezers. Having been compelled to purchase the third assortment of Lawn Mowers, our prices are right. STINSON’S business, and can undersell any other dealer. all the way from the small kitchen scale up to the two thousand pounder. ii yam/on, There is no paint manufac- tured to equal the Sherwin-Wil- liams. suitable for every purpose Our worst enemies are Fotipelh d to buy it when they wanta good xv any n. u..-" -____, - job done. Even Val. Hahn couldnt finish his RED BRICK HOTEL without it, and it is not Dutch either. bet/yon, Jrtserwaieia,a,.,, I, H. STINSON. Deuber, Waltham, lilgin, Seth Thomas and Regina. Our beautiful display of the dainty and durable '47 'ome and Jae The kind that is better than any other make. 4res Usual HARDWARE I Made to orvder i; Latest Styles on shortest notice. “WEDDING CAKES BAKERY, LOWER TOWN W. BLACK. We are on top in, the__Scale Staff and Equipment. Also see our 0&5 - _ C. Runny. , b'ecretary. . Optician 'utehes, BARCLAY Call and see Now that you have a Tudhopc get a Tudhope Cutter & be in t Also The Spring has come and the has gone and so has nearly tw, of Tudhope Buggies and t which was once so filled to ov with those rigs is now being with over a earload of the We are at the shop at the bridge Ch ery Wednesday and Saturday. t) ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE. WI receive our best attention. implements .7 f Chatham Cutters Gll.1 Y'h' NINA? : (VtI/ll/Iv'fII/T Fall Lines 13/ these "VII-[Wan and rel/d/e voods. Of all kinds. Examine our TUR, NIP PULPERS; they are tlu best on the market; also) out CHURNS & WHhiFIBARRows PEEL, -.HE SHOEMAK Your Spring Trade is Ot1rs because Oar Prices are the Lowest. REMEMBER THE PLACE-Next 1. Ctunpbell's Implement Warehouse. wr. .' A MARKED FACT Trunks, valiscs, Club Bags, Schm Bags, &c, in stock. tBoots, Jumps, 8tippers Pete, 3tamitto, " Wye): 611/. They are Jdoe pressings GRA 1"S me/v,. (f'um/urmllf od Stylish, am] at [Mir-s h suit all pursue. and Our Values are the Highest 'uiptno, Churns, da. Show Rooms daugh Stables Maxwell Machinery . J??. Wei?) thu, Custom Work and Repairitirs done as promptly as possible. Ilium C‘Alll. ARE NOW GIVING A SHIr.t, SPOON, made by the Victoria hi ver Co., with every 25c bottle m Glycerin? Shoe Dressing and a J,1 size Black Cat Scribbler with each 15c bottle of Black Cat Dressing. Besides these we have a lot of nth er dressings, liquid and paste, 9513110136 Gutters res? :tlrrioed Aarn @rgans Also see . Mcllraith From 25c to $5.00. good in evitry respect A large stock of Another lot of has nearly two unload Iggies and the plan so filled to overflowing: our famous opposite Mid- ' Lambton St. MAY " our Goods being filled Ill tf the iamou, ope Buggy. in the swim BELL Summer, Or Transactir Business BIG 4 All Mu "E go, NFL! Mll/[//K/a C. A. FLEMING. Ppit Groceries * Sho; TWEEDS NEW L181 ‘00 Acres 100 Ac 150 Acres If you row t wrilil 105 Acres I Acre SIMDARD B The Mat Ues" t'APIT tl CAPITAt REHERV lief. Pills gran Doctoral In bra AG ENT Ontario. tgt In on " " "aft. ull poi est all SAVINGS BASE! DURHAM “V I l wnn‘ ' ”ways Prompt d SH., gtttt.. . It M dimu‘ up a cold in I wards off bron pneumonia. I vise parents tol Throa “no hut tsttrs:tt In D ”or. Cherry Port, qthuitm. uoumu: mun You can hand! without its At Pectoral. Part it does for chi ll w. Yetter ll' Ch MAY 26 Head Off; " res W. F. coll GEO. P. R NORtth J ACO. JR] 6.

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