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Durham Review (1897), 2 Jun 1904, p. 2

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kg] or 13. Wishing to content (It. T.) - What a weak man Pints was: a slave to the opinions ot the people. Before Pilate pronounced the gen- we» he took water and washed m. hands publicly. thun expressing in a ta what he uttered la words. "t must mmm‘m cam now}! i"Dci bin " Whr-Pdato makes another di.. not appeal. cried oat tho more - There 8rere no questions to " (my. nan-ea try them; they were reached to Ju'm- his life. Nothirg okra would mush them. hum- he I n tt Hm amount of the Pilate. This! wan pnwcojiugs 1:35: (Luke xxiii. 'd; John xviii. 33-62). Many tltinipi-cU1 were mere techni- calitzns and gambling); they either wholly falWii, or perverted In; muicumnlv so as to make it appear mm. he was a ooureetsed.eriattinai. Alrmrnrud nothing-Ile wavy consciou- Ir. Ha i:tuuconec. Ha knuw that they could not prove their charges. They (yin-wt! no testimony, and there- [urn il:, was silent; there Watt no no“! h; Ws replying. 4. mired Him and (Lu! Mal mama people, y. Forbidding to pay tnbua: ut (Wt. 3. claiming tobe a. king. John Show; Ughn mi. GO- 28) how Josue so expiainc4Ws roy- ally and um kingdom a! to Bayau Pilate lo my. "1 tind in Hint no fault a: all." Thou saggy” it -An uA'fu'mutivu answer 1s'iiicuu mean}, "It in In thou maywsi." , . ' it. The Jen‘s retuwdxto emer.the hail, "tooeatwe their.lowt'sh tradi- tiotrs mm Hm law or and.) declar'c ad them ceremoniatly. 'unclean if they emu-rm we house oi a. Gentile dur- ing or just before the Ptvsover least J' Pilate; therefore, went out and had a conference with them C (Nitride). tl tompie a: a. “Tue mnbedrin was Iorhidden to investigate any capital crime dur- ing the night, and. according tothe Roman law, a sentence pronounced buiore dawn was not valid." Chief priests-Tue heads at the courses and ex-high priority. Eiders -"Nen cho- sen from among the we influential laymen." tier-lbw ~23eacher's of the law. They were educated in the lit- erature ot the churnhu'l'he whole council-The Sunbeam. dine highest Jewish council, coruposed or Beventr. om, immbera. It could condemn l0 death, but the execution ot the qien- tence razed with the Roman pro- curator. II. Pilate questioning Jesus (vs. 2- Gt. L'. and Piltttc--Ti:ere were three (mums. acts, or stages, in Christ's mm bofore the Roman court. First, Jseiue was maker: from the regular mrsetinx of the mniicdrin to the judgxzu-nt hail of Pilate (John xviii. 'CY: Luke xxiii. l), which was "pro- bably "m'jdm tower ot Antonia, Just m ll 'co.truiratart-u. Jesuit Isetore the lawn.“ Council w. 1). 1. In the "rorutng--Jsswy had two trials. The nm was bdore the Jewiuu author- illod. who brought in a charge ngumst him. we punrnment or wan-h wan death. The second trial mu before we Roman procunwr. Pl- latc. who had power L0 tatliat the death penalty. In the rrrtrt trial mun: are three distinct new. 1. Jesus is taken More the high rrteituV Anna...) and (blanks; prooabtr be- twwn one and qu o'elots All the mozzuug. 2. He is taken before the III-3mm“: oi the Smhedrin tor an in- totn:rat trial. an hour or two later. INIEICNATIONAI. LESSON NO. x JUNE B, MMU. Sunday School. Ilia replying. A}. Asked Pilate was convinced" “an innocent. and yet He d1; to face Hm Jews and o.tu Trial Before?“ ".Y: the torme .6! Jews (in. In worm 6- he northwest corner ar the that Be k, did not I mu that 'ilate - Mas rk tat to it in in 2 feast was 'itO P. I 1 t e _ V _ ' A V Him that Son. The latter refused to leave the woman, whereupon his allowance was stoppw. The shooting occurred Monday at the Hotel Riven. where the pair were residing. Evan? was taken to the hospital, where he died from Mood ammonium The manner ot his shooting Is unknown. . Paris. May J'0 --ACster Evans, can- Eng himself Vimount Doyle. son of Dr. J. 11. Evana, a well known Ar:- wrlcau dentist, and nephew of the famous dentin who planned the es- Cnprr of the Empreae Eugene trom Paris, died In a hospital here to-day from the effects of a ballet wound. Evans Isome time ago began a liason, with Julia I’tlucker, a Peruvian, i whose husband is a German mer- chant. Bis lather am his utmost to break ort the relations between the Pyle, thpegtenlng to disown hh Yum ot W SHOT WHSE'LHN PARIS MTEL r‘nvwar M19 lone smog: crumbled Into "v't--',t, hit tho kVusryom ot ”Whit and His: truth abides and 01811718 a '2'th rttvilyoe of onnl subjects than over in all the palt- (Land 'sis vornct, "rot guilty." L'ut 11.0 Home prvl’rrrml a P:'bl)E‘l‘ to the luv-011.2% Phan ot Goi, an! to the (mt-:4- tion, 11irlctt. shall I do. then, with Jesus yr,ro, is 0'1le Christ?" 'ciu'y shouted, "Crucity him." -“We have 7.0 king but Carma" Never since law they a kir:g..G'ou took 1hvm wt t'mir. word am! has given them (rsr'"'pit dominatuon to the surfelt. Tr." mm? pr1'i'teo:ttt1, practical, press- irtr, qunstion is put to us and t'.tr. mands an answer. 'Ifm hands wh'el, Have over ministered to our nema- q'tina we bind maxim. tho lips Whloh wit to sgmnk pardon and blFSSing we smito mww, thp sacred how] no- "natiomed to divine honorl we pierce w'th thorns, tho Hon of God TTN' cm- e'ty atrnah. it we my in deed it not "a word, "We will not have thi) man tcty antral}. if we my in deed it not a, word, "Wo win not have thi) man tn wig: ovnr us." Th? horrors of the Cull of Jornsnlmm when the enr- '~-v:9w or .Tvsns' murderers {entered O't Roman crosses in a matter of “Mary; the splendors of the tem- r"," and its gorgeous worship re- :rv'min only a memory; the throne ot red against Jesuu treason under the Con ot, tirsrtrspd bclliou in refusmg and turn]. onen tr 'ditdh. The subsequent history of mi) Jewish people is a sad commen- tary '01 the awful consequences ct ti wicked net. The pt'isouep--The charge prefer- red against Jesus before Ihiate was _ him of His lnnocency and the hollow, ness of the charges. Only one right course was open; to dismiss the case and discharge the prisoner. But to the man trained to the sinuous course of expediency the case presented dif- ficulties. Principles of Justice were abandoned for a balancing ot per- sonal considerations. On the one hand would be the open disregard of law. and evidence and the violation od conscience. On the other, the hope of immunity for his past mal- administration, and an escape from the peril of being accused of favor- ing an aspirant to the throne. He tried to avoid a decision. lint ire could not avoid it, nor escape the consequences of it it, though he for- mally washed his hands. Ho ignored I jstice. stifled conscience and chose the l way of expediency. It extricatcd him tom a present situation. but could not save him from a later disgrace, remorse and a suicides death. Tm: tromplatnants-Tho Sndzlu- recs were favorable to the liberaliz- ing tendencies of Gentile civilization, ‘nnd were profiting by the rewards and emoluments of office. and the ritunl service of the temple. Jesus" professions ot royalty endangered the ru'oripctity of this office-holding class. Tlie Pharisees Were the relig- ious lenders, devoted to the letter, but rcgardless of the spirit of the law. Jesus in the severest language Lad animal the hyporrsy of this class. Tue motives thercrorv, for their prosecution, are not far to seek. As between party loyalty with 'the k'ctNusities of office and principle. the r‘a'ldmeas ohosc the fernrer ard huni- ml to‘deitth the representative of the hitter. As for the abandonment of their worldly policy and expecta- tions and the loss of the prestige wnich orthodoxy learning and zeal l‘ml brought their]. the Pharisees re- fused to consider it. They were tho blind leaders of the blind, fickle mulfituilo. and they all trll into the Hatch. The subsequent history of the Jewish poople is a sad commen- I tury 'o: the awful consequences ct I The Judge. Pontiac Pilate had been procurator of Judea tor six years. He que1lod the frequent uprisings against the Roman power with great severity. and was hated by the cruelty and corruption. Whether or not he {was prejudiced against Jesus and authorized the assistance of tho soldier! in making the arrest, an examination ot Jeans convinced tho sport ot "'a Herod and his de- praved minions. the football ot po- litical exigencies. - - l The trla'l of Christ was a mon- strous travesty on Justice. Illegal- ities marked it at every stage. The effort was to arrive at guilt, not justice. What a apectacle. The The Christ before an earthly tri- ttanal, the object of malicious huge. an innocent of tho btood ot this just person. See ya to It." (Matt. xxvil. LU). Then answered all the people and laid. “His blood be upon us and on our children." ' Scourged Him--"T.'co mount.) of leather thongs was loaded with lead, or arm- ed with spikes and bones, which lac- N'ated the back. chest and lace." Pilate hoped the scanning would sat- isfy the Jews. p, "t l-kunwn Ila-mist Commits 't'sat'.oont Suicide. with: made Ar own his an.“ to bezu'awi'm‘ss unto thr, l pleasvv-lovrsg Leuiiz'm that more was no confl'ct such a kingdom and the -prmentnd. and thrico de- , wrhct. "rot guilty." But a preferred " P1'bl)E‘l‘ to the n.) of Gal, an] to the (mue- ctt shall I do. then, with 't is called Christ l'" they "Crucify him." -“We have but Gamma" Never since I a kir:g..G'ou took 1hvm word am] has given them Eldon G. Burritt. P/ my”. a _ --_ svukulg any kind of work", or effort-. (Ifydia E. J'at1',iti,? Vegetable omDonn m] u not " it hai, “Iowan of gag-women. Surely cannot wish to re- main 'i'4a%ldtrgr, discouraged, and exhausted with each dag! fork-l Botnet tgrrtiei,sisl, of me “if" respond 0 'dl" hflf ax 'tMA'.. a.n._n__ ducal. Ci him hy n ~pub“ whioh ho had p: "I didn't think C Cardinal Sntoili is accompanied by his cousin, Father Brodie; his private rec- retary, Father Marueehi, and a second svcrotary. Father Luigi. There were gathered at the railway station to bid him good-bye nwny high ptvates and 1li,urrtitaries Cardinal Sutoili repeated that he was not charged with any mis. “on. Rome, May 30.-Caniinal Sutolli left here this morning for Naples on his journey to the United States. At Naples he will take the steamer Princess Irene for New York. Plenty of Gold but No Food and Miners Had to Dine Off Horse and Dog Steak. Cardinal Satolli Coming to the States. Wrote Letters From a Mailing List Offering Stock for Sale and Got Lots of Money. HOW l COUNTRY Lil) (iG00Ei) TIE GREAT PUBLIC. Preacher Slew His Own Son. Owensboro', Ky., May 30.--The feel- g against Rev. W. W. Armor, who nrdm'ml his mm in McLean county. Tnon he told tho Yn- If”, had just takon a nation abs after he gut vira,usi.,iw,n -t will which had bun iiortt to and dying hon-w. and fwr The id 2.5 ("mt-z Pon <3 many nuawmwx would it 1 min "' "."'C" ""‘"“’a amt-gt.“ syn Want the mum! L lolit"y. an.“ the cr, y fuiml Murphy I'mfTulo, rail fume at his Gvneral As s, N. J. The In. l damn! in f table to heiieve Cmnborlam smurht was the I vote so no ultogy-thm' un- nut countm 'esponded to his - saying: "That',, 'rt t?" "dhe pwstzll CthL rmo Hm.» Mum via-1101' who “a; The N: w mm in vurion, Adm! l l ‘mmlz‘. 1'hin.,r. ' Iplvn‘d that 1119' Mi'. J. N 'y." “an in i'in- Cnc' Nut/p. l he was rva t.o:1, witn Hr prieei. To Muskokal. I 0m I'ninm 'l'Pl.e. 1oeo.uto T m offered Mar. P.ew Ilosp Wit he oftered r/nv mit; ck. P. J. I: t'ossr, tht . whil: m' 91.090 worth I,1otipitai I m 1101.011 mm IN lf' acet worth he (Wm- earlier tity ice authorities Lime}. ham . . tion, patio trompleint that tliseatc, wi “A " __ _, , u A comluctml TORONTO l Rnrnv-d 200 Pianos. New, York, May Li-White 150410!- egates to the National Piano Deal- Bra' Convention, in Atlantic City, waved red lights, and danced in a circle, 200 venerable square Pianos have been burned, to mark what the dealers term the pas-sing of the _oii1m.auatpukFiutiiii't'. The bonfire. which was built In an open place on high ground, biased like a burning home. and was hot extirttraitrtted for several hours. ' l . . 7 ,V_.. ..~..ua uuu some hav, acquired good claims, 4 making big fortunes out c Mr. Boultell say: that t fields tar exceed the Klondike new. has made mon ot the placer 1 months. Many .to the new he of 880,000 in the r ho has been there. , ceived here to-day be Mendoza, the discove; tug man, who woht to the or gold 2'ields near La Pa: ci.tlLternla, has cleaned no moriesul‘ the new Gold Fields In ('unlhrnm. Nrnv York, May. _'0---T_',te Tribune has tlro following; from AuAin, Tex.. as: John Banned, a wall known min.. t“: man. 'w'hn “:1.va 0n rt., -- . Stories of the _ r-~--W lr, 1oy tho'paymLurc of ium of 8656;!!!» insur $12,500. An official i., company said won lr, frequent. T.:.s, he ,_u tirnrs i. I',' 'C' ‘:nd luau" Agunn-I Mew In ooaeuasi. London, May 1?u--.r curious cum) 0: Lusumnce “av come to ingm in comment“. with ‘the late Marquis or Donegal. A policy was taken UUL in 1890, against issue being born to tho Marquis, who at that time was: in his 'seventieth year and was liv- ing apart from his wife. The March- iottsss, however, died. and the Mac- quis married again in hiiciglrts-iirs: Jttar, and had a son. who i; now a Lew months old, and the younger. member of the peerage. Consequen;- lr, 'by tho'paynyhu of a single urem- $12,503 WON " SONS BERT”. 'Phe work of furnishing the To- ronto Hospital is now going on, and it is “peeled that patients will be admitted within another month. tneurance Comp, C The N: w Toronto 1rs.tttution wilt Admit Advanced Cares Erma Gvneral Asses/thy of the U. S. Yum do. clurml in favor of the union with tho Cmuborlatut 1'resh.xterian Church by a vote HO nearly unanimous that it was nut counted. ( Baby Farming Case. Philadelphia. May 30.-Af'un. short de. liberation the jury in criminal court has retnrnnl a 1erdiet of guilty against David F. Ilosev, tried for malpraetiee. Svntonov was suspended pending: tt mo- tion for a new trial. Bail was denied. Mowr. who was known under several album. wai the witness who testitied againet a woman who kept a baby farm, and who was chargml with making away with infants rv'ntrttc,tet1 to hor carp. It was ho who (loolarod he MII" a baby in the furnace in the woman's home. it wan aarrh‘d that lw was a member of an allugml syndieato of baby farmers. Church Favors Union. output Some dogs we're first killed to save them from dying of starvation. Later, meat beeame Sn scan-e that dogs and horses were killed for food pending the mrival of snuplies now on route from Dawson by stunmm‘. The Tuna diatrict will produce $2.000 Wm .-nrd this SHIV)". bv primitive mnthnda. The introduction of maehinory will greatly increase the Ricrriilt THAN hLUNDIKE Tacoma. Wash., May M.--Miners (m the Tana River and its triluttiaries have resorted to steaks of horse and dog meat during the last few weeks, while await. ing the arrival of supplies. Staplm have been very short all the winter on the Tana. Early in May ilour wai $40 per hundred. and Data 25 cents a pound at Fairbanks. Hams, bacon, sugar. rice and lard were entirely out. eome," said Murphy, "but they came in fast. Some had money in them in am- ounts of $50 and $75. I made about $500 clear on the scheme in a few weeks. I did not send the stocks I promised be. cause I didn't have any. 1 We? made up the Lunar Oil Company in my own mind. Gee! but ain't some men easy marks?" Murphy was taken before U. S. Com. missioner Whitehead and pleaded guilty, He said he (ml not "want no examina- tion or nothin," and was committed. 119 is 21 years ot age. . Miners on Dog Fare. I'mf%lo, May c0h'"tiLNpTi0y HOSPITAL. “out to the new plac- near La Pas, in lower a cleaned up a fortune the few weeks that there. In a letter re- "iay he says that Juan umcoverer or the field, '0 than $5,000,000 out mines In the he; tour American;- have gone aids anq some ot them n . _ n-(tbf'Tn ‘ he 4d. uaOie Hist 4 been called upon “.0 punj Ila-rs ttt. The bonfire. " open Place on litre a burning extinguished for The magi!) pron]- h; _' r- valved .. insurance mic-:8 were vex-eta“ ot and are ot them. the new a in rich- Prvnlytvrian an Policy In" ill- u ce in Loss or Two Million, Dollars at Yazoo cm. Minx. Jackson. Mum, May 25.-.-h teie- phone message just received here from the edge ot Yazoo City says that a fire Much started there this morning is under control after caus- lng a. loss estimated at 82. 000,000. Chambless White was killed and Mayor Holmea badly injured while fighting the flam'as. The tire cover- ed a space twelve blocks long by three blocks Wide. . h encouraging. The sales no far this set- son have been very good, and an In- creased demand is looked for the next two months. Suhr.,, urn 4t....o.. L-” w.-." _ .|\(~'1 cuuunuc 5109.035 In Ottawa the conditions of who esala trade are healthy and the otttlo-k in encouraging. The sales so far tins sm- son have been venv rand “a -.. " In London jabbing trade viral demand continues of fairly large lions. Retailers are ordering quit ly in the expectation of larger an] next few weeks. Prices confimm . cases are running low. The largo amount, of railway work in sight and the hotter t-rop prospects have improved to make the outlook for business oricyuraiging. Business at Hamilton has been tairly native. Largo shipments me now being made to meet the current requirements' of the retail trade throughout the cmtn- try. Tuvalu-rs are sem‘ing in numer- ous orders, and the business done through mail orders and buyers visiting the Hamilton market, have all combined to make up a large aggvepce volume of Out.- CA. ‘L- -_q, tryie for the 'lac. (All‘cmCly quiet and no grain his been shipped from the port as yet. At Vietoria-vanirouver finer weather the past month at Paeiiie Coast indms, trial centres have improved the position of wage earners, and that has mater. ially increased the activity of retail trade. The. run of spring salmon has been fair and the supply is abundant. Real estate is still active and values in some cases show an increase of 100 per cent. over a year ago. . "I" 7' Winnipeg wholesale moderatively active. W". -.' .......u~u. nun mm a Del effect in the country districts. IA men. as a rule, are jubilant on rapid rise of the rivers. Fhipp extremely quiet and no grain hat shipped from the pout as yet. hx .... . -- Wholesale bxwiness at Quebec contin- ues rather quiet. The rain, which has been badly Wanted. has had a beneileial AmhaL :.. aL, . .. - v I I - "I -__ "__-".. Toronto wholesale busiumss is a more active in some departments. sonnblo goods are moving fairly now. Values of staples are firmly There is a good demand for labor Business prospects are very fair fa season. Trade at Montreal has been somewhat quiet the past Week in some lines, and slow remittances are reported in some trades. Renewals have been requested in certain cases as a result of slow sales. The dairy product markets are still very dull. The sorting trade. in hardware and dry goods is moderately active. More vessels are arriving and there is more activity in shipping circles. E9tockers--Chot.eo yearling calves sold at $3.75 to $3.90: pwomr grader and oft colors mid at " to $3.50, according to quallty. Mile]: cowm-Mileh cmvey and spring- em sold from 8"0 to 835 each. Veal catvetr--ctsivee sold from $2.50 to $10 each and $3.50 to $5.35 per cwt. Ftx4tra--.short-kecp tendon. 1.100 to 1,200 lbs. each. sold at 31.50 to $4.90. Those weighing from 950 to 1,050 of good quality sold at 8% to 342.5 per curt. tf common at 83.50 tu' tu; rough aqd inLerigr ato3.d.'irt to $3.40 per amt. Buteluyrts"---choice, pickvd lots ot butchere’, equal in quality to best exporters, 1,100 to 1.100 lbs. each. at 84.60; loads ot good at $45010 84.60; medium. at. 8i.2G to 51.40; .- Export "cows-Price, ranged from 833.75 to $4.25 per cwt. l sold’ut 33.75 to 91.33, médium at 33:50 to 83.00. Exporters - Choloe, well {Iniehad heavy exporters wold at 81.93 to 35.- 10 per cwt.; medium at 81.75 to 04.- 85. Trado was tair, and everything sold rmdilly at about the same quo- tations when quality is considered in all classes. The iiuatity ot cactle, of whiist, there tvas only a limited supply, was fairly good. - _ ' _ - Toronto Live Stock. Rweipte of live stock at the city. yards were 19 car loads, 267 cattle, 85 sheep, 63 calves anti GOI) hogs. 110:1ch ... ... ... ... ......mi.or' New York ... ... ... ...... -- k St. Louis ... ...... ... .... -- Duluth on. ... '... ... "nu 93 l witutixvrauia ... L. J. 94 7-3 London, May 'cu-Canadian cattls are steady, at 11ge to Lae per lb.; rdrlgemtor beef, 9 5-80 per lb, Sheep firm. ‘120’to Ite per lb. ; nearl- tags; 150. f 50; choice. carom, " to 07525,; medium, corms: 66 to 86.50. lambs. yearling. 310 to $11; mutton. per oss4t., 37.50 10’”; veal per own; 37.- 50 to w. f I i I l I elm, per ltr., '16 to 200; potatoes. per bag, $1.10 to 81.20; cabbage. per down, 31; heel. Itindqursrtora $7.- 50 to .9 ; 'foreqaurter% $5.50 te.f.S-. -- WOW. -.. ‘..... - --_V , Dre-sad new: are unchanged. light being quoted at " and heavy,- at 06.25 to 06.50. ' Wheat. Mime. bush. Bttr, red, 94c; spring. bush. 88 'to we; (0030. 830; cats. 36% to tmio; pass. Imam " to 66c; mrley. bush. 460; my. tim- othy. per ton, 61;: to new). clo- ver, 87.50 to N; “raw. per tom 810; apples ,per 'bbl., 31.75 to 52.50; dressed thugs. 86.25 to " and»: down. 150 to IOC; butter, dairy. " to 18c; manners. 18 to 2Oe; chickens, per Ib., 14 to INx tum} Export 'ul1tr - Choice export bulls ' The otterlntw ot grain on the street 00-day: wane small. Wheat ls caller, am New ot white gelling At 'ote and two load. ot 30090 at Bets Out- uio my. 300 bushels selllnz at 86lf tomxp. i .1 my. m good supply, with prices firm; 80 loads sold at. 812 to "a- 60 a too for timothy. and at 07.50 to '9 for mixed. tl'ctV steady, three loads selling at no a. ton. v“ s..) A TERRIBLE FIRE. Mmuutreets, on Trade, beading When Markets. ' 31.2143; J lily.‘ ion-om» Farmora' “It“ Bridal: Cattle Markets. country districts. Lumber. rule, are jubilant over the of the rivers. Shipping is ..:..L _~/I .7 . _ mm; trade viral-s the I of fairly large dimen- are ordering quite free- tion of larger sale. the Price: continue steady. conditions of who esalo Stocks in some The large amount trade has been i is a trifle monts. Soa- fairly well firmly held. labor here. 'air for this make I M 1-8 84 1-4 9:; 1-: 1:19 3-4, 9.) 1-2 y London. May 'Mr-Tha Daily fin- ipltic, roferrusg to Sir Chas. amt _. article in tlie Empire Review on 1.:.- political relations between Britain.)' France and Germany, any»; the near- eat ammo}! to an open qutsrr'l with Germany; was the tau-m war with Canada. The Graphic hopes that the 'stitrht yhadow will“!!! mu be cleared away More the King get? out tor Kiel, and trusts that tho ‘05an Government TId mousse tysmiritore-iiiiGiG lnvltatlon to outer Into negotiations lent to tt by the Germ Govern- ment that. that!» m. _ I Grap' 10‘. View at Tar“? ' Wuts German". pure road" for thirty ours. Thu! tl tramps are lined up at thy Tsn Hall, whito a policeman in at :3 boundary, half a. mile away. t tramps run with all their might, at tho winners are men no mum. win tho watching pollopman rtapturre t: Int man. who is sent to "thi, Funds tt in! said that tramps go mar 11 town only once. and that th" (it-H tor gating rid ot them is vmirvi original. , AnOriztunl Plan an an Opelutwn at Raleigh. N. C. New York. May ar-tus mm: has the following from Malay.» A. u... The Town 'Og damn has d. uncl- Cd an original way at getting; ini 0! tramps. The railway runs 5111111121; through the town and along tlw track in a “meet halt " mil:' taunt Tramps upon arms-t are ulluwvd It.', the Mayor to race for freedom, tlu' 9.trt mull d the contest to an in cell Marshall Quackov.bueh, Cut the prisoner. (was arrouu-d I" y," morning by Deteetive 1-" charged with aiding and abrtti escape ot prisoners. M: a rmult ot the find or t ttue nngl plucking In Qunckv and the titree sums Wl‘l'v dis also a has of blackma- and t; of ghcerlnc. The bl-wkinyr, i dorstood. wan used for tlu' j of nlling up The hole tmtdo file. and the glycerin? for l ing- tho noise ot the tile. (gum-l: lmd already had the bars or out and was waiting for In do his gun ot the work win plans were interfered with armst. crack or the bench at which m prisoner worked. Tho nigh: Jim-k. wat, 112‘th at the wall of the 'l'."- on Quackenbulh's cell war: w:n‘ct;.-~! line confession about the Peep tempt mada by Charles ii. l'it release Chutes utvurkenlrus.i tn! Cent-h: Prisca has by”: itl the detectives thy the “unwind breaker. The ttol-ss/on p, Burke no one ot the mac: ' men who ever passed thruuz. hand: of the Toronto police. u in; to Quackenbuah Burke u'. over the malls and hid the 3-m- The Notorte Ill Charlie (gum-In nhmh Trllu n tittus"ue mun . Toronto, May :‘0 .-1 m s.', ~1.“t‘ ling confession about the m-cnn: at. In another letter he sum-n he and Mr. Varlcy arr cmxfuh one room and are only allow, no out tor a short time in ti, lugs. Mr. Perdlcarli' pluck is admired. no is elderly, and up h ls delicate. ' Dr. Herridge propose? the the United States. and tl ed Slates Consul, M". Fost plied. Hon. Mr. Harcourt. Mung-- Education tor Ontario, manna, toast of Canada. " Wilfrid Laurier, rcplylrg, that while Ottawa Uvirecwis rl be an English uniwnmy it ~: also be a French univosity, rt, to Its students the grant nix-.1. ot bring able to vaulre bot'. guages. 1 After the ceremony lunchum was served in the Rideau Rink udjmwnl, and can": I thousand out mm“ at the tables. w. Grace Archbishop 1,“. Lamel presided. The quvution m 11.! order of precedence on the toust but was compromised by puuhg In, liar any the King first. bu; Wsth ..., speech ot any klnd beyond tho ' quest by the Governor-Genera! l; drink to His Majesty's Lralth. 112-11 came the toast of His noli.uis tlu, Pope, wLieh, at the request of "ur- dlual ulbbons. was l'mspondml 1.. " the papal delegate. Mgr. Shawn; . Addresses wen delivered by ii' Eminence Cardinal Gibbons. Bishop mm. of Valleyrips: ,'t. by His Excellency the (known... eral, all ot whom oongrutuiulu _ university upon in away pm ' from the disastrous fire by l, ‘. it was overtaken inn! lieovmix-x- STOLE INTO THE CENTRAL. on.“ "I'm“! 80mm of '" Imposing Ova-mom. Otthwt. Ont.. t'cMsrut The (irr- nonsw'n gt the new Arts cumin: ol the Unwed-ally ot Ottawa was mu this morning in the prvm'uue of a distinguished campuny oi thuveh. men and {all}. - _ all Emlueioc Cardinal Hummus}! who but come from Baltimore for an; Wu. etutri..ast the thruue. : A HINT TO CANADA. , TRAMP ERA DICATtjp. '. l'erdlmn'ia and “In Sup-um Welt Shaun]. L‘A'D CORNER STONE. HELD BY BRI0h?ily:i. E. l’urke to ntraah from men made to otorlous Juil- ;Eon mumps a: daring 'ttrough the tice. Accord- rke ciimbed Me to make Me. Great the British the negotia- 'tMM? of the Frius: "We Raisult doe. cry encour- x an! nine-r helm". We mds Rain-u“ nothing per. impn-mion I”! Shaun it should My. giving n Mr. I 11titt Well uni! are ta “It. hi l a " uh "ru" dun 'l' name worri ton won low who ndy Ea her as with suum win-l tNN ll . W “tum [paw them tient U rttt nan Fol ll And w (I ix H JI " Mr. I Was m pawl-1‘ wife, I ll like 1 ghe I her. mmv and tom [I‘ll WOT (hm ”In tul him it tt " r, I“ bh mm pd " tttt I‘ll Nth" lt Vi 3101' up " St" b " " mr calm tl In! II M Mar rr ll sun]

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