West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Jun 1904, p. 4

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"l,) ll 4 We haw "mcthirg to attract everyone's anemia: in the followirg lines of ut'f Massey-Harris Implements: Binders, Mowers, Drills, Rarer, Harleldera, Ficusks, Hanna: an! all limbo! lmplcmants. Also Provon Hay Fork: and Fervln Riding Flew Oar car of Buggies). Democrats and Carts have Just arrived. New Stock of Thomas and Doherty Organs and bhngeriSewing Machines gehat, givin55t9n9 ngnt, Durham 62.5335 Lhir.%6U)f6hh'7 a)cr772iiWe"thC5 DEF.R1NG HARROWS. WILKINSON FLOWERS, HENEY‘S HARNESS, PALMERSTOX BUGGIES. All renounul articles and at fair prices. Something Ahno in washers t T1yii1er/ori_ted mum, only in the IDEAL. Also \Vilhelm's \Vringcrs, all made by WsitsUG? Ayr. Cha Spring Rusk Paris-modelled hats, the work of our own clever Milliners, at $5 to$1(). We can give you pretty, tastefully trimmed hats for $2.50. And at every price you find good taste, beauty and harmony. Our Millinery has long had a reputation for correct exclusiveness unapproached by any other store ma- king pretences to non-extravagance. You may pay up to $15 for a hat here, but you’re paying for art and not for fancifulness when you buy an expen- sive hat at the Store. We can give you beautiful Raymond Sewing lachlnes. tonal-y Stoves for Coal or Wood, (if) We can only give a mere list of our goods, but in quality and adaptability to the needs of South Grey, we are not excelled: Tlittiztery 'Department JI 'aturday Earya/n 6ates (istj)arGrtg's Erna $15933 Everything with a Yellow Ticket is a genuine Bargain With the advent of the warm season and Opening of our Fountain and Parlors, we will again start our usual Yellow Ticket, ways the Cheapest Fire and Life Insurance prcmptly attended to. Jr ohn GlarIi. '. it Warlock. bcir,irceitsii stt7siet4hsilrsbFe'g?sbcivstgo%it Cash and One Price. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE and up-to-date. Satisfaction Guaranteed. o " U's 9 Earllngg rehtdip't Frcieitcc5-1fe4eeeySe1s1eefr'cte batsmwmé For High-Class IMPLIE- MICNTS is best seen at Also large stack ot Bio) ales and " condhand Wheels. Repairirg dme ptmplly & right. f I mf . "TN,'".' h“... a-a-. m- Me and 'or/ook (ii) Oxford Cream St rarators made in Durham sell themselves. Always the Best. Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. Mr. Buchan and son Wilt Visited Walk- enon friends Tuesday. llvv. Mr. Farquharson is this week a Commissioner to the Gem-ml Assombly frmnISnugeen Presbytery and left Mon. day last forSt. John, N. It., where the meetings are held. lie has kindly con- sented, should his duties permit. to send us some notes. No morning service next Sabbath. but in the evening Re v. Mr Aitchison, Dorlmch will m-cupy the pulpit. Miss Rennie of Toronto spent a day with Durham friends last week. Me A. W. Hunter is home this week fresh from medical Council examina- tions. Miss Gertrude King, music teavher. Mt. Forest, attended the funeral on Friday of the late Mr. Alex. Reggae. While a resident here, she boarded with and lwrame closely Intimate with tho fawn): Rev. Wray It. Smith is attending conference in Guelph this week. Miss Bophia E. Jack Toronto. spent a. week at home nlnnngst friends and returned on Tuesday. Mr Allister Gordon and sister' Ellah spent Victoria Day in Hanover. Mr, Duncan McKenzie. Jr., has re- ceived his diploma from the Commercial Coy. Schnnls. Rochester. for passing the course of Book-Keeping. Mrs Thos Noble of Toronto spent the past week with friends and relatives in Durham. She likes the city Welland will soon occupy a home of her. own there. Three years ago when Mr F IV Hod eon. Live Mod; Commissioner, pointed out to t he annual meetiugof t he Assoviib ticn of Fairs and Exhibitions the utter' inemcivncv of many of the agricultural societies of Ontario. and unfolded n systematic plan of improvement, he was looked upon by many ofthe (It-lugulvs The tlvcues will be under the direc- tion of Dr. w. H. Mrtldrvew of the Mac- donald Institute. and Professor William Lochhead of the Biological Department in the Ontario Agricultural College, assisted by teachers of special fitness in the various subjects of the course. The Macdonald Institute is situated on the grounds of the Ontario Agricul- tural College about one mile from the city of Guelph and is reached hy the electric street railway. Mr. Albert Kearney, of Pittihurg. Is visiting his mother. Mrs. Alex, Beggs. Mrs. J. E. Mantel! of Tilsonluug is on a month's visxt to her mother's, Mrs. Thos. Anderson. Ponomn. Messe Allan Bell and A. McDougall ttts compunied hy Misses Ada Brown and Miss --_ Smith attended the rum-art at I’ricpvillu on Monday. M r. and Mrs. C. Haulage also attended from Durham. as a dangerous iconoclast. The fact, that, Lilli which t'ecvived gzwernnwnt grnnh~ wet o intended to he educational seemed to he almost, forgotten, and the proposal to arrange the fair in conven- tent, circuits and send them expert judges who would give educational ad- dresses in the ring was considered im- practicable, by many. Still the project was taken ur in an cxperitnenlnl “my and the Iesu ts have lrrvn so ,catisfaetory that this year it is expected that about 170 agricultural societies in Outa, in will arrange with the provincial Drpzn t ment, of Agriculture for the services of expert judges. Last year 152 societies in that province were supplied with judges while in the other provinces and the Territories many of the fairs had expert, judges furnished hy the local and Ihr minion Departments ol Agriculture. The Macdonald Institute at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, will provide a Summer. School for teach- ers during the coming vacation. The tprm will extend from July Cath to July 29th inclusive. and the Work willconsist of practical Nature Study, suitable for our public schools. electric street railway. The course will be thoroughly practi- cal, involving daily excursions. lectures and laboratory work, thepreparation of Nature Study collections and courses of reading in illustration of the subjects discussed, A leaflet giving fuller infor- mation may be had by application to Dr. w. H. Muldrew. Dean of the Insti- tute. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR NATURE STUDY Report of S. S. No. I), Bentinck. 4th Class-Violet Forster. John Clark. 3rd --John'. McDonald. Maud Pineo, Sarah McDougall, Sr 2.nd--Lottie Brit'on, May Britton. Jr 2nd-Archie NcDoug. all, Campbell Clark, Arthur Lunney. Pt 2nd t:"sr-James Brown. Frank Twain- lay. Gordon Reed. Pt 2nd Jr-Pearle Hopkins, Christena Porter, Irene Brit- ton. Pt 2nd--Fred Tot rv, Gladys Patterson. The undersigned has for sale, ready to me. (5) five thorohred Tamwot th Boar's. Price reasonable. Mrs. Thos. Allan, accompanied by her niece. of Grand Valley, came home Wedueeday from visiting rein! ivesthere. HENRY ALEXANDER. Lot 9, Con. 2, W. G. R., Bentinck. Making the Fairs Edueattonal, PERSONAL MENTION. BOARS FOR SALE. Di THE DURHAM REVIEW Isa CAMPBELL, Teacher, um I Hruu I Mr John Hunter from Ireland is spend. ing two or three weeks with his uncle, i Mr David Hunter. ---Mr Borden, Leader of the opposi- tion, came out last week for govern- ment ownership of the great transcon- tinental railway. From past experi- ence there is reason to believe that had Laurier made this a cry, the opposition would have opposed it. It will be a popular cry. in some places, probable in the West, bat the complete turn over ot Mr Borden trom his patch: work seheme of a tew months ago, will ultimately lead the thoughtful to trust to the bargain just ratitied by parlia- ment in which the principle of public ownershipUs recognized to a measure fully abreast of public sentiment. Mr Borden is a plunger. -Mr Robb, editor of the Walkerton Telescoie. who received the South Bruca iberal Nomination for the Commons has resigned the honor, the expense ot a long campaign being his reason, Miss Lizzie McArthur of Owen Sound and Miss Sarah of Hanover are visiting theirhome at present. Lizzie and her sister Mrs Anderson intend leaving for Niagara Falls this week. Rev Mr Newton and MrChas Brown of your town spent a (In fishing at Mr Dm MeCormiek's last week, --Mr. ll. ll. Gamay spoke to a crowded meeting in Toronto on Monday evening reiterating his old charges and condemning the judges. That must have been a thrilling moment when, through blood and tire and smoke last Thursday thousands ofliving Japanese swarmed over han. dreds ut dead ones. and chased the Russians from the hill of Nanshan, lortitied though it was, barbed wire, hidden mines and entrenched defend- ers! and on its top under the folds of their iiag of the rising sun, made the welkin ring with their "llanzai'sl", the Japanese equivalent for our " Hurrah." This battle of Kin-Chow at the narrowest pant ofthe peninsula about 2C miles north 0t Port Arthur, will be reckoned by historians one of the great battles of the world, tor it has shown that a second time the yel- low race has borne down a wlnte one, against terrible odds. The Ja- panese lost, killed and wounded, 3500, the Russian loss will not be so great, but they left over 500 dead on the field. The occupation of Dalnv will now soon take place, and the stern siege of Port Arthur begin. That this will be accompanied by tearful slaugh- ter is certain, bat it seems certain Ja- pan will make the saepiliee to capture thegreat fortress, and secure or put out ol'use a Met Worth $40,000,000. 78 guns were captured. some of them navalones, a serious matter for the defenders for they cannot like Gen. Uka, order up new guns and new men. Russia is humiliated worse than Ih'ttin by the Boers, with only slight chance of winning out. as Britain did. Miss Annie MeArthur “he has been sicktor the last couple of mnnlhsis. we are glad to say able to be around again. Mr Gray Wilson is engaged with Mr Thos Jackson of the Glen for the summer months. Miss Agnes Jones of Ceylon visited a few days at Mr Chas Kennedy's last week. Japan is now treely acknowledged to be one of the $t Great powers " and has, It is certain Some more brilliant actions pending. Gen. Kuroki, at Fang Wang Cheng, IS keeping Gen Kuropatkin puzzled and muzzled while Oka deals with the Port Arthur defenders. Later--Dalny has been occupied and great stores captured. The world will now wait ior the fall of Port Arthur. Under the auspices of Ben Nevis Camped the Sons of scotland, a gala Day of Sulnuwr Sports will In; held on the. Agricultural Park on the National holiday. Mr Editor, it has been some time since nut part of the countrv was hemd from, so we will try and give yon atew of the happenings in and around our burg. Mr Chas Watson of the loth Concessiono Glenelg visited his home here on Sunday last. Mr Grunt McCcml) of ycur town spent chtoria Day at his home here. Mr Archie Dnftleld and his brother of Guelph visited their many friends of the Glen last week. Mr and Mrs Keruey of Waudby visited Mr Wm Britcon's one day lately. Mr and Mrs Wm Britten spout Victoria Day visiting Bentinck friends. Mrs 1rouglobay of London is at present visiting her old home in the Glen. The town has guaranteed m‘vr $201) and the (hum) half as rum-h more and the committee confidently expect the biggest crowd ever seen in Durham. Usual Che-an Fares. un. H. HUNTER, Chairman of Com. Cl. Rumor), Secretary. DR. HtvTos, Chief. H's. hw. H 7 Special Talent is being engaged for A Concert in the Rink in the evening. at, which the "Kilties " will be present and other stats. Grent auvactiorva are being provided numngst then, being the _-___ :Nlh iIi,uhlauders' Pipe Band. - -hivhool Drill Companions. -Pisotvssions, Races. Jumping Vaulting -r1'ug of "hr, Towing the Cater. (cc. “Highland Dumping. Pipe Competition. ~'l‘l':|)wz'.- and High Wire pedal-man- '(IU ARCHIVES TORONTO DOMINION DAY l)flil()BllllMll, TOPICS OF THE WEEK DURHAM, Jl'l.Y l. mu -.- ‘7-..-. BUNESSAN "BANZAI." -0. A first class line of Bread, Ca hes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe's store. The Kchool is equipped for full Junior Leovlnt and manipulation work, under the following sun of Competent Teacher: for that Depomnent: THOS. ALLAN, Principal. MISS L. M. FORFAR, Classics and Modems. Intending Student! should enter at beginning of term, or as soon after as possible. FEES: 81.00 per month FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THI RDLY. cleanliness reigns in every tr SUITS To AT! MODEL BAKERY, LOWER TOWN And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. department of our establishment.' LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see lor yourself. Wm J oh Halon ' Chairman. Durham Senool GOOD REASONS: The Busy Store is the place to buy everything you require. Ham mocks Our assoltmcntol Hammocks cannot be equalled any place. Screens Do not forget that we keep all the best variety of Screen Doors and Window Screens, and our prices are right. Emery Wheels Emery Wheels have always been high in price, but we have secured one that will spit the Leading Watchmaker, Jeweler, Optician $62)}th maxi 's pocketbook. Steel Wire Wov'n Fence The line consists of High and Finest Grade 18 size Full I.11ett_RArLROAn MOVIL ALSO of Medium Grade Movement, "Eagle Series, " in 18 size, 6 size and 6x12 ; Stem Wind, Lever Set. Compensating Balance. Breguet Hair Spring. &c, They are excellent value. Our American Steel Nire Woven Fence is fast taking the lead, because people are fast iindine out that it is the best. All "Seth Thomas" Movements Fully Guaranteed. iinding Shoe Blacklng If you want to get the best Shoe Blackiug. give us a call. An immense shipment of Pack- ard's, just to hand. ME NTS, “hid; ia-s- inspectiox; S3':t:tt:TCK2atT'S4 .Seth 'tihomas Wale/z fWoveane, is m 777m HARDWARE I . H. STINSON. ii Sordun, WEDDING CAKES Made to order irLTic',rt Styles on shortest notice. Stuff and Equipment. . BLACK. Sold only by ' ' ' C. Runny o ' ts'ecrctarT, I BARCLAY Fots, &utes, &ippers Trunks, Valises, Club Bags, Selma? Bags, &c, in stock. Call and see our Goods REMEMBER THE PLACE-Next " Campbell's implement Warehouse, Now that you have a Tudhope Buggy. get a Tudhope Cutter & be in the swim Also The Spring has come and thc tiummrr has gone and so has nearly two earloads of Tudhope Buggies and the plan which was once so filled to overflowing with those rigs is now being filled up with over a carioad of the mum. We are at the shop at the bridge m - ery Wednesday and Saturday. or. ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur's store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE. wail receive our best attention. Your Spring Trade is Ours: because Full Lines './ (law? Irv/[wi'nnw and reliable (mm/s. 5Em?Z'ex:mzrz.t.s .7 .7 Chatham Cutters PEEL, gHE SHOEMAN IE ARE NOW GIVING A SILVER SPOON, made by the Victoria Sil vet Co., with every 25c bottle of Glycerin? Shoe Dressing and a 3c size Black Cat Scribbler with each 15c bottle of Black Cat Dressing. Besides these we have a lot of oth er dressings, liquid and paste. 8hoe 'Dressings Pete, 3tamitto I] I crtgetusy. Of all kinds. Examine our TUR, NIP PULPERS: they are tht best on the market: also) out CHURNS & Wmir:LnARR1tws . S. Mcllraith Our Prices are the Lowest. and Our Values are the Highest GIL/1 1"S ma/m,. C'totorta/,t, and Stylish, and at prime h suit alt [nu-size. They are good in ears. respect Custom Work and Repairing done as promptly as possible. 11qu” CA III. 5/010] ct, Churns, rest alrrioed Show Rooms opposite Mid, daugh Stables, Lambton St. . .73. '0lcctGthu, Maxwell Machinery Eudhope Gutters Jiarn (hgans Also see our famous From 2 5c to $5.00. A large stock of Another lot of JUNE 2. 1904 BELL C. A. FLEMING prr mgr/92 CuitCu'tm.j., TWEEDS Grocc MI NEW LIST Il 100 Ac too Ae 150 Acres Ill 105 Acres , Acre 1fiiriw BM row wrr i1lKhlll) lil' If I' CAPIT CA Pil RhSiil Tm Onlun than“ DURHAM 0er t all PII est all SAVINGS sowing wards (Minn dial. a do She We can ll. Always Proms“ lihir M; F..N cannot keep And graduall rich color of back to gray Why is it an Vigor does 30‘ able things? ( hair food. "J puts new life i ll In. iiiii-E re. Head om JUNE 2 PEI w GEO “I if 00% CBS " gk cow

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