West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Jun 1904, p. 5

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why: bier Cat S" te tiighe site Mid abton St lraith rre.Ai-,qr- Callers It Lowest. milton vioed ll of &ippers trt HDEMAK 2. 1904 x SI LYI- ' thu, FACT with cad Dressing BELL toria Sit bottle of 10005 Jt oo D n2 " dp'?,-- MRI/(my _ ' (JV/(101411 'i';,";',':.',)' Linen Tnhlo Moths. 2 Heavy Twill sheeting Transacting Business All Inn-Spring Prints. Ginghnms. and Muslim. me now in. Come & see them. NEW LIST OF LANDS or' BEST QUALITY. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots d; Shoes, Crockery, dx. We can give you Bargaiwr. Ti"' We ask inspection of our Teos..,crs' HE atts SELLS = CHFAI' OO‘CO Ceifda'kAtK2(t?'i4ffir" " c. A. FLEMING. PrincipaIwaen Sound TWEEDS d; YARNS 100 AG"! "cnrAlusnPtvrk,t;sclcarvtl,2tthtsrti- “nod ind 12 t'wWttmp..--.-. _.-....-) 150 Aero near Immlash. stottedweiiimrs,gooU nut-hundings. tine farm. under ____._ ree. 4000 105 Agrgf near Allan Pal-k. excellent farm fait hui dings, cheap. , Aoro more or less. Gamfrnxu Street. Durham, Imu- (”um-m Works. tinelots. offered wry t‘hrup. MI 4 All I'unaim have , oo oAfit,tt If you wish to buy or sell property. bor. row money. ittmatttt a property. have writing" drawn ("collect dehtscallon me ' Always Prompt. Nov" Negligent." SIMDHRD BANK OF (IMAM Besides above I hawk large list of other lands of all kinds. The Hanover Conyeyaneer. (“PITA L. Authorized. . . . . .. CAPITAL, Paidnp........... RESERVE FUND........... AGENTS in all p Outario. Quebec, 1 that“ and England. UUITrII-I'v: Vii'.--- - -- - A general Banking business transacted Drafts issued and collection tmade on all points. Deposits received and inter mt allowed at run-rem rates SAVINGS BAN; -nterest allowea on savings bank deposits of $1.11) and up wards Prompt attention and every Lxcilitr afforded customers living at dista ce. ------ . . DURHAM AGENQY S. SGCiitT"'r'. I I. II. )IILLER. Spring Term begins April 4th, 1904 Hair Vigor ".ifl.l(i'"j""i'i',"r"':"i'i; 8!!! . bank. __UI drain-ti firaAsr, Hair Table "itcloth Tunic Linen, ,Y.lttis. it that Ayer's Hair _ -- - a-JUI o llllf Vigor does so many remark.. able things? Because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair, puts new life into it. The hair cannot keep from growing. And gradually all the dark, rich color of early life comes back to gray hair. The Hanover Conveyancer. otters '. " When t am Ind Aura hair wu the“ m [a] 3-1 nth hm. m In an n. -- Rum r Blinds '"B'r wu noon! BU 12rd In 306 tifi"iGi% nch hm. Ind u th " " I could win." k' d'." Buu luring-nu. Tmunbh. l',est pure Honey. " n ll), - w. I I. I IEAN It is impossible to go through life without some business transactions To simplify such matters and make them profitable, you should havea Business Education such as is giv- en at the Ag, . In Remind: m-ur Durham. 90 cf,Wt8," m hardwood. got-ll buildings, spring crcck. orchard, ac.--.---...- yank long do do do do mt Crilctoth, 1 yard with " 2Gcprr yd .. 2 yum: wide " .Mte per yll Jennclmh, c, in Male. " 25(- ter yd 'le Linen, M In with, It 21-1-0on .. c, in wide, at ate per yd l'nhlo Moths, 'fire? long It tttAtt one-h Twill shot-ting, Pd in wide, at 2.K per yard JUNE 2, 1904 Head Office, Torono. H. H. MILLER, W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. S in all principal pomts m Que-bye. _Mamtolm. United J KELLY, Agent. plain........ with fringe ft in. w Me " 2Grter pair. :71" tlo M- u-r pair. 'A; in do "itrc per pair. 5 in no 730 per pair. co In do 01.00 ber pair. mph-e eeiges, except 'Ne line for GHIDER'S BUNK, i)lllliillll, mere“ t1lowei.1 on Irl In" “(or my Wit-now tAU I lit. _ 23-014? min Im- u-r pair. The per pair. 75c per pair, 91.00 rer Tmir a. o. A"): CO., Lowell. In". 'ac can live on Hanove 711mm . 850M” 82.0104!!! per yol 1-0on per yd 91.40 one-h N rt yd wt We have space only for brief reference to the speakers. Rev. Mr Thom made his hirt appearance in Pviceville and opened in a facetmus strain lamenting his "ttttttteat, for it tea-meeting speaker' and made-e. playful sally at himself in giving the reason he left bachelordom. In moro- serious strain he spoke on the blessings of such unity as existed among them. Rev. Mr Urquhart, Corbeltnn. made nm- the best sin-whoa) of the (‘Vt'lllllg on ' Lovnltv." His :ultlless was both "Luvnltv." 'His mldless was both iruerestiug and edifying. He urged lh't-m not to be exacting on their minis ter, to rt-mmnher "His throne is the pulpit and nut ynur (lrnWIng mum. his language- is pruyvr not the gum-up or the distritt." Rev. Mr Hurhl-urt. Bapti‘t minister, deplored the prevoleuee ot' superliriulity untl slinued how necessary it was for churches. to be true to the purpose for which they existed. Rev. Mr Franklin, English church minister. at Ceylon, Is a remly mu] e-tl'eethe speaker and an admirer ot Christian unity, but had small ln'peof the p'vposed union at present much talked of. The Bishops of the Church ct England in It9ri propotyyl " Innis of Union but it had failed. The desire for uninn must spring from the people. "God works frmn the bottom upward " He had compliments for the Sewn-h fur being luynl to their ehnrrh. and re- minders to all that we are too ready to mm at, the great things along way ol1' and forget the things nem- at hand. Rev. Mr llnnrh. Methodist minister. was more Impet'ut than the previous speaker. If the first attempt failed. the Methodists would join with the other. bodies in dismwring where they_hml Sunday and Monday last formed an- o her landmark in the history of _St. Unlumlm congregation, the (wcnqmn being the rv-npening of their he-quuful church utter undergoing renovation by the painters. The services on Sunday were spnlien of by all as impweuive and helpful. Rgv. M r Andevsusn." nf Cnledon. preaching 1h]? sol-mung both morning and evening to “like congregations. Monday: even- ing the social. musical and literary features were prominent. stuntinl, with willing waitets wefwmg yvelcotuiitg smiles. Everyony annoyed it and [unused upstairs to yet-rive In the kindlieet spirit sullios of Wit or words of wisdom. Rey. Mr. Matheson was chairman and must have heen delighted to have u- rnund him his brother ministers nt' four denominations, an emvient choir from Fleshortun Presbyterian church. and such singers as Misses James and Mo. Len" and MI Wm. Rnunuze. As usual the ladies had well-laden talus}? pr flglicng-jgs. dainty and st.th- The chairman in his opening remarks struck the keynote of the evening by rote-wing with evident pleasure and gratitude to the excellent. sphut that surrounded him in the congregation and Innked upon it mum earnest of better 1hirne. Speaker "ttet sneaker run- grntulutetl pastor and people cm the healthy harmony existing which was never better. The choir, with the Shpppards for lemurs. rendered some line music, their shading and umdulutmn being very good, but ceediug a few more male volces. Miss Anna James, 9mg a sweetly pathetic min. the re-frnin bring n child's ‘I'H-sllnn .. WI" pe N Imam-n " and Russ Fi Mon-m. Wave "The brute: Land," In a tenderiv "ppreciuiive manner. Mr Wo, lC-uuage have Lougfellew's "The Bridge," and in response. to a very hearty oncun- gave the "Grave of anmlmm." He was nocmlmnnied hy Miss Minnie Hooper, (laughter of Mr Abraham Hn0pul'. (“mu-lg. Mr Shep- pard also gave " solo and being honored with an ettC'ope, rvpented it. failed and and carry it triumpivadtly to success. Rev. Mr Buchanan, Dunthtlh. was de- lighted with the gum! things of tre basement tllltl sitvptused that with nit-n choweutticlvs they couldn’t filllt‘ll up their' ministers "cttep. (Mr P,. is hm;- self is of gone-rots proportion‘). He ha., a rollicking hint of pleasant humor, constantly reminding him of be another story," all the while rubbing m some wholesome truth. He hoped they would >09 to it that their tine improve- mums were not. hampered with deht. He came out. strong! . ugninst. the drink trattic--would bs hash" it in the face, was hopeful of union. proudly presented the Prelyterian church as the church of the ages. having been founded hy Abraham. and continued It historic church to the time of the apostles and since by the "Laying on of the hands of the Presbytery. ' A vote of thanks to all whohnd aided l in making the meetings a succe-ss was} heartily carried. A special vote was ‘ given Mr Dollgall McCormick who has been indefatigable in pttuhing to successful cmnpletion more than one improvement m connection with the congregation. Mr. M acknowledged the vote nirptopriately and a pealed, to the young men to take. hold urchin-ch Work more generally The pastor‘s closing words acknow- ledged the kind spit it which had buoyed him up during the it years of his pas- torale. He and they were entering on their 7th year of association and hoped they would be able to make still greater progress while time was theirs and gave impressiveness to the idea by reminding them of the uncertainties of life as wit- nessed by four funerals last week and before them another. a worthy worker ofthe church, Mr. Dongald McLean who, had died that day. PRICEVILI E CHURCH RE-0PENitW. Flour......... .... oatmeal.......... Wheat............ Peas............... Barley..................... oats.............-.-. Lnmbg..............-. Dre-sod Hogs, per cwt Hogs, Live weight..... Butter. fresh roll per lb Butter, Tub.............. Eggs..---- Calfskin, per lb........ Sheepskins............... Him. Beer, per CWI.......- Turkeys................... Potato... per bun"... limes, per cwt_...... DURHAM MARKETS. 260 3 '25 5 75 4 Go 11 ll 12 6 oo 10 50 4o 28 25 10 2 75 tttt 40 30 8 60 12 12 13 40 oo 18 Importod May 190;}. by Johh Honkin, Riverview, (MIL. present owner, JOHN hThl'LrS', Durham. "EsCRH"rtoN E i'l.vdoulitle Clmmpion is a beautiful black ', white stripe on raw. one wlrite hilld foot, rising .3 years old, minds 1.3.1: hands high. In good condition weighs about. 20W lbs. Me walks and goes as a draft horse siunifU. Has good feet and legs, plvn. tyof teathcr, nu-nsurus about l2 inches below the knee. Bred by Mr Burton, t'ruubcrland, ling. . PHDIGREE: SIRE. Hillwrgo 1729, by Tum U’ Shanta- Kl]. lgy lmnlin Robin. I‘M, by llnrganilc ll, by Johnnie (‘ope 417, by Muircock nw. CLYDESDALE ()HAMPIU} Lcu. mlvssom, by Duke of lilinhurgh Locheml Champion IIN. Full” Pedigree on applicant)". SEALED TENDERS addressed to tln- under- signml. mnlcmlnrsml .. Tender for Meaford Break- water," will be rt-coivml at this olllvcuntil Monday. June 27, 1901. inclusively. for the construction of a Breakwater ttt Mettioru, County of Grey, Ont. "wording to a plan nud spevitie,rtlop to ln- scvn at the cilia: of ll. A. Gray. new. Engineer in charge of harbour works, Ontario. Cmitederaiion Life Building. Toronto, um application to the Post- master " Meaiord, Out. and at 'ln- Dcpartment of Public Works ttttana. Tendon will not he consider-ml unless made on the primed form supplied. and signed with the actual ,igmuturvs of tcndercrs. An nvceptul cllwlnc on u chartered hank, payable, to the order of t no Honourable the Minister of Public Works. forsix thousand dollars wand)» titttrt nocolnmny eat-ll lender. The t:heyue will be forfeited if the party tendering dechnc the mun-act or fail to ge)y/itdtc' work contracted for, and will be returnet in (use of noit-ttt'ceptancv of tender. The Department does not bind itself to uccept the lowest or any tender. NW'IEIII‘P” out nut lority paid for it. DCI artrnctit ot Public Works. - Ottawa, May t 1904. SeWIKIWI'S Inserting this advertisement with- out nut tfrity from the Department. will not te Buothville School Kvpmt. May, 190t. Fm- 4th and 3rd classes, this report includes February. March, April and May. For all other classes it includes May only. Only those who hold at least average class standing are men- turned In this report. Sr 4th--Mattgie Campbell. g, 4th- -Emily Wilson. Mary \Vilscn, Margaret l.uyDy.ustall., Sr 3rd " “sun, "Inna-“xv "“"""'a“"' 7-. m“ A-- John L McDonuld. Alexander Haw. S't. 3rd B-Burton Renwick, John F. Mc. Donald, Ida Wilson. Sr 2nd--Jennie Clark. Inter. 2nu--C1ara Grilson, rival Haw. Jr 2nd--Oan and Archie Mckin- non eq. Sr Pt 2nd--1Grdy ifiiiari.1 Jr Pt 2nd---Mary Neil McQueen, Daisy Haw: Neil McDonald, Jennie McCan- nel. Jennie Ferguson, eq. 'lltott Camp- be0and Annie McDonald. ML: Christie Cameron. John Wilson, Eva Pierson PU.', Lydia Ferguson, Thomas Weir. eq.: John McCannel. Sr bi-Ethel Haw, Jessie Clark, Andrew \Villiams. eq. Inter. Ist-Janet McDonald, Ettte Mc- Donald and May McKinnon, eq., Robbie Lane and Joe Fox, eq.. James McDon- ald. Jr Ist-Earle Wilson: Duncan Cameron, Charlie McCannel. Andrew ,Laud.eq: Alberta Witter and Charlie i Cameron. Sq.; Anna Mchnnel. WINDOW SHADES MacFarlane tl Go. Druggists & Seedsmau. OUR i)? 1 HAVE Mto's Pure Mixed Paints & F The oldest and best in the market. Try their floor paints. They dry hard with a gloss In one night. Which are so much admired for their beauty of design, richness of coloring, and low prices. Just fancy a choice gilt paper at 6% cts. Bring the sizes of the rooms you would like to freshen up and let us figure how cheaply and daintily it can be done. in all coIorings. JOHN STAPLES, Prop. WALL 12 M ELEGANT MARY GORDON, Teacher. By order, PAPERS FRED. UHLINAS. SEEN LINE gig: Seven"; THE UUltHAM REVIEW 2 16. by NORTH WEST WHEAT LANDS FOR SALE. il fl 0 Acres choice, unimproved lend, fly miles from the growing town of Rncanville. in which there has been tive elevators erected in the putt? yrs. and 18 miles from Moosomin. Price 811 per acre. This land is located in a district where crop returns are sure. Full partiealars trom W. E Jeep. or WM. EDGE. Moosomin, Ass. Edge Hill. Young Bulls. Heifers and Cows. Terms may. Verschoyle (Imported) at Head of Herd. 42X D LXNN CAI, IMPOIRT OF SEEDS PURE BRED DURHAM’S FOR SALE. SEEDS.' SEEDS ! Lots 32 x 33, Con. 2 S. D. R., eontnin. mg 100 acres name or less. About 90 acres cleared and in good states of cul- tivation for allkiuds of crops. Remain. ing l0 acres hard wand bush. Four miles from Prieeville. t mile from school. On farm are two good welln, Brick House30x 22, with kitchen 17 x 28, cel law and all conveniences. Good hank lmrn GO x (if). splendid sunning. Title gond. Easy terms of payment tumit. purchaser. Apply if by post to Price- ville P. o. W on the premises to 2nd May '01. Carter's Dwarf Essex Sowing Rape _ ,liililiIiiiilll. American and Canadian seal. Clover, Timothy, Orchard Grass, _ ---DUTCH SETS.-----. Ground Oil Cake, Linseed, Horse and Cattle Spice. From Britain and from one of the noted Seed Houses, including the Such as Beets. Cabbage, Carrots, &c, &c Include Sugar Beet, Half Sugar Mangel, Norfolk Yellow Giant Man- gel, and Mammoth Long Red Mangel. Aberdeen Grr en and Purple Top, Improved Grey Stone. Swede Turnip Seed-----. Kangaroo. Elephant. Champion; London Purple Top, King Swede, &c, Druggist and Scedsman, lilll)lllil HELD AND GARDEN SEEDS ts:Garaataex1re we was»: 'tl1,'riit2bc,fitysiaR'sciiiJéa2b rs") ggN.,G. " MoKeehme$ FIELD SEEDS $151.,G & J MoKechnie FARM FOR SALE. JI,, PARKER, We have just received the third shipment of Figs in two weeks. 32 mats each lot and are still selling them at Not more than two mats can be sold to any one customer. WM. MCLEOD. Sm. Prop. H. PARKER. Durham (The popular Cash Store.) GO CTS. A. MAT. FIGS ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Durham's NEW BAKER The Public of Durham and neighborhood are respect- fully informed that the under- signed has bought out the Wright Bakery, known as the "Durham Bakery," and in- tends by strict application to business, and good material, to warrant a share of the pa- tronage. The experience of 20 years leads me with confidence to solicit support. Satisfaction guaranteed. . Watson MF, Durham pmee-----LowErt I OWN, DURH I I. L. R. C. P., London. England Gmduate of LrndottdNew York sud Chicago. ; Dim-es of Eye, Ear, Noor, and Throat. J. G. HUTTON. M.D., QM. awn] be u Krtapp Home. Durham, the Sntunhy in etch month. noun. 1-6p.trr tHe, and Residence Cor. 6min:- nnd Gel tlt., n foot of Hill. Old Noodle comer, Ottice, 13 AG, M, mm Sound. - Will be " the lldduugh Home. Durham. the am. Wednesday ot each mouth from 10-. Ill. an 4 p. m. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Du mun Pharmacy Calder', Block. Residence first door west. of the old Post Ottice, Durham. a. SPECIALIST EYE, FAR, ”morn NOSE, ----- ExCLUtiiVELY. " HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms. Calder Block over the Post office. Jompsny and prints Funds to Loan .0- Mortgage: at lowest um of interest. Vuluumu mule hv Acommwuc Ind ttarotut Valuuwr. unto -tstant to the Rotat London Ophtbdnlc .osplul. England. And the Golden B-e,tlmte ud Throu oupiul. Co!loctiom and Agency promptly “landed to Wills. Doom. Hangman. houses, Agreement- &ereprroctly prep-red. Estates ot deceased pay- was I0ukod after and Executor: sud Admmin- trnwn' Accounts prepared and I,','.",',':'?, Hurra- n. Cqurt “milieu. Prob-to ot Wit a. hotter: ct Ad. mlnutration and Gunnlhmhip Obtained. - chum made in Bani-may one. and Titles " pom-l on Barristers. Solicitors. Conveyance”. Ac. Money lo Loan. A. G. MICK-y". K.C. W. F Dunn F-tt e. m. '.-4 p. m. 'i-9 p. m. Telephene Cenneeuen Ne. " Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commiistoner, lac. Money to Loan. fNtice, over Gordon‘s Jewelry More. Notary Public. Commissioner. Convey. ancer. Valuabor. Insurance Agent. ac Private Money to Loan. Collec- tions of all kinds promptly alum ded to. Farms bouglu and sold D. McPHAlL/ JOHN CLARK) Licensed Auctioneer for the tht. ot Grey. We: mptly attended to. new: mum-bk. IGl'll let he left at " Implement Wur- molm. HcUnnon's old stand, or at the Bantu once. Barium. Nov. 16, m. Adopted by " leading'.Bettoohs in Toronm. Thigrdeserved'.y no mist quell: by mans of Chum Brim. 'glf.'iUflh' Dun-Ins and other inter. tte,Qphf,', brings the following We. within the c ld's Immediate comprehension. lasted Notation ththlnlc Motion Plano Work Key-bond Lac-non nude-1 Emory Technique For will: npnlypo In: 'rarttamt Gun. realm-.2 l.l.l. [mint College gaming and Saracen ARTHUR GUN. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. . C. PICKERING D. D s, L. o. S. noun" runuc 'cou'ri "Vida; - trpeeatatteettton 81m to on..." 0 Women and Children. Terms modertrte. Arrangements for sales Is to dates, kc. must be made " we Review or lice. Durham. I: Comrsporti1epce tuidrxmred there. or to Ceylon P. 0.. will be promptly "tended to, Terms on .ppnmtion to D. lcPHAIL. Ceylon P. O. or to C. IAIAGE, Durham ME DICAL. trice. McIntyre Block, over the Bank 9135’s re R, salcrron.: DR. GEO. S. BURT. DEN 'CIC' tflee. McKenzie's Old Sland, Dnrisam Auctioneers. MACKAY & DUNN, or to C. BAIAGE, D ttir Waylon has Itch-phone 0mm LEG-AL. . LEFROY McCAUL. Myer‘s Music Method. Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey. HOURS A. H. JACKSON, DR. BROWN, Chi-ree- Mcderate PIYIICIAN & Bruins. our Meruatt+ Bur-J! ..-- . s to 10 A.M. MUSIC. . P TELFORD OFFICE HOURS Ginsu); Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. .e‘f f .a Mm E

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