West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Jun 1904, p. 8

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H. H This Stock of Clothing, Shoes and Men's Furnish- ings must be cleared out in the next 60 days. If you have not been the lucky one in securing a suit at never equalled prices, don't let this chance pass. Have you a boy that should have at suit? We still have a number of Boys' Suits, excellent quality and at manufacturer's price. You can't afford to let those bargains slip past. If you have not seen our Summer Suits for Men, it will pay you to call in. Swell Patterns from $3.00 to $6.50. You pay regularly from 'soo to " 50 for the some Suits. That we are going out of this business and must have the stock sold. You get the advantage in prices on Clothing, Shoes, and Furnishings. O I heobald, The Clothier. I t lllne00tttu, The Clothier. t qe'etet.et.4b...etqtetet.-etto-- Ready- Made Clothing Boots and Shoes Groceries I: THE PEOPLE’S STORE Have you a boy that should have k suit? We still have a number of Boys' Suits. excellent quality and at manufacturer's price. You can't afford to let those bargains slip past. ROBT. BURNETT. This Stock of Clothi ings must be cle: PEARLIN E SAPOLIO FAIRBANKS EZE VICTORINE MclNTYPE'S GROCERY HAND SAPOLIO LIFE BUOY MASTER MECHANICS WHITE CASTILE FAIRY FAIRBANKS TAR COMFORT SUN LIGHT Octagon Bar .. Twin Bar DISHCLOTH N. P. MCINTYRE. We have THE SHOE, and that is the " IMPERIAL," patent kid, the best Canadian-made shoe there is to-day. Also the "Keith " of American manu- facture. Call in and be titted. We can satisfy you with quality, size and price, Have you tried one of our Men's Suits "?iccadilly Brand" Clothing? Made of the best material, with the best finish, and is the best fitting Clothing in Canada. If you have one, we are certain you are de- lighted with it. If not, come at once, and secure a good suit. They go a long way towards giv- ing you that fine, dressy appear- ance. They're going fast, being as cheap as inferior makes. ’3 The Cheapest, The Freshest, The most Reliable. , Scouring Washing Soaps SOAP WOMENS INSTITUTE. Meetings of this body will be held at HOLSTEIN. Thursday. 9 June, DROMORE, Friday, 10 June, DURHAM, Saturday, It June, ELMWOOD Monday, 13 June, and will be addressed by Miss Lilian D. Gray, Toronto, and Miss Lizzie Rife; HeSpeler, the former conducting demonstrations in cooking at each meeting, Mrs T. McGirr, Miss Kate L. Dixon, Pres. Seov All are invited whether members of the Institute or not. W. J. YOUNG, Pres. 1904, at 1.30 p. m. The business of the year will be closed, the program mapped out and officers elected for the ensuing year. Mr Duncan Anderson ot Rugby will give an address on "Breeding Heavy Horses " Mr Anderson will conduct a judging class for homes and it is hoped many young men will take ad. vantage of this opportunity of getting a lesson in judging horses. A joint meeting with the Women's. Institute will be held in the evening, when Mr Anderson will speak on "Farming as an Occupation." Miss Gray, 't Making Home Attractive," & Miss Rife, " The Hygienic Influence of Laughter and Song. " The Annual Meeting of the SOUTH GREY FARMERS INSTITUTE wil be held in the Mr. Jno. Sherman had his barn- raising on Friday last. Everything went together nicely. Messrs Jno. McDonald and Sandy McDonald were chosen captains. Jnv. and his men (aiming out victorious. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McKechnie, ot the Rocky, spent Sunday at Mr. Dougald McDunald's. - Rev. Mr. MeLediard, who is at present filling the vacancy in Uhesley Pres. Church. preached at the prepara- tory services here on Friday last. Miss Jessie McDonald, of Hamilton, is home for a few weeks' holidays. manly nature. therefore popular, full of liopefuliiese and inspiration and tilled with gospel truth. He is considered the chief hymn writer of Scotland, haying written hymns suited to every subject. A preacher of high rank, the degree of D. D. being conferred upon him by Aberdeen University, he was also a writer ot relia- ioue articles and books. Hie " Night of Weeping" being next to the Bible for those in aitiietiou, also "God's Way of Peace" 3. guide to the throne of grace, was cited by the speaker as being also wod in this connection. No's 4, 157, Giro, 234, 188. (considered by the church as hie been to vox deleeti. that grand inspiring: tune. and 521, as it closing piece. were sung by the whole congregation. while 123, 146 and 406 (considered by himself in his best) were sung as qtstuttutetr, from the Pres. Hymnal. .. Only remembered by what 1 have done tt one of Bonar’e " from Sacred Songs " was sung its a male quartette. He travelled in the Holy land. visited places olten mentioned in connection wltli the name of St Paul. Born 1808, died in 18w. lamented by the Church. An interesting meeting successfully Curried oat, large numbers from sister congregations attend- ing. It is the purpose in the future to give a night on Wetsley'ts hymns. in view of the proposed union. also on other hymn writers, Fanny J. C'rosbv, 1. Watts, A. M. Toplndy, Philip Doddridge, &c.. later on. A moderately successful 5 was held in Atuos Church on ot May 22nd, when the Ray gave a discourse on the Il Boner, dealing with his itio, hissoul stirring hymns and eritieum--though not much writings. He travelled asu in the south of Scotland for t amid the beautiful scenery, Wt he derived his inspiration, writer With any hymn writer I hymns are looked upon as manly nature. therefore pol hopefuluean and inspiration with gospel truth. He is cc Mr Ch“ Medley. one of our prosperous twritsulturnlista, is erecting a mammoth barn on Friday nut. Contractor Heft has the job and this is a gum-amen of "titdtustirry work. Miss McPhall of Walkerton is spending a. few days m the burg. the guest of Mrs P MoAllen. rived Int week frm short time he will and family and take Scribor. months timbering on a visit to the oh pleased to note th brother Dounld. Mr Phil McAHen Exceedingly popular nmcug the y no: people in Mr Thus McIntosh who one on his mmy friend: here in the bare last week um nu absence of nImoet two you: With an: Republican neighbors. We miss the turnble Jinx amen and entertaining manner of Mr Wm Watt who is spending a fortnight viewing the attract- ions of Queen City. Mrs Wesley Follis of the County Town spent. a pleasant week visiting her mother, Mrs Alex McIntosh. Mr Wm Corlett who spent the winter months limboring " Hllls-lale is home Town Hall, DURHAM, ---ON----- SATT'RDAY, JUNE 11th, Illillljlll, fllllllilir ©lllllli. " Plantin' 'taties Ft is the go. igbt with Horatius Bonn SPEAKERS: sly successful Song Service Amen Church on the evening: ' when the Hey Mr Campbell nurse on the Rev Horatio CRAWFORD. DROMORE. l of Walkerton is spending the burg. the guest of Mrs GEO. mxxm, Secy THE DURHAM REVIEW who spent the winter " Hllls-lale is home d homestead. We are se convalescence of his ue It engineer at- m New Ontario. In a return With bis wife up their residence at. u writer known. upon as being dun: popular, f Infamy writings. and the adverse 'usb-against his as an Evangelist or a time, where r, we can imagine on, ranking as 8. ter known. His L as being ot a TORONTO a}. Wm Lake and his gang of stalwarte Were engugel last week in the big swamp repairing the King's ngll'.)'. They would have made a. better job had they had a little more dirt. Dot tishitag season have one want, I took mine fish bole dew- To hot-ch dot great big drolt. Dot I seen last vinter time I dug my worms before dnylight. Dot vos dot frosty mom. I schpade he {rose into my hunt. Dere v05 frost upon dot con. I took von drink of log” beer. Uni den 1 mede a. schtnrt To reach dot brook where dot lug drool, Tos waiting for a bite. Von dot drout saw me he winked Von eye Unt den his tail he shake. Und den he schnmped behind n log, Den he we out of sight. I bait dot hook mit greet big worm, Und make him in the: achiroem. Dot dront. he made van great big bite, End tooked nwny mine line, Den I we met " dot big drain. I turn me rount “out. Mine feet he scblipped off from dnt log, L'nd I fell in mid dot dront. I could not schwim a single schtroke, So den I viggled out. . I schtart for home mitout a hat, Und not von single drout. . Don fish law 'ltt5m you must not catch, Any more 1H hwoneey at once, Dot law he has no catch on me. For I only lent minus“. Messrs Thea Potter and Leo Montgom- mery took in a. fishing expedition on Sat- urdnylast. the formal scoring 18, the latter. 16. The) speckled beauties seems to know the change in the Game Law. Mr F McCartney is slowly improving with his broken leg. Messrs Kinnee and Spat-ling, Durham. paid the burg a pleasant cm” on Friday. Mr. H. Ride" lost a valuable colt recently. The heavy rain on Thursday last made a postponement to seeding operations. Mom, of our farmers would have tiuished seeding had last week kept dry. The raw last week and the warm weather followmg has made an excellent growth. The meadow crop is two weeks' growth ahead ol last year. She lived to see the country around her well cleared up and a. nice village built, she and her husband making the beginning. She was well liked in the neighborhood havuur not one enemy and this was shown by the way the neighbor women would call to see he: I even the children would come to the house and ask to see. her when she lay cold in death. She died a true christian woman and was buried in the Price- ville Presbyterian cemetery on Thurs- day afternoon 24th May. The chief mourners were Joseph McArdle, her husband, David Camelon McArdle. Con- tractor. Toronto. and Isaiah Willis Me.. Ardle, Barrister of Markdale. heesons. The Rev. Mr, Lee of Ceduryille omcn. ated at the house and the Rev. MI. Mat heson of Priceyille at the grave. Mr Wm J Glenister, Bricklayer. has completed a brick building 60 lest by 30 feet for Geo Snell of Egremom and is now ata building for Mr Fuirburu Sr..-) gangis amnll, himself and son and one man as attender. Mrs Dan McEaclmie of Little Current is here staying with her parents. Mr and Mn: Searlett. partly on business and pleasure. ,‘,_.V_ n... "1"" "5v an“ had aplece of her jaw removed that was denied Ly bad teeth, humhis did not cure er. she grew worse and was pronounced hy some of the doctors as haying a. cancer. She suffered pain all the time and she and her f.unily expect- ed death to relieVe. her of pain before it am. The family did all they could for c., Mrs J H Scott of the Post Offiee is sick with plenrisy and heart disease. She is attended bv Dr Sneath and is some better. Mrs Scarlett Sr. is eoufiued to her room mm asthma. but is improving some. her, her husband or family. For thirty two years and ten "maths they kept the office at a. low salary till the Laurier RUVernment made u. change all against the wishes of the people of the neighbor- hood for the. strongest Reform party will stillsay that they were well used and Inuil matters properly attended to. but the McAI-dle family leaned to the Conservative party. The deceased was ailing for over a yeurand underwent an upemtiun ina Turontn Hospital over a. year ago and to have 'ther "diifie culled .. Hopeville " in remembrance of their homes in Hope. The deceased was an assistant in the ynie.e and upended it in the absence of of the early pioneers and the 'ltr: one ohts founders. The decede y was horn over seventy live. years ago in the county at Washington. State of New York. Her parents. Wm. and Lily Kerr had cattle from the north of Ire and, but they shortly moved into Ontario. then called Uuper Canada. they preferring to live under British rule. hey purchased a. two hundred acre lot with their Irish sovereigns in the town- ship of South MonaghanJ County at Ntytt?umberund, where deceased was raised. 0n the ninth of December, 1857 she was united in marriage toJoseph MeArdie of the township of Hope in the in the County of Durham. and farmed at. Quuy’s Crossing four miles north of Port Hope. to the Spring of 186i, when in March of that year they moved into the township of Proton in the County ot Grey, to where the. village of Hope. ville now Is, Mr. McArdle having previously purchased two lots at the Proton Land Sale. Post OfBee was talked about for this new section. her husband applied and was appointed postmaster on 13th July and the ofBee opened first. of August following. Quite a. number of settlers cmne into Proton these years from the township of Hope and. they-applied to the Government By the do“): of Mrs. Nancy New McArdle. beloved wife of Mr. Jo-eph McArdle of Hopeviile who died May 23rd mam a. m.. Proton Township loses one of my early Qioneers and the village THE LATE In. J08. 'htAitttut. - ‘» _.. .. 4.-.- HOPEVILLE. WELBECK. $3 The IOUOIIng tesumonm is one ot L I .y 1nd spank. for its“: Dnrlnm, Ont., International Correspondence Schools. Scranton. P... Gentlemen t..-rt is a pleasure. if not 3 duty. to speak in Phi" of t In 1896 I enrolled in the Marine Enginqeving Coons, and pursue. was my studies on shipboard, thus gunning a theorem-.1 known profession whilst working " it practically. I owe my ldvlnoemer Engineering. and the habit of study, to the teachings of the Soho“ Your: Respectfully. (8551.) K n "rrr 1,". The following testimonitl is one of 3 cans SALMON for 250 1 qt CATSUP, Me, for.. . . are prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. The wool must be dry, clean, and free from burrs and cotted fleece to bring the highest price. You will find it to your ad- vantage to trade where you can get almost everything you want: Hardware, Dry Goods, Wall Paper, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, ac. Drive up to our Store and we will do the rest. W001 lihdl W001 We want l0,000 lbs Wool Saturday Bargains: MR. J. w. Machhr, HARRISTON, Groceries Mechanical Engineer; Mechanical Draftsman; trial Engineer; Electrician; Civil Engineer; Sar Mining Engineer; Sanitary Engineer; Architect; recur-l Draftsman; Sign Painter; Chemist; Oma Designer; Show-Cad Writer; Ad Writer; W Dresser; Bookkeeper; Stenographer; French. G or Spanish, with Phonograph; Commercial Law. \ Write TODAY, stating which position V interests you, to INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools We can help you qualify, by mail, at small expense, for any of the following positions: Alex. Russell. on CALL ON OBI LOCAL IEPRESUTAm: l THE BIG STORE , BLANKETS, YARNS, FLANNELS, at reduced rates during Wool Season. reg. 150 (sed.) 1 Chill Elwin.“ may. to speak in Phi" of the I. C. moving Conue. and pursued with Cl 'aining I theoretical knowledge of t ly. I owe my Itdvanoemer.t in Stet the teuhiuga of the Schools. I I " -- The balance of our It, o. mum. ' NM Cement Co., Ltd, GINGHAMS, reg 15, 20, t?.,5e Saturday for. . Dry Goods JUNE 2. loot, For which we _t?.5c, nc for. . “in y in} April 1904. Stead, 600' tl CCii :2: Iious f! iji, Cle Exxxxx VOL. XX t8llK'hDll'xyi'o', "ttht??), Inn“- uId 1: "vtrew and Tm Bum-m and Du REVIEW and w, REVIEW and w van- w and W. REVIEW and IV, RIVIuw and Fa REVIEW and w, REVIEW and Mr Review Beautiful Our (”NOW Ill We have mm Qualities a Reme FOR ONE [ Some For E Laced: Int WANTED Read JA JA 20 We are gran of th We a besc I 4 lbs? 4 lbs 2.! ll] Vane; Color Bla( We NFAV NEW NEW i (fall One and Clot

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