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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jun 1904, p. 1

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EELS. son. t burrs and cotted i find it to your ad- rst everything you ', Boots and Shoes, we will do the rest. In ARKET PRICE. “(it ’alns: / Goods " miww‘ 'df ell. " I 2. 1904 For which we ‘3 m "MAL Kim} U i0c 3'3xxmmmmxmzmgmmmmfi EEEEEEEEEEEE‘StfigEREEEWSEIEE VOL. XXVI. N0. 23 WANTED--------) Qualities the Best,--- Styles the Latest,--- Prices Reduced Some Saturday Bargains For Saturday, June llth, Only Clean=up in Millinery JAMES IRELAND (iii JAMES IRELAND 4 lbs Raisins...................... 4 lbs Currants.................... 21, lbs finést Dried Peaches . . . . . . .. 3 cans good Salmon............... Black Jack Stove Polish, 2 tins for . Fancy Dress Muslims, reg 150, per yd Colored Shirt Waists, reg. 500 to $1, We are now pretty well on in one of the best Millinery Seasons we have ever known. We going to see the Season out with a grand wind-up. From now till the end of the Season our Millinery Prices- always low, will be reduced. quantity of BUTTER and EGGS ...-................Ko dPeaches..........25 on................." Polish, 2 tins for ...15 ')3ittliti, ICC 390 Me. 250 250 Me, 15c 1 ADDITIONAL MAIL BFmvrcE.--Mr, H. i, H. Miller, the Reform Candidate spent {a short, time in Durham on Thursday. , The matter of the petition for addition~ l nl mail service to and from Durham had i been referred to him by the Postmaster i General and he mo over to Durham to Make in the situation. Mr Miller says 'thal: Durham has now assumed a Size l and importance to merit anythingr reas- lenable that it mav ask for and he will Icertainlv recommend that the extra i mail service be granted. f A veay pretty wedding took place ;on Wednesday, June 1st at Melbourne Hall, the home of Mr. and Mrs Jag. Isaac when Sarah, their youngest jduughter was married to Alexander l Fetus of Yeovil, by Rev. D. L. Campbell assisted by Rev, J. Little of Holstein. lAt fifteen minutes to eleven 9.. m., to i the sweet strains of the wedding march, ', the groom escorted by his brother, Dr. "Fe.t.tis of Toronto soon followed by the :hride leaning on brother’s arm took itheir place under a large hoquet in the [centre of the front parlor. The bride ,was heconnngly attired in a gown of ',french dimity with bridal veil fastened (rrtlt, blossoms and catried a shower :hoquet of white flowers After the iceremony and congratulations were Aver a dainty banquet was served. A9nl the immediate relatives of the 'hridye and hridegloom were invited. lAmong the beautiful presents was a |handsome parlor lamp from her Sun- (day School class. She was an active _ worker in Sunday School and Endeavor ‘Society and wil be greatly missed as ‘an alto singer. The hap y couple left ‘on the afternoon train IT, Monkton, carrying with them the good wishes of .the cotimumityc--C'ptu. The REVIEW extends hearty felicitations. Farmers and fellow citizens, remove a heavy burden from the shoulders of your wife and daughters by buying the .. Don'sel " washer. They save tune, money and health and last for years. Everyone sold is giving perfect satis- faction. Our wringer is. warranted to he of pure white rubber rollers and will wring from a pocket handkerchief to a blanket. “all and see them and he convinced. J. A. CLARK, Lower Town. The Annual Meeting of the South Grey Farmer’s Institute will be held in the Town Hall, Durham, on Saturday, June 11th. Mr. Duncan Anderson will he present and address the meeting. women's Institute meets mmetimennd place with Miss, Lillian w. Gray, Toronto and Miss Lizzie Rife, Hespeler. as delegates. \VUMEN'S IpmTr'r'irTrp.---Meetings of this body will be addressed by Miss Lilian D. Gray, Toronto. and Miss Liz- zie Rife, Hespeler at Holstein. June 9th: Mrs. R. Renwick'n. Dvomore, J one 10th t Durham. June Ilth: Miss M, MCGU- livm-y’e. Elmwood, June 13th, Miss Gray will conduct demonstrations in cooking. METHODIST C'HANaetg.-Itev. T, Col. ling, late of -'-""-, comes to Dur. ham, Rev. Mr. Mason is on the Varney circuit, Rev Wray R. Smith goes to Arthur. Rev. Magwood, to N ingum Falls. Mr. Truax, we are informed. is leaving Holqtein but we hare not heard when: he goes. JUNE WrrmmvGs.--Let us know in time and we will get you out. some fash- ionable wedding notices. Gall and see sample-ll in confidence. Full stocks on hand. Specialties secured on short notice. Tun- REVIEW OFFICE. LOST CART.-Mr.' R. MacFat-Iane. Sr. had a cart, stored in the old British stable during the winter. and some one inadvertently or otherwise has removed it. The party who removed this will please, see thatit is returned at once. PASSED WITH HONORS-we have to congratulate Mr. Ferguson Grant on his tine Work in passing with honors the 2nd year 1htaminarious, at the Dental College. To stand 13th in nclass 0f90 is very good. Rev. M p, Farqnharson expects to oc- cupy his own pulpit on Sabbath and wtll present some present day facts as echoes of the work of the Assembly. The members of Court Durham, No. 446. C. o. F. will have their Annual Uhulch Parade on the morning of June llllh to the Presbyterian Church. All the brethren are requested to be present. Dr Brown. Neustadt. will he at the Knapp House. Durham. for consultation in Eye, Eur. Throat and Nose cases. on Saturday. June ll. Hours, I2 to 6. The Executive of the Grey & Bruce Fire Insurance Co. meets at the Hahn House, Saturday. at o a. m, Mrs. Newton wishes to thank the "Choral Society " for their useful gift. Allhmuzll wholly unexpected it was ve'ctnved wtth grateful thanks. Cut Glass is the proper thing for wedding presents. see our trtock---Mc- F aria-me & Co. whité'nnd coGis.-Fiairii iiiniii"ii7 C. L. Grant. NOT1CE~AH parties indebted to T. Burnet are requested lo settle on fr be. tore 25th inst. Have you seen the New Lacrosse Sticks at Gordon's? Beauties! and on. ly 25c. l White Vesting Muslin, at Grant.s. we have Crumh’s prints. best make, C. L. Grant. DURHAM, THURSDAY; iUNE 9, 1904:": 'tl?,!,,,'),)')'?:':):,'.-'":) good range in, Muslim Lnan at 4; per cent. MACKAY & DUNN Durham Hymeneal. 'tiii, in black, Apetition numerously Signed asked for a retaining wall on Lunhton St. north side from bridge to McIntyre property. Such walls will hv built both sides. arid sidewalks completed as soon as possible Mayor Hunter had a letter from an American manufacturer ohering skill and tools in a. new industry in return for municipal favors. He has been in- vited to come over and show himself and explain his requirements. We presume site and exemption will be given him anyway. anything further will not get the approval of the town. Met. on Monday evening. All present except J. L. Browne whose place is not yet fltlett. Accounts. total over 300. were certi- fied to and passed. Meetings of the South Grey Farmers’ Institute will be held in the Tp. Hall, Glenelg, Wednesday, Jane 1'5 Bus. Hall, Dromore. Thursday, June 16 Our boys were beginning the season} with bright prospects, and will. we hope i be. able to live down the odium such , conduct liringe. They have been vic- tims thetuselves of impulsive spectators 3' and greatly regret that Murkdale team, gentlemanly fellows on the whole, i should have had such experience. i Some hitch has again occurred With one of the hy-iaws. A technical defect which may be remedied and which may not. Mr P. J. Carey, of Colsourg. will ad- dress these meetings on live Farm top- ice. Hour, 2 p. m. w. J. Y012'G, GEO. BlNNlE. Dmuw.--rn Bentinck. on Monday. 6 June, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Derby, a. That the Lacrosse game should have been broken off on Tuesday by the violent interference of spectators is greatly to he regretted. It seems Lo point to the necessity-never yet, need- ed-of having as in some other places. policemen present, to control the rougher element. and make arrest with- out fear or favor. St Catherines and Brantford, the two fastest, teams in Ontario, playvd a. he game 2--2 at the Garden City, Saturday. . , .- -.-- .. aunt-nu rmquunl'uun. Della Dundalk lost their first game this iBInmo. Kate McDotmld."BertG Wilson, season on the home grounds last Fri- IAnnie Petty. day. The Wellington: came out on; Form 2-3mm. Sharpe. Lilv Wnlker, top by 6 80313 to 2. Cannon Alice. Herhert Campbell. Ethel Mt, Forest defeated Earn. J unim (iir:iiiiiiiiia": Chumpinns. last week M ora; score ,' Form I-matrix, Lawrence and K it 7--1. The Lornes have made fl try.sd i Newton, eq., Ida Pineo, Easel lute. start. for the intermediate championship 1 Karl Brown. Oliver Hunter. this year. I 9.4.“- ml - _. n _ ‘Durham's next scheduled match is in (v, Owen Bound next Tuesday against; the) VVellmgtons. ', Durham lined up as follows: Goals C Lavelle; Point. Matheson; Cover Pt., McDonald ; lst Defence. Tnvohnld ' 2nd Det, McIntyre; 3rd Det., Moore; Centre, Mountain ; 3rd Home, Graham I 2nd Home, Glass; let Home, McCaffrey; Outside, H Graham; Inmde, w Layelle; Capt., Gammon. About 200 spectators Tuesday. wit- nessed the first match, orrather portion of a. match. the Durham Lacrossse Club has played this season. Their oppon- ents, the Aberdeenn of Markdatle. came here with the fullexpectittion of victory. but although out-classed. made it creditable, showing. Referee and C. L. A. 2nd Vice-Pres., Geo. L. Allan, Mt. Forest, lined u the teams about 4.15. while Mrs. Dr. fannesnn faced the hall. In the first quarter of the game. in fact, in all the game played, hard checking was in evidence, and the quarter result- rd in Durham securing one goal. Glass scoring. Both defences appeared stronger than the homes. and some fair combination work was done on both sides, hut all Murkdale’s efforts to score were foiled by Durham’s strong defence. It was in the second quarter the. trouble commenced Graham. of Durham. was drawn in it (setup by an opponent. and It portion of the crowd rushing on the field, two or three more players and spectators participated in it, With the result that several cuts and bruises were made requiring the Dr's needle. Markdale refused to continue the game and Referee Allan reports Durham victops at present until the matter is settled by the C. L. A. We have already received the firtrt fruits and mention with special thanks the tirst to respond, Mr James Renwick. Sn. Dromore, whose sub. was alleady in advance and Is now still further on. We hope many others wiil send along what is due at once. Did you notice the three clasnes we addressed in our circular last week? Some of our subscribers should have stopped reading at end of tirgt pam- gmph. In which we thanked class b- those who were paid in advance. What followed was! not meant for them as a few seems to have thought. ABOUT THAT SUBSCRIPTION! THE FRACAS IN THE PARK. FARM ERS" INSTITUTE. TOWN CO (INC! L P: ei. LACROSSE NOTES. A ROUGH FINISH. R ' i -i',5 l " IDA l all I _ sum , ' and I " . A'it _' _ Only-- -_’ - BORN 0". The Publisher. 1 Sr 2nd-NeIlie 1th"'i't Victor Liv- aingalon. Mary Wrig t, Allister Gamer- you. Agnes Haulage. At "River Parm." Durham. "Stock Bull " (bred in Scotland) included in sale. Catalogues on application. Jr Pt 2nd (B)--Maud Kress, Cassie Russell. Pearl Mitchell and Lizzie Hillis, eq., Edwin Search, Louisa McAnulty. Sr Ist-Jennie Kelsey. Tommy Wright, John Hnrhottle and Frankie Mcllraich. eq.. \Villie Morton. lan Campbell. 1tltertnedinte--BertG Havens, Anme McGirr. Cecil McNally. Emily Lloyd, Wesley Johnston. , Jr A-Laura Bryan, Frank Morlock and Margaret Hutton. ea. Jr B-Jessie Black mid Doris Auler, eq.. Izeil Crawford and June l, 1901. REGISTEREDSHORTHORNCATTLE Parties having dogs wlll find their names posted in the Clerk's ofBee. It is alisolutely required that owners of dogs must secure a. tag during the month of June to comply With the law in that respect. Failing to do thin costs will beinearred. Apply to Jr Pt 2nd (Ah-Mamie Mountain, Vivian Umwfm-d, May Cliff, Evelyne Levi. Leone Russell. Cara, a; Jr 2nd (Brushes Latimer, Wilfrid Calder, Rem Darling, Calvin Kinnee. Zetm Marshall. Fr Pt 2nd--John Mollrailh. Why.t.ie Brooker. Fred Luidlaw. Milton Mills, Maggie Ton y. Jr 2nd (A )--itois Turner. Ruth Moran Maggie Lauder, Eric Kellv and James Fumuharson. eq., Essie Noble. " '3M--Catherine McDougall. Hazel Guthrie. [{th Knisley. Churence Dar. ling, Willie (-Crie. " 'tn--Neltte Smith. Sadie Kress and Chas Crawford, eu., Allan Robertson, Oscar Hahn, Cecil (Volta. St ism-George Canon, Foster-Saun- dens. Bella Ector, Ella Kinnee. Eva Burnett. . .,, "v- - "nu. aAalK'i mluluw'. Karl Brown. Oliver Hunter. Public School Department. Senior 4th - Bessie Telford, Irene Latimer, Robbie Laidlaw, Katie Clark, Fanny Moran. Jr tth-Neuse Smith. Sadie Kress and Chas Crawford. m .. Allan Robertson. Oscar Hahn, Cecil (Volta. 48th High 1 M'Diaj :thuor 1 g Wire Pe Riley Bros, i, 13hr Acts Sanm.. l Wham will present more attrac- that on the great holidav than will my 'Eie' within 5C miles. Genuine :and cried attractions seldom if ever ,soeltilere. are provided. All arrange- lmellh ior talent are completed and therein-a some of the attractions t 48th Highlandlanders Band led by i Phi-Major Farquhar Beaten. "rrtumr Rilev, the Canadian High 3 Wire Performer. 40 feet in mid-air. ,Mgm., in Comedy and Horizontal l Acts. apparently impossible teats Seances" Triple Trapeze and Flying l We Performers. absolutely bevoud E iption. Must be seen. :Sc Drills. Tug of War. i . _ Prim Platform Dancing. Jumping, Running, Throwing Ham l mar. Tossing Caber, &c., &e., and ' enforlarge prizes. ' Harvey. the talented Musician i ' (?,Ptjdia.n.. /'All kinds of fan, Danna scaoox. HONOR MU. , I MAY, 1M. High School Department. Form 3--Charlie Furquhm-son. Bella Binnie. Kate McDonald. Bertha Wilson, Annie Petty. tiiit 0an 'Giripinti, -Ciiisiiiis'ii'.', ‘m TKBand. Scottish Dancing my BROS., &e., tke. ' PRICEVILLE'S BIG DAY. NEDAY, June 21. Day & Night. Ma'Greys Camp have arranged hr 1 day of Caledonian Games and Concert at night. They have se- ared Donald C. McGregor June: Fax. Piggy Farquhar Benton. Miss Mae iekemkm. Dayan Sisters, Ada Hudson Haw. Moshments on the grounds free. Admission to grounds, 25 eta. ,v,v_ ____.-...vu~ “my you, n I ruminating Entertainer Mr! Caldwell, the Queen Dr, Hatton, Chief. l, Mr FOR THE COINCERT 'nttrtrit.tta If}; Dell, A Brilliant Wednesday, June 22, I904 CREDIT AUCTION SALE IIANT TALENT SECURED DOG TAG NOTICE, MINION DAY. H. PARKER, Durham. ----_--..-..- [e Black and Doris Mc- Izell Crawford and Elia qRCArtRle'Aiirtift3" TORONTO Jno. R. Hunter. Chairman c. Ramage, Secy. of Com ---0" Wm. B. VOLLRT, Queen of Canadian Ulérk. and Tenders will be received 2 the u nder signed up to June 16. for t e privilege of running the bombs on the Show Grounds. Durham, at the Caledonia!) ques Ce1eirprttion on Julv 1 next. A deposit will be required. Tenders must be in seottletl envelopes, marked " Tender for Booth." , CALEDONIAN GAMES-outa l, gram coo Yerit dt Tcronto If you areto have a Wedding at your home or if you are invited to a Wed- ding, you will save money by buy- ing your presents at Keeler‘s Big Jewelery Store. We have just opened up the largest stock of new and up-to-date Silver- ware ever shown in Durham. Come in and see the goods. They are worth seeing-they are worth hav- ing---they are worth buying. A guarantee with every piece of Sil- verware we sell. R. B. KEELER8 SON Leading Jewelers, This assortment gives our Millin- ery Room an air of conspicuous elegance similar to that which was so noticeable at the Spring Open- ing. We were tempted to Att- nounce a SECOND OPENING. However, on second thought. We found it unnecessary " our an» nonncement of new arrivals will be tsufficient to awaken your inter- cats in one of the nicest nullincry displays of the season. all who [any or luv". por subscription to the Rlvmw and for 1904. Buiunce of the Toaiay's Millinery news chiefly Concerns a large shipment of new Summer Milliuery goods. All the newest and latest in white hats and materials for Summer. ~Prices are Always Reasonable Miss Dick. A cast iron Stomach, “ART BAKING POWDER" THREE NATTY BOWLS If You Have CHAS RAMAGE. Pun“ no Pumas: JUNE WEDDINGS 11an in Jewelery for the Dude zillinery . ' ' It really doesn't matter what kind of Baking Powder you are using but is {taunted to be free from alum and all other injurious ingredients. To induce you to give this Powder a trial, we pre- sent you with with each lb. can for 500. J. Burnett, TENDERS WA NTED. C. BAIAGE. Secy. of Com. Upper Town. M “all!" - - Durquu

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