West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Jun 1904, p. 4

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Our car of Buggies, Democrats and Carts have just arrived. New Stock of Thomas and Doherty Organs and b'tngerp'sewing Machines JI'f.?assey " (ilflaarris J5he)u)rooms Binders, Mowers, Drius,3 Rakes. Hay-Leaders, Planers, Hsncws ard all kindle! Implements. Also Provon Hay Fork: and Paula Riding Flow Somethias A'sno in washers f 111tPvrforeted Drum, only in the IDEAL. Also Wilhelm's Wringers, all made by WatsoiCot Ayr. We have something to attract everyone‘s anemia) in the following lines of of} Massey-Harris Implements: DEICRIXG HARROWS. WILKINSON PLOI'GHS, HENEYS HARNESS, 1' ALMfiRSTttN BIT-(HES. All renowned articles and at fair prices 82.17335 sU)f'sT%dUhCaW7 wgmezeesms 7ohrt . . ’ _ tt aha people’s tp Eng c/il Earllng, fDruggz'st. (t $195:55:2’,~’v~%-=F$$~§z$$i¥$$$$$$$ MeMuMge Raymond Sewing Machines. Reelary Stoves tor Coal or Wood. k; i; ir-ri.:. :2 <22 ,-:eri?cirs-e9; 22222222222222: 'h" ° , _ 'ir:, LI d eit)ariAtg s Eng gave *5: They are made with a SNAP and STYLE and have that manly appearance that makes the boys proud of their new suits. Wc can only give a mere list of our goods, but in quality and adaptability to the needs of South Grey, we are not excelled: We have them in all the latest effects, in fan.. cy Worsted and fine Scotch Tweeds, made in the very latest styles with the best of Trimmings and Workmanship. This season we are showing a larger range than ever in Men's and Boys' Suits : Our Clothing Trade is progressing everyday and the reason of it is that the man or boy that buys a suit from us, gets TOOC worth of service and com- fort and satisfaction for every dollar lin he pays. Progress thothing for J??eys Jalurday Qaryaz'n Jar/es Progress Ctuthing for We Always the Cheapest-----; Everything with a Yellow Ticket is a gemtine Bargain With the advent of the warm season and Opening of our Fountain and Parlors, we will again start our usual Yellow Ticket, Jhahrt Glark. ire and Life Insurance promptly attended to Call and see our Clothing and see for yourself the way they are made and the quality of the Cloth. 30/0 Msrrnto for Progress Ctothintr. '. if. War/05%. 'rogress grand Ctothing OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE and up-tu-date. Satisfaction Guaranteed. For High-Class IMPLE- MENTS is best seen at Also large stcck of Bicycles and secondhand Wheels. Repairirg dme pumptly &right. Oxford Cram Separators made in Durham sell tmmselveS' Always the Beat. Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. , Durham. Quite a number from around here attended Mr D C Mckechnie's bum. raising m Glenelg on Thutasdaylast, Miss Cassie Irvine " Habermehl visited at McDonald's last week, Mr Jno Uoutts of Vickers visited at Mr T Boyle's on Sunday. Mr Jack McKechnie of the Rocky accompanied by Miss Morton spent Sun- da at his unele's Mr Dongnld McDon. aldzs. Jack intends leaving for the West on Tuesday, Mr Harvey Bovce lost a valuable horse last week. Mr Jas McDougall visited Gl I friends on Sunday. , me g Ones. Campbell Livingston was home last Sunday. He is engaged with MrMil- lee of Holland. Mr Alex M(('lung took a trip to Dur- ham Tuesdnv. Most of the famlies are longing for their place of fresh beef. It won't be long now till we get it. Beef No 1 and 2 goes from this corner to Traverston Ring , also No l and 2 to Holland Ring. Quite a pull from Glass Cott on the start. Hope they are good , few from here attended the evang- elistie meeting in Markdnlc a couple of nights last week. Our neighborhood is still getting thinner. Mr Arch Robertson and family haveleft the lake and gone to livein Port Arthur. we wintry and he a 1ittGiiGp'ptGciia for tho time to come. MiG Winnie Greenwood visited friends as Zion last week. Misses Mmion and Ruby Scarf of the Rocky visited at the Laard'e on Styylsty._, _ Great improvements are in evidenoe along the 2nd between building barns and putting up Wire fennel». Messrs Jno Staples and Dan Greenwood are now beautifying their fronts in this latter manner. Mr and Mrs Ikoht Csrlett, Dornonh, were guests of Mr Thos Greenwuod'u this week. Mr and Mrs Thus Turnlmll visited friends in Normanr.y last week. Mm Lillie Jopp left last Monday for her home in the West. Mr Joseph Firth in going to put, n foundation under his law. He had%, barn mining on Monday, Mr P Lawrence and his ship timber gang are again on this line in the bWRInpS ofJosnpl) Atkinson and Geo. Aljne. They came from Barrie. Mia: Lake and Miss Potter of Wel. hock visited at Mr Chris Sherman's on Sundnv. Harry Williams raised his barn last Wedutsdrtv and everything went well with Mr Wm Ritchie and Mr Joe Atkin- s9n as captains, Will Ritchie coming out vzcmrmns. The Edge Hill beef ring: is starting here on lune 18th, Than Tm-nhull butcher. Green Grove Marta the same day. Mr Wttt Lognte is having a house ere'tml for himself in Durham. Mr Lngnle will he missed as a Sunday Schnul and church worker. Miss McFadden of Durham. spenta few days with her sister, Mrs John Hailey, Mrs Marshall of Durham visited her “New Mrs H Heay last week, Me Thou Ray purposes tearing down his burn anderer'ting a larger hum With a "one foundation, Mr Sims spent it few days with his daughter Mrs H Livingston. Mr and Mrs Tom Livingston Sunday- ed with friends in Louise. Officers will wear the Scarlet Serge Palm] Jacket. Swords. Sword and Cross Belt. Nun-Com. Omcerw and Men Will be in hmvy marching order, All ranks will wear IVhite Helmets. Mr and Ms ll Remy visited friends in Hanover recently. Ive.ll Mr Editor- at.tAe hurry is over; In compliance with General and Dis- trict Orders No. 4 Company of the Mst Regiment, will assemble "t Company Hendquau-lers on Tuesday June H, and proceed to Uivismnnl (lump at Niagara for 12 Jays Annual Training. Mr. Fred Glassy, at present with the Kneehtel Co. in Hanover, gut lhreeof his fingers taken " in the shaper a few days ago. This isadistretmink accident and we, hope he may still have the use of the hand-the left one. Miss Della McAllen, Dotmoeh, visited her friend. Miss Ada Limin last week. The McAllen family are this week mov- ing to Shreiher, in New Ontario. Mr. Jos. Corbett, Sr., Gravenhurst. is visiting With his daughter. Mrs. Arm. strong. and mar before long come back to Bentinck to ive. Mr. N. Swailow and his sister, Lydia, left Tuesday morning for Ingersoll to be present at their sister’s wedding on Wednesday. Mrs Noble and hPr two children re- turned to Toronto Tuesday where they will m future reside. Mr. Ed. watson left nn Thursday morning for Winnipeg. where carpen- ters an in good demand. Mr. Will Buchan left Tuesday for Lethhridge where his Irorher Ewmg is. and has secured a gnou situation. Mr. and Mrs. C. Remake and chil- dren spent Saturday and Sunday with 1homdre friends. Mr. w. S. Hunter, Mount Forest, was home over Sunday. Mr. Jno. Hunt took a business trip to Guelph on Saturday. . Mrs Charter Smith spent Sunday with Norm Egremunc friends. PERSONAL MENTION. REGIMhNTAL ORDERS. THE DURHAM REVIEW CRAWFORD. Glascott Edge Hill VICKERS. 00* - Before this reaches your readers, Irs, Annie Wells and Abraham Herbert Hoor or Will have united their fortunes in mar- riage. Congratulations. More later. In view of the proposed military camp to be held at Niagara probalilv tor the last time there. we can well advise the bore, of whom there is a good selection of stalwart strapping fellows around here, if they can spare the time. to go. as the ont. ing is a good one and the training useful. Miss Lottie Baxter after all too short tt stay at home returned to Toronto on Saturday. Her well known infectiuns jollity and troeittbility is much appreciated among the Thistleomans, We extend our best wishes to the one who Was once Miss Jennie Baxter. but who IS now Mrs Harris the change taking place in Parkdale, Toronto some weeks, ago. We extend our thanks tor the slice of very excellent bride's cake. The Epworth League M the Ebenezer having been defunct for a long lune through tlasseverity of the weather. hus again been revived Wllll an effieiens staff of oifleers. For the Look Jut Committee Mr. Thus. Tucker is Convener, Prayer Meetin,e, Committee, Mr. Alfred Tucker and Nissiruars, Lite:a.ry and Socml Committee is entrusted to Mrs W L Dix- ou's care. Meetings aleheld eachaller- note Monday evening following the service at the Hall." One of the speakers yesterday spoke of the modern Saint John as heing akin to the ancient, Saint of that name m their spirit of lovmg hospitality and al ready we are able to testify to the truth of the retnmk. There are, many things morethat might he said but I have written at too great length already. If I have time [shall try and write something of Assembly wurk fora fu- ture issue which through your kindness will reach the many friends I cannot reach individually. Meantime adu.u. Yours Sincerely. War. FAttuvii.utsos. I Lay and clerical. farmers and business men. judges, lawyers and governors. ministersund professors all gather to take. part in the proceedings of the Assembly. The occupations of the wayare varutd in the extreme One, reverend clergyman was seen with a combination key with which he was 'exerclsing the ingenuity of his fellow- Ih't'oiettRets in the attempt to unlock its mystery. Then there was the old ta~h- ioned riddle and the story chest from I which were taken '. treasurers both new and old." So the merry laugh went round till the title. 't Long faced Pres, bvterians"seerned ill placed. Yet all was not so tritiing. Notwithstanding all the merrimeut there Were discussions I as to life and work, till the problems of town and country Were looked at from r manya point of view and svmpathies iwere awakened through a. richer and ‘fuller acquaintance. tio we rolled on t and there was the meeting of old friends with its gladness and sadness. and the contact with men of repute hitherto un- known, and the still more delightful discovery ot character and power in some new acquaintance that sends one I away With hope and conh'aence for the ( church ofthe future, Yet witlml the memories of the past are sad as well as glad. Ten years ago I went over the same route to a. former meeting ofthe Assembly. (in that otcusion some of happiest sallies were from Drs. Proud- foot, Cochran. Thom son and Robertson and the dearly loved) D. J. McDonnell with mime former Assemblv men. I pe. called the incidents and we laughed over them again the tear all the time rising in the midst of the laugh. Such is life with its joys and sorrows, its laughter and its tears. TORONTO In its own way equ Llly charming wan the quiet testr"ut imprpssion produced by Moose Lake, a thwart for huulvrd and fishers: in the slate nf Maine. As w" swept along the hunks of the St. John We found the wan-rs running from the- tie'" lundwurds which called to mind the fact that, them is it tide in the "if tips of men as well as in Fundy Bay. evening reached St. John slightly ahead ofthose who by the shorter route left Toronto on Tuesday morning. The route, by the Intevtrolonia1 offered mote sight-seeing and more travelling for the money than the other, hut remember- ing the Scottish advice, "gang richt through"I telected the shorter route. Evndently the C. P. It, were doubtful of the popularity of their own route tor the "special ' that mu mentioned in a circular from the company was not sent out. However, two day coaches, a din. ing-car and pulllnan bore the placards with the inscription. " private car for members of the Assembly at tit. John." The accomodatior. as we left Toronto was sumcient, liuttts we tra. relied the crowds thickened, till on wednesday morning we were told that the. party that had started out on these four cars had swelled to two long trains of which the part I was in was counted as section 2. Ours was not a trip tor sight-seeing but, a rush to reach the goal as soon as possible. We did not even go up to Montreal station but branched off tothe southat the Junction, Yet in the midst of much barren land there Were scenes of real beauty spread out before UR. The view from the high lands over the beautiful district. east of Torontowsth Whithy and Oshawa away in the distance was beautiful. or an entirely diiferert character was the, sight of the clear waters of the Ottawa rushing down past green islands, over' rocks. sweeping slung so majestically that one hardly wonders that the In- dian saw in it the vision of Deity, As most of your readers are aware. there are two main routes lending to St. John. one round by the old cit of Quebec. along the banks of the St. 'lull rence. down by the buy of Chaleur and away by the northern extensnou of the Bay of Fundy to the city that has long been the lumbering centre of the emit. The. other route takes you front Mon. treal by a direct line across the state of Maine to McAdam and thence along the valley of the Pt John rlver down to the chiefeity of New Brunswick. Measured by actual mileage. the latter is much the shorter route, but by the more practical measurement of dollars and cents they are the same. By the short-, or route the actual running time is less. but those who travelled on. on Monday It is a far cry from Vancouver. to St. John and yet it seems fitting that the vmce that a. year ago _whispered to the young man "an Nest " should this you call to the venerable assembly to turn toward the land of the using sun. NORTH EGREMONT k "-007 - A TRIP TO ST. JOHN. MODEL BAKERY, LOWER TOWN department of our es!aijlishttet.." LASTLY, our prices are absolutelyfair. Give us a call and see xor yourself. A first class line of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, always on hand at Rowe's store. WEDDING CAKES Made to order in Latest Styles on shortest notice. FIRST of all, we use only the finest Flour and other ingredients. SECONDLY, we are artists in our line. THIRDLY. cleanliness reigns in every And therefore we hear nothing but praise for our bread, cakes, pies, and every desirable variety of pastry. IT SUITS TO AT! Intending Students should enter at beginning ot term, or as soon after as possible. Stuff and Equlpmont. The School is equipped for full Junior Having and Matriculation work, under the following sun of Cuntpetent Teachers for that Department: W m J oh nston , (‘hairmnn Is the right brand. There no lots of Rod. gprs' Bros. make Hiker“ ttre but only one 1817 Rodgers' Bros. Be Sure when you buy a present in Silverware. you have the name and date of this tiran on it and you ran ugly on your goods. Buy it from We have everything for groom and guest to pick from in MiA'F.ttWAttr:. GOOD REASONS: 'tihis /s Me 'tmmth 0/ Wedding: 1Ntchmaker, Jeweler and Opti, Durham School THOR. ALLAN, Principal. MISS L. M. b'ORrUR, music: and Modems. *rru. Gordon's WEDDING RINGS no as ,olid as his muneit I847 JP, We have Range and Fur- nace Coal on the way from the mines, and any person wanting a supply cannot do better than order at once. Last week 's shipments con- sisted of Hammocks, Lawn Mowers, Hedge and Grass Shears, Thistle Spuds. Garden Hoes, Turnip Hoes, Spades, Shovels, Picks and Cow Bells. COAL STINSON'S For Garden and Lawn Do not allow your Horses and Cattle to suffer while you can buy Fly Oil so cheap. Only 150 per bottle. Fly on You can get Paint at almost any price. This does not apply to Sherwin-Williams as it is fix- ed in price as it is in quality. There's nothing like the best. This is the month for Wed- dings, and our Show Cases are well filled with articles very suitable for Wedding Presents. S W. Paints Wedding Presents gf. garden, H. STINSON. HARDWARE I W. BLACK. FEES: 81.00 per mouth 'odger: ' gtros. C . R. m age ' Soon-ta". 'iau f BARCLAY Call and Also Now that you hase a get a Tudhope Cutter The Spring has come and the S has gone and so has nearly two C of Tudhope Buggies and the which was once so filled to overf with those rigs is now being fil with over a carioad of Hm 4 gmplements .7 I We are at the shop at the bridge ev- ery Wednesday and Saturday. or. ders or enquiries left at C. McArthur's store, or at the REVIEW OFFICE, will, receive our best attention. Chatham Cutters Full Lines ef' theme u'o/IJ'm/u-u and reliable com/s. CHURNS & WHEELBARROWS Of all kinds. Examine our TUR, NIP PULPERS; they are the best on the market; also] our >>>>oNEW SHOES- PEEL, tHE SHOEMAM REMEMBER THE PLACE-Next D Campbell's Implement Warehouse. Trunks, Valiscs. Club Bags, School Bags, &c. in stock. 0toots, &toos, Slippers They are GRA Y'S make; Com/ortal,te and Stylish, and, at prim-s It) suit alt purses. Show Rooms opposite Mid- daugh Stables, Lambton St. 'utpe, .7, Churns, de. gum, 'Dressings M axtatll Machinery Custom Work and Repairing done as promptly as possible. ‘IEBMD I‘A III. ARE NOW GIVING A SILVER SPOON, made by the Victoria Sil, vet Co., with every 25c bottle of Glycerin? Shoe Dressing and tt 3r size Black Cat Scribbler with each 15c bottle of Black Cat Dressing. Besides these we have a lot of oth er dressings, liquid and paste We) familial? ' 3791912 0y. rar? :tlrrioed Be sure and see our Aarn (3rgans Fudhopo Gutters Also see our famous For the Babies. . MCIlraith good in ev-ery respect From 2 5c to ' 5.00. A large stock of Buggies and the placc ce so filled to overflowing {s is now being filled up earload of the famous Another lot of tl Tudhope Buggy, " & be in the swim JUNE 9. 1904 'eat, M 117 our Goods. MI. Summer earloads b9t 45 N08Ttik d 0/74/0414 All our “HEN"! Transaciin Business C. A, FLEMING. Pri Grocenes, Dr) d; Shoes, Cr We can give I' TWEEDS NEW LIST BIG4 () 100 Acres In: atr NINJA 100 Ae 150 Acres 105 Ac , Acre If yi row writ SIMDHRB CAPIT Sl CAPITAL RESERVI S. SG n, Ti" AGI Oman 'itrtt-s Drift- all pull out " SAVINGS BAY'? savings wads facility distal t' DURHAM 'Alwnys Pr JI. I I “Mair; til I In? if '6 FA. both. in aim-ii: w. ll. hair food. It tet The hair stops long and heavy druff disappeal um who"! W t Sometimes tlt; Properly nouri: for food, stat falls out, turn my. Ayer'si " '" ttyr VII eMr Head (Mic ll J UN Fa PCS oor res GEO. I " J KI BM f0 Rf W

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