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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jun 1904, p. 5

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is, &ippers 1'INC. A SILVER ' the Victoria " very 25c bottle cl Dressing and a Je cribbler with each wk Cat Dressing. r have a lot of oth-. bite Mi Mon s in Utes LACE-Next ' Warehouse. /l 'm/lz‘an lot NB 9, 1904 In" see our Chnutortubte at prim-8 ttr llraith mung: 16.5 tCree- 0y. SHOEMAM 'rrived " hing," -utters , M III BELL “pairing Dogsibla. Mods ll ash II " [I‘ll K " School Ids Mt " u NEW LIST OF LANDS ('APITAL. Authorized.......))?!!.!!!!!; 1'APITAL, Paidup........... 1,090,000 RESERVE FUND............ sauna) Oli' BEST QUALITY. Grocenes. Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargains:. M We ask inspection of our Teas..w SIMQARPOIAHNK ',!,iro,i,?llvl If you wish to buy or sell property. bor. row money. Insure a property. have writings dt awn orcollect debts canon me ' Always Prompt. Never Nogllgont." \nKlln lulu" ......_""'- ,,- RESERVE: k'b"riCi.C.".y.r. $0,100 SGEN'N in all principal potett m o/Ut,". Quebec. Mnmtoba. United Slat-m and England. " KPIH‘I'NI Dun-lug. uu-r---~~ Drafts issued and collection awash OD all poiuts. Deposits received and inter est allowed at current rates SAVINGS RAIN sateretrtttlowei1 y T he Hanover ConVeyancer, otters: 100 Acr.’ In Reminck “our Durham. 90 Harm. l0 hardwood, ttood buildings, spring creek. orchard, ac-L...........-') 100 Ac". near Allan Ptrk, (is cleared, 20 hard- wood and t2 swamp.......... o-...........) ISO ',tttit near Lambsh. stonedweninatcgood out-hm dings, tine tum. under .......... aooo The Hanover Conyerancer, Hunove SAVINGS BANE. -nterest alloweu on savings bank deposits of '1.00 and up wards Prompt attention and every Lleililv ntrorsred customers living " .m.P9. aTLMdfGi, iiiiFtdnri, uinder ..........‘4600 105 Aer. near Anan Yuk. excellent {arm fair tttr/dll, cheap. t Acr. more or less. Guam“ Street. Durham. near cement Works, tine lots, (meted very cheap. -Yc.eN... -N9..-"--- A general Banking busing“ transacted Drafts issued and collecgloe Yeti..?..!,".' C. A. FLEIING, Principal. Owen Sound Spring Term begins April 4th, 1904 Besides above I haveln large list of other lands of all kinds. DURHAM AGENCY, TWEEDS & YARNS dista ce. Transacting Business All unl- Spring Prints. Ginghmns. and Muslim. me mm in. Come & see them. S. SCOTT. 2 rnob long. 27 in. wide nt 2y.i do 27 in do '.', do as in do C', do a? in do By; do .10 in do 1 All curtain. have tnpiee edges Floor Oilcloth, l yam wide " ., " "his wide " Tublemlchnh, ii in wide. at 73bit Linen, M in Male, " .. K, in wide, " Linen Tahle Mon”. 2yi yards long Heavy Twlll Sheeting, r: in wide. a I L II. MILLER. fllll 4 cr1aiiNriitot. 1il'daliilllL,,. for tA'afoP,'lf.t.: - _ -l6iir5iihiiirsh"ih Tum mlelmh,' 1’. ji, Table Linen, M in .. K, in gig/ark hair food. ltleeds, nourishes. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dan- drutf disappears. "I hair '0 cad-1 on tan-lbw. In tii/ill, Alt-Ilka _ But Aur- In: 'aan v." Trim]. 1 u almoqt um I. u- t. B- Ayir't M- i I FPrrrety pod the “llama-d Ibo "so"! more.” color." It is impossible to go thrcugh life without some business transactions To simplify such m alters and make them profitable, you should haven Business Education such as is giv- en at the Rontrt Blinds, Main fl - - -_eV "_.. nu IIIIICI" for food, tunes. Then it falls out, turn: prematurely my. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a W. II. BEAN Sometimes the' hair it " properly nourished. It sullen l-- l--4 P, ‘ SELLS ans CHEAP H. H. MILLER. Best p"re Honey. 100 n In JUNE?» 1904 W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Hunger. con-Ham o"af'rdr/f'4', ‘7‘” . 1'i'4'fi-l-i'ii-i"i'iii'///)'o-rp iii-TERRY J KELLY - in". fringe Em wide. in 25% per yum (lllli)ill'il BlOGK, I)llillilllll. LGe per pair. 100 per pair. "me per pair. 73e per pair. tt.uo yer lair. , Agent. except .o.5e rt 7r, 250 per yd .300 per yd 2.50 per yd 23e [no yd - ate per yd M ”.40 Much 1.ie oat-h t.W eat-h line I'svport ol S. S. No. 12. Egtwtuottt. Names m urdvr of morn. Ulus‘ 4th-- M Hamilton. M Brown. 3vu---E, [Inn-Mon. H Lawrence. g Ferguson, J Brown, F Patterson, ll livid. A Aduma. B I/ttlit; mu. 2nu--R Wuseru, N HpmilmnmE Pattersort, F anrrm-r. M Err-lea. M Wtlyoti, N McFadden, J Davis. LJersum. Wilson, l) M Kenzie, A Lee. Pt 2nd--d Fmgusnn. ll Lawrence, M Hamilton, M Eccles It flu-law. B Ferguson. U Davis. 'I' Brow", B Lee. is' Henry. Pt 1st Nr-- E hccles. J Reid. M Ferguson, I Watson. J Wilson. Jr Ist-W Ferguum. J Hamilton, B Watson, E McFadden. G Patterson, H Lawrence, C Johnston, G' Eceles, w Tucker. M Mather. C. D. Dunnmc. Tenchew. Report. of S. S. No. 13, Egremont. for May. iith chss- Minnie 11lri'"'ir; May Dixon. 4th- -Avthur Wells. enlm Renwick. Grace Reid, Olen Moore. Sr 3rd--Eya Benton. Maggie McLean, \Valluw Findlay, Reuben Wells. Jr 3rd~Muudy Renwick and Downie Wat. son. eq., Bella Lester, Willie Merne, Alex. Findlay. SI 2nd-Jas anage, Laura . McKelvey, Mabel McKelvey, Hardy Lester. Jr 2tui---Murrny Find- lay. Alma Hrnwirlt ..-. . Report of S. S. No. 10. b'leuelgotul Egremnm. 5th Class--., L McKmnun. tttr-U S NcDertnid, Sarah Aieliinnon. Sr '3tu---Lizzie Mdiunig and Edna Chis- lett, eq., Harold McDenmd. Sarah Mc. Kinnon. Jr 31-de ttlin McDinnon, Chas McDonald. 2md--Barah B McEnchern, Maggie Hartford. Ada McLean, Jennie and Mary Hooper, eq.. Joseph Hooper. Pt, 2nd br-Chas McKinnon, Roy Mc- Dermid, Ida McCuaig. Pt 2nd Jr-- Florence MrClmig. Hennie Hartford. Pt lst ts'r--Flotisie Hooper, Gladys Tucker, John Cherry. Pt lst Jr--- Henry Tucker, Grace Cherry, Maggie McEaehern. N, McCassEL, Teacher. Report, of S. S. No. l, Glenelg. Chin's 3th--Lizzte Binnie, Violet Britten. Kate McAilhur. Sr 4th--Cassie Kennedy. Jr 4th--h'tuma Benton. Mary Young, Millie Whittuore. tgr3rd--Winnie, Bin- nie. Jennie MeGillivray. Percy Davis. Jr 3rd--Angelme Davis, Mare Ann Bell, Archie Kennedy. Sr 2nd--Amelia Rif- by, Namath? Feynitt, Laura 9:,trtyy, r .].iiliciid/ae Smith. Ben Whitmore, John Amen. Pt 2nd Sr- George Mc- Innis, Wilfred Nichol, Robbie Math. ews. Pt 2nd Jr-Besha Seeley, Maggie Myers, Nellie Myers. Pt lst tiv-Ruth Mi:Gillivray. Plum MvMillen. Johnny Stonehouse. Pt lst Jr-tindie McGilli- Tray, Fanny Grnshy. Robert Edwa, dr. Class A-Mary McMillen. Murdock Mc- Millen, Violet Fallaise. Average at- tendance-50. - - - ' Report of B. S. No. IO, Egremont, for May. 4th--Mary Mclnnes. Sr 3rd--L Nichoiaun, Irene Henderson. Mary Swanstnn. Annie Sinclair. Ruby Jordon, " 'dvd--. Leonard Dickson. Charlie Me.. llnugall. Sr 2ntr--H"ttie Eakett and Kate Sinclair up. Eva Robb, Alex Nicholson, James Bunstun. Jr 2ad-. Myrtle Jordan. Minnie Courts, Bella McArthur. Pt ".nd bi-Sophia Mr- Arthur, Elsie Jordan, Dave Robb, Cl der McArthur, Robert Dickson. Pt 2nd " A--Nny Hum). J J Mevvhant, Dave Mclnnes. m 2nd " B-G'ilhert Durrant, Naviory Robb. Bake", Tommy tdc. Dmlgull. Alice Cuunphell. Iteport1pf Edge Hill School. 4th class --Jestfte Peters. Davis Staples. Percy Hunt. Willie Atrowsmittr. 3rd-Elmo Edwards. Edith Tucker, Mary Peters. Cassie Ryan. Stewart McNally. Hex-lie Peters. Tommie Cook. Sr 2nd--Roh Wright, Lorne McNally, Frank Ryan, Dollie Anderson. J: 2nd--Wilfred Hunt, Elm McNally, Alex Wri ht, Basil Dams, Jenny Cook, Wesley Haunt. Charlie Smith, Spent-er Edwards, Emma McRae. Pt 2nd Sr-Olive Tucker. Jennie Jack, Edith Peters. Bessie Smith. Ivan Edwards Pt 2nd Jr---Mary Peart. li-Minn Edwards, binlay Molina. Bertie Wright, Emerson Peart. W. J. RITCHIE. Teacher. Report. of u. B. S. No. 2. Perttinek Average attendance " May, 30. ALLTE L. BLACKBURN. Tent-her. Report of No0 Egremnnt for May. Sr 4th--Roxena Hamilton. Annie Reid. Ethel Horshurgh. Ruby Rogers. Sr 3rd -Novhurn Horthurgh. Laura Eccles, Jr. 3: d-Annie Shiels. Olive Reid. Jennie Match, Annie Troup, Jessie Bin-tows. Alex. Whyte. Alvin Bet-lee. Robbie Keith. Lulu Hamilton. Milk-ill Britton. tit 2nd--Mnmie Keith and Mary Motel) Pq.. Myrtle Whyte. Harry Homimrgh, Alex Smith. Roy Reid. Clarence Ross, Feed Bet-lea. Nettie Rogers. Rotihie Shiels, Hugh Reid. Jim Troup. Jt' Md-- Howord Hot-slnu-gh. Norman Horshnrgh Fleming Reid. Willie (Mutts. Fred Hamilton. Pt. 2nU-John Shit-is. Jennie Brillon. Mary Alles. Joe Britton. Nellie Mulch. Nettie Troup. John Smith. Win. ton Keith. Harvey Grout, Scott Eccles, (“and Hamilton. sth. Tst-don Ross, Georgiim Allen. Allan Smith. Annie Rogers. Jr. let-Mildred Spence. Ethel Mutt-h, George Shiels. Walter Shiels, John Spence. Arthur Eccles, Eltie Ec- clee Annie Keith, Wilbert, Ross, Jessie Alles, Mildred Rogers. Regan of U. S. S. No. 2. Benunck and ‘lenelg. for May. Jr 4th class---- Madge Morton, Ellen Ed e, Johnnie Newell. Br 3rd--Minnie genie. Elms Edge. Arthur Ritchie. Jr 3rd--Johnnie Grasby, Mable Witrmer, Vila McKecb- nie. tir 2mr--uertie Morton. J: 2m1-- Georxe Newell, Herbert Dunsmoor, Sr. Pt 2ttd,-r-Harry Gadd. Jr. Pt. 2md-.. Allister Lander. Willie Hutton. Sr. lst -Florenee Kerr, Annie Gudd. Stewmt Giant, Lanna Pettigrew. Jr lst.-Ella Morrison. Coril Barber. Jessie Gadd Jas. McUvride, Biua Gadd. Sr. 2nd- Oliver Morrison. Albert Morrison, Challie Petti rew. Murray HOV. Anne Pettigrew. f/ 2tui--EIl" Barber. w. Pyt.li, Margaret, Kerr. Edil_h 51m [isgm te',?, of U. B. B. No. l. Egremont and * ornmnhy. Br. 4th clastCc0rtuly.a' Dunn. Maggie MtCalmon. Jr. 4thL.. Blanche Lauder, WBe Hutton. Br. Sed -Ethet Pettigrew, Jennie Barber. Mag- tie yA.lrit A Jr. 3rd,-Thos. Hnan. --Eva McAllisLer. Willie MeAlt'ster, Arthur Bach-s. Be 'ad-Arthur Gadd. Harry Gray. Jr 2iii-iiLi; Backus. Fern e Caldwell. Tommy Wallace. Pt, 2nd--Watter McAllister, Jennie Gray. tir Lt-Grace Mountain, Mary hit-Allis- ter. Jr lat rHrerry Caldwvl , Stanley Mountain. Lowrst euuetr.--Mahle, Wal- lece. A L. MCCRACKEN. Teacher "‘I’"-' "I u. U- 1‘". I. L‘UI ""su"r. In]. Mny. 0th elaett-rahnurie Wallace. Jr 1uruHrrrr Gudd. Ethel Fee. Br '3rd-. At,1ts Wry.tr.n, Viola Backus. Jr 3rd 1epot,ttts. B. No. l.. nglguuhy. fy. SCHOOL REPORTS. J. ll. CoLettIDGr'., Teacher. M. M. NASMITH, Teacher. i, LAWRENPE, Teacher. ALEX. FIRTH, Teacher. Clydesdale Champion is n beautiful black '. white stripe on face. one white hind foot, rising 5 L"I'2' old, stands 16.3 hands high. in good com ition weighs uboui 2000 lbs. 110 walks and goes as a draft horse should. Hus good feet and legs, plen- tyof feather, measures about 12 inches below the knee. Bred by Mr Burton, Cumberland, Eng. PEDIG REE: MRE, SOHK‘PKE 4729, by Tam O' Shanter 3.31, by Rantin Robin. 6%. by Bargamie M, by Johnnie Cope 417, by Muireock cm. Alfred Bartley, Noble Barney. Pt 2nd --Roy Wiamer. Annie Ewen. Sr lat- Mable Veisie. Willie Edge. Jr Ist- Thomas Gmshv. Earle Vessne. Garnet Wismer. Earl Mckechnir., - _ Report of B. S. No.3. Bentinck and Glenelg for May. 4th ehsss-Bvuce Dar- gavel. Della McAllen. 3rd-Frank Twamley. by 2nd--Berttritre Simpson. Maggie Movtley. Della Ray. Addie Twamely. Jr. 2nd--t4adte Vaughan. Edmund Noble. Sr. Pt 2nd--Atex. Turnbull, Lillian McAllan, Morrison Smith. George Ledingham. Mary Mort- ley. Jr Pt 2nd--Lizzie Smith. Dan Ray. babel Turnlmll, John McGillivary, Norma Black. Sr Ist-Rui:, Smith, Clifford Mountain, Vinie Mortley. Peter Mountain. Arthur Simpson. Jr Ist-.. John Ledinghum. Jimmie Vaughan. Cecil Twamley, Stewart. McGillivrav. Average attendance 31._ .. . DAM,Blossom, by Duke of Edinburgh 216. by Lochcnd Champion 4415. Fuller Pedigree on application. n CLYDE SDALE OH AM PIUN Report of Hutton Hill School. for May. Class Gth--Alice Lawrence. Elsie Petty, Dollie Hopkins. Mary Morton. 4th-LFred Mountain. Matqavet Petty. Will olorice, Selina, Hopkins, Della Vollelt. 3vd--Bcssie Milligan and Chas B Lawrence, eq" Gertie Morice. Will Noble. Edna Reid, Earle Vollett. Br 2nd (AF-Florence Mountain Reheat-ca. Grierson. Agnes Petlv. Marion Petty. " 2nd (b)-H3esite Webber. Jr 2nd-- Rob w Cuff, Arthur Morice, Victor Noble; Jenn Pickett. Sr Pt 2ad--Wilhe Langrlll. Nina Noble. Leslie Morice, Sadie Lawrence. J t Pt 2nd "F--Fl4word James Hutton. Jr Pt, 2nd(N-James M Lnngrlll. Pt 1str-siWiiiii Morice and Grace Petty, eq., Willie J Vollett, Lorne Mountain. - _ 100 Acres. Lot 30. 2nd Com. N. D. It., Glenelg. 15 acres tit for cultivation. the rest hardwood bush. Also Lot so, Con. 3. N. D. R., 25 acres clear. the rest hard- wood hush. The Saugeen River runs through both. For further particulars send or apply to “SP. Lot 9, Con. Imported May Mm, by John Donkin, Riverview, Ont., present owner, JOHN STAPLES. Durham. DESCRIPTION '. " MacFarlane tt Go. S TRICTLY PURE PARIS GREEN Buckwheat, Hungarian and Millet Field Corn Flax Seed- TURN/P SEED Druggists & Seedsmeu. JOHN STAPLES, Prop. BOARS FOR SALE. Often the Cheapest, Always the Best," FARM FOR SALE. Slugshot. Hellebore, Whale Oil Soap, Dalmation Insect Powder and other insecticides. We keep all the lead- ing varieties of Swe- des and yellow flesh- ed Turnip Seed in sealed packages or in bulk. MARY MCINTYRE. Markdale. 365$" A. GRAHAM. Teacher. ETIIEL Imurs, Teacher. AMY I. EDGE, Teacher. me.- ALEXANDER. I. R., Bentinck. THE DtlturAllE REVIEW Improved Leamings, Mammoth South- ern Sweet, Pride of the North, Comptom's Early, Abundance, Sel- zers. N. Dakota, Longfellow. Druggist and Scedsman, il , i) Acres choice, unimproved land, 2.h miles from the growing town of Rocanville. in which there has been "eelevatora erected in the past2 yrs, and 18 miles from Moosomin. Priee 811 per acre. This land is located in a district where crop returns are sure. Full particulars from W. E JoPe, or Bar, EDGE. Moosomin, Ass. Edge Hill. Aberdeen Green Top or Yellow Bullock Aberdeen Purple Top. Improved Grey Stone. RAPE--Dwart Essex Sowing. KANGAROO-A new Bronze Top variety, very hardy, rich in quality, grows to a good size and keeps well. CARTERS ELEP HANT-one of the best grown, an immense crapper of good quality and grows to a large size. LONDON PURPLE TOP-An excellent Swede, hardy, good size and one of the best keepers. CARTER’S IMPERIAL HARDY. HARTLEY'S BRONZE TOP. HALE'S WESTBURY. Yellow and White Fleshed. NORTH WEST WHEAT LANDS FOR SALE. il , (l Acres choice, unimproved lend, 7 2.y miles from the growing town Durham Bu!) Calves-i-thots o. Prince Grnickshnnk (imp). ard York- shire Pigs from imported stock. Trros Scum & SONS. Rocky Sungeen. Fort bALR.-1 yr old Bull rising 2 yrs. 2 Bull Calves. oerkshire Boar and Sow Pigs. all registered Pedigreed. Port SeRvtcte.-1 Berkshire and 1 York Boar also Durham Bull. Terms. 81.00. FOR SALE & for SERVICE Lots ft? x 33, Con. 2 B. D. R., connin- mg 100 acres more or less. About go acres cleared and in good state of cul- tivation for ullkinds of crops. Retrain- ing l0 acres hard wood hush. Four miles from Prierville, 2 mile frnm schnol. On flu-m are two Rood wells. Brick House 30 x 22, with kitchen 17 x 23. col lar and all conveniences. Good hunk hon-n50: 65. splendid rambling. Title} pond. Easy terms of payment to suit» purchaser. Apply if by post to Price-lI ville P. o. or on the premises to I EN” G. & J, McKechnie Apply tc. J50 ECKHARM- Bunesoan. ill, G & J McKechnie tttad-ae-ass-i-aes-e PURE-BRED STOCK FOR SALE. SEED CONN FARM FOR SALE. b VV mun) TURNIP SEED SWEDE ll. PARKER, We have just received the third shipment of Figs in two weeks. 32 mats each lot and are still selling them at Not more than two mats can be sold to any one customer. ' Wu. Manon. Bn.. Prop. (The popular Cash Store.) 5O CTS. A. MAT. FIGS Terms this . V" EDGE. Rigt of Sam. ELinsgec‘l. Glouqd _Oil Cake, Bibby‘s Paris Green. Insect Powder, Hellebore Blue Vitrol, Potato Bug Killer, &c LAND PLASTER in bags, WINDSOR SALT, COARSE SALT in bags. PURE BRED DURHAM’S FOR SALE. Garden CORN, PEAS and BEANS. Durham's NEW BAKER Young Bully, Heifers and Cows, ONTARIO ARCHIVES . TORONTO IN SECTIDES Calves Food, &c. The experience of 20 years leads me with confidence to solicit support. Satisfaction guaranteed. he Public of Durham and T neighborhoodarerespect- fully informed that the under- signed has bought out the Wright Bakery, known as the "Durham Bakery," and in. tends by strict application to business, and good material, to warrant a share of the pa- tronage. , Watson 'erschoyle irmportedjii H. PARKER. Durham Durham '!f"_iivrdSi) rys',i' omee---LOWER TOWN. DURHII. W.C PICKERING B. o S., L. o. S. (p.13. ate “damn: to the Royal London Ophthulnle .osplml. Enigma. Ind the Golden Squats“. ndNhmit usual. 3. SPECIALIST EYE, FAR THROHW NOSE. -m-.-- EXCLUSIVELY. - Ottimr, " host M, Owen Sound. wm be " the Mldduuxh Home, Durham, the first Wednesday of each month from lots. m. an A n m HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post (mice. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST ct, the Du mutt Pharmacy Calder" Block. Residence first door west of the old Post. Ottice, Durham. v - -'"-'. -"'ee._r"', "on", “manual"- ac.con-oclly prepared. unme- of deemed per- mm leaked after and Executor'n and Admin“- ern' Account. prepmd and palm! Surrogate Court. Blaine“ Probate of Wills. lanai-n of AA. mlmtnuon anti Gnu-Mum ohmned. sou:- chu mad. in Beulah) 0mm and Title: repented on Jammy And print. Fund. to Lana on Mortgage. “lowest “to: of interest. anuntiou mm hr summknhmd ouch“ Yum-Jot. J. G. BUTTON. M.D-. C. I but»: nay-u... an m“. an I... 0M. . ittte end Residence Cor. Gena“. and a." 0 an. er foot ot mu. Old Noodle Cornet. OFFICE nouns F-tt B. In. b-4 p. In. 'l-4 p. I. Telephone e-ttoe He. " ttarristem, Solicitors. Convenncers. Att. Money to hum. (y'ice. McIntyre Block, over the Bank. A. G. Mack-y! K. C. W. F Dunn Adopted by Bll lemmthchools in Tomato. Ttordeservedl po In system . mum f Chan mm. Fiii',lSiithhiii't,i :11?me- tt'ttirtift brings the f win; tttMats within the " immediate communion. Nudes! Rm ”Ethnic loam Plano Work Kerk-Id 1attin"tttaqt nae-l Ill-ton technique Mun-pin» In. Me"' Gun. rm; Mam. Guam ot 140:1“;er Gi' iaGiiUii."CC. Diseases of Rye, Rar. Nose. and Throat. “Will he at In noun. Durham. the an My In etch nan. Helm. 1-6 p a.“ JOHN CLARK) Barrister. Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public, Comniistoner, ac. Durban, Nov. 16, TB, Notary Public. Commissioner. Convey moor. Valuator. Insunnco Agent. Inc Private Money to Loan. Collec- tions of all kinds promptly utten ded to. Farms bougho and sold co?uetiot" and Agency promptly “tended to ',5,1t: hogan. 1'trypeiyf, _ lgeuegh Agreement.- D. McPHAIL.’ UiiiaV%ciriii/ lift it hit )nrpaerisiiirt"ii'iic minis. ifAttnnorrs old stand. out the REVIEW Terms moderate. Amusement- tor sales A: to M. ae., man be made " the Review or tice, Durham. w Comssponfrnee “dreamt there. or to Ceylon P. o., will be promptly uwnded to, Terms on nppllauon to Lieonsed Auctioneer tor the Co. of Grey. we. mum! Met! fy. vr, 'Pet muc- Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. Plvncux & suélox. ONtoo "or Mcuchlan‘l Store. a to IO A. I. mount} 2to 4 r.- you r" puluc V '00:»; uncut. ARTHUR GUN, " Speck] mum: given to Din-u. a Women and chlldnn. Money to Loan. (ttce, over Gordon's Jewelry More, Rice. McKenzie's Old Stand, Durham Auctioneers. engage}. OOIOITOR,= D. lcPHAIL. Ceylon P. 0. or to C. RAIAGE, Durham Ii" Ceylon has suit-phone omce. Myer’s Music Method. DR. GEO. S. BURT. MEDICAL. DEN Ct? MACKAY & DUNN, Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey. LEG-AL. . LEFROY McCAUL. A. B. JACKSON, J . P. TELFORD MUSIC. DB. BROWN ' Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. h: .. C. P., tendon. England Maderuto "

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