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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jun 1904, p. 6

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m. [I mighty Nil. Culibze in their truz; .M."r'ttprrs to Inbrmy km: of! , log Lining: Xingu“ bro cc'acdvrurd tlie I dtogchu', beg-Jute ii humorous there, and Illa the. law panama tyt risky route round Tttr figures re: Flo e lc-rbcrgs Are a (in-at Me nce to North Atlantic Ve,..ret,a. "he nth most. riead d by naviga- tttea ot the 50rd: Atlautie Ocean are L.» "J. twin: and, I'ulcuoeu [ram tau J' may 130011.134, “can south- ward u. tl the warm rays ot crop;- cm suns (lbs: he 11mm mLo them it in finger dip each p the bottom molds. Fil .weetened with butts ovum over whipped cu Three egg yolks, beaten, one-fourth "swoon salt, one-half teaspoon cinna- mon, iloup. Make thick enough with ttour to rat: very thin. Cut in long, nab row tstrips; fry in hot fat; when done dust with powdered tsugar.--)" Lar- nod. take from th Beaten whitu ding dish; st with hot wnl hot oven 25 not Plain or Chocolate Farina. “as, then tsurin. Put one tablespoonful a! farina, four tablespoonfuls of sugar, three eggs, two ounces of chocolate, one tmpocnful of vanilla. Put the milk in a double boiler; Wham hot springlc in the farina. Cook slowl for ten min- utes. Add the grand 'lf,od,fat,t, to ..the; yolks of the gum and the sugar, mull then to the hot. milk: stir for a. mnmnno Pat one pint of tomatoes into a sauce- pan, with a slice of onion. Cook ilve min- utes, then tgrain. Put one tablespoonful Ines, then strain. Put one teaspoonful ful of flour, when smooth add the to- matoes, stir until thick, and season with “It and pepper to taste. WORSI OF OCEAN Gem Eatreebrod. One cup light bread sponge, one-half cup sugar, one-fourth cup warm sweet milk, one egg, a. little salt. Mix down with Mur not quite so hard as for bread, put in a warm place and let rise over- night. In the morning roll out fiat, put, in s dipper, cover the top with melted butter, sprinkle with sugar and cinna- mon. Let rise and bake.--What to Eat. Date Sandwiches. One half-cup dates and half-cup Eng. lish nuts, chopped fine and mixed with halt-cup cream. Spread entire wheat bread with butter, then with dates, and put half an English walnut meat, dip- ted in white of an egg, on top of each sandwich. Rhubarb Pudding. Butter I adding dish thickly and rprinkle Witt bread crumbs leaving a half-inch layer on the bottom. Peel and cut rhubarb in small pieces and put a layer on the crumbs, than a good allow- ance of sugar. Alternate until your dish is illled, having the; top layer! crumbs. in: for this Gai, Take three heapi cups of eh rhubard,one of chopnpsed and WW3: nonmetal three Boston crackers, powder- 0d. Mix and add two-thirds of crack- en, powdered. Mix and add two-thirds of a cup of sugar, 3. teaspoonful of but- ter, spice and nlt to taste. This mount will make three pies. Bake in two crwats. This is a favorite with all] lovers of rhubarb. I tit can be ante-nan}. The " on the manhunt plying lor Vita-a count Ira, or 300 tya: com: on one dar. '.r?-2t. Pelican in 110‘: up.“ Sh; stun at water, in t 1 Hr er tt 3. q stand Tomato Sauce or Wait Rhubarb Pie. vanilla. Put the milk in yr; whan hot springlo in bok 1310\le for ten min- p,rated c locolate to ..the ogzg+ and the sugar, and milk; stir for ainoment, ire and fold in tahe well. Tara at once into n pud- xd in a pan partly filled . Bake in a mpdertttely r 20 minutes. Serve at ith vanilla sauce. Flakes. I may now ut. bac trarlieient. l Cups Race Ewell-'18 the“ dwmod in- with which f four ounces of cter; boil, Hav- nilla, and just P stiillrbodten PERKLS. "e-r-T---.'-'" " V .3 y 'e,' Over a Dog's Grave. (London Daily News.). On a tombstone at the head of a grave in one of the dog cemeteries in Paris is this inscription to the memory of a brave St. Bernard.. "He saved the lives of forty persons and was killed by the fortsiirsi." . A word of oxmamtion Home banana tarms. mm is Called a "finger" of thrwe little Masters of rounding n. stalk N on!“ actly' as am grocors‘ wi not 1h.) eat the weight brings It Ir position, w] stalk up am ward the p When liipenrd oGii, Plan! Suitable for Food FACTS ABOUT Ttiii BANANA, -..._.....u-u nun Lat-Annual: a few hours " keeping- evouth a polnt or two so as to avoid danger. . e, a long diirtaiG, Lt," "in; 1h"; 315’s rays, playing upon it, make it a Spectacle of. subllme grandeur. There are itGGGi, iarcaive U; tures on a fine and clear day t {an an lcebeg'g, tor it can be descned Earlier in the year the ocean steamhlps running to and trom New York had to deflect from their regular route because a. big liner al- mggt impaled herself on one. 'one ott Unaares which was nine must long and 270 teat high. The British warship Cttarrbdits last year found seventy-eight in White my, and one or these waa 318 lee: Men. As a. berg shows only one-eith ot Its bulk above the surface. their depth can be imagined. The survey- mg ship Gomlincn bad to quit work on the Grand banks in August..190-3, owing to the scores ot berm that Infested that area, and several of the Montreal liners plying via Belle _ Isle strait had their bows stove in; " colliding with pinnacled masses! or_trtunted ones. with the bananas pa naturally, and it straight. may would an wen in the fruit 8 ‘5' windows. This, ho l? (use: the stem be KW tht t'xsnrttttrtt1ott concerning mana. tnrms. Each bam. llml a "fzngnr" and each ttte clusters of ttmeters sur- 2. stalk, is calhd n "handy F" and vnhm of 9210“ bunch m tho number or handy; it may wondnr how tho fruit l the tan ot giant mum ho gramme}. The native lab.. FL., .._-.., - . C irttlt. The plant ot L3 ks ttto {run " not a . a uusn or vine. It " um: plant, growth: to rom fifteen to "vents gmeen lee: trom the leaves, chimes elgnt e out m a "sort of clus- wntre or wmcn springs nnnnon Prmt,__, 'a Plant it In Not mesa (10 not painting up. it the stem lid hang ex- tt will pro. (m up its Ine, fruit It is characteristic of tsriumtu, race that the men and women are generally running after each other. The Canadian Press: Association were unanimous: in their praise ot tho Grand Trunk and Illinois Gen. tral route. and with the expasltion. It is the intention or the Grand Trunk to run through cars trcm Montreal amrTtsronto to St. Louis commencing Jam: 13th. and possibly Wane. Tho Canadian .Pr?ye. Associatim Ono M the features ot the pit la the Ira-Mo Inn, a hotel accommodat- ing 6000, splendidly run. and at rtttoniubio rates. The ttotal expemues of a trip to St. Exmis, based on halt railway rates. is within tho reach of all, and permits stop over at Chicago and other points. and the trip is nude quickly and _ccmfortably. Tho 'beautitul electric lighting of the Pan American exposition. which few, thought would ever be approach- al. is entirely eclipsed by this [mon- ster fair. medal. it seems to suggest the thought of what a 'grand opportun- ity and an education it will lbs to tho woung men and women of our land to spend a week or two at St. Louis this year. Really. Ttty in. tangent mun. woman or child can Word to miss this great World’s treat. mo worm, one ethiiur vying will anotherfto obtain the coveted mold I An oloctrical railway. called the 1ntrs,mv4ral, masz it may to get trom. one part of tho grounds to another. and follow, cut tho daily programme. enjoying an hour listen- to Etyosa's or other famous bands, or :taking in n lecture or 'address, or art gallery. , When you consider the Immens.. ity of tho buildings, one alone having over. CO acx'nw, of floor space. antl‘ reflect Hut they are filled With (113‘ choicest of exhibits frcm all can“: the World, one oxlnlriiur vying: will] District: Passenger Agent McDon- aid, of tho Grand Trunk Railway, who wwently returned Irom tst. Latvia states that it is hard to find Mutable language to describe tho magnitud-o and beauty of the greatest E'xpicwitirm ever held. Tho alto of 1.240 acres, being two miles long and one mile wide,;is cov- erel with beautiiu'y buildings. broken with flagoons, canals. grand courts, nmnuments, htatuary, parks, ole , :le forming a picture that must be seen to be realized. . l TTIE $50.09!),000 WORLDS FAIR, ST. LOUIS. "Wo all know," he said, "the proverb about 'more haste, less speed,' but the ans put it: ‘If in a hurry, go round.' We say, very crudely, that 'aeeidenU will happen in the best regulated fam- ilies,' but the Japanese, with a view to ‘making the phrase more picturesque, say: 'Even a monkey sometimes falls from a tree.' The saying about edged tools and cut fingers, the people of the: Flowery Kingdom vary thus: 'If one plays with tigers one is likely to have trouble.' while our 'oil and water won't mix' they know as 'you can't rivet a nail in a eustard.' Where we say 'out of evil good may come,' they say 'the lotus springs from the mud.' Mrs. Partlngton's attempt is in Japan seat. tering fog with a fan,' 'building bridges to the clouds" or Tripping up the ocean with a sholl,' And when the person mak- ing such an attempt has failed the Jap- anese say that, after all, ‘thine own heart makes the world,"'---""'.) Press. SOME PROVLRBS OF THE JAPANESE The man who knows Japan was speaking the other evening of its pro- verbs. a steady tendency, that it can be de- tected by a close observer even in a. per- aon who is lying on a lounge in the full belief that he is resting. It shows itself especially in the breathing. A wise ath- lete has said that our normal breathing _ should consist of six breaths to one min- ute. If the reader will try this rate of breathing, the slownes of it will sur-i prise him. Six breaths to one minute seem to make the breathing unnecessar- ily slow. and just double that seems about the right number for ordinary people; and the habit of breathing at this slower ate is a great help, from a physical standpoint, toward erasing the temleney to hurry.--Annie Payson Call, in Leslio's Monthly for June. Keep Minard’s Liniment in the House. If we want to get the habit of hurry out of our brains we must cut ourselves off, patiently and kindly, from the at- mosphere of hurry about us. The habit gets so strong a hold on the nerves, and is impressed upon them so forcibly as "For more than a. mean I had been ailing with Kidney! Trouble in all its worgt symptoms. I had " dia- trmred feeling in my head, little or no appetite and a feeling of lan.. ‘g'uor. I became greatly reduced in weight. "Doetora and medicines failing to give me any benefit I became des- pondent, when, by good luck I (thinne- ed to try Dodd's Kidney Pills and from the first they: seemed to suit mm case. After taking five boxes the old trouble dyad gradually disappear- ed and I was feeling better than I had in many years." Dodd‘s Kidney Filly suit the case of every! man, woman or child who has any! form of Kidney Disease. They always cure and cure permanently. "For 11161;; ailing with its worm we Doctors and Medicines Faited--Dodttu Juana-y Pills t'rucoeedea.- Other Cases they Just seem to Sun. . Welland. Ont., May Iu'0.--tspecia0. -J. J. Yokom, a prominent mer- chant. ot this city, is telling his friends of a, remarkable cure of a. terrible Kidney Disease by Dodd's Kidney. Pills. Mr. Sokom's statement itter follows: Welland merchant Restored to Health by Dodd's Kidney Pills. JUST SEEMED tt SUIT HIS BASE HOW NOT TO HURRY. Ont., May Iu'0.--ticia0. Irons, a prominent met- this city, is telling his a. remarkable cure of a ha' TORONTO (Butte 1nte.-1iountain.) Miss Suburbs-How did you pagn’s consent. ohnny Fise-Threatened te with the cook if he refused. The violets of the Riviera are known all over Europe by their winter flowers, farming the object of a great industry) of which export, scent and p1'c'servtrmak. iug are branches. They are grown hy milions in full sunlight, or in the light shade of the olive trees upon the hill, sides, and their lavish profusion in March and Anvil exceeds anything seen from the north, the spring being long and genial enough to induce full vigor. The effect of these Carpets of violets, seen in southern gardens, is only equalled bv that of the bluehells to be found in English woods during May. Minard's Linlment anbermau’s Friend, 'actc', H s'f, . c (”vowed nor on ae- -";'-:!t of I. love aLYuir with Sir Philip Francis. who is suposed to have written those famous letters of Junius. She came lmeklo her native France and married Tallyrand, the most astute and brilliant man of a singularly brilliant epoch. As his wife she one day entertained at dinner her ex-husband, htex-lover. the lawyer who defended her, the lawyer who prosecuted her and the judge who pronounced the decree of divorce.' Mme. Tallyr was mart-VJ l. Ensf J, .--. _ _ - -'"""r _,\.....<-. “Brent! or blood!" Nobody becomes an Nihilist in Russia save an educated man, who is a political enthusiast or is a mem- lwr of the nobilitv who has become, through disappointed oE1cial ambition in the army or navy or civil service, a bitter, vindietivo rmueontene---1'oraind Oregonian. To-day mussia’s 140,000,000 and more of people are comparatively secure and content under despotism. Whyt Be. cause while they are illiterate, ignorant, degraded, as a rule they have enough to eat and drink. They are supersti- tions, it is true, but religious super- stition is not sulllvient to make millions of people to mum“ to a government that engenders starvation through taxa- tion. Russia’s rulers have been shrewd; they have not tried to make their ignor- ant. illiterate people intelligent. but they have ben careful so to govern that the people would not rebel, yelling: “Bread or blood!” Nobody becomes a \’!I.:I,'.L c, " . - THE VIOLETS OF THE RIVERA. {Cure iShilloh's gonsumption A STRANGE ENTEU f In gathering the material for a recent 'book, S. It. Crockett lived for nearly three months with a family of smug- glers on the eastern Pyrcean frontier; he spent a week in a camp of Carlists, and with them ran away from the gen- darmes; he passed three nights with a hermit, who dwelt among the rocks at the upper end of the Volley of the Ari. ege; in a. fortnight among charcoal burn. ers he discovered that they were mostly exHrrigands, and "not so very much 'ex' either," as Mr. Crockett says. CROCKETT GATHERING MAfERIAL. Stanley, P. E. I. I believe MTNhRD's LINIMENT is the best household remedy on earth. 011 City, Out. . Matthias Foley. I believe MINARD'S LINIMENT will cum every case of D'uohtheria. Riverdale. Mrs. Reuben Baker. I believe MIXARD‘S LINIMENT, will produce growth or hair. , Mrs. Charles Anderson. Tona 1. London .... .... .. ....10,179,023 2. New York .... .. .. .. .. 9,053,906 3. Hamburg . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,689,000 4. Antwerp' . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,425,12r 5. _Hong Kong .... .. .. .. 8,253,591 6. Liverpool .. .. .. .. 6,843,200 7. Rotterdam . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6,546,473 S. Marseilles .. . . . . . . . . . . 6,191,839 th Genoa.... .. .. .. .. .. 5,596,012 lo. Shanghai . ... .. . . .. .. 4,726,411 11. Cardiif . ... .. .. .. .. 4.688.088 12. Cape Town .... .. .. .. 4,245,602, 13. Tyne Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,615,046 " Lisbon .... .. .. .. .. .. 3,612,051 i 15. Buenos Aves .... .. .. 3,303,843 le. Copenhagen ... . . . .. .. 3,111,412 17. Havana .... M... .. .... 3,101,115 18. Algiers . .. . . . . . . . .. . . 3,035,131 19. Havre .. .. ...... .... 3,016,591 20. Bremen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.984.410 27 Boston .. .... .. .. .... 2.978.913 The figures for Philadelphia are 1,993.- 422, for New Orleans, 1.561.898. for Ba]- timoro, 1,410,529, and for San Francisco 1.010/284. CONDITION OF RUSSIA’S POOR 15. le. 17. IS. Po. 20. Intimidating the Parent ' The Lung lure Tonic The cure that is guaranteed by your druggist. Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. 309 25c. 50c 6L lei. Niifl‘orcnto. Can. La grippe, pneumonia, and inilw. enza often leave a nasty cough when they're gone. " is a dangerous thing to neglect. Cure it with _"-'-"-- .. ~»-‘I yauntA. llullc W, I“. The flgures for the United States, and Great Britain are taken from the om- cial publication of both countries, while the greater number of the remainder are taken from the annual reports of the United States consuls for 1903, Inst cow (ring tonnage figures for 1902: Rat’g Port. Enfnrml --. V“ ‘- an“; ac "t""t'"" ll! showing the tonnage (coastwUe trade not included) entered at the larger ports ct the T?rld-ports having a tonnage of owr 1,00,000 tons-- during the year 1902, with the exception of the United States ports, the figures of which are fOfMthe fiscal year ended June 30, 1903. New York Presses London You Closely for the Honor of First Place. The recent report by the Antwerp bur- eau of statistics on foreign tonnage eu- tered " the rineipal ports of the world having pron-g to be incomplete, and for the United States misleading, the de- tartr.tysnt of commerce and labor has issued a corrected statement on the s',1',e.'..febjtet. It may be accepted i; GREATEST or THE PORTS. 'orl: .... .. .. .. .. lrg .... .. .. .... Kong .... .. .. .. tol .... .. .. .. .. lam .... .. .. .... Iles .... .. .. .... ai .... .. .. .. .. 'own .... .. .. .. orts .. .. .. .. .... Ayres .... .. .. tgen .... .. .. .. 11 other of tl: divorced her ‘Am' tf our” youth of, the Dutch to elope SN T. Entered. The fellow who boasts of temperament generally war row money. Detiated.-" fBut'taio Commercial.) "Dad,' said little Reginald, Wt a bucket shop t" "A bucket shop, my tron," i father, feelingly, "a bucket sin modern fopperage establishment 1 a man takes a barrel and bring the bung-hole." The skipper of the tramp steamer Dumping hilly was engaging a, new crew. "What's your namet" he said to the foremost applicant. "Giuseppe Grin? olleri," replied the man. "Eyetaliot" "Toes, sair." "Very good; step to one side. And yours?" he went on to the new A. B. "Ivan Ikanoir." "Ilussiant" "Bolish, sarc.” "Right; step alongside‘ of Yen'seppy. Next mant" "Wilhelm) Zwillangizf." "Germany' "Jn." "Vern good. Over you go. Next?" “Mnnoel Uliveria. I Portuguese seaman, senhor." "Step over then, Manniwel. Next t" “‘John Thompson, sir." "What?" "John Thompson, air." "What in ih-thunder ---what the-what nationality?" scream- ed the horrified shipntastod "English, sir," replied the man. For a full half minute the unhappy skipper stood} speechless, his ""mte1amtturnisnt ham, purple to orange, and from orange to! grey; and then with a gurgling gasp ofl "English, by gum!" he tattered, stag-5' gated, and fell prone upon the grounds -c-1uitelTool Daily Post. A V I__’ [In on bun-cuppa“ 11e'rttrttttrta.-aa,,.,. In 'toN-" t mud-rd." “Hm." “Your "Hannah,- In snack“ lmporla'.‘ " Roy-I,” “up”. '"driiiiF . d-gl-I-------.-;.-- PASSING OF THE ENGLISH SAILCJ 1 Bo sure your tiaet%aiirdGr this has. . l Inquire of tr, A; Hex-rig. G. M. 708 Park Wug., Pittsburg, Pa. --'""""'"'-ilml- Use (ONLY the SOFT, SILKY, TOUGH TOILET !!,.'i?,g3.jtitEs:imB m COLORACO AND RETURN. Vin Union Ptueitie 'every day from Juno Lst. to September 30th. inelus- ive, with final return limit October But, 1901. front Ft. Louis. $25.00. Chicago $30.00. with corrsipoudiutp. 1y low rates from other points. o wa. ta fu lyam A fu lyam. m was only pulled up by roars of do- lighted laughter from continuing the confession. There was no encore. You; denier; lgriEotTt‘Er Sou or we will send you a booklet fully describing it. THE DOWSWELL MFG. CO., Ltd., HAMILTON. ONT. Five minutes work will thor- qughly clean a tubful of clothes- no handling of the garments or rubbing on the board necessarv. Imposing on Good Nature. (London Globe.) At a. musical meet last week a singer was requested by an extremely sedate looking individual to oblige with the Japanese national anthem. It was ex- plained to him by the serious one that the tune was the same as the British rational anthem, and that all he had to do was to pronounce the Japanese words provided for him on a sheet of paper, precisely as they were spelled. Acordingly up rose the willing warb- 1er and burst out with the following lyric: - They can do it 1 ttt'l Clir, easily and quickly , "ti. D too with the t Gr, New Century Ball Bearing Washing' Machine. Let the Children Wash. (M, Miami's Llnlment is used by Physicians "Now, what you might do would be to patent some new sort of umbrella-- somc rain shield built on better lines, ‘We have proof that the umbrella hu existed 10,00 years, and yet in all that time it has not once been improved. Consider it. It is by no means perfect. It turns inside out readily, and it only protects the head and shoulders from the rain. Change all that. Give us an umbrella that is neomplete rail shield. Then you will become a. million- “It is of Oriental urtgin. The English didn't begin to use it until 1700. Shakes- peare, with all his genius, had no um- brela to protect him from the rain. Jon. as Runway was the iuat English um- brella maker. l, "Bow rich Pd be," said an umbrella salesman, "if I had patented the um- brew." The i1oorwa1ker smiled. "You might as well talk,' said he, "of I patent on swimming or cooking. Um. brellas appear to have existed always. Wherever we exeavate--Babyion, Nene. veu. PTe.itrttt?g, of the umbrella are found. his instrument is coeval with mankind. Sunlight Soap will not injure your blankets or harden them. It will make them soft; white and INVENTORS, A; IENTION! lop, my son,” said the , "a bucket shop is a e establishment to which barrel and brings back 'lli,i,l,,ll' _ of his a:tistic Wants to bar. '." “Russian t" step alongside 1 t" "Wilhelm "Ja." "Very it t" " Mnnoel nAuuncwuo or "what is Thomas Moore wu a one looks through his istic fmd the names of some bob; women to whom he no 4 itv. apppreenate her own sex fully. The our. f ueteristies that seemed to her hate, ' ful fmilties long ago, are defended now ‘ns their poetic distinctions. She sees in every girl the fair mirage of her own youth; in the pathetic care worn face of the young matron, the gentle heroism of her other years; in the mother of Is grown family her own queen days when sons and daughters suddenly grew tell and proclaimed her. And for them ell Sh. has a chastened _ttirittit.v. Men have pan- ed out of her calculations. They are the things with whom she failed or sureeed- ed, from lover and husband down to her youngest son. And, however much the remains dependent upon her, she is no longer elated to them' in the same we . She has survived them and returned a her own. Use Lever. Wash woolen. WOMEN AFTER KIDDLE AGE. After middle age the ttvercgo woman begins to care more for women than elm does for men. Her allegiance undergoes a psychic change, her eyes are opened, her judgment cleared, and she learns to appprecmte her own sex fully. The our.. acteristics that Seemed to her hate. ful frailtics long ago, are defended now as thpir rum“. At-ct, -A' d The concensus at opinfon Is that the New! York Central la the cor- rect line to {Kenn Yolrk. Boston and points east. Your ticket agent will tell you all about It. "The other afternoon," said a doctor. "I called to see a patient, and, much to my satisfaction, I found him sleeping . soundly. I sat by his bed, felt his pulse without disturbing him, and waited for him to awaken. After a few minutes a dealer'. cart, with discordant ringing bells, turned into the street, and as their tlrst tones reached me my patient [opened his eyes. _ "'Doetor,' he said. 'Pm glad to see you, and awfully glad that you woke me, for I have been tortured by a moat distressing dream that must have lasted for several hours. I dreamed that I was sick, as I am, and that my boy came into the room with a string of most horribly sounding bells and run: them in my ears, while I hadn't the power to more or speak to him. I suf- fered tortures for what appeared to he interminable time, and I'm so glad you woke me." T be well educated, with handsome pay or income, should communicate his age, sfttmily history and other partivulars. I Apnliations from Dakhnas and Khatris . will also be considered. Apply to x., care of postmaster, Dara, (:hazi Khan. The reader! ot thlo piper wlll be floated to learn that thenlaut lean, onedmm eddtoeaa. that .etener, has been able to cumin all It. (Image- and that In Cutnrrh. Hull's Camrrh Cure la the only poaltlve can now known to the medlcal In wrnlty. 1Jatarrh, being dt con. stitutlonnl diam-e, require-u n constitutional treatment. Hull‘s Catarrh Cure u taken In- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous “Home. ot the Iyutom, thereby den- trolvlng the foundation of the aloe-"nu, and xiv ng the patient strength by hulldlnz up the constitutlon and 11fr';t'fve"t,ugi11tiieiiil In work. The proprlemru haven-o much tatt In ita curative power. that they otter on Hundred Dollars tor any 'NM- that It (all: to cure. Bend for tut ot teatitnoniaU. Adam. F. J. CR ENEY & CO., Toledo. o. Sold by all drum-In. T.ne. Take Hallu Family Pill. tor constipation. Standard Service lama-cum Advertisement in nu; (Lahore Tribune.) Wanted-A suitable match for an Utradhi girl, 14 years of ago, who has passed the middle standard naming- tion in Hindi, and also knows Urdu, !i'artsk.r.it {Ind English.» The match should “m" Dry Soap (I powder) to woolen. and tuatteu,Crouut like " In duo-cu lame-am u bread; nothlnz (mammal: but the”: s genuine mm yell U"ttfemt" m an agent; bl? mum”... “on; and". given; tretiiht path. ko a- pet-lone. ”can". A very frontuhh- as. "do. {orapmhoum The . L. valmln Co., “mind. Toronto. Mouton this pnxmr. ISSUE N O. " 1904. $l00 REWARD, $100 ALWAYS m LOVE, BRUSH dt th, 1i.a THE LENGTH OF A DREAM, NO BRASS EYELETS 113% GI A POPULAR CORSET FOR I904 L Lam: HIP J MANUFACTURED ONLY " moron-no. - on: was always in 253 11: poems one tttdr' me sixteen diirerrit swore eternal thui- STYLE nous. she sees in irage of her own care worn fare of e gentle heroism the mother of a. queen days when ddenly grew all love. If r" ass/rf,] huh! Desperate Ha 111nm; the troops ananou- without I low-ch am Siberian l Jmm-M- ' both thtuk “bully C MS. Tl, m um] the rut-2n} mil th, r bots, tttrt be wi Ml! the hed Le “or t .hhml l (our Irutt play. an» nth-mph. Htteriv, “ivh th around v “y wan Mm ot Minimum ”It l nn of infantr Lieut name “tibia. ' tmth Juliana-n h n hand-to-h other inquadrnn Macr- ninth-rm of our fronticr captured 19 hot IMM- hrod . TI" _ tit. P bott hi” today's " asrtit it Liao-Von land to do this I "att t Alon: Lrndon cad Z,tr,tetii,l' r arm. Aol'le%"/l1"i, [In had bow at!“ of mu btlets into ti: The MM) Am the four 1tu.ss' Slimlini on M “'Afenkam ich' the Lian-Tun: #etrer scale th "ra. but >0 f er ' ol I vor-inx arrived. Baron Hayn- to t2' a El“. i, no mm] in WI: pointy. the Icinfurvmn “I no much m "t do not or: “I. Knuropzz Wt: of Kcuropa during the tle my Co nun 'tmas and when Con. 1m. “Pi! "Iv In tni balf I tin. Roam Harbin bum Russia Th in» Cutthnm W i men RUSSIAN TIM Mey some at any tint Gen. K at Lian-Yam m" mi N0 BIG BAT tt “PX ht tl Art te "

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