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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jun 1904, p. 7

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10135 R CORSET Foil I904 BTY LE no Snothhg S " M tor l‘thnvn 1,0431... II gum-m rho s,' emu-vb. at retneur ur an“ CiiiiR"'!"ri' twain can " io. 24 1904. tit HIP H&0% hm. _ on. SS EYELETS 53 YARO, SIM) 'or A “B " " wul; tPM ' zonal-o I ", but count.- DPQ/II‘D at in India. P'fytte a. . L. Nichob an this up". " "h an " (o tRussians May Destroy Port Arthur Themselves. LEW COSSACKS cm JAPANESE l SQUADRON If) new Cutthroats Ran Dainy Before Japs Arrived. Harbin to be Fortified With Heavy Siege Guns. th ri), ("a valry wh sin n it along “a the troops came It Japanese machine without suffering fourth Ind sixth c Siberian Cossacks ', Japanese cavalry v both tianks In t literally gut the pieces were u: the ”it pierced their h, not be hwir horses. Some ot the uuwrz; m...“ not be withdrawn from the bodies into which they had entered. The Japanese infantry. numbering) four battolion of 306 men to R coma puny. and eight squadrons of onvah‘y iet/mpted to advance. but the Russian totterie" opened. and soon the slope up which the (mt-my was advancing was covered with black spots, and the en- emy was forced to scatter and retire. tioute of the Japanese cavalry were wonderfully dat0tirttt, charging with an“... noon the Russians, who met and wonderfully daahing. ,' uts upon the Rusri, ’30er them. . A Cossack. who lo sword, wrenehrd a 'o' ammo omm and cut tte w tttt mt achn tt St. Petersburg came: Twat has telegraphed as i {tn-day's date, to the gene "\ccording to report? Mmander in the action mar \‘nnafargow, had th ot' infantry in “nerve. l? 17 men killed and 23 Lieut. Meyer and another _ " - --4-n-4 m In! sideraole. Linc 5...“... teenth Japanese ciealr in a Ga-to-hand, an other squadron which -i-t;m(‘9 suttered great oi our frontier guards mpzurod 19 horses.” Akki the ' the cant imc Reperts him-r svalit than we a“..- -- mm, hut so far an can be ascertained' ne'vtlm- w.“ of great consequence. The mOpnnes versions of the tightiug have not .u'rix'ml. "arolt Hnyaahi said: “I believe Russia to Ire in a serious dilemnia. She has not mungh men in the field to cape with our vnrioui points of attack. M 'she brinns the rvinforcements that Gen. Kouropat- kin in much needs she cannot feed them. C "I do not credit the minor in Rome of Clem karopatiiin" defeat. Although during the next few days ms of I bot- tle may come " any moment. It - evident that Gen. kGrrorrty" intend! to fight at Lino-Yang. I have“ be m decided to do this, not no much has . in London cable: Itur yesterday of a save: Knuropatkin, the ties “lune squadrons of ( gum had been eaptuy tities of stores and mum into the hands The story is clearly the four days' skirmi Saimatsi on apytur:, in at the the frighti .ng pascuct1 the railroad station oops came under the tire of the we umchinc guns, but withdrew it suffering much loss. The and sixth companies of the 8th an Cossacks furiously charged the we cavalry with lam-es, attacking ttanks. In a few minutes they ly out the whole squadron. into T his was the that time latices used, and they struck terror into nomy. In some cases the latices l the riders through and wounded horses. Some of the lancm could .. withdrawn from the bodies into London cable: Rumors were annex". :v‘u-rlluy of a severe defeat oi Gen. iouropatkity the despatch stating that side squadron-l of Cossacks and many mm had been captured, and great quan- 'itiec, of stores and ammunition had t1d,lvtt into the hands of the Japanese. Che nnry is clearly an exaggeration of the four days' skirmish. which ended at sytr,yatfi on Monday. Both this and the WntTnkatt fight, in the northern part of I'm. Lian-Tang Promontory. were on a his” mule than the recent smaller " c_1... L... m Gr as can he ascertain MI tl " I it was a sight , the word of comma admin formed and clearin ROS, ont 1331.42: 7LGSSES mum. see WINCH for twenty ruble ttt Gen. Samson' aenfue'nu with oeks picked PP of Kemp-tun" Correct. a and placed the ' own marge)“. rv "13mm! with (eiSx12 Their bones a NO .1 ire, the reparod which 0&3 aw te their ttistht, and flour- their latices as trophies. mm! the Boer trick of mien. but the Cossacks n. shot on thens. if? hizhlv praised the a sight worth seeing of command the Rus- ITN" ms BATTLE. command the Rus- ed and rushed like the terrible cut-up my all obstacles, the mun time trotting A!" The Japanese:, number of horsesi Vagenfuehtt. Thet at eight in thei No hours and a he Japanese under‘ od to charge and ch had been bur-1‘ nty-one days. In; nmaonoff was ap- lost My: lanee and sword from a JN." at " the ooir's boots which Jupamuo in lanee and )X‘CC Defeat Not were current eat oi Gen. stating that a and many up- of military point of view, as prod-mm from the court circles at St. Petersburg. "About a month is lil "About a month " before any determine made on Port Arthur. Coal Ladsn Norwegian Vessels Bound for Port Arthur. 'l'ukio eahle '. It is stated that a Japanese warship is watching three Nor- wegian vessels, laden with coal, and bound for Port Arthur. which are. now at “bunny, China. They will all be captured it they attempt to enter Port Arthur. The age! unpnnese men and the - . .. . A t~._“..... urn wane-n and elrildrtm at Gena-u! are leaving owing to the renewed incursion of Russians in nortbeaittetnt Corea, when at, present the situation is regarded, a: serious. It in stated that the ltui,siarrc there are suffering from lack of food they having exhausted the country whose people are starving. _ . .s _t __ '- '»<O\nvl Ann " (IUGC t" 'U'" ..._ -‘_, _ -CT The economic situation in Japan does not seem as yet to be seriously atreete4 by the war. Industries and eomrueree are prnceding aq uraal. The provision/tl application? already nearly cover the new war man, tho sut1vwriptions for which will be opened on June 10. The E%idge to London cable: A despatch to the Times front Chemo says it will take the Japanese. some little time to make Dalny and Talienwan practicable as a base, " because the. San-Shaman Islands have 1 been conected very skilfully with the mainland by both observation and bioek. ade mines, which zig-zag over a large m field, but the demolition of the Russian i works ashore was itv,iguitieant. and the h rolling stock captured, together with , four locomotives taken at Pulandiem ' will give the nucleus of railway com- l munication, which will be available as l soon in the reeonuructioit of the line is complete. Large quantitic-i of rail- way plant have been arriving front Japan for more time past. There in no information yet regarding the fate of tho illusion gnnhoat and four transports known to have boon in Taliewcratt Hay. ThN gnnhoat. the Bohr. jviiiczl in the tight of May it}, doing coir aidcrablo damage to the left of the Jap- am"re advance by the erosr,-flre of its 9- inch and 6-inch gun». Its prerenee in the .bay " cxploinod as follows: It was dent with two torpedo boat-i to cover the L mine laying oporatiom of the torpedo, q transport Amur at the aporoaehes of . Port Arthur. but owing to the interven- , tion of the .lapancw blockading Hllilallm . run it Wit-l forced to take refuge in Ta-l . lienwun Bay. It i" juit Dominic that it l slipped away on the night of May M. _ A4 soon as the hay is practicxblc a a! Janantwc aicge train will land. and it L may be presumed that then the second army corpi will quietly invest Port Arthur. while the third corp-i and a specially organized flyirw column_ will cis-operate with the first corps in an F advance on Mulultut. The correspondent my regarding! the damage at Dalnv that it Will thirty V hours after the f'ceht before the Japan- A ._xt_s- in nun-nu! tho (we were in at ' town. During prevailed. Such nnta as wow sth in junks to Chtt __ -- I ttlWetTwt' uu 1'l|ll\\ux.-. The correspondent my regarding! the damage at Dahw that it mu thirty hours after the f'ceht before the Japan- pats were in a position to occupy the town. During the interval anarchy prevailed. Such .v.uropem\ non-combat- nnta as wow ahlo to get par%"4"'R fled in junka to Chefoo. The Toral Chino“: otrwiahr allowed the iail. which contained about 200 out- throah. to ho forced. and until the Jonson: orrived and restored order the jail birds had the free mm of the town. K JAYS ON THE Rrt" i _ . .. _ patkin's anvmscd in; jeet of much impati has. however, plenty faith in him is unsh Alexicff and Kouropatkni Send patches to the Czar. A St. Petersburg cable: Th othee has received reports showil the Japanese are falling back Siuyen, southwest of Fang Wang and in the meantime advancing ' 1i'ie,i'j, almost doe north of Fen; Cheng. Both movements V are __ . “u- mntinued des A St. t't'tPr'"""ia who. [mice has received reports showing that the Japanese are falling back from Siuyen, southwest of Pong Wang Cheng. and in the meantime advancing on Sai. matsm. almost due north of Féng Wang Chang. Both movements are taken to indicate the continued desire of1 the Japanese to screen the opera- tions before Port Arthur. There is not the slightest foundation for the report that the Russians will abandon their positions east of Bal Chang. Gen. iid-off, who is wanting south of Knichou, is understood to AFFAIRS AT DALNY. STILL SCREENING apnnese men children at c. to the renewed northeast or“ Co' FP n; the Town Was Inconsid- cubic. l as follow}: It was sent min boats to cover the :emtium of the torpedo, r at the aporoaehes of than before. ; from St. Petersburg con- that while the masses in the nmw of reverses in. toically. the higher classes "may. and Gen. Enum- scd inactivity is the sub- impatient criticism. He nlontv of doiendersnvhose unshaken. WAT CH. men and we at (2011.4an are anuwo'l ineursion om Corea, where tt is regarded as mt the l'vussiarrs ,kely to elapse assault can be amuse of the ml puiitiml I sent to Admin!” In not mention that Gen. Kouroh force southward no more solid TR The War have a strong from of troops ,and be likely to harcsy _tite Japanese outposts. "BC” to Hum-4‘ _..- u..r........., v_-r,-, As regards the operations north of Feng Wang: Chang. the Cossacks hare retired from Saimntsza with the addi- tional loss of two ottieers and seven men wounded. Saimatsza is now held by a strong Japanese garrison. St. Petersburg cable: The follow- ing despatch from Viceroy Alexietf to the .Emperor, dated May 31, has been received; I - "Rear-Admirals Wittseoft and Grig- orviteh report that up to May 28 num- erous Japanese mines had been dis- covered and exploded in the roadstead of Port Arthur. The Japanese evi- dently have. renlnced the fireship which tluw formerly wwd by mines sown by nwrchant steamers in their service}: "riiriai,iiGrGsGeiiivdd the fol1.oy- iter. despatch from Gen. Kouropatkim dated May 31: _ _ -. .. _. "All i: quiet in the direction of Feng Wang Chang. Siuyen has not L-von oeeunpieil by Japanese detach- ments. . "The Japanese were observed retiring rom fiedzyko and Salitsaiputso Talleys in. an easterly direction. "On May 30, two companies Jot Jap- Pmeme intrantry and thirty dragonns advanced along the Ttkushan road toward thtalascuia, for the purpose of turning the loft flank of our outposts. liar scouts discovered the movemonts and firing ensued, in tho onurse of which hue Cossack was wounded and one how and firing ensued, in tho POI one Cossack was wounded tl was killed. "The Japanese detachment. which our rstvithy successfully engaged an 30. was now stationed four writs from vafert. Low, fottifyint,r its pasition. "Thcre has been no further Japanese mlvnnco from Saimat chewing Pass, on the Heavy Siege Guns to be Sent From Crcnstadt. I""'" 'PBrBeat. IIF-v _ - _ - l tion. This painful impression has been intetruiiiml by Gen. Kouropatkitl's fur- ther insiuemee upon the heeessity for Hoviding hetimni for a retreat north. mm as far as Harbin. Des- t buildings. The Hoot. the Czar orders. must make the greatest otfort, even to the extent oi risking partial destruction. to cut its way out to reach Vladivostock. IV miet an no account be surrondorrd. According to the reports of the chiot naval constructor at Port Arthur. tho rrpazirs on the Itetvizan will he omn- ‘pleted in a week or two. The Cr.are- /itclt will he ready for Service m a few r days. The work on the Palladn has been \conxploted, and she bas been renistated in service. It w heliovrd that tho eoal re~=orves at Port Arthur are oxlmuskcd. Keurcpatkin to Lodnod cable: A deep; Daily Mail from St. Pete there is grim: unvasinms t ing certain news which see the early capture of Port " orlieial dwpntcllos are my; tiieting, The public' is imp? apparent ignorance of the the spot. An important 11 the Japanese army reepr known. Japanese troops in looted on the coast of the l towards the south. The t Wei-e fighting are inwatier The Ministry denies that a news has been received. newspapers are extensively before they are allowed t public. __ - , “MAJ” C TO DESTROY FORT ARTHUR. The Daily Tamara}, correspondent claims thority for stating changes are about to disposition? of the c: the. necessity for bin the fall of Port _ Council recently 1lttif I )‘KUIIk- The Daily Telegraph’s St. Peter.abvag ",rrespottdent claims to have good au- thority for stating that important changes are about to be inside in the dispositions of the campaign. owing to the llccc~sitv for hiruleyiug at all cos-its the fall of Port Arthur. The War Council recently decided that the troops on tho German frontier could be safely withdrawn for service in the Far East, because absolute trust could be placed in the benevolence of Germany’s 'neutrality. The Council also decided that Gen. Kouropatkin should make an immediate move to relieve Port Ar. ,thtrr, He will prohablv send a force ‘southward under Gem Keller. All hopes are now centred in Gen. Kouropatkin. who will make desperate efforts to save Port Arthur. TO FORTIFY Igpanese Destroy London cable: The apondent of the. Express pected that the final av Arthur will begin tt scouts have come in 1 Russian outposts north It is believed that n land close by Port A1 Bay. - The Japanese ' London cable: The Chefoo cone-g apondent of the Express, says it is ex. pected that the final advance on Port Arthur will begin to-dny. Japanese scouts have come in touch with the Russian outposts north of the fortre9s. It is believed that a third army will land close by Port Arthur, in Pigeon Bay. The Japanese have discovered‘ and destroyed a formidable system of' land mines dose to Port Arthur, ex- tending several miles from the forts. According to the latest reports brought by refugees from Dalny, the attack on Port Arthur is expected to miminnte on or before Jone "l: a f, According brought by ri attack on Po culminate on train of new T0 HINDEn us FALL. cable: A despatelt to the ril from St. Petcrslntrg, says Lin-n1 unvasineas there. regard- .n news which 99mm to imply capture of Port Arthur. The r-qmtelies are vague and mu- fhe public' is ivnpreustul by the ignorance of the generals on An important movement by nee army recently became Javanese troops have been Col- the coast, of the Bay of Corea the south. The titling-i of se- iting are imratiently awaited. ism-y denies that any important 3 been received. All foreign nm are extensively blacked out liev are allowed to reach the OUTPOSTS IN TOUCH. 3:51; Skinny his Try to Save the Doom Fortress. stray Land Mines Close to Port Arthur. sza towards-Fen: Liao Yang Itoad.' BARBIE. dospgxtcl} to tlu Chefoo corre & 35:26 ianded ’at Kinehau, with n in! from the iArtillery Selim! at Dingo. Quantities iof heavy tuuuuacltiots are being landed. A naval detachment has landed and gone to Sunshan Hill. An engineer bat- talion is waiting to disembark with lance of sawing material. ‘This battal. ion has a balloon section. which will be used x: directing the artillery prepara- tions La. the assault. l The garrison at Port Arthur is on I half rations five days weekly. . l London cable: The oeupation of Dalny by the Japanese is the only really important war news. Nothing that isl authentic' can be reported regarding the operations against Port Arthur. The Shanghai eorrespcndent of the Stanly". reports that the Russians have retreat- ‘erl beyond Chenkoehenpau. It is believ- ed that the resources of tho garrison are , severely taxed by the influx oi the , troops wounded in the recent fighting, I. but none of the stories from Chinese . sources demand anueh credence. am...“ “an"... .___W H, There are no further indications of a southward movement by the Russian main army. One of the correspondents who reported the movement yesterday says that its southward advance has been checked by me Japanese cavalry ue- cupying the main roads. Japanese cav- airy is reported, to have been moving to Mile northwest for days. There is sever: tfictie'1,.li,i,ei:' daily, and the casualties arc often numerous , sned It is stated that the dapanc drawn tt strong arrow aux-ms th prn part of the Liao-Tung pro from Pitsewo to Port Adams, wr, transports continue landing m more trooys between that line i Arthur. l, have bee: b: According to the mt on the despatch pomnd positiot) to l (lvfeutod at Kinclvau miles north of Port fences are reported, ' viewable. the trend ly ouulmmru m. .-.i_""" According to the Times' correspond- rnt on the despatch boat Haimun, the womul minim: to which the Russians Oteatod at Kinclutu retired is a dozen miles north of Port Arthur. Its de. fences are reported, to be not very ser- vieralrle. the trend of the hills being at right angles to the Japanese ad. vmzco. whoroae the Kimball position ' - . r~~L Lu. {fa 0". “HIPS nun“. __- __ fences are reported, to be not very ser- vieralrle, the trend of the hills being at right angles to the Japanese ad. vmtco. whereas the Kincimu position was magnificent newt for its ox~ pnsuro to attack from the seaboard. The second position has little to ramm- mmd it. and as man as Gen. Oku is ready to ah'sumo Ilii Fox-ions advance, the Russians must fall boek to their iinal Minnow. at Port Arthur. The oorresmondertt says he harm that there is nothin." in front of Gen. Toroki, but) the Russians in some force. with artil- lery. have been harassing his right. and war and " eommurtieaeiomt through- out May. Tho Russian force is vari. nusiv Niiumtml. One thousand flve ,lItwndrod Russians marched south bv tho vyadivostotkGt'tttuttt road. It " undoritnod that a Jannnoso divisional 201mm}. with a dotnchmcnt of mm- ",onieMion guards. is now dealing with l {hie inrvm<rm. .tttisfied That London cable: The No: spuudent of the Daily News Gem Konropatkin, the Bus nmnder-iu-chief in the Far miner a letter to his moths he expresses optimistic View the pore'itiun as it was three He mid that the Japances - . .- 4|... Law Lonunn Lame. ,7 V spur-slant of the Daily News says that 5 lien. Jiouropatkin, the Russian eonp t n,,awwr-iu-chief in the For Fmst, has writter a letter' to his mother, in which he expresses optimistic views regarding tho position as it was three weeks ago. l He said that the Japances would oc- cup“ the whole of the Kwantung pen- insula, including Dalny, as fur as the l fortifications of Port Arthur, but he i was confident that the fortress would ', hold out for " year if necessary. In the meantime he would not ulmmion Lian Yang. as he would Dalny. He was receiving large reinforcements, and es- timated that he would have 400,000 linen at the end of July. He was con- viewed that with this force he could break up the Japanese concentration and relieve Port Arthur. Doesn't Mind Talk. Paris cable: The correspondent in Fit. Petersbnfg of the Echo de Paris says'. "A friend of Gen. Kouropatkin's tells me that before his departure the General said: ‘The first month it will be said that I am inactive; the second that I am incapable. and the third that I am a. traitor, because we will be re- pulsed and beaten, although that will not seriouslv affect the result of opera- tions. I shall let people talk, firmly adhering to my resolution not to march ' before Julv l, when I shall hove the "overwhelming masses I need.'" "sTildi that the Japanese have London cable: . Daily Mail from New six Chinese who have Port Arthur state t on the my of Ma: NO SIGN OF ADVANCE. Situation London cable: A desnatch to the" Daily Mail from New-Chwnng says that six Chinese who have arrived there from Port Arthur state that they escaped on the night of May 24, travelling on foot. They declare that the situation of those in the beleaguered town in dee ncrate. Famine primes prevail, and f.,t.' pct-ate. Cu’st of m mounted on them, IIOURCPATKIN CONFIDENT. PRICES AT PORT ARTHUR. at Art Arthur Will Hold Out for a Year. rim-Inc III-W47 I" _ _ ,7, ' provisions increases weekdy cf the" Beleaguered Garrisan Dcrperate. t acroas the “arm- r-Tung prt'mwmrn‘y Adams, while their landing more and that line and Port The Moscow corrc {if iiiiiii" YEARS AND l HALF FOR STEALENG 30 CENTS, The Remains of a Family of Four Found Cremated in the Ruins of Their House. Arrest of a Receiver of Stolen Goods From a Gang l Stoke From Ilaihray Cars Nearly tl,()i)i),()()() Worth. New Y( sentenced gle to nix: son for a New York, June tr.---iteeorder Colt has sentenced John Crane and Arthur NR. p,le to nine years and six months in pri- son for stealing thirty cents. The mm are tvceonvfetts, it is mid, and wow it und guilty of holding up a woman in Thirtyrttyir4 street. The fact that her purse, which they snatched, wav, pdmost empty. did not lessen their crime in the cu es of the court. Chicngo,June 6.--1n the Michael Donovan, the police have begun the disruption t ized band of car thieves v dations in recent years ha railroads nearlv S.1,000,000. -- gQ - ,, L___ l. Tangier, Morocco, 'ttttt third-class eruist this jamming. A del the. Augmm tribe lv, a personal appeal t Even that 15 (Iran. TV..'-'." _ several public' buildings have been wrtili- ed by Japanese shells. There is figldiyy daily. The hospitals are packed with sick ami wounded. T on thousand troops at most are stationed in the forts and entrenchments north of Tatusheng. The garrison in the seaward forts ltac, hem reduced to the lowest number po-*:ilxlo. All the civilians are given military du- ties. The general health of the town is . A. .__, .- -.... .lvlnu M stor- tips. 1m: gt Bs..... ..., good, but the Chineue are dying of sinf- l vation. Theft has been made pnnidmblc ', by death. The six Chinamett wore allow- I ed to pa" the Japanese lines. which are protected by a chain of earthworm. in which there are big gum. The railway has been completely destroyed to Kim ?chan. and there are frequent gape. be- tween that plaee and Wotamttien. Two hundred Llhincee were killed by the Jap- nneee fire at Kinchan. The. Tokio eorresoondent of the Chrom icle says that the Russians have decided to re-fortify Yin-Row. the port, of New. Chuang. They have taken four iiotll cum to the place and Mo mining the harbor. The gari‘iion is hein" increased. Wiju mama Graded. Seoul cable: (Delayed in tr,G,jausion.)r--GraP.et, of the Wiju Railroad has been finished fora distance of 25 miles from Seoul, with all mean- sary bridges constructed for 15 miles out. Tracks will be laid along this stretch of road. upon, the completion of u long cutting near Yan Ham which will enable, the transport by rail of heavy “MM-m mu! oukerials, instead of the cnnblc, the transport by rail m lle'.u.\‘ timhors and materials. instead of the proscnt diCurult method of carrying (hem by bullock carts over rough roads. Work on the branch now under construction north from Song Do is promessing in a satisfactory maxim-r. and it is okpetted that Ping Yang will be reached by the beginning of December. The majority of the railway battalions, heretofore am. tinned on temporary barracks at Yung- szm, near Seoul, will shortly be sent fur- ther north. Cu the Settlement of the murae-Csuadii Fishery Dispute. St. Petersburg cable: The comm here on the settlement of the Rusm-(‘u adian fishery dispute is very signifiea _ . ___a I...‘|... I). St. Petersburg cable: The comnwnt here on the settlement of the 'ip,ti't'i'it) adinn fishery dispute is very significant. 'lue agrcment is weleomed by the Rus. sian press as evidence of the iuercasing probability of an Anglo-Russian. aniamcc, we papers pointing out that public opin- ion in Great Britain, France and Russia is becoming more favorable, the war, in- stead of provng an obstacle to an alli. anco. serving as one of the arguments in its favor. - -- ' ‘5'. 1- - ,‘,A"n in. mien Morocco, June 6.---Tho Ital- hird-clnss cruiser Dogmli urivedhcro morning. A delegation of chiefs of 'uv,re'.ta tribe has left here to make wsonal appeal to Itaisuli. the bandit In It” nun". More m'gnifteant still is a strong itt-: timation of the Novosti, foreslurdoivug Unit a commercal treaty between the two countries will pave the way to a wrely commercial rapprochmont. The Novosti adds: The realization of this is easier, as both Russo and Great pnitcin are bound by enormous commercal don!- ings It is true that'Rusr-iin is furthrr hom Great Britain than France. but she is not from India, whose railroads could be joined with Russia’s. The paper makes the further point that without such tt commercial treaty any political agreement would be very The paper that without any political frail. _ mm. Although it is impossible to n-mrtnin at this time whether the questnn of such a commercial treaty has actually been taken up,the possibility of its being 1 the next step in the programme towards a political iti'rretmentytoyT/! the krenert intemt in diplomatic circles. where tt is considered fraught wth most far- :caching importance. The U. B. probably will be the chief loser by such a treaty. American. has already suffered from tlw differential duties levied against her ni xmlintion for the imposition of a count- ervailing duty or: Rustin sugar, imports of American WWI machinery, ctc.. Stood In With Pale. N RUSSIAN PRESS. are dying of star- n made punix‘nahlo J.ce g: 5: mi c? tt . long l mu: practically: the aking steel t dea reduce the! and saintly in- ' Linn of the solutionized T, The process on ufacture of be: m Ile ' an ,.--Thtt ltal- " _ arived here IU of chiefs of ho ova to make ak At Chicago, June 6.- refuse of cities by Cl urged at the meetin mum. engineers ht was brought up by cl read by C. Newton and George Watson "It is possible to refuse without any her nil Lutron.--A treaty of u l count- been signed between Spain import-lit conforms with "title pry, ete., Hague convcution. Chicago, June 6.--Destruetioit ot we refuse of cities by cremation has been urged at the meeting of Ameriean and P,riticl engineers have. The discussion was brought up by criticism of the pipe" read by C. Newton Russell. of London, and George Watson. of Leeds. "It is possible to burn. green, crude refuse without any perceptible od c." said R. C. Donnell. a London onurincer. "You must not put the refuse in the lnkesmsit makes the water impure. You must not put it in the son. for it kills .. a I, n. x:_..1.....l “-1: have had a great inn Crt 1 which a few years ago were wry having fallen almost to nothing. tariff eoneessions Great Britain is ' in wowed to all this trade. with i potentialities for the future. Th iarstion is growing that Great Itrit jilaying a shrewd game. for lip i ;ortimAvittlly, a s wellas rolitienll; i that while a complete agreemem 1x mutualy advantageous lo both and Great Britain. it would be at 1 [elm of ihe United State: in but! ?,ireetiotts. I The Chinese legntinn denies tho cf an upriiing in Mongolia. snvin ladvices show the people are trar London, June 6.--At the Ran! (Jaw ml lnrtitnto, Sir C. Smith presiding. My». Archibald (bk ulloun read a paper on "Women and due Colonies." She Gidthe attitude of English womm toward" the wlonies was one of suvpicion and fair. Proof of this lay in the fact that of '3,00 npplicuntc. to the Itritis+ Women's Emigration Asouwitttion in 1903 only um wont out. They must look to Can. PTery Ulvuun. There were over . quarter of " mil: lion more men than women in (Em-mm. New Zealand and Australia. She vrrv.i:l like tosee girls diverted bom the limpi- tale, art and music schools to (numb. where divinity was the only pruimia-i [haired to women. Instead of " cours" of a. course of Browning and Dante this year, she wanted to see a mum» on the colonies, especially in Canada. “he." there Wu no loss of social ytatus in dr hug howwhold work. he chairman said tlm ignorancr- ol the middle chase about the mkmim xv“; due to the fact that there wow wry for: books dealing with the Bridal; Empire. Women Emigration cVrro0utuon '" tinny T'e 1316 went out. They must look to (a min as the chief tield of tolonirrcti There was a crying need for dome scrvanls and mothers' help in that on try. The best way of spreading the male population more evenly {Enough the Empire, was to send out a sim r every brother. " r ‘---- - n n , Aged w-n- - _-.'- Leader of 3 Flock. New York, June it.---" a dovmzxx'e battle mm a huge hawk in a dense woods near his home Greenmn Lam, a wvalthy farmer, 80 years old, living near My ville, L. L. was beaten into uncvnsciuus- nets and badly injured yesterday. ( Mr. Lane strolled through some woods . ' A u. .L. Mr. Lane stunned uu'ougu m.“- Tr'-"""' which for a generation have been the homes of hawks. Suddenly one of the largest of a iioek swooped down on him, striking him in the face. Mr. Lane was knocked down and fell into a gully tea feet deep. To save his eyes Mr. Lane tnde over on his fare. The hawk fastened its tnl- 0m in his scalp and neck, tearing the l flerh in dozens of pine“. Mr. Lane regained consciousness half *nn hour later and crawled to his humc. his head, face and neck binding. and Ibis body badly bruised by the fail. Yokohama, June L - The American wail steamer Korea, {mm Chinese pom, ie quarantined at Kobe, owing to having a suspected use of the plague on board. The hick person in I cabin Fauna”, Mrs. Palmer. The steamer wii probamy be detained ten My; Third Animal“, secretary of State merbert H. D. Peirce, who has been in- lqecting the U. s. when in the tar an i. n manger on bond the Korea. that, is MOM WOMEN wanna. It Emigrants Must Look to Canaan far Homes. ATTACKED we mane ON MAR tttttie mix: TORONTO woman WANTED. a, passeng ' the future. The im. ing that Great Britain " 11 game. for big stakes. a weilttit politicuny. and rmplote agreement would autumn! lo both Run“ in. it would he at the rs. ttod State: in both there rs “Rounds.” mean- fear the “Roamis” a united effort to are of the Moham treaty 'itGriritration has _ . - A A, _. BY A HAWK. K siiicFGliiotuiey “title 19 of The ugh some woods have been the only one of the ed down on him, a. Mr. Lune was into . gully ten W ‘no ortant. in M" sr their The 1f the With bound lar A lull Mt IE

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