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Durham Review (1897), 16 Jun 1904, p. 1

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11th. 2e BIAS 07e $l 33:4:chmgxmmmmgmmmmfi VOL. XXVI. N0. 24 3-55::-::-::-::4:cxmaxxmgmmxxmmmmafl :swmmmmwwwwwmwW E: =?' cured Douala U. mouregor H -e. James Fax. Piper Farquhar Beaten. o o . I; Miss Mae Diekemsson. . Duncan Sisters, Ada Hudson Haw. ieMMjlllWlyl,PMlPMjlWy, ' Refreshments on the grounds free. J i It a m M Admission to grounds, 25 eta. iidReady=to=wear Clothing Trimmed with tucks, in- sertions. appli- ques, éte...... WK to$2.50 WANTEO-- m -Any The colored so ft front Shirt is distinctly a Summer Shirt. Our Lines of " STAR " and other makes of Shirts in soft Print and Madras for Summer Wear contain all the latest novelties in exclusiye patterns, weaves and styles. With embroidery or lace and insertion ............'. 25c,35c,50c oCil0WN" Whitewear is perfect in Make, Fit and Finisll. We have many new and Stylish Draperies, Coverings, &c. NEW CRF.TONNES and ART MUSLINS. NEW ART SATEENS ( to different patterns and shades.) NEW I)RAI’ERIF.°. and SILKOIJNES. Millinery Beautiful Fancy Muslins in several shades, only 12y: per yd Our GINGHAMS ZEPHYRS, and COTTON VOICES are all math-d just a little closer than most. Dainty Whitewear FOR ONE WEEK MORE We will offer those New Embroideries f, inches wide, worth from 20c to 25c. at..rttric per yd House Furnishing Department Remember Laces & Insertions, all over Laces, Ribbons}: Trimmings WHITE CORSET COVERS _ WHITE SHIRT WAISTS JAMES IRELANDE JAMES IRELAND When you buy Whitewear you want to know that it will fit properly and that it is u ell made 20io We are showing all the newest and daintiest patterns in One of the best offerings of the season is our line of Remember, frur Stock is New and Complete and it is only to introduce our perfect ftting Clothing that we offer this generous discount Men's Summer Shirts FOR 10 DA\YS ONLXC Highest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs. New Patterns worth from 7c to too, for We are always pleased to show our new goods whether-yon buy or not. The Value of T I l E CAS 1 I STORE. That's what we're goin g to give on our new Stock of quantity of BUTTER and EGGS. is a Big Discount ----LN OUR---- ""l.il' tiii',... "\ "_'_-q,lt!rl:'st'i"i't'i'ij,' Pct' f. Co" he Y: b , . ‘ ‘ 7:“?! Ar-""; .3 _,." 's': ' I "s . if I. ' . c, _ ' . , fin; ' . f 7 . ' a; . . 1‘ I _ " L.‘\ ir,',,)?). It 'aw, -. y a.“ . . . I _ - - _ - - s -. _ f Rates ' mrr%. _ I" Ct= -. M- Gat-its 's 7 td Our large Stock of New Frrm now on our Millinery Prices will be much reduced. Trimmed with tucks, ents broidery or lace and insertion... $l.25 to 6.50 With lawn floanee, tucked and retustitehed, ....... ...... .... 75c&85c WHITE UNDERSKIRTS Dress Goods and Suitings iiiirittt(ii,,_,, ..... .5c per yd FA, , , 1.11: H. Mm " g i No, IBuI-m E tore2 a Cut weddi m Farlul Fih OFF til' about [ mg f0 Fil half ' a is goo E The 416. t m Clrutt M 19th 1 the In Ry, JCS time: iotuth sump] E ‘ mum: P no in 'fri, Los 3 SP. II: a ' stubk : inudv M it. T E l, pleas Fly, Fry I THE E tic, " m ing s 2 (may RI ‘ prove l in go g 5 tion, , I. C m , ham, _ on St: Fill 1 Math hut “a :dnnct I Wt 'has h Icongr é: he h; McGi E been ' ( hundl _': plelec' Ill r cessh l M. D. ilii I done. 3 A Ft 1.2%" "sgigg? OWIW , (iiiiittiiioiii8?tpdll l the Station, and Will soon have the _ superstructure up. Mr Wm. Black has , put up a new verandah of an expensive , nature..' but substantial and beautiful. 1 tg! no doubt much more 18 being planned ‘. or. , Money to [man at 4h per cent. x MACKAY & DUNN Durham. i NoTrcE--A11 parties indebted to J. ( Burnet are requested to settle on cr he. _ tore 25th inst. l JUNE WEDDisas,-Let us know in 2 time and we will get. you out some mah- ionable wedding notices. Call and see samples-all in confidence. Full stocks ‘oanuul. specialties secured on short no ice. THY: REVIEW OFFICE. ' LUST CAttT.--Mr. It. MaeFarlane. i Sr. had a can. stored in the old British i stable during the winter, and some one 3 inadve, cently or otherwise has mmuved ‘ic. The party who removed this will [please see that it is returned at once. MISSIONARY LECTURE “MM Knkhy. A Missionary in furlough. from Foo Chow. China. will give an addtresv, and also exhibit, some curios from China, in Trinity Church. on Friday ovoning. tho 17rh inst. at 8 o'clock. The mmulwrs of the Womeu's Anglican Missionary Association most cordially invite the citizens of Durham and surrounding neighborhood to this meeting. believing and desiring to awaken and dwpen the interest of all those who desire the ”(tension ofthe Kingdom of God, Ctr pevially in 1'hina. Basmuu..- Durham iealumst ademl town in summer forrports except, la- crmse. and when a baseball game was advertised last Friday evening. a gnarl sized crowd of spectators were on hand. Hogan's Alley of the Knapp House, and Povelty How of the Middaugh House, hockey rivals of last, winter. were the .,'..1',l'/,'i'l'/',l,' sides and a fair amateur exnihition of the American Natlcnal game, was given. Only five innings a side were plaved until dark. but Hogan's Alley thought it was plenty. Theohald and Matheson. Poverty Row hatterg. proved too strong a combination and the game ended 23 runs to 2 in favor of the Middaugh House. Mr, Harry Johns gave satis- BUILDING PRoGnmgs.--The, new Hun- ter block is fast approaching completion and WP begin to have an idea what, a fine improvement It is to he to our chief cornera __ Plastering IS in pvf'ltte'm, and A PtoNmgR.--Mr. S. T. Rnwo. "' Pioneer of this section and lute of Pais- ey died on Sunday at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Chas Nickle. Graven- hurst. The body was taken to Paisley and laid beside hrs wife who died ulmul 10 yenrsago. Mrs Howe was " sister ofthe law Samuel Orchard. Ile was y years of age having lwpn burn the saline yPur as Queen Victoria. Four daughters survive him. Mrs. McIntyre. Toronto, Mrs, Nickle, (iru‘vnhurst. "J. & J." expect to move this month. John Kiunee has the excavation com- pleted for it new building next to the Stinson bakery. Mr S McCrm-keu is making a tine filled in front to his new residences on the Moody corner. The Hughes family have risen in the world ---ovet' two feet-and will build a. stone foundation under the walls of the ele- vated house. Extensive improvements are being made on the basement of the Presbyterian church which will put it more in keeping with the fine auditor. ium above. Mr. R, Williamson has the work in hand. Mr Wm. Lemme has the foundation ofa new house built. near Mrs, S Paisley, PRIC EWLLES BIG DAY. TUESDAY, June 21. Day & Night. Scots‘ Greys Camp have arranged . for a day of Caledonian Games and Concert at night. They have se- cured Donald C. McGregor James Paar. Piper Farquhar Beaten. Miss Mae Diekemson. Duncan Sisters, Ada Hudson Haw. Cut Glass is the proper thing for wedding presents, see 0111- tstock-Me-. Farlune & Co. action as umpu‘e. OFF TO CAMP.- Captain .Sniiler and about 17 young men left Tuesday morn- ing for Niagara. Camp This is hardly half a company. but what IS of them is good. The members of Court Durham. No. 410, C. o. FI. will have their Annual (Munch Parade on the morning of June 19th to the Presbyterian Chm-ch. All the brethven arevequested to heprosenc. hundred. Mr. Walter lt plated his fourth year an ceanullv, and is now a WELL DONE.. «M '. A, W. Iluntev has been receiving hwy well-deserved congratulations on w ln-illumt work he has done on his examiirttiotvs at McGill. He takeq honors in every sub- ject, and stands 7th in n class of over a I. 0. F.-The metriUvs o? Court thus. ham, No Ill, will attend Divine Service on Sunday morning, 20th Juno. at tho Methodist Chm-ch. Members will mwt at Hall at 10,30 o'cloek. A good attend- dance is solicited. BY ORDER. WM. JonssTos, an. FIXED. --- Before Pohve Magistrate Telford on Saturday Inst Impevtm Hur- riq charged John Mt-Uougull with hav- ing supplied quuur to F. Warner. cou~ Mary to stututv. The charge was found proved and a fine " 825 or thirty days in goal was imposed, pending futuw mu tion. DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1904. Seynmur d. Mr. Walter lurk has mun- his fourth year anit pnsu'd NIH-- v, and is now a. full fteiip:eii We end as we hogan. " "ys, well and M N, Put man of tilf: t 191113. I _/r-v"')',",,'..-,-,';?,,',-:.,, -.' 3. Rec. Svuy. ..'iet __ HVV“ ___r__ _.H___.__ ..- ""EJ' .-- The deceased was an amiable and B,hnt one being present and the met-Inn: intelligent. young lady, and for years I was very agreeable and pleasant. gutter h.ev.mqt.hery death took a devoted I, A celebration of I he Holy Communion Interest, "l the home "md was greatly l was held by the Rev. Rural Dean Ryan. "elyv.ed. by her aged father and brothers ‘3. ll., who was‘ assis.ed hy the. lector of yyi sistets. 1'0 the bereaved ones we I the parish. Rev. J. ll. Newell, as Epis- Join the "ornmuttity 1n offering tr' m'itoller. All who were resent received, , a P Palm)“ For 'h' hrlde of a few tiVtt l which is an unusual thing. wnose orange rossonm so soon werel Tl .. , . . ' . . . . '.. . te, Chapter waR called to order h Lee,",,"",,",',', for L) prays... who In one the Rural Dean at.2 p. m. for the bus?- nuath has been meaning congratula- mess session After veadmg Holv Scrip- hons and condolences there Is special 'ture and 'pvisvers' the Chapter was fueling. hut she may be assured that the lforn‘allv opened, only one clergyman ""yy"t't' tinge of. her ttu'ly.ttt"rt'ied days I being absent and he sent an apology. will not, mar life's beauties nor makelev J It “Jewell was elected Secretary harder life's dy.ties.. . To her and utefiil, minutes having been read. and husband we wish "l1joy. l..nn_,\.,..,4 "um. ........ Luann)“: Inn-c Fm a new maple- floor in School House of H. H. No ll, Glenelg. dimensions of school Il x 28 feet. Work must he done in holidays and Tenderer to remove and roplnce seats. Tenders received by the undmsigned up to June 30, 1904. WM. WEIR. Set-g. Model 'Farm and Agricultural College, will fhe held under lhe Auspices of the South Grey Farmers' Institute on At Once. Suitable for Brick Yat d Apply at theyatdorto -_-- --- Pet. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. TO GUELPH, l GRAND EXCURSION The Excursion will start by special trains from the following Grand Trunk Stations as per time table below. Tick- ets Ch" he had at the following rates for the round trip: '. The funeral took lace on Tuesday of I this week, and was ttfit/l attended by. rryutpathizittg neighbors and friends. luv. Mr. FarrquGrson, in the absence] of Kev. Mr. Newton. conducted appro-i- prince funeral services. The pall [leavers were her three 1wothert, Tfidiiihir. ', William and Nathaniel, two hrnthers-in- , law, Messrs Wixson and Langley, and} Mr. Ihmaldson, Toronto, 3. friend of the l family. i Durham 8.00 $1.15 Varney 8.05 1.15 Holstein 8.35 1.15 M t, Forest 8.50 1.05 Elmwood 7.20 1.2) Hanover 7.40 1.15 Neustadt 7.55 1.15 Afton 8.10 1.10 A sfeldt 8.17 1.10 Drew 8.25 1.05 Children from Durham, Varney. Hot- stem, Elmwood, Hanover and Neustadt, 00c. Mount Forest, Ayton, Alsfeldt and Drew, 55c. Arrive in Guelph at11.00 a. m.; Re- turn 'leaving Guelph at 5.30 p. m- kaets good to return on any train on the 2ith, LUNCH will be provided on the Farm, All are invited and should take this npport unity of Visiting the Farm, which is well worthy of inspection in all its different departments. Bring your \Vives and Daughters and give them a pleasant and profitable holiday. MI J. YOUNG. GEO. Bvssrs, Pres., Durham. Bee., Bunessan. Miss Lydia Swallow, eldest daughter of Mr, Thos, Swallow. Came home some time ago to her brother Tom's here, not in very good health. She was gaming hmvever. and on Tuesday last, left tor Ingersoll with her brother Nat. to at. tend the wedding of her sister Mable, the day following. Thursday she did not feel well, and on Friday morning the end mum. the excitement of the wedding no mum inducing heart tailule. a weakness of which organ had long rumbled her. The sad news was at once sent here and to her brother Will in Winnipeg, who wired to hold the funeral till he came. He made good tumneetionsatul leached here on Mon- day afternoon. mes Sports next Tuesday. MeGreeor,l _ -- LLL -"""__AT%.M. Fax, Miss Dickenson Piper Benton a; Word has just anived to d , ' - ay, Wed- Duncan Sisters in Grand Concert at M3333 that Grand Chief Fraser will night. Tickets already selling tut. The Durham Lacrosse boys met with defeat last Tuesday in Owen Bound; score 8--0, A different result was not expected as Durham had half a dozen juniors in the game While the Welling- tons had the same strong team which defeated Dundalk recently. A tine. clean exhibition of lacrosse was given. and at the return match here on the 28th. Durham. with a. strange: (emu. expects to put it. all over the Welling- tons. Two tit. Mary's players. Graham and Hutchins, figured on the Durham line-up. Not to many families does and} a. mixture of sentiment come in brief tune as befell the family and friends of Mr. Thus. Swallow last week. Wednesday there was the glad assembly to witness the nuptials of one member: Friday there was the mourning group round the death bed of another. Dundalk plays at Mnrkdale on the2tt.lt while Durham’s next scheduled game Mr at home with Owen Bound. F Southampton at home, defeated Han. over. It to 4 last week, PRICEVILLE‘S BIG I"Y,.er,PyereRAND CHIEF COMING THURSDAY, JUNE 23, I904. 500 CORDS WOOD WANTED. TEN D ERR 1VANTE D. JOY AND SORROW. LACROSSE. Leave a. m. ".5 Wu. BLACK. . tld,",,'.".',.'.',': i: The Rm i-decmnl Chapter of the uztltysallld i Church of England for South Grey held end 'o'r the I its annual meeting on Tuesday last, 7th iinst, in Christchurch. Markdale. There (was a good attendance of clergy, all iable and Hunt, one being present and the meeting fot,' year? I was wry agreeable and pleasant. Fare $1.15 1.15 1.15 it 1.15 1.15 LlO 1.10 BO resent " the Great DominiG 1iif Guam-sum in Durham on July l, airee posters are out with tall MUS of events and prizes. See list outtraetions below. The Chapter was called to order by the Rural Dean at. 2 p. m. tor the bus:- ness session. After reading Holy Scrip- ture and prayers the Chapter was formally opened, only one clergyman being absent. and he sent an apology. Rev. J. It. Newell was elected Set-rotary. The minutes having been read. and npproved, othet important business was was discussed. The resolutions passed included one relating to the myment of travelling expenses of all delegates to Synod meetings by increasing the a- mount of Synod assessments. This question is to he laid before the Synod at its next meeting by one of the other tueuthets. The Annual Convention of the S. S. Association will be held at Dundalk with the approval of the rector and congregation. Rev. Jeffrey Hill gave an interesting description of his newly furnu-d missinn. Upon the invitation of the Rural Dean the Chapter decided to hold it< next meeting at Durham, concurrently With the Annual meeting of the Wotniut's Auxiliary. Rural [Dean Ryan read an elnhumle paper on "Distinctive (Jhnrvln Twirl)- ima"which was warmly nruiwal. an effortis to be made to have this cout- position published fur general dis- trihutlon. Votes of thanks tothe Rural Dean. and for the gelwmus hospitality of the Markdale congregation: were passed. The Chapter meeting was closed with the Benedict ion. A well attended service was held in the evening when Rev. G. W. Franklin (mid the Prayers, Rev. W. Hinde read the Lessons and the rector of t he parish directed the Service. The sermon was preached by Rev. w. Hindu now of t3heihurne, a, former ream. from Zach. trh chapter l 6th verse. Many of his old friends were present to listen to the earnest words of their long-time (fviend. km. Durham will present more attrac- tiqa on the great holidav than will place within 50 miles. Genuine, a varied attractions seldom if ever ' here.are provided. All arrange- - br, 1,”. A,1 . _ . _ .;. FOR THE CONCERT [in Marietta La Dell, A Brilliant and Wtseinating Entertainer. Mn Caldwell, the Queen of Canadian Bone. Bert Harvey, the talented Musician and Comedian. " All kinds of fan, but only one kind,-ifined." Thettand, Scottish Dancing. RILEY BROS., ee., &c. Dr. Hutton, J no. H. Hunter, Chief. Chairman. C. Ramage, Secy. of Com. Ili 0 acres. near Dorniwh. Frame Budd ings, Orchard. Good Land. tr3100 fllll acres. near \Vilder’s Lake, two barns, alone Stables with cement. tioots, featttehouse. well watered. Cheap. For further particulursapplyto FOR SALE & for SERVICE Ttttr, for taint are completed sand are some of the attractions '. , Highlandlanders Band led by ape-Major Famuhar Beaton. Pl‘essor Riley. the Canadian High , . ire Performer, 40 feet in mid,air, “y Bros... in Comedy and Horizontal 9ir Acts. apparently impossible teats Bros., Triple Trapeze and Flying ngs Performers. absolutely bevond lription. Mast be seen. “901 Drills. Tag of War. _,' Prize Platform Dancing. Juping. Running. Throwing Iltun, Ear, Tossing Cuber, &c., &e., and l for large prizes. 2091)!” IA, The undersigned have for sale. 2 hulls rising 2 years old and 3 hull calves ris- ing 1 Fear old. Also a. pure-lured Tum- worth Boar for service. Terms, $1.00. A. & J. SEALEY. Lots 23 & 24. S. D. H, Glenelg. BRILLIANT TALENT SECURE LE YOUNG TAMWORTH TRE DEANERY or SOUTH GREY. i- DOMINION DAY FARMS FOR SALE. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO -------iq_------ MACKAY & Duxx. Durham, nll who my or hai/i. paid the}; subscription to the REVIEW up to and for 190t. Buhmce of the your free to new auhscnhers for me. NOW is the time to "anew or sub- scribe. Adam-sq "l' mien to THE REVIE r, DURHAM, Ont. only-------)-----)-------;, “Hummus. If you are to have a Wedding at your home or if you are invited to a Wed. ding, you will save money by buy. ing your presents at Kecler's Big Jewelery Store. We have just opened up the largest stock of new and up-to-date Silver. ware ever shown in Durham. Come in and see the goods. They are worth seeing-they are worth hav. ittg----they are worth buying, A guarantee with every piece of Sil- verware we sell. R. B. KEELER8 SON Leading Jewelers, Tenders will he received by the under signed up to June l6. for the privilege of running the booths on the Show Grounds, Durham. at the Caledonia: CrtmesCeleitration on July 1 next. A deposit will be required. Tenders mm tn- in sealed envelope-.murked ”Tender for Booth." CALEDONIAN GAtiiES--J0LY l, 1906, millinery . Prices are Always Reasonable M iss (Didi. JUNE WEDDINGS CHAS BASE MIP, Pun-n an l‘unumn. lltEttl'uq yr), Jewelery for the Dude The daintiest. the WEEK lb new Summer Millinery is the White Ilat made in lace chiffon. Straw and White Duck hats. We will be pleased tn have you call and see our new Outing [Ins in the white duck. Also the many new styles in the white Dress Hat. The Hats are just the thing--tro elurmingly stylish, so damtilv chic in appearance. that it will prove a most Welcome addition to the ranks of everyday Millinory. THREE NATTY BOWLS "ART BAKING POWDER" A cast iron Stomach, If You Have with the JN" of the JOto Season. is guaranted to be free from alum and all other injurious ingredients. To induce you to give this Powder a trial, we pre- Sent you with with each lb. can for 50c. It really doesn't matter what kind of Baking Powder you are using but J. Burnett, TENDERS WANTED, Upper Town. C, RAMAGE. Beer. of Com. Durqam. Hi

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