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Durham Review (1897), 16 Jun 1904, p. 5

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Cns lises 1CG 1 Shoes and in Also pairing )ly and NG EMAN Next D. ouse . t;l‘ld&’( "~o~sg ti» . 1904 tries to e comâ€" ELL tors BP de. ith h 6Â¥ 004 §3 W W 11€ ido ut $} #"OF BEST QUALITY. Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, &c. We can give you Bargain‘. ZE®* We ask inspection of our Teas..z/# NEW LIST OF LANDYDS C. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound The Hanover Conyeyancer, _ Hanove Transacting Business If you wish to buy or sell property, borâ€" row money, insure a property, have writings drawn orcollect debts call on me ‘ Always Prompt, Never Negligent." (:.\ PITAL, Authorized. ... . .. $2,000,00L CAPITAL, Paid up........... 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND ........... $850,000 AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, _ Quebec, Manitoba, United State« and England. W. F. COWAN, President. GEO. P. REID, Manager. All onr Spring Prints, Ginghams, and Muslins, are now in. Come & see them. 100 Acres In RBentinck near Durham, 90 cleared, 10 hardwood, good buildings, spring creek, orebard, &¢........................~~$8200 100 Acres n»ear Allan Park, 68 cleared, 20 hardâ€" WoOd and 12 SWAMP........................._ 2100 150 Acres near Lamlash, stone dwellings, 1 nulâ€"hufldinzs. fine farm, under .......... 43‘();‘0 105 Acres near Allan Park, excellent farm fair buildings, cheap. 1 Acre more or less, Garafraxa Street, Durham, nlcur Cement Works, fine lots, offered very cheap. $TANDARD BANK 0F CANMN TWEEDS & YARNS 2eR o eiey en i e o Drafts issued and collection +made all points, _ Deposits received and in est allowed at cxrrent rates SAVINGS BAN® _ .uterest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up wards â€" Prompt attention and every fl.g(-ililv afforded customers living at dista ce. Linen Table Cloths, 2 Heavy Twlll Shecting Besides above I havefa large list of other lands of all kinds. DURMAM AGENC All ( HE a SELLS as CHEAP S. SCOTT. H. H. MILLER, BIG 4 A general Banking business transac Spring Term begins April 4th, 1904 d}flmrq[/.u{ 2o ~ 7)/4//7/4/4@,///5/ Hair Vigor White Hair Table Oileloth, 45 in wide, Table Linen, _ M in wide, «* 65 in wide, The Hanover Conveyancer, offers : £1.00 a bottle. All ‘rn‘n.n_ Floor Oileloth, 1 yard wide only use Ayer‘s Hair Vigor, your gray hair will soon have all the deep, rich color of youth. Sold for 60 years. Roller Blinds, Ayer‘s "1 am now over .”nnold and 1 have & nnel.’.lmy head long bair which is a wonder ©very one who sees it. And not a gray bair = -u. .'l.l l_.o to Ayer‘s Hair Vigor." W . â€" H. 10 DC sure, you are growing old. But why let everybody see it, in your gray hair? Keep your hair dark and rich and postpone age. If you will It is impossible to go threugh life without some business transactions To simplify such matters and make them profitable, you should have a Business Education such as is givâ€" en at the To be sure, urtains have ards long * do do do do Head Office, Torono. Best pure Honey. 10c a lb §0< e0 H,. H. MILLER , JUNE 16. #ues s Gl C 2CAE PCE Mxzs. H. R. BUxTis ”““' " i e Y ! _A Mr Fineland of Toronto has been J KELLY, Ageunt. ‘here for some time preaching for the 27 in. wide at e per pair. 27 in do i0¢ per pair. 36 in do 70¢ per pair. 37 in do __ Te per pair. » in do â€" $1.00 per pair. tapice edges, except "5¢ plultt........ ...cc«c««« K ChCh with fringe ......... 45¢ each 2 yvards wide for ird wide at 2¢ per yd irds wide at 50c per ya in wlde, at 2%¢ per yd in wide, at Ze per ya in wide, at 50¢ per yd . yards long at $1.40 each 72 in wide, at ¥¢ per yard CALDERS BLOGK, DURKHAM, J. C. AYER co., Lowe!!, Mass. intet line ted on * Hygienic yalue of laughterand song" touched a topic by no means hackneyed, and many good things were said and advice giyen which if heeded would lesson doctor‘s bills and make lifemore worth living. . Mr. Wim. Ramage, as often before assisted in the masical part with some of his popular patriotic songs, and the two ladies, with a deâ€" lighiful biending of the Tpractical and aesthetrc, also took part, Miss Rife sang sweetly, Miss Grtay accompany‘ng. This is no part of their work but seeing the program lacking something they gave their talent willingly and much toâ€" the pleasure of the audieuce. Come again ladies but not on Saturday. Mayor A. 8. Hunter was in the chair and filled it so well, that there will be a demand for his seryvices in that capacity. A The Women‘s Institute meeting last Saturday was largely attended, about 70 being present. _ Mrs McGirr. Pres. and Miss Kate Dixon, Secy.. making very attentive and efficient officers, The two gov‘t, delegates, Miss Grav, Toronto, and Miss Rite, Hespeler, made very bright and instructive addresses, Miss Kife on * Nursing the sick in the home " and the * MacDonald Iostitute at Guelph." Miss Gray gave some food demonstrations on cooking in savory meat, tomato sauce, lettuce salad with good hints interspersed. Miss Dixon accompanied them to Elmwood Monday Atter the lecture adjournment was made to the Hahn House yards, where practical examination of horses were made,. _A valuable exercise indeed and the society should provide a platform another year so that the big. crowd vould see the points made, Evening Meeting. What‘s the matter? Such small attendance, Saturday night and balmy weather and not sufficient stress on the advyertising of it. Certainly the Speak ers were not inferior to former ones, Mr, Kidd gave an address and showed that he was at home with a general audience as well as with one of farmers, Misses Gray and Rife, representative speakers at the Women‘s Institate in the afternoon, were both on the platâ€" form and on the program,. and the charm of their presence and the culture of their papers were worthy of as large an audience as ever filled the Hall. Miss Gray spoke on * How to tuake home attactive," and judging y the concluding words our reporter heard was an excellent address. Miss Rife on The Annual meeting was held at the home of Mrs Chas Gray, Sr., on Thursâ€" day, June 2nd. _ Despite the yvery unâ€" favorable weather there was a fair turnâ€" out of ladies, some coming a distance of six or seven miles. Mrs Thos McGirr, Pres., gave an opening address which we nre sending for publication. _ [This will appear in due course. â€"Ed.] There will be meetings held at the following places :â€"â€"1st Thursday in Jaly following places :~â€"lst inursday in July at Mrs David Hamilton‘s; 1st 'i:hursdn_v in ‘August at Mrs Jas McGillivray‘s ; 1st Thursday in September at Mrs David MceCrie‘s. It was a most profitable address for farmer horsemen. We were kindly supplied with full notes of part of the lecture and may find room for them in a fature issue. He thew himself open for questions. and Peter Mutch, Win Allan and others plied him with a few to make it interâ€" esting. * The following is a list of the officers for the ensuing year:â€"President. Mrs Thos McGirr, Durham ; Ist Vice Pres., Mrs Chas Gray, Durham ; 2nd Vice Pres,., Miss Jean Brown, Durham ; Secy Treas,, Miss Kate L Dixon, Dromore. Auditors,. C. Ramage and A Davidson. Excursion. The Annual excursion takes place next week, Thursday, Zrd inst to Gueiph College, at same fare as last year. _ Tickets good for two days, Addresses. Mr Kidd, of Simcoe, the official reâ€" presentative, spoke on Horse breeding, n a fiuent manner and gave much satisfaction from the Incidity that characterized his presentation. _ He disâ€" cussed the various types of horse, the necessity of proper adaptation of mares to horse in breeding. the rasing of colts and their treatment, with special inâ€" structions for foaling time, &¢., &c. Directors for Darham :â€"Mirs David McCrie, Durham:; Mrs W J Derby, Vickers: Mrs David Hamilton, Duarâ€" ham ; Mrs Andy Scott, Durham,. _ Direcâ€" tors for Dromore:â€"Mrs Jne, M. Findâ€" lay, Vromore; Mrs Wim. Hanter, Droâ€" more. â€" Directors for Holstein ;â€"Mrs W, H. Rogers, Molstein; Mrs Roberts, Hoilstein: Mrs Jno. Little, Holsteim; Miss Tena Orchard. Holstein. _ Directors for Elmwood:â€"Mrs James Watt, Louise; Mrs J. 8. Wilson, Louise; Mrs G. Bohâ€" lander® Elmwood,. Auditors:â€"Miss Maggie ham ; Mrs Thos. MceComb, Pres.â€"Win, Young, Vice Pres.â€"W m Irvine, Secy.â€"Treas.â€"Geo. Binnie. Directors, Bentinckâ€"Lixon, Picken. Durhamâ€"R. Mcb arilane, G,. Hepbu Egremontâ€"D. Hamilton, W, Rama Glenelgâ€"Wim, Smith, 1. Edge. NKNormanbyâ€"R,. Morvice, T Gadd. Hanoyerâ€"H. H. Miller, V. Kirchner, Next regular meetings will be held in Durham and Hanover ; Supplementary meetings in Ayton, Eimwood, Dromore and Holstein. PW MBE & ~Oiuitnalite A. # S 4 1 C ht ndrniettsine d s 131 the Directors‘ Report was read by Secy. Binme. Six mâ€"etings were held during the year and 24 addresses given on subâ€" jects relating to farming. _ The present membership is 285, The Treasurer‘s Report was also read : Total Receipts were $774.08. _ Total Expense, Lecturers, prizes, printing, Show, &c.. $499.66, leaving a balance on hand of $274.42. The Annual Meeting of this body was held here on Saturday last, _ Pres. W m, \;nn'nx gave a good openiug address and Mrs J W Scotts is still dangerously i!l, WwWOMEN‘S INSTITUTE. FARMERS‘ INSTITUTE. ErEction or OrricErRs. Women‘s Meeting HOPEVILLE. + + + 4 â€"a > Aldred, Durâ€" Bunessan. Dixox, Secy, W, Ramage, G,. Hepburn, Importod May 1903, by Johh Doukin, Riverview, Ont., present owner, JOHN STAPLES, Durham. DESCRIPTION : Clydesdale Champion is a beautiful black ; white stripe on face, one white hiffd foot, rising 5 years old, stands 16.3 hands high. In good condition weighs about 2000 lbs. HMe walks and goes as a draft horse should. _ Has good feet and legs, plenâ€" ty of feather, measures about 12 inches below the knee. â€" Bred by Mr Burton, Cumberland, Eng. PEDIGREE: SIRE, Solberge 4729, by Tam O‘ Shanter 851, by Rantin Robin, 685, by Bargamic 44, by Johnnie Cope 417, by Muireock 550. Parties having dogs wlll find their names posted in the Clerk‘s office. | It is absolutely required that owners of dogs must secure a Lag during the month of June to comply with the law in that respect. Failing to do this costs will be incurred. â€"Apply to June 1, 1904. At "River Farm,." Durham. _ *Stock Baull" (bred in Scotland) included in sale Catalogues on application. CLYDESDALE CHAMPION li.\M, Blossom, by Duke of Edinburgh 216, by Lochend Champion 448. Fuller Pedigree on application. REGISTEREDSHORTHORN CATTUTLE â€"â€"Onzâ€"â€" Wednesday, June 22, 1904 Hopeville church and has been holding night meetings and services, three times last Sunday. â€" There was a band of five preachers here all the time for over a week preaching and going from Loase to house trving to get the people out to the meeting. There was a large crowd on Sunvday especially at night, _ The roads were good and the crowd consisted largely of the young man coming in a buggy with his girl. _ Amongst the preachers was a former Chivese missionary and Mr Geo MeLeach,. ‘They raised by collection $:17 on Sunday. §117 on Sunday. Mr Joseph MeArdie in his loneliness hbad a welcome visit from his son and daughtezâ€"inâ€"law, Mr D C MceArdle and wife. â€" It was part of their wedding trp he having been marmied on tne 8th of June in the Anghcan Church in West Toronto. The wedding was quiet on rccount of the death of Mrs MceArdle of this place. _ We hear that 1 W of Markâ€" dale was at it, They will liye in Toronto. The Esplin congregation had seryices in the church on Saturday, June 11th and Sunday, 12th. the Rev Mr Little of Holstein officiating. The church keeps steadily growing, ton new members joinâ€" ing on Saturday. MacFarlane & GOo. 66 S TRICTLY PURE PARIS GREEN Buckwheat, Hungarian and Millet Field Corn Flax Seed. TURNIP SE ED Druggists & Seedsmeu. JOHN STAPLES, Prop. vOG TAG NOTICE. _ _ _ = _ CREDIT AUCTION SALE Often the Cheapest, Always the Best," Slugshot, Hellebore, Whale Oil _ Soap, Dalimnation Insect Powder and other insecticides. in bulk. We keep all the leadâ€" ing varieties of Sweâ€" des and yellow fleshâ€" ed Turnip Seed in sealed packages or H. PARKER, Durbam. War. B. VorurE®T. THH uuUuKHAM REVIEW Clerk. Druggist and Seedsman, Aberdeen Green Top or Yellow Bullock Aberdeen Purple Top. Improved Grey Stone. Improved Leamings, Mammoth Southâ€" wViiAtYi« iAi,i il1l DAGS, ern Sweet, Pride of the North, Comptom‘s Early, Abundance, Selâ€"| Linseed, Ground Oil Cake, Bibby‘s 5 2 0 Acres choice, unimproved land, ‘24 miles from the growing town of Rocanville. in which there has been five elevators erected in the past 2 yrs., and 18 miles from Moosomin. _ Price $11 per acre. This land is located in a district where crop returns are sure. Full particulars from Yellow and White Fleshed. RAPEâ€"Dwarf Essex Sowing KANGAROOâ€"A new Bronze Top variety, very hardy, rich in quality, grows to a good size and keeps well. * * CARTER‘S ELEP HANTâ€"One of the best grown, an immense cropper of good quality and grows to a large size. _ . I,ONDON PURPLE TOPâ€"An excellent Swede, hardy, good size and one of the best keepers. CARTER‘S IMPERIAL HARDY. HARTLEY‘S BRONZE TOP. HALE‘S WESTBURY. Durham Bull Calvesâ€"grandsons o. Prince Cruickshank (imp), ard Yorkâ€" shire Pigs from imported stock. THos. Scar® & Soxs, Rocky Saugeen. NORTH WEST WHEAT LANDS FOR SALE. FoR Sars.â€"1 yr old Bali rising 2 vrs, 2 Bull Calyes, oerkshire Boar and Sow Pigs. all registered Pedigreed. For ServicE®.â€"1 Berkshire and 1 York Boar also Durham Bull. Terms. $1.00. Apply to Jxo ECKHARDT Runessan, Lots 32x 33, Con, 2 8. D. R., containâ€" ing 100 acres more or less. _ About 90 acres cleared and in good state of culâ€" tivation for allkinds of crops. Rewainâ€" ing 10 acres hbard woed bush. Four miles from Priceville, {mile from school. On farm are two good wells, Brick House 30 x 22, with kitchen 17 x 23, cel lar and all conveniences, Good hbank barn 50 x 65, splendid stabling. Title good. Easy terms of payment to suit purchaser. Apply if by post to Price= ville P. O, or on the premises to FOR SALE & for SERVICE W yrilindt n\ knÂ¥ mgfi Y"N., G & J McKechnie PUREâ€"BRED _ STOCK FOR SALE. zers, N. Dakota, Longfellow. SEED CORN N. G. &J. McKechnie} FARM FPOR SALE. sa» VV _MP. 1J L. TURBRNIP SHED / W HG;JI)F! H. PARKER, Not more than two mats can be sold to any one customer, We have just received the third shipment of Figs in two weeks. 32 mats each lot and are still selline thom at Wx. McLrop, 8Sr., Prop. i (The popular Cash Store.) 530 CTS. A MAT. FJGS | Garden CORN, PEAS and BEANS LAND PLASTER in bags, WINDSOR SALT, : COARSE SALT in bags. Paris Green. Insect Powder, Hellebore Blue Vitrol, Potato Bug Killer, &¢ PURE _BRED DURHAMS FOR SALE. Durham‘s NEwWw BAKER The experience of z0 years leads me with confidence to solicit support. _ Satisfaction guaranteed. ITINSECTIDES Calves Food, &c. he Public of Durham and T neighborhood are respectâ€" fully informed that the underâ€" signed has bonght out the Wright Bakery, known as the ‘*Durham Bakery,"" and inâ€" tends by strict application to business, and good material, to warrant a share of the paâ€" tronage. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO . Watson Durham Officeâ€"â€"LOWER 10WN. DURHAM. Will be at the M first Wednesday of 4 p. m. J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C Om«- and Residence Cor. Garafraxa and Ge Et., at foot of Hill. _ Old Moodie Corner ()FFICE FIRST the Thiy snuam * the Du Block. Res: Miss Margaret Gun, Teacher,) M.M,M. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms, Calder Block over the Post Office. Adopted by all leading;Schools in Toronto. This*deservedly popular system by means of Chart Drilis, Blu;kboa.rg Dmum and other interâ€" esting devices brings the f wing topies within the%lld's immediate comprehension. Musical Notation Rhythmic Motion Piano Work Keyâ€"board Location Musical History â€" Technique For terms applyto K@"Will be at Knapp House Durham, the 2nd Baturday in each month. !(oun, 1â€"6 p .m."#& L. R.C. P., London, England Graduate of London,;New York and Chicago. :__ Jompany and private Funds to Loan on Mortgages at lowest rates of interest. Valuation made by a competent and careful Valuator. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, and Thro._t. APbemptis. is +CPb camua i k is ci i s d &e, correctly prepurezi. Estates of deceased perâ€" sous louked after and Executor‘s and Adminis= trators‘ Accounts prepared and ‘)nsed Burrogate Court Business, Probate of Wills. Letters of Adâ€" minstration and Guardianship Obtained, gearâ€" chas u:ade in Registry Office and Titles reported na Purham, Nov. 16, ‘0. JOHN CLARK _â€"» Collections and Agency promptly attended to Wills, Deeds, Mort mges, Leases, Agreements ac.ctl)rto"ctly propurefi. Estates of deceased perâ€" wnÂ¥e bnstlas alsd Lc mem LC CLITZ W aS a> «Ate assistant to the Royal London Ophthalmic â€"ospital, l-:nlglnnd. and the Golden Square Nose nd Throat Hospital, t®». SPECIALIST EyE, EAR, THROAT & NOSE, AMHBADDLDDDGDmmmm....... EXCLUSIVELY, «ty Oflice, 13 Frost St, Owen Sound. Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the noP WinAuangs . 4 dR UETT Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &c. Money to Loan. nfflce, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store, D. McPHAIL _â€" Notary Public, Commissioner, Convey ancer, Valuator, Insurance Agent, &c Private Money to Loan. Collecâ€" tions of all kinds promptly atten ded to, Farms boughi and sold 9â€"11 a. m. wAte assistant Licensed Auctioneer for the Co, of Grey, Sales promptly attended to. _ Rates reasonable, Orders may be left at his Implement Wareâ€" rooms, McKinnon‘s old stand, or at the Review Office. Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Grey, Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales as to dates, &c., mnst be made at the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham. #s* Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to D. MePHAIL, Ceylon 2. 0. or to C. RAMAGE, Durham Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D. S. «C, PICKERING D.DS., L. D.S MBE ILIDTCATL. ARTHUR GUN, BARRISTER, soiciror,= wOoaTRY PUBLIC CoOmrEYANCER, ac Member College Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, OFFICE HOURS 1 a. m, 2â€"4 p. m, 7â€"Q p. m, Telephone Connection No. 10 ffice, McKenzie‘s Old Stand, Durham Aiictiomeesyrs. Myer‘s Music Method. DR. GEO. S. BURT. L asamt t Aut L. A a MACKAY & DUNN, ud s Adlly, . LEFROY McCAUL. Special attention given to Disemses of Women and Children, Prysiciax & Sl'l(;lok. e over McLachian‘s Store 8 to 10 a.x. HOURS : 4 2 to 4 P.a UE FIRST DOOR EAST of Du nam Pharmacy Calder‘; Residence first door west of the old Post Office, Durham., A. H. JACKSON, Vn ) ho dla tss J. P. TELFORD DR. BROWN, vion Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey, has a telephone oftice NO OILORTS 22000000, THC month from 10 a. m. till Moderate

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