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Durham Review (1897), 24 Jun 1904, p. 1

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ash. gsell ere JUNI I18th. 36¢ io. Xhareharnhh h ‘ PPPPOP s vivk hÂ¥ o n %HEEEEEEEWEEE!EEEEEEEEEEEE [aFelaCelaColeColoPoleColeCeleCala®elo®alo®ele2eleele2e} <aCele@eleCe|aZeleZeloZele=ele nele@e!0®e|o@elecelecel 2 Dainty Whitewear VOL. XXVIL. NO. 24 Trimmed with tucks, inâ€" sertions, appliâ€" Lhes, cre..".. T010 $2.50 WANTEDâ€"â€"â€"Any With embroidery or lace undt InsertiOn ... +2% s The colored soft front Shirt is distinctly a Summer Shirt. Our Lines of " STAR ‘" and other makes of Shirts in soft Print and Madras for Summer Wear contain all the latest novelties in exclusive patterns, weaves and styles. «CROWN‘ Whitewear is perfect in Make, Fit and Finish. Millinery WHITE CORSET COVERS Dominion Day will show the GreAtest Galaxy of Attractions ever witnessed in WHITE SHIRT WAISTS JAMES IRELAND JAMES IRELAND When you buy Whitewear you want to know that it will fit properly and that it is well made Men‘s Summer Shirts The Value of quantity of BUTTER and EGGS. From now on our Millinery Prices will be much reduced. $ Trimmed with tucks, emâ€" broidery or lace «nd insertion... $|.25 to 6.50 With lawn flounce, tucked and hbemstitched, Pu WHITE UNDERSKIRTS 64 is e w > @eorice thd on Sunday morning a crack was heard |accompanied by a visible tremor of the {floor. A mild alarm took place which ‘might have been worse had the real ‘cause been koown, The improvement going on in the basement during the | week had necessitated the removyal of \a partition which was under the big | central beam. Some support had been | put in its place temporarily, but this, as it proved, was not sufficient for the weight of the worshippers as the beam ‘settled about 3 inches cracking the support. _ Scantlings were secured and l everything made safe, while some gruesome imaginings of what "might have been," were indulged in. on humanity without the grace to use them would be as useless as the money given to sturdy beggars that walk the highway.© But this awakening of the soul, this power from within, is only realized when men learn to cast their burdens on the Lord ; when God opened the windows of heaven it was not to shower down gold or bread but the gift of his love, and in all the ages man‘s greatest need is the love of God, Speakâ€" ing to the Foresters he recognised their earnest desire to bear one another‘s burdens, they were linked together for the very purpose, they taught the need of each bearing his own burden and their presence in church was eviâ€" dence of the felt need of divine helip. He pointed out however that for them along with all similar associations there were dangers that need to be guarded against, they needed to guard the standing of the order itself by seeing that each generation of memâ€" bers paid in as much as they took out otherwise instead of strengthing they would weaken their organization and leave added burdens for others to bear. They needed to guard that the brotherâ€" hood in the order did not narrow their iaterests to those inside. The man who would not hear the call of "a brother in distress" unless it was prepared by the proper password was as worthless as the Y”riest and Levite who passed by on the other side. They needed to keep in mind that the main power to help was not gold and silver but the touch of the \human heart awakened by grace diyine Burorxâ€"BEarina.â€"This was the toâ€" pic of Revy, Mr. Farqubarson‘s Sunday morning sermon to the brethren of the C. 0. F. here, who marched to church over 60 strong _ He spoke from the three texts " Bear ye one another‘s burden," **Every man shall bear his own burden," and *Cast thy burden upon the Lord," He showed that in order to lift the burdens that weigh down humanity it was necessary that everyone respond to the call for mutual help. ‘The man who failed to hear the ery of a brother in distress had not beâ€" gua to live, yet in order to bring real help it was necessary that each should be aroused to the full sense of the reâ€" sponsibility of bearing his own burden, "The gods help them that help themâ€" selves" and mere money gifts showered IxproveEp» Mat SERvICE. â€"As a reâ€" sult of the petition cireulated in town seme time ago the postal authorities have been kind enough to grant the boon asked for, viz.. an afternoon mail out on 3 p, m. train, reaching Toronto that night and a mail on night train carrying evening city papers, _ This Tuesday morning, we received our first Star, which asually lay in Ceylon all night and came oyer by stage next dav, The arrangement now is a common sense one, and we are duly thankful. Suxpay MorxING ALarRM. â€" While the members of Court Durhain. C, O. F. were filing into the Presbyterian Church Tinp Top Soap chips, Mrs Dooley‘s, Sunlight, Lifebouy & Comfort soapsâ€"at Grant‘s. Regular meeting of Ben Nevis Camp. Friday, 24th inst. Full attendance requested. NoTIcEâ€"All parties indebted to J. Burnet are requested to settle on cr beâ€" tore 25th inst. JuxE Wrepnoinas.â€"Let us know in time and we will get you out some fashâ€" ionable wedding notices. Call and see samplesâ€"all in confidence. â€" Full stocks onthand. Specialties secured on short no ice. THx REview OrFICE. I. 0. F.â€"The members of Court Durâ€" ham, No 111, will attend Divine Service on Sunday morning, 26th June, at the Methodist Church, Members will meet at Hall at 10,30 o‘clock. _A good attendâ€" dance is solicited. Bx OrprER. War. Jouxstox, Jr.. ReseEryv®Ep SEaTs.â€"The Concert comâ€" mittee of July 1, have decided owing to requests from several quarters to reserve a few of the seats at the rink. _ Great interest is being taken in this La Dellâ€" Harveyâ€"Caldwell concert, aided as it will be, by the Kilties Band,. brilliant dancing and wonderfal trapeze work,. Tickets ayailable at MacFarlane‘s Drug Store on Monday next, The rink has been put in fine shape, sawduast floor, gnuforlable seats, footlight platform, c. We have wool Blankets, Yarns and Sheetings for to trade for wool. _ C. L. Grant. s House or Rervor OPRXNING.â€"Friâ€" day of this week a session of the County Council wili be held in Markdaie, the occasion being the formal opening of the new County building. Notables of the County, including the members of Parliament for both houses, will be present to deliyer addresses. _ Same day one of the Junior League matches takes place between Dundalk and Markâ€" dale, so that the double attraction will make a big day. DURHAM, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1904. French Gelatine. 75¢ a Ib, at Parker‘s. Money to Loan at 44 per cent. MacKaAyxÂ¥ & Douxx Durham. W Rec. Secy. Deceased was the second daughter of Dayid MecAuiiffe of Normanby, and until last year was, with husband and family a resident of Normanby, They moved to the 5th concession, Glenelg, for school advantages, only last fall, and now the bereayed husband with four small children are left without the support of wife and mother,. She is the firsi break in a family of 10 the sisters being Mrs. McGrath,. Mrs, John Burns, Mrs. Frend, Toronto, and Miss Etta at home. The sons are John, Dan, David Michael and Edward. The funeral takes place on Tuesday to St. John‘s R. C. Cemetery, Glenelg, many friends paying the last tribute ot respect, The Review joins with the community in tendering sympathy. Wednesday of last week, Mrs, Michâ€" ael Burke, Glenelg, was in her usual health : Sunday morning at 8 a. m. she was numbered with the dead. . The cause lay in a complication of the bowels caused, it is surmised by springing from a waggon, â€" Medical aid was summoned on Thursday and it was decided to reâ€" move ber to the Central Hotel here, Mrs. McGrath being her eldest sister, On Friday an operation was performed and it was fornd rupture had taken place as well as "relescopmg." _ She seemed to revive, but after lingering through Saturday died as above, _ The funeral at 8.30 a, m., was largely attended by ‘townsmen and by neighâ€" bors from GGlenelg and from deceased‘s early bome in Normanby. _ The pall bearers were her five brothers and brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Mr McGrath, _ Mr and Mrs Frend, Toronto, were present. The Annual Meeting of the Presbyâ€" terial Young People and Sabbath School Union will be held in the Durham Presbyterian Church on the afternoon and evening of July 5th, â€" An interesting prograinme is in preparation, an attracâ€" tive part of which wiil be an address by the Rey. Mr. Glassford, of Guelph, who has just returned from attendiug the Convention of Chriscian Workers at Jerusalem, Whether or not this gatherâ€" ing at Jerusalem is worthy to be named the Second Council of Jerusalem may be open to question, but there will be no question that Mr Glassford‘s address will be both interesting and inspiring. The public is cordially invited to both afternoon and evening sessions of the Union. If you are in Durham July 1 | YOU WILL (as nowhere else ) | Hear Best Band Music, $ See Strong men pull, | Witness Nerveâ€"thrilling High Wire: Feats : Wonder at the Flying Rings Act, > Laugh at Innocent Comicalities, { Enjoy Firstâ€"class Dancing, | Drink the best Lemonade. | Meet with all your friends, ; Become excited over the races, | See the Fire Brigade in strenuous action | Enjoy ftul! list of Caledonian Games, | Have your Patriotism aroused, I Be glad that you came, | GET THE WORTH OF YOUR MONEY | THE IMPERIAL LIFE PAYS PROMPTLY. I beg to thank the Imperial Life Assurance Co for the prompt settlement of claim under policy held in the Co by my late son. _ There were no delays in the payment of the claim, a cheque for the amount of the policy, $1000, being handed to me by the Co‘s agent, W. D. Mills, of Durham. ____ _ i ~6 First Rixk ConcERrtâ€"JULy 1.â€"A fine new platform has been placed in the rink, and other features added to adapt it for the High class concert to be held on above date. The floor, nicely covered with sawdust, the committee guarantees wont give way. _ Admission 25 cts. _A few Reserved seats, 35 cts,. At Macâ€" Farlane‘s. $e hnz Mrs. Nopus Wirsox. Boothville, June 14, 1904 Or Courss THrey‘rEk Comt®xa!â€"An absurd rumor has got abroad that the 48th Highlanders Pipe Band is not coming here on the Ist. Wesaw Pipe Major Beaton at Priceville aud ke guarantees us the rumor is without foundation,. The band will be here and the other attractions as well, ** No one has clumed the man Fisher dismissed was competent, or that the man he appointedâ€"a Conservativeâ€"was incompetent," _ These facts, brief, but seeming to be true, contains Lord Dundonald‘s condemnation, â€" Fee our inside pages. Fly Oil for flies and Stock, 40¢ a gallon at Parker‘s. Your LasBrt.â€"This week all changes and corrections have been made. Is yours upâ€"toâ€"date ? Our inside pages contain full accounts of recent Japinese victories and of the awfnl New York disaster. Durham vs, Owen Sound, Lacrosse match next Tuesday 3.30 p. m. . _ Hammocks, Croquet and other sportâ€" ing goods, at MacFarlane‘s Drug Store. GaArRDEX Party â€"One of the popular Baptist Garden Parties will be held on Mrg, Warner‘s grounds on Thursday evening, July Tth. GLASSFORD COMING. P w dn AiIB . seA itc d is ds i uid us !omi?journeyiug to the East over the C, (P. R., this time I shall give you a few {notes from the city of St. John itself. | You will carefully note that the proper \ name of the city is 8t. John and not St. From the city of the dead, we drove through a deep ravine in between two of the hills to tind ourselves in a park set arurt as the scene of recreation for the living. Here were the boys and girls, the young and the old all amusing themselves after their liking, _ Mere among the hills there is the harbor and city in full view, a scene which is a panâ€" orama of delight, yet all the while there is the consciousness that it is only a few steps down the dark ravine round the hills to the hidden land. the land of silence, _ Such is life with its joys and its sorrows so near each other. & After yviewing the city of the dead and the pleasure parks for the living, we drove away to the opposite side of the city, crossed the St John river by the suspension bridge and viewed the changâ€" ing faithless stream, _ As we looked, it was the very picture of calm. . The inâ€" flowing tide had filled up all the lower levels and out in front we saw a broad river over which the Indian could paddle his canoe or the winged ship sail with perfect safety. _ At another time I saw it and the tide had gone out and there was the rushing ang roar of the cataract on which no boat could live. On round Jghn‘s as it is so often incorrectly named in the West. The city has a hisgory, for it is just three hundred years since Champlain sailed up the Bay of Fundy and discovered the harbor of St John. Although a considerable time elapsed hefor(;thle city was founded, the discoyâ€" we drove past many beautiful residenâ€" ces, away past the Martello tower, & round stone fort with loop holes for riiemen. _ Thys structure in 1812 whas seriously looked upon as a defence for the city and harbor, but like mandyu hulwarz behind which men have hidden e r m WEA YE 2OE ERDTACOECTE UHC UUBCUTYV* err of the ha:y by Champlain is to be celebrated this month as the tet centenâ€" ary ( of thc; city‘s birthday, and already on es CC v--;'u CECE ERECECOF& €V20 e2CC0 cards and curios are on the market souvenirs of the event. The one thing the people of St John ever look on with pride is their fine harbor open to ships of all sizes in winâ€" ter and in summer, _ The mail vessels do not call in summer, but when the St Lawrence route closes, 8t John swells into new importance, and the ambi. Continued on page four. St John is certainly beautifully situatâ€" ed and the many heights nmunx it give opportunity of seeing it to full advanâ€" tage, Like Durham, 8t John is built on a stratum of limestone rock, the edges of which project so far that cellars have to be blasted out of the solid rock, and many of the streets bear evidence of haying been cut through projecting crags, _ Like Durham, too, 8t john is sadly lacking in lawns in front of dwellâ€" ings, though many residences in the outskirts have really fine surroundings. One is struck with the extent to which lumber is used as building material. Though brick and stone are both to be found it is safe to say that one balf of the city is of wood. Noris this confined to the poorer sections for many of the most handsome residences, as well as some of the finest churches are boarded. No doubt this was still more the case before the fire which about twenty {eurs ago swept away neartly all the business part of the city, which is now rebuilt with solid brick structures. Saturday afternoon was a holiday in the Assembly and througt the kindness of Mr Struan Robertson, whose guest I was ten years ago, I had the pleasure of a buckboard ride round the city. To many of my readers the name *buckâ€" board‘ presents the picture of a one horse skeleton buggy, where two passenâ€" gers hang on with more or less discomâ€" fort,. _ The conveyance which carried us was indeed a skeleton rig but was drawn by two horses and gave comfortâ€" able seating for our party of ten beside the driyer, Up and down the principal streets we were driven, then away along the shore in what I would call an easterâ€" ly direction. _ As to the exact points of the compass however, I would not like to be too positive, as eyerything here â€"~tas to be the wrong way, â€" Driving themselves, it is now looked at only as a monument of antiquity. $t. John and the General Assembly. ]h_ my last, By Rev. Mr. Farquharson. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO gave a brief sketch of The town wili be crowded. all who pay or have paid their subscription to the REvrEW up to and for 1904, Balance of the year free to new subscribers for 50c, NOW is the time to renew or subâ€" scribe, Address al arders to THE REVIEW, DUKHAM, Ont. Onlyâ€"â€"â€"8$1,00â€"â€"Aâ€"â€"Year 20600 1000 1000 1000 1000200000008 If you are to have a Wedding at your home or if you are invited to a Wedâ€" ding, you will save money by buyâ€" ing your presents at Keeler‘s Big Jewelery Store. We have just opened up the largest stock of new and upâ€"toâ€"date Silverâ€" ware ever shown in Durham. Come in and see the goods. ‘They are worth seeingâ€"â€"they are worth havâ€" ingâ€"â€"they are worth buying. A guarantee with every piece of Silâ€" verware we sell. 6 § If You Have Leading Jewelers, Parties having dogs will find their names posted in the Clerk‘s office. It is absolutely required that owners of dogs must secure a tag during the month of June to comply with the law in that respect. Failing to do this costs will be incurred, Acply to Var, B. VouL£t, Cleck FREE all who pay or subscription to 1 and for 1904. B . B. KEELER & SON Prices are Always Reasonable /ffiss Dick. JUNE WEDDINGS Everything new in Jewelery for the Bride CHAS RAMAGF, Paearxter® axo Pususase. The Hats are just the thingâ€"so charmingly stylish, so daintily chic in appearanse, that it will prove a most welcome addition to the ranks of everyday Millinery. We will be pleased to have you call and see our new Outing Hats in the white duck. Also the many new styles in the white Dress Hat. The daintiest, the catchiest, of the new Summer Miilinery is the White Hat made in lace chiffon, Straw and White Duck hats. «"ART BAKING POWDER®" THREE NATTY BOWLS A cast iron?‘Stomach, TDith the J{ues of the Hew Season. yc i igpmecmaift xA 1 I fom s /80 P t on 4czA tgf.“Y; AoAl ** LOPYRtIAT \;\*;;‘\, }A‘ is guaranted to be free from alum and all other injurious ingredients. To induce you to giye this Powder a trial, we preâ€" sent you with with each 1b. can for 50c It really doesn‘t matter what kind of Baking Powder you are using but LilZinerg PÂ¥ . Burnett, voG TAG NOTICE, Upper Town. Durgam. 1|

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